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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    Yay the DOTD printed--sounded good to me, but who knows.

    NM I love how u'r messages are given, that's so cute--enjoy u'r self.

    Julie why do u confuse me so--I thought u were working--but it sounds like some alcohol is involved in u'r day, and there is nothing wrong with that.

    Lori good for u--no cooking. Oh Lori u'r so cute--I started gabentin--it's for seizures mainly, but of course it's s for other things,but for some reason I feel like it's going to screw up my brain worse--It's a stupid thought I know. I thought of Nancy and felt so bad then, but Les reminded me she's been on Depakote forever which again was mainly for sezures until they somehow discovered it's for Bi-Poler too--so I took it and it's the kind where they start u low and increase as u tolerate it--Oh come on u all know I'm a baby. LOL--Have fun my darling.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2015

    on my kindle at disney world:)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    Gee I wonder where Julie is? OH where else. They must think u work there.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    Oh snickerdoodle this place is quiet as is my home. I can barely stay awake during the day then the bewitching hour comes and here I am. Well I was invited to a Halloween party--dressing optional--yes any kind of dressing or undressing, but of course since everyone is older all will be dressed. We'll see who's going, before I decide. I'm like that.

    Well I was just checking in to make sure everyone is all right so I hope so. And everyone is sleeping peacefully.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Well not much has happened since last nite, but it really got cool outside. I slept better last nite, that I'm happy about so yey for that one. My pain is still sharp but it's only been a few days since I started those meds so I'll see.

    I hope everyone has a good day, I'm concerned about Nancy cuz I lost a home and realized I might have been able to save it after and basically it all has to do with paperwork. Wel I kind of knew I had to do what I'm did, but maybe Nancy doesn't.

    OK I know some of u are partying today and I hope u have a nice time and a good day.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2015

    Got some nice picture yesterday,need to figure out how to get them off my phone so I can post. Sadie is getting lots of attention and lapping it up..I"m having a blast,too. Will ketchup with you all after I got home.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2015

    Morning girls, this post will probably come in segments today, going to 8:15 yoga, DH on pooch duty this ahem, he is going out of town tonight so I'll have them tonight and tomorrow.

    NM, silly Sadie eating the hamburger, I remember years ago when I was married to the SD and I had a white shepherd and I made a 5 lb boneless turkey loaf and was letting it cool while I took a shower and got out and it was gone.... 5 lbs! Dog was just bloated and happy but never got sick. And once I wrapped giant organic chocolate bars for stocking stuffers and they were in my closet and one of my shepherds peeled the wrappings off each one and ate just the chocolate, and I didn't find it right away and the dog never got sick. Running is not for everybody, I really like it but unfortunately my knees no longer agree so I can only do short runs now. Wow, a bed and Breakfast boarding kennel? What a great idea, we give up so much thought of trade cuz of our fur babies, wish they had those all over. I hope you and your cuz have a wonderful time and Dr appt is routine with no surprises.

    Lori, gosh you are busy, I'm tired just reading about your schedule and adventures. And 1 more camping trip to go and then we get to get together and go see Cami! Yay!

    Sue, I always thought the zumba looked like fun, never tried it though. Good advice for Dara.
    OK, this was what I started yesterday, gonna post now and then read and ketchup on the rest… back in a little while.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    Just saying YAHOO for Mary and Lori coming... but please don't expect any beauty from me, I'm a mess so look beyond that.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2015

    Cami, if you find you don't like that new drug, I wouldn't take it. I think maybe they gave it to you for pain. I did Google it, and of course the SE's they list for most drugs are enough to scare you out of taking them, this one is no different. But I do hope it helps you. I hope you are able to make it to the Halloween party.

    3 days sure go by fast, or else Julie got a new job!!!!

    Great DOTD Cami, you are doing good. I agree about things being so quiet, gheesh!

    NM, what kind of phone? You should be able to plug the phone into your computer, or if you have internet, you can email them to yourself, then save toyour computer.

