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how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2015

    Hi girls,

    Can someone PM me the itinerary for the cruise so that I can book my flight? I just need to know the times that the ships goes out then comes back in.

    I am getting ready to go to bed, tooooo much weekend. Hope you all had a Happy monkey day girls!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015

    Hi Ladies, well some of u.

    DARA get u'r passport right away, before u know it time will be here and they said it takes weeks.

    OK Julie so everything is OK for u? Do u still hurt? I hope not If I had hair on my back it would be standing up now, when I think of u'r groin.

    Oh my sister is trying a new med and hopefully this works better and if not she might have to have "the transplant" she doesn't want mine (for sure) or my cousins and definitely not her DH cuz I told her she's been taking his shit for over 55 yrs, enough is enough. So we're just hoping this works out but she really did like her new Dr. and actually sounded better just talking to him. I know what I wanted to ask what is a pick" Is it like a port, cuz they put that in my brother for his infusions or whatever when they have to stick him. His sepsis better not be contagious anymore. Is it?????

    I helped Joey with his homework tonite, well actually he explained it to me and I watched him do it. I am officially useless for grade 6.

    Lori it seems like u'r DB just got there and he's already leaving--way to soon that'a for sure. And u'r poor mom, she sounds lonely to me cuz she knows she's not well and of course sad. At this point u can't help her unless u just call her, I guess. But don't let her upset u either, cuz it difficult. Oh I'm sorry.

    SusyQ oh u poor thing u bleed that easily, u have to have bandaides----u should have those new one, I forgot what they do, but they do something with stopping the bleeding and helping infection right away. Cuz u hate to get an infection from a cut.

    NM I don't know how u keep everything straight, I can't wait for u all to go on u'r cruise so u can all relax together, U gals will enjoy it so much. And Simp and I can live vicariously thru u all. And I won't have to throw up.

    Oh Julie I remember now, u asked if my brother had hospice, well they sent him home on a Sunday and he died on tht Tuesday so things were not really hospicy--way to fast.

    And yes Marty is still waiting, those bastards they emailed him and said they are getting things organized cuz they hired 10 people so whatever, and he did have a job but it was supposed to be until Oct. but it ended very early. It's funny Marty is a super worker and never misses work and it's so hard here to get a job. It's really rough with basically my money and Les gets a small amount every month. And me with one tooth, we're poor white trash for sure.

    OK I'll close for now


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Monday morning at work was quite interesting.We had a meeting and the director was talking about his trip to corporate. Apparently our office is very well known throughout the company for our growth, hence the award medal and plaque.He talked about staffing changes coming up, two office based positions will be added, one of the nurses will be moving into one of those positions. One of the office people has been promoted to a regional position.A part time weekend nurse position is open, and when it is filled we won't have to cover weekends any more.There are 2 full time nursing positions open.When we are fully staffed, with all those positioned filled and the new people fulling oriented, we will be in good shape.From hire to end of orientation is about 4 months.If we fill all the positions this month that means December or January.The Director expects we will hold at a census of around 100 for a while now.We had a census of 40 to 50 this time last year.The main agency providing Hospice services in my geographical area has just been centralized and eliminated some local positions, leaving us the only truly local agency in the area, cuz of that I've gotten 4 new patients in the last week. When he went through all that and then started talking about how it's because of the quality of care we are providing the full time social worker, the volunteer coordinator and I had simultaneous meltdowns.Too much geography to cover, new patients coming on so fast, overloaded and can't keep up with routine visits, let alone provide quality care was what all 3 of us said.I pointed out that I am responsible for the quality care of 11 patients in one nursing home alone that I haven't even seen in 2 weeks or more.In the end those 11 patient visits were covered by other nurses (again) but I still have to do summary notes on all of them, and now it will be 3 weeks since I've seen most of them myself.That's not quality care.It's not even good care, but it's the best I can do.BUT, now the Director has a MUCH better idea of how close to breaking a lot of us are.While nothing has really changed I do feel a bit better now that it's really out in the open how quality of care is slipping and how precarious the staffing situation really is, and how little we care about being the #1 in admissions in the company.Ah, I didn't intend to go on about work this morning.

