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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2015

    Hi Queen and welcome. I am originally from MI. Swamp coolers don't work well here when it is humid, like during monsoon season. Or anywhere else that has a high humidity, same goes for mist systems.

    I am heading your way on Oct. 29th. Mom in Warren and brother in Waterford.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    Welcome Queen, we do alot of virtual drinking here and some real stuff too. So u can enjoy it anyway u want. Actually this is a very caring and pretty lively group and u'd enjoy it. Hope u come back and share with us about u'rself.

    Wow Lori I thought u made up that name, like I always make up words. U know we've all asked about Lara and I can't rememver Lori if it's u or Dara that would keep in touch, but it's been a while now I hope she's OK. There's not that many scary movies on to keep her busy.

    Joey had about 3 1/2 hrs of homework last nite and he was getting so tired and at the end he asked if I would help him write a poem with metaphors and extended metaphors--6 each. My poem started with a know a boy from Nanucket and all he would say is--then I saw he was writing it down--fuck it. He totally stopped and was Loling finally cuz he was crabby. So we continued on a serious note, But whatever I helped him, it'll be a big fat F and we all know what F stands for.

    OK I'll try to check back later.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2015

    Good Saturday morning, Loungettes!Sitting here with my coffee before heading out to do some visits.Also been on call overnight since the weekend nurse's Mom just got out of the hospital and was admitted for hospice care yesterday.I'm on call until 5, then someone else is covering until 8 am tomorrow, then I'm on call again 8 to 5, and then someone else is covering overnight.Crazy schedule but at least I will be able to sleepwithout worrying about the phone going off like I did last night.But the phone didn't go off, fortunately.

    Cammy--so far, so good, no calls yet!Time will tell.I can still clearly picture where I was when I found out what was going on that day.I pray to not live through anything like that again.One of the things I remember about that time was the sound of military airplanes.They sound different from commercial planes. Scarier.And they were taking off a LOT--the base here is where the refueling planes are based and they were BUSY throughout that time when all commercial planes were grounded.

    Goldie--thanks for the explanation of the swamp cooler.Sounds pretty efficient at getting the temperature down.Hope you can get your lap top fixed without too much trouble.

    Queen--WELCOME!I waswondering about the humidity aspect of the swamp cooler, makes perfect sense that they are best in dry areas.But how does something that works best in a dry area get a name like "swamp" cooler?BTW--I think there is more virtual drinking than real drinking going on here, but we don't want to spread that around too much!

    Cammy--That sounds like a lot of homework!I know what a metaphor is, but what is an extended metaphor?Any poem that has Nantucket in the first line is likely to go downhill in a hurry, in my experience!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Aftershock Surprise

    3/4 pint Beer

    1 1/2 oz Sambuca

    1 1/2 oz Cinnamon Liqueur


    Add Aftershock and sambuca to a pint glass almost filled with Carlsberg, and serve.

    Best served in a Beer Mug.

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited September 2015

    Not a clue why they're called 'swamp coolers', though I'm hoping someone knowledgeable in the history of home cooling will know. As for the drinking, let me down gently! (though in fairness, I didn't think list members were so much intoxicated as (clears throat) occasionally somewhat rowdy and always dedicated to enjoying life and one another's company.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2015

    Cami, no one can make up words like you do! My favorite is recockulous! I know Mary has talked to Lara and she stayed with Wacko for a time. A boy from Nantucket eh??? 3 and 1/2 hours of homework, now that is recockulous!

    NM, I hope things stay quiet for you, for the weekend. I have no idea where the name swamp cooler came from. They are also called evaporative cooler.

    No work on my computer, using DH's right now. The 2 spares we have are rediculously SLOW! Where the heck is everyone! This is awful, and mese hates it and it makes mese sad.

    Queen, where in MI are you?

