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how about drinking?



  • Chriss326924
    Chriss326924 Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2015

    Hi Juliet,

    Could you tell me a little more about your radiation induced neuropathy? I had 20 sessions of radiation after a lumpectomy for Stage 0 DCIS this summer and towards the end of the treatments, my skin started feeling clammy on my legs, and since the end of the radiation on August 25th, my skin has gradually gotten colder and more and more tingly and numb. My radiation oncologist is refusing to believe that the radiation could be causing this. I don't know what to do from here and any information you could give me about your situation would be so helpful!

    Thank you!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday!What's everyone having 2 of this ayem?For me, it's coffee until after work, then maybe a couple of Cosmos when I get home this evening.

    Genny--there are a lot of different chemicals that can be used in wine making, including nitrites that are known for causing headaches.They are used for adjusting acidity and for sterilizing equipment, and as preservatives.Can be problematic at times if you are prone to headaches or migraines.


    Cammy--if you know where to look you can find wine made out of just about everything!It's really fun to play with making wine from different things and combinations of things.Or from kits--those you know will come out good!I've got winter pj's as well as summer ones, too, and have started digging out the warmer ones, too.Sadie makes a great bed warmer, and a great foot warmer when she curls up on the ottoman, too.Joey is such a big help to you, that is just wonderful.And think of the skills he's learning--shopping, observing others, being helpful, he's going to be a marvelous young man.


    Goldie--yup, it was 55 in the house.And that was after the sun had come up and started warming things up a bit!Day time temps are now in the 60's, and they are talking about snow flurries on Friday.Sigh. I do love fall, though.Warm enough day time to do stuff outside, cool enough to make cooking/baking reasonable, even desirable.That pooch does look like Sadie, doesn't she?

    Mema--hmm, tomato wine.I haven't tried that, might give it a go with a small one gallon batch just to see how it comes out.That one may need to age three or four years, though.

    Green Tomato Wine

    Goldie--Bag balm is great stuff, very popular around here for all sorts of skin issues!


    Hey, Chriss, welcome to the Lounge and pull up a bar stool!


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Tomato Lassi

    1/12 tsp Salt

    4 oz Water

    2 oz Tomato Juice

    2 oz Plain Yogurt

    1/4 tsp Celery Salt


    Place the yogurt, tomato juice, water and salt in a blender; blend thoroughly. Pour into a collins glass almost filled with ice cubes. Add celery salt/seed and stir thoroughly.

    Best served in a Collins Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    OOHHHGood Morning/

    I just lost a whole post in the middle of a sentence and went to MY LIBRARY WTF is that? If I only knew about computers I wouldn't do these things I bet.

    Welcome Chriss, sorry for the reason. But the nurses Julie being one always explain so well and so do a couple of non nurses so u'll get u'r answer.

    Lori I'm glad u'r hands are a little better but I'm sure they're a handful to take care of--oops didn't mean that like that. Oh I told Joey he's so excited to see u and now he's going to meet Mary so he's in boys heaven. Lori u must need a lo of rest, so just go with it.

    Nancy I hope u'r feeling better and the pain has lessened.

    Lori thanks for 'splainin to me about Julie, I just don't get all this stuff, never did I was told I had peripheral neuropathy whatever, I know I hurt, but other things hurt too so I don't even know about what it is exactly, I never really asked. I know that sounds stupid but as long as I didn't hear the rb word I really never paid attention.

    OK SusyQ and Julie---no rabbit hole, it's not allowed here. Besides u have to dig a new one and that's more trouble than getting out. Cuz as u remember I filled in the old one and the new one that SOMEONE was trying to dig. So no hole.

    I see the Dr. today, she so sweet, why do I hate to go so much, u'd think by now t would be OK but I hate it. My electrolytes are low--surprise surprise, I have a UTI another big surprise--it's always the same chit, well this time I do have something new for her so she better come up with some easy solution cuz u know how lazy I am about doing things. Oh well.

    Mary I love u'r FB pic and the videos now of aNorable. so cute.

    Where the hell is wacko passport now? She's avoiding the inevitable slashing of her not doing her passport, but we don't see pics of her baby. Come on Missy.