    Goldie--I am sooooo looking forward to the cruise!Glad to have all the lodging and transportation parts covered (with the exception of port to hotel, but there is taxi service, so I'm not worried about that).One reason the TMs don't goup for some people is that not all bc trigger the body to make TMs.That's why checking for elevated TMs before starting any treatment is important.If the TMs are elevated before treatment they can be used to monitor treatment effectiveness and monitor for mets, if TMs are aren't elevated before treatment then they won't be helpful to monitor treatment or for mets.Dark mornings make it harder for me to get out of bed, but dark evenings are even worse.I'm trying not to think about that!So sorry your brother is leaving! Sorta funny about your Mom picking up on the medical jargon.Hopefully your Mom will die peacefully in a coma or quickly from"a bleed" without suffering.

    Juliet--at least the medical community is paying attention the difference in heart attack presentation in women, now!Too bad you had to go through a cath, though.Poop transplant, yucky thought but I guess it's been really successful!

    Mema--I know there is a transfer from Disney to the port, but I'm not staying at Disney the night after the cruise.And I just need to confirm with Kathy that there is a transfer from MIA to Disney, pretty sure there is, pretty sure lots of people going to Disney fly into Miami, but need to confirm.If not I'll figure something out, there must be commuter flights from MIA to Orlando and I can get one of those if I need to. I promise not to talk about work while on vacay, don't want to drive everyone cray cray!Although Juliet and I may sneak off and trade war stories for a bit once or twice.And I just got accepted by a new doc so I should be able to get my depression meds back pretty soon and that will be a big help, too.

    Dara-- I PM'd the flight info I found on the website to you.Please get started on your passport, If you wait too long and need it in less than 30 days it will cost a lot more and you might not get it in time!

    Cammy--I think you are asking about a PICC "Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter."It's a type of IV line.It goes in through a vein in yourupper arm and is threaded through so the tip is near the heart.It can be used for antibiotics and harsher infusions than you can give through a usual IV.It goes to the same place as a port, but doesn't require surgery to put in and is easier to take out.Sepsis is not usually contagious, as the bacteria is in the blood stream and other people are exposed to it unless they are playing with the blood. I keep everything straight by using a calendar and having lots of notes and keeping all my e-mails!I look things up A LOT.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Mickey Mouse Recipe Ingredients

    1 dash Lemon Juice

    3 drops Tabasco Sauce

    1 (wedge) Lime

    3 oz Tomato Juice

    1/2 tsp Worcestershire Sauce


    Shake all ingredients (except lime wedge) with ice and strain into an old-fashioned glass over ice cubes. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add the wedge of lime and serve.

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2015

    Dara dahling - I emailed u the itinerary, but it didn't show what time to b there etc. So I called Kathy, she said we sail at 5ish but to be at port about 11ayem, they will start boarding about 1p. And on Friday we disembark early morning but to allow 1-4 hours to get thru customs, so make sure your in-flight is lands early and out-flight later in the afternoon.

    NM - I actually breathed a sigh of relief when I read your post I sure hope this 'plan' falls into place in the time frame they state. That DOTD really doesn't sound very tasty...I'd have to add some wodka..heehee.

    Cami - I'd b the same way I think with the homework. The kid would be teaching me a thing or two am sure. Still sending prayers to your sis and brother. ((cami))

    Nancy - I sent, prolly once too many, our hotel info and my flight info. Mese brain jes can't remember things as well anymore. Sure hope I don't forget something important when I pack my bags. Oh and Hotel said for you to take the email with you when u check in. See, now I think I already told you that. Forgibs me?

    Hope all have a fine Monday....lubslubslubslubslubslubs!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2015

    Hi girls, Popping in for a few Mickey Mouse dwinkies, yeah.

    NM, glad you are expecting some relief in your work load but yikes, it will take awhile to get the new peeps up n running. I really feel for you. Thanks for the itinerary info, one more widdle question for ya girls - we need to fly to and from Orlando, correct?

    Hi Cammy, so nice to see you. Please do not call yerself white trash, you are far from trash girl. You are a victim of circumstances. I hope and pray that Marty gets to start his new job bery quickly and that you guys are able to keep from drowning. If it helps and I know it won't, I am hurting financially as well. I am working the OT but not getting the commission that I was used to. There is talk about changing our commission plans but right now, it sucks the big one. Sending prayers up for your bro and your sis, your poor family has been trhough too much lately. Love you lady. I so wish you were coming with us.