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2015

    Hi girls, sorry to be so absent, skimmed thru quickly but doesn't look like I missed much. I was camping with Molly since Wednesday, no computer or wi-fi. Just a quick pop in now got a super busy day, haven't unpacked yet. Didn't get to see Nora altho I am gonna get her next weekend. A funny thing happened to my Dh yesterday, about 6 ayem, he was sound asleep and someone was punding on the door. So his gets his groggy self up and there is a guy there telling him his dogs have been running all over the neighborhood. Turns out Probably Moose had jimmied the sliding screen door open and the dogs decided to go exploring! So he locates Junior right away and he comes running over to him and he was all dirty around his nose where he had been sticking his head in various animal holes. Emma then showed up just wagging her tail like thanks!, that was fun! He has no idea how long they were out there. So glad I was camping cause I'm sure he would have tried to say it was me who left the door open. Anyway, gotta run now, hope you all have a fun Saturday.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2015

    good afternoon all

    well queen last weekend i did real drinking as there was an open barHappy, for those that want to know my goodie bag had bottles of water with the bride and groom on , wet wipes, kleenex, sunscreen,mickey note pad and pencil,,confetti and directions for the wedding in a tote,

    nm- good for you finally getting help, this weekend sounds sucky tho , in 3 days of work walked 17.26 miles

    cammi-3 hours home work way too much

    have fun people trying to get my laundry done for the last week

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    HaHa thanks Mary u make us sound like old biddies LOL---Funny how u'r DH got woken up, our furbabies have a way of making their own fun sometimes and u camping, I'm glad it was fun, Lori is another camper, well we all know I'm not.

    Queen it's been quiet the last couple of days, but normall it's much better, maybe that's why we drink.

    NM I still hope u'r weekend is good altho I have no clue what u'r schedule is. It sounds very confusing to me. BTW it's gotten really chilly here, I'm all bundled up--this weather has to start coming u'r way.

    Lori get this Joey comes home from school and I ask him how we did and he said the teacher gave him a perfect and he really nailed the meaning of metophor and extended metophore --chit I can't even spell these words and still don't know what extended means nor did I really understand anything we wrote. Somehow Joey understood all the lines I told him to write and now he knows what they are---WTF I honestly don't have a clue--I just know when I hear one in a movie and they say it it's usually funny.(well to me)

    My work is quiet today just a couple of calls, I honestly think it would be easier if I could understand all these people, isn't anyone born her anymore that needs work done. I even ask P as in Peter and they say no P as in Paul--I don't even understand that one. Oh well

    OK scary movie day for me, I took a shower and smell delicious so I can enjoy my movies in splendor.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    Here I am Miss Saturday Night in person. And I go back to the original=no not Saturday Night live-just it's Saturday night, of course that's when TV all went off at 1Am for the rest of the nite. That's how far back I go. I used to hate that cuz my ex worked nights and without TV I'd get so scared and stay up most of the nite reading, then I slept during the day--see how far things have come now I stay up all nite watching TV and sleeping during the day--I was much smarter reading books tho. But yrs ago I lived in an old 2 flat, upstairs and I started hearing someone walking in the kitchen during the nite and I was petrified, never getting up for sure--well anyway I was talking to my landlady one day and she said u don't sleep very well at nite do u? She caught me by surprise and I said no and she said I hear u walking around the kitchen alot. (Not me) so I told my ex we're moving and as usual I got the I'm crazier than usual story so we stayed. But one night when he wasn't working he woke up and woke me up and said there's someone in the kitchen andI said oh it's just the ghost and he got his gun and went in their and there was nothing. And I told him again I told u it was just the ghost--we moved pretty quickly after that. I got used to him. My landlady did tell me she lived upstairs with her husband and when he died in the kitchen she moved downstairs. She was probably more scared of him than I was.

    OK my Saturday night story--that'a true.

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited September 2015

    Don't be sad Lori. I've brought friends to liven this place up. photofrenzy91:  William Levy

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited September 2015


  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited September 2015


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    Hey Undie--How are u, Well thank u for all the goodies--I see u were very busy taking care of us Oh and thank u for all the food too---Hope u'r doing good and Lori will be happy along with the rest of us.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!So far it's been an uneventful weekend.The only thing on the list today is a phone check in with one person.With luck that will be all today, but we will see.I did sleep much better last night, not having to worry about hearing the phone.