    Have a good day ladies


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    NM knocked me right into the pewl again, whew and it's cold---did I miss something? I didn't see and liquor in the DOTD today---what happening?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2015

    Not sure who said the Tomato Wine didn't sound good, I agree. But I'm told it is pretty good.Saw some at one of the wineries we stopped at, but wasn't interested in purchasing any!

    NM, Cosmos after work, I'm in. SNOW, in October? NOOOOOOO! Ruh Roh, no alcohmahol in the DOTD! How about some Wodka? I see Cami noticed too!

    Cami, what's the new problem you need to tell your doc? Hoping for a good visit. Let us know. Tell Joey I'm excited too. I booked hotel at the Hampton this time, instead of the Holiday Inn.

    Having to post pone our trip to Moab, it's still raining there…..bums me out! And it's way too quiet up in here.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Lowee - interesting combo benedryl and pepsid. You may have mentioned it before but most times I can't remember what was said, who said it, and when they said it. LOL. Just glad it's helped a widdle bit. Trust me Lowee…I feel so tired I nearly talk myself OUT of going to aerobic class. It's a mental battle every time, but once I get there I'm OK, cept when I git home I have to nap, LOL. Have tons a fun camping!

    Chriss - I have not been radiated cept for mese brain, but 20 sessions sounds like a lot. I believe my neuropathy is from chemo and it's mostly in my feet. I least your are finished with it, this whole journey certainly not a picnic. Hopefully some of our nurses will be of some help. Hang in there…things do get better.

    NM - didn't kno they had kits to make wine, course I'm not a wine drinker so that prolly explains my ignorance. Aren't dogs the best for keep our tootsies warm. One of mine is usually at my feet and the other at my spine. Who wants to get outta bed when you so toasty warm?

    Like the name of the DOTD.

    We got rain n lots of it yest afternoon and thru the night. DH left slider open getting the laminate flooring all wet. I got up in middle of night to discover this, closed it and dried it up, hope floor will be OK.

    Cami - u cwack me up. The DOTD is a virgin….LOL. Glad Joey is getting excited for Lori n Marys visit. U better pay attention to what the nice doc lady says for ur UTI, will say again….G2 has lots of electrolites. After a bout of big D I start sipping the G2. Don't know, mayb too much sugar for you. Jes trying to be helpful. Wish you didn't have so many ailments, jes not fair. (((Cami)))

    Oh no Lowee, sawee no go to Moap cuz of the rain. We are heading to St Geo this morning. Jes for errands, no docs this time.

    EWWA in gear….lubslubslubslubslubslubslubs!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Big bosses coming to the office this afternoon, so have to go in and play nice, like I really want to have to drive all the way back to the office in the middle of the day,I know it's supposed to be a good thing having them visit, it's really not convenient.Oh, well, I'll play nice and be a good little worker bee. At least I'll get a free lunch out of it.


    Cammy--sounds like the post eating gremlin is waking up and starting to stalk us again!We need to go on a Gremlin hunt!Don't blame you for not paying attention to stuff as long as it wasn't the rat ba$#ard.Low electrolytes and a UTI, again?What's your doc doing about it?Aha, I wondered who would notice the lack of likker in the DOTD first!And I've told the tenders to turn up the heat on the pool water, it is a little chilly for this time of year.


    Goldie--I'd want to taste some tomato wine before buying any, too.But it sounds like fun to try!Snow, flurries only, and mostly in the mountains, so I should be safe, I hope. . . And you caught the lack of likker, too.What a sharp group!


    Mema--so easy to talk ourselves out of doing good stuff for ourselves, isn't it?Yup, there are kits for making wine, all you add is water and some work and you can make really good wine at home.And doggies make the best foot, back, bed warmers, IMO!


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    barking dog

    1 1/2 oz Gin

    1 1/2 oz Dry Vermouth

    1 1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth

    1 dash Angostura Bitters


    stir over ice, serve straight up

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Well….off to the gym in a bit, jes had to say g'morn to all my goils. Went to St Geo n took care our business. DH lookin for a bed liner for the truck. 1st place wanted too much plus we'd have to pay shipping, 2nd place (the dealership) offered much more reasonable price. Then came back to town n sat in our tiny DMV ofc for 40 mins, but vin was inspected etc etc and we left with new plates…now new truck all set.