    Sue, I will start on my passport soon. I jest do not quite know where to start, when asking around I get different info from others. I have been told that my local post office can process the application but I have to get the widdle photo on my own. ugh, I hate not knowing what I am doing. I am skeered to fly out by myself again, I am hoping that I git to the airport around the time someone else is coming. I hope you are feeling well today and all days going forward. And don't feel bad that your brain is foygetful, I am in de same boat and do not have mets. Huggles to ya.

    Genny, hope you having a stellar vaca. I saw some pics on facebook that were quite nice. YOu and your hubby make such a good looking couple. and Nora is just too cute.

    Lori, where are you today? I miss your face when you do not come into the lounge. I hope your Mom starts feeling better quickly.

    Julie, glad your cath was clear, woo hoo, I will have a celebratory dwink with you (cyber which s is the next best ting to real)

    Hi Simplicity, hope you are feeling better with each passing day and more, hope that wine helps you feel better everyday.

    Well I have to get my EWWA back to work so again, I bid ye all ah-doo.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015

    Hi everyone, just me.

    NM this new system sounds great and the way I figure it should be put into place after u'r vacay at least and when u come back it shouldn't be crazy for u (I hope)

    Dara u'r so sweet. OK I've heard that thepost office does something, but where do u get u'r pic. I think yrs ago people might have gotten them from thos boxes with a pull curtain, maybe u don't remember that. But where can u get a small pic. OK everyone tell Dara s she gets started right away cuz let's face it when the bay comes home that's all she;ll be thinking about, (I don't blame u either) OK Dar in the next day or 2 u'll know everything, I wish I was going to, just to be with u gals and meet u, I'm jealous, of course I'm afraid of flying and boats and strange people, so I'd be drugged the whole time.

    Oh NM thanks for the info. I kind of thought that but my know-it-all brother said it was like a port, but he didn't have to be put out and I said well I was and he said "Oh I can't believe u were put out for that" I did try to explain to him it wasn't the same thing, but again he knows ha ha. I'm going to show him now. My mom would get mad witt us and not talk (Mostly when we were kids) and it would drive my sister and I crazy She never did it with the boys first Mike wouldn't care and Nick was her special one. Well a couple of weeks befor she died she got very upset with him cuz he critizised something she thought should be done, the look on her face (I was there) was Oh boy, but Nick didn't know her looks and left as usual. I told her I could see her disdain (those were the kind of words she used LOL) My mom's brain was still as sharp as ever and she would not give in about some legal thing so my other brother did it anyway and she still was upset with Nick, when she died, she died on his birthday right around dinner time when he was celebrating at a restaurant and I had to call him to come over. My sister and I always thought and still do she did it on purpose. LOL He never knew she was upset with him.Only cuz it never happened before., I never told him either. I told u stubbornness runs in my family, especially with some more than others.

    Well I helped Joey again and explained to him math has really no personality, but when u have to pt words in a sentence, make it u'r own, not the sameolsameol---so we really worked on that tonite and his sentences turned out really good, silly, funny and serious but they had personality, I told him don't bore a teacher with words make them fun. Now his mom won't agree but he asked me not her. My teaching methods are arguable I guess.

    OK I'll close for now


    passport, passport, passport

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015

    About my fear of flying: I'm watching the Smithsonian's largest plane ever built---The A380--originated in France or somewhere with accents. Andyway just watching this and what's going into it and watch the practice flights I am truly getting a panic attack, I have to take Xanax...this is so stupid, why am I watching? It's very interesting. LOL

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Had another meltdown at work yesterday, and I guess 3 times is a charm.The director wanted to know what help I would need in order to be able to take an admission today, ina totally different direction from where my patients are.I dissolved into tears, told him that someone would need to see all the patients on my schedule for today including the2 new patients of mine that I have yet to meet, and someone to write summary notes for 8 patients in one nursing home that I haven't seen for 2 weeks (or longer in some cases). I flat told him I cannot take any more, no admissions, no more new patients (I'm at 22 on my caseload right now).So, the admission got reassigned and on Monday there is going to be a meeting of the management and the entire patient distribution/geographical coverage issue will be rearranged. The Director said we are in "survival mode".And I won't get any more patients on my caseload or admissions to do this week.So now, as long as there aren't any emergencies, I should be able to just make it with everything this week.And to top everything off, I discovered that I should have arranged my cruise flights to go to Orlando, not Miami, so now I need to call Delta and see if I can get that changed without it costing a small fortune!Ah, well, should have read the detail info before booking my flights, right?At least thereis time to fix the goof.

