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how about drinking?



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2015

    Hi girls, I bin pretty absent lately, just bin bizzy. Thought I'd pop in quick and have a nightcap in the lounge.

    NM, hope the meeting went ok.

    Lori, good for you the b-day that goes on and on. Sounds like you had a good time.

    Simp, yep, I tink a fire is in order! What going on with surgery, did you decide what you're gonna do, I may have missed it, haven't been here much lately.

    Cami, so proud of you learning t

    o post pics!

    Julie, love the old ladies, cute.

    Well, time for bed, working in the am, here's a pic of Nora from our vacay, 19 months old now. Her mom sneezed and she said "bless you mommy".


    Oh, and one of me with some friends from vacay


    And Emma helping me hunt for sea glass.


    Sweet dreams all, have a good day tomorrow.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    This pic won't copy damn I thought I could do this but I still have to practice.image

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    Hi everyone---it's late.

    SusyQ it's getting hot here this week, just so u know with no rain in sight, si I'm miserable all over again.

    Dara u got to see some action with ?David, it's such a precious gift u'r getting, this will be wonderful for u.

    Mary love the pics and those blue eyes Wow.

    Well I see Chrissy and Aly dropped by with some company that we enjoy, it's about time ladies and u were brought up right don't come with empty hands. It's great that u stopped by. It's always nice to see u.

    Julie and NM u both work so hard and I wish everyone appreciated u 2, the way it's supposed to be. U both have rough jobs and I think u get the short end of the stick. I know when my GF retired she did cuz of being understaffed and being treated miserably--she couldn't take it anymore and yet he loved nursing, she became a nurse in her 40's, so she took it seriously. She's so sweet with a quiet little voice and always tells me to come and stay with her in FL and sshe'll take care of me.

    Lori I'm so glad u'r still celebrating u'r BD--u should. BTW I knew u were going on Vacay but not that far and long. Holy chit we're going to miss u and who's going to ask all my questions? And I see u'r pics on FB u are such a beauty.

    I was trying to copy my cousins pic that I see when I stay at Jodie's house cuz we all stay together, of course they're young. But I don't know if I mentioned Melinda is a lesbian sometimes and dates men other times. And of course I do ask her WHO she's doing when I see her, she is so much fun. She doesn't even care that I have introduced her that way. But I just wanted u gals to see them.

    OK it's Sept 1st. I can not believe it--DARA u have 10 days to do u'r passport, cuz then u'll be getting ready for David and being extra busy. I don't know what u gals see on my FB but I have to get a pic of my niece u 2 could be sisters and u'r about the same age. I have to find one, she not on alot. oo ooo I know I can share on FB so I'll do that.

    OK I LUBS U ALL--I really do

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Dragging myself out of bed in the almost dark this morning.Gonna need lots of coffee today!

    Genny--Nora is adorable!Great pics!Glad you dropped in.

    Cammy--we need a retirement home for worn out nurses! Maybe in FL, away from the snow in the winter.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:


    1 oz (chilled) Southern Comfort

    1 oz (chilled) Vodka

    1 oz (chilled) Goldschlager

    1 oz (chilled) Jagermeister

    1 oz (chilled) Rumple Minze

    1 oz (chilled) Black Haus

    3 cubes (Cubed) Ice

    2 oz (chilled) Energy Drink


    Stir. Serve. Protect your face from hitting the floor.

    Best served in a Highball Glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2015

    Morning girls, I missed some stuff last night, guess I didn't hit the refresh button. My oh my Chrissy, those are some of the best looking sneakers I have ever seen! Wonder where I could get some just like em, and what size they come in...

    Hi Ally, good to see you, how's your winter going?

    NM, not liking these dark mornings either and certainly not looking forward to dark at dinner.

    Cami, how's your sister?

    Julie, your workshop takes me back, sounds like my nurse meetings from 15 years ago, seems things haven't changed a bit. Plus Icould have heard that exact same thing from Molly after a meeting. Seems nursing is the same no matter which part of the country you work in. I really did love it, would still be doing it if staffing would have been better.

    Gotta run, time to get ready for work, have a good day all.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2015

    Chrissy, those guys helped me blow out my candles on my birthday cake! THANK YOU. I will share too.