    NM - bummer about having to go to ofc middle of the day just to play nice LOL, but mayb they have some ans to the messes around there. Hmmm, jes add water and get wine, I'm amazed. I don't drink it but mayb it'd make a good xmas gift?

    Gotta run goils. Gosh we missing so many.

    Lara - Ur birthday was 2 days ago and I let it slip by…shame on me!

    HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!! Hope you're doing ok, come check in when you can.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2015

    Hi girls,

    Peeking my head in right quick, need to sample the DOTD, yummy, I had 14 dwinks. ~burp

    I wanted to tell you all that I got my passport pic taken today. I also went to the post office to pick up the application but the freaking post office was closed at 1pm, dern it. I guess they only open half days. I will take an early lunch tomorrow and try again.

    I have missed you all, been down in the rabbit hole hiding. It is warm and cozy down here but lonely.

    Beautiful weather after the week of rain and flooding. I am fortunate not to have any damage as the streets were all flooded around here.

    Great pics Genny and Nancy, I skimmed the posts but love the pics. Our lounge babies are growing so fast.

    Well gotta get back into the rabbit hole, time to work really. Miss you all and love you all bunches and more bunches! Muah!!!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2015

    ps forgot to tail you all that once again, the mods flagged and edited my prior post. I am always getting meseself in trouble here. I can't say what I said to tick off the mods but I will say that I am glad they did not block me from posting as they did a few years ago when I wrote naughy tings!

    more cheers to ye all, *CLINK*

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2015

    Just popping in to say goodnight. Was going to post tonight but I fell asleep on the couch, now just crawling in bed.

    Dara, good to see youalbeit just poking your head out from d wabbit hole. What going on? yay on the passport pic.

    Sweet dreams to all, try to ketchup tomorrow.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!How is everyone this Thirsty Thursday?Bit of a long day yesterday with the play nice lunch right in the middle, looks like another long day today playing ketchup with the paperwork, but such is life.It's Friday Eve, so the week is winding down.Can't wait for a nice sleep in Saturday!


    Mema--Hooray for new truck being all set!No new answers to the issues at work, just more people talking about how "growing pains" are a good thing.Some of us are getting very tired of hearing about "growing pains."Wine kits make great gifts for someone who likes wine and wine making, but the kits that have the equipment are a bit pricey.If someone has the equipment the kits with the juices and chemicals are a nice gift and a much more reasonable price.


    Dara--Good for you for getting your passport pic!Now lets get you out of that rabbit hole.Watch out for the naughty words, they sneak up on you when you aren't paying attention!


    Good to see you Genny, have a good sleep!


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    White Rabbit

    3 oz Seagram's Vanilla Vodka

    3 oz Vanilla Liqueur

    1 part Ice

    1 oz Milk


    Fill a glass with ice, add in the vodka, vanilla liqueur, and milk. Shake and serve.

    Best served in a Highball Glass.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    Good Morning Ladies===ooo NM the DOTD sounds yummy tday, oh how I wish I drank, it would be so comforting. LOL I'm sure the meeting yesterday was a rehash of similar ones but hey if u got a free lunch out of it WTF. OK I know this is boring but when I worked for the state and we had big meeting downtown Chicago, since I was considered management--I know how silly--I'd go and the people who were making the rules and all these decisions never had a job like this before, these jobs werw given to "friends" of people, like one of the big bosses was a bartender before he worked there. So it was hard to respect their views and they would be gone probably in the next election--so no one knew what they were doing and yet we all had worked a lot of yrs doing this and u knew it was all BS. I would think a lot of "bosses" haven't really worked at daily work and didn't really know the mechanics of how to work with the system for the people. (did I make sense?)

    OK everyone in that damn rabbit hole get out. How many times do I have t fill it in. What's going on? If u can share maybe we can help or we'll all go down the hole and just live there for a while, I know there's likker there so we can be happier. U know I wish we all lived by each other we could really be a source of strength together.I'm going thru hell right now--I'm almost out of coffee and yet I stay out of that hole. Dara good fr u to get started, just think of the vacay that's coming up please and u will be all refreshed. SusyQ u've come to far so altho I think u should relax more, mentally u'r exhausted. Julie I knw u work and don't feel good and I always feel bad about that. I feel bad when anyone of us is down or doesn't feel well in any way. Like we all do.