    Mema--Feel free to and anything you want to the DOTDs!That's part of the fun!I've cancelled my Miami hotel reservation, will be making one with the motel you are staying at, probably this weekend.Thanks for the info.

    Dara--Yes, we need to fly into and out of Orlando.Silly me, since all the cruises I've ever taken have been out of Miami, automatically booked my flights into and out of MIA, now I need to switch.Getting the passport isn't very hard.I've PM's you a link to the place where you can do the form and get application site info.

    Cammy--I told Dara to get started, and gave her the link to get going with, so she has no more excuses!Yeah, a PICC and a port are 2 quite different things.Show him the scar where yours was and he'll notice the difference right away!Sounds like your Mom did do that toyour brother on purpose!Kinda funny, actually.I was watching a show called "Why Planes Crash" over the weekend, and wondering why I was doing that!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015

    Good Morning--Like the bottle NM--Wow U poor thing , but it was the best thing actually, ll this time I've never known u to have so many meltdowns Kim u must really be exhausted mentally and physically, but I'm so glad u spoke u'r mind and hopefully things will be better for u starting now. But u must have felt awful. (((HUGS))) OK I'm glad u got Dara a link, we have to push a little I guess. And oh wow u have to change everything? U've talked about Miami before but no one said anything, glad u caught that one. Whew Oh and I still have my port to show my brother but I wanted to know the difference first. LOL

    I saw on FB my boss (his wife) are thinking of changing the name of the company to a longer name--this is how I find out things, so she was asking for opinions, well I gave mine of course with a shorter name, my reasoning it will be easier for people to remember ---LIKE ME

    OK Try to be back later


    passport, passport, passport

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015

    Julie, it seems as though you are having issues, but they don't know why or what is causing you all of this pain?

    LDB, glad your BF is staying put, but sorry she is having a rough time. Sue, my mom went to the hospital, yet again. Blood coming out of her mouth. They sent her home, she must have scratched the roof of her mouth and that is what was bleeding. Had another clot yesterday, said she had to use tissue and her fingers to pull it from her throat, as it was stuck! Ewwwwww! Like you, I was feeling perfectly normal when mets were found. And your brain mets were indeed a bomb. I am so glad you are doing as well as you are. It's been over a year! Oh how I remember that phone call!

    Cami, are you saying that some of us are not ladies??? LOL! What kind of transplant would they do on Lu. I know her problem is with intestines or similar. You are right about the pic line, and I'm sure one of our resident nurses will explain. My mom goes in spurts and I do talk to her, almost every day and sometimes twice a day! I just try to raise her spirits. You are NOT white trash! Praying for you and your family. As for helping Joey with his homework, last night we watched "Are you smarter than a fifth grader". They start out with questions (for the adults) that a 1st or 2nd grader should know. They asked a few that I had no idea of! Now that's sad! You and Joey are a team, that's for sure!

    NM, I'm glad the meeting made you feel better about the situation at work. And you can go on and on about what ever you want here. As for my TM's before treatment, I don't know what they were. None of that was explained to me, and I hadn't found this site until I was almost done with rads. I have learned most things HERE! You have been all this time with no depression meds??? I have a ton of Prozac if you want it, as I never did take any.

    Dara, I Googled where to get passport pictures and found you can go to Walgreens. Visit a Walgreens near you to meet all passport photo requirements as outlined by the U.S. State Department. In one hour or less, Walgreens will provide you with two perfectly sized, professional-quality Passport photos that are in compliance with government Passport photo requirements.

    NM, sorry for yet another melt down, but maybe it was a good thing? AND an eye opener. Oh dear, I do hope you get your flights bixed.

    Cami, I think a shorter name could be better too, or a "catchy" one. Like ours, MrDrip! Boy do I get some comments on that one! But people remember it!

