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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2015

    Good Humpday Morning, Loungettes! Raining cats and dogs here, got an inch overnight.We really need the moisture, and better rain now than snow later!Was kind of nice to listen to last night.Supposed to go on all day today.

    Cammy-- I think you are right, all that likker keeps us from getting sikker!I didn't know Joey was color blind, sounds like he's compensated really well.It amazes me how color blind people can match shades so well.Funny about your brother having to drop out of med school but ended up in chemistry anyway!You're right, nowadays you never look at colors and match them up, the machines print out a number, no interpretation required.Good for Joey for his reading comprehension and understanding!He should be proud!

    Goldie--My thoughts, too, $30 is good for at least a couple of drinks on board the ship, right?Or maybe I'll spend it on the roulette wheel. It'll go to something fun, anyway.Sounds like the logistics of getting to chemo if you go that route could be a hassle.Why don't you want to go to the closer center?Did you have a bad experience there?If it does come to that I would place the cancer card as much as possible.Might as well get something out of all this crap, right?

    Mema--I know a lot of people don't like the idea of taking antidepressants, but mine make a huge difference for me.The water aerobics willhelp, too, but I've never been able to exercise enough to match the effect of my pills.I booked my pre-cruise package through Kathy and she keeps watch for discounts, I just got an e-mail from her that she found this one and applied it.I know, I'll buy us a really nice bottle of wine one evening on the ship and we'll all share it!

    It's quarter to three, there's no one in the place except you and me

    So, set 'em up, Joe, I got a little story you oughta know

    We're drinkin', my friend, to the end of a brief episode

    Make it one for my baby and one more for the road

    I got the routine, so drop another nickel in the machine

    I'm feelin' so bad, wish you'd make the music pretty and sad

    Could tell you a lot, but you've got to be true to your code

    So, make it one for my baby and one more for the road

    You'd never know it but buddy, I'm a kind of poet

    And I got a lot of things to say

    And when I'm gloomy, you simply gotta listen to me

    Till it's all talked away

    Well that's how it goes and Joe, I know your gettin' pretty anxious to close

    So, thanks for the cheer, I hope you didn't mind my bendin' your ear

    This torch that I found must be drowned or it soon might explode

    So, make it one for my baby and one more for the road

    That long, long road

    Cammy-- I actually know that song!Pretty darn good explanation of color blindness, very interesting!Sounds like it creates some difficulties but isn't a real disability for Joey.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Blind Russian

    1/2 oz Butterscotch Schnapps

    3/4 oz Chocolate Liqueur

    3/4 oz Coffee Liqueur

    3/4 oz Irish Cream

    (Fill to Top) Milk


    Fill glass with ice. Add all liqueurs. Add milk. shake.

    Best served in a Collins Glass.


    Hmm, I don't see a lot of difference between a highball glass and a collins glass and a water glass!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2015

    LDB, I see my onc every 6 weeks, but I am in Wal Mart weekly!And I do have anti bacterial stuff in my purse, haven't used it due to the fact that it's mostly alcohol, and can't imagine what that would do to my already dry/cracking skin. I do wipe off my cart.

    Cami, I might know that song, but I would have to hear it. I told my mom yesterday,that I was coming your way. I would leave from her house, so she would see me that morning, and return the following day, to her house. Besides she sleeps most of day anyways. She did that twice when I was there last. So I sat there by myself while she slept! I hope you get more rest. DH has been up since 10:30 last night. I've been trying to convince him to go for a sleep study. Sounds like a great night with Joey. Only a month before I get there!

    NM, that sounds like a lot of rain. Sweet of you to buy that bottle of wine. I am so excited for all of you going.

    I think I have told this before, so for those of you that remember, can just skip over. As for our local docs, the first doctor I went to locally for my lump told me it was just an enlarged lymph node and not to worry about it. I was doing 6 month mamo's at the time. Then when it was time for another mamo, I found out he had retired. New doc, wouldn't just give me a script, but was going to be contracted with my insurance company, so I was waiting for that to happen. Well it was taking too long, I said I will pay for the damn appointment, I need a mammogram! Then when I had biopsy and cancer was diagnosed, went in for surgery and surgeon comes in and asks if I want MX or lumpectomy, I was dumb founded. Went back to see him and he says I "thought" I took more, but pathology only shows 2, he was referring to lymph nodes, and both of those were positive. Then another time, I went to the hospital to have my port flushed. Well they are suppose to get a blood return before they flush it. The nurse couldn't get one and says oh well, and she flushed anyways. So no telling where that saline went!

