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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    OMG I'm LOLing so hard SusyQ u'r mom gave up gin for lent but drank Tequilla, That is so funny to me. hahahaha. BTW SusyQ when u take those kinds of meds they can make u tired for a week or 2 but usually u get used to it and it's not a big deal cuz it really stops. So pay attention and u'll know.

    U said (to me) all the right things for getting or not getting cancer--even my sister and brother did all the right things and took care of themselves, well my brother didn't make it at all and my sister is going thru all the chit too. It's a crap shoot--and when it comes to hair when u't hair is a good gray, it can really be pretty. I liked mine for a while but then the bottom? was all dark so it didn't look good anymore.

    My tests are done and I have no idea what for now--I was in a tube and who cares, but I did have a blood test for again I forgot but it's nothing serious, I'm sure. I'll tell u one thing tho there was a lady alone and she was in a wheel chair and looked like everything was hurting her, well of course I tak to her and asked her if she wanted me to rub her back. Now if someone asked me that I know I'd be flipping out, I don't know why I do those things, my DD gets so mad at me. I've got to stop talking to people. But the tech who took care of me was gorgeous so of course I had to tell him, I do't remember anyone when I was younger that I'd give a 2nd look to, now they all come out. Jeez

    I missed some phone calls and returned them and sent them out so I'm all caught up for now.

    OK, talk to u all later.


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2015

    Evening everyone! Hope your all feeling well.

    I do have a disability lawyer. I guess that they are so backed up here in Indiana that it will take a year before I can get before a judge to hear my appeal. My DH is going to make some phone calls to our Mortgage company to see what he can do. I am hoping that they can work something out. I saw my Radiation Oncologist today. He has ordered a Xray and bone scan on me due to my right hip pain. I still am having that so I have that on Thursday then see him on Friday to go over those results. I had an EEG today and had a bad seizure during the hyperventilation portion so they didnt do the flashing light portion.

    Cami that was a great idea about the mortgage I told my husband. He will check into that. Give Lori and Mary hugs for me when you see them

    Dara I have cruised three times and have never had a Passport. I still dont. Cant afford it now. From what I understand, you can still cruise with your birth certificate its just if you have fly in for any reason is when you need your passport.

    Mema I am sorry about your hearing. My brother had trouble with hearing too and he got some kinda new hearing aid and loves them.

    We leave next Tues for DISNEY!!!!! We are going with my DD, and her boyfriend and my daughter in law to be and Samarah and Jackson. I cant wait! We will be back Nov 2.


    Lets go Paddling


    My friend MaryBeth and I at our Fall Festival at Church




    My gorgeous girls


    Samarah and Jackson on Westfields Fire Truck



    Me and my girls


    My little Ginger in her costume Camille got her lol.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    Nancy I luv the pics and the kids are so adorable, they are both so cute and look so different, it's kind of fun.

    Oh u had a seizure while u were being tested? Nancy I'm so sorry They seemed to be settling down so much, u have to really be careful with what u do--but u will have a ball with u'r ffamily at Disney. And the hot dog is cleverly cute.

    OK another question (I'm sorry) what kind of disability are u going for SS or is it something else? U all know me. I have to know and what Judge hears this?

    OK that's it for me tonite, I think.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    We haven't stocked up in a while so the ttenders will organize everything for us.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    NM I just thought I'd save u a minute--so since it's past midnite this can be the DOTD, if u want it.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday!Raining a bit here, but at least it's rain and not snow.That will come soon enough.

    Cammy--taking calls in your sleep, that must make for some interesting messages!Nice when someone makes your coffee just like you want it, isn't it?Joey is a treasure!Did you go for your test?

    Mema--feeling tired for a while when you start taking something like lexapro is common, it will wear off in a week or so.Keep trying to do your usual stuff, take naps when you need to, and hang in there.Sadie was comfy on the table, and loved getting all the attention and spoiling, and had us well trained.She kept pretty close track of all of us all weekend!Your Mom gave up gin and drank tequila for Lent?What a hoot!

    Cammy--glad you gotyour test done, wishI could be so relaxed about waiting for results as you are!

    Collett--Here's praying that the hip pain is simple arthritis or something else "normal".Having a seizure during an EEG must not be a fun experience, but I suppose they get good info that way.And you are going to Disney, YEAH!Great pics!

    Great DOTD, thanks Cammy!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    Good Morning Ladies

    Oh it got chilly here last nite, but it's supposed to get warmer (not much) but fall is here. I just hope we have a long fall and not an early winter.

