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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    Good Morning ladies.

    What a storm we had last nite, our neighbor next door's tree split and landed on their shed, but nothing or anyone was hurt. But it was scary here for a while, very windy and crackling lightning and of course super loud thunder.

    Julie there were so many people and Drs. who answered to that stupid statement, I know she said he was sorry but I told her to stuff her sorries in a sack. Let's face it she was forced to.

    NM I'm glad u'r taking it easy, baking sounds good, but ding nothing sounds better, so u can decide.

    Nora time YYAAYYY

    Speaking of PASSPORTS Dara, everyone is on u now.--Well my pic on FB my niece thought it was Leslie too, but I asked her to look at u'r pic and right away, she thought it was my other niece Julie, I told u u look like her, she said it was uncanny, so maybe she can get u'r passport for u. LOL--Did u get baby time yet???? Pics u know.

    I hope everyone has a good day

    I LUBS U ALL---Hey Lori I hope all is good

    Simp and Karen I hope u'r mending nicely. And I don't mean sewing socks.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Sadie and I spent the day on the deck mostly, me lounging with a good book, Sadie chasing squirrels and supervising the neighborhood activities, enjoying the lovely sunny, windy day.Today we've got rain, so maybe I'll get to the dishes that need to be washed, since the hammock swing is a bit too wet to sit in!

    Juliet--Same here, and very glad that she represents a very small minority of idiots in the world!

    Cammy-Wow, sounds like a close call with the tree!Glad no one got hurt and hope the shed wasn't damaged.Sadie and I opted for the doing nothing think yesterday, and it was WONDERFUL!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Scrumptious Coffee

    10 oz Brandy

    8 oz Dark Rum

    8 oz White Rum

    48 oz (Strong) Coffee

    2 sticks Cinnamon

    16 oz Whipping Cream

    Brown Sugar

    Orange Peel


    Sweeten the coffee with brown sugar to taste. Mix coffee, liquor, and orange peel in a pan. Heat gently, but do not boil. Let infuse for a couple of minutes. Pour into pre-warmed heat-resistent glasses. Float whipped cream on top. Garnish with thin strip of peel of orange and nutmeg.

    Best served in a Irish Coffee Cup.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2015

    Morning DahhhhhLinks!!

    I'm back from Carson City. I froze while there even tho temps were in the 70's. Can losing so much weight cause that or is it something else. I freeze in my own house too even tho ac set to 76. Driving to and from CC I had 2 hoodies on even with turning off my vents. Just cray cray. Hotel was the worst I've stayed in for many moons. No iron, no in-room little coffee pot, yet it did have a mini-frig and microwave. I spent most of the 4 days just holed up in the room with my pooches, listening to my book on tape while DH was in his meetings. Went out to dinner 2x's. The last night (Fri) went to casino and I won $1000. Made the trip worthwhile as it paid for it and then some. Had some MAJOR probs with the big C while there, had to go buy and use a fleet. OMG it was horrid but I'll spare ya'll the details.

    Hi to the new girls...hang around as you'll find this thread VERY helpful, not to mention pretty funny too. I love all the goils here, the most wonderful. Once u hang out with us and dwink til ya dwop u'll soon b a regular too. If ya have twuble reading some posts, jes try translating into dwunk talk!

    Dara - PASSPORT....that's all mese will say

    Have to unpack, clean up a bit around here, and hit the grocery store, ya kno how I love that NOT! my day is full.

    Latah - lubslubslubslubs

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited September 2015

    Hello to some of my very favorite ladies!!! I've been gone but you all have been in my minds. I hope all of you are well.

    I wanted to show you what I've been up to




    imageI opened Goodman Sweets! We're on Facebook if you want to see more pictures. Thank you all for love and care while I was here.

    I'm ok. Lots of residual things. I won't ramble on about. Lots of pain. I just bake instead!

    Love you....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    Princess it's so good to hear from u and u've really been so so busy and u'r own store and bakery--Oh so impressive and had to be such hard work. I'm glad u'r doing well and doing what u love doing and drop by anytime, we're here and I hope u'r pain is tolerable. MUAH

    SusyQ u'r trip sounds pretty awful except for the money u won. I'd be so thrilled. How much weight have u lost? About the cold thing I'm over-over weight but I do have nice ears and I'm cold alot tho. When everyone else says it's beautiful I'm cold, it came in handy when it was really hot tho. So I don't know why cuz I was never like that. It might have something to do with all the crap that's taken place maybe.

