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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015

    Cami- Joey is a smart young man! Definately more girls in the music programs, and that is what I always loved about music. No segration of the girls and boys (although we girls were not offered horns to play in our day). Ha, I showed them, I picked that up the horns later as an adult.

    Okay, some cocktail trivia for you. I went to a presentation today with a tour group that is hosting a trip next March to Cuba for a local organization in town. My sister and I are thinking of going, and it is getting to be close to decision time. So guess who invited the daquiri? Ernest Hemingway, who lived in Cuba for awhile an invited the drink with grapefruit juice. The bar where this was created and served is called The Floridian, and it is still there too! I had to google it for more info and included a link below.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2015

    oh cammi- we need to come up there and take care of you !

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2015

    Oh Julie don't I wish u could---I had some D tonite and now I'm a nervous wreck I've had this thing for 8 yrs and I was not this scared ever from it even tho it landed me in the hospital a few times, not this bad tho

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2015

    imagewho does this remind you of!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!HappySaturday!Sun shining here, gotta get some laundry going, get some other stuff done today.Spent way too much time on the computer yesterday looking at Disney stuff.Gotta stay off it some today to make up for it!I was looking over the info about the pre-cruise package I got, and boy oh boy there is a lot of stuff included that I didn't expect--I can get a massage and see a Cirque de Soleil show.I wonder how many people don't read through the paperwork and miss some of this stuff.Going to be WAY FUN!

    Jazzy--lots of virtual drinking goes on here to augment the real imbibing.I like wines, too.

    Mema--yup, I got off easy with Delta.Now all I have left to do is book a hotel for the day we get back.The Fairfield Inn doesn't have any vacancies for that night, so I've got to keep looking.Didn't move quick enough on that one.But that's OK,I'll find something good through AAAor AARP or my work percs program for that night.Have an 8 am flight out the next day, so just need a nice place to sleep, eat and lounge by the pool after getting off the ship.

    Simp--what kind of wine are we drinking?Endulge yourself this weekend, you deserve it!

    Cammy--yeah, I tend to make mountains out of mole hills, sometimes.Sounds like Joey found a good spot for himself!The squeaks will work out with practice, I'm sure.And you are wondering why you feel shaky?Really?And yes, the mind is a powerful thing, very powerful but so is the body.Boy, I wish I could smuggle you into my stateroom on the cruise and make sure you get pampered and coddled for a few days!

    Jazzy--wow, that is really curious and interesting.Whodathunk Ernest Hemingway would invent a drink?Will check out the link in a bit, too.


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Classic Peach Daiquiri

    1/2 oz Triple Sec

    1 1/2 oz Peach Schnapps

    1 oz Rum

    1 1/2 oz Sweet and Sour Mix


    Combine in blender with ice until smooth. Serve in a large cocktail glass.

    Best served in a Beer Mug.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2015

    Good morning ladies. Dh in New Hampshire for his yearly sales meeting. I'm drinking my coffee and then going to take pooches for a run in the woods, then yoga at 11. I met a BCO lady for dinner the other night then she came to my house and Molly came over to spend the night and Cheryl stayed till 11 then Molly and I stayed up till 2. I drank a whole bottle of wine and ate a bag of potato chips then went to the rheumatologist at 10 yesterday morning. Eyes puffy, fingers swollen and blood pressure way too high. Not to mention, weight up a few pounds, not a good night to stay up being a drunkard. So I am going to attempt a break from meese alkamahol. This 2-3 glasses of vino every night and then more with friends is getting monotonous. I want to quit till Thanksgiving and then till Xmas so I'll have to settle on virtual dwinkies with you girls in the lounge. I want to see if it helps these middle of the night hot flashes too. Ok, now for ketchup time.

    Jazzy, hi nice to meet you. My MO told me from the beginning only 2-3 glasses of wine/wk but I never listened except when I was getting chemo. I think lots of the ladies here don't really drink that much but the virtual ones with the tenders in the lounge are just as nice sometimes. Interesting trivia, I didn't know that about Hemmingway. Hopefully that question will come up next time I'm playing trivia with my DH.

