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how about drinking?



  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited September 2015

    imageimage For the early risers

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!The rain has arrived, rained most of the night, but that didn't stop the local skunks from roaming about and getting into trouble by the smell of things.Fortunately none of them were close to the house, just close enough to be smellable a few times last night.And close enough to get Sadie going a couple of times.So glad I remembered to shut the kitchen door so she couldn't get out last night!

    Undy--I've been through a rough patch at work, but doing good now.So glad to see you back here!

    Collett--Great showing in Kentucky!Not bad at all!Great pics.The disability thing is a PIA, though.

    Cammy--Did get called out once yesterday afternoon, so not a bad day.Only out about an hour and a half.And I was home before dark, so even better!

    Goldie--I'm glad you have a workable alternative to AC, even if it does have a mysterious name!

    Juliet--did you get to eat the nameplate?Sounds like quite the fun and pretty wedding!


    Mema--The new weekend nurse will be starting the beginning of October, so this will be my last weekend on call for a good long time, YEAH!I have this mental picture of a whole line of you stretched out under the dining room table sleeping on hot nights, with the swamp cooler running and a swamp monster arm coming out of it!Not sure if it's funny or scary!

    Collett--wow, I didn't realize the season was so close to being over.I can see where that would have you a bit down. We need to find you a winter occupation to keep your attention during the colder months.

    Welcome, TalinTerrific!

    Dara--keep in mind that the 3 week turnaround time is an average, and we are moving into a high travel time of year so processing passports could take longer, so don't wait too long! You and your all nighters, but the weekends do go by too fast.

    Genny--My cousin takes her dogs to the local pool on closing day every year in Vegas, I got to go with them once, it was a hoot and a half!So many dogs, so much funny stuff going on, lifeguards using nets to scoop the poops out of the water, but not usually music.I remember there being quite a lot of noise without music!I feel for Molly, diabetic teaching has got to be a pretty thankless job.Not many people are really willing to follow all the restrictions and do all the work that's expected when managing blood sugars.And hospitals are really good at sneaking little "extras" like on call time when someone picks up some extra.And it is getting dark way too early, and not getting light early enough, and worse is to come! Ugh.

    Cammy--Lady days and menopause, sounds like a bad 70's song!

    Undy--boy those pics making gettingup early a bit easier!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Black Monday

    1 oz Dark Rum

    1 tsp Cherry Brandy

    1/2 oz Black Sambuca

    1/2 oz Lemon Juice


    In a shaker half-filled with ice cubes, combine all of the ingredients. Shake well. Strain into a cocktail glass.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2015

    Before I forget--I have an early morning appointment with the new PCP on Wednesday, so won't be on Wed ayem. I will be back as usual on Thursday. And tomorrow.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    Good Morning Ladies--Shannon that's what we need around here some good pics to grace our lounge. Hurry back for more time.

    NM I had to smile cuz u have to explain why u won't be here cuz we'll all worry too. Cuz u start our day,, which we all enjoy. And now u'r getting the rain that we got and we're going into the middle of Sept. which I can not believe really. And Dara better get on that passport , she's worse than I am about getting things done. So we all have to keep on her.

    Leslie brought me my coffee this morning, I asked if she was all right? She never does. But Joey came in during the night and I went in his room for a while, he had a bad dream and back to cuddling. I've been up since then and usually Monday is my busy day, but we'll see.

    U know I tell u this maybe to much but not often enough for me-I just want to all to know how much u mean to me, even if I'm not here everyday I think of u and pray u'r having good days. And I'm so glad I have the nerve to come here not being a drinker and u started me to LOL and it really didn't make any difference. U'r all just a great group and listen to my babbling about nothing and never complain like I do. Thank you.

    OK, I'll be back later


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2015

    Julie, I will have to stalk your FB page, to try and see pictures from the wedding.

    Kjones, you are not alone either. Come in for another drink!

    LDB, you did tell us about your swim class and pamper day, but it's ok to tell again. I am surprised a swamp cooler would have been enough in Phoenix. But they are way cheaper to run than the AC.

    Nancy, why do you need disability lawyer? Can't you prove your disability? I know my situation is a bit different, but shoot! Did you go down and file yourself and fill out all of the paperwork and take all of your medical information? Letter from doctor saying you can't work? I surely wouldn't let them know that you are dragon boat racing though…jes sayin. Do you have anything to take for the depression?

    Hi Tall, we like your onc! Keep on drinking! How tall are you. MemaSue and myself are rather tall, I am 5'9". Welcome to our lounge.

