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  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday!Happy start of Labor Day Weekend!Happy me with NO WORK for 3 WHOLE DAYS!Happy Sadie with a new toy that her hooman bought her yesterday, a chunk of moose antler to chew on.Got blueberry muffins just out of the oven, 2 quarts to freeze for later.It's a lovely cool ayem, great sleeping weather, good cooking weather, looking forward to starting some baking again on weekends.Overall, life is looking up!

    Genny--Rain can be a good thing, but it can be annoying!Management has definitely "gotten it" at work.They have nurses coming in from other offices to help out, and recently added 2 more RN positions.Almost all of us were actually done work by 3 pm yesterday, that hasn't happened in months.I'm sure the antidepressant effect is helping, too. Things are actually looking ok now.

    Goldie--I feel much better, thanks!I'm just waiting to hear about someone getting killed in that apartment complex now.That should put the cat among the pigeons.I'm glad your DD is going to file a complaint, it really sounds like she was singled out.Sounds like the stew was having a bad day and took it out or her.

    Mema--I can see a future for melt downs as a work load management technique.

    Juliet--A good bag at Disney?What fun!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Three Day Weekend

    1 part Coconut Rum

    1 part Jagermeister

    1 part Pineapple Juice

    1 part Grenadine


    Fill a hurricane glass with plenty of ice. Add Jägermeister and rum first. Top off with pineapple juice and grenadine. Shake well.

    Best served in a Hurricane Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2015

    LDB, did everything go ok in LV? How are your kids doing? Haven't heard much about them lately.

    DW, Disney had goodies waiting for you? Such as???? Spill it girlfriend!

    NM, you sound so much happier, and that makes us all happy too. ENJOY the 3 day weekend!

    Simp, I hope you are doing ok.

    We are laying tile down today on the closed in porch that DH did. Got to figure out how to let him let me do it. Where he laid tile in the house, there are places where it has come up, same with the tile that we PAID for to be done in the master bath. HOWEVER, the rooms I laid, are still in tact!!! *Pats self on the back!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2015

    Good morning girls, can you believe I just woke at 8:30? Just having my first cup of coffee, I never sleep this late, felt good! DH golfing and pooches decided to let me be. Went golfing with Molly and out to lunch then did her hair yesterday. While we were at lunch my DH surprised me with a text message saying he just ordered a half bushel of crabs to be delivered from Maryland today! Oh, what a feast we will be having, Yum! I have this joke going with one of my brothers, last week my 2 brothers, Mike and Matt and their wives went to one of the islands together and put pics on FB. So I just commented that my invitation must've gotten lost in the mail. I was joking, not upset but my jokster brother replied with the top 10 reasons I was not invited. The #1 reason ... he has a check that I wrote him in 1977...he never throws anything away.. anyway, it was for $15 and apparently by the time he got around to cashing it, I had closed the account. So he puts a pic of the check on there and says the # 1 reason is the money I still owe him. We've been known to do some crazy back and forth bantering, once back and forth via mail several times before we had FB. So anyway, Mike loves Maryland crabs more than just about anything in the whole world since we lived there until he was in high school. I'm going to post a pic of me with the crabs and say that I was so distraught at not being invited that my husband decided to console me with the bushel of crabs. We took MIL out to dinner and to the local theater for the Frank Sinatra tribute, the 2 men were not very good at all, was long to sit thru but I know they are volunteers and I guess thats as good as they could get. At least we got her out, they have a mystery thing next month we may do with her. So no specific plans this weekend, happy to get some R&R.

    NM, oh I can hear the relief in your words! I'm so happy for you, we all know that stress is about the worst thing for us and you were having way to much of it. And now with that load lifted you get 3 days off and have the anti d's on board!!! Yay, life is good, have lots of fun with Sadie this weekend, we are taking dogs to the beach for a nice Lake Erie swim this afternoon. Wow a couple of the DOTD would put me into a 3 day coma I tink, but sounds good.

    Lori, glad your DD got to Mich safe and sound, let us know what happens with the grievence, so sorry you don't get to see her.. so close yet so far. Hope she has a nice time on her vacay. Good luck with the tiling, maybe non-chalantly pointing out that none of yours have lifted? Or just wait till he leaves to go somewhere and start doing it while he's gone and tell him he works so hard that you'd like to help him out by doing the floor for him. Then it's just you being nice instead of saying you will do a better job. Oh the psyche of men!