    Lori, I think you head home this weekend, hope you've had a wonderful bisit with your family, it was so nice getting together just wish it coulda been a little longer.

    NM, hope you're enjoying your 3 day weekend, amazing what an extra day can do for you. A breakfast martini.. hmm, I'd have to replace the gin with vodka but sounds good. I went back on the arimidex, maybe I'll do a vacay another time but after 10 days off and then putting the steroids on board last 2 days, I'm feeling pretty darned great. Got up and got my coffee and then realized I wasn't hobbling. But alas steroids have more SE's then I care to think about so my relief will be short lived. Indian summer almost over for all of us I think and yes Molly and I got 1 more round of golf in yesterday.

    Suzie, I have some marijuana chocolate and a sucker that's been in my freezer forever. Keep thinking maybe I'll have a little one night then never do. Anyway, I moved it to the basement freezer just to be safe, Nora can't open the freezer yet but better safe than sorry. I didn't pass here in Ohio, was defeated by alot, I think more because of the constitution ammendment to allow for the monopoly then the actual legalization tho. I guess the 10 people that wanted to start the farms paid for all the advertisement and to get the whole thing going. If it had been something that anyone could have bid on I tink it may have passed. My ear ringing seems to be back to normal, the right isn't a lot louder anymore, or maybe I'm just getting used to it again.

    Dara, I hate the save the tata's thing too. It doesn't even make any sense to me, what the hell does that mean? I'd rather lose the tata's and lose the bc. Hope you enjoyed your hump day off and having just a fabby weekend and get to see your baby too.

    Julie, love the hot dog bed. I know what you mean about people using and abusing the system, amazing how some can make a full time job out of figuring out how not to work!

    Simp, hang in there girl, the end is in sight! I rand the bell on November 14th last year, you are just about exactly 1 year behind me. You will feel so much better by Xmas and you'll be bringing in the new year knowing you are done! It takes a bit of time but eventually your life will not be all about cancer. Sorry it didn't work out with the LDR. Hope you have a nice weekend.

    Cami, oh I'm so worried about you and so sorry about what you are going thru. Joey must've been so scared. Please get lots of rest this weekend and I hope the D clears up. ((((Cami!!)))) I agree with Kim, wish we could smuggle you onto the cruise boat.

    I know I missed some but got to get these pooches out, love to all, have a great weekend, I'll prolly stop by the lounge tonight.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015

    Good morning ladies- thank you for the nice welcome! I also learned yesterday that Cuba is also the home to the mojito too, which I also love. More in the summer months though. Sounds like a lot of drinking goes on in Cuba as they have a rum factory, and the travel dude said "we go the first day so you can buy some for your room!" My sister gave up drinking years ago (a good thing), and I drink very little, but they do have that delicious cuban coffee for us to enjoy!

    Do any of you who limit your drinking miss drinking more? I don't, although I might if I was asked to give it up cold turkey. The harder thing for me was the reaction of other people who reacted strongly when I told them I could not drink that much anymore. "Oh but why, can't you just bend the rules once and awhile, I don't understand any of this." I told them I could not drink that much anymore, it did not mean they can't. I found out quickly who the people are who really need a drinking partner, LOL!

    What I now do is to plan out when I am going to drink. I am self employed and do a lot of social networking events and biz dinners, so I often save my glass of wine here and there for those events.

    Juliet- I love the photo. We raised rabbits as kids and know all about their behaviors. No hump free zone in our place either. LOL!

    Cami- I hope you are feeling better as time goes on. Your D sounds very scary right now. Wishing you better days sister.

    Wishing everyone a nice weekend. It's cold here, and I like the idea of some hot cider and spiced rum later today. I have no rum, so I think it will just be warm cider and cinnamon for me this evening!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2015

    Hi girls, hope you are all having a fab weekend.

    Cam, omg, I am glad you did not die on us, how scared you must have been. Behave yourself and listen to your doctors. I have a feeling you will be around to continue heckling all of us for many many more years. I love you lady!

    NM, glad you got your flight straigthened out. And first class too, wooo hooo for you.

    Jazzy,, good to see you back in the lounge. I say dwink when you want to. It is good though that you do not miss it too much. I would die without mese alkamahol. Keep coming back!