    Another quiet day/night in the lounge.Did another 7 quarts of beans last night, with still a bunch left, so I just cooked those! I don't have a problem with just eating a bowl of beans! Gots some maters I need to do something with today.

    No Blind Russian for Joey tho!!!!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Cami - what in heck are u doing up so early? R u really a night owl? I will talk to my doc, jes hoping the water aerobics helps too. God knows I take enuf pills now. I'm exciting too that you get to bisit with Lori again and maybe Mary too. You and Joey have such a special bond, I wish my gkids lived closer, I miss them. Your Doc appointments sound like mine were. Not so often for me anymore, thank goodness. Praying for good news for you.

    NM - ohh we could sure use some rain. Wudn't mind if u could send some my way. Hmmm, sounds good about the discount, wonder if any of the rest of us will get it. I'm impressed you know all the words to that song, fits perfectly for us. DOTD sounds pretty tasty and fattening too.

    Lowee - I forgot all about your peeling hands…yikes, I bet that stings. Jes forget I had a brain-fart k? Sounds like a gr8 plan for ur MI trip, I'm sure you'll have a fab time. Super scary story about ur local docs, hate to hear you driving so far, but good, reliable care makes it worth it, well, most of the time. I hope your back in not killing ya from all that canning, but I gotta say I'm proud of you….Muah!

    Hello and happy Humpday to all the rest of mia's....take care!


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2015

    Hi girls, sorry to be so absent. I watched Nora all day yesterday, what fun we had! And guess what...... OK, I'll just tell ya, I got Nora to pee-pee in the potty chair 8 times! And she pooped in it once! It was rainy and windy so we stayed in the house all afternoon and I left her naked from the waist down and put the potty chair in the living room. I walked into the kitchen and she comes and says "Yaya....pee-pee" and she took me in and showed me, she had done it in the potty!!!! So I danced around and told her we were doing the potty dance!!! And I gave her tons of water so about every 15 min, she'd do it again. She's got a ways to go but she's just 21 months and at least it's a start. I went to yoga today, first time in a year, I'm doing a yoga challenge and try and go everyday for a month. See if I can get these old joints limbered up.



    I'm not caught up with you all yet but it's too late for me now, meese eyes are too tired now. So sweet dreams, love to all, hopefully I'll ketchup tomorrow.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2015

    Good Thursday Morning, Loungettes! Boy did we get rain yesterday!6 inches in some places, with lots of wind.Roads are washed out and still closed, one town has so many washed out roads that they've canceled school today.Wild and wooly for a while there yesterday driving.

    Goldie--that antibacterial stuff is really hard on the skin, especially in the winter.Dry, cracked hand skin doesn't help keep infections away, that's for sure!Yikes, nowonder you don't have any faith in the local health care providers! I wound up going to an MO that was 90 miles away for the same reason, so I understand.A big bowl of beans sounds very yummy!

    Mema--I have to admit I had to look up the song to get all of the words right!

    Genny--Hooray for Nora!Doing the Potty dance!That is a great start on potty training.The yoga challenge sounds like a great idea, good for you!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:


    3/4 oz Dark Rum

    1 1/4 oz Light Rum

    1 oz Pineapple Juice

    1 oz Passion fruit Juice

    4 oz Sweet and Sour Mix


    Pour all ingredients except myer's dark rum and stir in an ice-filled hurricane glass. Add dark rum at the top, mix and serve.

    Best served in a Hurricane Glass. image

    Not my pic,. but this was the road I was on trying to get home, had to turn around and go an hour out of the way to get around the flooding!The water is 3 feet deep in front of MacDonalds.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    Good Morning Ladies---

    Jeez Mary Nora's hair is so long all of a sudden and how gr8 to do all the potty thing in one day--I never would have thought of that. Once u get her started I'm sure she'll pick up the whole thing. See even in the rain it's lots of fun with them. I love Lori's word aNorable--leave it to Lori.

    NM I was LOLing and singing the whole song, I go way back with songs and I always like that one. We got a lot of rain too and u'r right, I love the sound of rain. I'm cracking up at these glasses again u'r right some glasses fit the same catagory, personally I'll drink out of any glass if I'm drinking.

    Lori I remember about all the confusion u had and I don'tblame u for traveling. But one thing, once a plan is put in place, no matter where u go the same concoction is given to u, so no more decisions have to be made--Just a thought. But that's just me cuz I can't stand going far from my house for any of this crap. From the end of my area u can see the hospital and Drs. offices I go to--but I'm so very bad about traveling. I have to say tho how u do all this canning and stuff, u'r something else. How man maters do u have left? Alot? I don't know how u do it.