    Simp, nom nom nom is right! When is your surgery doll. We want to be there to hold your hand and and keep an eye on the surgeons.

    Sneakers? What sneakers Chrissy?

    Julie, I just don't think the big wigs really care, about the staff or the patients. That's why they keep saying their mantra.

    Alyson, you just leave Chrissy alone, she is fine!
    Oh NM, 75 miles away? That is crazy, and 21 patients, reports on some you haven't seen in 3 weeks. They must think you are God! Perhaps this is "the sign". I just wonder if it would be best to wait until after the cruise. Please try to keep in mind, you can only do so much, and that is all I would do. None of this working until nine or ten o'clock at night.

    Oh my, and what a sweet thing to scroll upon. our aNORAble girl. The picture of you and your friends, it looks like everyone shoved their drink in front of the gal in pink!

    Cami, we can't copy and paste pictures from FB anymore, at least I can't. You have to save them to your computer and then get them from there. Whose page is the picture on, that you are trying to post? Maybe I can help. I see a Melinda, and you sitting in a chair with her, with a glass of wine no less!!!

    Nothing to report here. Got our pellet stove all cleaned out yesterday, getting ready for the cold. YUCK! Phoenix got slammed with rain, they are flooded down there. Gonna attempt to clean my upright freezer, defrost and orgnanize all of the frozen food.

  • Bippy625
    Bippy625 Member Posts: 602
    edited September 2015

    ello my drankin babehs!

    Bippy has been AWOL, just chillin and recovering, relaxing and not posting alot here.

    goin on vaca real soon! you chicks take care and I'll see ya on the flip side.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    Good Morning Ladies.

    I don't get up as early as u gals do so it's lite out, I just go to bed super late, but I see at nite the difference how early it's getting dark, but I don't think I ever minded the morning darkness as I did the nite darkness, it makes it so glumpy when u get home from work. But now Joey leaves at 730am and I get to see him 5 mins. no coffee in the morning together. U know now a days they can look up their grades on that little hand thing anytime they want, I thought back and thought when I was that age I didn't even care, but he's right on it. That's how he finds out what he got on tests and stuff. These poor teachers have all the stupid computer work to do, I think that's just a waste of their time. I'm really old fashion aren't I? But I would think they'd feel overloaded in a way and u could have great teachers that just get tired of doing all that chit. And teachers are so importnt in a childs life, I've always thought that.

    I'm already sticky hot SusyQ, I bet we get a goofy fall now and then winter will be right there.

    Mary u'r back on u'r rush around schedule--all u gals are just so busy all the time, when I talk about u all all I can say is these women are unbelievable and always so thoughtful.

    OK I'm picking out my hair color this week, it's harder than I thought I don't want to go to dark, but not to light so I was thinking of a chestnut brown and then Leslie will trim my hair too. My hair is past my shoulders now, I like that cuz I can put it in a pony tail when I feel like it and it's straight, it doesn't look like a fuzzy bunnies ass..

    Gottsta set up my work station--oh what a set up.

    Oh Oh did I tell u, yrs ago I had to sell off alot of my parents things when they moved from their home (when they retired and I was moving too) well anyway we had a secretay desk--those original ones like 70 (at least) yrs old so my GF wanted to buy it and I just gave it to her cuz she appreciated it so much and she was going to refurb it. That was in the early 80's, well she's moving now and wanted to know if we wanted it back so yes Marty and his friend (her nephew) picked it up. It's beautiful and it looks all mahogenyish and we kitty corned it in the dining area--it's a big room. My oldest brother used to do his homework on that thing and it just warms my heart to have it back--she's so very thoughtful--it evan has the place for an old skeleton key when u open the desk top with all the little drawers and hiding places in it, such memories.

    OK everyone have a loverly day.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Quick poop in, going to LV this am instead of getting up before the rooster crows and going tomorrow.

    NM - I wish I could give you a big HUG. You sound depressed and you have every reason to be. I honestly don't know how you stay sane. (((NM)))

    Chrissy - You're back. We have missed you so and you funny and a bit naughty pics. How have you been feeling lately?

    Dara - Did you go to Post Ofc and get your passport app yet? Git on it girlfriend! Any news on Jennika and David?

    Lowee - what a sweet thoughtful thing for Tammy to do for you. Sounds like ya had a pretty good time. We went to dinner at friends house last night. The dh talks too much, and usually about nothing. Even his wife will say 'jeeez, give someone else a chance to talk'…funny.