    So how is everyone this morning.? Nancy I'm thinking of u and u'r problems about Dis. I'm sorry but I have to understand it. I know I'm a PITA but that's me.

    NM I know it's only Tuesday but I hope u'r days aren't to long and are easier than before. I really wish I had a Sadie like u. I luv my Katy-Kat but she comes to me when SHE wants. She's a little bitch sometimes.

    I hope everyone is OK and I hope Dara comes in to tell us what's going on with her too. We haven't heard about the baby Dara--what's happening?

    Oh NM I know I'm crazy but I never have concerned myself about my tests, they are what they are so why worry. They're just a pain to go to get them for me. But I did have a good looking guy and he could have been one of our tenders, Damn LOL

    OK I LUBS U ALL--check in later

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2015

    Cammy its SS Disability I guess thats why its taking so long. From what I hear it takes a long long time. Some people say they finally get it after 2 or three times.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Cami - it's a true story, I asked her how not drinking Beefeaters but ok for tequilla is a sacrifice. She simply said 'u don't kno how much I love my Beefeaters. We and everyone at the bar LOL'd. Thanks for info on those pills and my hair. I have a few wisps at the bottom in back that are brown, but I don't care. That is soooo like you and your sweetness to offer to rub her back, did she accept ur offer? When will you get the results of those tests? Keep us posted K? Some of those techs are real hunks aren't they, we should invite them to da pewl, LOL.

    Nancy - how horrible to have a seizure during the test. Did they offer any advice or tx? Am praying u find some answers and be sure to let us kno Fri about the bone scan. Glad dh is checking with mortgage company, I pray they let u do interest only for awhile. (((Nancy))) Oh the trip to Disney sounds wonderful especially with Jackson and Samarah, toooo fun when u have kids along. Those two are jes tooo cute and love the rest of the pics, you're looking good…poor Ginger but had to LOL, she does look cute.

    NM - Thanks for the encouragement on the Lexapro, I will stick with it for a few weeks for sure.

    I'm on pooch duty today so I better get with it. I slept late this morning. Hope everyone has a glorious 2fer Tuesday.


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    edited October 2015

    Many here have donated . Thank you !........Wandering around and cheerleading again :)

    Donate today, make a difference directly in all our lives. By supporting BCO, we support each other. Thanks and Hugs :)


    Link to the mainboard donation page

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2015

    Mema I will find out what they want to do about my seizures when my Neurologist reads my EEG.They said it takes about 5-7 days. I see her Next month. She ususally will call me if she really sees something that she doesnt like.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited October 2015

    Cami! Here you are!!! Where you been hiding out? You have been hoarding all of the cool drinks, haven't you...LOL

    Ladies, I need a stiff one today and judging by some of the recipes I saw here, they all look like they could do the job. Can someone pass me the ice-cubes and a pretty cocktail glass? Burp....mmmm, just what I needed! TY my friends.

    Now back to your regularly scheduled party and sorry I crashed!

    Bye Cami - nice to see you!



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2015

    Hi girls,

    I am so fed up with getting my passport. I am not able to upload my marriage certificate that is needed for my name change, it errors out. I have no problem uploading my drivers license. The marriage cert is the right document format. Does anyone know how to convert a doc from a PDF to another format? Lori? You are smart that way. I am ready to give the hail up. I really really wanna go on this cruise with my girls but I am so frustrated.

    Nancy, I wish you were feeling as good as you looked. Love the pic of Ginger in her halloweenie outfit, too cute.

    Mema Sue, how did you make out at the audiologist? Mese been tinking about your ear issues and hope it is resolved easily. Poor baby goil ((((Sue)))

    Hello to everyone else, I have got to git back to work. Ugh, hate it so much.

    cheeRs ladies!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    Hi Ladies.

    April u'r welcome here any time, pull up a bar stool and enjoy and share anything u want. I've cut my computer down a lot since my silly job at home--u'd think I was part of the real job force.

    I'm sorry Nancy but I have a problem with this----I myself called SS and when I talked to someone I actually said I would like a very nice person to talk to cuz this is confusing (which it was) so she took the job and I told her about how I needed SS disability and I worked totally with her and I had it within a month from the time I called. Now I'm no genius --Now even thosmy brother was a Judge and my nephew one and 2 of my nephews are lawyers I never asked them or told them what I was doing so no one helped me. And I paid no one but this lady was so nice she worked with me and the paperwork from the Dr. that's all. That's why I had to know, I just hate seeing u go thru all this if u don't have to. Just a thought.

    SusyQ what about u'r hearing? Didn't u go today? And no the lady said no, but I know I wouldn't let anyone touch, believe me I didn't think it thru. And I'm not really that nice.

