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how about drinking?



  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited October 2015

    Cami: (shyly) I may be answering the wrong question, but it's Ohio, Indiana, Illinois from right to left/east to west. (I live in that mitten-shaped state right above Indiana.)

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2015

    morning all, back in work after to catch up disney

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Listening to the weather guy on TV, talking about being down 5 hours of daylight time since summer.Sigh.Getting home in the dark and realizing ALL the lightbulbs in the garage/basement are out is annoying.Getting up and fumbling around for the light switch in the ayem isn't fun either.At least I get to see the sun during the day driving between visits.

    Cammy--maybe we should start a HTT Lounge drink recipe book, with a chapter for Drinks for Lent, as well as any others we can think of!

    Genny--At least the pooches don't care if it's light or dark out, as long as they get attention and exercise!

    Collett--I hope you can get some good info to work with regarding the disability thing.It's just wrong that it takes so long and is so hard to go through the process.

    Mema--have fun at water aerobics!

    Juliet--Mornng!How was Disney?

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Warped Thursday

    5 oz Vodka

    1/4 packet Tropical Punch Kool Aid

    6 oz Cherry Cola


    Empty half a can of cherry coke, pour the vodka into the can, then pour in the kool-aid. Alternatively, use a 12oz glass. Stir. A kabob stick works well in the can.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    First I have to see id there's a next page. And Queen momcat u are so cute, I hope u come back and Thank you/

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited October 2015

    Good morning Ladies! Thought I would drop by and say hello. Been crazy busy. See if I can catch up...

    Hope all enjoy their day!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    black cat good luck Funny-cats

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited October 2015

    Cami: (scuffles my toes in pleased sheepishness) Thank you--this one I mostly lurk. But may post more as my energy comes back after rads and icky medical issues.

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited October 2015

    Queen, I'm getting my 7th rad the fatigue does get worse huh? ugh

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited October 2015

    Simplicity: yes, alas, the fatigue does get worse. It does vary (surprise surprise!) from patient to patient, so don't take to your bed quite yet. (Mine was an upsurge at the beginning, then leveled off until week four at which point I felt poleaxed. Don't wanna know what it's like to go through the full monte U.S. protocol!)

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited October 2015

    lol I am already so tired today Queen. Started back to work full time this week and between that, other appointments, PT, and rad's, I am just beat! I have to do 30 rounds :( But I am also a single mom of 3 so I think that wears me down as well haha Can't imagine why :)

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited October 2015

    Single parent of three kids, who is holding down a full-time job? Can't imagine why you'd be tired! How old are your kids?

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited October 2015

    Queen, they're 21b, 17g, 14b. So at least theyre older but their teen hormones have been showing lately lol

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Friday ayem, yeah!Going to be a long day, but what's new there, right?Found out yesterday that the weekend nurse is leaving to go to another position.I'm going to look into what that position pays, and am thinking of switching over.I did a weekend position before, some of you probably remember cuz I wasn't on the boards on weekends while I did that.Had more time at home to manage the stuff around the house and take care of myself, worked really hard on the weekends, more like a part time job with full time pay.BUT, I've got to find out exactly what the job pays before making any decisions.And it wouldn't affect the cruise vacation, that time is already approved.Ah, decisions, decisions!

    Simp--Hello!Great to hear from you!

    Cammy--cute pic!

    Queencat--hope to see more of you!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Original Old Fashioned

    2 oz Bourbon

    1 tsp Sugar

    1 dash Bitters

    1 tsp Soda Water


    Pour the sugar, bitters and water into a mixing glass half-filled with cracked ice. Stir well until dissolved. Pour over cracked ice in an old-fashioned glass, and stir in the bourbon whiskey. Garnish with a twist of lemon, and serve.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    Good Morning Ladies---I actually had some sleep last nite.

    I'm so glad to see Queen and Simp, come back --We know how tiring those lousy rads are so please come back and we can help any way we can. Simp I know teenagers are just a load of fun, even if u'r 100% wel so working FT and having a family has to really knock u out. I couldn't do anything by the time rads came along. And Queen stop lurking and join will enjoy so much more, ev in At least u'r talking to people who understand completely. And throw in a lot of rest.

    NM good DOTD today, that's an old drink that's coming back big time. I think u should look into that type of job, but please wait til after the cruise. It sounds like loads of work, but if u have more days off u and Sadie will have a lot of fun, even in the snow.

