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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    Hello Ladies-----

    I needed recovery time, I'm such a party animal not like SusyQ. Yea right I hardly moved all ite and fell asleep about 12PM Nicky and I were picking on my DD so much we thought it was funn, she didn't so that was interesting. And as we kept on and she told us we were both assholes we LOLed so hard we couldn't dtop there so our party was fun.

    Wow SusyQ I didn't know that's where u worked but what great results u had with u'r kds. And u had back up-Wow good for u. U put a lot of work in raising u'r kids and that's really admirable. I was more like Patricia Heaton's character in The Middle, I tried but never kept anything straight or remembered anything. Well u have to see the show to understand it. But u were good.

    Lori's back Yyaaayyyyy U know how excited I get when u come back and having a good time is a plus.

    Oh Queen it's always a process going thru anything in the world of Doctordom--it's a world by it self. But this chart thing on the computer is amazing now that I got used to it--u get u'r results when the Dr. does, I know I don't understand everyword but enough to know what's ging on and the Dr. talks to u with all my stupid questions and it's the actual dr. It's really nice. I've doubled my new pill and I didn't have to see her or talk to her.

    Lori I never thought about the stages of this thing for SS to rush it along. I wondered why it was so easy.

    Oh I was so crabby today and tired and in pain and this ady was talking about a compressor for her win cellar and I was writing everything then she said don't u know what a wine cellar is--I got snarky and explained every part of how and what a wine cellar was and what the temp has to stay for the win. Which was a little rude of me, but I couldn't hep it--thanks to all the TV I watch I learned those things so I don't know if we got that job or not, but it's Monday and I was so busy I couldn't help myself. Oh well.

    OK hope everyone is sleeping and waking up feeling good.

    BTW NM I had crazy dreams the other night too. kind of scary. It must be Halloween.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday!Frosty morning, this morning.Good view of the planets though.

    Juliet--Hope you have uneventful work shifts and a great visit with your Mom.I bet you are looking forward to that trip!

    Mema--I'm going to find out about the pay for the weekend position this week, if I can.I thought the Tom Collins story was interesting, too.Glad you had a good time at the party, even if you did overdo a little bit!

    Goldie--Welcome Home!Glad you had such a good time!

    Cammy--sounds like a great party!Sounds like the lady with the wine cellar was being rude, too.Or snobby.But she did ask, and all you did was answer her question, so there!I'm blaming the weird dreams on Halloween and all the crazy stuff I'm reading and watching.Better than thinking I'm going crazy!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Beer Margarita

    bottle Beer

    6 oz Vodka

    6 oz Water

    6 oz (frozen) Limeade


    In a large pitcher mix the Corona and limeade mixture (follow the directions on the frozen limeade except substitute one can of water with one can of vodka - cheap is fine). Serve in frosted mugs with ice.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2015

    Hi girls, going to try and dive right in and play ketchup here. I golfed 18 holed with my DH on Friday, it was so beautiful out! Anyway we didn't get home till 5, then went to his mom's house and took her dinner, It was her b-day and she had fallen getting out of the shower and was too sore to go anywhere. Today she is going to the doctor, seems like it's just a bruise to me but she won't be happy till she goes to see someone. She's able to walk around and do things for herself but I know she is really hoping they tell her she cracked a rib, altho not much they'd do about it. God help us if anything really ever happens, she is 87 now but I wish she could appreciate what great shape she is in. I'm pretty sure the doctor's gonna tell her she has a hematoma and she will be so excited cause that word sounds so much more serious than bruise. So then I got Nora Saturday morning and had her till Sunday evening, We took her to a pumpkin farm with hay rides and a petting zoo and lots of stuff geared toward little kids. She was asleep before we got out of the parking lot. She is talking all the time and starting to have temper tantrums. Got her first time-out at the baby-sitters for pulling another girls ponytail because she wanted the toy she was playing with. Then yesterday I worked and went out with DH for wings and trivia. So today I had some mayor housecleaning to do, floors are dirty, house is a mess. DH leaving overnight so I've got the day after pooches and yoga.

    NM, I always thought if I was single I'd do the weekend thing. Molly works 12 shifts every Sat and Sunday with full benefits and she gets paid for 36 hours. She always picks up at least another 8 hours, doesn't get OT till 40. Her DH is retired so it works well for them. Having Mon-Fri off is pretty appealing, does cut down on any social time on the weekends tho. Good luck with whatever you decide. Every now and then we talk my MIL into a cocktail and my DH always makes her a muddled old fashioned. She is so much happier when we get a little alcamahol in her, we always tried to get her a little loopy on holidays.

