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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015

    Hi Ladies..

    OK Dara's officially started the weekend and I think NM has too. So party away gpols. And Dara I'm so glad u'r DD has friended u, we all knew it would happen but now that it has YAAA HOOOO and seeing the baby crawling OMG already? U'r gonna have so much fun.

    Lori leave it to u to read everything that is written, I think I was thinking about one of my aunts who had a glass eye and they weren't going to let her into the US from Ellis Island, now anything comes in and every disease with it and the poor, the pedophiles that other countries have sent, the criminals that were sent, the wicked, the scorned, the mean plus the soon to be politicians--we just take any ole thing now. I know that sounded prejudice but it's the truth. Well the Statue of Liberty (which was given to us as a second choice, the first choice didn't want it.) pretty much says all of that anyway.

    My work was quiet today, but I was on the phone with my sister and NM I read everything u wrote--she never heard about the capsules, but she said she wouldn't mind taking that so we'll see, she'll know in 2 weeks.

    Dara it's supposed to warm up in a day or 2 here so u'll get that pretty soon too. Personally I really like this weather cool in the evening and nice during the day. I think we all like fall, the colors alone make it beautiful, here.

    OK it's bery bery quiet in here and my brandy bottle is going down a little, not much tho--well not enough anyway. Check u latah

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015

    OMG it's quiet here tonite, but that's allright I have the pewl and the tenders all to myself.

    Lori u and Madonna are the same age. Just thought I'd give u that little bit of trivia, u'r not the trivia but Madonna is.

    Well my "boss" is in MI with his family and he doesn't even tell me, talk about a stupid-ass job.

    Another tid-bit--if u'r a lotto winner of anything over 250,000.00 u have to wait to get paid now til the budget gets figured out. Now this money was never for the government to play with, it was for schools, which they are closing like mad and are in terrible shape in Chicago, but I guess no one thought anyone would miss it, til now, Damn is anyone honest anymore???

    OK enough goofy stuff. Hope u'r all sleeping tite and waking up with a song.♫♪♫♪ passport

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015

    Image result for sexy men on poolsWell here's one tender for me.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015

    Oh I actually copied something. Wow

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday ayem!Got lots to do today, hoping I can keep driving through the house work and computer work and laundry and get it all done in time to go see a friend's play this evening.The author and I were friends in high school, he was a real clown then, this play is supposed to be very funny.It's being put on by a local amateur theater group, should be a lot of fun.I'm really looking forward to it.But fist I need to wash dishes, clean up the kitchen, package 20# of fresh fish for the freezer, clean up the living room, wash the living room floor, pick up the rest of the house, wash and hang out work clothes and write 6 notes in the computer for work.No problem, right?

    Goldie--the charge was blocked by the Credit Union, so I did not lose anything at all.I didn't even know that the credit union could block a transaction like that, and I definitely did not know that they blocked all transactions from China, no matter how big or small.At first I wondered how my card number got out there, but then I realized how often I use it and I'm probably lucky it hasn't happened sooner.I'm thinking I should probably get one of those pre-paid cards to use on the internet for that kind of shopping, one with no ties to my bank accounts.$10K, yikes!Were you able to get any of it back?Sounds like a great vacay you have coming up!

    Cammy--What got you thinking about fake eyes?I suppose how real they look depends on the paint job?Don't know much about that stuff.

    Goldie--how awful for that gal!And I'm looking forward to scattering the seeds you are sending, thanks a million!

    Dara--Please make a point of starting the passport project this weekend!Hint, hint!Sadie and I plan to have some fun if it kills us this weekend! And thanks for the care package!Hooray for DD friending you on Fb!And Baby David is crawling, wow.Independent mobility, now the fun begins!I hear you about being fried with the work thing!An out door fire would be so nice, getting cool enough here in the evenings to consider thathere.Makes for great sleeping weather.

    Cammy--Happy Weekend!It does seem like everyone can get into the country these days and if they get in illegally, so much the better for them.Illegal aliens get free housing, food, education, don't have to have auto insurance or driver's licenses, don't have to pay taxes, it's a great ride.I've wondered if I renounce my US citizenship and become an illegal if I would be better off financially. But I know it just wouldn't be right, so I just can't do that.Enjoy having Pants and Jock all to yourself, cuz I plan to monopolize them this evening!We'll have to name this new Tender "Abs"!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Tropical Martini

    2 oz Amaretto

    2 oz Coconut Rum


    Pour Amaretto into a chilled glass, then add Malibu Rum. Stir and serve. The ingredients should be well chilled before use.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015

    Wacko, that is the best news ever! So so happy for you. Just remember to keep your yap shut. We do not want to go through that again. The baby will be home for good, sometime in September, right? Sorry your work keeps you wired. Can you change jobs? I hate winter too, but mostly hate that it gets dark so early.