    OK I've already got some stupid calls from stupid people this morning and have to do my stupid job as best as I can. hahahahaha which is at least 50% of what anyone else would do.

    I'll be back


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2015

    Happy frieday eve girls, jest one more day and we have frieday, woop woop.

    de reason I have been in de rabbit hole is the dang job, hate it so much. I git so funcused with tings, can't easily explain it but my biggest issue is understanding what the rate/point combo should be when appraisals come in low. and that is bcuz we give pricing accommodations that change when the scenario of de loan changes. it is all a bunch of chit that I struggle with so much.

    NM, hope the crud at the office is not too bad for ya. Are you working shorter hours, I sure hope so. Give that cute pup a kiss from me.

    Cam, I'ze is waiting for you to be back, been waiting all day.

    I did not make it to the post office todey at lunch, I will try to make it tomorree. NM, wha It docs will I need other than the application for the passport? And is it true that I need to send in my original drivers license?

    I hope you all had a good day. I am going to try, key word TRY to keep up with all ofyou. Cuz I have missed each of you berry much.

    Julie, sorry you are seeing pain management doctor, hope the pain eases up for ya.

    Lori, sorry aboutyour hands and all the issues you are havingfrom the FU pills. I tink of you ebery day, sorry I do not report daily. It has been hard to do anyting other than show up at work. when I git home, I find the rabbit hole waaaay too comfy for my own good and just end up dwinking then going to sleep.

    Well mese apologeez for nnot addressing each of you. I have to git dinner ready, it is after 8pee em and we have not yet had dinner. See you all tomorree or over the weekend. lub you all so berry much.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    Oh Dara I'm sorry bout u'r job--Holy chit u remind me of Chandler (on friends) no one knows what he does, Now I don't understand one thing u do. Oh my stars I could never learn or remember anything about that chit. I give u credit for showing up, let alone doing all of that. I do understand about work tho and hating to go, I felt like that always, every day and I'd come home and have to do it again the next day, so that rabbit hole I understand, In fact don't u remember when I told u the first thing I said when they told me I had cancer----my words were "Yay, I don't have to work for a while" I know how sick that sounds but the 2nd thing I said was oh good I'll loose weight--which BTW never happened, I only got worse. Now that's rabbit hole scenario. Wht's going on with u'r DD and the baby--I never know which names to use. Now u haven't told us about that.

    Did anyone see on my FB a pic of my niece Julie, her DH and one of her sons.--That my niece that I think look like Dar, except that pic not as much but normally yes, even my other nieces thought so and I think u'r both about the same age too. Just notice now.

    OK I still didn't get my meds yet. OMG I'm so bad, but they're not as expensive as I thought tere are 7 bottles (3 new ones) and it's under 60.00---and yet sometimes I get 1 bottle and it's over 100.00 WTF--who makes up these crazy prices. Oh well, my boss was going to pick them up for me today and he never did--he forgets anything that's not work-----

    OK I'm signing off, see u tomorrow.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!TGIF! Sleep in until the sun comes up tomorrow ayem, yeah!Another day with rain supposedly coming, so far this week it hasn't arrived and the days have been beautiful, so we'll see if it happens today.

    Cammy--Yup, you did make sense.I didn't stay for the pep talk from the higher ups, just grabbed lunch and had to scoot out to answer a call.But there was an announcement of 4 more positions approved the next day, so something good came out of it in the end.And 'm with you, time to fill in that rabbit hole and cover it with concrete or something, after we haul all the Loungettes down there out, first, of course.Stupid calls from stupid people only need 505 of your attention, so all is good, right?

    Dara--sounds like a lot of complicated stuff to deal with, I'd be in a perpetual state of confusion if I was trying to sort it all out!Hours at work are better, thank the good Lord!Sadie says Woof Woof and sends a lick.You will need the passport application, a certified copy of your birth certificate and your driver's license and passport photo when you take your application in,The driver's license will be photocopied, you won't have to send the original anywhere.The birth certificate will be sent back with the passport.You can go to the site that I told you about and fill in and print out the application, you don't need to get that from the post office.Hang in there, only 108 more days to Cruise time!

