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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2015

    Hey all! Just popping in, read everything (which wasn't much), but don't have time to comment, but rather quickly.

    Sue, NED....I LOVE that dude! Was telling DH about the cannibid and he said I could try if I wanted. Wondering if I should check with doc first tho. I hope the weight loss will stop, and I do think that is what makes you cold, besides ......ummmmm......age? DH is getting like that, and he not a skinny one!

    PRN, good to see you girl. Please stop in more often. I had the pains too on Arimidex, getting up and moving around a bit helped. Will check you out on FB eventually.

    Cami, Joey CAN NOT make a mean face. He is too cute and sweet looking, no mat Iter how hard he tries, not gonna happen! I'm sorry you fell again, but glad you are ok.

    Mary, love Ms Nora Patato head. I'm so glad you and Nancy share pics of those little ones. Hoping to see some of little David. And please don't leave us! The gals that have left, I hardly ever get to talk to and I miss them. But this place is kinda like Vegas, what happens in The HTL, stays in the HTL.

    Passport (LMFAO) have fun in AC, and get out of that pissy mood chica.

    NM, you sound good.

    Julie, seems like you have been sick a lot. Hugs to you.

    Simp, please check in.

    Nancy must be out boating.

    We are having a fantastic time. Had a good visit with my onc, will share more of that later. We are at Embassy in Portland having happy hour. Sorry for anyone I have missed. Will be posting pics on FB when I get home.

    Love you lounge lizards!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!TGIF!Sleep in tomorrow!YEAH!

    Genny--Nora is ADORABLE in Mr Potato Head's glasses!Sounds like her personality is developing, so funny that she loves the same book her Dad did.The weather this time of year is wonderful, if I could just not think about winter coming.And yes, they did get the message at work and got things changed up, things are much better and I am so glad they are.

    Mema--Happy Birthday to your DS!Wow, still really warm where you are.LOL at the joke!

    Dara--Hooray for baby Logan being back!Try to ignore SD and focus on Logan and his mom.

    Goldie--Glad to hear you are having a good time and had a good appointment!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Baby's Bottom

    1/2 oz Creme de Menthe

    1 1/2 oz Whiskey

    1/2 oz White Creme de Cacao


    Stir and strain into a cocktail glass.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2015

    Good Saturday Morning, Loungettes!

    No one in the Lounge for 24 hours?Really?Is something wrong with my computer?

    Was the DOTD that bad?


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2015

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited September 2015

    Recovering from "ringing the bell", over here. Popped a literal bottle of champagne to celebrate. Managed to finish my share before falling asleep.

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited September 2015

    Afternoon Ladies!

    Nora is adorable Genny!

    Goldie, sorry I missed it. You on vacation? Glad to hear you're having a good time!

    Not much going on here. Rainy. Recuperating from BMX still. Going well just generally uncomfy. Tired.

    Congrats Queen!!

    Hoping everyone has a great day!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2015

    Hi girls, yes the lounge has been quiet. Went to a kids used clothing sale at the HS today, had the dogs in the car it was only in the 60's. Well, I was in there for an hour and a half, the entire gymnasium full of clothes and toys. I bought Nora some really nice stuff and a few Xmas presents too. Got a friend and her DH from Fla coming to spend the night here, her aunt lives where I work so they are going to see her and then go to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame then tomorrow the 4 of us will prolly go golfing and out to dinner. Tonight is my 40th HS class reunion that I decided not to go to, still have mixed feelings but oh well, maybe I'll go to the 50th.

    Queen...woohoo for you!




    Simp, glad the recovery is going ok, how's things with you LDR? Do you know when you start radiation? Thanks, I think Nora is purdy dern cut too, missing her already, I may go and babysit on Tuesday. How are your kids doing with your dx and surgery?

    NM, yes too, too quiet here. guess everbody is just so bizzy right now, when the snow starts falling we'll have to have a big ole party in the lounge.

    Lori, glad your having fun and feeling good. I was thinking maybe when you come to Mich and go to see Cami that I could meet you on your way and go with you. My DH actually came up with the idea, what'd ya think? Will depend on the day, Thursdays are hard for me but I can rearrange my schedule.

    Passport, so, so happy about David, can't wait to see some more pics, glad your seester is going with you, give her permission to pinch you ifin you start to say sumtin to SD that you shouldn't. I'll quit calling you passport as soon as I hear you applied for one. Hope you win (or won) lots of moolah!

    Sue, hope you DS b-day was fabulous. Wish I could give you about 10 degrees of my heat, I am just so hot all the time now, and I don't mean in a good way....ugh.... I hate it, guess it's the AI's, I dunno.

    Julie, hope you're feeling better.