    Simp, oh I remember rads like it was yesterday, I ended up with 31, was supposed to be 33 but I just got too burned. I couldn't get regular rads, I was one of the 1%, my heart and lungs were in the way so I had to drive to downtown Cleveland everyday and have ABC rads. They put this snorkel like thing on your face and I would have to inhale and hold while they zapped. I was never so glad to have something over. The fatigue for me did get a bit worse as it went on but nothing compared to chemo. I worked but only part-time and no kids at home, don't know how you are doing it, hang in there it really will be over before you know it. Is your hair coming in? Mine is still really curly, guess it's going to stay that way.

    Queen, hope your energy is coming back and to see you in the lounge more. Lurking is fine but please speak up from time to time.Where in Michigan do you live?

    Cami, glad the doctor is giving you a good once-over. Hope you and Joey had a great time at Jodie's.

    Sue,Hope you got your outer fixed.

    Simp, ugh, sorry to hear about the UTI. Cut yourself some slack?? Ya think??? Come home from work, pour a glass of wine and crawl into bed as often as you can, house stuff can wait. Are your kids pretty good about helping out?

    Julie, glad you had fun at Disney, sorry you had to go back to work and reality.

    Cami, cute peeking cat.

    Queen, good luck with the mammogram, so nerve wracking getting these post tx tests. Glad the health issues are getting better.

    Okay, I finished a page, now I'm gonna post than finish reading.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2015

    NM, I am a huge Walking Dead fan, I always dream of zombies after watching it. Xanax is still my best friend, I take it about 3 nights/wk and sleep thru my hot flashes, I always feel so much more refreshed when done.

    Julie, hope your 3 days pass quickly, hope yo see your mum, good for you.

    Sue, when my son was in HS I was working as a nurse and was supposed to work mostly 1st shift with an occ 2nd. Well I came in to work and they posted the new schedule, hired a new nurse who didn't want 2nd so then just put me on it for 6 weeks straight, then another 6 after that till I threatened to quit. Anyway my son was 15 and oh did I find out some stuff later. My house became pot headquarters for awhile. It was a terrible time but he did grow out of it and turned out fine. Too bad you can't just ship them off for a few years and bring them back after they become human beings again. Glad you had fun with your DD, hope you get caught up on your rest soon.

    Lori, glad to see you back and so glad you had such a good time, I did keep up via FB but you wouldn't know cause I can't "like" your pics! Looking forward to Sunday, it is hard catching up in the lounge sometimes, isn't it?

    Cami, I like the MyChart thing too but they've got some things wrong that I need to have them fix. Hope you're recovering from all your partying…glad you had fun. Don't know about the beer margarita… very odd sounding. Good for you putting the snarky wine lady in her place.

    Well, think I'm caught up…. Hi Dara wherever you are. Gotta run, almost light, time to get the pooches out.



    Was visiting my neighbor, her golden retriever's crate.... I sent the pic to her mom and said I finally figured out how to get things done around the house...


  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited October 2015

    Genny, that sounds horrid!! I am supposed to have 30, and fortunately or unfortunately, my skin is looking more tan than burnt :( Today is only my 10th treatment. She is such a cutie Genny!

    O'Cammi, that's funny. Was a stupid question if thats what she was there for.

    Goldie, I'll have to catch up but glad to hear you had a great time!!

    Hope everyone enjoys their day!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2015

    Cami, you poor thing, you have fractures in your bones? Where? And don't make any appointments for Nov. 1 – Nov. 2. LOL at Caturday, and look at you posting all of those pictures, and even one that moves! Sounds like you had a good time at your DD's, and staying up til midnight? You ARE the party animal. Funny, you telling that lady about the wine cellar.

    LDB, I can log into my reports with my onc, it shows everything, but it usually doesn 't post until after I see him, and learn everything then. So it's sort of after the fact. Glad you had a good time at your DD's, and I'm right there with you on going to bed so early. I guess it's the new norm now.

    Simp, rest when you can, it will help with that fatigue. Also helps having the weekends off and you can recoup then too. If you don't rest, it will build up. You can vent here too, most of us do at some time or another. What's up with youngest son?

    Julie, you DW! Glad to have you back. We have handicapped plates, and my husband always does this limp when he gets out. Quite funny. As for me, it's none of your business why I have handicapped plates, you can't see cancer a$hole! You are headed back to Wales? Happy Birthday to your mum.

    Mary, golfing by yourself, you go girl. And yes, we want to see that aNORAble sweet thing. Glad your MIL is ok and she didn't break anything. I can't imagine Nora getting into trouble and throwing fits. They better get a hold on that right away!! I love to hear her sing. Nora in the dog crate is too cute. I think Queen is in SW end of MI. Funny about you not "Liking" my FB pictures. Everyone else does it, and I know you and everyone else can see what I post.

    Queen, nice to have you back. Are you still in treatment? And nice ofyou to explain the map to Cami! Scanxiety indeed, I have to get some in Dec. CT and full body bone. I almost don't see why it's even necessary, I'm already stage IV.

    NM, making a home visit with expectations of drama and even police, in a hospice situation??? That's horrible. Glad it was drama free.