    Cami, I did know about Madonna, she is also from Michigan, not to far from where I lived. And you are such a wealth of information.

    NM, the bank did give us our money back, right away and no problems. However, they did not pursue the other end of it! But someone told me that they handle those situations several at a time. I don't know. But that's a lot of money to just let someone have it! Becoming an illegal does sound like a good idea, but I'm like you and could not do it. I thinks it has something to do with MORALS!

    I have more maters to tend to, scalded and peeled them yesterday. Gonna do sketti sauce. Also have more beans, but just gonna cook those, no canning beans, no way!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Dara - ooooo such GR8 news that DD friended you on FB and now you can keep up with his growing. Soon you will be 'hands on' with ur widdle cutie grandson, if you can catch him, LOL.

    Cami - it's already cooling down that much for you. Man….I love the heat but am sick of it and can't wait. Weather peeps here say it is cooling down…like from 110 to 105...LOL. Right now, almost 9ayem here and it's almost 100 on my shaded patio. 1st good pool day since early in the month but I won't go on Sat, too many kids. I jes want to quietly float on mese raft and soak up rays. Oh well, gotta go to the store too, so that'll be enuf for me today. That really pisses me that they have been using lotto money for those other things. I'd have to contact an atty ifin I didn't get it soon.

    Hope ya didn't wear out those tenders last night!

    Lowee - What ya going to do with da beans, dry freeze them? My back would be screaming at me, you doing OK with it?

    NM - You have a busy day. That play sounds like a wonderful thing. Do hope you go and have a good time. Glad the banks are on top of it. Keep watching my statements, this whole country has been hacked so I'm sure my card numbers are out there somewhere too. Now a Tropical Matoonie is jes what mese doc ordered, sounds yum.

    Lowee - glad u got ur money back too, but really, no pursuing the thief?

    Lubslubslubslubslubslubs all ya'll!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2015

    good afternoon all, so glad dara about the fb request,and baby david home soon

    well the weather is here is so changeble, we have how afternoon showers whih have been supersized this week,plus erica we have to watch, time to get my wellies out

    nm ,had a charge nurse workshop yesterday ,at least got paid for it! , and a free lunch. hope your having a fun weekend

    ok have a good saturday people, need to go and do something as just got up

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015

    Hi gals--

    Julie u must really be exhausted to just get up, I'm glad u got some rest or u went to bed super late which isn't so good. I was just talking to my sister (for the 3rd time today) and she has started going to bed about 1am--I was surprised she started that so soon, cuz usually when u retire it takes a while to get to that time. But she's like me too she loves the crime shows, I told her if we're ever suspected of a crime they'll look at our history of the things we do and figure we're guilty. ?well then she said yea cuz we never leave the house. True. Our ID's would be 2 crippled old ladies, who can barely walk.

    It has been raining since during the nite here and nice and cool, I enjoy this--I'm wrapped in a small throw around my arms, nice and cuddly. Oh SusyQ I couldn't stand that weather, I still remember being in Scottsdale for a while and I could not live there and it was in DB wanted me to go to college there and live with them well the weather was one reason, but he was the other--I wouldn't have been able to leave the house unless I was going to school. He was worse than my parents ever were.

    So a little busy today not much tho. so I'll check back later. NM I hope u'r not working as hard as u planned.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2015

    Well, hi girls, got some ketchin up to do but thought maybe I should just jump in before I get too far behind. Watching some b movie on pay per view about a serial killer, lots of bad acting going on here. We had a good vacay, nice and relaxing. I'm a bit dwunk right now, couple a margaritas and now some wine...feeling good. So we have found out that the more Emma is exposed to water the more she loves it...diving in now., anything to get the stick.

    Dara, so happy for you, Jennika FB friending you. Can't wait til you g3et to see David. Gonna book our hotel room soon, please get to work on that passport!

    Lori, home things get easier for you mom, whatever that means.....So sorry I missed your birthday, yay to 57, you caught up with me, hoping we get to bring in 67 together....Looks like you had a great time with your brother. Vacay coming up..yay!

    Ok, so movie was really bad, DH fell asleep, I just turned on Rizolli and Isles instead.

    Sue, ugh, hate the thoughts of a cool down, feels like we've had 4 weeks of summer here.