    Hi Cami, hope no thunderstorms for you and you're having a good weekend.

    Gotta run, love to all

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2015

    Hi DahhhhLinks!!

    Had a few coffee/brandies....waiting for dh to come home from work. Made a roast, if he is much longer the taters n carrots will be mush.

    Dara dahhhling, yay yay yay to get to see Logan with ur seesters next week. Sad to hear SD still hanging around, but don't let him stop you from enjoying your visit. Wish u weren't so tired…working too much huh? How are mom and dad doing?

    Lowee - I talked to my doc, nothing doing. She only practices conventional medicine. But I'm doing canna anyway and I think it is helping. LOL…ok, I concede age could b a factor…too funny girl! Can't wait to hear about ur bisit with ur onco, hope it was all good news, or at least promising. Miss ya, but glad your having a fantastic time!

    NM - sawweee I missed yesterday, didn't mean to but jes ran outta my morning time. Was a good water aerobic yest, feeling it in my muscles today….I'm liking it.

    Momcat - CONGRATULATIONS for ringing the bell and hope u finished your share and then some. Just kno you'll prolly b tired for next few days/weeks, but this too shall pass.

    Simp - Good to hear your recoup is going well. Tired and uncomfy will also pass. Same question…do u need to do rads before recon?

    Mary - Good job on finding clothes and toys and a few xmas presents as well. I wudn't have a prob leaving my pooches in car if temps were in 60's. It will come tho. Around here it can be 105 one day and 80 the next and keep falling quickly from there. Never considered my part of the state to have a true Fall. 40th class reunion…WOW. I've never been to one of mine, was too much of a loner, wudn't remember a soul.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2015

    momcat- congrats on the bell ringing

    still got the effects of the cold but feeling a lot better today, GO WALES, we beat the english

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited September 2015

    Genny: all those images and then some. a quiet day at home, puttering around in the garden.

    MemaSue: yes, I enjoyed my share, and have cleared my schedule for next week as well...expecting much the same fatigue and pinkness as this week.

    Julie: go Wales indeed! (strong Irish thread in my husband's family--FIL got his mum to smile for a photograph by saying "OK, everyone, 'Bloody English!'")

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    Hi Ladies

    Hahaha Juliet, rahing u'r team all the time, I'm glad u'r better but u have to be all better.

    Momcat good for u ringing thst bell, it's about time.

    Simp glad u'r doing OK, sounds like u need to get stronger still, but it will come.

    Passport just a few more days, and I didn't know u'r DD lived so far., . I'm glad to hear u'r sisters are going too, I thin k it will make things easier for u.

    Genny I saw the great singing of Nora I was LOLing, whatever she was singing was a hoot. She's getting to be more fun, isn't she?

    Nancy u are so busy still and doing so well, it's good to hear.

    NM u'r cracking me up with those glasses, chit I would drink right out of the bottle, I was the only one drinking tho.

    SusyQ u'r another one with golfing and company and COOKING--OMG I don't even remember how to anymore. But u always keep up with everything, u'r a wonder.

    Lori I'm so furcited to see u and knowing u'r having a good time is wonderful--u deserve real fun. And I think u'r right people fade away when things are over and no one blames them, But I know I can't imagine not coming here to see how everyone is doing and what they're doing and asking my questions. This now is the only one I come to not cuz I don't like so many people, but it's just for me--I'm so selfish and u gals let me be. I did come when I was all done with all the chit, but I wanted to hear and understand just whst I was dealing with--altho I really never go to any stage IV ones, cuz I'm doing fine and not a worry for me. It must be the drinking so it's all NM's fault. And now she wants us to learn the glasses. Oy vey.

    Joey has been going to church functions lately and getting way to sassy about his questions, so Les sends him to me. His latest is why do we pray to God cuz the same thing will happen if u don't-Now he's really pushing my brain, but of course I always get him (so far) Altho I really don't talk about the Catholic religion I get them all kind of spun together. So it works. LOL


  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited September 2015

    Mema & Genny, yes, rads prior to recon :( And my right side is incredibly hard already. I have some kind of build up from surgery under that arm. Limited mobility but can handle the basics.

    *sigh* LDR? Wish it could be defined as such lol He's scared, confused. So am I. Never been here before. Regardless, for now he wants my focus to be on healing. We talk everyday.

    Juliet, glad you're feeling better!

    Mary, you're christmas shopping already? Wish I was that on the ball!

    Genny, so jealous. Wish I was close enough to meet some of you ladies!

    Hope everyone has a good night! Im going to try to go to sleep soon. Try. Gotten better but don't feel like Im getting real good rest?