    Wacko, PLEASE do not wait until 3 weeks before the cruise to get your passport. Plus you mighten be bizzy wif dat lil bundle of joy soon. Get on that girl!

    Mary, sounds like a fun time for the pooches, too bad the music and all was too loud. I hear ya on covers off, covers on. I am going to put some pennies and a cup on my night stand, and put a penny in there for each time I have to take the covers off. Poor Molly, I hope the camping trip eased some of that stress. Michigan is Oct 29-Nov. 8. Depending on my mom, I would also like to make another trip out to Cami's. You are close to meet up with, and of course we will. I took a 2 week break before, and TM's didn't go up. Not sure how long after that when they went up, but just a little.

    Cami, I think Nancy is trying for disability due to her seizures. Joey loves you so much! My mom's menopause was so mild, she never knew when she went through it. She did have a hysterectomy when she was 40, but never noticed any hot flashes. I think I got hers!

    Hey Unde, I recognize that guy on the red checkered basket. Seems he met someone on the golf course, but I think it's someone that no longer posts here.Please stay! We love your friends…lol. Of course that is not the only reason!

    NM, glad Sadie didn't get into the skunks! Good luck with the new PCP, hopefully you can get the meds you need. But mese tinks you have enough to hold you over for a little bit.

    Cami, you are not a complainer! I'm glad you stayed too, as I just love you so much. AND you don't babble! We love your stories and your humor. I have told you before, you are never allowed to leave!!!

    We leave tomorrow morning for Phoenix, I have onc appointment and then fly out on Wednesday. I still don't have my puter back, so not sure when I will get to check in. Need to get my last minute packing done.

    PASSPORT, I'm gonna be like Cami!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2015


    This is us Marshalling this last Sat in Kentucky. This is me on the left.

    HI Tall! I do go to St Vincents! I go to a great support group there on Tuesday nights you should join us. It starts at 6 its at the Breast Care Center if you care to join us.

    Genny - I was chosen for the competative team and we have one last race which is in Jacksonville FL next Sat. So I leave on the 24th and will be back on Sun the 27th. This one is a 400 m race. We have to pay for our flights if we want to fly, our hotels, and our meals. Now they did give us a $200 stipen for DC but nothing for Jacksonville. Jacksonville is a competative race. Not that the others were not, but this is a sport BCS division where the others were not which makes this a more competative race. So coach had to pick more of her best paddlers to make this team. During the winter we are expected to go to the gym at least twice a week and do at least 120 hrs or more of core and cardiac workout and part of that must be rowing. Part of that must be with the rest of the team as well. So they will put together things such as Yoga or Zumba classes around the area and then will schedule rowing at a local rowing club so that we can stay fit during the winter and it really pays off then in the spring because then we dont have to play catch up.

    I really have enjoyed paddling. I highly recommend it if any of you have a dragon boat racing team in your area, give them a try. It is a ton of fun! Here are live pictures of us racing in Kentucky


    I am in row 9 on the left second from the back


    Yep that is me but boy is my paddle way too far back :( I need to pull out a little sooner


    Here we are crossing the finish line way before anyone else. :) Go Indy SurviveOars !!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    Oh Nancy u'r pics are great--u all work very hard all year for this time. I must be so enjoyable, I'm glad u have it . OK Now what Lori said are u going for dis. cuz of seizures? I didn't think of that but between all of these things u have I would think too u would just need Drs. filling out forms. All I know is I got it myself in no time and I didn't ask my brother or nephews or even Jodie I just had all these crazy forms for me and the Drs.

    See Lori I knew u were leaving soon for somewhere and then I miss u and u interpret everything for me. And TALL ori seems much taller than 5;9', maybe cus she's model thin and so seet I'm old and I really look up to her in more ways than one.

    Dara Lori's right (as usual) u'r baby is coming home very soon and tho no one can blame u cuz we'd all be the same way u'r whole being will be about him. So get the passport done NOW u don't know it might take 8 weeks, then what if u wait to long Missy. Wow just a few more days Dara finally, it'll be wonderful for all of u.

    I hope I welcomed everyone that is new and I do hope u come back and get to know us, so we can get to know u too.