    NM I'm glad u really relaxed with Sadie and nice weather. Sounds like a good weekend and the DOTD sounds great today.

    I did nothing today except slept alot, the kids went sight seeing and had a good day, Joey enjoyed it, and that's why they do it.

    OK see u in de mornin'


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday!If I say Happy Monday enough times it will come true, right?Right now I'm sitting here with a shawl, cuz it's about 41 degrees outside, 56 inside, and "Silly" Sadie is back on the bed curled up in a nest of pillows.I think she's got the right idea!Not to worry, it will warm up pretty quickly once the sun comes up.

    Mema--oh my, whata trip you had!At least you got out to dinner a couple of times, and won some moolah.Don't you just love audiobooks?I know I do.That's one of the things I love about my Kindle--the text to voice feature is fantastic when I want to listen rather than read a regular book.

    Princess!So great to see you again!Congrats on Goodman Sweets!Looks beautiful.

    Cammy--nothing wrong with a day or two of doing nothing, not inmy mind!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Mexican Sunrise

    1 oz Tequila

    1 oz Amaretto

    3 oz Orange Juice

    1/2 oz (Top With) Grenadine


    Build on ice

    Best served in a Highball Glass.


    Hmm. A Highball Glass looks like a water glass to me!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!

    Have minimal time, today will b my 2nd day at water aerobics. Am looking forward to it for sure. Then go give my blood to hosp who forwards results to my onco. Speaking of that, My MUGA (heart test) and my brain scan came back good. NED!! And my MUGA showed my ejection fraction up several percent. I think it's the cannabid oil. Either way, time to celebrate. TiTs Up!!

    Prn - or Tobbi is it? In anycase, welcome back. You have been a busy lady. Love the look of your store. Do you also serve coffee and or specialty coffees like lattes? I don't kno how you did all this with pain too. U r a trooper. I'm not on FB, but I pulled up your web page. Very well done, will have to place an order to give as Thank You's for my neighbors who watched our house while we were gone.

    NM - I too have books I ordered months ago on my Kindle but eyes don't cooperate for long. I didn't know about text to talk feature on it, will have to check it out, actually see if mese p-brain can figure it out. Relaxing with a book is the best! Love both dwinks you posted too. Is it the screen reader I turn on for voice books? I'll play with it and see what happens. Hey I think I found it under the Language app, says text to speech. Thanks NM!!!

    Cami - LOL about your ears. I've lost a little over 30lbs, skin just hanging off my arms and thigh area looks terrible, hence the water workouts. Still find it strange about our hot n cold. I'll jes have to live with it.

    Dara - Did u get ur pics and passport app? Gonna bug ya everyday girlfriend.

    Gotta run Lubslubslubslubs

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited September 2015

    Hey to NM and Silly Sadie. Hope all is well. I cut down to a .5. Going to get out totally soon.

    Mema!! So great on your exams 😀👏🏻👏🏻 I had mammo 9-18. Spot on left not tumor bed. US looked OK await second Md opinion.

    Thanks for the kind words on the shop!! Keurig coffee only😀 It's been gangbusters!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    Oh i's been quiet here, don't like that.

    SusyQ YYYAAAYYY on u'r tests, that's so good to hear. 30 lbs. Oh wow. It's funny when u'r young and loose weight all the skin goes right back but after a certain age the skin is so stubborn. But doing water stuff is great. I think that the best. I love how I can move in water, it's easy, isn't it? I see how u'r trying to scare up some movement from Dara, she's ignoring us. But if she has the baby I don't blame her, but again she'd better get it done. Oh that girl

    .PRN u have really outdone u'r dreams, it's just so good to hear.Coming in again I was thinking do u want to tlk about anything in particular, u sound a little stressed tho. U know we're here.

    NM HAHA Monday was still Monday, but those pillows Sadie been snuggling with sounds so good. Boy if anyone said someone treats someone else like a dog in this group we'd figure they were treated beautifully. I hope today went smoothly to start the week, that helps. Kim these weeks do go by so fast tho, I can't keep track of the days anymore.

    I hope Lori's doing well.