    Sue, you got all priddied up again, sur it felt good. I need to do my toes today, can't bring myself to go to work and do a pedicure and then take the $ and pay someone to do mine, but it does feel good to have it done. How's Maddy? Back in school? I don't know when I will see Nora again, too much going on right now.

    Juliet, have fun!

    Simp, hope you are doing ok, prayers for you, we watched those docs and kept em' in line. We kept our dwunkin giggles to a minimum and they did a good job. Praying for good results from the chemo, hope it got it all.

    OK, hi to everybody else, have a great day, time for some breakfast. See ya later.

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited September 2015

    Thank you everyone!! Im feeling great considering.

    Incision marks look awful awful awful! Fornow anywa

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2015

    Simp!!! soooo happy to hear from you so soon! That's a good sign I think, Incision lines will heal....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    Good Late evening everyone.

    Simp glad u pooped in. I was mighty crowded in that room, those Doc did a good job tho and again, Dara stepped on my eyeball---Now rest and drink fluids and be waited on.

    Lori I can not believe that stupid stewardess, how awful to do to u'r DD--BTW she is beautiful (like u) and maybe that's why. I hope she at least got her name too. BTW it's not easy trying to do something for u'r DH when he knows it's because u can do it better. But u can guide him by being his "helper" and then fix it behind him. But just take it easy.

    Oh Julie what bag or should we say bags of goodies did u really get. We all know they all know u too well by now. And Mickey isn't just famous for his ears. Sorry but u already knew that.

    Mary good for u for sleeping late, u must have needed it. I love the banter between u and u'r brother and the crab pic will really put u on top. remember just say I got crabs and u don't. Let him take it any way he wants.

    And I totally forgot to take before and after pics of my hair. Joey saw it when I was all done and he almost started to cry he was so happy. Of course remember this is Joey and he said OMG u look so beautiful and then he kissed the top of my head, what a goof. Oh my arms is bruised all over the place so I have to figure out how to cover it when I go out tomorrow in 90 degree weather. Humph (that's me say "humph")

    NM u really do sound good. and it's about time for u to feel better I'm so glad u do. And I actually know all the likkers and stuff in the DOTD u wrote. If this will finally lessen u'r stress it will be gret for u and then u can really relax on u'r vacay cuz u'll know going back will be so much better for u.

    OK I'll shut up for now at least.-Hey SusyQ.

    I LUBS U ALL passport

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday!Didn't get much accomplished yesterday, but had a lovely lazy day doing it!Do need to try to get more done today, though.

    Goldie--I am enjoying the 3 day weekend, hope everyone else is, too!Sounds like you are quite the tile laying demon!Hope you find a way to get to do it yourself.

    Genny--a lovely sleep in, bet it felt grand!Sounds like you and your brothers have a good time with the back and forth banter.I bet the pic of the crabs will get him going.

    Simp--the incisions do look awful in the beginning.I gets better, I promise!So glad to hear from you.

    Cammy--I do feel much better, and am really looking forward toward the cruise, and getting the new documentation system after that.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Blueberry Caiprinoska

    2 oz Vodka

    4 wedges Lime

    1 oz Simple Syrup

    1 handful Blueberries


    Muddle the lime and blueberries in a rocks glass and add simple syrup. Fill the glass with crushed Ice and add Karlsson's Gold Potato Vodka. Garnish with fresh bracing blueberries.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2015

    Oh Mary, it would have taken me days to tile that. I would only have been able to do a quarter of it, if that. In my opinion, I don't think he puts enough mud on them. And he made it quite thin, so he wouldn't run out. So I suspect these will lift eventually...oh well. It does look nice! Funny about the crabs. Love to hear stories like that. One of my brothers did something similar with a piece of cake, sending it back and forth. And then my other brother had something going on with a cue ball, not sure if it was the 8 ball or not. But it would show up in different situations. He did that with a friend of my moms, she passed away (the friend) and I believe my brother put it in her casket.

    OH MY SIMP, you are a trooper and thanks for checking in with us. Very Important....DON'T OVER DO IT!

    Cami, I don't know if my daughter got her name or not (the stewardess). But they can narrow it down by the flight and date, I'm sure. She is doing much better, they are even laughing about it now. I did help DH with tiles, he put the mud down and I put the tiles in. No way to put more mud on while he is right there, and you can't lift them after they are down. Maybe you can take a nice light shawl or scarf that will cover the bruises? Or make light of it, and say something like your sister beat you up! Have fun today, and we are hoping to see your new do!