    Mary, I always thought that chocolate was a big no no for dogs? YES, will be seeing you soon. I always say just looking forward to a trip or something special, the time right before is just as exciting as the event.

    Cami, you are not a mess, my beautiful friend! Glad you got a decent night's sleep. I too have been doing pretty well with take some Benedryl each night.

    Well we got a good pour of rain yesterday while we were in town, truck is covered in mud. A tad scary even, driving in. So if it doesn't dry up by Monday, we will have to post pone. Need to take Lilian and her niece to their car tomorrow, which is at our warehouse in town. The roads are so so bad here, and we had a guy that started working on them. We are hoping that no one will drive on section going north out of here. As the dirt hasn't had time to "pack", and if they do drive on, it will be even worse, and time/money spent, down the drain! Other than that, we had a nice 2 hour lunch/meeting with the girls, our accountant and her hubby.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2015

    So where was I....

    Lori, you have company coming, have fun, don't worry too much about the menu, she can eat the taters and corn. Just roast a couple of chicken breast on the side and fix what you were gonna fix. Oh, my so sorry to hear about your son, I know he does help your mom but he also gets free rent out of it. It'd be different if he had to be at her side and was never able to leave the house but I'm sure that's not the case. Oh and the other business!!! Such a shame, I'm so sorry. Blackberry bliss sounds yummy, think I'd omit the sugar tho.

    NM, hope you're having a great time with your cousin.
    Sue, hope you like the anti-D. I was on Zymbalta which they put my on for my joint pain and I do think it helped with that but I've since gone off cause I don't want to have to pay for it next year when I start my deductible over, it's really expensive and not generic yet. I never had any se's. So glad your tests were all good…whoop-whoop, what great news. The BVS I went to was in Toledo which is where I was born and no that's not the capitol city.

    Lori, oh good, everything ok with your son, I'm sure it will be so nice to see him and give him a big hug. Sure wish your DD was going to be there too. Sometimes siblings have to just say there chit and get it off their chest and move on, sounds like that's what's going on I hope.

    Dara, oh good you got the info you need. I have a good feeling about it and I think you will get it in plenty of time. When I got mine which was almost 10 years ago, it came really fast, may be different now tho but I still have a good feeling and I'm going to plan on having a roomie.

    Cami, what a funny story about the pills, I'm so surprised they gave him the pills, maybe they figured no one could act that confused!

    Kim, glad you are nice and relaxed, enjoy!

    Ok, just finished the last page, now into the next.

    Julie, yay for getting outta the rabbit hole, I filled it with bunnies anyway so not allowed to go down there. Wine festival, my kind of fun!

    Lori, enjoy your lunch out and no cooking dinner.

    Cami, that maple shake looks good, think I'd use vodka tho.

    Nancy, I am so sorry about all that is happening with you. Do you have an attorney to help with the disability? I know there are those that specialize in just that and maybe you wouldn't have to pay till they get you money. Oh I sure hope you don't have to sell your house. Praying for you girl.

    Ok, hope I didn't miss anybody, gotta get going now, DH out of town, I hafta do out 3 miles with the dogs, did I tell you Emma has gained 15# since we got her? I can't remember if I did, anyway we are on a 3 mile each morning and 2 miles each evening with smaller portions for each of us and we're going to weigh in each Tuesday. When she gets it off I promised her a steak. When We get home I'm going to my yoga class then back to sorting winter and summer clothes, my closet is a mess! Hope you all have a super Saturday… Love ya!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2015

    Cami, can't wait for facetime, beauty is the eye of the beholder anyway.