    I was laying on the bed with Joey just talking and I moved wrong and fell off. Joey gets all upset at first and I was LOLing then Leslie comes in calls Marty and I'm trying to get up by myself which I did, and then I hear Blah Blah Blah from my DD how I just can't do these things anymore--What? Lay on a bed.!!! My kids are goofy. And altho I wasn't to busy today, I screwed up and didn't remember what I did---I called one of the guys and he took care of it for me--like right away--He's such a good guy and he's a wonderful cook--He's at my boss's alot and cooks there alot so when people come over u get to eat his great food.


    OK I'll close for now remember


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    Ingredients :Woo Woo

    - 1 1/2 oz peach schnapps
    - 1 1/2 oz vodka
    - 3 1/2 oz cranberry juice

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    OMG it printed, it's called a WOO WOO, just mix all ingredients pour over ice and pour in "water" glass just sounded good.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Bit of a long day yesterday, but got lots done at work.So nice now that things are more manageable again.Really do not like getting up in the dark, though, but what's a gal gonna do?

    Mema--Hooray for good scans and Dancing with NED!Time to celebrate, indeed!Do you know how to get to the Settings on your Kindle?You can change the print size there, I have to increase the print size when my eyes are getting tired, and you can change the background color from white to off-white, sometimes that's easier on the eyes, too.Not every book has text to speech enabled, but many do.When I first start listening to the computer voice it sounds a bit odd, but I get used to it very quickly.

    PRN--Keurig coffee is good, lots of choices, minimal upkeep!Wish I was close enough to come shop there.So happy the shop is doing well.Silly Sade says Woof!

    Cammy--good point about being treated like a dog--wish I lived a dog's life!Food on demand, pets on demand, 2 1/2 out of 3 pillows, lots of toys, naps whenever I want, what a life!

    Ooh, the WOO WOO sounds yummy!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    The WOO WOO-let's give it it's own day!

    Ingredients :

    - 1 1/2 oz peach schnapps-

    1 1/2 oz vodka-

    3 1/2 oz cranberry juice

    Woo Woo

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2015

    good evening all, had 6 days off and spent most of it with a cold, so back to work ttomorrow

    prn-great job

    simp-hope your healing well

    cammi-no more falls

    take care people

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2015

    Good morning. Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Happy first day of Autumn!Where did summer go?

    Juliet--there are better ways to spend days off than with a cold!Hope you are feeling better.

    Boy it's been quiet in here lately!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Green Monster Party Punch

    1 bottle Vodka

    1 bottle Fruit Juice

    3 packages Lime Kool Aid

    1 gal Sherbet

    3 pieces Fruits


    Mix all ingredients (in any order) in a large tub, which can hold several gallons. Stir so that the sherbert is completely dissolved. With the exception of the kool-aid and sherbert, as much or little of the other ingredients may be used.

    Best served in a Beer Mug.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2015

    Hi girls, only have a few minutes, got to get the pooches out for their walk then take DH for his second injection in his back. They singed the nerve on the right so today they do the right. Then I have to work. We went out for a fabulous dinner last night, one of my DH work ass invited us to a very upscale restaurant downtown Cleveland. Food was so good and I had 2 manhattans and 2 glasses of wine so had me a nice buzz going too. And better yet he paid for it all. Great weekend with Nora, I'll stop by the lounge to tell ya more about it tonight.

    PRN, woohoo, congrats, beautiful shop. Praying for spot to be nothing, second opinion, must have you on edge, so sorry. What is down to .5? My joints hurt from the AI's is that the pain you're having?

    OK, caught up on my reading, I'll talk to each one of you tomorrow but have to run now.... love to all and PASSPORT!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    Good Morning Ladies

    Julie I'm so sorry u were sick u'r days off, Honestly for some reason I thought u were spending some fun time. I hope u'r much better, Sorry it's for work, but just hope u'r feeling well.

    NM it's getting lite here, but the dark in the morning for somereason makes me feel like it's just so early. And now summer is officially over and fall is here, I don't like empty trees and that happens all of a sudden too. But Sadie should enjoy the leaves that fall, especially if u put them in a hill, like we used to.

    Joey just brought me my coffee, he's so sweet with a big kiss for good morning. Oh here's a wisdome from the mouth of a brat. I was looking at sale mags and Joey came in and said why are u looking at so many? And I sadly sad I just think like I used to and pretend I'm going to buy things, it makes me feel better. (he knows we're broke) so he says I'm sorry that things are like they are but we're all here and happy and we have to remember we're all alive and things will get better. I know I gave him a dirty look, but now he's practicing with me to give dirty looks, after he stops LOLing he's getting good at it. U'd think that's easy, but Leslie can't give one at all, Marty's not even very good at it, Jodie is good, Not to brag but my sister and I have the best ones, so Joey wants to learn it. He says it even scares him. So I'm good at something. And someone has to keep it going besides Jodie. Again this is so interesting I just write what I'm thinking about at the time, I have to learn still to write important things.