    NM, I would not have wanted to do the tiles by myself. We got it done, took half the day. My back and hip was screaming! We got just one and half rows left to do, to tight to get in there to do it yesterday, then grout it tomorrow. Love the blueberries in our DOTD. Glad you and Ms Sadie are enjoying your weekend, hopefully stress free. Hmmmm, gold potato vodka, interesting!

    Cleaning today, why is it that NEVER done? Have to go to Phoenix on Tuesday, working with someone to hopefully take over my position for our business and possibly moving it down there.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Julie - ya jes gotta spill it….what was in the goody bag?

    NM - Hoooray to 3 days of NO Work. Chunck of moose antler, where did u get such a thing? MMM blueberry muffins….I can actually smell em. You freeze the muffin batter, didn't kno u cud do that. Glad things are turning around at work, getting off at 3 is the bomb after all these months of working 10-12 hours.

    Lowee - everything went well…no coughing jags while in the tube. I layed tile one time and I'll never do it again….killed my knees and back. Then one cracked after all was said and done. DB had to come over and fix, guess we had the base too thick. Pat cha on da back for sure. If u moved ur business to Phx, how often do u think u'd have to drive down there or would u continue to do most of calls etc from home?

    Mary - ya musta needed the extra sleep. Funny story about the crab feast and I loved Lowee's comment bout u got crabs….I LOL'd over that for a min. So sweet of u to get your mother out for the evening. Well now here's the thing about Fri and my appts. I rushed around like a chicken w/mese head cut off, only to find that the appt was for next Fri…boy did I feel tooopid!!! Maddy is back in school as is Andrew Michael. Hoping to see them around Thanksgiving unless we can get a Sunday visit in there soon.

    Simp - Hooray all went well…we widdle peeps did our part in making sure Doc was handling it right. Like we'd know right? LOL Will eco some of the other goils, rest rest rest and don't over do. (((Simp)))

    Cami - there's my smile….'dara stepping on your eyeball' LMAO. Yes we are still waiting for your pic. Joey is such a love, u one lucky gramma!

    Lubslubs and Happy SundayFunday!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2015

    Hi girls,

    I am enjoying a picture poyfect long weekend. The weather is just fantastic, low humidity and in the mid 80's. We had a fire last night as it was into the low 60's.

    I have not yet worked on my passport but did ride by a walgreens and thought that I have to get started lol.

    Well I got to see Logan yesterday!! He is just so darn cute and such a good baby. My DD had him overnight and I went over yesterday afternoon for lunch. THe sperm donor was there and although we did not converse, I was cordial to him. That was effin HARD for me. I wanted to rip his face off but thought that would not be the right ting to do espcially with the baby there.

    Simplicity, glad you are doing well, great to see that you checked in.

    Well I am back to the pool. Had to buy a new vacuum head today so have to get it cleaned before it gets dark. I will check in latah. I read all of the posts. Btw, glad to see NM is relaxing and having a funderful weekend.

    CheeRs my loVes!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Labor Day!Supposed to get hot and muggy here, thinking about spending the peeyem at the lake if it does.

    Goldie--cleaning never seems to get done, does it?I've never done tiling, so I don't know how much work it is but it sounds like a lot.And Sadie and I are very much enjoying out long weekend!If the someone takes over you position will you be retiring?

    Mema--guy was selling the moose antler chunks at a roadside stand, along with blueberries, blueberry jam, blueberry pies, and maple syrup.He also had Elk antler chunks.Sadie loves the thing!

    Dara--so glad you go to see Baby Logan!Even if sperm donor was there.So proud of you for not tearing his face off, and being cordial to him.Good example to set for the baby!I know it was hard for you.So good to hear the DD had him overnight, and is making progress toward getting him back full time.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    By The Pool

    1 oz Midori Melon Liqueur

    1 oz Peach Schnapps

    1/2 oz Ice

    1 oz 7 Up

    1 oz Orange Juice


    Shake briskley for 10 seconds and serve in a tall glass over ice.

    Best served in a Collins Glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2015

    Hello my lovelies, having just the most restful weekend. Enjoying every second! took pooches to the lake last 2 days, got lots of new Lake Erie sea glass. Drinking my coffee now after sleeping till 8 this ayem. Going to be 90 degrees today so will prolly hang by the pool since I think it closes after today.