    Cammy--drug prices are crazy, and there is no logic that I can figure out other than newer drug = more expensive.See you tomorrow!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Marilyn Monroe

    4 oz Champagne

    1 oz Apple Brandy

    1 tsp Grenadine


    Pour into a champagne saucer, and serve with two cherries on a stick.

    Best served in a Champagne Saucer.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    Good Morning Ladies--

    Oh NM that DOTD sounds yummy this morning. I think we're getting rain today and none tomorrow, but it go way cooler. Yes today is TGIF so u can look forward for a nice weekend. U don't have Monday off , right--the schools are closed but they get ever holiday there is off--like the Government. I think of u and Sadie having a nice relaxed day (at least one) this weekend and that's a good feeling--

    I just quizzed Joey with words for spelling and definitions. I honestly didn't know what some meant, I don't even think they're used anymore.

    Now I'm in waiting mode for my meds. I can't wait for Marty to start his stupid job Tuesday--this is so difficult not having any money. This to shall pass.

    I'll be back later, I guess Lori has gone but when she comes back she'll be glad to hear Passport has started the process.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    YAY Dora - Hope u can sneak out to get your application. What could you possibly have written to get flagged? Gotta email me that. Git outta that work wabbit hole and come have some drinks with us. Tits UP! The post office will have all the paperwork you need, cept ur driver's lic and I do believe I had to send mine. I kept my receipt hoping that wud suffice if I ever got stopped. But jes go ask em, they'll tell right. But that's why I say check with them, then u kno ur good. I think NM is right too in sending ur birth certificate. I just can't remember if that is also the actual one and not a copy.

    Mary - hope you get some good rest.

    NM - Morning to you too. Glad yest is gone and today is Friday, woo hoo. Have a nice late morning wake up tomorrow. Ahhh, didn't even think about needing equipment, well, mark that off my gift list. I know several peeps who love their wine but don't think they have any equipment. Thanks for the info. Hmmm, vanilla vodka…I'm liking it!

    Cami - I too have been employed where bosses are friends of the big bosses, it never mixes well for the reason u stated, 'they never did the actual work' tis maddening! That would be nice if we all lived closer. I've given lots of HugZ here but nothing like the real thing. I'm not on FB so I missed the pics. Hope u get ur meds soon. We are still 10 degrees warmer than usual 90's, but supposed to drop back down to normal (80's) come next week. Now that temp I can handle and soon I'll be bitching and wanting summer back LOL.

    OK, EWWA in gear - lot's to do today, hope all have wonderful Friday!!!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2015

    tell me about bosses, ours,' you must make time for a break you can't get cranky because you haven;t eaten for 5 hours' so every time i try to leave the floor and somebody calls i just ignore them and go eat because its my lunch time, wonder what colour the sky is in her world? when all your staff are all clocking out late you say this is the new normal for health care but she will be bitching about the budget in a month or two!

    i had my radiation 4 years ago 33txs but i had 4 surgeries total for that breast 2 lumpectomies,1 exploration and debridement and 1 to get clear margins plus i have 2 episodes of imflammation of my rototator cuff on that side and thats my dominant hand so lots of normal wear and tear too so pain from my breast,the scar to my shoulder down my arm gradually getting worse so the topamax and the tramadol i only have to take at night are really working, with the current dcis guide lines i would still have got the same treatment, at the time of treatment i only had localised pain and some burning wch got better as the skin healed but with the further surgeries thigns just got worse

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Almost got to sleep until the sun comes up.Sadie decided 6 ayem was long enough to wait to go potty.Sunrise officially at 6:45, so at least there was enough light to see by when I got up.Did get some rain yesterday, which was fine since I was stuck in the office until noon time kethcuping on paper work, then had to drive an hour and a half to do an emergency admission, THEN had to drive an hour to see one of my patients, then another hour to see another. Was seeing patients up til after 7 peeyem!Talk about your long day.Oh, well, it was Friday, what can you expect.

    Cammy--No, I don't have Monday off.Columbus Day is one of those half-a$ed holidays--half the world is off, half working, who knows what can and can't get done.Enough to drive a sane person crazy!Being in waiting mode for meds does not sound good--are you out of anything critical?Do let yourself stay out too long, please!