    Genny, stop beating yerself up for eating the chips and dwinking the bottle of wine and jjust move forward. It sounds like you have a great plan in place.

    Well the latest scoop is that my DD has broken off with the SD. Wooo hoooo. I hope to see her and baby Logan tomorrow.

    Well that's it from here. Hello to Julie and mese other friends i missed. Have a great sunday girls!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2015


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday!Got a case of chicken breast to process and freeze today. Lovely sunny morning here, nice breeeze, a bit chilly but not bad for Nov.Got reservations for Sadie at a kennel with a doggie cam so I can keep an eye on her while I'm away.Auntie Linda's Bed, Breakfast and Boarding Kennel will be closed since Auntie will be visiting cousin Laura in Las Vegas Most of January and February.Found and booked a room for the night the cruise gets back, now just need to figure out how to get from the port to the Motel, but I figure that can't be very hard.

    Genny--oh my,an all-night drinking and binging party the day before a doctor's appointment?Not one of the best choices to make, but what the hey, we have to live sometime!Virtual dwinkies in the Lounge can be a lot of fun, too.Sadie and I are having a great and relaxing 3 day weekend.So nice to get a bit of a break that feels like a break from work.Steroids are good drugs, but the side effects can be crazy, can't they?I can see the marijuana thing not passing if there was a monopoly involved.Not the kind of thing that is likely to pass anywhere.Glad the ear ringing is better.

    Jazzy--Coffee is my other drink of choice, I love coffee.Love trying different kinds, blends, etc.Mulled cider sounds yummy!

    Dara--yup, first class even on the parts of the flight that didn't have a first class when I originally booked, AND a credit!I didn't know it was so much cheaper to fly into and out of Orlando than Miami. I am so looking forward to this trip and being treated like a Princess for a week!DD broke off with SD?HOORAY!!!Best thing she could do for herself and the baby.You must be so relieved.Hope you get to see little Logan a lot.


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Three Day Weekend

    1 part Coconut Rum

    1 part Jagermeister

    1 part Pineapple Juice

    1 part Grenadine


    Fill a hurricane glass with plenty of ice. Add Jägermeister and rum first. Top off with pineapple juice and grenadine. Shake well.

    Best served in a Hurricane Glass.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015

    Good morning ladies! Wishing everybody a good Sunday!

    Dara- thank you for the warm welcome!

    NativeMaine- I discovered I can buy that Cubita coffee on line in the event we don't go to Cuba in March (we may go, but still evaluating this particular trip due to the short time and high cost).

    I also wanted to share since you are a coffee lover, if you have a Starbucks anywhere around you, their Thanksgiving Blend that is out right now is super tasty! I bought some this week, and I am enjoying a half a pot this morning. YUM!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!It's Monday!If I act happy I will become happy, right?Should be an interesting day, first day back after a long weekend.Never bored in this line of work.

    Jazzy--there is a Starbucks here, I'll have to check out that Thanksgiving blend!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Bukhara Coffee

    1 oz Seagram's Vanilla Vodka

    3/4 oz Irish Cream

    1/2 oz Creme de Cacao

    1 cup (hot) Coffee

    1 oz Whipping Cream


    Stir the vodka, Bailey's Irish Cream and creme de cacao in a large preheated mug. Pour into boiling hot coffee, top with whipped cream, and serve.

    Best served in a Beer Mug.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2015

    Good morning girls, Dh home safe and sound and he took the spoiled brats out this morning so I have a little time to type. So my ears are screaming at me like crazy but my body has not felt this good in 2 years. I cleaned the house yesterday and got up and down without using tables to help me. Went to yoga and had moves I haven't had since before bc. Alas, I know it is only temporary, only 2 days of steroids left and I'm back on the AI's but oh so nice while it lasted. Also, since I'm grasping at straws with the tinnitus, about 5 yrs or so my PCP told me to take 5000 mg Vit D each day, which I have done for a long time. Well, the rheumatologist I went to the other day thought that that was awlfully high but told me to continue if that's what I've been doing. Do I looked up Vit D toxicity se's and one was tinnitus...another was bone pain. So I'm going to cut back to 500 mg, since I do get some in my diet and see what happens. Can't hurt I figure. Went out to dinner with DH so had 2 drinks but none at home which is my goal for awhile. Maybe I'll even drop a few pounds, DH quitting at home with me so it should be pretty easy since we don't go out much.