    Dara now the name confusion, oh someone has to help u--Lori will know SusyQ too wait, NM and Julie, I think everyone will know well except me- so calm down and wait til someone tells u what to do. and Just do it.

    Oh my tests are in--my blood tests for my kidney and liver kinda on the edge, but I've always lived on the edge. And the other test showed some suspicious thing on my bone with the word occult in there somewhere, so I accused my boss of using a voodoo doll with pins on my legs. So that will fix that. But anyway I need more tests like an MRI for the other Dr. now--they love to play with me. so whatever. And I'm really not concerned so please don't give it a 2nd thought. I know u would ask.

    Is Julie back yet? She really has a thing with Mickey. Maybe he looks different there. Naw he can't.

    Dara make sure u check back tomoree to see what anyone has to say.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2015

    I am ready to throw this computer out the window, I am still trying. I am going to have to take time off work and go to the horrible city of Trenton NJ to get my birth certificate. I am just sick over this. My sister still has my marriage certificate. I might try going to her house to see if I can do it online. I have an address to do it by mail but it will take too long. Online is only 3-4 weeks, by mail is 12 weeks. In person is immediate I believe. Sorry to keep complaining about this. this is my life lately, everything I touch fails. I need I.T. assistance.

    Cam, thanks for the update on your health. You are always in my thoughts and in my prayers. I love you honey bunches, I really do. Here is a big DorKy hug from NJ to IL ((((CAmiLLE)

    cheers girls. I am off to continue my frustration with the state website.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2015

    Good morning girls, hope everybody is having a good morning. I'm off today, supposed to be a gorgeous 70 and sunny, might try and get a last round of golf in. Gotta get the pooches out and then to yoga and clean my house so we'll see. I didn't tell you all that Saturday night Nora had a cold and was running a low grade fever and then suddenly the fever spiked and she suddenly became unresponsive and my DS called the rescue squad and my DIL didn't think she was breathing and was attempting cpr and the ambulance got there quickly and by the time they did she was crying. The ambulance driver who went to school with my son walked in the door and said, "what a beautiful sound that is!". So anyway she went to the hospital, they did blood work, WBC was high, they determined she had a febrile seizure and had a bacterial infection, put her on an antibiotic and sent her home. By Sunday morning she was back to her crazy active self.... so scary!!! So now she's fine and I am going to have her this weekend, can't wait!! I also forgot to tell you all then I went for genetic testing the other day. I had it done 8 years ago and was negative for BRCA but my oncs wanted it done again cause they say they know so much more now. Insurance covered it, it wan't make any difference in my life but did it more out of curiosity than anything. And maybe will be useful info for Nora someday. I won't get results for a month.

    Cami, Thanks for stocking the bar, I did notice it was getting a bit low. I used to love kamikazee's when I was young and completely irresponsible. Back when hangovers lasted only a few hours than now when they last all day. Test done, in a tube but don't know what for...... just quack me da hail up!

    Sue, hahaha... tequila for rent instead of gin...too funny. I've tried to replace wine with liquor since usually one liquor drink will suffice but it never sticks, I'd rather have my wine. Hope the hearing stuffs resolves itself, or that they can do something about it. My ears ring loudly 24 hours/day for at least 8 years, just started one day and never stopped, so annoying but at least my hearing is ok. My DH tried all different ones and kept quitting because of SE's his mom the same thing. Finally a Dr told him to stay on it for one year, se's will go away and he liked that dr and stayed on it and sure enough se's went away. He is on Lexapro , I think MIL went off of hers, too bad, she needs it. Anyway, point is I think NM is right, give it some time.

    So again, I started this this morning, so I'm going to post it, read the hapeenings from today and I'll be right back.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2015

    Good morning girls, hope everybody is having a good morning. I'm off today, supposed to be a gorgeous 70 and sunny, might try and get a last round of golf in. Gotta get the pooches out and then to yoga and clean my house so we'll see. I didn't tell you all that Saturday night Nora had a cold and was running a low grade fever and then suddenly the fever spiked and she suddenly became unresponsive and my DS called the rescue squad and my DIL didn't think she was breathing and was attempting cpr and the ambulance got there quickly and by the time they did she was crying. The ambulance driver who went to school with my son walked in the door and said, "what a beautiful sound that is!". So anyway she went to the hospital, they did blood work, WBC was high, they determined she had a febrile seizure and had a bacterial infection, put her on an antibiotic and sent her home. By Sunday morning she was back to her crazy active self.... so scary!!! So now she's fine and I am going to have her this weekend, can't wait!! I also forgot to tell you all then I went for genetic testing the other day. I had it done 8 years ago and was negative for BRCA but my oncs wanted it done again cause they say they know so much more now. Insurance covered it, it won't make any difference in my life but did it more out of curiosity than anything. And maybe will be useful info for Nora someday. I won't get results for a month.