    Lori if u come here again I promis it'll be more fun, I'll get my sister and niece and we'll all go out for lunch and have some laughs, that means I'll get dressed and IF my cousin can come her too. U'll love them, I hope. It was miserable for u last time and I always felt bad about that--so it will be different. I just hope no matter what u'r mom will be doing OK. Oh u probably won't even read this CUZ U'LL BE GONE--Humph

    I really screwed up today I took a really hard nap and realized after I did answer the phones but my notes were not making any sense at all. So I did a history on my phone and called people back with some feather brained excuse that we had workers in the office and I didn't hear that wel and wanted to make sure everything was right. I had no memory of talking to these people. See now that's my way of working.

    OK Ladies I'll see u in the mornin'


  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited September 2015

    Hello ladies! Sooo much going on. What happens when I don't check in lol

    Love the pics Collett. Paddling is addictive and I haven't got to do it in so long.

    Good luck with your Onc appointment Goldie. This a follow up or any scans or anything?

    Cami- The love, care and concern for one another is very evident here :)

    NM I had a possum in my back yard here the other morning. Not a rare sight, but not really common either. I thought it was my outdoor cat until my older dog went nuts! Then it clicked. Had to scramble them in quickly (and it was like 2am) because he didn't seem like he was going to give up what little ground he had!

    UC-OMG! That all looks so good!

    Not sure if I've updated here so, pardon any Pete's and repeats haha Surgery went good and I am still in recovery. Not sure when I'll go back to work. Somewhere after 3 weeks, before 6 I believe.Follow up this Thursday and I am realllly hoping some drains come out. 2 have been at =/< 10cc's for more than a span of a couple days.

    That Friday and Sat are a blur to me lol I evidently told everyone in recovery that the tea was ready, mistook a friend of 30yrs for my stepdad and a couple other funnies I can't remember.

    Then Saturday, after getting home, I apparently called the neighbor and headed down with a bottle of wine in hands. Drank 2 glasses. OH MY. I had no recollection and my special friend confirmed (he fussed at me kinda), then my neighbor came over yesterday morning-confirmed. Sheesh. I surely don't recall having any sleep issues that night, so...

    Hope everyone has a good day! Loving this cooler weather here. Hate watching all the beautiful days pass by thou and I can't do much. Been coloring a lot lately. Think my mom is coming to hang out a bit today, so that'll be nice!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Big long meeting day at work, with a "Prognosis vs Diagnosis" inservice being added on to the end.Gonna spend a lot of the day sitting in the conference room today, I think.Oh well, could be worse, right?

    Cammy--I knew if I didn't warn you guys about tomorrow morning that I'd hear about it for weeks!But it's a good feeling knowing that it would be noticed if I didn't show up.Not sure where your rain is going, but it isn't expected here this week!Supposed to be really nice, sunny and warm.Gonna enjoy it as much as possible!Poor Joey having a bad dream, hope that doesn't happen very often. And we love you, no matter if you drink or not!

    Goldie--I'm glad Sadie didn't get skunked, too, been there, done that, no need to do it again.The new PCP has a good rep, so I'm hopeful.And I have enough of the critical meds to get through until I get new scripts filled, thanks to a good friend.Have a good trip and a good appointment and have some fun in between!

    Collett--Good for you being chosen for the competitive team!Sounds like a great off season plan for keeping fit and not having to play ketchup in the spring.GREAT PICS!

    Cammy--sorry you slept so hard your notes didn't make sense, but that was pretty clever thinking to make up an excuse to call them all back!Way to go, Cammy!

    Simp--A possum in your yard?Wow!Would a possum attack your doggie?What kind of dog do you have?My Sadie is a yellow lab, I call her Silly Sadie cuz she is so silly most of the time.Wow, sounds like you had a fun recovery, too bad you don't remember the details!Drugs can make people do some funny things.How many drains do you have?Sounds like at least a couple are ready to come out.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Green Dragon

    1 oz Midori Melon Liqueur

    4 oz Champagne


    Pour into a champagne flute, garnish with a green maraschino cherry, and serve.

    Best served in a Champagne Flute.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2015

    Hello lade-eee fwends!

    Doing some catsup reading here and looking at the mahvahlous pics of Nancy and her dragon boat races. Loved de pics, keep em coming. GOod luck in your next race.

    Simplicity, Renee', omg love your great dwug stories, too funny that you walzed to yer nabors house with some wine. and the tea being ready, hahaha. Someday I will tell you about my experience with morphine,, I was effed up as can be. I bought some crazy stuff online, got myself banned from this very thread by saying sumting quite bad too. You sound good. Do continue to take it easy so that you heal well. Take it from me, "Miss 19 surgeries and counting", important to not overdo things. I still have repairs that need done.