    NM, The pic of the crabs did indeed get my brother going... it's been fun. So, so happy that things are looking up for you. Hope you and Sadie have a wonderful weekend. Enjoy the lake if you go. Emma has an antler, she vacillates between that and her bone.

    Lori, glad to hear the 2 of you got the tiling done, or almost done. Your daughter is so pretty... just like her mom. Is she having a good time? Is she staying with your mom and son? I hope you get someone to handle your end of the business, retirement is sounding more appealing to me everyday and I'm only working 3 days/week. Molly and I are camping at a state park which is pretty close to where Nora lives. Hopefully they'll pop by and I'll get to see her.

    Dara, so happy for you that you got to see Logan, and you DD getting an overnight visit! Hopefully it won't be long that she'll have him back full time and she'll be calling you to keep him for a few hours here and there. Oh that's so exciting! Sure you'll be hanging by the pool cause it looks like it's pretty hot for all of us.. enjoy, and get that passport stuff done. It only takes 5 minutes you know.

    Sue, hope you're enjoying the weekend. Wow, no grandkids till Thanksgiving, that's a long time. I have to ck my calendar all the time to keep appts straight, no reason to feel toopid about it.

    Simp, you're prolly back home now, I'm sure your kids are a great help, and take Lori's advice and don't overdo it! Housework can all wait, rest and take care of yourself.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2015

    LDB, not sure how often we would be in Phx. I'm hoping to not have to answer phones at all! Of course I may need to help on occasion. This gal did sell some of our stuff, and she knows internet work, plus it will give them a place to do thier business. They make cages for back flow preventers, cuz people steel the brass. So you have to go back to Vegas next Friday? Hoping you can see the kiddles before Thanksgiving, that's a long ways away! I don't think NM froze the batter, but just the blue berries alone.

    Oh Wacko, so glad you got to see the baby and he had an over night with his mommy. And VERY proud of you for not ripping SD (sperm donor) head off. Cuz iffin you were to do that, your DD would not let you see the baby or herself. We don't want that happening again! She gets him full time, some time this month, yes?

    NM, Laying tile is not hard, just really hard on the back, like Sue mentioned. I can sit with my legs to the side and do it and scoot around on the floor, but that hard board really hurt my hip. And theres a lot of up and down.

    Mary, you and your brother are cracking me up. Glad I know the story or I would have thought something really bad was going on. My DD will float around. Right now she is staying with her dad. She will spend some time at my brothers, the one that was here. Not sure if she will stay at my mom's or not. The odor at my moms can be unbearable. I stay there, but only for one or two nights at a time. Hoping you get to see Nora. And your curls are just adorable on you.

    Well, need to go grout the tile now! DH puts down the grout, then I wipe it off the tiles. Back on hands and knees, or just squatting. Oh my leg muscles hurt!

    Cami, where's the picture of your new do?

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Dara - HOORAY, ya got some time with Logan. Glad you keep ur 'feelings' about SD to yourself, ur right, would not have been good for the baby or ur DD. Here's to many more moments with the baby. Can't wait for her to have him allll the time. Are either of them working? I'd think that would be a condition in order for DD to have him full time?

    NM - bet it is a GR8 Labor (free) Day for you. So happy for you and hope the weather holds so you can get some r & r at the lake later. Glad Sadie is enjoying that chunk of bone. Love the DOTD today!

    Mary - glad you are having a relaxing weekend and sleeping in late. Our pool will b closing soon too and I've only been there once this summer with Madison. Would like to find the strength to get out to it at least once more. Hoping you Nora comes to the camp site that would be fun. U look so pretty in that pic, crabs ain't bad either, LOL, bet they taste better than they look….kinda scary to me.

    Lowee - It drives me crazy when I hear of all the copper and brass thefts, wish they'd catch a few and spend a few nights in the slammer. Prolly jes get a slap on the hand and mayb fined. O I remember doing the grout work too, wasn't easy either, had to keep wiping and wiping, rinsing, etc. But it is nice when it's all done. Hope none of em come up. Thanks for setting mese p-brain straight about NM's blueberries, I mean …duh!

    Well, cleaning crew coming in a few, better straighten up a few things…LOL.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2015

    We are leaving at 6 am for Phoenix. Be back Wednesday afternoon, so see all of you lovelies Thursday morning!

    Simp, hope you are doing well.