    Lori, please be careful, I have seen all that mud on the news, looks scary!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2015



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2015



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2015


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2015

    My cousin just headed out to the starting line. I"'ll be able to follow her on a site she set me up with. She is walking a half marathon. In the rain! Sadie and I will be going home this evening. I"'ll start playing ketchup tomorrow.. love you all!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2015

    Good dark and cold morning ladies, getting ready to bundle up and take the pooches out. I was reading Emma's blood results and her T4 (thyroid) is at the bery low end of normal. When mine is at the low end I have symptoms such as weight gain and sore joints and hot flashes. My DH took her to the vet for all those reasons... well excessive panting, not hot flashes. Anyway, normal T4 is 1.0 to 4.0 and hers was only 1.4. If she doesn't lose weight in these first 2 weeks I' going to call the vet and see if I can talk him into treating it. Anyway, DH is home and golfing now (he's crazy) it's about 40 degrees out there. Got all my winter clothes out and closet is clean, whew what a job that was, I had my entire bed covered and by the end of the day finally had it cleaned off. I've got lots of clothes to alter, hem, etc cause I don't want to spend money on new. I'm taking a 2 hur yoga workshop today to "fine tune" my poses, hope it's worth it.

    Kim, love the pictures... just beautiful! Too bad about the rain for your cousin's race, hopefully it'll stop till she's done. Looks like Sadie is having a fabulous time, nice to see her get some time off from her hectic busy schedule! Hopefully, your batteries are recharging as well.

    Lori, chocolate is supposed to be very dangerous for dogs but I didn't know for a while, they were wrapped in Xmas paper and in the closet and the dog had unwrapped them and left the wrappings in the corner of the closet and by the time I discovered it I knew he was ok, didn't cause any problems.

    So quiet in here, hope you all are having lots of fun this weekend.

    Here in Ohio, this drink is fitting...

    Falling Leaves.

    1 1/2 oz. Irish whiskey
    3/4 oz. apple cider
    3/4 oz. fresh lemon juice
    1/2 oz. maple syrup (diluted 2:1)
    Pinch kosher salt
    Tools: shaker, strainer, fine strainer
    Glass: coupe

    Combine all ingredients and shake with ice. Double strain into a chilled coupe.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2015

    NM, the pictures are just gorgeous and then there is Sweet Sadie. I think you have posted a picture of her before, sleeping in the same spot. Glad you are having such a good time.

    Genny, hoping that Emma will be ok. Gosh, who would have thought! Good for you getting winter clothes out! I can't hardly wear long sleeves anymore, due to hot flashes. So short sleeves and then a cover sweater or something that can be removed.

    Guess all of the DOTD can go to the few that hang around here! I suspect Cami will be popping her head in soon. so she can have some too!

    Well, we are gonna try and make it out of here. It would be too late to set up camp by the time we would arrive, so gonna hotel it about 2 hours south of our destination and head in Monday.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    Good Morning Ladies.

    NM love u'r pics and jealous of Sadie, she looks so comfy. I hope the weather is good for u'r cuz and it seems like u'r having a great time--so wonderful for u.

    Mary I was going to look up a drink, cuz I know NM is busy but u'rs sounds yummy. And the weather is about the same here near Chicago so it's good here to. Yes I always thought chocolate was very bad for dogs, so I don't get what happened--I was tole not for cats either but my cat sniffs it and doesn't like it, but our dog will eat anything so we have to watch him. Cats are so fussy.

    I had my D all day yesterday felt icky, but took a bunch of pills and today so far it's OK. But last nite I was starving--just a mad circle LOL Yesterday too Les was at school and Marty was at work (YAY) so Joey and I were on our own. He did all the cleaning in the house and spot cleaned my rug. He cracks me up. So they stayed home last nite and had a few beers in the garage (privacy) The did put the heat and TV on so they were comfortable and we let them alone. They have everything in there except a bathroom LOL A fridge but no stove. They crack me up too.

    Joey just got up and making our coffee so I'll be going for now.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2015

    Fun times drinking in the garage!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2015

    Hi girls,

    Happy SUndey FUndey to all. Thanks for all of the newsy posts, enjoyed reading them with mese morning coffee. Can't stay long bcuz the pool is getting closed today and I have to clean it first and only have two hours until willie de pool boy comes to put the cover on.