    Undie, how nice to see you. Hmm, wonder who Lori was referring to me that posted the same pic with the checkered table cloth. Nah, not even gonna go dere cuz I do not talk to that person anymore and it is hurtful to tink about. Did I just say what I was tinking, ooops. oh oh, nebermind, I did not say it outloud. So anny way, don't be astranger around here. keep coming back. And SOrry you do not speak to Lara, I should reach out to her.

    NM, you are sounding really good.. Glad you have found a new primary care doctor, hope you love him/her. And boy, I know just why Sadie is called Silly Sadie. Mese faborite ting is that she hoards cook ware, dishes and utensils in the back of her crate. That was the funniest pic ever on facebook that I saw of the things you found in the crate. Give her a kiss from me please.

    LORI, reminding me to git my passport started. Geez, ok ok, I will. Soonliest, k? I hope you are having a fab time away with great weather and many laughs/happy times. You deserve it. You make good points about how my life will change when Jennka gets Logan back. I just hope she will ask me to watch him and that the fn sperm donor does not try to keep him away from me. I have a feeling ..... oh nebermind that feeling, woosh.

    Cam, your posts never fail to crack me up. And I love how you recovered from forgetting who you talked to at work. You are jest a funny goil. And I bet dere aint a need to apologize to Lori. I just know that she loved every moment she spent with you. I am so envious, sorry that we did not get to meet when we were going to. Keep on keepnig on goil.

    Julie, are you still working ebery day? I miss ya when you no posty. I hope life is happy for you and that disney is around the corner. YOu also deserve that as you work so hard. I give kudos to all nurses. they are rock stars in my book.

    So in addition to procrastinating with getting mese passport, I been also procrastinating over some CE credits that I need to do for work. I have 18 hours of credits to complete by the end of the month. Big big changes in the mortgage industry come oct 3. I have to do six lessons and all have tests that I must pass. I can take them as many times as needed but really really need to git started. By the time I get out of work, I am ready to party then sleep to wake up, work, party then sleep some more. Ahhhh...

    Hello to anyone I might have missed. HOpe you all having a super fantastic week!

    I lift my glass and toast ye all goils.......... ChEErS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2015

    Simp did you dragon boat race?

    Lori and Cami yes I am getting disability due to seizuers. I had to get a lawyer because I would never get it on my own. I did get a letter several as a matter a fact from my PCP, neurologist and neuro psychologist all stating why I cant work, but the government doesnt care, they still are saying that it could be next August before I get infront of the juddge

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited September 2015

    No dragon boats here. Only local kayaking.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2015

    Nancy, I hope you can get out of your funk and find something fun to do during the winter. Of course you have the wedding coming up and those adorable little ones.

    Cami, you are crazy lady. That must have been another visitor that you had, that you didn't have fun. I had a blast! But meeting your sister and cousin would be awesome!

    Simp, iffen you don't check in, will worry about you. But lots of girls come in here and stay for just a bit, or until they are done with treatment and just move on. Others of us here, have been here a long time, and exchange phone numbers, set up facetime, such as the girls going on the cruise. I have been hanging out here since 2008. As for my appointment, since I'm stage IV, I have to see my onc every 6 weeks. He wanted me to come every 3 weeks and have labs every 3 weeks, I refused. Not living my life 3 weeks at a time. 6 is bad enough! Funny about the tea! Glad you are doing so well, keep it up. But still, don't over do it just because you are feeling good.

    Dara, we will all pray that SD does not keep that baby away from you. Just remember to bite ye tongue!

    I don't have time to go any further, it's almost time to board the plane. Will check back in when I can.

    Love to you all

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    Ok I'm so effin mixed up here WTF is going on. Where is NM and how come Goldie is here when u should be gone? What is this the fun house of mirrors that I've entered.

    I was on ere last nite after midnite --no not the song- andyway I was yappin' all over the place to everyone, then I hit something and it was all gone, I was so mad cuz I couldn't remember anything, u know how things come to me then they're gone, which is good in a way cuz if I ever have to speak under oath I will never by lying no matter what I say--so there are ups to being mindless.

    OK I kinda remember about DARA, holy chit it's just a couple of days and listen to Lori, bit u'r tongue if u have to and the hell with it if it bleeds, it's stop takes longer for the tongue but u won't bleed to death. Now another little prokect PASSPORT for a reason--as the time gets closer to Holidays it does take longer to get the thing back in the mail--U'r prettyness won't mean a thing, so u'd better not count on u'r beauty cuz this time it won't work.