    Our trip was awesome! DH planned a surprise helicopter tour, then a 4x4 rock climbing adventure the following day. On one day it had rained all day, so DH, Donna (Casino Girl) and I started drinking at 10 am, then started a game of Monopoly. OMG, it was so funny, we laughed so much at the rent prices when you landed on someone, then needing a dollar for change, we said we would just give a dollar BJ, we were calling ourselves crack whores. Laffed til our faces hurt. It actually rained every day,except for the last 2 days. Our friend Basia was only able to stay one night with us because of the rain. But OMG, is her little boy a spoiled brat, I had no idea, never seen that side of him. He wanted spaghetti one night, no meat, just sauce. So I made that for him, I had a can of Hunts sketti sauce. He took a bite and says "I don't like it". So his mom ate it. Then she gives him 4 slices of prewrapped American cheese, that was his dinner! Next night he wanted Kielbasa, which he cooked over the campfire.He's flinging it around, then it touched a log, he didn't like that either and said he was gonna throw it in the fire, so mom eats that. He did eat some of it. Tells mom he wants to go to Moab, he doesn't like the camping, he's bored! Played games on his kindle most of the time. The morning they leave, he wants to take the stick he was using to poke around the fire, home. Mom lets him!!! Really, a stick?? He runs in and out, it's very sandy there, so had sand everywhere after they left. Mom is Polish, but dad is Mexican, and the boy looks Mexican and a bit on the chubby side, due to his diet. I was gonna make taco's one night, he doesn't like them! Mom is skinny as can be, and eats so healthy, I can't believe what she lets her son eat. Corn dogs, hot dogs, everything in the microwave!Good to be home, getting all my laundry done and packing to leave Thursday. Have to stop at my oncs office for a Xgeva shot. I hope they have it ready, need to be there by 8:30 am, so leaving here very early in the morning!

    CheerZ ma DeerZ

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!How's everyone doing this ayem?I think the time change is this coming weekend, isn't it?Not sure if I'm looking forward to it or dreading it.Oh, well, I will survive.Got my pre-cruise package paid in full, now I'll looking at the stuff you can buy for the cruise cabins.Looks like you can get your cabin decorated and get all sorts of goodies if you want.I'm going to order some bottled water and some wine for sure. Probably a few other things, too.Going to be some fun!

    Genny--the golfing sounds like fun.Sorry about your MIL, sounds like she's a bit of a drama queen, but at her age I guess she's entitled.Nora must have had a blast at the pumpkin farm.Starting to have tantrums, though?Not so much fun.A muddled old fashioned?That sounds really interesting.Going to have to see if I can find a recipe for that one!I've tried Walking Dead a couple of times, but I really can't get into Zombie stuff.Not sure why, I like Vampire stuff, not really a lot of difference there.I still carry around some Xanax all the time but haven't needed it for a while, not since getting back on the antidepressant. But when I need it, in NEED it!

    Great Nora Pics!Love the new Baby Jail!

    Goldie--oh yeah, we get family dynamics issues in Hospice all the time.ALL the time.It's an emotional time and some people just cannot deal with someone else taking any of their attention away.All you can do sometimes is shake your head and deal, or call 911.Wow, sounds like a great trip, except for the spoiled brat little boy.Amazing what some kids get away with, isn't it.I have this hilarious mental pic of you sitting around playing Monopoly while 3 sheets to the wind!Who won?

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Old Fashioned (muddled)

    By 1915 or so, even the Old-Fashioned had begun changing; this is the version most people know today. Be very conservative with the water at the end.

    2 ounces Bourbon

    3 Dashes Angostura Bitters

    1 Tsp. bar sugar

    2 orange slices

    2 maraschino cherries

    splash water or soda

    Muddle carefully in the bottom of an old fashioned glass the sugar, Angostura, one orange, one cherry, and a splash of soda. Remove the orange rind and add Bourbon, ice, and soda or water. Garnish with a fresh orange slice and a cherry.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2015

    Good morning girls,

    I am up early this humpday. Just reading through some of the posts and feeling the love from mese girls. I don't know why I do not post more often and keep up on reading, I guess life jest gits in the way.

    NM, where are you finding where you can prepay certain items? I think I want to do that. I am getting so excited, hoping n praying that my passport comes in time. Of course, relying on getting my new birth cert soonliest. I was surfing the website on the disney cruises and they have very high ratings. There is some great and useful info there as well. I found that the dress code for example is very relaxed. When it says formal, it is ok to wear shorts. I would encourage everyone that is going to take a look at the website. I have not yet booked my flights but checked again and the prices are awesome, I found round trip for less than $200 including luggage! I so furcited and can't wait. NM, glad you are doing well and not needing your xanax very often, so glad you are back with zack (prozac).