    Oh I'm enjoying this my chart on the computer with the Dr. I can actually use it now and my Dr. writes back around 11PM or 12PM, she's a riot.But so sweet, she did talk me into seeing another "gist" Dr. so I have an app't in Nov. And she sounded so happy, cuz she said she just wants to make sure it'a not cancer, but it's probably what they think U gals know I have alot of pain in my joints so having a fracture wouldn't make me think of it--just more pain so I really screwed myself by waiting so long cuz now all these nerves are damaged--so more tests and we'll see--what's funny is for now she told me to stay off of it--I told her I'm the laziest person I know so it's no problem.--She did say cuz of my "AGE" and my crummy bones this take a while to heal, if this is what she thinks it is. Am I 'splainin' it right? cz it sounds confusing to me.Oh well it's really nothing, just thought I'd tell u if I did't already, which I probably did.

    OK it's TGIF for Monday-Fridayers and I haven't been super busy so either way it's OK for me. And Joey and I are for sure going to Jodie's house tomorrow in the afternoon and we'll be home Sunday sometime. I hope my cousins are there too. (they usually are) so we'll see.

    I'll check back later and member

    I LUBS U ALL and miss Lori

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2015

    Morning Dahhhlinks

    Simp - can't imagine having to deal with hormonal kids at your stage of tx. No wonder u are exhausted. Good to see you again tho. Get as much rest as you can.

    Queenmom - glad to see you again too. You are right about the fatigue getting worse and we go thru treatment. Hope you come back after ur icky medical issues.

    NM - I remember making that DOTD when I worked the bars. WOW sounds like tooo much work for me but u kno what u can handle and it does sound like you'll have more time. Hope the pay is as good as it sounds. Glad too that it won't affect the cruising.

    Cami - I understand what ur saying. Hope it's not a fracture but if it is you listen to the doc k? That computer app to talk to your doc and see your tests sounds gr8. I signed up for one at my onco's office. Only shows my blood work but not any scan results, which I thought it would. Have a gr8 weekend sounds like fun.

    I got aerobics today, gotta leave class early cuz puter wiz is coming at 10 to try and get my printer to print. Bills gotta be paid and I need that printer.

    Lubslubslubslubslubs all....have a gr8 weekend!

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited October 2015

    So nice to hear that about fatigue cause Im so hard on myself. Wasn't sure if I was crazy for how tired I feel. Exhausted. Now issue with the boy, youngest boy, I have to deal with tonight. Grrrr. So frustrating. Hoping I CAN muster the energy to deal with this issue. Gotta go through his room. Joy joy. Good thing dinner with friend was rescheduled cause I am just pissy. Been a shitty day.

    Wine and fire for sure later while yappin at a friend. I need a good vent.

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited October 2015

    Simplicity: totally not imagining that fatigue! Three angst-ridden hormone-laden children will do that to you too, I expect. (none myself, alas, but I've heard rumors to that effect)

    Cami: now that I've started coming out the other side of active intervention treatment....I'll be around a LOT more. Trust me.

    Right now, recovering from the treatment for an "antibiotic resistant" cellulitis in my face. Not all antibiotics, thankfully. Just the -cillin and -cycline families.

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited October 2015

    Ugh. I forgot to pick up my meds :( Another UTI. Never in my 41yrs have I had this much trouble in there, down there, whatever lol bleh

    Not that I own the market on crazy lifes (just got off the phone with a friend who has 3 teen girls!) but I do need to remind myself that my life without this chit is tiring enough. Cut myself some slack at times.

    Whew. Haven't drank wine in a while. Cheers ladies!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2015

    hello all for some reason my computer decided this page no longer existed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this week just got back on

    so glad nora is back to normal, so scary when they're sick like that

    cammi=lol,hope your feeling better. your dd has done so well on her course

    nancy,hope your disability can get fixed a bit sooner, hospital i work at is lee memorial but is known as free lee because of all the charity free care etc! so much abuse of the system ,those that need it always seem to be at the end of the queue. there was a truck where i live t. one of the big ones with the 4 doors and a big tool boxe in the back and gas cylcenders , so somebody used it in their job, someone told me it cost about 70,000!!!, it had a disability sticker!

    would love to meet you at disney . if can fix something up i will come up to say hello

    good for you dara

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2015

    Morning girls, not a lot of time, just popping in. Yesterday went and golfed 18 holes with DH, had so much I shudda been doing but it could be snowing in a month and ya only live once right. I am getting Nora this ayem and I still hafta go to the grocery store and lightly Nora proof the house. We are taking her to a pumpkin farm with lots of activities, if it doesn't rain. MIL fell day before yesterday and hit her back on the vanity. She has a bruise and is sore but lord help us if anything really bad ever happens. She won't leave the house and is hobbling around like she has 10 broken ribs! Yesterday was her b-day so we took dinner to her she she was to sore to come here. She's so lucky, she's 87 and it could have been so much worse.

    So I'm going to read back and catch up but not sure when...glad to see you Simp!