    NM, Hope you got to see your friend's play, sounds like fun. Just tonight I booked 3 tickets at our local playhouse for a Frank Sanatra thing, taking MIL and a murder mystery for next month. Hope work stuff is figuring itself out. My bff Molly a nurse, works 12 hour shifts every Sat and Sun, picks up an extra day each week. So they offered her a diabetic teaching job for 4 months while the full time person is on maternity leave. Well they told her what an easy job it was and sold her the whole thing, Tues and Wed...turns out so much computer charting and lots of stress and making he crazy, she's committed to seeing it thru, but oh so stressed out.

    Hi Julie, hope Saturday was good and Sunday too.

    Cami, hope you're having a good weekend, the whole lottery was such a scam, seems none of the money went where it was supposed to. When I was in nursing school, very early on, my first rotation was a patient from the veterans home. So my first day they give me this patient with 1 arm, 1 leg and 1 eye. Well, the orders called for him to have his glass eye removed every other day to be cleaned. The regular nurses had never done it so ... great, we'll make the student do it! Guess who, yep, by the time my rotation was over I'd cleaned it 3 times.... pop it out, clean it up, put it back. I had an audience each time...

    Anyway, that was everything on this page, I've skimmed thru the past ones it but missed a lot.

    Nancy and Simplicity hope all is well

    Love you all catch up more ya!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015

    Hey Mary u'r have a great time tonite. Good, Oh wow u cleaned an eyeball. OMG, I never knew u had to. I never saw my aunt do it and she was the type to just take it out whenever, of course she was a super character she was born here and lived here for years, they all went back to Italy and my dad was born there--u could hardly understand my aunt with her accent and my dad had a very small accent, she wouldn't let it go but my dad didn't want it. Anyway that u did that is amazing. ick.

    Well I just thought I'd poop in and I did, and I'm practicing my copying.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015

    Image result for happy birthday cakesThat's a birthday cake, just a little late.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!I got most of the stuff done on my To Do list for yesterday, still need to write the notes in the computer and clean the living room, but I did got to play last evening.It was funny!I remember hearing some of those stories growing up, and some of the characters were spot on, as was the special Town Meeting scene.All around good fun.

    Goldie--how can a bank afford to give back stolen money like that and NOT pursue the thieves?That doesn't make sense, but what do I know about high finance, right?Having morals and a work ethic is a huge burden, sometimes.

    Mema--I do keep track of my account, all one of it, but I'm glad the bank caught it before the money went out.I'd've spent a long time trying to figure out what it was and then ended up changing cards or hoping it didn't happen again.This way it's over and done with.

    Juliet--Free lunch with a workshop is good!And paid is even better!Learn anything new or interesting?

    Cammy--I did work pretty hard, but I did get a nap in, too, so I guess I did ok!

    Genny--sounds like Emma's turned into a true water dog!Poor Molly, the computer stuff can be a nightmare, hope she can stick it out and she'll know better next time she gets a "really good" offer!Don't you love having an audience when you are taking things out of or putting things into a body?

    Cammy--A pyramid of FUN!Nice cake!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Absinthe Minded Martini

    1/2 oz Grand Marnier

    3 oz Gin

    Dry Vermouth

    Orange Peel

    1/2 oz Absinthe


    Properly chill 1 cocktail glass. In mixing glass with ice, pour gin and absinthe, and stir. In your cocktail glass, roll 1/2 oz of dry vermouth and throw away the excess. Strain other ingredients into cocktail glass and float 1/2 oz of grand marnier over top. Garnish with orange peel.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015

    Julie, is Erika behaving herself over there in your neck of the woods?

    Cami, so glad you and your sister have each other. I hope she is feeling better. And yes, a pyramid of fun! Are those for muah?

    Mary, things will not get better for my mom, it's just part of the COPD. It will take her eventually, I just hope it's a peaceful passing for her. Oh my, on cleaning the glass eye. I could never be a nurse, I'm too much of a wuss! Glad that Emma is getting used to the water, and liking it. How is our little Miss Nora?

    NM, all that work done plus a nap, good for you! I see naps in my future, fatigue is really ganging up on me!

    Nancy, have enjoyed all of your pictures. Thank you for posting so many!

    Gots to go help DH hubby outside.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015

    Good Morning Ladies (passport)

    NM I'm surprised u got so much done yesterday and went out. I hope u rest today.