    LDB, I wish I could get a cleaning crew! No energy here! But I push through.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2015

    Hi girls,

    Sounds like everyone had a very relaxing Labor day, wooop woooop!

    Sue, sorry no kiddos til TG, that is a long time to wait. Keep resting when you can and dont foyget to dwink.

    NM, sorry that i did not yet git your package out in the mail, having trouble finding the right envelope. Hope you and Sadie made it to the lake.

    Genny, I too am looking forward to retirement. It will be a long time for me sincen I have many more years to pay my stinking mortgage. That plate of food looks delish, glad you enjoyed it.

    Lori, I hope you got yer tile project done, I am sure it will be bootiful. Have a nice time away, will miss you. Hope it does not git too quiet in de lounge. Sperm donor works at a Nissan dealership, Jennika is back to college, yippeeeeeee! I can only hope and pray that she is able to git her degree soon. She said that the foster mom will be helping with child care whilst she has classes. The two have become pretty good friends over the past eight months.

    My DD gets Logan permanently on the 18th,jest ten days to go. I am so excited for her. I have to say that sperm donor is very good with the baby. He is like a little kid himself.

    Hello to Nancy, Simplicity and Julie. And anybuddy else i may have missed. Well I am going to mosey on over to the percotini fountain and have a few dwinkies to sailabrate the end of the holiday weekend. The night is still young, who's gonna join me?

    Love you all! and thanks for being proud of me for not knocking out the SDSOB! GO ME!


  • Karen30
    Karen30 Member Posts: 31
    edited September 2015

    hello ladies - just popping in to let you all know that I finished chemo on Friday- yay!!! Now onto surgery- BMX scheduled for October 2nd - sorry I haven't been here for a while between chemo and working full time that's about all I've been able to manage - hair is growing and although this has been a very quiet Labor Day weekend for me trying to recover from Friday's infusion I am excited to slowly start to feel better - each day a little stronger !

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Getting up in the dark, already over 70 degrees and 84% humidity.Ran the AC in the bedroom last night.Supposed to be Hot, humid and hazy for the next few days, so glad I've got good AC in the Jeep.

    Genny--so glad you are having a restful weekend!Sea glass is fun to find.It boggles my mind how big Lake Eerie must be to be able to create waves and currents to create sea glass.Sadie and I didn't get to the lake, it was too windy to be able to enjoy swimming, so we hung out at home.Got some hot, though!Great looking crabs!

    Goldie--scooting around on the floor and lots of up and downs sounds like hard work to me!Hope it finishes up quickly and looks great when it's done!

    Mema--Didn't get to the lake due to the windiness, but had a wonderful day anyway!Got laundry done, lots of fetch with Sadie, and an afternoon of catching up on Grimm episodes.Just what I needed!

    Goldie--Safe trip!

    Dara--thanks for thinking about me!So glad that Jennika is back in school, that will be a good move for her and the baby.I can't picture SD hanging in for the long haul and she'll need to be able to take care of herself and the baby withouthim. It's good she and the Foster Mom are friends.

    Karen--Hooray for finishing chemo!Totally understandable that you are focused on treatment and work, both are full time endeavors, that's a lot on your plate.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Three Day Weekend

    1 part Coconut Rum

    1 part Jagermeister

    1 part Pineapple Juice

    1 part Grenadine


    Fill a hurricane glass with plenty of ice. Add Jägermeister and rum first. Top off with pineapple juice and grenadine. Shake well.

    Best served in a Hurricane Glass.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Lowee, Friday is my pamper appts, nails, toes, lashes. I thought it was this last Friday so flew around to be ready. Thank goodness I checked b4 leaving the house, how embarrassing. Hope you have a safe trip and things work out as planned. Energy and your back n hip…that's why I don't do the floors anymore.

    Dara - o no I won't forget mese alcomahol, gotta have it to get thru the day. Usually just two dwinks unless we go out, been cutting back quite a bit. Good news Jennika going back to school, she'll likely get her degree, she is soo smart. Yay for the foster mom to help out with child care. Jennika lucked out. Still praying SD takes a hike soon. She's so much better off without him. Let's have a ParTay on the 18th on behalf of Jennika and baby…woo hoo!

    NM - wind….I hate it. But glad you had a pleasant day with Sadie. I tried to sweep my front porch and around door jamb, gave up cuz gusts of wind blew it and more right back into the house. ARGGGG! 70 with all that humidity…I'd throw up. Good you have AC in the house and your Jeep. I'm a total whimp with the heat plus humidity.