    Queen--ah, enjoying life and the company of friends, always a good thing!

    Goldie--evaporative cooler sounds pretty descriptive.There must be a story behind swamp cooler, though.Maybe someday I'll find it!Slow computers are not fun, you have my sympathy.Hopefully everybody is out enjoying the last of the summer weather and will be back soon.

    Genny--what an adventure Moose, Junior and Emma had!Even better it can't be blamed on you!Camping without wifi and computers is good for the soul, glad you had a good time.

    Juliet--that sounds like a great Disney Wedding goodie bag!Wow, over 17 miles in 3 days of work, that's a lot!

    Cammy--call schedules are always confusing, that's part of the fun!(sarcasm alert, sarcasm alert).Here in Maine we've hit that point where it can be very warm, even hot during the day and cool, even chilly at night.Makes for great sleeping weather.But it sounds like time to dig out the long sleeve shirts and sweat pants again.Seems like I just put them away!Oh, my, you really did live ina haunted house! Funny how men don't believe any of that stuff 'till it happens to them, then all of a sudden it's a real thing.And the poor Landlady's hubby was probably just looking for a midnight snack!I must be pretty old, too, cuz I remember TV test patterns and the TV going off at 1 am after playing the National Anthem.

    Undy!Wow, what a spread!And cute servers, too!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Tequila Swamp

    1 oz Jose Cuervo Tequila

    1/2 wedges Orange

    1/2 oz Blueberry juice

    1 1/2 whole Orange Juice

    1/2 oz Pomegranate Juice

    1 whole Maraschino Cherry


    If you can find the Pomegranate/blueberry juice combination, use 1 oz. Otherwise use 1/2 oz Pomegranate juice and 1/2 oz Blueberry juice. Slice oranges in half and peel. Put half of one in food processor or blender and puree. Squeeze juice from other 3 halves and reserve. Half fill glass with crushed ice. Pour in half the Tequila, Add half the Pomegranate/blueberry juice. Add Orange puree on top, then the reserved squeezed orange juice. Add rest of Tequila, then rest of Pomegranate/blueberry juice. Muddle slightly with swizzle stick or straw. Top with Maraschino cherry and serve.

    Best served in a Collins Glass.

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited September 2015
    Hi Cami and NM- I'm doing alright. How are you girls doing? Hello to the rest of the lounge. Cheers!
  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2015

    Hi everyone! I am sorry I have been gone for awhile. I have been kinda down. Having some money issues since dissability is taking their sweet damn time but oh well nothing I can do about it.

    Raced yesterday in Kentucky this was a 250 m race and we were the only BCS all womens team. We won our first and second race. Came in third on the third race and came in 11 out of 38 overall. Not bad for a group of Old ladies who have Breast Cancer competing against much younger much healthier men and women who were only about 4-5 sec off of us.

    Missed you all and will get caught up later today. Love ya all here are some race pictures



    This is our line up for race 3 I am row 10


    This is the first race I am on the left in row 9 you can see the top of my head


    This is the last race I am in row 10 on the right

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Nancy u gals did a great job and all of u should be proud. I really like the boats and all the detail of the painting. U must be exhausted and worrying about the dis to get started, sometimes it seems like forever, but I'm sorry u'r down about it. It'll be there soon.

    Oh NM it's been a good weekend for u so far. and yes summer is winding down, so I always hope it helps u so u'r not driving all over at night, I know it doesn't bother u but it always bothers me for u. My first phone call cam before 7am this morning, I'm not sure what I even said. BTW there were more instructions in that DOTD that U can build a room with all u have to do.

    I hoe Julie's working all right.

    UNDIE I'm glad u stopped by, hope u have more time to catch us up on u'r life--we miss u.