    Me and my cousin and our friend Gerri went out last night to a bar with a cover band and had lots of fun. Did not get to bed until 4 in de aye em and got up at 9 aye em, needless to say, I need toothpicks to keep mese eyes open. And a nap is in mese early future.

    NM, loved the pics, Sadie looks so comfy, she is just adorable. Glad you are having a relaxing time.

    Lori, hope you are able to get out without too much mud in your way, that is just awful, I also saw it on the news. Have fun.

    Mary, so jealous of you and Lori getting to see our Camille. I will be there in mese heart. So glad that your poochie did not get sick from eating chocolate. I hope your Emma is okay. Good job getting your clothes in order. Mine are such a mess as I have not yet put away winter clothes.

    Hi to Nancy, hope you are doing better, please report when you have a chance.

    Camille, I cracked de hail up at your post about getting your meds. What a chit show that must have been lol. Glad you got them. I love your stories. I still remember when you tried to pull off saying ye is boring, liar liar pants on fire. Do you watch the ID channel? I have been watching a lot of shows late at night and they are scary as hot hell. It is a wonder that I am not having nightmares involving murders.

    Sue, I can't picture you with gray hair girl, do you plan on going blond again? You will always be a blonde to me, not a dumb blonde, jest blonde. I hope your tests all come out well and hope you are feeling good too. I miss your face so much. Whenever mese has a fire in mese yard, I tink of you and me hanging out here and also in Vegas with the other goils. That was such fun.

    I gave my DL and my marriage certs to mese seester yesterday, she is going to scan them to me so that I can apply for an updated birth certificate. I hope to hell that it does not take 12 weeks, I ain't got but 12 weeks. If there was a way that I could show up in person somehow and get it done immediately, I sure would. Ugh, what a hastle. But it will be all worth it once I have my arms around mese breasties! Party on goils, I gotta fly.

    Peace n love, love n peace to all.

    chEErS from DorkY DaRa

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2015

    PS loving the DOTD, great job Ms. Mary! more cheers!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2015

    Morning Dahhhhlinks

    Sorry I been away, been kinda blah and have Cami's big D now. But still had lots of errands and such. Hearing not much better so glad I made appoint for tomorrow. We are driving into Vegas today, put to word out to the grandkids but only 1 answer. DH has a good friend from highschool in this weekend. They had their 50th school reunion. DH worked so he couldn't go.

    My printer giving me fits, says it's 'offline'. Has done this a few times last week, but every so often it wud just start printing. After trying a few 'fixes' still not working, so will prob have to uninstall, then re-install. Scares me, so I think I'll call my puter guru tomorrow and hopefully get him out here soon.

    Love all my beauties, will catch up tomorrow...hopefully...MUAH MUAH AND LUBSLUBS

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    Hi it's me.

    Oh SusyQ I hope whatever it is for u'r ear it wil just be something that will heal by itself. And of course I'm sorry u have the D, hope it leaves u fast==(((SusyQ)))

    Oh Dara I wish I could go with all of u, but that would be another whole problem cuz I'm afraid of everyhing, the water, the boat, to many people, being in a room over all that water--oh someone would have to hold my hand all the time. 'd be the pooper in the party. So it's just as well. But u gals will have a ball. I hope u'r not thrown off the ship at some port.

    Just pooped in for now.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited October 2015

    One of my hobbies has been food & wine, and it seems life has been sorta chipping away at both. Two years ago I was told to give up sugar and starch, and so I went low-carb. The only thing that has made that bearable was the ability to eat great steaks (especially at steakhouses), charcuterie/salumi, and bacon with my eggs. My FP wholeheartedly approved of a 5 oz. glass of wine a day (and I really like pinot noir and champagne). I occasionally went to tastings and wine-pairing dinners. Then this ER+ tumor came along, and I went from my FP telling me “3 oz. of wine is as good as 5;” then my surgeon’s nurse saying merely “moderation in all things;” then my surgeon saying b.c. patients should have no more than 3 drinks a week; then my med. onc. saying TWO is the limit; and my shrink saying he thinks research will eventually say NO amount of alcohol is safe for a BC patient with an ER+ tumor, ever.