    I have an issue with my meds as I have new insurance. My company officially transferred me from one division to another meaning a separate w2 for the year, new 401k and new health insurance, dental and vision. I have to start another deductable effective Sept 1st. I am so pissed off as one of my drugs has gone from 20.00 to over 600.00. It is for abilify, I do not know what I am going to do, I cant afford that.

    Genny, little Anorable is just so pretty, love the pic of her in the dog crate, too funny. Glad you got to play some golf, I envy you and give you kudos for getting out there and getting a work out.

    Lori.,, OMG< i would want to punch that little brat kid upside the head for acting like such a punk. And I would not mind biotch slapping the mom as well, she is raising a terror. You are such the traveler girl, everytime I come here, I see that you are taking yet another trip.o You remind me of someone that used to post here with your travel lol. OOps, is that badd to say?

    Camille, just love your stories. Joey is such a fine young man. Your party sounded so fun, you are trouble though! I see you posted in de middle of de night, wish I knew you were up, I was up that time yesterday early am. I miss reading your posts, I am going to try harder to keep up with ye all goils, k?

    Simplicity, glad you see you back posting. Sorry that things have been so difficult for you lately, saying prayers for you.

    Hello to Julie, glad you had such a nice time at Disney, you ho! lol. Really though, sounded fab. (does the word fab remind you of anyone that used to post here lol, I am bad today hehe. Hope your work days are going by fast.

    Well I have gone past the time, need to get my coffee, did not plan on writing too much, just wanted to tell the girls about trip advisor. I hope you all have a good day.


  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited October 2015

    Morning Ladies!

    Nice to see you too Dara. Yep. Life definitely keeps us all busy eh?

    Hope all of you have a great day and stay dry! Wet here today...

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2015

    Morning girls, it's raining and windy and howling out there. All the trees will be naked for sure when this chit is done, alas naked trees, time change, winter is truly on it's way. Forgot to tell you girls, I called my MO about taking a one month vacay from the AI and her nurse called yesterday to say I could.I am so sick of hobbling around like an old woman, my feet, knees and elbows, I have to hold my breath every time I stand up. Once moving around it's better but I just want to see what I feel like after a vacay, if it's considerably better she's gonna switch me to Tamoxifen and see if it helps. From what I've read it may cause joint pain but less likely to cause the degenerative bone loss. My MO suggested I might want to switch when I was there to see her. So I'm off the Arimidex till Thanksgiving. Pooches are going to Camp Bow Wow today, weather is way too nasty to go out and walk, DH traveling, I have to be to work at 9:30 so I have to make this short.

    Dara, so good to see you here, I think we're gonna have to do a little phone time soon, at least before the cruise.Sorry about the insurance, I have to renew ours and I meant to research yesterday when I was off and forgot. Damn work sure does get in the way of what we really should be doing, doesn't it? I tink we should all be able to retire at 55, wouldn't that be nice. Seems to be the age of work burnout, it's that last 7-10 years that really sucks.Oh, and your $600 medicine, call the manufacturer and see if they have any kind of deal they offer so you can keep taking it. One of the meds I was on, can't remember now which one, it was hundreds of dollars but the company had a program where I could get it for $30. It's worth a try to call the 800# and ask.

    NM, MIL is a drama queen indeed, my DH says her mother lived with them and was about 80 when she fell and broke her collar bone and he still remembers it being like 2 months of hell, he says the older his momgets the more she reminds him of her. Zombies are not for everyone, the thing with The Walking Dead is you would have to have watched it from the beginning, there is a very involved story line and the show has little to do with zombies really, it's all about the people trying to survive. Don't know why I got so hooked on it but it's the only show my DH and I have to watch together. I can't really get into vampires. Great muddled old fashioned recipe.

    Lori, great pics on FB, looks and sounds like a blast. Looking forward to Sunday!

    Cami, You're right, I say I'm gonna make this quick and then I type and type. Prolly cause I just like to talk, you'll find that out for yourself on Sunday, can't wait!

    OK, it's 8:00, I rally do have to run, love to all, have a good day!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2015

    Simp, hi and thanks for the swim, the pool is wonderful, tink I'll have a mimosa before work!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2015

    NM, time change is Sunday, but not for moi! Haha, as for Monopoly, I lost. Donna had some properties, but Darrell had the most money. Needless to say we didn't finish, just called it quits. Was a long game!

    Wacko, I'm so happy to see you, but miss you terribly! What is going on in "life" that is keeping you from us? You have become a "lurker"? Oh the wrath of insurance companies. Ours canceled us, says it's no longer available in our area! We have been traveling quite a bit, but more locally, or not too far away. I guess Oregon was the furthest. It's only about 6 hours to get to Moab. And going to MI is not vacation. My mom has been calling us Gypsies! Trip Advisor is where Darrell found our helicopter ride and the rock crawl, due to what peeps were saying. You bad? Of course!