    Mema--Vanilla vodka is good, I've had some and like it, especially for mixing drinks.That and citrus vodka.That makes great cosmos!

    Juliet--I am so tired of hearing about "the new normal" and "growing pains.""Make sure you take care of yourself."Yeah, up until you say "no" to something, cuz you're already overloaded, then it's "You need to be a team player."No way to win, sometimes.All that treatment to one arm/shoulder area, it's a wonder you can move it at all!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Painkiller Recipe Ingredients

    2 oz Chocolate Liqueur

    1 oz Dark Rum

    1 dash Orange Liqueur

    1 dash Coconut Syrup


    Mix well in a shaker with three or four ice cubes. Strain into an old-fashioned glass, garnish with a pineapple piece, and serve.

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    Good Morning Ladies---a little late today

    NM u do so much driving OMG u have to have a new car to make sure u get all over the place. Oh How I would hate that. then all u have to do ick to all of it. God thing there are people like u and Julie tho, it difficult what u do. And I love all these new tastes in likkers, sounds so good.

    Oh Julie thank you, I do understand more now--to many things on one side is right. No wonder u have so much trouble and it has to be hard with what u do everyday. See what I mean when these commercials come on and women say I had breat cancer and went to so and so and now I'm living my life wonderfully and I wonder how? I do know a lot fee pretty good after but I seem to know more that over the next few yrs. it might not be cancer but all kinds of stuff happen and if u follow the trace it started with thr RB--I'm happy u have some control with the pain, but it sucks for u and u know how sorry I am.

    SusyQ like I said I wish we all lived close--I want to know word for word what's going on with everyone, it's how I am--that's why this is actually more dificult for me to figure things out when some (like u) tells us enough of what happening but not everything. I know I've always asked to many questions but when I care tht exactly what I do. It's funny cuz when I don't u don't hear many words coming out of my mouth when someone is telling me something, I just nod. I bad.

    NM a couple of my meds are important, one is another anti-b of course but one is a new one for me for my leg---now Nancy would definetly know all about it cuz it was always for seizures, now they're finding new things for it, but they don't know what mg's I wil end up needing, it's kind of like fibro in my leg and it's so painfu most of the time my shower taking has decreased LOL--but my fragrance has changed to icy-hot, biofreeze and the like, it covers lots of other things up. It doesn't help much but I use it anyway.This takes my meds up to 18 different types and I wonder in my own head, how do they all mix? just to many. Oh well, I have more tests Monday then see my Onc. And I'm done for a couple of months with all these crazy Drs.

    OK I've got to get someone with money to get my meds--I have money coming in at the beginning of the week tho, and Marty won't get a check for like 3 weeks OMG this is too goofy for words.

    Have a super duper Saturday everyone


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Julie - OMG I had no idea you went thru so much and what you are still going thru. So happy those 2 drugs r helping tho. Can't believe, well I can cuz you are so strong and do so much even tho in pain. U r a trooper for sure. You don't have any more planned surgeries in the near future do ya? (((Julie)))

    NM - sounds like ur had a horrid day Fri, but it's over now. I have been sleeping later and later it seems, I must need it. DH coming over today and I still haven't showered or been to the grocery store. Might put off store til tomorrow when DH can go with. I like some flavored wodka's but not so fond of the citrus ones. But vanilla does sound good. Painkiller sound pretty good too.

    Cami - that doesn't make you bad it makes you a good listener. Most peeps love talking about themselves, but having a friend who listens is a keeper. I took NM's advice long ago and signed into Epocrates (sp) cuz I wanted to kno how my meds interacted. Interesting stuff. It breaks my heart that some of you can't afford your meds when u need them. I ever you need help with that you let me kno I'll do what I can to help…seriously.

    DH and I will be going target practicing on Monday, then to Vegas on Tues for my doc and tx.

    Better get my arse in gear, have another busy day.

    Lubslubslubslubslubs all my goils!!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2015


    • Carolyn Regnell
    • Elaine Ray Hickman
    • Mike Neargarten
    • Mary Ann O'Bryant
    • Leo Whitlock
    • and 30 more...