    SusyQ I don't push drugs (hehehe) but I know u take loads now, but one that I won't miss is my paxil, (something different works for all of us) It's funny but sometimes I have to wait a few days to get them filled and by the third day I feel it, it doesn't mean I'm never sad, but there is a reason of something going on, but otherwise I feel normal in my head (well normal for me) now I've been taking this med tho for a long time, I used to see Leslie's Dr. when she was going thru her hell and I needed something and he thought this was best for me and my primary just continued me on it (the one I knew forever) so I've been on it for years, I'm really not telling u to go ahead but what a difference for me---so I hope u give it some thought really and besides I covered the rabbit hole and it's hard to find now.

    OK Everyone have a good day


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    OK NM I'm all wet and freezing this morning. U pushed me right in the pool but I looked at that road, WOW u really got the rain. We got it but not like that. be careful.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2015

    Morning everyone!

    NM you did gets lots of rain! It's cold here already. It got down into the 40s last night. High of 60 today. I'm not ready for this cold stuff.

    Lori that's a lot of beans and canning you've done this year. Glad your getting to see Cami and Mary. Stop by IN on way through sometime if you have time if it's during the summer maybe we can take you for a ride on the dragon 😝

    Sue I hear you about feeling down money is tight here since I don't have disability yet but somehow God is providing. I'm looking forward to our trip. How much will I owe you again? I just need to plan for it.

    My season is done we put the boats to bed last night. 😪 I have Jackson every Thursday he's so funny. We are all going to Disney Oct 27- Nov 2 he and Samarah are looking forward to that. He got his Peter Man costume to take and Samarah got her Snow White costume so we are all set.

    Got start my laundry so Lun you all


    It's my honey birthday today




  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2015

    LDB, we do what we have to do, to get good care. Hence the reason I went to Tulsa. Couldn't do that now though, too far and would take up too much time. Plus, I really like my doctor in Scottsdale. No problem about the brain fart, we all have em! Back is doing fine. My hands look like that of a 100 year old! I'll try and get a picture. Please stay outta the rabbit hole. Dang, I hate it down there!

    Mary, yippee for Nora! I tried to potty train my GD when we were in CA, she was doing great. We went home, and parents put her right back in diapers. Too lazy to put her on the potty and didn't want to deal with the accidents. I think both kids were over 3 before potty trained!

    NM, is all that rain from hurricane Joaquin? I hope you are safe. That is a lot of water! Have you done any wine making this year?

    Wacko, I think that hurricane is headed your way as well. And where the hail are you!!!

    Cami, if or when I have to do weekly infusions, I may see about having it done locally. Maters are starting to slow down, but we planted more after we pulled our onions and there are tons of green ones out there. If we get a frost, that will do them in. Glad you got that rabbit hole covered!

    Fun Fun Nancy, going to Disney. CA or FL? Wish you could meet up with Julie, she is such a sweetheart. Well, everyone here is! Samara is so beautiful! I'll have to see how far away you are.

    Leaving tomorrow afternoon for the Hot Air Balloon Fest, so might be able to still check in in the morning. But not Saturday morning as we have to be where they launch like at 4 am!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2015

    Good morning,Loungettes!TGIF!Yeah!Lots of roads still closed but being worked on.One school closed today due to a sump pump wearing out from overwork.Lots of branches down.Some places got 6 inches of rain.

    Cammy--I'm with you, a glass is a glass is a glass, put my drink in the biggest one around and fill it up!Sorry to push you into the pool, you should have pulled me in with you!

    Collett--I'm not ready for the cold stuff, either!Don't have much choice, do we?Dragon boats have been put to bed for the winter?Sounds so sad.I need to get my gardens put to bed for the winter too.Maybe this weekend.Having Jackson every week must be great!He is such a cutie patootie!So is Samarah.

    Goldie--No, that rain was from a storm that came down from Canada.We'll get what's left of Joachim early next week, probably Monday or Tuesday if it moves more west than currently predicted.Usually hurricanes are downgraded to tropical storms by the time they get to Maine.I've got a jug of cranberry wine going that needs to be racked and clarified, almost ready for bottling.A balloon fest?Sounds fun!Get some pics!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Helluva Hurricane

    1 oz Vodka

    1 1/2 oz Dark Rum

    1 1/2 oz Light Rum

    1 tsp Sugar

    1 (Chunk) Pineapple

    2 oz Orange Juice

    2 oz Pineapple Juice

    1 1/2 tsp Grenadine

    2 Black Cherries


    Pour dark rum, light rum, juices, and grenadine over ice into a pilsner/parfait glass. Add a half spoon of sugar, stir slightly, and top with high octane 151 rum and cherries/pineapple. Add an optional sugar cube, ignite and drink with a straw.