    Simp, I was following you around (sneaky me) and see that you have had some drama going on. Sorry to hear about that. And girl, you can vent here anytime. Even if you just copy and paste what you wrote on another thread. Take care of YOU and REST.

    Mary, I had the exact same joint pain, was ok after I got up and moved around. And you are right, no bone loss on Tammy. Also looking forward to Sunday. We'll have to get together on where we are gonna meet. What I'll prolly do is text you when I leave, most likely from my mom's in Warren, zip code there is 48091, if that will help you determine how long of a drive for the two of us to meet. Do you have a toll pass?

    OMG, went to bed at 5:30 last night and didn't get up til 5 this ayem! It's gonna get below freezing here in a couple days and rain tomorrow and Friday. So I might leave today and get a hotel tonight. As for the little boy, that is the first time we had seem him like that. Of course it's always been in hishome, where mom knows what HE wants. He is a straight A student, just lazy I guess. AND terrible eating habits. No zombies or vampires in this house. We tend to like the reality shows. If I could stay awake to watch them!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2015

    Weather in Carol Stream IL....

    Sunday Nov 1, sunny and 64.

    Monday Nov 2, Sunny and 67

    Can't complain about that for November weather!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Raining and blowing like a sun-of-a-gun this morning.Power out all over the place from branches down.Got almost an inch of rain overnight on my back deck.Gonna be a wild and wooly day.

    Dara--if you go to the Disney Cruise Line site ( you can set up an account, plug in your reservation # and it takes you to "My Reservations" whereyou can check in online (starting Nov 11th for us), make activity reservations (also starting Nov 11th), and check out" In-Room Gifts & Shopping" where I found the wine packages, water bottle packages, and all sorts of other goodies.That site also lets us see the deck plans of the ships (I've found where our cabins are!) and lots of other fun stuff.I'm also going to check out the site you found, sounds great!That whole insurance switch over thing is the pits.So not fair.Are you going to have to start yet another deductible in Jan?Have you contacted the company that makes Abilify to see if they have an assistance program?

    Simp--I think I'm getting the rain you just had!

    Genny--Naked trees, time change, yup, crazy times on the way!Camp Bow Wow sounds like a great fun place for the pooches.I generally like shows with involved story lines, maybe I didn't get into Walking Dead cuz I saw a show after it started.Maybe I'll try it again when it's on Amazon Prime and I can start from the beginning.Right now I'm watching American Horror Story, season 3 I think it is, Freakshow.Coven was great.

    Goldie--You are too lucky not to have to mess with the time change!I'm jealous.I don't think I ever actually finished a game of Monopoly, not even sure how you know it's over. Usually gave up cuz it was getting late.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Cosmopolitan Martini

    1 oz Vodka

    1/2 oz Cointreau

    1/2 (Juice of) Lime

    1 splash Cranberry Juice


    Pour all ingredients in mixing glass half filled with ice, shake and strain into chilled martini glass.

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited October 2015

    Unfortunately Goldie. My SP's estrogen is showing lol :) O'well.

    Hey NM! Take care up there! If all goes right I'll be visiting another friend in Maine next summer. See how it goes & maybe we could meet up.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2015

    NM, lol on never finishing Monopoly, it can be a LONG game. But OMG we had so much fun!

    Simp, what is SP? Special Person?

    Cami, I got a not from your daughter. She not sure if you are up to having us visit. I already have hotel reservations and if you aren't feeling too well, we could just come over for a small visit. We probably won't get there until late afternoon. And you best be honest with me, or I'll get Wacko's people after you!!!

    Sitting at my gate, will start boarding in about a half hour. Will check in when I to everyone!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    Hi Ladies,

    I don't realize that I miss so much really, like dara said all of a sudden it's the next day.

    First Lori, I know u'r all scheduled to stay over. I couldn't get my sister or cousin for anything they're both not well right now and I wanted so to all go to lunch and LOL and visit. my doc has me on some silly seizure meds and I had to up the amount and I'm supposed to stay off m leg until they figure out what it is, they know I had a fracture but something else is happening that one test something was hiding--it xould be cancer, or a worse break or something stupid which I'm known to have--I'm on a lot of pain meds right now and the seizures meds for me anyway are to stop some pain throughmy brain-so that's probably why Les wrote u-cuz she said I don't leave my room to talk to them, but I never really leave just for privacy, mine and theirs. I don't want u to lose any money that's for sure but I'm pretty much down and sleepy and bitxhy, but I wouldn't be to u. LOL Oh my fracture is in my femur and what ever is hiding it's in my hip, personally I think it was a spontaneous fracture, I'm just a mess right now and I thought this trip would be more fun, I wanted it to be for u and Mary and all I can do basically is go to the bathroom. So anyway that's the true story.

    I have to ketchup everyone. But Mary u'r pics ar aNorable in the cage?????