    Then to add insult to injury I hear that I need to avoid most animal protein except for organic poultry, eggs and fish. Now I can understand having to avoid meat from animals fed hormones. But ALL red meat? And I keep hearing doctors whose knowledge of nutrition stopped back in the 1960s advocating a low-fat diet, because fat cells make estrogen. But that’s a BODY’s fat cells--dietary fat, even saturated, doesn’t make estrogen! And if you’re not eating refined carbs or excessive calories, eating fat doesn’t necessarily make you fat! OTOH, the obesity epidemic began with the low-fat craze spurred by the USDA’s insistence on a grain-heavy/meat-limited “food pyramid” back in 1977. (Not a coincidence that the highest--carb foods advocated by the Fed. gov’t are manufactured by the BigAg and packaged-foods lobbies that are major campaign contributors at both the executive and legislative levels).

    Especially galling, since after what the NFL referees did to the Bears today (at least two insanely bogus calls that handed the game to Detroit), I NEED A DRINK.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2015

    ChiSandy, my Grandma, 2 aunts and their daughters (my cousins) all had BC, in the 1960's and 70's. They were all teatotalers and way before all this crap was put in our food, all now dead, some from BC, some not. My mother-in-law lives her life by the book and does everything and then some the doctors tell her. She watches her sugar, cholesterol and doesn't drink. She is 87 and in great shape and one of the unhappiest people I have ever met. So one day I asked myself, "do I want to live a chaste life and live to be 90?" Or enjoy my life of moderation which to me means wine every night. My BC may come back if I keep drinking, it may come back if I don't. As far as food goes, I try eat as few chemicals as possible but can't always afford organic. Plenty of vegans have BC and same with meat eaters. My best friend lives on diet Pepsi, I never touch the stuff, I got BC, she did not. Bottom line for me is I want to enjoy the NOW of my life. If it comes back and kills me at least I enjoyed the journey... Just my opinion, everyone's gotta do it their way. I'd say... go have that drink if you want it. Of course the girls on this thread helped me come to that opinion so bottoms up girls!

  • orknitter
    orknitter Member Posts: 58
    edited October 2015

    Genny, I completely agree. My mother was a heavy smoker & drinker (really heavy) and passed from old age. I enjoy my wine also, everything in moderation as they say.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Sadie and I had a great time over the long weekend with cousin Laura and Auntie Linda.Laura did a half marathon and got a good time for herself.We checked out some old haunts and favorite places.Sadie got spoiled outrageously.Now I've got some ketchuping to do!

    Goldie--the check up was the annual physical with the new PCP and to get refills for my meds.No biggy.

    Cammy--glad you got your pills!

    Blackberry Bliss sounds wonderful!

    Dara--so glad you found the place where you can get a copy of your birth certificate!

    Cammy--my next doc appointment is in January for depression follow up, then the next one will be in Oct 2016 for the annual physical again.So no issues, yeah!

    Wow, that Gin and Maple sound YUMMY!

    Yeah, Juliet!

    Genny--yup, Auntie Linda caters to her family!

    Goldie--I did take pics on my phone, but don't have a laptop, had to work through the Kindle.I do use DropBox, so it just took some connecting on Auntie's wifi and then uploading to DropBox and then to BCO.I didn't think about e-mailing them!I'll remember that for next time, probably a lot easier and quicker!

    Genny--my cousin got lucky, no rain on the run course, just windy and cold!Took her quite a while to thaw out and warm up after.Poor Emma, hope she gets feeling better right off!

    Love the Falling Leaves DOTD!

    Goldie-- I have posted a pic of Sadie on the same coffee table.She is on her very own, special blanket that Auntie Linda keeps for her.

    Dara--closing the pool sounds so end of summer!

    Welcome, ChiSandy!Pull up a bar stool and indulge!