    Here is a picture of me and my brother at our little airport, before his flight out. Most of you have seen it already, but for those not on FB, here it is. And, most of you have already commented, so please don't feel like you have to comment again.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015
  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Dara dahhhling - some of the girls have ans'd ur question about the passport. I got mu ap from the Post Office and had my pics taken at Walgreens. U get a duplicate pic but ya only need to send one with the ap I think. And, I don't think the Post Ofc processes them, I think u have to mail them in to the U.S. Department of State or something like that. It can take weeks to get ur passport mailed back. If I remember correctly I had to send a couple forms of ID, my d/l and can't remember what else. The will not accept Xerox copies. I made a copy of my d/l in case I got stopped etc. But you get everything back. Hope the link NM sent helps too.

    Mary - sounding like it's a good time by what Dara says, don't have FB so can't see pics, mayb u cud post 1 or 2 here when u can?

    Cami - boy, what a story. Sad she died on his birthday and I can see why u think she did it on purpose. I think my mom died on purpose, the day I was dx with FURB. I think she knew I cudn't fight it and take care of her. Strange how things happen. Love the teacher in you and what a gr8 idea about the sentences.

    NM - very sorry to hear about the latest meltdown but looks it might turn into a positive come Monday. Keeping my fingers crossed. OMG, I was getting nervous too. I assumed Orlando airport, then saw you and someone else say they were flying into Miami. I was starting to panic about having to change my flight. Hope it doesn't cost ya a bunch. The reservation I have is under Sue Whitney, if u wanna try for a room close to Nancy & I. Lubs the DOTD today LOL.

    Lowee - Ewwww is right, but glad she got it out. Am glad you and your mom are talking regularly now. LOL on that TV show…those kids outshine me too. Saw a few episodes of 'kids week' on Jeopardy, same thing, blew me right outta the water. Some kids are jes toooo smart. Your sooo pretty and ur brother nice looker too.

    DH playing softball with the Geezers so I have to take dogs to park, gotta run.

    Lubslubslubslubslubs to all!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015

    I'm baaaack.

    Has anyone heard from Lara???

    Lori I'm thankful u want to know things from all of us and I do too, but u know how to ask questions and all I say is I'm confused, that's why I leave it up to u. Oh and I think the procedure that would be used is a POOP transplant, now this the nurses can explain, all I know is that somehow they get someone else's shit in u so u'r shit will heal. I'd be glad to do it but my cousin and I are out and like I said my Lu has had enough of my BIL's shit for more than 55 yrs. But I would think the grandkids-all in their late teens and twenties would be good, but again the nurses would know and they can chime in I hope so I can get an idea of what this is. And as u all know when I came here I didn't know anything and u ladies have taught me more than anyone could.

    Dara u have all u'r instructions now--and remember u can always find Walgreens on the corner of Happy and Healthy so it's easy to find. And SusyQ gave u the instructions, see I never knew u had to send in originals, I can see why but it's amazing u get them back. And SusyQ I'm sorry u'r mom died when u found out about all this chit, but I really think she picked her time so u could fight without distractions. Moms are funny in what they feel. But I do know so so many times I wish for my mom cuz she'd always make me feel better when I've really been sick and since I lived upstairs all I had to do was go there quickly and both my mom and dad were there for me, I was their baby and kind of spoiled too. LOL

    Lori u'r right (again) about the name when I answer now I say DFC Mechanical and in the middle of the word people start talking and I have to have them repeat what they are saying and I also like to say How may I help u and I don't always get all of that out. Now they want to rename it Best in the west home services, first to me that does not include commercial and I know he's trying to get that and Best in the West sounds like a bad western movie and we're Midwest LOL (I'm so critical sometimes) But again my mouth knows no bounds

    OK my phone is going..

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2015

    cammi-lol on the name change, i think by time people are offered the poop transplant , they are so sick of the big d they will try anything to get rid of it, some places its an enema but in some trials ,they were drinking it!

    lori- i'm just labelled atypical chest pain, but the scar pain is now offically post treatment chronic pain, got lidocaine patches and cymbalta for it.i know lori looking at my mum's life, ,i stopped praying for long life for her a long time ago, now just want a peaceful passing

    sue-hope to book hotel soon, almost finished paying hospital bills, already met my out of pocket for this year! so looking forward to my trip

    nm- good for you, i think bosses should have to shadow you on a typical day and see how much time is wasted on duplicate charting, are you still in disney before the cruise?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Another long day at work done, another to come, one more after that and then I get a sleep in.Holding on with teeth and toenails, doing my best to manage a couple of crises long distance, and holding on till Monday.