    Love to all, have a good day, I'll be posting pics of my ANorable as Lori calls her

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday!Got to go out and make one visit today, needs to be at a specific time due to a big family issue, Hospice needs to be there to look out for the patient.Should be an interesting visit.

    Cammy--I've heardthat some of the older, classic drinks are making a comeback.I'm thinking the cruise will be a good chance to try out some of them.If I do switch positions it will be with the cruise time off included, which will be simple since the time is already approved.I'd still be working in the same office with the same people, the same bosses.BUT, if I'm not going to make at least as much $ as I am now I'm not going to change.In the meantime, once the weekend nurse moves to her new position we will be working rotating weekends until the position is filled again.Don't really want to have to do that again, makes for very long weeks since we don't get compensatory time off.On the computer with your doc, huh?Sounds pretty cool!Just checked, looks like I can do that too!

    Mema--I'm not totally sure the pay is as good as it sounds, I need to check into the details.Full time benes are a good thing, but if the base pay is a lot lower than my current salary I'm not going to switch cuz the per visit pay and mileage won't make up for a big drop in base salary.Not going to go backwards financially.Hope the printer got printing again!

    Simp--I couldn't work during rads cuz of the fatigue and pain and burning, cannot imagine how anyone can work, maintain a family and do rads. You are one tough lady!Good luck with the issue with the youngest.

    Queencat--cellulitis = not fun.Take care of it so it doesn't get really out of control!

    Simp--I say wine is good for UTI's.Can't prove it scientifically, but it sure makes having one easier to live with!

    Juliet--computers have the oddest quirks at times, don't they?

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Tom Collins

    2 oz Gin

    1 oz Lemon Juice

    1 slice Orange

    3 oz Club Soda

    1 Maraschino Cherry

    1 tsp Superfine Sugar


    In a shaker half-filled with ice cubes, combine the gin, lemon juice, and sugar. Shake well. Strain into a collins glass alomst filled with ice cubes. Add the club soda. Stir and garnish with the cherry and the orange slice.

    Some say that the Tom Collins was named after "Old Tom" Gin which is a sweetened gin used rarely today. Most older recipes call for "Old Tom". One 1912 recipe book lists a Tom Collins also with Dry Gin and Whiskey made the same way. It also has a recipe for one with Brandy in which calls for the addition of a dash or two of Maraschino. There are also accounts that it was named after the creator of the drink. England, Australia, and America have all laid claim. Tom Collins was born in 1850 and at the age of 23, worked in the garment district of NYC. To supliment his income he took a second job bartending at a tavern across the street from where he worked during the day. A place called the Whitehouse. His friends wanting something with less of a bite than strait whiskey asked him to make them something quenching. There he started pouring a "thirst quencher" made with gin that he had concocted. What started out as a gin & tonic evolved into a drink with lemon juice. His name was Tom Collins, supposedly this was where the Tom Collins drink originated. Another American account puts it in the early 19th century from an Irish immigrant, Tom Collins, one of eight children. He worked as a bartender in the New Jersey and New York area, and to beat the heat, made this drink for himself to sip without "getting tight". Friends wanted to try it, liked it, and it became his signature drink.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    caturday cute cats coming out party

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    Good Morning Ladies--it's Caturday YaY

    Oh Simp u are one strong woman-No way could I take on 3 teens during any of this it was enough just taking care of myself. Rest as often as u can and change all the rules, no one can do anything to aggrevat u in any way unti u get ur strength back and when u do they'd better all watch out. It won't work, I know.

    Queen cellulitis is so painflul I hope it heals quickly for u'r sake. U know I never heard of all these things until all this stuff happened. Now there's so much going on even after. Like the UTI I get them all the time, it's recoculous as soon as they go away another one comes around. I know it's Simps problem but it ends up for a lot of us-and yes queen com back lots. This is a little like a therapy-fun-drikin' group.

    Juie u'r back but for how long? I hope u' doing wel. Simp and Queen she has the greatest accent. I just love it.

    U know I didn't think I'd like this chart thing with the computer. but it is amazing all the tests u can see and the Drs. write to u to interpret what u don't understand or any questins u have and no phone. U know how I hate the phone now a days. And this way it makes no difference if u'r home or not u get the message when u look int u'r computer. I still see this new Dr. and I should be getting an MRI and another test and my primary is so happy that I'm going. She's a just in case type so I'm doing this for her that why. But what's great is I'll find out the results when the Dr. does. Of course it will be Dr. talk BUT I have my "nurses" to help me so I'm lucky.