    And Lori I'm prescribing a whole day of relaxation for u, with u'r legs up and everything. Do u gals ever stop??? I've mentored 2 woman in how to relax, I see my work is not done yet.. Lori I'm sure I know but how old is u'r mom? I think COPD is very scary, so fear could be one big thing she's living with.

    It still looks like an all day rain, but I haven't checked it out yet. Usually Mondays are really nice out lately and the weekend aren't How does the weather know it's screwing with people's weekends?????

    OK I'll be bock!!!!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2015


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015

    Image result for good morning images

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2015


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015

    Cami, my mom is 75, she is also very heavy. She doesn't have any fear to die. She is anxious to meet God and lay at his feet. She is more worried about one her friends (how she will take it) and my son. He doesn't work much, has no motivation, no car, no girlfriend, no money, etc. So she is worried he will be on the streets. I told her I would not let that happen to my son. She doesn't know I sent him $1000.00!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015

    Pool Party!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2015

    Image result for silly drinking pictures

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited August 2015

    Wednesday, March 26, 2014

    6:52 AM

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday!Happy Monday!If I say it often enough it will come true, right?Kinda nervous about this morning's meeting, but hopeful it will end up with things being more workable.I guess I'll have to wait and see, right?

    Goldie--I like my pm naps on the weekend, can even fall asleep working on the computer!But it feels so good.

    Cammy--I got some stuff done Sunday, too, so I'm pretty proud of myself!

    Juliet--Love the alternative to sugar and spice and everything nice!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Tossed Salad

    1 part Coffee Liqueur

    1 part Jagermeister

    Chocolate Syrup


    Dip rim of shot glass in chocolate syrup. Add Kahlua and Jägermeister. Place arms behind back. Drink shot using mouth only (a la "blowjob").

    Best served in a Shot Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2015

    Wow, only 2 peeps here since yesterday morning? This is quite the boring place lately.

    NM, you got lots done this weekend! You all should go into that meeting with melt downs! Good luck!

    Went to Tammy's house last night, she had a little birthday party for me. DQ Ice cream cake, Front door decorated and we had Fajita's, steak and chicken. I'll have to get the cake picture from her.



  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited August 2015


    Hi goils!! Just thought I'd throw my hat in the door and bring some friends along as well! First in best dressed all!!

    Titties up!!!!

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited August 2015

    Nom nom nom!! Somebody start a FIRE!!! QUICKLY!!!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited August 2015

    I just found these sneakers and thought you all might like them as well.



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2015

    Happy to the pics

    had the 2nd part of the charge nurse workshop today,1st speaker was my bs who talked about nurse/md communication, he was very good, the workshop the afternoon was the each unit talked about the issues they were having, guess what we were all very similar with staffing being number one and being expected to do more with less but constantly hearing the mantra,patient safety and satisfaction is key,plus the big age gap between nurses, either 40+ or under 30

    ok working next 2 days

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited August 2015

    Oh Chrissy you naughty goil. Hehehe

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2015

    Good evening, Loungettes.I'm sitting here half sloshed and rather disappointed and not sure where to go from here.This morning's meeting was totally useless as far as I could tell, and as far as a few others could tell.Every attempt by one of us to talk about the overload problems was met with the standard "it'll be fine when the new nurses get up and running" line. The nurse that was handed a 22 patient assignment, 11 in one nursing home and 11 in another one 3 hour's drive away flat refused to do it (and she was right to refuse).All attempts at discussion and exploring other options were shut down.The director and clinical manager are going to come up with a plan and tell us about it tomorrow.Sounds like whatever they come up with will be what we will be doing come hell or high water.Later in the day I got told that I have a new patient, 75 miles from where most of my other patients are, and this patient needs to be seen every day.And another new patient being admitted tomorrow.With the weekend's deathsand these new patients I now have 21 patients.8 of them I have not seen in 3 weeks but have to report on tomorrow at the big Interdisciplinary meeting anyway.I do not have much confidence in any new plan coming from those 2 being realistically workable.I think I may have hit a point where I have to decide if I am going to stay or look for something else.And I know it's just a matter of time before there is a major mistake or a run of really bad satisfaction surveys coming in.I am so tired of hearing about the answer/better times coming but never actually arriving.

    I think tonight is going to be a xanax night. Right after my second margarita.

    CHRISSY!!! Love the friends, bring them on!

    Sim--fires used to bea common "accident" here, maybe we need to "rekindle" that tradition!

    Juliet--ah, the patient safety and satisfaction mantra, know it well.Pt's and families get promised the moon, and we nurses must deliver and woe betide the nurse who cannot do the impossible immediately!