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2015

    Good Sunday morning ladies. I have a wee bit of a hangover, was up till 2 with my friend from Florida and unlike Passport, I never do that. Pooches refused to let me sleep past 7:30, her DH got up and they had to announce that a stranger was in the house, he was out back smoking and they were having none of that either until I got up to remind them that he was an invited guest. So both DH's went to bed around 11 and Betsy and I stayed up and talked and talked. She is not happy in her marriage and once she opened that can of worms I didn't want to stop her to say I wanted to go to bed. A different couple, she is probably one of the most bubbley people I've ever known, she was my best friend from grade school and moved to Florida in the 8th grade. We didn't really keep in touch after HS and then reconnected when she came to visit her aunt who lives where I work. Anyway, she's a realtor and got the gift of gab, always did, was always teachers pet when we were kids and her DH is a bump on a log. I was surprised, they've been married 14 years and she would like to get out but doesn't want to hurt him. He lost his job 2 1/2 years ago and quit driving and shows no interest in finding a job or driving. He has become totally dependent on her and not even 60 so she has all the financial burden. She said his job was his identity and when that ended he just stopped. He was in the newspaper business and we know how they don't sell anymore. Sounds like he needs counseling but for her she says it wouldn't help. Anyway, that's why up so late, today we are going golfing and then dinner, we'll see how it goes. Glad I have the HTL cause I know it stays here, I whispered a little of it to my DH before he left to golf this morning so he was able to once again remind me of how lucky I am! And yes I am...

    Simp, I imagine rads will be starting soon, just keep up you ROM exercises throughout, cause it will get plenty tight. Do you just have the chest or did yo have lymph involvement? I had 10 pos nodes and my chemo didn't work so they fried the chit outta me, but it goes away and you do get better. For me it was easier than chemo, tired but not that heavy fatigue. Your wanna be LDR sounds like a very caring guy, hope you 2 can figure out a way down the road.

    Cami, yea, Nora is a hoot, she was singing in the car on the way home to, something about a wockin babee. Joey so funny, I remember asking the priest in the confessional why if God was everywhere did I need to go to church to talk to him. I was prolly about Joey's age and the priest said "if you were sick wouldn't you want someone to come see you?" Huh?...whaat??, well no not really, when I'm sick I'd rather be alone... and besides God is not sick... anyway I didn't say all that just thought it and left the confessional and said my hail Mary's and that was that but I always remembered it.

    Julie yay for Wales and glad you're feeling better.

    Sue, hopefully DH got home before dinner was mush. Dogs were fine, barked at everybody for awhile then took a nap. Plus the moonroof was open and all 4 windows cracked and I even took 1 load out to the car and checked on em'. There were about 40 amish ladies there buying truckloads of stuff, they were even using one of those big pull carts like you use at Lowe's to get the stuff outside. They were standing there with mountains of stuff waiting for their ride when I left.

    Nm, we love all you DOTD's glad we got the new girls, imagine how quiet it'd be without them.

    Well, sounds like the house is awake, got to get out of my hidey hole, hi to everybody else, hope you all have a good Sunday!

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited September 2015

    Morning Ladies!

    Hate to hear that for your friend Genny. I can't imagine being in a marriage that I wasn't happy with. I'm a bit spoiled in that I've been a single parent for 12 years. Not sure I'd even know how to mix someone in at this point lol

    Rainy here again today. Probably going to spend most of it in the bed since I've managed to catch some kind of head and chest cold :( Grrr.

    Genny I need to find that exercise sheet. I've lost it in the craziness.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2015

    NM, I hear ya on the empty lounge! I'm home now, so I will be here in the mornings wif ya to share those DOTD's!

    Queen, congrats on ringing that bell, and having some champagne!

    Simp, yes I was on vacation. Flew to San Francisco, went to China town and Alcatraz. Then rented a car and headed up the coast, into OR and WA state. I do hope you are resting and healing. It will get better! Closest breasties to you would be Dara, Julie and NM. Hoping the LDR works out for you, if that is what you would like.

    Mary, I have no set plans whilst in MI. So lets pencil a day in, which ever is good for you. Can you stay the night? We can split hotel cost. Where would I meet you? I think I basically took 94 all the way. The hot flashes are from the chemo and the AI's. I'm not even on any anymore, and still have them. I don't think they will ever go away! LOVE LOVE LOVED the video of Nora singing. That is one that could go viral! May I share it on my page? Sorry about your friend, but if she doesn't want to do anything about it, not much you can do either. Funny story about God being sick.

    LDB, has the weight loss tapered off? How do you do the canna. I know you used to smoke, but not with the oil. Iffin I want to try, how do I start? Do I need a Med Willie card?

    Julie, glad you are feeling better. I hope it lasts a long time!