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited October 2015

    Hey Goldie, Yes. Special person. My friend in TN went all wacko all of a sudden and said some hurtful things. He has a lot on his plate...not excusing him I just know that we aren't always in touch with our emotions or honest about them. I think he is downplaying the effect all his life changes are having on him and I was a target he knows won't stop caring.

    Cami-wish there was something I could do. Dislike hearing you are so uncomfortable right now. I hope you are able to get some rest.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    Oh Simp don't ever worry about me, I'm the laziest person God put on this earth. I used paper plates when u could only find them in party stores. But u young lady take it easy and whatever happened between u and u'r friend, it sounds like u understand so I'm glad about that. Sometimes we lash out at the people we know will take it from us. Personally I lash out on strangers I enjoy that, but not everyone does. Happy

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2015

    Hi girls, started this this morning but I overslept and ran outta time.Done working now, getting ready to cook dinner soon, no work tomorrow, I'm going to see an allergy doctor tomorrow. When I made the appt a month ago my sinuses were a mess, now they're fine. Never been to an allergist before but my deductible is met till the end of the year so I might as well keep it and get my moneys' worth. On another note, I've been wearing just sandals all summer, so I got all my winter shoes out and everyone of them are killing my feet, pinching my toes. So today I went to a high end shoe store and he measured my feet and they are a whole size bigger! WTF???? He (the 33 yr old that owns the store) said that sometimes as we age... our arches fall and we gain a shoe size. I found at least 10 pair I would've loved to have but more than $100/pair I could only buy one. I really liked the store tho and will prolly buy all my shoes from them in the future. A local store been in bizneess for years and the guy that waited on me has worked there for a long time and just bought it from the previous owner that retired. So for now, I've got my DH's show stretchers and I'm going to try and stretch out my newer shoes, the rest will be going to Goodwill. My poor feet have been yelling at me " Dammit woman, 40 years of standing and cutting hair!!! Retire already!" So my new $100 Dansko shoes are making them very happy.

    Lori, I know the joint pain is common, it seems to either be getting worse or I'm just getting more sick of it. They had me on 60 mg Cymbalta for it but it's over $200/month so I cut it down to 30 and then went off. Now that I'm off it, I think it was working but just too expensive.

    NM We had that crazy weather yesterday, dogs had a good time at "schoolies" as Junior knows it by. Time change is a drag, not looking forward to the even earlier dark. I have a sneaky suspicion that if you watched the first 2 episodes of Walking Dead, you'd be hooked. It's the only show on TV right now that I watch and just can't wait for the next one, most weeks they really leave you hanging. This last week was one of the most suspenseful ever, I'm dying to see the next one. No way could you enjoy it without watching it from the beginning.

    OK, my computer is doing weird chit so I'm going to post this and refresh to what people wrote today and be back in a few.....

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2015

    Ok, now I'm back

    Simp, sorry to hear about the troubles with the LDR, sometimes we do lash out at the ones we care the most about. Sounds like you 2 definitely have something, hope you work thru it.

    Cami, I absolutely do not want you to stress yourself out in any way for Lori and me. We just want to come visit, you really don't need to do a thing, just sit...and talk... that's all. We can bring a pizza or whatever...please don't feel like you need to entertain us. We get to have a car ride together, and hang at the hotel and visit our Cami....and I'd love to meet Joey if he's home. And I love paper plates!

    Dara, my insurance renewal is due, have to sit tomorrow and read thru the chit and try and figgere out whether to keep what we have or swith. What a pain in the arse... I hate it.

    Hi to everybody else...hope all is well, sweet dreams

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2015

    Hi girls,

    Popping in for some dwinkies. Yum.

    Oh Lori, Cam, I hope you girls are still able to get together even if briefly. I would hate to see you girls and Genny too disappointed.

    Genny, I like your tinking on retiring at age 55, especially considering I just turned 55 this past monday. I would so enjoy the life of being retired or as my parents former neighbor used to say in his southern accent "retard" hehe.

    NM, thanks for the information, I will set up an account and see what I can buy in advance. Is it cheaper to buy in advance? And they charge you for water? I hope not.

    Simp, sorry about your friend, I hope things work out between you two. SP is new to me. Glad to know a new term.

    Well time for bed, this girl is tired. Have a great friday goils and a better weekend. And hello to all that I missed.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2015

    Hi gals,

    'm goofy brained right now, I doubt u'll notice so I just continue.

    Mary u lost u'r arch so u'r feet got bigger, oh that stinks. Oh but now u need all new shoes, oh what a shame. Well I always had flat feet, I knew even when I was young if I ever comitted a crime in bare feet I'd better clean the place up--cuz almost everyone knew I had flat feet--u'd see it when I got out of the swimming pool. It was horrible when I was young, but now I don't care.

    Oh girls u'r so young, I had planned on retiring when I turned 70--I had everything figured out ad I'd be fine. cuz my parents retired much young and they lived a great healthy llong life. For some reason I thought I''d follow hahaha They traveled and had dinners out and for others, drank and went to parties all the time. Well II am glad I had them so long tho. but they could have passed this on.