    Best served in a Parfait Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    Good Morning Ladies

    Nancy we're in the same bot (no pun intended) weatherwise. It really got chilly here fast. I bet that's a sad feeling putting the boats away for the winter, just like closing up the gardens--it really goes by quickly. Those are beautiful pics of Samarah, now u'll get to see more of the kids I hope.

    Mary I'm so furcited about u being here too. This will be great.

    NM u really got some crazy weather the last couple of days. I feel now like I am an expert on the weather in Maine, u'r the only person I know that lives there and I never paid any attention to it's weather, but u get some rough stuff. Good DOTD today and yes a glass is for the purpose of drinking not a fashion statement.

    Lori Oh I love those balloons, they are so beautiful to just watch floating thru the skies. Of course u'll take pics and I hope u feel good and really enjoy the pace of the whole experience. I'm really nerveous about u 2 coming out, I want u2 to have some fun, it was so bad for u last time YAY

    Oh I was glued to to TV yesterday with this Oregon school shooting. I would just once like the shooter to stay alive to see just how they were thinking. This one was suicide by cop, And the area was always so quiet and relaxing and small--Those poor people I can't even imagine the horror that they went thru and continue to go thru. I always think that if someone wants to do such horrific things they will get agun or more somehow, even if it's not legal. Wht do they care if there are laws, They'll do what they want anyway. It's always planned pretty well too.

    Didn't mean to drag everyone down but I get so passionate about certain things and of couse I write to the President and give my opinion. U know how I am I had to write to the Governor the other day about unions. No body reads anything I write but I feel like I have to. I'm even writing to the Lt. Gov. so she can perk her office up, she doesn't listen either. I don't think anyone knows who she is and told her so, She needs some Zing. oops there I go again. OK Done.

    Hope everyone has a good day and TGIF, the restaurant too.



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2015

    NM, glad the hurricanes are only tropical storms when you get them, but it doesn't sound like you need any more rain! Have you made the cranberry wine before? Does it have a cranberry taste?

    Cami, why do you keep saying I had such a bad time when I came to visit you? I had a blast. Drinking some beers, having pizza, enjoying Joey. Hanging out in the gargage, and out on the deck. It was a gorgeous day. Of course it won't be that nice come the end of October. But that's ok, not like we had planned on going to the beach! Love that you write to all of these politicians!

    I think it's time to start taking likker away!

    We are leaving this afternoon, and balloon fest tomorrow morning. Did I tell ya all we have to be there like at 4:30 in the morning!!!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2015

    hello everybody ,sorry for the absense, but down the wabbit hole, but saw pain management today and have radiation induced nueropathy so got a couple of more meds to take but glad everybody is well and enjoy all your trips

    cammi- joey gets more adoderable everytime i hear his stories

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2015

    Good morning girls, i hadda lotta ketchin up to do and I'm startin with the top of this page.

    Lori, November 1 works, talked to my DH last night, he has a bizness thing in NH that week but not till the 3rd. I'm thinking I could meet you in Ann Arbor, I have to look for a hotel where I could park my car I guess, or maybe a park and drive lot.. I'll check it out so go ahead and book the hotel. You've got a lot of medical chit to contemplate, I hate that you are going thru this, I know you were not wanting to go the infusion route but look at Suei, she's doing a lot of living and you have a lot left to do as well. More beans to can? Can you just blanch and freeze the rest? Love your vacay pics, looks like you're having a great time. Also have you tried covering the beans in olive oil and salt and roasting them till they're crispy? I like them better than french fries, I was watching Rachael Ray when I was at ANorable's the other day and she did them that way and they looked so good I was planning on pulling up the recipe. I have to wear socks on my hands with vasoline in the winter because they crack and bleed from all the water and shampoo. I know your cause is different but maybe try it, or with the coconut oil and the socks. It's the only way they make it thru the cold weather sept I still do get some cracking and oh it hurts. I've never had a flu shot either and last time I had the flu was my 29th birthday and I'm around lots of people even when I was a nurse, my theory is that I've been exposed to everything and am now immune. Hope those aren't my famous last words.