    Welcomt to Orknitter, pull up another bar stool and join in!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    The Race

    1/2 oz Mandarine Napoleon

    1 oz Bourbon

    2 dashes Lemon Juice

    1 dash Strawberry Syrup

    1 oz Apricot Juice


    Pour into a shaker and shake well. Serve in a cocktail glass frosted with tangerine.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    Good Morning Ladies--

    Welcome to our newbies, this is a great group of ladies I hope u come back and join us. And share with us.

    NM I'm sure u are sorry the weekend is over, I loved u'r pics. It really was so Maine, even tho I never was there. And Sadie looked so comfortable. U deserved to have a great weekend and have fun. Good Drink of the Day (DOTD)

    I actually worked yesterday (very little) but took a call when I was sound asleep--Oh boy what a message I wrote to the guys, I actually wrote the town was Bedrock, I think that's a Flintstone place and they read it befre I could change things---and the lady's name was insane, but I did get the phne # right--I barely remember answering the phone so just to bad. LOL

    Oh Joey just brought me my coffee, he always fixes it perfectly, my sweetheart.

    OK I should go for a test today, blah I have to really push myself lately, so I'll see if I get this done. I'll let u know later.

    OK I'll be back later and hope I'm not busy with work, on one hand but of course I hope they are busy. Mixed emotions. All selfish I know.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Well it's Monday. My cleaning lady comes today. DH pulled my chair out and also the couch. Apparently she hasn't been cleaning under either one. And they aren't heavy. Well the lounge chair is, but they slide easily on the lamenant floors. Still not feeling well. Slept the whole morning away yesterday. I think it's the Lexapro, even tho I only take a ½ of one in the mornings. Supposed to water aerobics today, have my stuff packed and ready but my body says, stay home and sleep. So that's likely what I'll do…oy vey.

    NM - those pic were just gorgeous, and Sadie looks so comfy on the table…LOL. Glad your cousin finished in good time, sounds like a good time was had by all, especially Sadie who got so much spoiling. LOL

    Lowee - flooding conditions all around me. Last night the rolling thunder and lighting was kinda bone chilling and it rained buckets. Weather service was warning about washed out roads around Moapa. DH was in LV, was supposed to spend the night (I didn't go), but he chanced it and said that area had some deep water put was passable. So glad he made it home safe. So you be safe too, but have fun.

    Cami - jes love ur stories with ur family, especially that sweet heart Joey. Wish u cud come cruise with us too, but I understand ur phobias. You'll have some nice company in a few weeks tho. Now I kno how you are, but think/hope u get that test done. What kinda test is it?

    Mary - good for you for switching out the clothes, something I need to do too. So sorry to hear about Emma's dilemma hope she gets better soon. 2 hour yoga for fine tuning sounds like a good idea…good for you.

    Dara & Lowee - no, I have no plans on dying my hair blonde. Everyone compliments the gray or silver I guess. And the idea of having to mess with the roots no longer appeals to me. So will leave as is for now.

    Dara - I remember the fireside too, what fun we had. Are you going to be 'double nickel' this month? I miss your face and your laugh muchly too. Hope we get more face time on the cruise.

    Chi Sandy - wow, a ton of restrictions. I couldn't do it, I don't think eating organic makes a diff. My opinion, and like Genny said, I'd rather live my normal life then live to be 90. I think attitude comes in to play when we make our choices, and happy is a priority. To each their own I say. Ref da Bears…I'll join u in that drink…cheErs!

    Mary - I agree 100% with what you posted. Worrying about what I put in my mouth is too much stress for me and many docs differ on diet and alcomahol. Many bc pts lived their lives on strict diet/drinks or no drinks and they still got it. You go girl!

    ORknitter - Hi there. My mother too was a heavy smoker and loved her Beefeaters gin. During Lent, she'd give up the gin as her fast so she'd drink tequila instead…LOL, she was a kick, never had bc, and lived til she was 80.

    Gotta get the EWWA in gear...Lubslubslubslubslubslubs all ya'll!!