    Cammy--I am tired, in all ways possible.I'm not so worried about changing the flights, I'll call Delta over the weekend, I'm sure something can get worked out.Hoping the fact I have a first class ticket will help.It'll be interesting to see what your brother has to say when he sees your port!So the boss's wife is thinking about changing the company name and you found out on Fb?Gotta love Fb!

    Goldie---What was your Mom eating that cut her mouth???Ick re: stuck clot.But if she's going to have a bleed that's a good place for it, right out in the open and visible!Yeah, I've been out of Prozac for a while, but I have an appointment with a new PCP on Sept 16th--had to get a new one, never could get my records from the black hole they went into, so have to start as a new patient.Only a couple more weeks, I keep telling myself.I am discovering the power of having a meltdown at work, the director keeps sayingthat he didn't realize how serious the manager was when she was telling him the staff was falling apart (the manager is on vacay this week).And there have been chain reactions meltdowns, one of us melts down, then another, then another, we've had as many as 3 going at once!I will get the flights fixed, and I'm not terribly worried about that, just need a bit of time over the weekend to handle that.That is a great pic of your and your brother, well worth seeing again!

    Mema--I booked my flight directly with Delta, so I'm not expecting much trouble with changing it, going to be the first thing I do on Saturday after it gets to business hours.I'm hoping it won't cost a lot to make the change, expect it will cost some, but hey, I made the mistake and fixing mistakes usually costs something, right?Bet I'll be a lot more careful in the future!I will try to get a room near you guys for the day back, just to keep the party going!

    Cammy--The poop transplant to treat C-diff is a relatively new treatment. Here's the story and I understand it:There are a lot of different bacteria in our intestines that do different things to help with digesting food and getting the energy out of food.When all the bacteria are in balance, things work normally.When something upsets the balance, like taking an antibiotic for an infection, some of the normal bacteria get killed off by the antibiotic, and the balance is upset.This allows the C-Diff bacteria to multiply until there are very high numbers of that bacteria.When the C-Diff bacteria reaches a certain high number they change and start releasing a toxin that attacks the lining of the intestine.The body's response is to try to wash away the toxin and the extra bacteria, so the person gets diarrhea that is often severe.The toxin and the dying C-diff bacteria cause a unique and very unpleasant smell to the diarrhea, once you've smelled it you will always recognize it. The diarrhea is also usually a peculiar green-black color, hard to describe but very recognizable.The mainstream treatment is to give antibiotics that will kill C-Diff bacteria, but this is often only temporary help, as the C-diff can multiply faster than the other bacteria once the antibiotic is stopped, and the problem can recur.Recently there has been some experimentation with transplanting poop from healthy people, which hasa normal balance of all the bacteria , into the bowels of someone with C-Diff to restore the normal balance of bacteria in the infected person's intestines.At first this was done (and still is being done) by putting a tube into the intestine of the person with C-Diff (think colonoscopy) and injecting donated poop directly into the intestine.More recently there has been experimentation with drying donatedpoop (this does not kill the bacteria) and putting it into capsules and giving the capsules to the infected person.The bacteria get released into the intestine and help restore the normal balance of bacteria.This approached has been used for people with chronic C-Diff or frequently recurrent C-Diff to stop the cycle, and has been successful.Still sounds really gross to me, though.

    Juliet--Yup, going to be at Port Orleans French Quarter Resort, checking in Jan 23rd.And I wish the corporate management types would actually manage my caseload for a week.Let them work 12-14 hrs a day for 5 days and still not get it all done!The mantra is that the new documentation system will solve a lot of problems, my mantra is that is good for when it gets here 6 months from now but doesn't help now!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:


    1 oz Vodka

    1 oz Coconut Rum

    1 oz Irish Cream

    1/2 oz Creme de Cacao

    1 dash Cinnamon

    8 oz (Hot) Chocolate

    1 1/2 oz Whipping Cream


    Mix hot chocolate to taste in a large mug. Add liquors, top with whipped cream, sprinkle with cinnamon, and serve.