    Simp - only a few days til ur surg. We'll have the UFO ready. I mite have missed it too, as to what kinda surgery, mx or bmx.

    Cami - isn't posting pics a pain. I find it is, some do post and others don't.

    Hi Aly and Julie and Bippy and anyone else I'm missing!!!

    Gotta run, hello to da resta mese goils….hope you all have a good week.


  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited September 2015

    BMX this Friday. Tums in knots. At PS's now for additional consult.

    Gotta remember to go by & grab my scripts. Got my button up jammies & extra pillows.

    Anything I definitively need from drug store for post surgery?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Well, yesterday ayem's meeting was interesting in an good news/bad news sort of way.Good news: as of next week one facility with 10-11 patients will no longer be my responsibility.Bad news:those patients will be managed by the clinical manager and seen by per diem nurses and nurses coming up of other agencies to help out and so won't get consistent staffing.While I feel a little guilty about that, those people haven't been getting consistent staffing for the last couple of months anyway.That leaves me with an actually workable case load. So I'm going to update the resume but not print it off or post it anywhere just yet.Going back to riding it out until after vacay and then looking at where things are.Still going to be busy, but not impossible.

    Genny--Dark at dinner is going to be a bummer, and I can see it coming.Oh, well, going to try to enjoy the nice weather while we still have it!

    Goldie--I work until 8 pm and then stop, no matter what's not done.That gives me an hour before I have to go to bed to play with Sadie, try to get some housework done, maybe fix a meal.Although I sometimes fix a meal while working on the computer.Usually eat while working on the computer.I'm working on finding a way to get more documentation done at the time of the visit so the after hours stuff will go quicker, but that's going to need some work. And I've got the 75 mile run every day this week, or until the one patient dies.It is crazy.

    Bippy!Glad to see you checking in!Keep on recovering!

    Cammy--things sure have changed with the internet and technology, haven't they?Amazing how things are so much quicker, sometimes.Waiting for test results still sucks though.Picking a new hair color?Sounds like fun.I've always been too chicken to color my hair, but think I would make a great red head.Can't get the picture of fuzzy bunnies a$ess out of my head!What a great thing to get the secretary desk back!Would love to see a pic.

    Mema--I appreciate the cyber hug, very much!It has been a long haul, but with the changes they made things will be better.And getting back on my antidepressant is helping, too.

    Simp--I know the feeling.Make sure to pick up some stool softeners (docusate, brand name Colace is a good one), start taking one a day now.Pain meds will give you wicked constipation.Also want to get a laxative just in case your bowels do get stuck (Senna, Milk of Magnesia, or whatever you have used in the past).I really depended on a little notebook and bunch of pens to be able to write down what time I took what pills, otherwise I couldn't keep track. When you are discharged from the hospital have the person picking you up bring a small pillow that you can put between the seat belt shoulder strap and your body, that bugger will rub on something that hurts no matter how you arrange it!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Blueberry season has arrived in Maine!

    Blueberry Martini

    splash Chambord Liqueur

    1 splash Blue Curacao

    3 oz Gin

    1 splash Raspberry Liqueur


    Pour the gin, Chambord raspberry liqueur and blue curacao into a chilled cocktail glass. Stir, and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    Good Morning Ladies

    Oh NM u work so late and start so early and this 75 mile thing is recockulous, I hope it all settles down very soon, cuz honestly no one can keep this type a schedule up for any time. Just sending u (((HUGS))) for now, but keep looking forward for the vacay and u can make decision after---for now u've got a cruise to plan for with the most spectacular women I know---and the DOTD for the day sounds yummy. Great advice for Simp.

    Simp I'm sorry I'm still confused at exactly what u'r getting done. Now personally I would make sure there is plenty of water in the house for you, cuz no doubt u'r mouth will stay dry for a while, plus keep the water going. A thermometer (which u probably already have) No rinse body wash (Walgreens)--It's easier to get up from a recliner than a bed so think about that. Hand Lotion and body lotion--it gets dry.Very comfortable loose clothing. We're all with u and let everyone wait on u as long as u can. LOL Everyone will no doubt come up with more mine aren't the best ideas just things I needed.