    Suzie, sorry you are circling the wabbit hole, please don't go down. Glad you are doing the water areobics and why not give a anti-d a try, but give it 3 months if you do. Took me forever to get my DH on them, he does so much better on them but he doesn't see it, so his doc said he has to stay on them for 1 year, then he goes back and says I don't think I need them anymore and doc says what does your wife think? and he says, she wants me to stay on them and doc says there's your answer. So far he's still taking them, had to go thru about 5 different ones to get the right one and of course doesn't come in generic so starting January I'm gonna have to work to keep him on them. Anyway, Jan is getting closer and I can't wait to meet you in person. I wish your g-kids lived closer too, hell I wish Nora was closer and she's only an hour from me. I envy her other gp's cause they get to see her all the time.

    NM, I don't care what kind of glass I drink out of except for my wine, I just like it in a wine glass, round for red, tall for white, and I like to just eat with the short salad fork.... Ok, now you all know, I'm a little weird. I'm so not ready for winter, ugh, seems like it was just here. When my friend from FL was here last week and we were golfing and she said "oh look a few leaves are starting to change" and I just rolled my eyes and said Ugh, don't remind me and she said "what do you mean?" So I told her that altho the changing leaves are very pretty, they are a bit depressing because I know what follows. She got this very pained expression and asked me why I couldn't live in the moment!....Ha! Spoken like someone who has live in Florida for 45 years! I told her to come live in Ohio for 10 years or so and then we'll talk. But she doesn't understand why anyone would live here.

    Nancy, great job on the DB racing, bronze!... wow! Love the pics of Samara as well. Hope you get the disability soon, I don't understand how they can turn you down. Is there anything you have to do to keep in shape for the winter for next years DB racing? Disney?... good for you, have fun, I've never been there.

    Cami, Hope you get a good nights sleep, interesting stuff about the color blindness, didn't know. Hope you and Joey have a great weekend. Looks like Lori and I are coming your way, can't wait to meet face to face!

    Simp, hi to you, hope you're getting stronger everyday. We're here and we'll get you thru rads, many of us have been there done that.

    Hi to all the other new girls too.

    Hi Passport, hope you're doing ok and getting to hold that sweet little Logan oops David some.

    Had my yoga clss today, that makes 3 in a row. Today's class was really good, almost spiritual for me cause it takes me bake to 2 years ago before I ever got to know the rat bastard, I did a lot of yoga then and got so far away with the treatment and the weight gain. I was laying there at the end with tears running down my face cause it feels like I'm all the way back now. Race for tomorrow got canceled cause it was on the lakeshore, the outskirts of this hurricane bringing a noreaster wind and they expect flooding and lots of rain. Super windy right now, DH still has high hopes of golfing in the ayem, ha, he'll golf in anything. I'm gonna go to yoga then make a big pot of chili...yum!

    OK, I'm gonna post this now, started it this morning, added a bit more tonight but I didn't get to everybody and I'm too tired now. Haven't refreshed so I still have todays posts to read...sweet dreams all!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2015

    Good morning, Loungette!Happy Saturday ayem!Fall has definitely arrived here, was very chilly last night, Sadie was a great bed warmer, crawling under the covers to cuddle up with me.Going to have to get out the comforter this weekend.

    Cammy--WE do get some fun weather here, but nothing like other parts of the country.Don't have to worry about tornados killing people, for instance.Rarely get full force hurricanes, either.Just enough hard weather to be fun and exciting but not necessarily deadly.So horrible about the Oregon campus shootings.Doesn't look like school campuses being gun free zones is working very well at stopping the shooters from bringing multiple guns with them when they decide to go on a killing spree, but I'm sure there will be more gun control laws proposed over this shooting just like the last several.And probably equally ineffective.Love the Turkey!

    Goldie--I haven't made cranberry wine before, and I'm curious to find out what it will taste like when it's done.The maple wine and fennel wine I have made have tasted like maple and fennel, but a bit different, so I have high hopes for the cranberry.

    Juliet--radiation induced neuropathy--SUCKY. So not fair.Hope the meds help.Praying you get out of the wabbit hole soonliest.

    Genny--nothing wrong with having preferences for glasses or cutlery!And being a little weird makes life more fun and exciting!So your friend doesn't see why anyone live in Ohio, and doesn't see your point of view about the season changing.Well phooey on her!So glad you are getting back into Yoga and feel like you are on your way back, that is so wonderful!Proof there is life after bc.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Yellow Parrot

    3/4 oz Apricot Brandy

    1/4 oz Anisette

    3/4 oz Yellow Chartreuse


    Stir with ice in a mixing glass. Strain into chilled cocktail glass.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2015

    Good evening girls, so cold and wet and windy here. Hoping to tear my garden down tomorrow, take the hanging baskets down , humming bird feeders, etc. Went to yoga today and it was great again, don't know why I waited so long to get back to it but no matter, I'm back now. I made a big pot of chili and a quiche today, time for fall comfort food.