    Simp u kayak? Oh that looks like fun with a little bit of danger to it. And please remember don't get fooled by feeling good just take it easy. And u should have those drains out soon now right--Thurs. I think. That's important.

    NM u better just be busy or tired today cuz that's acceptable.

    Julie u should be off soon, I hope, so u can relax a bit.

    Lori have a safe trip and I hope we get to talk to u.

    Nancy u'r really a hard worker to be going all winter too. Good for u.

    Mary isn't it Nora time soon? That's always fun. When Joey was really talking lot, I'd wake him up in the middle of the nite just to talk and zi'd LOL at him, it was so much fun. Then when I got tired we'd just go back to sleep, I used to do that with my kids too, I don't know why, they were just funnier at 2AM to me. Once in a while I still wake him up just to talk and he still makes me LOL. Now cuz his vocabulary has over taken mine. I'm not allowed to on a school nite tho. His parents are screwy.

    It's gotten a little warmer now tho I think it'll be in the 70's starting this weekend which is again fine with me

    OK I'll check in later


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2015

    good evening all, just finished 3 days in work, walked 12,ooo steps the one day, hopefully catch up on everybody soon

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    Oh Julie I'm glad u'r done. Now do u get 3 days off, u know getting things straight for me is difficult, I keep on tring.

    Chit for some reason I thought today was Sunday for a while and I asked Les to take me to walgreen's and she said let's wait for Joey. U'd think we were going to meet a big time person. Here's how it went. Leslie "Ok let's hope no one recognizes u" so since my hair got died she's fluffing it up and Joey's getting the bangs so no one will remember- OK we get there we all have to walk in together one on each side til I got the cart, I assured them no one was there that was there when I fell. Making Leslie feel better, brat. Joey goes and gets some stuff for me and Les does too actually leaving me alone for one minute--So I'm done and the 3 of us are all together, now we have to go outside and the big debate starts should I walk to the car or wait and this actually went on for a minute or so. Finally she goes to get the car (actually by now my onebad leg was throbbing) but I'm not saying a word, now Joey puts all the bags in and helps me in the car and then Leslie said--"OK we did it" WTF, I think one of these trips I'm going to be dropped off at a shelter, right not a nursing home. Then I thought I didn't remember treating my mom like she was my child, she never embarrassed me even when her wheelchair got out of control and she was going amuck, she never said anything and I didn't. Of course I LOLed when I told my sister, it was one of those push a button kind, that didn't last long, she kept on running over other people's feet, well mine mostly, but she had a good excuse she would say well u'r not standing close and I always forget how big u'r feet are. How could she forget that, when I was growing up my whole thing was my big feet and corrective shoes.See how I get off the subject so easily.

    Anyway that was my big day. I was quiet with work again, I know it goes in spurts but I don't like it to quiet, But I did get a call saying I was picked to receive $9,700.00 and it would be deposited in my bank right away. I told them I had no bank account, so he asked for my credit card, jeez I don't have any--so I suggested they just mail me the check and he said they don't do that cuz so many people say they didn't get it, so I asked him how many people really complained, if they send it overnite for a signature, well that xosts them money, so take it out of the 9,700.00 that would be fine. That stinker hung up on me, the nerve of some people.

    OK enough of my blabbering as I do when I take my pain meds, now I have to take my Xanax then I relax more. I don't understand that at all. Oh well I should just drink wine instead of whining.

    I LUBS U ALL --Passport

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Had my first appointment with the new PCP yesterday early am, I now have a bunch of prescriptions to pick up, an appointment for a physical and some lab work, and am all set up again, yeah!

    Dara--Sadie kisses you back, and I'm thinking it's time to clean out her crate again, I'm having trouble finding forks to eat with!Sadie's new favorite toy is a hunk of moose antler, she was tossing it around in the middle of the night last night, made a racket!When I turned on the light and spoke to her about hit she just grinned at me and wagged her tail, then tossed it toward me!Silly dog!Sadie says you should fill out the passport form today and print it out, today.Just that one step, ok?

    Collett--I hope a lawyer can help you with the disability thing, it is so wrong that it's such a struggle for somany people to get that help.

    Simp--do you kayak?I have a kayak, haven't gotten it into the water this season at all, hopefully next summer will be better that way.

    Goldie--Have a good flight and a good trip!

    Cammy--I had a doc's appointment at 7:15 yesterday ayem, which meant I had to leave the house an hour earlier than usual, that's all for me.So not right that the post gremlin picked on you, not nice at all!

    Juliet--12,000 steps in one day!Wow!Rest up!