    It's getting light out and everyone is up, I've been up a couple of hours with my famous D--so I need to get more Depends and anti D pills as soon as someone will drive me.

    Dara Dara Dara PASSPORT.

    SusyQ I'm glad u asked Simp about her surgery, cuz I get so mixed up with all this. Of course Lori will get to the bottom of everything, but she's going on vacay I think Thursday (sob) for us but YAY for Lori.

    My boss came over last night and admired the desk totally, it looks so beautiful--Leslie has to get a pic. But he's still so naive about people--I told him I have a lot to teach him yet grasshopper and he'd better pay attention. I'm not a genius like him but people are different--he's so funny. And he's got the cutest bab to go home to so I chased him out to spend time with him. Goof.

    Hope eeryone has a great day--and Simp I know this is hard for u, but u'll be fine and surprised how well u do--I just know it.


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2015

    hello everyone

    Just got back from DC Monday after a eventful ride home. I had a pretty big seizure at the airport and on the plane. Luckily some of my teammates are physicians and an NP. They took care of me and got me home. Other than that and my family and friend who went with me being asses it was a good trip.

    We got second place in the roughest water we have ever paddled in! The Patomac is not for sissies lol. One team lost its steersman off the back at the finish. Crazy. Here's a couple of pictures


    I am front and center with green towel around my neck


    Wreath we laid at Tomb of the Unkown Soldiers I made the wreath


    Monuments at nightimageMLK


    Our coaches with our medals they are happy


    Wreath laying ceremony

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    image alt="Image result for silly hump day pictures">

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2015


    Our view as we wait to start the 10000 m race that's the back of my head you see on the left

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited September 2015

    Love the pictures Collett!!

    Sorry I am doing such a crappy job of keeping up with everyone elses stuff going on. Thanks for the ideas ladies. Already have some stool softener. No recliner in my house :( And I can't afford one right now. That'd definitely be a funny last minute pull together haha

    Cami - I opted for the skin sparring double mastectomy with delayed DIEP (as of now) reconstruction since I have to do rad's as well after the mastectomy.

    Hope everyone has a great day!!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2015

    Bipster, welcome back! Are you going to Florida? Whatchu been up to?

    Cami, new do and color. I hope you like it. Our friend Tammy has gorgeous long dark hair, but she has it tinted purplish, and you only see it in certain light, otherwise it just looks dark brown. And how nice to get the old desk back. Sorry that you and Joey don't get to share your coffee in the morning. He has a long weekend coming up, perhaps then?

    LDB, good luck in Vegas today. I assume you stayed at your DS's house? Are you getting scans/treatments or is it for follow up. It's terrrible how we forget so many things! And thank you for the card.

    NM, glad to hear the good/bad news. We can't save the world, but I understand how you would feel a bit guilty, for the patients. You are just that sweet. They should give you a car to use for those long drives, 75 miles for one patient, every day is cray cray. Yum on the blueberries, and they freeze so well too. Love having them on some vanilla ice cream!

    Simp, I hope the kids really help you out. I did not have MX, but I remember the girls saying to get things are arm level, so you don't have to reach. Also something to hold your drains for when you shower. We will be partying in your hospital room, getting teeny tiny and hanging out in doctors pockets, up on shelves, etc. Forgot about the recliner, can you borrow one from someone? No sorries allowed here, catch up when you can.

    Cami, we don't leave until the 15th. That will take us to Phoenix and we fly out to San Francisco on the 16th.

    Oh Nancy, siezures on the plane and at the airport! What did the stewards do? Glad they let you fly. Sorry about asses, what the heck happened? I remember you making the wreath, didn't know it was for the unknown soldier. How nice.

    Got my large upright freezer defrosted and re-organized. Now for the kitchen freezer, as I through stuff in there yesterday, instead of in a cooler. Such as DH's frozen dinners! And Tammy is suppose to come over. Here are the things I have canned. It doesn't look like muc in a picture, but trust me, it is!

    Beans, 19 quarts and 50 pints. Not to mention what I have given away and have eaten a few too.
    Tomatoes, 15 quarts and 13 pints
    Salsa, 20 pints
    Zucchini Relish, 12 pints





  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2015

    Hi girls,

    just popping in for some dwinks and to say hello to my goils.