    May I love how u "pop" in and u can say so much, u must type fast. And start putting away the Clus, winter is coming. LOL

    I'm already packed for my DD's house-Joey thought I wasn't going cuz I'm not walking ver y well. but he said once u get there everyone will wait on u, so I'm so glad u'r coming--Since Jodie doesn't see me like Leslie does she does wait on me--so I might as well go. It's been raining all night and possed to rain most of the day and it's chilly out here. ick

    So everyone have a good Saturday and if u need to rest just do it


  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited October 2015

    Thank dog the erysipelas is (clinically) gone, after rather more medical intervention than anyone was expecting. Now back to normal life--chewing my nails about my first post-cancer mammogram.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Getting up to a rainy, gray day today, good day for getting inside housework done.Got nothing done yesterday, too tired when I finally got home.But the home visit went well, no fights, no drama, no police.Had a lively cuddle and wonderful nap with Sadie when I got home, so that was good.

    Cammy--that kitty video is ADORABLE and so funny!Computer chart access is a great thing, isn't it?And going somewhere to get waited on, why not?We all need some of that from time to time.

    Queencat--welcome to the world of scanxiety. I used to get my mammo in the ayem, take the pics (or CD later) with me to the breast surgeon later the same day and get the results during my appointment.I could not take it any other way, not after waiting a month to get the results from the mammogram done after finding the lump, and then waiting 3 months to see a surgeon.The waiting totally destroyed my trust in the medical system and my nerves!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Breakfast Martini

    3/4 oz Cointreau

    1 1/2 oz Gin

    3/4 oz (fresh) Lemon Juice

    1 tsp Marmalade


    Shake ingredients with ice and strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a piece of a slice of toast.

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited October 2015

    Scanxiety, indeed! The 'Crazytown' list is a great comfort for this sort of thing. (Not quite to six months from diagnosis yet, but getting close. First post-rads followup with RO in a couple of weeks, and I expect he'll ask for one.)

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monkey Day!Having some trouble getting myself moving this morning, had weird dreams last night, probably shouldn't have watched so many episodes of American Horror Story or read so many ghost stories yesterday.Ah, well, tis the season, right?

    Queencat--My xanax was my best friend back in the post lumpectomy/rad mammo days.It does get better over time.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Ghost Buster

    1/4 oz Coffee Liqueur

    1/4 oz Grand Marnier

    1/4 oz Irish Cream

    1 oz Rye Whiskey

    1/4 can Coca Cola


    Layer Kahlua, Baileys and then Grand Mariner in a shot glass(A B-52).Mix Rye with the coke in a a glass. Drop the shot into the rye and coke, chug.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2015

    back in work next 3 days,going home in 3 week s ,my mother will be 80'so. Trying to sort stuff out to take home

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Simp - I raise a Girl and boy by myself. They both turned hormonal about the same time. I worked from 8p til 6a everyday. They'd get in so much trouble while I was working. Lucky for me I worked at police depart as dispatcher and would send officers out. Both my kids ended up in juvie jail on numerous occasions, can't tell you how many times I was in court but I never gave an inch…they made their choices and had to suffer the consequences. They both grew out of it and started making the right choices, now in their 40's and able to take care of themselves, both own their homes and have terrific jobs. So I kno how hard and stressful it is but don't give up. My heart goes out to you cuz you have the added burden of this RB. Yes, cut yourself some slack. ((Simp))

    Queen - never heard of that. Hope the -cillin and -cycline works. Will say some prayers that your 1st post-c mammo is clear.

    Julie - my puter did the same thing. Now working fine. I kno there are da scammers out there, makes a mockery of a system for those who really need it…grrrr. Happy Birthday to your mom.

    Mary - I feel bad for your mil. Could have been much worse, prayers she recoups soon. Nora and the pumpkin farm sound fun.

    NM - Oh I hope n hope the other position pays as well. When will you kno? Yep, printer up and running again. Thanks for the history of the Tom Collins…I never knew that.

    Cami - wow that portal to your doc offers a lot, will have to reinvestigate and see about emails. Love the cat/kitten video, so adorable. Have fun at your DD's.

    Had an OK time at my DD's yest but think I over-did with the lifting and bending. Party last long time, DD got to bed about 1ayem. I went to spare bedroom about 7, such a party pooper, but knew I needed to rest. Had to take a sleeping pill tho cuz I could still hear the thumping of the DJ music and all the laughter and squealing.

    Gotta run….lubslubslubs to all!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2015

    I'm home and had an AWESOME time. Just reading and catching up. Wacko, the only thing I would know to do with the PDF would be to convert it to a jpg, would that work, or did you get it taken care of? I think you are all set. Sorry I wasn't here for you.

    Cami, we can get SS disability because we are stage IV. We have an illness that can result in death. Nancy is not stage IV, so I think that is why it's taking so long.

    Mary, so glad Nora is ok.

    I'm still 2 pages behind, so will try and catch up soon. Love and hugs to everyone and welcome to the newbies….if they are still here!