    Cammy--Oh my goodness, what a trip to the drug store!I'm sure Leslie is just worried about you falling and getting hurt and not trying to embarrass you.Funny about your Mom running over people's (your) feet with the wheelchair!Glad you didn't get taken in by the phone scam, and it sounds like you really yanked his chain a bit too!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Oompa Loompa

    1/2 oz Bacardi Razz Rum

    1/2 oz Raspberry Vodka


    Pour Bacardi Razz raspberry-flavored rum and Stoli Razberi raspberry-flavored vodka into a shot glass, in equal parts, and serve.

    Best served in a Shot Glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2015

    Oh my I have so much ketchin up to do but can't now. I have to work, DH in Chicago since Monday and not home till tomorrow which puts me on full time dog duty. Hafta work today, getting ready to get them out for their walk but a quick cup of coffee whilst Junior eats breakfast, takes him about 10 minutes. I will come back tonight and read what's going on around here. Love you girls, hope everybody is good. See ya latah!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2015

    Nancy, again I'm sorry for the disability taking so long and needing a lawyer. However, I would not be mentioning Dragon Boat racing!!!

    Cami, you are too funny. I AM GONE. Just able to check in occasionally. And NM said she would be gone on Wednesday, let us all know so we wouldn't be worried! And telling Wacko she won't bleed to death if she bites her tongue. Glad you didn't fall at the store, but still love your stories. How fun that you played with the scammer that he should just send you the money.

    NM, yeah for getting all that you need and the new PCP. Do you like him/her?

    We made it to San Francisco. Oh my, what a lot of people and buildings! Spent most of day on the phone with the friends that are trying to help whilst we are gone. Tammy was at our house and just having a heck of a time. Another customer called, wanted to know how I was and wouldn't give Jan her name. Then wanted to order something and have it by Saturday. Sorry lady, not happening! We were only walking around China town, so not a big deal to step aside and take phone calls. Stopped at a bar and had a couple of beers, came back to the hotel and ordered pizza. This room is the most expensive room we have ever had, even more than in HI. And you won't believe how small it is! Alcatraz today, and heading north tomorrow.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    Wow there is just no stopping all the chatter tonite?????????

    OK NM I forgot but was everything OK. U still sound busy as hell, but to u u probably don't feel that way.

    Mary u'r another busy bee as long as u feel good that's what counts.

    Lori u crack me up--u seeSan Francisco and say ALL THE PEOPLE--it sounds like u come from the backwoods in Arkansas. I think SF is very expensive but it's possed to be pretty and decorated very nicely. I hope u don't worry bout the bus. and try to soak up as much as u can of CA. (that where SF is right) To many names of cities and states to remember.

    NM I'm glad u gave the heads up for Dara, cuz she ignores me---Don't Deny Dara, I know u do. It's the 18th, isn't that THE day, it's so furciting for all of us--Pics and dialogue Missy every word.

    Continuation of Homework tonite and it's finished. This one was 18th century dress code as compared to the dress code now. Well first my answer was there is no dress code now, but that was not acceptable and of course I tell more than the book and explained why they all dressed like the did, it wasn't in the stupid book, but I knew so I put my 37cents in and taught Joey much more than he cared about, but I enjoyed it. He actually still is amazed how smart I am--I shoulda been a con woman, well for kids anyway.

    I must be the only person in the US that doesn't know what Joy Behar said about nurses, I hate that show, always did so I never watch it. U know I like shows that are true crime stories or scary movies, I'm very limited Oh wait I like certain comedies too. But very cleverly written.

    I have to call my reg. Dr. to make an app't, I'm late and they actually bug me about it, I know it's only cuz of the meds she supplies me--the good stuff, not that crap that I get from the others. Now if I'm smart and I am with this when I call I'll tell them to order my blood work and urine sample so I'll have that all done or I could wait till I see her and do it then--oops I guess I'm not so smart about this--but then it'll be just one trip to the same place, OK I'll wait, see talking about it helped me make a decision. Thank you for helping me.

    Again I've babbled enough so and the thunder here is going strong.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!TGIF!Will be glad to get done work today, I am so tired.Last couple of days were long ones.But that's how it goes, right?

    Genny--hope you had a good day at work!

    Goldie--Yes, I do like the new PCP. It's a her, BTW. Very thorough intake interview, explains things well, and really listened to me.Wow, San Francisco!Sounds like a great trip so far.That's one place I would like to see someday.And what is with people calling, asking about someone but not leaving a name?Something just not right there.