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    Description: are you kathlikTHREE LITTLE BOYS were concerned because they couldn't get anyone to play with them.They decided it was because they had not been baptized and didn't go to Sunday school. Description: three boys So they went to the nearest church.But, only the janitor was there. Description: church
    One little boy said,"We need to be baptized because no one will come out and play with us.Will you baptize us?" Description: janitor
    Sure," said the janitor. Description: toliet
    He took them into the bathroom and dunked their little heads in the toilet bowl, one at a time.Then he said, "You are now baptized!" Description: three boys alt When they got outside, one of them asked,"'What religion do you think we are?" Description: one boy
    The oldest one said,"We're not Kathlick, because they pour the water on you.""We're not Babtis, because they dunk all of you in the water.""We're not Methdiss, because they just sprinkle water on you.." The littlest one said, "Didn't you smell that water?"

    They all joined in asking,'Yeah! What do you think that means?'
    Description: smirk"I think it means we're Pisskopailians!"
  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2015

    Hi girls, hope you're all having a nice Saturday night. My DH just left for Cincinnatti, I hate it when he has to work weekends and so does he. I ran in a 5K this morning, debated whether or not to go cause I have been working on a cold. Well I did it, a Monster Mutt Dash for a local animal rescue. I came in 3rd place in my age group, of course there may have only been 3 of us. So then I stayed and had a few beers and a hot dog and for the dog costume contest, Junior was a spider. Anyway, driving home I was so tired I barely made it then crawled into bed and slept for 2 hours, Now I'm finally having to admit I'm sick....yuck, stuffy nose, low grade fever and just generalized blah....... So I have a lot of catchen up to do.

    Kim, love the big bottle of wine, that's what I need when I have friends over.

    Nancy, hope EEG turned out ok, maybe I'll see more about it as I read on.

    Cami, such a sweet story about Joey going to the doctor with you and price shopping at Walgreen's, what a sweetie.

    Lori, hope you're having a good camping trip, you are so busy now, hope you're getting your rest. And I have restocked the HTL with JD since I see our miss Dara has come back. So glad your hands are doing better, hmmm, Benedryl and Pepsid, that's what makes BCO so helpful. Glad it's working.

    Dara, get outta that rabbit hole! I'm so sorry about you hating your job, I have been in jobs that I hated before and it is horrible to feel that way. You sound very stressed, wish I knew what to tail ya but I don't. So what's going on with David?

    NM, yea, chemicals in wine, some worse than others, whatever the little local winery here puts in does not agree with me.

    Cami, glad the doctor visit went ok, drink your water. We need to do a better job of filling in the rabbit hole, way too many loungettes meeting down there.


    Come out, come out wherever you are girls, git outta dat dern hole!

    We should send the gremlins down the rabbit hole, then fill it in and stomp on it.

    Lori, so sorry your trip is getting rained out, hope you still get to go.

    Suzie, hope your floor dried up ok, have a good time in St George. Good advice for Cami. You are so good about talking yourself into going to the gym, it's so hard to do some days isn't it?


    NM, hope the playmate wit the bosses went ok.

    Dara, git da hail outta dat hole!! Hey, I found something to getcha out, special delivery jes for you, he's in the lounge waiting...


    If it's not the gremlins it's the mods eh? Got me curious about what ya wrote.

    Cami, hope you got your meds, who knows where those prices come from. So glad Marty is starting his new job, I sure hope he likes it, sure has been a struggle

    Julie, so sorry to hear about your trouble from the rads. I was very lucky I guess, I do have decreased ROM in my left arm from it but only noticeable when I do yoga. My Dh had rotator cuff surgery on both side, no fun. Hope you're felling better soon, sounds like it's time for a trip to Disney.


    Simp, hope you're doing ok and all the other girls who have been absent from the lounge, gonna post this so to be sure no gremlins snatch it up then I'll post some pics from the race today. Lots of cute pooch costumes. I'm home alone and kinda sick so I'll prolly pop in later, maybe for a shot of whiskey for my cold.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2015




    Junior ran with me, if only I could keep up with him, I'd win every race.




  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Mary the furbabies are so very cute, I luv the little costumes--And u ran a 5K--holy chit u'r another mover and shaker and of course I like the rabbit looking down that whole, he doesn't even go down there, silly rabbit.