    Chrissy b, love those sneakers YOUUUUUUCH!

    Simplicity, we will all be with you on frieday, we will git teny tiny and get in our htl space ship and come to be with you and check out the doctors to make certain they are doing tings right. For the drains, I used a robe tie and pinned the drains to the tie when taking a shower. If they give you the OnQ pain pump, you can use the little bag for the drains when the pump comes off. I liked using that to hide the drains and keep them from getting caught in my door handles which hurt pretty bad.

    Lori, what a feast you have for the winter, oh me gosh!

    Cam, post pics of your new do when you git it.

    Nancy, great pics.

    Hi Sue, miss ya, just emailed ya. and howdie Julie. and hello to anyone I did not mention, ....

    Love you all. cheErS! and a big kiss MUAH!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    Quiet in here, well it's quarter to 3 ♪ there's no one in the ♫ place exce=ept for me♪.I'm so unclever Oh well.

    Nancy great pics and I didn't know the wreath was for the unknown solder at all, Wow. WTF u had more seizures--u'v been doing so well, I'm so sorry, Did u call the Dr. or just relax after.? Well I hope that's the end of them, maybe just the whole weekend was alot for u.

    Lori that looks like enough for crowds of people, u really worked hard. And until you I never heard of zucchini relish, but it sounds yummy. OK as usual I got the dates of u'r vacay all mixed up, I just know I'll miss u.

    I forgot all about those drains, I remember there were pockets on the vest I wore but I think I used pins too. But don't worry the drains don't hurt, they're just there. Personally I'm glad u'r doing the whole shabang (if I understood u right) We'll be there and as soon as u can let us know how u'r doing after. And I like my own pocket please cuz Dara usually steps on my head.Happy.

    Dara it's Frieday eve and it's a long weekend.

    Well I went to Walgreens and it was uneventful, but then I left the store. Marty asked to help me and I said no (really) so he got in the car, all of a sudden I'm calling him, he said he turned around and I wasn't there, well of course not I was half under the car on the ground. I'm trying to move and finally got on my knees, in the mean time people are gathering--they were going to call 911 and I'm saying no no no, well Marty and I started LOLing of course and I couldn't get up and again another person say I'll call 911, the cashier from the store-Marty's saying Oh she does this all the time--the more people the more I was Loling, finally I got to the curb (crawled) then I got some balance and Marty helped me up and I'm saying get me in the fuckin' car and floor it. I really was doing better this last week but my leg Not knee just gave out cuz that's been bothering me alot. So in a couple of hrs. I felt like I fell from a building and sore as hell. So I was on my pain meds all day but I still worked but I honestly think I sounded drunk. So it was Marty and Camille's excellent adventure. Joey was so sweet and felt so bad, but I told him then and I made him LOl about the whole thing so he was fine and couldn't understand why I didn't cry. Brat.

    Oh it's still dark and I'm thinking NM should be getting up soon and NM remember it's Frieday eve--I hope u get a long weekend without interruption.

    Talk to u later, Hope everyone has a great day.



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Yesterday turned out to be a pretty good day.A couple of my visits got reassigned, so I had a normal visit load for the day.Found out there are 2 more RN positions approved--that will bring us to 11 full time nurses when those are filled.So things at work are looking much better.And for the last 2 nights I haven't woken up in the middle of the night with anxiety. This is MUCH better.

    Cammy--the 75 mile thing was crazy, but that person diedpeacefully and comfortably, so that's not an issue every day anymore.Things do seem to be settling down and getting better.I guess multiple meltdowns did the trick.And I will take your advice and focus on the cruise now, and try to keep work on the back burner!Did you know that you can set up a regular delivery of stuff like Depends on Amazon?It's call "Subscribe and Save."I get dog food and generic prilosec monthly, and a case of toilet paper every 3 months or so.You can set up a schedule for each item, and you get a percentage off if you get 3 or more items in one shipment.It's easy to cancel a shipment, too, and you get an e-mail before the shipment goes out so you can do that if you need to.

    Collett--So glad you had a good trip, sorry about the seizures, but glad you had capable people to care for you and get you home.Second place, good for you!Lost the steersman?Must have been funny!I saw the video of the wreath laying, very moving, such a special moment.The monuments at night are very dramatic.That's quite a view!