    It's funny but kids are so sensitive now, I was watching a show about how u raise jids and what is awful to do--even among bothers and sisters. Now my coousin (Joanne's older sister) beat the chit out of her all the rime and never talked to each other, my sister always beat me up and told me I was so ugly that when her friends came over ro stay in the room cuz I'd scare them with my face. And all of us have always veen close as adults, I mean really close and our parents never got involved realyas long as we weren't loud. LOL And I never cared that kids made fun of my horribly frizzy hair and big flat feet, I made jokes along with them and it was fine. I know I'm bad but I tell Joey how special and wonderful he is to all of us, but as he gets older the world outside might not think he's so special but not to let hime get bothered by it, cuz he started special and that's how people will end up treating him, but alot of years for him to prove it. LOL Hey I didn't get any degree in brain matters--Just the degree that says the street shows me how in fact a doctorate in that now.

    See I'm sayng nothing again Oh well.

    OK LUBS U ALL and I'd better cut my nails they're hitting all kinds of keys.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2015

    good morning all, to add to the general talk on aches and pains , saw my pcp yesterday ,got to tell her that the topamax working well and feeling better but now seem to have carpal tunnel in my r hand!! so waiting for a appointment for that but because of the snow birds who knows how long i will have to wait but has i've met my out of pocket for the year so would like it done before dec 31st hate getting new problems this time of year because you can't get appoinments easily but also had to get my flu shot, the hospital says we have to get one but then says people with a history of frb and treatment have to get a doctors note to get it ! so my doc(LOVE her) is ranting that dosen't make sense has people with lowered immunity are the first to get the shot in the normal world. so noww compliant with the flu shot policy

    been looking at all the stuff for the cruise and trying to get stuff packed for trip home, its funny ,my mother is getting kinda of funny when i talk to her on the phone because i every time she asks when i'm coming home i tell her i've got nothing booked and ,nobody is mentioning any plans for her birthday where as for my dad's we had this trip and a big family dinner planned.

    lori,did not mean to offend you with the truck and disability sticker bit ,it was more they have a big a$$ truck that is obviously a work truck and its parked in a handicapped parking spot. but to expand on this couple , every time i go in a patient room i do what i call a eye ball assessment , you can tell a lot about someone health by the way they move,look or breathe,well every time i've seen this couple i can;t pick up on a reason why they have 2 handicapped stickers unless its psyche or addiction and even then there's usually some physical signs, that they rotate there 3 trucks through,(that cost about$170,00 per neighbour john,)

    cammi your plenty smart and joey really is a good kid, how many teachers have told you all that!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!TGIF!Sleep in tomorrow, and time change weekend, lots going on!

    Simp--would be great if we could meet up next summer!

    Goldie--Have a safe and fun trip!

    Cammy--Ouch!Praying the meds work on the pain.

    Genny--Aren't Danskos great shoes?I love them for work, and Birkenstocks, too.I've got bunions so finding shoes with a nice wide toe area is a must, but means paying big $.But so worth it!I'll have to see if Walking Dead is on Amazon Prime yet.

    Dara--I'm not sure if the stuff is cheaper if you buy in advance or not, but it sure is more convenient, and one less thing to think about while on vacay.According to the web site, soft drinks are included at no charge with meals.Bar drinks, beer, wine and bottled water arecharged for, but there are 2Beverage Stations where soft drinks are free.So we can go get free softdrinks or get served and pay for soft drinks.For myself, I know I will drink more water if I have it with me, and will get dehydrated if I don't drink enough water, so it's worth the $9 to have a 6 pack waiting in my cabin when I get there.Especially if it's already paid for!The 24 bottle package is $35.The packages can be ordered after boarding, too.

    Cammy--it seems like kids and everyone has gotten so much more sensitive, so much more easily offended or upset in the last few years.Almost can't say anything at all to anyone without SOMEONE getting upset!And you sure did earn your doctorate in brain matters!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:


    1 shot Amaretto

    1 shot Coffee Liqueur

    1 shot Dark Rum

    1 shot Irish Cream

    (Fill to Top) Coffee

    1 1/2 oz Whipping Cream


    Stir well before adding whipped cream.

    Best served in a Coffee Mug.

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited October 2015

    Morning ladies. Gotta make this quick. Much to do to my dismay :(

    Genny that is so cool that you two,get to visit with Cami! Give her hugs for me? I'm a hugger lol Yea. Sent him a long email yesterday. Probably shouldn't have. Whatever. I can't have a friendship with limitations and guidelines. Nope. See how he answers, if he does. I didn't say that in my email but I will of he shoots back with some bull hockey guidelines.

    Cami-Sit back, relax and enjoy the company!!!