    Cami, I am so glad you decided to come here and stay. We all love you so much, and besides that, you are a hoot. And of course we all love Joey too. I am gonna do my damnedist to come see you guys again. I can see mom in the morning before I leave and then the following day when I get back.

    Wacko, how'd ya make out in AC, Ms Pissy! LOL! (Know I'm just teasin ya)

    Onc told me that I need to squeeze every bit I can out of the Xeloda. After that he said we could try Ibrance, which lowers blood cells. If red goes down, I would require blood transfusions. Not liking that at all. After that, he sais he would try chemo, I said I wasn't going that route again, he asked why. I said not doing being sick, hair falling out, etc. He said it wouldn't be like that, they would use a different chemo that is easier. No hair falling out and I shouldn't get sick. But it has to be done weekly, 3 weeks on, 1 week off. He also said there were clinical trials out there for me that we could try. The itchy rash and the hand/foot syndrome are getting a little worse with each cycle. Onc also told me he would change anything until I was done with my traveling at the end of November. I'm gonna take 2 weeks off of my FU pills while in MI, and praying my mom doesn't notice any of the rash or my hands. I might ask him what would happen if I took a month off. I just feel like I need to recoup and then start again. I go to bed by 7, sometimes earlier, and sleep til 5am, just so tired all the time and no energy at all. I just have to keep telling myself, there are others worse off than me.

    Leavng this weekend for Albequerque Balloon Festival, so I will be gone yet again!

    NM, I don't see the red solo cup up there!!!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Morning Julie - glad u are feeling a bit better, was gonna lecture u bout rest n fluids but u kno all that already. Sometimes these things just need to run their course. HoooRay for Wales!!!

    Momcat - a quiet, puttering day is a good thing and we could all use more of it. LOL on the 'bloody English'!

    Cami - wish I golfed, but I don't. DH made it home in time so all was good. So cool that you and Lori gonna hook up again in Nov and it would be 2x that if Mary can meet up with Lori. You are not selfish…I've been coming even tho I not going thru the 'hell' treatments. What I do get infused makes me tired and nauseous but I can live with that. You've got a huge, caring heart and we love you, so u better not leave this thread ya hear?

    Simp - what is LDR? And who's scared? I'm in bed by 7, 8 at the latest and get up bout 7ayem. I NEVER feel rested, but then my sleep is always interrupted every hour or two with night sweats and the need to pee. Sometimes takes me awhile to get back to sleep too. ((Simp)) I refuse to be shamed into going to church. God is everywhere and I kno he hears me no matter where I am. Hope u shake the head cold soon. Please rest as much as you can - without guilt!

    Mary - sawweee to hear about your friend. Do they have kids? I left my 1st dh with 2 kids, dd was just 2 and ds was a month away from 1yoa. I never remarried until they were grown. Now been married almost 21 years to dh #2. We're doing OK and jes love our grandchildren. LOL about the Amish ladies…I always envisioned them 'sewing' all their clothes.

    Lowee - Wow sounds like u had a fantastic time. That would be so ferciting if you and Mary can hook up for a bisit to Cami. Yes Lowee, been holding at arounding 160lbs. A friend cooked some canna up into a semi-liq form that he puts in a huge syringe. Then gave me some empty capsules. I fill the small end with the stuff and swallow with a drink of water. I do believe it is helping, especially with my LVEF (heart). Then another gave me some CBD tincture and capsules. There are no brain rushes etc. She lives in AZ, if u need any more info I can try and get it from her. OMG, not sure I'd like your onco's advice either. You'd have to get blood draws often to keep eye on blood cells. TDM-1 does the same thing, red blood cells and platelets. I have to have blood draw a week after every tx, that means every 4 weeks. At first it was every week, but I've been holding in the 'OK' range so she backed me off to once a month. How long a trip is it to Albequerque? That should be a good time. I love watching the Balloons. Even took a ride in one years ago.

    NM - hope you are having a wonderful Sunday!

    OK, gotta run….lubslubslubslubslubslubs to all…MUAH!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Oh Simp u caught a cold now?, of all times to have one. It's just bad to have one anyway, but when u'r trying to heal it's worse. I hope it leaves u quickly.

    Mary u'r poor friend to be in a marriage she's not happy in. I'm with Simp I'd rather be alone than miserable with someone else--I guess that's why I spent most of my life alone, I really never found anyone to make me happy, well a couple were good, but my feelings weren't there for them. I guess I liked the "bad boys"--and Yes I remember questioning the nuns altho they didn't like it those days--it didn't always make sense then, so how could it now?