    OK I'll be back lter

    I LUBS U ALL----passport

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2015

    Mary, sometimes it's nice to get away from the world, work and technology. Funny about the dogs getting out and you NOT getting blamed for it. Glad they came right home.

    Julie, are you sure you aren't holding out on us, as to what was in the goodie bag…LOL. Any recent trips to DW coming up?

    Cami, P as in Peter or Paul, how funny is that. And yes, we do have lots foreigners in our country. If I can't understand someone, I tell them that I can't, that their beautiful accent is so strong, could they please slow down. Glad Joey did good with his homework.OMG, I remember when TV went off for the night, I had forgotten about that. We also had to get up to change the channel!!! Oh dear, the ghost story. I couldn't live with that.

    Unde, thanks for cheering me up. It's always good to see you and your friends. You need to come by more often!

    NM, I have no idea why they call it a swamp cooler, and I had never heard of them until I moved to AZ. An AC would use up too much electricity, so it's perfect for us. Glad you had a quiet weekend. It's still pretty warm here. But then fall is our best time of the year. That tequila swamp should entice SuzieQ in here, not to mention the "goodies" that Unde brought!

    Nancy, sorry about the disability issues, I got mine right away, about 3 months, but it could be because I'm "terminal".You guys rock that racing! And I saw where you lost your phone, bummer. When you go out of state for these races, do you have to pay your own way and hotel and all?

    Had some company last night, neighbors that don't live up here, but usually come on the weekends. So that was nice. Sat outside and had some brewskies.Need to finish up my packing and debating whether or not I want to take an extra week off of my FU pills. But I might want to wait and do it when I go to MI.Anyways, gonna go an say hi to some of Unde's friends. Winking

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2015

    good morning all,

    way to go joey, that kid is so smart

    lori-no illegal stuff in the bag but the nameplate at the sleeping beauty table was a mickey head in chocolate

    hey undy,glad to hear your doing good

    well done nancy, ,hope the gov moves a bit faster on your money

  • KJones316
    KJones316 Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2015

    I just had my surgery a few weeks ago and I'd be lost without my glass of wine or beer to keep my sanity and definitely help deal with the pain. You aren't alone 😀

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Sorry I been mia. Did I tail u I did my 1st water aerobics at the rec center. It was ok, just wish I could've gone on Fri too, but that was my pamper day.

    NM - I hope the part time nurse can start this weekend. Good for you for sticking to your guns. Rotating every 6 mos sounds more efficient, hope it happens and soon. Love the Kaboom! Sad to hear about your mom, will send up prayers.

    Cami - I feel for you and your D. How horrible a feeling. Don't kno y I'm losing weight. My appetite has waned and I'm not sad to see the weight go. You talk about pills for you D, have u tried the liquid Imodium. Tis only thing that works for me, like my system can't break down a pill…idk. (((Cami))) Poor Joey…sooo tired he cant concentrate and then you making funnies…LOL.

    I'm amazed that you and NM have never heard of a swamp cooler, glad Lowee splained it. We had em in the house I grew up in in Phoenix. Had one in the dining area and on really hot nights all 5 of us would sleep on the floor in there. Brings back memories.

    Lowee - wtf, u dropped ur lap top?? I sure hope it didn't disturb the hard drive. Now another expense huh? My bad for not being here to partay wif ya…am leaving today for LV, my aptment and tx, then off to Carson City. Staying over extra night so we won't be driving tired. I am taking my laptop, hope I get some time to check in, otherwise I will next week.

    Queen - U r right about the diff between the ac and swamp coolers. That is a fact, we like to have fun and make each other smile everyday, very important for the 'tude.

    Mary - sounds like fun camping w/Molly. Funny story about the dogs escaping. Glad you weren't there to take the blame. Still a funny story tho.

    Julie - what a cute idea for those goodie bags. OMG, 17 miles in 3 days, that's tremendous. My feet and back would be killing me by now.