    Karen - Hooray for finishing chemo. BMX on 10-2...excellent we have plenty time to refuel the UFO and b there with you. What's you fav libation?, we'll bring some fer ya!!

    DH in St Geo, looking at new trucks. He said he told the saleman he is not going to buy today, jes go over costs/interest etc. I say he'll come home with a new truck today. He wanted me to go with, but he's like a stubborn bull and gets right in their faces with what he'll pay etc. I was with him one time when he'd heard one too many 'can't do that' he jes abruptly got up and left. The head saleman chased him all the way thru the parking lot pleading with him to come back in. DH took his business elsewhere. He doesn't mess around and sometimes it takes him allll day. I'm not hanging around, so mese stayed home.

    Gotta take pooches to the park….latah ladies.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2015

    Hi Ladies

    Well I guess we have a new's a 2011, but w/only 14K miles on it. DH did his 'thing' and got a GR8 price on the truck w/our trade-in (2004 Ram 2500). In fact he got more than norm for the old truck. He really is a salesmans nightmare. I KNEW he'd come home with a different truck...we laughed cuz I said he'd buy one today, even tho he said he was just 'shopping around' we have a white Chev Silverado, 4dr, clean as a whistle and so much smoother ride than the old Ram. Have had a touch to dwink...ok, 3 dwinks and am bone tired. But got Italian Sausage Penne Pasta in the oven. I put it together this morning since I was feeling better and wanted to go out later. Who wants to cook a meal when they 3/4 chitfaced...not me. Jes wanted to share me news and wish all a wonderful evening. OOOOO and tomorrow will b my 1st day in a water-aerobics class at Mesq's rec center. Hope I can get up and awake in time....but seriously...lost so much weight, skin hanging, not want to tone up. Plus...need to increase energy/stamina for our DW cruise.

    Love all my ladies....yak in morning.....lubslubslubslubslubs1!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Wednesday!Doesn't really feel like Hump Day, but nice to know that it is.Just noticed that I'm on call this coming weekend, but I may get out of it, the nurse that's taking the weekend part time position starts this month.I need to double check exactly what date she starts.So even if I do work this weekend it will be the last weekend on call for quite some time.Except for covering vacations and sick days, but that's not a big deal, usually only one day at a time.And I took Fri the 18th off so I'll have another 3 day weekend to make up for it if I do work.

    Mema--being early for an appointment is better than missing it, but still embarrassing!I actually like windy days, love listening to the wind in the trees and watching the trees and clouds moving around, but it makes for very chilly swimming!AC is a blessing at times, that's for sure.Fortunately the days of heat and humidity aren't very many here in Maine, and usually it cools down significantly at night.Sounds like your DH is good at getting what he wants when vehicle shopping, but that whole back and forth stuff would drive me nuts, too.Glad you could stay home and skip the drama! Well, sounds like you called that one on the money!Enjoy the water aerobics.I need to start exercising too, for the same reason.

    Dara--started your passport work yet?

    Has anyone heard from Lara lately?

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Lake Breeze

    1 tsp Coconut Liqueur

    4 oz Cranberry Juice

    2 oz Pineapple Juice

    2 oz Lemon Lime Soda


    Pour the coconut liqueur, cranberry juice and pineapple juice into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, and strain into a collins glass filled with ice cubes. Fill with soda, garnish with a twist of lime, and serve.

    Best served in a Collins Glass.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2015

    Hi goils.....I made it to my water aerobics class today. Legs a bit shaky and I bet I'm a tad sore tomorrow. Was so looking forward to class on Fri, really...I do have pampering scheduled for that day. Then next week we'll be in Carson City...I'm so bummed as I'm sooo out of shape. Oh well. DH gave me a ride in it much better than the big green monster. Gas mileage will be better too.

    NM....not that I don't have a tree, I do, but in ur neck of the woods u actually have trees to make soft billowy sounds with....around here it's just a 'roar'. LOL.

    Yes miss DARA....what is progress on ur passport? Get on it girl!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    Hi Ladies---it's sounds like everyone had a nice long weekend and that's a good thing.

    Karen I'm glad u pooped in and of course u have to be tired---YaY for finishing chemo, that alone is a big deal.