    Lori's here Yay--but u'r leaving again. OK I'm putting in my opinion now--Lori there are some new chemos that don't have the same effect as th older ones, in fact the 2nd yr I was on chemo it wasn't as bad and I didn't loose my hair it was growing and I do remember just having a day here or there feeling not so good. But it wasn't at all like the first part, I still remember when I thought I was done and they all talked me into the next phase and good thing and I'm sure there are easier ones to take now so if u have to forget about what happened before if u need it just do it. It's amazing how it might help u. I remember with the 2nds go round is when they saw the bigger results and it was working so please take u'r Drs. advice and just do it. U can call me day or nite and u know that and I'll be there for u. Please don't be stubborn about these things be stubborn about not wanting to cook not this. MUAH, cuz I love you.

    Well I think Marty has a real job now, I don't count on anything til it happens, we thought he had one before but they kept putting the start dae off and gave him a day or 2, not enough--so he took this 2 hr test??? now he just has to pass the drug test--No poppy seeds and he's boring and doesn't do any drugs at all. So when she called she did say u've got the job. Joey started crying his were tears of hsppiness as he says. He's so girly, but he still loves the girls too--he's strange that way. Marty would so like him to get in sports, but instead he likes to drw and design a room or draw and design clothes, being colored blind is the fun part to me. Oh well he'll be whatever as long as he stays so nice.

    OK Passport u can't do anything today. but u can start tomorree Missy.

    NM must be getting some well needed relaxatin (I hope)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    SusyQ we bumped each other and since I'm bigger u'r in the pewl for now, so get out and get dry so u can have u'r morning ritual

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2015

    Good evening ladies, just a quick pop in to say good night.

    Lori, praying for you, so sorry about the rash, I hate what you're having to go thru. I can spend the night, sounds great. I could go on any morning, Fri, Sat, Sun or Monday. I just need to be here on Wed and Thur. I guess most ideal would be Sunday morning and come home Monday. I'll look at a map and see where we could meet. And yes you may share the Nora video.

    Cami, oh I so hope Marty gets the job... what is it? Something he will enjoy I hope. Joey is so cute and sensitive, can't wait to meet him!

    Sue, LDR is long distance relationship. My friend's DD is grown and from her 1st DH, she's been with this one for 15 years. He was a bit more talkative today, we golfed and went out for dinner. They are leaving tomorrow.

    Simp, I was divorced when my son was 4 and never got married again till he was 20, was quite an adjustment when I first moved in with my DH, but in the long run very worth it. Hope the cold comes and goes fast. I'm sure you can find the exercises on the thread, all I remember is walking the hand up the wall and reaching your arm behind your head. I've been lucky, no decreased ROM and now lymphedema.

    Well, got to sleep now, good night all, see ya tomorrow.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2015

    Good Monday Morning, Loungettes!Sorry to be MIA yesterday, woke up feeling like crap, headache, threw up a couple times, decided to go back to bed for a while, got up around 1 pm for a couple of hours, then napped in the recliner until bedtime, then went to bed.Feel fine this morning, if a bit achey from not moving all day yesterday.Not sure what that was all about, glad it's blown over.


    Simp--uncomfy and tired is a good way to describe recovery!Hang in, it does get better.

    Genny--I imagine we will have quite the party when the snow flies for the fist time!This is a busy time of year, isn't it?Gotta get those last few outdoor things done before the weather changes.

    Mema--roast with taters and carrots, yum!Coffee brandy, yummier!Feeling the muscles is good.Glad you like the water aerobics.

    Juliet--Glad you're feeling better!

    Cammy--Isn't it amazing how many glasses there are just for drinks?I never imagined!How to keep them all straight?Joey and his church questions, sounds like he's keeping you on your toes.

    Simp--it's hard to get good rest when you are recovering, between being uncomfortable and the effects of pain meds.It will get better, though, and very soon now.

    Genny--oh, my, what an all-nighter!It's so hard when our friends are having issues and there really isn't any thing you can do to make things better but be a good listener.Her hubby sounds depressed, certainly does need some counseling or some meds or both.But you can' make him do either.Makes it hard on her, though.

    Goldie--Welcome home!Being tired all the time is not fun.At all.Neither is the idea of blood transfusions or chemo again.At least with the FU pills you have some control over when the side effects are at their worst.

    Mema--I've had a couple patients with Medical Willie Cards and learned a lot from them.Like how it doesn't need to be smoked, it can be eaten.One patient used willy butter on toast for nausea and pain and it worked well.Another used to eat willy granola.Someday I'm going to get up the nerve to find and go into one of the "clinics" and get some more education on this stuff.

    Cammy--Hooray for Marty having a real job!

    Love the Mohito!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Rainbow Orgy

    1/2 oz Midori Melon Liqueur

    1/2 oz Banana Liqueur

    1/2 oz Strawberry Liqueur

    4 oz Orange Juice


    Pour the Midori melon liqueur, strawberry liqueur and banana liqueur into a cocktail shaker one-third filled with ice cubes. Shake well, and pour entire contents into a highball glass. Top with orange juice, and serve.