    OK I wish everyone a good day.

    I LUBS U ALL------------------------------------------------------------passport

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    image alt="Image result for hump day">

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    image alt="Image result for hump day">

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    I can't get a print.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!

    So quiet around here, hope no one else is losing interest. I miss all the MIA's.

    Another water aerobic for me this morn. Gotta get my pooches to the park to poo and then drop them at groomer for a bath. They got so dirty from the blacktop at the hotel, and it's time anyway. Then scram over to the pool. My vertigo is back...maddening. I now believe it flares up from traveling and the changes in altitude.

    Cami - we want a pic of your dirty looks and Joey trying to mimic u. Too funny. I hate when we lose the leaves too, makes things look so bare, but they'll return in the spring.

    Mary - sounds like a beautiful dinner. Nice the asst paid or it all. Hoping the shots work for your DH.

    NM - Liking DOTD, sounds pretty good and makes for a good buzz too.

    Julie - UGH on the cold, hope u really do feel good enuf for work.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2015

    Hi girls,

    I see all these posts saying passport, what? Is that my new name? lol. I jest love you all. Tings so crazy at de office, left on time tonight for a change. Cuz it is abootiful day and mese pool needs love.

    I have missed you all. I can't say I have caught up reading but get what most of you are up to.

    I am going to Atlantic CIty NJ this weekend with mese cuz to do sum gambling. Hoping to hit it big enough to retire early. I can dream, right?

    I have been in a real pissy mood lately which is why mese been absent besides work. Today I am having a good day. I hate to say it but I tink that most of the financial advisors and clients that I work with are Jewish and with the holiday, all was quiet at work. mazel tof! and .....

    cheers my loves!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2015

    just a quick Corkyism from a facebook post, she posted a pic of her dog and wrote "Well! I hate to make a move! Sound a sleep on grandmom leggs" --- I see at least three errors with this short sentence. oh Corky, Corky Corky, you so stewpid!

    more cheers!

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited September 2015

    Dara!!! Mazel mazel!! Hope you are well

    NM. Drink looks good

    Mema. 30# whew that's a lot. How aerobics helps

    CamI. The md says all ok. Had labs which look good too. It's been hectic. Glad Joey is still the sweetest ever.

    Mary. .5 means I work 5 days out of 10. So two one week and three the next. Gives me time at he bakery.

    The pain. Well, I feel like I'm 80. If I sit down for any period of time when I stand up I'm hunched over and can barely walk. It's just unbelievable. My hands hurt and a my feet hurt, it's ridiculous.

    I go to the doctor tomorrow and I'm hoping to change again. Maybe to tamoxifen instead of an AI. It's been a year and the pain just keeps Getting worse.

    I have some truncal lymphedema as well on the left side where the lump ectomy was. It doesn't hurt as much as it has a full feeling in my breast in my back. Supposedly I'm getting a pump will see.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2015

    Hi goils, went to golf on my league today and was only 9 over par! was an all time bestest for me and went out to dinner with the girls which makes 3 nights in a row for eating out which I love. My business has been slow, people die or move to nursing home and not enough new ones, going to offer some big coupon for cuts on new residents to see if I can build back up, new people still drive and go to their old salons.

    Passport, have lots of fun in Atlantic City, hope you win oodles and oodles of money. OMG, the coryism was the best yet... hahaha... sound a sleep!!! love it, so funny. Sawry you bin in a pissy mood, some days are like that. Hate the thoughts of being in m own room by meesself on the cruise cause meese roommate didn't get her passport in time to go....just sayin....

    NM, Love the cool nights for sleeping and so do the pooches. You sound less stressed each day, still wanting to look for a new job or up in the air?

    Juliet, so sorry you bin sick, ugh, no fun, hope you're better now.

    Cami, oh I love your Joey stories, he is so wise. Coffee and kisses, what could be better? Maybe you can teach him to be the master of dirty looks, could really come in handy one day.

    Tobi, love the shop, know you are super busy but still hoping you pop in more often. How're the conjugal bisits going? Any plans for anyone to move yet?