    Cami, Lori and I just want to visit! I know I speak for Lori when I say we do not need to be entertained, please do not put any work or thought into this. We can bring food or take you out, whatever you want but I would like to meet Joey if possible. Just keep writing those letters if that's what makes you feel better, as long as you don't have any plans to fly that is.

    NM, I do like the change of seasons, I just would like to knock 3 months off of winter and ad it to fall and spring, that would be perfect except it seems that all of the places that have that kind of weather ave either hurricanes, fires, earthquakes, drought etc. We do have an occasional tornado scare here but the lake seems to always blow it away or something and it ens up south of where I live. I would love to come to Maine one day, close as I ever got was Rhode Island and it was bootiful, went at Xmas time and I really liked it. These school shootings are so awful, we are having a string of gang shootings on the east side of Cleveland now, drive bys, they shot a 5 month old baby in the chest 2 days ago, he was strapped in his car seat, random bullet, last month they killed a 3 year old boy, same thing, in a car and on and on it goes. I don't know what the answer is but I still think you shouldn't be able to buy a gun at Walmart. Can't but a bottle of vodka at Walmart but you can buy a gun....I just don't get it. Hope you and Sadie are having a good weekend, DH put the raincoats on ours and took em to the park and let them go this ayem. They've been quiet ever since.

    Lori, I say we remove all Jack Daniels from the lounge for starters. Looking forward to our road trip, I think it'll be fun. I'll check an exact spot to meet and find a hotel to park this weekend. 4:30 am balloon fest, how fun!

    Julie, glad to see you pop your head in. Hope you don't mind my asking but why did you have radiation for DCIS, is that unusual? Did you have lumpectomy or MX? When's the next trip to Disney?






  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2015


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2015

    Awww Julie, I'm so sorry. Where is this pain? You mention neuropathy, where is that. I hope you get some help for it. The gift that keeps on giving… I could do without! That's for damn sure.

    Mary, will you be taking 23 N to Ann Arbor? Ohhhh I can't wait! I have had the tips of my fingers split in cold weather. Amazing how something so tiny can hurt so bad, and they take forever to heal. And heaven forbid you bump it! Nora might see the other GP more, but you and DH are way more cool! Wow, not only are there different cocktail glasses, but different ones for white and red? Funny about DH golfing in anything.

    NM, I had a friend send me a recipe for tomato wine. I just don't have the time or the equipment. But I think I would want to taste it before making it. I'll stick to my canning.

    Cami, I think Mary is saying you might be on a no fly list….LOL!

    Mary, our weather here is pretty good. We do have 4 seasons, and it can get pretty cold at night in the winter, and day time temps can be in the 40's and of course sunny!

    Wacko, I hope you aren't at Myrtle Beach!

    Loved the balloon festival, OMG amazing! Might be holding our camping trip back a day, suppose to get some rain and so is Moab. No need to go camping in the rain!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday ayem!55 degrees in the house this ayem, so I 'm giving in and turning on the furnace.Would rather not turn on the heat until the middle of the month, but I get nothing done when the house is too cold, so I'm giving in early this year.

    Genny--So glad you got back in to yoga!I love the changes of seasons, too, just wish winter wasn't so long.Having snow from Thanksgiving to New Years is fine, then it should stay in the mountains for the skiers and leave the rest of us alone!Sadie's been having a great time this weekend, I was baking yesterday and she was right underfoot catching everything that fell and snitching things off the counter when my back was turned, I finally had to put her outside for a while!You'd think she never got fed the way she goes after food, and she goes through a50# bag of food a month!All the innocents that get hurt andkilled in shooting, random, driveby, and intentional.It's so frightening sometimes.

    A million bucks and a glass of wine, YES!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Real Red October

    1/2 oz 151 Proof Rum

    1/2 oz Goldschlager

    1/2 oz Jagermeister

    1/2 oz Cinnamon Liqueur

    1/2 oz Rumple Minze


    shake together with ice to chill then strain into collins class

    Best served in a Collins Glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2015
  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2015

    Evening everyone!

    Lori we are going to Florida. I love love Florida. I would live there in a heart beat. I could dragon boat all year round then. I know Jacksonville, Tampa, Orlando and Sarasota have teams. Im sure there are others. I would love to go to New Mexico some day. That is on my bucket list. I bet the balloon races are awesome to see.