    Best served in a Highball Glass.

    What the Lines of a Red Solo Cup Actually Mean

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    Good Morning Ladies,

    NM Good DOTD today and that's the cup I like. Jeez U sound like u had some 24 hr bug, but I bet u still don't feel 100%--Sorry u were so sick. Watch how u feel today and don't push u'rself or u'll get sick all over again.

    Oh Simp it's not easy after an operation, it really takes everything out of u in one day, but just go with it and don't push--being older I had no one to take care of so it was easier for me, I had people taking care of me. But I remember feeling weak more than anything at that time, so just relax. Did u get u'r drains out yet? Or didu tell us. I'm sorry I have the worst memory ever.

    U should hear my sister, cousin and I have one conversatin, u would get so confused cuz that's what we sound like----3 women that have our own conversations going on at one time.

    --DARA I told my sister to look at u'r pic on my FB cuz it's her DD u look like, well she wrote u'r name down--and called me and could find a Victoria, oh jeezz she's worse than I am.

    Joey and I just had our coffee together this morning he leaves soon for school and it's only Monday. blah

    Mary u must be tired with u'r weekend lasting a while, I hope u get some rest anyway.

    OK everyone have a good day.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2015

    LDB, glad your dinner din't turn to mush! LDR=Long Distant Relationship.You and I are about the same weight, since I gained so much on bacation! I would like to be at 145, but don't think that will happen. I would like more info on the Willie help, but would have no idea where to get any! Trip to Albuquerque is only Fri and Sat. Then DH wanted to leave Sun for Moab, camping. I said no way, we can leave Monday. Be there almost a week, come home for about a week and head back there! Our cocktail waitress friend is coming with her son, and the day before she leaves, Casino Girl (from here) is coming! So excited to see her.

    Cami, I can see you liking "bad boys".And I'm not being stubborn about the new treatments. I just don't have to make a choice right now, as the FU pills are doing what they should.Wishing Marty all the best. And you can't force kids to play sports. Well, you can, but they won't like it. Let him excel at what he's good at. Who is color blind? Joey?

    Mary, let me know what you find on the map for a meeting place.Sunday sounds good to me! Let's set that as a tentative date.I tried to share the video to just my mom, but it won't let me, as it's set private. Would also like to send to my DD. I can show my mom the video when I'm there. Is Nora still calling you Yaya? Would love to see more videos of her singing. It cracks me up, and her Mr. Potato Head picture as well.

    Oh my NM, what a horrible day for you. Glad it's gone today. And the chemo my onc is talking about, is an "easy" chemo. Just more frequent, as in weekly and labs weekly as well. And you have to remember, it's a 4 hour drive for me to get there, one way! If I had red solo cup, it would be full no matter what was in it!

    Dara, you peeking your head in? I have some GJ for ya….come and get it!

    Need to get my kitchen cleaned, didn't have the energy to do it after we finished dinner. I was outside a good part of the day, picking beans and maters. And still have enough to do some canning! Gonna try to give the beans away. The tomatoes I can do. Also going to pick up my computer and get labs done. So need to start drinking mucho water.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Cami - I made it outta the pewl and am middle of my morning ritual, LOL. Thanks for posting the Mojito. I'd like em with out the lime. Give Joey all he needs for HIS interests as he grows, he'll find what makes him happy. XCLent news for Marty, praying for no glitches! LOL about u and ur sis and cuz….3 sep conversations, think I'd be cwacking up the whole time.

    Mary - oooo yeah, now I remember LDR, thanks. Sounds like you had a nice enough time, glad he was more talkative. Do you only have the one child, your ds?

    NM - whew, glad ur feeling better. I do that sometimes too, jes not in mood so stay in bed and sleep most of the day. It's always a nice recharge. Sounds like u had the 24 flu bug, did u get ur flu shot yet. I have to get on that myself. Wiillie is worth looking into. They have infused chocolate bars, hard candies, cookies, butter, oil. You don't have to smoke it, in fact most benefits for us come from ingesting it over smoking it. WOW I did not kno that about the SOLO cup, will have to keep it in mind when making a go-go dwink.

    Have to get my ewwa in gear, have aerobics this morning.


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2015

    Hello everyone! Trying to catch up now that my race season is done 😟

    We won our first race, was leading in the second then got caught in a whirlpool or "Eddy" and almost lost coach off the back had a huge wave come over our backs and so we stopped twice to almost come back but finish forth in the second race but still with a great time only tents of a second behind the others with all that, third race again ahead then finished third neck in neck with first and second. Overall we got third place and brought home bronze with a time of 1:23.99 this is our record for a 400 meter race. We feel awesome about how did. Had we not got caught in the whirlpool and had the huge wave hit us in the second race we would have won that one and probably come in overall first or second but we aren't complaining. That's what happens when you race on an ever changing river that feeds into the Atlantic Ocean. What an experience indeed!