    Cami, Thanks for stocking the bar, I did notice it was getting a bit low. I used to love kamikazee's when I was young and completely irresponsible. Back when hangovers lasted only a few hours than now when they last all day. Test done, in a tube but don't know what for...... just quack me da hail up!

    Sue, hahaha... tequila for rent instead of gin...too funny. I've tried to replace wine with liquor since usually one liquor drink will suffice but it never sticks, I'd rather have my wine. Hope the hearing stuffs resolves itself, or that they can do something about it. My ears ring loudly 24 hours/day for at least 8 years, just started one day and never stopped, so annoying but at least my hearing is ok. My DH tried all different ones and kept quitting because of SE's his mom the same thing. Finally a Dr told him to stay on it for one year, se's will go away and he liked that dr and stayed on it and sure enough se's went away. He is on Lexapro , I think MIL went off of hers, too bad, she needs it. Anyway, point is I think NM is right, give it some time.

    So again, I started this this morning, so I'm going to post it, read the hapeenings from today and I'll be right back.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2015

    Ok, so back again.

    Dara, I'm so sorry you are having such a hard time, this just sucks, I can't begin to tell you how much I am looking forward to doing this cruise with you.. so you were born in New Jersey, have you tried calling the Bureau of Vital Statistics in Trenton and talking to someone or leaving a message.. then keep calling every day if they don't return your phone call? Bug the living shit out of them, get 1 person that will get it done! Ok... sorry, I'm calming down now... I just really want you to go on the cruise, and meet you in person and all that.

    Nancy, same thing with you, I know what Cami is saying, keep making phone calls until you get the right person to help you. When they were trying to tell me I had to pay that $12,000 for my rads stuff cause it wasn't coded right I finally got the right person that gave a shit. just keep calling and pushing. Beautiful pictures, Samara and Jackson, so beautiful. Hope you have a wonderful time at Disney. So sorry about the seizures, praying for negative results from all your tests.

    April, never butting in on this thread, we love new people in the lounge, please pull up a barstool, order your favorite drink and stay awhile.

    Cami, keep us posted on test results, good advice for Nancy. Joey making the perfect cup of coffee, so cute. See you in a few weeks, can't wait!

    So today I did our 3 miles in the woods with the dogs... took Emma for her 1 week weigh in and she lost 4 pounds!!! Woohoo, I lost 2... guess cause she doesn't drink wine that she did better.....(sigh...) I went to yoga and then went golfing by meeself, had a glass of wine and bummed a cigarette from the barmaid. No one behind me on the golf course, just had the best time all by myself, 73 degrees... hit the ball pretty well cause I was just so relaxed. Great day off... anyway, love you all, tomorrow is Dh's b-day, taking him and MIL out to dinner so may not be here... love you all...sweet dreams.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    OMG Mary poor Nora, how scary, but it's amazing how kids bounce back---her fever must have really been high for all of that to happen. So happy it turned out all right pretty quickly, oh I bet u really can't wait to see her this weekend. But when u started Good Morning I thought I slept the nite away u silly.

    Dara don't give up, u can't it has to be easier than it sounds, I don't get it, I thought it was a little easier, but maybe with all this chit going on they make it harder, but they should make it easier to get out of the country than to get in. I'm really in the dark about things

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2015

    Hi again girls,

    Great news, was finally able to apply for mese updated birth certificate. I had my sister scan the docs and initially she sent the DL and the marriage cert as one document but I had her split them into two docs. I ended up sending the two page doc with both documents and it worked. Expedited turn time is 4 weeks. Once that comes in, I will make the first appointment I can get at the post office and pay the fee for the expedited passport. ~big SIGH~ !! Thank you all for your emotional support and suggestions.

    Mary, omg, what a scare with Nora. GLad she is alright now. And good news for Emma too. We too had a bootiful day here and will have temps into the 70's for the next two days. I plan on enjoying the great outdoors as much as possible whilst the weather is nice. We may have an outdoor fire tomorrow night.

    Well I just wanted to report my good news, I AM goinng on that cruise, come hell or high water. Yeeee hawwwwwww!

    I am going to get mese ewwa to bed now, I am spent. Two dwinks for twosdey and done. I hope you all have a wonderful Humpdey! Love to all.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    Dara I knew u'd figure something out YYYAAAYYY.