    Cami It was so sad to put the boats to bed. We have two right now but we got good news. We finally got a third boat so now we have plenty for more newbies to join next year. Yay!!

    NM that cranberry wine sounds really yummy!! I love the cranberry wine at Coopers Hawk. They have this winery here called Coopers Hawk and they have the best tasting wine you have ever had. Its awesome!.

    Genny During the winter we go to the RIvi which is a rowing club and will work out on the rowing machines and then we will do title boxing (look it up) there are several across the nation once a week and then go to my moms club house and workout in the gym three days a week. I need to keep up my endurance, core strength and cardiac endurance over the winter to stay on the competative team next year. I will also work at home with my weights and my paddle and watch videos so I know what I need to improve on.

    My Fashion show is this coming weekend for the Pink Ribbon Connection. I get to model two outfits that I know of. I have been coughing alot lately and have some pain on my left side with some SOB so I am hoping that the nodule in my left lung is not getting any bigger or causing any problems. I see all of my oncologist next month and have a lung scan then as well so I guess we will see. I was really having trouble breathing this afternoon. I took a couple of treatments and they finally helped so I will let my Pulmonolgist know when I see him this TUes.

    I have a EEG tomorrow due to all the seizures I have been having again lately and since I saw a red light turn green when it was really red. Oops. Luckily no accident happened. They just want to make sure there are not any changes. I am sure its all stress. Love you ladies and hope to see you all soon

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2015


    Not a dragon boat lol. This was at the Fountain of Youth in St. Augstine FL


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!It's Monday!Yeah!OK, so I'm trying to psych myself up for getting out of bed in the dark and starting a new work week, can you tell?

    Genny--up, need bigger bottles!

    Collett--So great you are getting a third dragon boat!That is so exciting.Making wine is fun, and you never know exactly what a wine will taste like until it's done.There is a small winery near me, Winterport Winery, that makes really yummy wines.Love the little local businesses, they make the best stuff!Glad you are seeing your pulmonologist right off, you could have a cold or bronchitis and need antibiotics to keep it from getting worse.Hope the EEG shows only stress, stress can be dealt with a lot easier than other stuff.

    Great pics!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Green Dragon

    1 oz Midori Melon Liqueur

    4 oz Champagne


    Pour into a champagne flute, garnish with a green maraschino cherry, and serve.

    Best served in a Champagne Flute.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2015

    Good Monday Morning ladies. Getting ready to take the pooches out and then work but thought I"p pop in. NM, love the big bottle of wine, that would keep me for a week or so. We have a lots of little wineries here but the closest one, the wine taste fine but if I drink more than 2 glasses it gives me a horrendous headache. Must be some preservative or something that doesn't agree with me.

    Nancy, sounds like a good workout regimine. Strut your stuff on stage at the fashion show. I will be praying for you that the lung scan will show nothing.... or at least no changes. ugghh... and more seizures, and you still can't get disability? I don't get it.

    Got a little phone time with Lori yesterday, what a nice surprise that was.

    Calling Dara,...... where are you???????

    Everybody else, have a good day, gotta run

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    Good Morning Ladies---u gals have been busy.

    Now my first question. Julie What in the hell is wrong with u. I still don't understand the radiation, u'r making it sound like no biggie, but radiation that sounds different to me. I'm sorry I just don't understand, cuz u'r still working too. How can u do that? I know what Neurapathy is but I still don't get this all. Oh (((JULIE)))

    Lori u'r pics of the balloon fest were beautiful, I LIKED every one of them, I'm so glad u shared them. U know how I am about pics. U sound and look like u'r having a great time.I always like to hear that.

    Nancy how many seizures are u having? I hope the test comes out with results that they can manage well. I know u have to work out to keep in shape for the races, but does it get to u too much? I don't know anything about this really but this is another crazy thing to me. It sounds as if I don't understand things tht hppen to other people, like I just take care of me, but the actual truth is I don't understand anything about my stuff either. So I care, I just don't get it.

    Mary I anxious to meet u to, this is s exciting. And being an hr away from aNorable has to be kind of tough for u. I know it would be for me.

    OK NM how did I miss cranberry wine and why haven't I ever heard of it? I love cranberry so it sounds good to me but wine? Hmm interesting. And yes the weather is getting cooler quickly around here I had to wear a jacket and it was really windy too making it cooler. I got one of my lighter winter nitegowns out, my daytime and nitetime wear and then I have a smaller throw around me, hahaha a little cool. But I don't have to go crazy with weather since I don't drive or go to work anymore, so I can't complain. And U'r so lucky to have Sadie t cuddle with.