    Cami - Wonderful Joey got a poyfect score on his metaphors and extended. I don't even kno what an extended metaphor is. LOL about your phone calls. I mean who cares if it's Peter or Paul, jes say yes fer crissakes. What a scary story about the ghost in your flat's kitchen. I wudda run for my life.

    Hey Undercover - good to see u poopin in Shannon. We are all worried about Lara. Have you heard from her? Glad you are doing alright, glad ur back.

    Nancy - beautiful pics, love the boats. Congrats on your wins, sounds like a lot of work but tons a fun too. Any more seizures? I hope not, but so proud of you.

    OK gals, gotta get to packing. Will try to check in while I'm away.


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2015

    Lori - I pay my own way to all my races. Indy SurviveOars pays my race fees. If I really need help I can always ask. Have not needed to yet. May need to next year. Will have to see. My lawyer says I may not get infront of disability lawyer until next August. I dont know how we are going to make it that long.

    Memaw - I have had some seizures. None while boating and none yesterday. I am really very stressed and depressed right now. I am trying really hard not to be. I love being with my team but in two weeks the season will be over. That has me down too. Plus its cold already here. This also has me down. I will get over it I guess.

    Love you all

  • tallnterrific
    tallnterrific Member Posts: 19
    edited September 2015

    Ncollett, I live in Westfield/Carmel area too! I just got diagnosed stage III multi focal or multi centric 5.8c tumors in left side, clean right side. Did you go to St. Vincent's ? I am scheduling a bilateral MX soon. Have not decided yet on recon. Now back to then drinking question. fUnny story, my onco doc told me to hold tight until after surgery, just to keep drinking two glasses of wine each day. I thought he was kidding and he says"nooooooo"! This is not the time to stop drinking! I had to laugh

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2015

    Hi goils,

    Been catching up reading, lots of new goils hanging here. Hello new goils. I am Dara I am.

    Don't hurt me, have not started my passport activity jest yet. BUt net says three week turn time now so I am fine waiting a little longer. Tanks Cammy for your subliminal messages, you make me laugh.

    Lori, have a nice time away, will miss you in de lounge.

    Hello Undie, have u talked to our Lara? Miss her muchliest.

    Gotta run, time to git to bed as I had another all nighter dwinking last night by de fire. How did Sundey fundey end so quickly? EF that.

    dwink up ladies ... cheerS!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2015

    Good Sunday morning girls, I slept in yet again today, I guess it's this crazy cool weather we're having, got into the 50's last night. Perfect sleeping weather, windows flash, covers off, gone, covers on. Supposed to warm up later next week into the 80's. We took Emma and Junior to the closing of the city pool yesterday, what a hoot! I forgot my phone so I didn't get any pics. Hundreds of dogs, and the deep pool full of labs chasing balls. Emma loves swimming in the lake but this didn't seem to thrill her. She loved the walk in baby pool tho and went out for the ball a lot. Plus every pool had tennis balls floating everywhere so if someone else took the one you threw there were plenty of others to fetch. One of the problems was that they had a DJ and the music was so loud, way to much over stimulation for pooches, they couldn't even hear us when we called them.

    Nancy, great pic, and good job on results! Are you done for the season or do you have fall races? How do you train in the winter? How do you get to the places where the races are? Do you have to pay for airfare and hotels? Hope the disability kicks in soon, at least once it starts coming in it should be retroactive..the first one should be good. How's Jackson and Samara and the wedding plans?

    NM, yay for no calls on call, hope you have the same luck today. Molly has taken a diabetic teaching job until the end of the year while the regular is on maternity leave. She works 12 hours every weekend as charge nurse or house super for her full time job and this one is Mon-Wed so they sold it to her like it would be a piece of cake. Well, it has been very difficult, more computer work than she was prepared for and about a 1000 page training manual. Now she finds out she has to be on call sometimes for distressed patients that are in a panic and need a nurse to talk to. Plus she says 70% are non-compliant anyway so a lot of her words are just wasted energy. She is so stressed out about it but if she doesn't see it thru there's really no one else to do it. Getting dark so early now, I dread the thought of what is coming, hope we all have an easier than usual winter.