    I'm awake--humph I was starting to fall asleep with my Katie-Kat with all the comfort then she decided to move. She's such a cat whore, I think that's how they got the name cat house cuz they just sleep with anyone whenever they choose. So now I'm up but I had to take my pain meds and I blame her. But I have my comedies on now so I hear laughing and that's always nice.

    OK back to try to sleep.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Dark and gloomy here this ayem, working on my caffeine fix to get moving.Do not like getting up in the dark!

    Cammy--Work is better, still some long days, but at least I can get everything done and am not constantly a day or two behind.So you found us a new Tender?Did you get a picture of him?

    Collett--the SS disability application process is crazy from what I've heard.Sorry you're stuck in it.

    Mema--Sadie says "woof" to the pooches.

    Hi, April485!Pull up a bar stool and join us!

    Dara-Sorry this is being so frustrating for you!

    Genny--Yikes!Febrile seizures are so scary.Fortunately they aren't usually dangerous, but very, very scary.Hearing a baby crying when the call was for one not breathing IS a beautiful sound.What a great day off you had!

    Dara--HOORAY for progress!Can NOT wait to meet you in person!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Black Cat

    1 1/2 oz Tequila

    1 1/2 oz Amaretto


    Pour both ingredients into an old-fashioned glass, and serve.

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    Good Morning Ladies--

    I like u'r DOTD NM it can be drunk in LENT for some people..

    It's still dark here too. And it rained most od the nite here. I don't know what's happening today but I should take a shower, it's a whole big thing for me LOL

    Well I guess I've been talking enough for a while--I'll check back later.


    and I hope April comes back

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2015

    Morning girls, awfully dark here too. Quick pop in, getting ready to take the pooches.

    Dara, WOOHOO AND WHOOP WHOOP!! So glad you figgered it out, can't wait to meet all of you in person!

    Cami, love the humping cats. Hope you got some sleep.

    Gotta run, have a good day all!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2015

    Mary oh my gosh you guys must have been so scared! I know how scared my family gets when I have mine and I have been unresponsive a couple of times. I am glad Nora is ok.

    Cami there is a disability lawyer in my congregation my pastor told me about so I am going to sit down and talk with him and see what he says as well. I dont know if its IN that is just slow and backwards or what.

    Dara I am so glad you were able to get your birth certificate. I am with you. I am on that cruise come hell or high water!!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Nancy - 5-7 days seems like a long time, but nice that she'd call u if she saw something right away.

    April485 - Don't our DOTD's sound good. I used take a few to the bar and try them out. But with my printer malfunctioning can't do that yet. Have puter repair man coming Fri. And u didn't crash the party, everyone is welcome so pull up a stool and hang out for awhile.

    Dara - I thought I knew how to change the document to PDF, but when I did my test, PDF didn't show up. Sorry I can't be of any help. Sorry the passport is giving u fits. How far is Trenton from you? I pray you get it figured out soonliest (((Dara)))

    Cami - doc wanted to fit me with a hearing aid…lots a money. I said no, may revisit getting one after a few months. Hearing seems to be a bit better, so we'll see. Ugh on those test results, LOL about them playing with you, but glad u are getting an MRI, it will show a lot. I can't help but worry about you Ms Camille, jes my nature.

    Mary - sounds like you have some nice plans for your day off. How f'n scary about little Nora. Don't know what kinda seizure that is but hope and pray it was a one time thing and they won't plague her all her life. Prayers and HUGS. Hmmm never heard of 2 BRCA tests but they musta come across something that improved it. Let us kno the results too. Thanks too for telling me about Lex se's. A year seems like a long time to level out, but am willing to try. You gave Dara and Cami good advice. Sometimes we just have to bug them til they cooperate. Good for you for having a GR8 day outdoors. Say Happy Birthday to you DH for me.

    Dara - YAHOO ya finally have it all together for your passport, big sigh of relief especially for you.

    Cami - get some sleep….Love the cat post for hump-day.

    NM - glad you are not behind still. Tell Sadie Baxter n Bella say 'woof' back. DOTD sounds right up mese alley.

    Nancy - hooray for finding a lawyer, hope he can help u faster than what u've been told.

    Gotta get to water aerobics so yak at ya'll later

    Lubslubs to everyone!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    OK I'll be back later but help me out here--I've asked my kids way to often and they roll their eyes. Pretend this is a map.

    Looking straight at the map is this the way the states are in position next to each other--First Ohio, then Illinois then Indiana all touching each other as u look straight ahead. That's all for ow.