    NM, good job on the cruise stuff, you are so on top of it! I am a bit of a procrastinator, still haven't paid the rest, will do it tonight when I get home. I do have my plain ticket but no hotel room yet. I used to give myself that happy speech every morning when I worked med surge, usually lasted till about 10. We had our first heavy duty frost last night but still in the 50's during the day, nice for November.

    Jazzy, social networking without drinks prolly would be a challenge. I cut hair so most of my clients would prefer I don't drink at work altho my friends used to insist I had 2 (but never 3) before I cut their hair, says it made me more creative. Hope you have a good Monday.

    Dara, I am so happy for you and feeling very guardedly optimistic??? Oh, I hope he's gone for good, did he move out? Maybe he'll run off and get a girlfriend with any kind of luck since saying hit by a train would prolly not be very nice of me. Anyway, have lots of fun with Logan and get a pic or 2. I'm going to spend the day with Nora tomorrow.

    Lori, hope you got home safe and sound.

    Cami, so glad to see you on FB again, does that mean you're feeling a bit better? You gave everybody a scare that's for sure.

    Gotta run, love to all!

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited November 2015

    Morning ladies!

    Thanks Cami :) I'll keep that in mind. A glass a day keeps the Dr away, right? ;) Hoping you're feeling better today.

    NM, I just had a Hornsbys Friday night and a Corona Sat. Although I have 2 bottle of Moscato and a bottle of Champagne in my fridge, and lots of various beers lol Not much of a drinker and I tend to buy beer, wine, or drinks of sorts and forget about them or never in the mood for them. They get drunk eventually by friends thou.

    Genny, sometimes we don't realize how much we need the companionship. I bet it was nice just to sit, drink, laugh. Yep, #12 of 30 today. Getting there. I'll take that chocolate and sucker off your hands for ya :D Eh, no worries on the LDR. Im still a bit mind blown since it came out of left field, imo. But, I'll be okay

    Hey Jazzy!

    Dara-Hope you get a nice visit with Logan today!

    Hope all have a great day!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2015

    I'm home and glad to be here, although I am STILL sick! Been over a week now. Really sucks for someone who hasn't been sick in over 10 years! Had to take my mom back to the hospital, the day before I left. Was trying to get her into a subsidized living space, even went for a visit. Now she thinks she can move out here with me! Says, she'll just put her dog down!!! I'm like WTF? How is that fare to him? Anywho….

    Wacko OMG, that baby is sooooo cute. Oh how I am hoping that you are getting lots of time with him. As for your scared chest, you could post pictures and crop your face out. Sorry about taking the day off for your passport and then not being able to get it. But I know you enjoyed that day off! Another OMG, DD broke it off with SD? Wowsa, how how I hope she sticks to her guns. Jumping for joy for you. Does he still want to be in the picture, for the baby?

    Mary, any questions you have, you can ask here. Or just give me a call. Too funny about staying up drinking and eating chips the night before seeing a doc.

    Simp, sorry that your LDR (long distance relation ship) isn't working, but it must be for the best. We'll stand by you girl!

    Julie, I'm with you on that soapbox about illegal's. Had to take papers in for my mom, and that's all that was in there, all foreigners! Are you going to to get the surgery for the carpel tunnel? I'm thinking the wabbit and penguin are representative of Moose and Gloria?

    Hi Jazzy, stop in anytime. Cami is so loved! And you don't have to drink to be here, or you can just do it cyberly! Interesting info on the Daquiri.I love a good Mojito too!

    Sue and Mary, I hope you both are able to get your ears taken care of. That has to be so annoying.

    Cami, I just hate reading you were in the hospital. But oh how sweet of Joey and to think you almost died! So glad you have a fighting spirit. I also hate the pain you are in. Are you done with all your scans?

    NM, Yay for getting first class and even cheaper! You gotta love when that happens! Well, your 3 day weekend is over now, but I know you enjoyed every minute of it.