    Glad to be back. Hello to all the newbies! Glad to meet you,but sorry it's on here. I need to get reading and get caught up. Love you all.




    At the Fountain of Youth in St Augustine FL


    First Race I'm in row 9 on the right not sure you can see me


    This is us Marshalling down to our boat. I'm row 9 on right with the bright white legs 😜


    My team Captain and I. She's my bud


    Notice where my friend Angie and I sat our chairs


    We are waiting and waiting and waiting for the long long long awards ceremony


    Finsh line


    Back by the bridge is the start


    Finally getting our medal. The lady forgot to announce the BCS winners and then went on and on about her team who won


    Bronze Medal.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2015

    Wednesday, March 26, 2014

    6:52 AM

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday!I got an e-mail from Kathy at Disney and I got a $30 discount on my pre-cruise Disney stay!Nice way to start the day, right?

    Cammy--I did take it easy yesterday, and went to be early last night cuz I was a little more tired than usual.Feel fine this morning.Not sure what it was, probably a 24 hour thing like you say.Amazing how much one person can sleep in one day, though!

    Goldie--So exciting you and Casino Girl are getting together!A 4 hour drive to get chemo?That must have been torture.It would take up a whole day just getting there and getting back, let alone getting the treatment.

    Mema--The whole world of medical willie has lots of surprising info, like different strains having different amounts of the various chemicals, and some strains are better for nausea than others, some are better for appetite boosting, and so on.And I'm with you on the Solo cup, full no matter what is in it!

    Collett--Wow, great racing!You guys did great!Coming back from the whirlpool and wave is impressive all by itself.Great pics!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Bronze Monkey

    1 oz Vodka

    1 oz Spiced Rum

    4 oz Orange Juice


    Shake ingredients together in a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Pour into a highball glass half-filled with ice cubes, and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Nancy beautiful pics, u gals really work hard with great results. How wonderful u ejoy that so much, u must have really strong arms. Will u see Jackson more now?

    NM I'm so glad that got over with quickly, it's all the likker we consume that fights all these germs. LOL It's only Tuesday and I think it's Thursday, it might be the days that start with T confuses me. Todays DOTD sounds yummy.

    Simp I hope u'r doing OK, how are u kids doing with all of this?

    Oh Lori I didn't mean u were that stubborn, I know u'll do what u have to do, but u rattled me for a minute. I just want everything to be (as I put it) at bay. U have to drive so so far for treatments That's horrible, by the time u get home u have to be exhausted and then do it again next time. Jeez I complain that my onc is in the next town, serously--but I ways feel bad someone has t drive me. I think if I drove myself it would be all right. But my niece never seems to mind, but I do. U know I just want all the best for u.

    ANYONE hear from Lara. I worry about her.

    And DARA I'm concerned about her passport--this starts the busy time for them. I'm such a know it all LOL

    OK a Joey story--His teacher asked to see him alone--(English) of course he gets worried??? And she did say she didn't want him to tell anyone about this talk but she said his explanations for the scenes in this book were far beyond what she expected from anyone in that class, and how he just understands like inside of characters or something like that--Did I help him with this--NO that's probably why he did so well. LOL He was so proud. And yes Lori he is color blind, but even if he doesn't know the colors he can match the shades of colors perfectly, but he does have to learn to compensate and know the colors he can't tell so he does all right. My oldest brother and cousin are color blind too. Years ago it made a big difference, my brother was in pre-med and because of being colorblind he had to drop out, cuz in chemistry none of the colors were right. I'm sure it's different now. But his stupid part was he ended up working in a chemistry lab for a big paint Co. for matching all shades,LOL he evenutally worked his way up to be President of the company never knowing a true color, but always knew if the shades didn't match--like Joey. Strange. Oh well that's my coor blind story and I might have told it before, I don't remember.

    OK everyone have a great day,


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2015

    LDB, I have mentioned this before, re the flu shots. I have never had one, not a one. And have never gotten the flu. Now granted, I'm not around peeps that much, so that could be the reason too.

    Nancy, a huge congrats on your races. Great place to put your chair too. LOL on the bright white legs! And there is that lil cutie Jackson. Why can't they just stay little like that?