    NM u've been sounding more perky and u'r weather is like what we HAD and today it was reslly cool, but it felt good having windows open. I know most of it tho is cuz of u'r work and I'm really happy that it all looks good.

    SusyQ that was funny, u'r DH just shopping around and sure enuff came home with a new truck, of course u knew it and u were smart staying home.

    Dara we are all so happy that u will be a grandma in person now. And u'r right u have to keep u'r mouth sut with that SD, u don't want any more problems, but I know it's hard and before u know it u will be babysitting and u can enjoy and spoil him as much as u want, that's the best part. SusyQ did u say u won't see u'r babies til TG? I'm confused again. Cuz that's way to long. Oh Dara at least u passed the Walgreens, get this done, we all know how the time just goes like crazy and everyone will be upset with u if u don't get this done.

    Mary I have to say I don't like crabs but with u'r story and u'r pic, u actually make them sound OK.

    Lori I don't know how u did that work. I laid tile one time and I said I'd be happy to lay anyone else but never tile again. And I didn't, so it's a job for sure. And now u'r gone on vacay. I'm always happy for u, but we all miss u and u'd better just take it easy.

    My bruises are finally turning colors looks like rainbows on me. And Joey had to stay home til he got his Chicken pox shot (today) but Les thought the Dr. did all the shots, til the nurse from school called, so I was happy anyway LOL

    Been super busy with work and more and more I can't understand all these accents, I'm writing gibberish with my emails but I make sure the phone # is correct, they're on their own.

    See Julie I'm not the only one who wants to know whats in the bag of goodies.???????? We want details.

    Simp I hope u'r healing nicely and just take it easy but let us know whenever u can.

    OK I'll close for now.

    I LUBS U ALL. passport

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2015

    good morning all, working 3 days in a row, so catch up later, the wedding was lovely

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday!

    Mema--sounds like the new truck is really nice, good for DH!Hearing the wind just roar would not be fun to listen to, that would be just scary.

    Cammy--I am feeling much better, thanks, and very happy to do so!I can remember chicken pox going through the school every year, this was way before the shot, finally got it when I was 15.Not a happy camper.Funny how some things like chicken pox and measles used to be considered normal childhood illnesses, now are considered serious, deadly diseases.Times do change!

    Juliet--glad the wedding was lovely, hope you have uneventful work shifts!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Quarter Deck Cocktail

    1 1/2 oz Light Rum

    1/4 oz Cream Sherry

    1/2 (Juice of) Lime


    Stir all ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2015

    Wacko, how awesome that your DD has become freinds with the foster mom and that she will help while DD goes to school. And also good to hear that SD is good with the baby. Gosh, Sept 18th can't get here soon enough!!! So happy for all of you.

    Karen, it is good see you back. We are here for support of each other. I hope you were able to tolerate the chemo, congrats on being done! When surgery time gets close, you will have to remind us.

    LDB, so nice that you have a pamper me day, and once a week yet! You deserve it! And you go to Vegas for all of this? Me and the heat do not get along either. Was too warm for me in our room in Phoenix, so didn't get much sleep. They only use swamp coolers, no AC. And when it's that hot, 100+, swamp coolers can only do so much. Woo hoo on the new truck and kudos to DH for not budging. Good luck on the water aroebics! How much weight have you lost and how come??? Sorry for the sore bod after your work out, but that kind of hurt is a good hurt.

    NM, bummer for the on call weekend, but maybe, just maybe...there won't be any calls. Lots of heat here, but I prefer it over winter!

    Cami, not on Vacay yet, next week. Leave here on Tuesday, I have onc appt. Fly out Wednesday. Ms Rainbow, now you need some glitter! Did you have a party this past weekend to attend? Sorry you are so busy, my phones are slowing down.

    Ok, so our DW (Julie) was at Disney for a wedding, but keeping her goodie bag a secret! Hmmmmm!!!

    The tile is done. Just need to give one more good cleaning. Next, DH will work on the walls. We just don't know what we want out there. Bizzness meetings in Phoenix went well, but not much sleep. DH wanted to leave by 6 am. I got up at 5, and said lets just go. I'll shower when I get home or tomorrow! Well, it's tomorrow and I haven't had mese shower, so mese better git mese stinky self in dere.

    I hope Lara is ok too. I did have email from her in the past, but I can't find it.

    Simp, I hope you are doing ok, resting, being waited on and NOT OVER DOING IT!

    Mary and Nancy, come in for cocktails girls.