    Simp--don't worry about keeping up with all of us, we understand where you are at and how hard it is to focus on much else just before surgery.Just keep coming in and letting us know where YOU are, and the rest will come as you recover.A skin sparing double mast keeps lots of recon options open.Sounds like you found a good workable plan for yourself, that is great!I got my recliner at a rent to own place, the monthly fee was very reasonable. And some places will actually rent recliners--if you have a chance you might look into that.

    Goldie--I do qualify for a company car, and looked at the program, and decided to pass.I would still have the car payment, insurance, taxes, upkeepon my current car, and would have to pay a monthly "personal use fee" and have "taxable benefit" to figure into my taxes with a company car.The only real advantage would be the credit card for gas.Frankly, I just do not want to deal with 2 cars, so I'll stick with driving my own and keep taking the $4-500 a month in mileage reimbursement.Right now that money is going toward vacay, then it's going to go on paying off the car.I have got to stop and get some blueberries to freeze today or tomorrow, I am driving past a few places selling them every day.That is an impressive array of canned goodies!Lots of work there.

    Dara--good advice about the drains, I had forgotten that part.I was lucky and had drain tubing long enough to be able to put the drains in the pockets of my shorts/pants.Catching those things did certainly ouch a lot!

    Cammy--now I've got that song stuck in my head!Ouch, what a tumble!Having a knee go out is not a good thing.Funny the store people saying you do this all the time!Well, embarrassingly funny.It was dark when I got up this morning, not totally dark but dark enough to need to turn on lights.And I am SO looking forward to a 3 day weekend!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Friday Eve

    3/4 oz White Rum

    1/4 oz Lime Juice

    1/4 oz Mango

    3/4 oz Mango Syrup


    Prepare mango fruit with rum and syrup in a blender with crushed ice. Strain into a large highball glass, and fill with crushed ice. Squeeze in a lime wedge, and serve.

    Best served in a Highball Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2015

    Wacko, did you get the UFO packed up? Glad to see you poop in for some drinks. Certainly you have some kind of pool party for the weekend?

    Simp, hoping to hear from you as soon as you are able and that all goes well tomorrow. We'll get the perco fountain set up for you, and Tenders will be all yours.

    Cami, the relish is good, tastes just like sweet pickle relish. So it gives me something to do with one of those big honkers. They get so big so fast! Oh, my you are up in the middle of the night. I can't get up when I wake up like that, I fight tooth and nail to get back to sleep, which sometimes can be a couple of hours. Oh my darling, I'm so sorry you fell! Glad you can laugh about it, but the pain is nothing to laugh about. I sure hope you didn't break anything. Maybe a walker when you go out? (((((Cami)))))

    NM, glad things are going better with work and that you don't have to make that 75 mile drive. But sorry for the passing of the patient. Understandable about the car.

    Well, my DD headed out yesterday from St. Thomas, on her way to spend 18 days in Michigan. There were about 6 of her friends that were on the plane, heading somewhere as well. So she wanted to get everyone a shot. She didn't have any money, so she gave the money to one of the friends and then had them put it on their credit card. There was also a drunk that boarded ahead of her. Well, for what ever reason, the stewardess must not have liked my DD and DD was met by the US Mashall when she got off the plane! Was detained, and missed her flight! She was a basket case. They wouldn't comp her a room, so I scrambled on the phone and computer to get her a room. Poor thing was crying so hard, she couldn't catch her breath. Well she sent me a text this morning that she was on the plane and ready to head to MI.

    Cami, until I kept reading about it being Friday eve, I thought it WAS Friday! Hence I thought Simp was going in today. So glad we have each other to keep us straight!

    Sue, how did things go for you?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    Oh Lori u'r poor DD--I would have been crying too. WTF happened--Oh I can't imagine the fear she had with no money. I'm so glad u knew what to do and she was taken care of and then got her plane. Jeez what a way to start her trip--I think I would have gone right back home. Oh I bet u wish u were there to be with her. But everything is OK now so that's good, thanks to u. That's why u'r called Goldie cuz u sparkle.

    NM what a way to get out of the 75 miles, that's a shame that u'r pt. died, but u see so much of that and I'm sure u don't get used to it. U and Julie see so much misery and sadness u2 must compartmental these things or u'd be sad all the time. Was that the right word, u know by now I make them up as I go.