    SuzieQ, WOOHOOHOO to NED!!!! yay, meet me in the lounge I'll buy you your favorite celebrity drink.

    Nancy, Simp and whoever I

    missed , meese eyelids are gettting heavy.. Love to all!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    Hi gals, it's nice to see some action in her.

    Prn how are u doing all this with all that pain, I can barely stand for ore than a few minutes and u'r working like mad. U'r another trooper here--I hope they change u'r med and it helps

    Mary I'm sure u will start building u'r clientele in no time--things have away for words to get around and u'll be fine.

    Hey passport I hope u make lots of cash. I don't understand I thought the 18th the baby was coming home. U get me confused and Lori's not here to splain eberyting to me so u have to be very clear. And why the pissy mood u should be happy, unless it all has to do with work, then I understand it--I always understand work piss. That's a given to me.

    It's after 4AM and I've been up a while another letter to that stupid Gov, I'm getting meaner, see that pisses me off. That's been going on for a long time--2 governors so far.

    OK I'll check back later


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Having some gorgeous fall weather here, but it's getting so it's almost dark when I get home already.Don't care for that part.But loving the deep blue skies during the day.

    Genny--fancy dinner, what fun, even better someone else paid for it!Can't wait to hear more about Nora.

    Cammy--yeah, dark in the ayem is the pitts for getting out of bed.It is just plain TOO EARLY to get up if it's dark out! I have this funny mental pic of you and Joey makes faces at each other and trying to guess if the face is supposed to be funny, dirty, scary, or what!Giving a good dirty look is important!

    Mema--I bet the changes in altitude does trigger your vertigo, and that must be maddeneing!Water aerobics sounds like fun.

    Dara--quiet at work can be a good thing, sometimes.Sorry you've been in a pissy mood.Do we need to drag someone to the swamp for you?

    PRN--I remember the arimidex days, hard to get up from a chair, needed to walk a bit before I could stand up straight.Have you tried taking loratadine?That's the active ingredient in many over the counter allergy medicines, non-drowsy, and for some reason blocks a lot of the joint pain from the AIs for a lot of women.It made a difference for me.And, just so you know, when I got done with arimidex the joint aching and such started fading in a few weeks and was gone after 3 or 4 months.The pump for the LE doesn't sound like much fun.Hope it works for you!

    Genny--Not looking to change jobs now, things are a lot better at work.We've got 4 nurses now in orientation and some help coming from one of the other offices a couple days a week, so things aren't totally crazy anymore.I actually have time to do what needs to be done and still get home at a reasonable time.

    Cammy--what are you writing to your Gov about?

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Crime of Passion

    1 oz Dark Rum

    1/4 oz Raspberry Syrup

    2 tbsp Vanilla Ice Cream

    3 oz Cream Soda

    1 oz Passion fruit Juice


    Beat or blend briefly. Pour into a wine glass and add soda. Garnish with a slice of orange and a cherry.

    Best served in a White Wine Glass.


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2015


    I bought Nora a Mr Potato Head, but she thought the glasses looked much better on herself. She's quite the singer now too, can't understand a word of it, no idea what the song is but she just sings away. She's still exhausting but so fun. Getting very bullheaded, has to do everything herself, and using the word MINE! whenever you try to take anything away from her. I bought her Green Eggs and Ham and she sat through it 3 times, that's a first, it was her dad's favorite book. I have to get ready for work i a few minutes, I golfed on my league last night and then we 5 of us went out to dinner. I had a really nice time, they are a nice bunch of ladies. Weather here has been fantastic, high 70's to low 80's and pure sunshine every day. Meeting Molly for golf tomorrow and then have my friend from Florida and her husband coming this weekend.

    NM, so glad to hear things are so much better at work, apparently someone in management finally got it just in time before everyone quit from the stress. These dark cold mornings are good for staying in bed and snuggling under the covers but make it so tough to get up and be productive.

    Suzie, why such a big weight loss, have you been working on it! You're prolly cold cause of it, 30 pounds is a lot of insulation! It has been quiet here, a lot of ladies don't stop in anymore, good to see Tobi. Now that I'm done with tx, I prolly wouldn't be on the BCO site at all if it weren't for you girls, I think alot just stay here till done.

    Passport, what's up with David, you haven't mentioned it, hoping that's not part of why you're in a pissy mood.