    Best served in a Coffee Mug.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2015

    Hi girls, back from vacay and off to work this ayem. No time to catch up, have a lot to read. We didn't have wifi, not even on my phone at the house we rented. Got some R&R and feeling pretty good. So I'll prolly be back tonight to at least do some reading, from the bit I skimmed looks like everybody is ok. Hope you all have a good day and work is nice to you. Later........

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015

    LDB, my mom and I have always talked, I just needed to get her out of her funk. She was hurt and depressed and didn't feel good either. My brothers girls never call her, that bothers her. She has to pull legs to try and get someone to take her to the doctors. It's just always a struggle for her.

    Cami, are you saying I'm good at being nosey? A POOP transplant? Are phucking serious? Never heard of such a thing. Talk about EWWWWW! Your cousin's business is heating and cooling, right? And right, you are midwest, not west. That could confuse people. I answer the phone, Hello, mrdrip dot come, this is Lori. That's it! Short and sweet. "Midwest Home Services, this is Cami, how can I help you?"

    Julie, tell me you don't mean some peopld "drink it", someone elses poop??? Say it isn't so! I too pray for a peaceful passing for my mom, she has struggled for many years, but always says she is not in pain. Just out of breath easily and hard to breath after doing anything. For instance changing her diaper. But then she'll have a smoke right after or during!

    NM, I remember you trying to get your records transferred, I just assumed it happened. OMG, I have had these pills for a long time! I don't know what caused my moms mouth to bleed. She wears partials, and was eating some nuts. So I think it was one of those. I think maybe it's a good thing with all of those melt downs from other coworkers. Might help move things along. Maybe y'all should fake some melt downs?

    Genny, good to have you back and so glad you had such a relaxing time.

    Well, not much to report here, other than it's my birthday. 57 today! Happy Birthday to me!


  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited August 2015

    Happy Birthday Goldie!!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2015


    Lowee!!! 57...yowza!! Nah, you're just a pup, hope you have a wonderful day!!!

    That talk about a poop transplant I never heard of and it sounds horrible, especially...well all of it. Hope you ladies that booked Miami have no trouble with changes. Sounds like all are OK. I have a ton on my plate today and tomorrow so will have to keep this short...jes kno I lubs all you goilies!!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2015



  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2015


    Having a dwinkie right now in sailabration of your birthday....hope ur having a wonderful day. Com'on ladies lets all clink clink our choice of libation for our Lady Lori...ChEErs!!! Love yas!!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2015


    Happy Birthday my bootiful fwend, wishing you many happy returns!!


    here's my gift from me to ye



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2015


    and a little someting else incase you do not like the beer!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2015

    2 out of 4

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015

    I can't get anything to print, like a pic or something----LORI How did I miss u'r Birthday. And u absolutely look the same after all these years--so beautiful I pray u'r Birthday is just as great as u are and all year thru---Cheers Have the DOTD it sounds so good. NM comes up with some really good ones.

    NM I'm so sorry u've really been getting the meltdowns lately, I can't wait for u to go on vacay. And TY for the great explanation, I'm going to read what u and Julie said so my sister sees how smart u gals are and really see how lucky I am to have all of u to talk to. Jeez maybe this is what she needs US--well she already nees me but she doesn't have a DOTD everyday. very important.

    I saw a Mickey Mouse watch and who do I think of Julie of course.Heart

    Mary sounds like a great vacay and u relly sound good.

    Dara I'm (passport) glad u popped (passport) in for Lori's (passport) celebration time come on (passport)

    U think Dara will notice??????

    The business name will stay the same. my boss Dan called me and we talked and I told him forget it, Some reason he actually respects what I say--he must think age is wisdom, boy have I fooled him--he always comes to me before he actually does things, then he usually doesn't. hahaha Foolish boy.

    NM I take Paxil which for me is the best one I've been on 40mg a day. But I do know everyone has their favorite.

    I helped Joey with his homework the words, meaning and spelling which he did fine but there was one word (I can't remember) I couldn't even pronounce and I never ever heard it before. How could that be, even after I read the meaning--it meant nothing, I know I'm not a wordsmith, but a 6th grade word??? Depressing now that word I know.

    Marty is still not working talk about depressing, that's a well used word here for me. Anyway I'm praying like crazy. Cuz that word I'm very familiar with.