    My sister is feeling better and she's planning on going Sunday but now of course we want to sit together and my SIL put me next to her, cuz I thought Lu wasn't going, then I wasn't going--Oh my sister (my cousin too, if she's goin) always sit by each other for yrs and yrs now. We were talking about yrs ago, and I asked my sister when we were little did she every think that we would all be each others best friend--we started LOLing cuz all we did was fight and if we weren't fighting we never spoke to one another and we shared a room (small one) and we'd never predict this whole family thing. Oh well

    One of the guys from work called me and asked how I was feeling and then he said Well when u'r old and fall it's so different. Excuse me I told him to shut the fuck up. He just LOLed and I hung up on him.

    My skin is so crappy I want to get the stuff that Jane Seymour advertises, did u ever see the commercials, of course it looks great on TV.

    OK my hair will be done on Sat and Les will take a pic, and Les will put it on FB and if one of u can put it here, cuz I don't know how, unless she can get it on here--we'll see. I want chestnut color now. I would like a hint of purple, but she won't do it. Brat--Do u know I wanted purple hair before anyone else was doing it, I wanted it years ago and then somehow it leaked out even to hollywood and u see purple hair alot. Damn.

    Oh NM it wasn't my knee that made me fall, it was my whole leg that just stopped on me, but again like I said I went down in slow motion, like I always do so that does help.

    ok High Ho high Ho--yes I'm high and a ho LOL--talk to u latah.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Welcome to fall in Maine, almost 90 degrees with 90% humidity yesterday to 50 degrees/50% humidity this morning.Looks like a great weekend coming up, and I am looking forward to enjoying every minute of it.Things at work are much better.I actually got done at a reasonable time yesterday even with doing a lot of ketchup work in the office in the afternoon.

    Goldie--Oh, my, your poor DD!Sounds like someone really didn't like her for some reason.They must have had to give her a reason for detaining her, or can they just hold someone for no reason?Glad she's back on her way now though, and hope the rest of her trip goes smoothly.

    Cammy--I am glad not to have the 75 mile drive every day, and this person's passing was a blessing.Advanced dementia, very little quality of life for many months,none at all for the last few weeks, so a release and relief for the patient and the family.I do compartmentalize a lot, and I get comfort from making sure people are comfortable and peaceful at the time of death.Good to hear your sister is feeling better.Funny how relationships change over time, isn't it? I'm glad you hung up on that guy from work, he sounds like a jerk!At least the fall was a slo-mo one, less chance of getting hurt.

    There's an item in the news this morning that has me shaking my head.A week or so ago a man who lives in an apartment complex bought a gun after being burglarized multiple times.The evening he bought the gun a guy broke into his apartment, wouldn't leave, and the guy shot him in the shoulder.Now the guy has to either give up the gun or move out, cuz the apartment complex management doesn't allow firearms in the complex.So here is an apartment complex full of people with health issues and the elderly, many of whom have meds that are often abused, already a targeted area by thieves, now being advertised as a gun free zone.Can anyone besides me see what's going to happen there?

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Delicious Martini

    1/2 oz Grand Marnier

    3 oz Coffee Vodka


    Pour both ingredients into a cocktail shaker half-filled with cracked ice. Shake well, and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with an orange twist, and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2015

    Good morning girls, time to play ketchup. I can't sleep and it's raining it's ass off so I can't walk the dogs. Molly is coming today to get her hair done and maybe golf but its may be too wet for that. Taking MIL to dinner and a Frank Sinatra tribute at the local theater tonight. Next week going camping (in a camper) with Molly for a few days. Then vacay time over till we meet in January. Speaking of which, Dara.. did you fill out your passport paperwork?

    Lori, pellet stove cleaned out for winger, yuck! I don't even want to think about it! Nice job on the canning, looks like you are set for the winter. Oh my gosh how awful for your daughter! Glad you were able to get her a room. You going to Michigan to see her? I hope so, seems a shame to miss the opportunity…Can you just fly there for a few days?

    Simp, ok so your surgery is today I think, We will be there, got the spaceship all loaded up and ready to go. Your going to do just fine, I know it, saying prayers and hoping you have as easy a time as I did.