    Cammy--still busy, yes, but not insanely busy.And I just like 7:15 ayem appointment time, always start on time, and leaves the rest of the day to work or do other things.But, it means not having my morning computer time.I don't know why "no dress code now" wouldn't be acceptable, it's the truth in most cases!Glad you and Joey have such fun together.And I don't know what was said about nurses on that show, either, and I'm not going to go find out either.Not going to bother to spend the energy on it.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Frisco Sour

    1/2 oz Benedictine

    2 oz Blended Whiskey

    1 slice Lime

    1 slice Lemon


    Shake all ingredients (except slices of lemon and lime) with ice and strain into a whiskey sour glass. Decorate with the slices of lemon and lime and serve.

    Best served in a Whiskey Sour Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    Good Morning Ladies,

    It's still raining here with some thunder and lightening going on now. And now it will get cooler.

    Well it is TGIF today for those who need it and NM sounds like u do. Whatever was said on the View took FB by storm, so many people talking about it. I know it wasn't kind. Oh NM I really usually like the DOTD but I laigh only cuz it always has a different glass, like any of us have a full bar with every glass available. It's just so cute.

    Leslie is going strong with studying, she has 3 tests on the anatomy in the next week, well 1 she just took and got a C, which is the lowest score she ever had so this is stressful for her. And they still use books, no computer. I guess most of the gitls that took it failed but they were all the young uns--but these are the kind u can take again, I think I never really know.

    OK I'll catch u later.

    I LUBS U ALL --passport

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2015

    Morning girls, so dark outside, not used to it yet. I'm off today, DH coming home tonight, I love my alone time but he's been gone all week and I'm starting to miss him, glad he's coming home. Tomorrow we play in a golf scramble in the morning then I'm going to get my Nora and keeping her overnight. I can't wai, I haven't seen her in a month!

    On Joy Behar... the contestant was a nurse, and wore her scrubs and had a stethoscope around her neck and talked about her experience with a certain alzheimers patient. So Joy Behar made fun of her and said... she's wearing her little "costume" and why is she wearing a "doctor's stethoscope when she's only a nurse?".... brilliant... how to piss off millions of nurses... she has since apologized, but I think way too late. That foot was inserted in her mouth and there is no taking it back. I've always hated that show. It has made for lots of fun jokes on FB tho.

    Cami, you crack me up, I loved your story about the scam guy on the phone...was he heavily accented? So funny, great comebacks! And I agree with you there is no dress code now, that should be a valid answer. I can't tell you how many times I see people in pajamas and slippers at Walmart. And I've seen them on planes looking about the same too. I guess the answer would be dress code today.... sloppy. I'm sure no one needs Leslie to announce she's on her period, family members usually know. Aren't we glad we don't have to deal with that anymore! And you fell again, oh Leslie is so cool and never panics. I think Nancy's can't woark because of the seizures, not the BC. Would be pretty tough to be a RT with siezures... don't know why they are turning her down.

    NM, you sound so much more relaxed then a few weeks ago, so glad things are getting better at work. So when is the last time you borrowed a doctor's stethoscope? Ha, I was only a nurse for 7 years and I can't tell you how many times they "borrowed mine and then walked off with it. Silly Sadie... Emma likes her soup bones and she throws them all the time and we have hardwood floors and they are all nicked up from them.

    Nancy, my brother had to apply 3 times for disability when he finally got it. He had to use a walker and a wheelchair and they were still turning him down, craziness, don't give up, once he got approved he got backpay from the date of his first denial. Dragon boat racing looks fun, DH and I keep talking about getting a kayak but afraid we won't actually use it. Lake Erie is 2 miles from us and a boat ramp right down the road...maybe when we retire. Anyway, keep you r chin up, it'll work out. I'm thinking we need some new pics of Jackson and Samara.

    Dara, I went to Walgreens the other day and they have a beg sign that they do passport pics please get to work on that!!! So happy baby David will be home soon. I'm sure it won't be long before SD and DD will want a night out and you'll get to keep him, can't wait to see some more pics. Hope you get those CEU's done too. Lucky for me I can do them all online and the tests are a joke, don't usually even need to read the material, especially for my cos license, nurse on a little tougher. Anyway miss procrastination.... get it done!!

    Lori, have a fun, fun time in SF, never been there, would love some pics. We will def get together when you come to Mich, would love to meet you in Chicago, may have to think about that.

    Julie, hi, hope you're not working to hard, when's the next Disney trip?