    Undy, thanks for the bringing the guys, should definitely liven this place up! and the food looks fabulous, heading for the buffet soon, meet you at the swim up bar for some Sunday morning mimosas. Glad to hear you are on the road to recovery.


    Cami, I went to Walmart for some groceries and it was super crowded as usual and everyone around me was speaking spanish. Felt like I was the foreigner! I love it when I call a number for help with something and I press one for english and the person comes on the line to help me and is from India... Funny story about the ghost, you got used to him but you DH got scared. I do believe they are around, I know I've had 2 visits from my mom. I know metaphor but extended metaphor?... aye-yi-yi.... Sounds like Joey enjoys school, that's great.

    Ok, so this was as far as I got this ayem, so I'll post now then finish.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2015

    Now it's 10:20, going to bed soon, spent the day trimming back the very ovegrown tomato plants then working in the basement setting myself up a sewing area. DH leaving tomorrow for the whole week. Hoping to get lots more cleaning done in the basement.

    Lori, glad you had a nice time with your friends. It is sad how slow our lounge has become, I must admit I bin quite the slacker as well. We do have some new girls and I'm tinkin' dis winter when the weather craps out it will be a bit busier. When is it you go to Mich again? November? I'd sure love to meet up again if you have the time. Hope you have fun camping and I assume 4 wheeling. You never complain, I sure hope you're feeling ok, a break from the FU pills will be nice just hope it doesn't kick your TM's up again. I haven't talked to Lara at all, wonder how she is.

    Sue, glad you enjoyed the water aerobics, hope you get to do a lot more of it then the soreness will go away.

    Juliet, glad you had a good time at Disney and the wedding. Goodie bag mystery over, all sounds good. I wore a pedometer when I was a nurse and it wasn't unusual to do 6 miles in a day, people have no idea how much nurses move each day and what a physical job it is.

    Dara, the countdown is here til your DD gets her daughter, I'm so furcited for you! Please get your passport taken care of, I'm really looking forward to being roomies on the cruise! Will kinda suck ifin you can't go!

    Hi to all our other new girls, time for me to get to be, ugh, Monday tomorrow.... Love to all and sweet dreams!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2015

    Wow, I missed a lot today, have some more ketchin up to do, see ya all tomorrow...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    Closing up the day today and I want to welcome the newbies--this ican be all scary and goofy for u, but as u see we're still hanging around and wine is very good for u always. This is a great group with our own special nrses for quesions, which BTW we all count on--sometimes we just don't get the Dr. stuff and our girls always do. So please join and share what's going on and we'll be there for u any way we can.

    DARA I knew u'd say oh I have plenty of time, just get it done.

    OK my question--what type of dis. are u going for that it's taking so long? I'm assuming it has to do with cancer but is something else involved too?

    Julie Joey isn't that smart all these kids are, but he is that cuddly, he came in to read his book tonight and put his arm around me and my head was on his shoulder and we just cuddled while he read. I love that. And he serves me my coffee every morning. and tells me he'll be home in a few hours. Who's the kid here????

    Marty talked to Leslie yesterday when she was at school and comes in my room to tell me watch out she's got her period and I said yep I noticed yesterday it was coming and in the back round we hear OMG mommy has her lady days. So I'm yelling wait til menapause we'll all be hiding more than just a couple of days. Jodie hasn't started hers yet and she's 49, it should be soon.

    OK I'll close for tonite, it's after midnite--I think that's a song---hope everyone is sleeping nicely. passport


  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited September 2015

    Hi girls, it's been a long day so I'll address all at once. I've been busy, but things will hopefully calm down for a bit. As for Lara I don't hear from her. A few months ago she contacted me and seemed fine, just busy. I am glad you're all doing well, and I'll be back to catch up on what I've missed. Cheers!

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited September 2015