    Cami, have a good day and no falling today. I'm sure the clientele thing will improve, next spring they are moving me out of the basement and into a brand new shop upstairs so I'm trying to hold out till then, it should make a huge difference.

    Got to run, need to get ready for work, DH took the pooches this ayem so I had time to stop in. Love ya!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2015


    I bought Nora a Mr Potato Head, but she thought the glasses looked much better on herself. She's quite the singer now too, can't understand a word of it, no idea what the song is but she just sings away. She's still exhausting but so fun. Getting very bullheaded, has to do everything herself, and using the word MINE! whenever you try to take anything away from her. I bought her Green Eggs and Ham and she sat through it 3 times, that's a first, it was her dad's favorite book. I have to get ready for work i a few minutes, I golfed on my league last night and then we 5 of us went out to dinner. I had a really nice time, they are a nice bunch of ladies. Weather here has been fantastic, high 70's to low 80's and pure sunshine every day. Meeting Molly for golf tomorrow and then have my friend from Florida and her husband coming this weekend.

    NM, so glad to hear things are so much better at work, apparently someone in management finally got it just in time before everyone quit from the stress. These dark cold mornings are good for staying in bed and snuggling under the covers but make it so tough to get up and be productive.

    Suzie, why such a big weight loss, have you been working on it! You're prolly cold cause of it, 30 pounds is a lot of insulation! It has been quiet here, a lot of ladies don't stop in anymore, good to see Tobi. Now that I'm done with tx, I prolly wouldn't be on the BCO site at all if it weren't for you girls, I think alot just stay here till done.

    Passport, what's up with David, you haven't mentioned it, hoping that's not part of why you're in a pissy mood.

    Cami, have a good day and no falling today. I'm sure the clientele thing will improve, next spring they are moving me out of the basement and into a brand new shop upstairs so I'm trying to hold out till then, it should make a huge difference.

    Got to run, need to get ready for work, DH took the pooches this ayem so I had time to stop in. Love ya!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    43 years ago today I had my DS all natural. Most amazing feeling. He and his friends are going back to Lake Havasu this weekend. I went with last year…too hot and I was bored, so not going this time. He is a bit disappointed but says he's just ok with it. It's a 3 hr drive oneway for me, too much so soon after the Carson City trip. Still recovering from that one. Cheers to my DS!

    Dara - so good you are back I hope the pissy moods stay the hell away. Love the corkyism, too funny. Have you see Baby yet? Sounds like SD still in the picture? LOL, lots of us calling u passport, what's the progress on it? Hit one of the big Mega's in Atlantic City, then u'll be set…but most of all have fun.

    Did I tell ya'll this joke, hope I'm not repeating myself. Anyway - Why do men become smarter during sex? Because they are plugged into a genius' I got a good chuckle out of it.

    Prn - now I understand the .5, but now want more info on this trucal lymph edema? Is the pump supposed to drain it? Praying ya get it bixed up soon and with nooo pain. I took aromisin and it made mese body ache, been off over a year now, feel much better, hope u can make a change and that it helps.

    Mary - sounds like fun golf outting then dinner. I am getting sick of cooking but our restaurants are few and I don't want fast food. So I tough it out. Wish my husband could cook. I have faith that your bunk mate will get off her arse and get her passport soon so u won't be lonely in a room by yourself. LMAO about Nora…she looks like she'd be quite the sassy one. I still wanna hug and kiss her sweet face. About my weight loss, I know part was getting all the steroids out of mese body, but something I am taking gives me horrible cotton mouth which makes it hard to eat most things. Ya'd think I'd b gobbling up everything in site with the cannabiod I'm taking. But I'm not complaining really.

    Cami - yea, what u writing the Gov for. And why u up so early?

    NM - hooray for some gorgeous weather. Still been close to 100 here, but should be cooling off in a week or so. Hummm, Crime of Passion sounds pretty good!

    Time to take pooches to park, then to Casa Casino to pick up football odds. My CA aunties still like to bet their teams each week. It's fun and they look forward to it every year. Then home to do laundry, talk about pain in my back…ugh!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2015

    Hi goils,

    quick post cuz it is time to start din din. Baby Logan is back and I will be heading over to my DD's house with mese seesters next week to see him again. It is nearly an hour drive and I do not like going there due to the fn sperm donor but I love seeing Logan.

    I hope that clears up de confusshion. I read the posts but no time or energy to comment so I bid ye all a-dooo.

    Love you all!