    Oh my Joey story he wennt with me to the hospital for tests, no one likes to go with me but him and he helps me walk and he's gotten stronger I've noticed and at one time I had to sit and he saw I was having a problem so he rubs my wrist and says no take slow breathes and relax and he talks very quietly and when I could get back up he hold on tight to me and he comes in for my blood work and helps me completely and he heard (me too) the tech say to the other tech what a nice kid he is. And I told him see I always tell u that. Then we went to Walgreens and I gave him a list and I had a list and he compares prices and amounts in the package and shops really well so we finally finished but Marty did say to me if u fall this time i'm leaving--See that my family. Oh myDr. called me back in the afternoon and when she said her name I thought it was one of the nurses and she said no it was her, so in my silver tongue way I said Oh Dr, are u all right can I do anything for u? WTF was I thinking???? But I see her tomorrow anyway--She's so sweet.

    I hope everyone has a god day.


    hey Passport where are u????????????

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2015

    Oh no NM, the furnace? 55 inside is a bit chilly. We get cool at night, in the 50's but during the day it's in the 70's. Fall is our best time of the year.

    Genny. so true about the wine! I can easily drink one myself!

    Wow Nancy, you are really working out! I just don't have the energy for it. My best energy is now, but I'm busy with mese goils. How long will you be in FL?

    NM, that pooch looks like Sadie! Hope you have a good week, and no stress.

    Cami, Julie has neuropathy FROM the radiation. Not that she is currently getting radiation. Yes Cami, I was getting tons of LIKES, even after I asked people not to do that! I think I got more because of that! Everyone knows I hate that damn button. OMG, Marty telling you he will leave if you fall. Your family is a riot. And good for Joey being such a frugal shopper, I do the same thing. I hope your doctor has nothing but good things to say to you. Did you tell Joey we were coming? If not, we could surprise him. I was going to text him to let him know, but thought a surprise would be better. And we don't want Leslie to have to plan for anything. NOTHING!

    Mary and I talked for a bit, figured out the area where we will meet, she just has to find a place to park her car. It will take a total of about 5 hours I think to get there. So later in the afternoon Cami.

    Cami, that balloon festival was really quite amazing. If anyone wants to go, I would give it a whole day, we only had a few hours and got there earlier than needed.

    Not sure when we will leave for camping, hopefully tomorrow, but we have rain coming in and so does Utah. So playing it by ear. Lilian will be here the week we get back, with her niece. Then we leave again after she leaves, then it's Michigan and Chicago!!!

    Mary, thanks for helping me hide the JD!

    WACKO......get yer arse in here, pronto!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Julie - OMG I can relate to the wabbit hole, hate the neuropathy, sure hope the meds help. ((Julie))

    Mary - roasted beans sounds yummy. Wearing gloves when you can sounds like it might help. I do so much during the day, night time wud b only time I could wear em. Prolly much the same with Lori. Thanks for the tips on the anti-d's, I see doc on the 13th, so we shall see. Good for you and the yoga. That will be my next class once I feel strong enough and oooo I almost started to cry too. You're making an excellent come-back. Keep it up. MMM nice pics.

    NM - Seems like u've had nasty weather all summer and now Mr Winter is coming on. Keep us posted on the wine.

    Lowee- u n Mary gonna have such a grand time, I'm so happy for the both of you. Jes my opinion, but tomatoe wine does not sound tasty. Hope the rain holds off so you can go camping. I am so sad ur hands give you such grief…wish I had a suggestion to help. (((Lowee)))

    Nancy - sounds like you have a busy weekend coming up. I am sawee you have a cough and pain. My gosh, so many appts upcoming and tests too, I sure hope they find a way to knock this outta you. Don't need to be sick during the fashion show. Gotta send pics if ya feel up to it.

    OK…off to the gym. All my ladies have a wonderful day!! HI CAMI!!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2015

    LDB, my hands are much better than they were. A gal on Xeloda thread told me her DH had this rash from the FU pills and he took Benedryl and Pepsid. Thought I mentioned this, but we know how our brains are......or should I say how they are NOT. Anyways, rash has cleared up at least 50% and I had that on my hands as well. They are still dry and cracked, but near as bad. Sometimes I keep socks on at night, after putting bag balm on, as it's so greasy. Not sure I could sleep with something on my hands, but I do lotion up before going to bed. You are rocking all the exercising too.....wish I had the energy. What energy I do have is spent on cleaning and canning! Last night I slept for almost 12 hours, and usually I get in around 10.

    Heading out tomorrow, weather should be ok. It's only driving and setting up camp, no riding.