    Simp, so glad you are recovering. When I worked in a hair salon years ago we had this back room in an old building with a large trash can in it. I came into work one morning and the receptionist/cleaning girl was there freaking out cause there was a possum curled up sleeping in the trash can. So we put the lid on it and carried it out back to the alley and couldn't believe it was still sleeping... It was awhile before I realized it was prolly playing possum... duh...we just thought he was sleepy. Anyway, don't go back to work too early, do you have to do rads?

    Hi to everyone else and all the new girls too, hope you all are doing ok. Love to all, gotta get going with me day...

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2015

    well only 1 person actually saw the view comments the rest of us found out on fb and she's never going to forget this, the idiot, used to like the view when it first started but then got so one sided stopped watching it years ago

    get your passport dara, how can you take baby david on holiday with no passport!

    nm so glad you love your new pcp,silly sadieHappy

    lori-enjoy your trip

    cammi- i remember when my older nephews and nieces were starting university inteviews, they were smartly dressed as per parent instruction but others there some were in jeans and t shirts

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2015


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    Just poopin in Joey took my "Hair pic" and put it on FB no face---Now remember I used to have very frizzy brillo hair before all this crap.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2015

    Good Saturday morning, Loungettes!Sadie and I had a lovely sleep in this morning, didn't get out of bed until almost 8 ayem!Lovely sunny day here, cool enough to make baking a good idea (after I get a sink full of dishes washed).Or maybe I'll just hang out on the deck today.Haven't decided yet.

    Cammy--the site I use to look up drink recipes always suggests a glass to serve it in, but I don't know what most of them are, either!But it makes the HTL sound elegant, right?I can imagine Leslie is pretty stressed with the C, and I hope she remembers she still did better than most of the class, and that's a good thing!

    Genny--oh, boy, Nora time coming for you!What fun!I saw the contestant's monologue, thought it was moving, and so true.And I knew someone said something stupid, but boy, that was really ignorant.Wearing a "costume"?Wearing a "doctor's stethoscope"?All I can say is that I am very glad that person has never had need of health care, and I pray that she never does.She's going to be very disappointed when she does, cuz all she's like to see are "just" nurses.It has been YEARS since I have borrowed a doctor's stethoscope.And a month or so ago a doctor actually borrowed my NURSE stethoscope!So Silly Sadie isn't the only pooch who likes to toss around her bones!Fun to watch, even if it is noisy and nicks up the floors.I don't have hardwood floors so no issue there, but I can imagine how it happens!I do feel better than I did a few weeks ago, thanks.Life is getting better again!

    Juliet--That poor lady is going to have a heck of a time if she ever needs health care, isn't she?

    Dara--have you filled out the passport form?

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Passport Scotch

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2015

    Good Saturday morning, Loungettes!Sadie and I had a lovely sleep in this morning, didn't get out of bed until almost 8 ayem!Lovely sunny day here, cool enough to make baking a good idea (after I get a sink full of dishes washed).Or maybe I'll just hang out on the deck today.Haven't decided yet.

    Cammy--the site I use to look up drink recipes always suggests a glass to serve it in, but I don't know what most of them are, either!But it makes the HTL sound elegant, right?I can imagine Leslie is pretty stressed with the C, and I hope she remembers she still did better than most of the class, and that's a good thing!

    Genny--oh, boy, Nora time coming for you!What fun!I saw the contestant's monologue, thought it was moving, and so true.And I knew someone said something stupid, but boy, that was really ignorant.Wearing a "costume"?Wearing a "doctor's stethoscope"?All I can say is that I am very glad that person has never had need of health care, and I pray that she never does.She's going to be very disappointed when she does, cuz all she's like to see are "just" nurses.It has been YEARS since I have borrowed a doctor's stethoscope.And a month or so ago a doctor actually borrowed my NURSE stethoscope!So Silly Sadie isn't the only pooch who likes to toss around her bones!Fun to watch, even if it is noisy and nicks up the floors.I don't have hardwood floors so no issue there, but I can imagine how it happens!I do feel better than I did a few weeks ago, thanks.Life is getting better again!

    Juliet--That poor lady is going to have a heck of a time if she ever needs health care, isn't she?

    Dara--have you filled out the passport form?

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Passport Scotch


    Blended in Paisley, Scotland, one of the highest quality scotch whiskeys. Excellent value!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2015

    Deleted a duplicate of the post, Not sure how I ended up with 2!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2015

    good morning all, nm -surprised and pleased by the response to her idiotic comments, she may not hold us in high regard but an awful lot of other people do. enjoy your weekend,


    mary-enjoy your nora time