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!TGIF!And that's all I've got to say about work today.Got a call from the credit union yesterday calling to verify a transaction from China, which is blocked from debit card transactions.Had to go get a new card, cuz I haven't ordered anything from China in the last few days. The charge was for$20 and some change.Very odd.

    Genny--welcome back from vacay, hope work isn't too much of a culture shock!

    Goldie--Your poor mom, it's hard to struggle like that.I gave up on trying to get my records, should have just started over as a new patient then, I could have gotten back in with the provider I've had for a long time.Now she's not taking new patients, so I'm starting with someone new.Whatever, as long as it gets the job done.Still don't have my records, apparently they were destroyed.Monday morning's meeting should be interesting to say the least. Getting a piece of nut under the dentures would definitely cause some ouching and bleeding.Faking meltdowns, that's a good idea.Maybe we need to set up a schedule of meltdowns, to keep management on it's toes!


    Mema--Poop transplant, definite gross out factor!

    Cammy--I started out with prozac years ago, got lucky, it was the first antidepressant I tried and it worked well for me.But different ones work better for different people.The trick is to find the one that works for you!No name change for the business, that's good!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Goldie's Day Drink

    35 ml Tequila

    15 ml Amaretto

    15 ml Galliano

    15 ml Creme de Bananes


    Ice a shaker and add ingredients. Shake vigourously for 12- 15 seconds and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a lime wheel on the rim.

    Best served in a Beer Mug.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015

    Thanks goilies for the BD wishes and dwinkies! Cami, you are too funny with your "Passport" hints to Wacko. I think we are all praying for you and your family. Marty has a job, just hasn't been able to start yet? I too love having our nurses, and I hope you can give Lu some relief.

    NM, glad that charge was for only $20. We had our business account hacked a few years back for $10K. I think the more fits you guys raise at work, maybe they will be quicker to fix the problems. Thanks for the DOTD.

    It was a typical day for me, nothing special. I'm actually glad it's over. Too much attention! We are leaving in about 3 weeks for our vacation. Driving to Phoenix on Sept. 15th, fly out on the 16th to San Francisco. Will do Alcatraz while there, rent a car and head north, ending up in Portland and flying home from there. Be gone for 10 days.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Is everyone ready for TGIF??? Yea like u wouldn't be.

    NM The DOTD sounds yummy, I notice there is usually some lillor I have never heard of in there a lot of the time, but always sounds good. I'm glad u have a couple of day off--u'r not on call right? Then u can get some Sadie time in and that's when u really relax.

    OK this is what I was thinking this morning (see why I'm goofy) When people have been given a fake eye, I realized they did this over 100 years ago with complete success and I wondered if it really has gotten much better and for the most part u didn't even know unless u were told. That was alot for 100 years ago. It just came to my head??????????

    I hope everyone feels good today and has a good day.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015

    And what are you drinking this fine morning Ms. Cami!!!! Are you considering a fake eye?

    There is a gal at Embassy Suites, where we stay. She has one, and it's quite noticeable. She was shot in the face as a teen!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2015

    Hi goils,

    Hot damn, it is soooo quiet in here today, it is friedey, ebery buddy should be partaying!

    Lori, your vacation sounds really good.

    Cam, yeah, thanks for all of the hints on the passport, I will make a point to get started soonliest. I love you.

    NM, I do not have to tell you to enjoy your weekend, I jest know you will. I will hook ya up if ya know what I mean. I hope to git your care package in the mail this weekend. You and Sadie relax this weekend and foyget about the work crud. That is what I plan on doing. I am taking this weekend the ef off!

    My daughter friended me again on facebook last night, wooo hooo. I was so furcited to get the request from her. She also sent me two videos of David crawling.

    Julie, Sue, Renee', Genny and the rest of you goils, have a super weekend.. Sending you all goils lots o love n dorky hugs.

    Well it is almost officially the weekend for mese, jest 18 minutes to go. And I am not speaking with another client today, any calls are going to my voice mail> it has been a cwazy day. I am over being in the mortgage biz, ugh, I am fwied as can be.Hoping to have a big ass fire tonight outdoors, the nights have been getting chilly, got into the 50's last night. I love fall but HATE winter. I know I am not alone there.

    That's it from Kansas!