    LDB, I hope you had a most wonderful birfday and you sure don't look 61. We took mom to check out the new apartment that day. OMG, whattrip for someone that can barely move. Glad you did some pampering for yourself, but you always do that. Dinner with the kids, always a plus. Happy belated my friend.

    Wacko, I have similar news. My DD is finally gonna head over to St. Thomas and see about getting her divorce. As far as we know, her DH is still in Cambodian prison.

    Glad to be home!




  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited November 2015

    Morning Goldie! Hope you get to feeling better quickly!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015

    Good morning friends!

    Genny- what I do now when I am out networking is to drink mineral water. A nice glass of bubbly Perrier or Pellegrino with a lemon or lime looks like a cocktail, but isn't. Sometimes I will have a glass of wine first, then switch to that. It works very well for me, and takes the focus off the imbibbing. I really love sparkling water so it is a treat for me!

    Drinking is a big "hobby" here in NM, but find many people in middle age don't drink due to conflicts with health conditions, medications, etc. I just say I don't drink that much for health reasons these days and leave it at that. There are all kinds of reasons not to drink, cancer is one good reason.

    Hi simplicity- wishing you a good start to the week!

    Goldie- I hope you feel better. I hate being sick, and am vulnerable to respiratory issues due to a life long asthma condition. I did get my flu shot last week! Trying to stay healthy. You have a few stressors with your aging mom (been there) and also your daughter. A husband in prison is a serious thing. Hugs sister.

    I got together with a friend yesterday who is a fellow martini lover. I will see her on Friday at a prof org event. We might have a martini or two. Planning ahead!

    Wishing everyone a good week. Turkey time is on the horizon.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2015

    Good Morning Ladies,

    I'm reading everyday, just not joining in, I'm sorry, u know how dramatic I am and I still feel shaky, as opposed to crazy--not the same. OK enough about me.

    Lori I'm so glad u'r home, what an ordeal u've had, maybe being home hopefully u'll start feeling better in u'r own routine--(((GOLDIE)))

    Dara what u'r saying about SD I hope he does find another GF, that'll change all the dynamics in this situation and remember wacko (LOL, still) keep u'r mouth shut and just enjoy u'r DD and Logan and pics please.

    Mary aren't steroids wonderful, not the cure but the feeling of them. I just hope u do much better after u've finished. OK tomorree is ANorable Tuesday right?

    Jazzy I luv seeing u here I've always admired u'r tenacity about everything, u've always breathe life into everything u do.

    NM U are so organized, is that a Maine thing or something. Oh the DOTD today is fantastic, any and everyone can enjoy this one for sure. U know I'm thinking u gals will be together so soon, it's amazing how this time has gone by.

    Julie u crack me up with FB stuff. (((JULIE)))

    Simp u'r getting there, and sounding like u'r doing a good job--and that's good to hear.

    I'm sorry if I'm not addressing everyone but u gals know how I feel about all of u.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015

    Cami- I hope you are feeling better. You had a lot going on there, and still coming back to center. We love to hear from you. I came here just to hang with you too! I am part of your fan club.

    Thank you for the kind words too! Tenacity is my middle name Happy

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited November 2015

    CammI pls feel better soon. I am here for you too. SillyHeart

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday!Happy Twofer Tuesday!Hmm, wonder how long it would take to drive my co-workers crazy if I said everything twice today?Probably not a good idea.

    Genny--I didn't know tinnitus was a sign of Vit D toxicity.Actually, I've never looked it up, but I've been taking 5000 a day for quite a while too.I think I'll dial that back a bit until my next blood work done, don't need more pain than I've already got!I am actually a horrible procrastinator myself, except when it comes to something fun.A big part of the fun of a vacation for me is the planning and anticipation, so I'm having a blast looking up Disney stuff.Plus, I love pre-paying for as much as possible, makes it so much easier during vacay.Glad hubby is home safe and you are enjoying the side effects of steroids.Feeling good, even briefly, is a gift!

    Simp--well, no one can ever say you have a drinking problem if you buy the stuff and then forget you have it!Nothing wrong with that, either.You are close to half-way through rads, good for you!Keep on keeping on!