    We have lots going on between now and the end of Nov. Our west coast trip next week. 2 week long camping trips to Moab, we are going to the hot air balloon festival in NM, MI for 9 days to visit family first part of Nov., then to TN a few days after I get back from MI to visit my MIL. Gonna be a bizzy few months!

    See y'all in the morning!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2015

    Good rainy Morning, Loungettes!Started to rain here overnight, supposed to get some good, heavy rain during the day today.Heaven knows we need it, the ground is so dry.And I'd rather have rain than snow!

    Goldie--What is a swamp cooler?Never heard of such a thing!Apparently they don't work as well as an AC unit?There probably won't be any calls over the weekend, but they changed the way weekend coverage works so I will have visits to do.The Back Up nurse is now doing all the scheduled visits, the primary On Call nurse takes the calls and emergencies.The big question is if the nurse who is taking the part time, Sat/Sun position will be starting this weekend or not.If I do end up working this weekend it will be the last one, since it will be 6 weeks or more before my name comes up again for weekend back up.Glad the business meeting went well.And you are going to be VERY busy over the next couple of months!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    K V S Kaboom

    1 bottle Vodka

    1 bottle Everclear

    1 bottle Current Vodka

    1 bottle Bourbon

    3 bags Ice

    2 gal Cranberry Juice

    2 oz Fruit


    Mix all ingredients into a large punch bowl or ice chest. Slice fruit and add into mixture. More cranberry juice may be added if you are a bunch of light-weights. Stir vigorously with a paddle.

    Best served in a Punch Bowl.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    Good rainy morning ladies, and a little rumbling too. And chilly, which is fine with me.

    Oh Julie u'r back to work days on end, I hope it's regular shifts and it goes by fast for u.

    OK NM maybe u won't get called at all---I hope not but u'r attitude is good knowing it will be another 6 weeks, so that part is good.

    OK Lori Miss blowing in the dust, u'r going to have a busy few weeks, but it really sounds nice for u and u'r DH. And I always hope u can check in from time to time. Oh who can keep up with this gal about town. U call Julie a DW, well coming into 2nd place being an AW (airplane) and we all know whore. LOL

    SusyQ why are u losing weight, what's going on??? Cuz I don't think u need to. Spill it or the AW will have to find out.

    Oh NM I'm glad u asked about this cooler thing, WTF is that, I've never heard of it. I think of a fan and u put bags of ice on it.

    Well I hope my D is gone, for 2 days I fooled around with it, I took a bunch of pills and I still had it yesterday so imagine if I didn;t take any. a couple of times I didn't make it to the bathroom and I had to wrap a towel around me. I'm not embarrased in front of my SIL anymore, but I know it's disgusting to him and I feel bad for him. It's still so silly having this. Oh well.

    Well we know what date it is today and I still get chills thinking that all that happened right here in NY, not far at all. and since then so many bad things, so I know I'll be watching some programs on this, every time I always remember exactly what I was doing, as I'm sure we all do.

    Well on that note I still hope u all have a good day.

    I LUBS U ALL Passport

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2015

    NM, a swamp cooler is not as efficient as an AC. It is connected to an outside water source, it has a pad in it and the water soaks that pad, then there is a fan that blows air through that wet pad and the air is very cool. We can get our house about 20 degrees cooler than it is outside. It is also much cheaper, as it uses much less electricity, which is why we use it. An AC would eat up a lot of our electric that we make with the solar system. Here's hoping your weekend is "call free".

    LOL Cami, you are calling me out now aren't ya! Blowin in the wind AW! You are pretty close to what a swamp cooler is. You and that darn D, and your sweet SIL. Maybe you should eat more cheese?

    A sad day in deed.I'm glad it did not directly affect me, as far as knowing anyone that was there.And our DOTD…KABOOM!

    Well, I had to go to town yesterday, dropped my lap top!!! Shattered the screen and can only hope I didn't damage the hard drive. So working on an old one wehad, that is slower than molasses! And only 2 posts since me was here yesterday morning….SMH!

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited September 2015

    No real drinking content, though I am following yours with interest. Just swamp coolers: I can't address the efficiency directly, but IIRC they work best in very dry climates, such as (surprise surprise) Arizona or my stepsister's home in Boulder, where you want to ADD moisture to the air. In more humid areas, which is rather a larger group, air conditioners, because they a) cool and b) DEhumidify.