    NM, that $30.00 will go to some good, no doubt. It's not a lot, but hey! I did not drive 4 hours for chemo. Back when I was doing chemo, it was every 3 weeks, but I did go to Tulsa OK for that! The drive for weekly chemo would be if my onc puts me on that. There is a center here in Show Low, hour away. But not sure I want to go there. We also have a small airport that flies into Phoenix, but then I would have to find a ride to oncs office and back to the airport. IF this is to come, I will pull out the cancer card and see what I might get done with some sort of discount.

    I'm with you on forgetting what day it is. I went into town yesterday and saw this guy I made friends with at the grocery store, he works in produce. And he mentioned what a surprize to see me, and on a Tuesday yet. And I'm like, shoot...I thought it was Monday! Well he was the one that was confused.

    Cami, I don't mind my drives, it's like 4 or 5 different sections, and most of it is so pretty. As for the stubborn part, I thought maybe you thought, that I wasn't doing the treatment that my doctor wants me too. I am. And I also want the best for me...for all of us! I can't even imagine what color blindness would be like. It would be cool if they had glasses that let you experience that. And how could he tell you what color he sees? He can't. Like, how does he see grass, or the sky, clouds, etc. And I didn't know it was hereditary. Nice that his teacher pulled him aside. She could have not said anything at all. So kudos to her and Joey too.

    Mary, November 1st?

    CAMI, WE'RE COMIN TO SEE YOU! Can you ask Leslie or Marty what hotel that was that I stayed at? So I can make reservations. And let your sister and cousin know. November 1st, but for now just tenative. Wooo hooo, can't wait!

    Well, I came home to many more beans and maters, so I will be canning today! Oy vey!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Nancy - WOW, am impressed. Ya'll look so good and I just love the boats. Jackson sure is a handsome young lad. Beautiful pics, thanks for sharing.

    Lowee - You have made a good point about not being around peeps too much, but now that you are in a docs ofc, what once a month, germs are rampant please at least use the anti-bacterial stuff, A LOT and carry a bottle with u if there aren't any at docs ofc. LOL on what day it is, happening more and more with me. Peeps will just have to forgive us.

    NM - glad you are feeling better, I feel myself falling back down the wabbit hole again. See my onco on 9-13, plan to ask about anti-depressant. I seem to spend more and more time in mese bed lately. Hoping the water aerobics will boost some endorphines betwn now and doc appt. How'd u get $30 discount, huh…com'on share. I'll be happy to share a bowl with you one day and will have my solo sippy cup filled to the rim.

    Cami - I think the likker has something to do with it too. My step-mom was an alcoholic all her life. She quit after dad got sick (RIP), so been sober 20 years, but her favorite saying on why she is still alive is that all the alcohol pickled her innards. LOL! HooRAY for Joey, love that story.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2015

    OK again it's quarter to 3, and no one in the place except just me---or are all of u to young to know that song. U big babies.

    SusyQ I'm glad u'r seeing u'r Dr. please make sure u talk about u'r feelings completely, there is so much help for u if u need it, so please use it. And u've got a point about Lori and the flu shot, now she'll be exposed to more peeps cuz of treatments--of course I never in my life got a shot either Lori even when I worked with chemo, I just have mixed feelings about it. So I guess I'm not the one to give u advice, but the last couple of years I haven't been around peeps so I just never got one either, but my dr. says u'r around u'r grandson--so I guess that makes sense. But........

    I'm so furcited about u being this way in my world, I've got to find out where u stayed before, I hope u'r mom is well enough for u to get some time this way.

    This silly Dr. chart on the computer is always doing something, I don't even know how I got in it..(I forgot) so I have one app't next week, another one the week after and tests next week--so it's written down at least I have no excuse to say I forgot now--don't like this one bit.

    BTW I enjoy u'r pics so much ladies especially the kids, I still think they look like they could be brother and sister, they have the same coloring. HMMMMM

    Well I have to go to sleep, I'm going to be a mess tomorrow for work, which lately I have been. I've taken calls and not remembered but somehow I get the messages out but if one of the guys calls and asks me to explain it better I really can't, but I can't say I was sleeping and don't remember so I usually say they were talking to electrically --I have to start sleeping again or they'll catch on.

    Oh I had a great nite with Joey tonite, we talked so much and watched some TV and he did a few things I needed done. Oh Lori I think the same things about the colors that color blind people see--but it is usally only a few colors that they can't tell and they learn if they see a certain color it's really another xolor when they say it out loud to people, he sees green for yellow, blue for purple and sees brown for pinks and visa versa so he just guesses, if the sky is bright blue he sees blue but if it's getting dark blue doesn't show up to him.. It was always said that it's mostly men who get colored blind, but I really don't know but the mother carries the gene. And I think as I remember the Dr. said he'll use a color he's sure of most of the time and his color is red, that he sees so he uses a lot of red LOL.

    OK my Dr. talk for the day, wasn't that interesting?