    NM-That would be great! I'm probably going to drive cause I love to and so I can see some sights :)

    Hope all enjoy their day. I must shower, it's that time of the week haha Getbready for rads :(

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday ayem!Got to sleep in till almost 7 ayem!Felt so good!Frosty this morning.Got a lot to do around the house today, really hoping to get a lot done this weekend.

    Simp--guidelines and limitations in a relationship?Doesn't sound quite right to me, but what do I know?Let me know when you'll be in Maine and I'll arrange some time off work so we can connect!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Apple Pie Shot

    1 shot Vodka

    1 dash Cinnamon

    1 shot Apple Juice


    Pour apple juice and vodka into a shot glass. Sprinkle cinnamon on the tongue and pour contents of shot glass into your mouth. Shake head until cinnamon is dissolved, and consume.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!

    Sorry I been away. Those water aerobics really mess with mese wake up schedule which is when I post. Lexapro seems to be working, feeling a little better every day. Been on it a little over 2 weeks, 1/2 a pill. Plan to move to whole pill soon. Have to leave for Vegas around 11 this am going to my sons to help him take care of his bills, plus he is having his annual Halloween party. The bedroom I stay in is in the back of the house so the noise won't be as big a prob as it was at DD's last week. Then next weekend another long one, will b in Vegas for 2 nights then Doc and tx.

    Dara - Happy Belated Double Nickel Birthday. I missed Allisons bad.

    Hope everyone that is ailing gets to feeling better soon. I have to shut down puter, haul to DS, so don't have much time. Hope you all kno how special you are to me. Lubslubslubslubslubslubslubs to all!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday!Don't forget to change your clocks, and check/changed the batteries in your smoke detectors.

    Mema--I know how a change in routine can mess up lots of things.Glad the Lexapro is working,

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Neon Ghost

    3 cl Vodka

    3 cl Pisang Ambon


    Shake it with ice, and serve it in a cocktail glass

    Pisang Ambon:

    A fruit flavored emerald green liqueur, made from tropical fruits and herbs from the south-east asian islands, or the emerald belt

    Green Ghost champagne cocktail.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2015

    Good morning girls, I have been reading just not taking the time to post. DH and I ran a 5 k yesterday, I gave it my all and legs were tired all day. I went to the allergist on Friday and got skin test and am not allergic to anything that they tested for. The fact that my nose either runs or is stuffed up all year round is from non allergic rhinitis. Didn't know such a thing existed but looked it up and it does. So he gave me a prescription nose spray and that's that. Both of my parents and 2 of my brothers all had/have nasal chit, always blamed it on allergies so I guess maybe we all just have crappy noses. I am meeting Lori for lunch today, can't wait to see her again.

    Cami, so sorry we could not get together, I think Lori will be back in 5 or 6 months, maybe we can do it then. I know what you're saying about kids being so sensitive. My brother picked on me terribly every day of my life till I was a teenager. He had a way of taking a bobbi pin and bending it so when he put it on my skin it would snap and sting. Then he would hold me down and bend my elbow and lick his hand and make circles on my bent elbow and it would wad the arm hair up, and then he would rip my arm open and it would pull out all the little hairs. You just can't make this chit up! Oh he was awful.He would always accuse my mom of sticking up for me, well it was always his fault, he was such a brat! So we were only a year apart in school and when he got his drivers license I figured out that he might be useful. And I had lots of girlfriends and he was very shy so he got to haul around a carload of girls and we had someone to haul us around.. a friendship was born and we've gotten along ever since. And all without therapy! My dad talked about retirement his whole life and died when he was 59, doesn't always work out the way we plan does it?

    NM, hope you have a wonderfully productive day off. Early morning light was nice this ayem, not to mention the extra hour sleep but the dark is going to come way too early tonight. I'm watching the Twilight Saga while typing, did you ever see it? I'm at the end and it's gotten pretty good, never knew anything about it but a good Halloween weekend series. My DH and I watched Stephen King Red Rose miniseries yesterday, we still have an hour or so to go tonight, got too tired. I really hope you watch the Walking Dead, when you get caught up we can hash over what we think will happen next.

    Simp, hope all is good with SP or LDR or whatever you call him. Glad to hear you won't put up with any crap tho, guess it will work out if meant to be. Hope you're feeling ok, rads fatigue gets worse at the end and I'm thinking you are getting close? I finished mine just before Thanksgiving last year so you are just exactly a year behind me. By this time next year you will have had several haircuts and the tx aspect will all be behind you. It goes by very fast.

    Julie, hope you're having a great weekend.

    Nancy, hi... show us some pics of you cuties in their costumes please.

    Sue, So glad the Lexapro is working, have fun at your son's. Will you be wearing a costume?

    Dara, we missed your birthday????? oh my goodness, that's terrible of us, 55 should be the age of retirement, and you had so much more fun in the lounge when you weren't working. Hope you have a good weekend.



    Gotta run, hope I didn't miss anyone.