    Cami, did not know about looking up the grade cards online, how handy and no stress of waiting for the report card. So glad you got the secretary desk back, sounds beautiful and nice memories too. Would love to see a pic. Hope the famous D is gone now.Oh, my goodness, falling at Walgreens! Glad Marty found you and got you up. I'm laughing at her telling the gathering crowd that you do this all the time. So glad you weren't hurt and you get Joey laughing about it. Too bad you couldn't blame it on being drunk, woulda been much more fun. Glad to here your sister is feeling better. We want to see pics of your new hairdo!

    NM, I don't even know what to say about your job. Patients 75 miles away, craziness! Glad to hear sound like you're making some headway, getting patient load down to 10-11. I know you're trying to hold out till January but working 12 hours everyday is crazy, hoping management is starting to "get it". Hope the antidepressant kicks in soonliest. Good advice for Simp. Oh, now I'm on the next day and more good news about your job, 2 more RN's approved and a good day at work, things are looking up indeed!

    Sue, Hope things going ok in LV, think you are there for tx or scan? Not a vacay, right?

    Nancy, love the pics, congrats on coming in 2nd place. Glad you had all the nurses with you when you had the seizure. Love the wreath, you did an awesome job.

    Bippy, good to see you back and thanks for the eye candy. Glad to hear you are recovering and reading is always good, just pop in when you can.

    Dara, hope you got that passport stuff taken care of. Can't wait for more pics of baby David. Gonna get those hotel reservations made soon, I'll let you know.

    Hi Julie

    Ok, gotta run, think I got pretty well caught up, love to all and hi to anyone I missed. Have a great Friday and good long weekend.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2015

    NM, thanks for the swim, crazy story about the guy and the gun. Yea, I can see whats going to happen, now that's it's been announced that guns aren't allowed. What is happening to our world?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2015

    Cami, you are too funny, telling that person to STFU and hanging up on him. And glad to hear that Lu is doing better too. My mom often tells of falling in slow motion, she always says that it's God laying her down softly.

    NM, I hope all of those elderly people will be ok. What ever happened to the right to bear arms? And you sound so much better!

    Mary, my trip to MI will be the first part of November, so I will not be seeing my DD. Where are you and Molly going camping?

    Thinking of you today Simp and partying at the hospital. We'll sneak something into your IV for you.

    My DD got her on her flight in St. Thomas, other friends were flying out to other destinations as well. When they got high enough, she moved to the emergency seat behind her, as no one was sitting there and it put her closer to her friends. Stewardess told her she had to go back to her assigned seat as that seat was $50.00 more. Or she could charge DD the extra to sit there. Her and her friends are all kind of Ooooooooohhhhhhhhh to the stewardess. Then similar situations. They were told that they needed to tone it down, that they were being a disturbance. Which they were just laughing and having a good time. Not unruley or terribly loud. The stewardess said if they didn't she would have the pilot contact the Marshalls. My DD is the most fun, loving and bubbly person. She is a waitress and her customers just love her. She lights up a room with lively personality. So the stewardess just must not have liked her, as she was the only one detained. The only thing they told her was she was causing a disturbance. She wiil be filing a complaint. She spent the night with a migraine and throwing up, then had to be up and ready to catch the shuttle back to the airport by 4 am.

    Town day!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Today we all widdle peeps in pockets, shelves, and other hiding places in the OR. We will be vigilant and try not to giggle too much. We each have a libation picked specially for you when you wake up. The advice NM, Lori and the others gave u is the bestest. Praying for you dahhhling. Don't worry bout checking in…jes do so when u feel up to it.

    NM - glad all the 'melt downs' amounted to something and diminished your work load.

    Nancy - Gr8 pics, love the wreath you made. Glad all those medical friends were with you during you seizure….how scary.

    Dara - hand me a dwink puleez…I don't have the stomach to watch too much of this surgery.

    Mary - welcome back, u been a busy girl.

    Lowee - what a hassle for your DD. I file a complaint too. WOW…those canned veggies should last thru the winter and then some. They look so pretty and yummy too.

    Cami - so glad you laughing, but sorry you are so sore today.

    Got appt's, nails, lashes, toes early today so must get mese EWWA in gear. Hope I'm not late from Simps surgery.

    Prayers to Simp, but I kno things will go fine. Lubslubslubslubslubslubs all!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2015

    at disney.had a bag of goodies waiting for me