    Well I still haven't gotten my meds so I figure tomorree I just write a check--when u give a chck (just certain places) it takes like 2 days rather than using u'r card--so I'm going fr it. Living on the edge that's me and there is no mail tomorree so I= that might go for me or against me but xhit I'll do it anyway. Jeez u'd think I was a crimina cuz I have the brinks pick-up time for thst day and I'll make it late--Oh yes my shows come in handy. LOL

    I'm sorry I ever told the Dr. I have used that thing on-line for medical use cuz I figured it out (a little) Now they think I know all this stuff, oh I won't take it down, cuz I don't member how I got it up--so I have 3 tests tomorrow and I see the Dr. In a way I'm glad to do it all in one day, get it over with, but I can't take "My Chart" off my thing orI'm lost. I tell everyone I really know nothing of what I'm doing but they think I'm kidding, I just by chance can do things once, that's it. LOL

    Oh Joey and I had another wonderful evening just talking about life and family- He loves to hear about old stories and cuz of my dad I've got plenty, plus we talked alot about how and what he likes about school. SO FAR LOL---Oh well

    I hope everyone has a good Sunday and the weather is good too.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday!Sadie and I didn't get much accomplished yesterday, hopefully we'll get a bit of housework done today.Did pick up my order from the buying club, got 10# of organic ground beef frozen 1# packages, left 2 out to thaw, guess who ate one?Nipped it right off the countertop.I have got to learn not to thaw things on the counter.It's amazing Sadie doesn't eat herself sick sometimes!I did get the second pound into the fridge, so the plans for lasagna tonight are still good!

    Cammy--I don't mind the driving, but I do prefer visits be closer together.But, since I can't convince my patients to schedule their crises geographically, I guess I'll just have to cope!Wow, lots and lots of drugs, no wonder you think about interactions.Maybe you should ask one of your docs or a pharmacist to run a check on all of your meds--there are programs out there that will let them list your meds and then it checks for interactions.Or PM me a list of your meds and I'll do it for you. It'll' be nice to be done with the docs for a couple of months, won't it?

    Mema--Friday was a long, hard day, but I get them from time to time.Comes with the territory.I just wish they wouldn't come on Friday so often though!It amazes me how many flavors of vodka there are there now.Birthday cake, whipped cream, caramel, all kinds of odd stuff!Target practice sounds like a fun way to spend some time.Are you good at it?

    LOL at the Pisskopalians!

    Genny--I am always so amazed at people who can run in marathons when I struggle to get up a single flight of stairs every day!I can just picture Junior as a spider.Sorry you are sick, take good care of yourself!Love the Doggy Costumes!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Absinthe Minded Martini

    1/2 oz Grand Marnier

    3 oz Gin

    Dry Vermouth

    Orange Peel

    1/2 oz Absinthe


    Properly chill 1 cocktail glass. In mixing glass with ice, pour gin and absinthe, and stir. In your cocktail glass, roll 1/2 oz of dry vermouth and throw away the excess. Strain other ingredients into cocktail glass and float 1/2 oz of grand marnier over top. Garnish with orange peel.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Boy, quiet in here this morning.Going to be a short work week for me, taking Friday off cuz my cousin is coming home for the weekend and I'm going to spend some time visiting.She's running in a half- marathon over the weekend, and Sadie and I will be going to cheer her on.


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Beer Margarita

    bottle Beer

    6 oz Vodka

    6 oz Water

    6 oz (frozen) Limeade


    In a large pitcher mix the Corona and limeade mixture (follow the directions on the frozen limeade except substitute one can of water with one can of vodka - cheap is fine). Serve in frosted mugs with ice.

    Best served in a Beer Mug.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2015

    Good morning girls. Yes it is quiet in here, NM the only one posting in 22 hours, shameful! DH got home from Cinci yesterday and we got to watch the season opener of Walking Dead, we're both big fans. It was good. I'm feeling much better today, going to go walk the dogs than get to work. I only have 4 today so far, it's been so slow at work. Missed 4 straight days of yoga with this stupid cold but I'm going back today.

    NM, good for you taking Friday off, have fun with your cousin. A 1/2 marathon, very ambitious, I did one of those but awhile ago when I was in much better shape, couldn't do it now. Anyway, the week should fly by for you.

    So I found a perfect use for the wabbit hole, so all you girls gotta get out! The bunnies want their house back!