    Goldie--Your mom is talking about putting down her dog?Sounds like something is really wrong there.I did enjoy every minute of the long weekend, even if I didn't get as much accomplished as I wanted to.Never seem to, but that's housework for you.As soon as it's done it has to be done again, so not right!DD is divorcing?That must be a bit of relief for you.What a crazy situation.So sorry you aren't feeling well, can you take some time to play couch potato and let your body put all it's energy into healing?

    Jazzy--Never heard of drinking described as a hobby before!I love sparking water, too, even have a seltzer bottle and a bunch of the cartridges to make my own, it's quick, easy and fun.

    Cammy--I'm only organized in some parts of my life, don't think It's a Maine thing, if it were I'd be ready for snow already and I'm not.Glad you're feeling better, only feeling shaky and not crazy.

    Hi, Enerva!Welcome to the Lounge!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Anabolic Steroid 1/4 oz Midori Melon Liqueur

    1/12 oz Vodka

    1/2 oz Blue Curacao


    Pour blue curacao into a shot glass, followed by midori then vodka. Serve.

    Best served in a Shot Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2015

    Cami, it's good to see you posting. Are you feeling any better?

    Jazz, I was in your neck of the woods for the hot air balloon festival. Fricken amazing!!!

    Ahhhhh, another Cami fan.Hi and welcome Enerva.

    Good one NM, saying everything twice to your co-workers. Ya, prolly not a good idea, but a funny one. And I'm with you on the anticipation of a vacation, being a big part of the excitement. Mom is back and forth with the dog. I think what we might do, if she says she wants her put down, is to just take him to a rescue. She doesn't have to know. He is so smart and so good. But mostly just has my mom and my son in his life. I know he would go into depression if removed from the home, but he would recover. And he always has fleas! I did manage a short nap yesterday. Laid down for about 30 minutes, slept 10-15. Love the DOTD! Fits poyfect for me.

    DD only mentioned going to St. Thomas and was hoping to get things started for the divorce, but hasn't said anything else. I am starting to get better, but it's certainly taking it's good ole time. I'm wondering if I didn't have bronchitis. Oh, and I think I mentioned that our insurance canceled us? Well the gal calls us yesterday and says she can get us a policy, over $6,00.00 a month premium and $15,000.00 deductable. My husband says, "what if I'm an illegal alien?". She says "OH, IF YOU HAVE 5 KIDS, I CAN GET YOU A POLICY FOR $100.00 A MONTH WITH A $500.00 DETUCTABLE". Seriously??? My rant for the day!

    Well, no one else to talk to. Tenders, bring NM and I some of those Anti Biotic Steroids please and make 2 each!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015

    Good morning ladies! A little laugh to start your day!


  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited November 2015

    Lol good morning, oh dear all your drinks recipes sound so good. I never made any. I think I drunk so much when I was 18 that after 19 it was all about drinking water lol

    Now I enjoy half glass of a red wine and only like one which I recently discovered bought it to bring along to a thanks giving dinner last year and before I left I asked my friend to give me something I could write the name of it so I could remember it !

    Jazz I love the lady . Can't remember her real name. I miss her as Elaine lol also miss chraimer and george Costanza's parents lol

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2015

    Enerva, last name is Dryfuss. Can't think of the first name?

    Found it, Julia Louis-Dreyfus. Good ole Google!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2015

    After too much wine.....


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2015

    waiting for my nerve study for my carpal tunnel then back to work hope everybody has a good day

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited November 2015

    Ha ha ha oh I really like her elaine character ha ha ha

    Well I saw this one a few days ago which is also a great one .


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015

    Enerva- Julia Dreyfuss. She was so funny on Seinfeld, they all were. She was also great on the New Adventures of Old Christine, I loved that show too. She was a big wine drinker on the second show. If you have not seen her on HBO in Veep, she is good there too, got a couple Emmy's the past few years! It is hard for actresses to get work after their 30s, but she has kept it going!

    I was talking to a friend recently about Seinfeld and was saying Jerry Seinfeld, Julia D., and Jason Alexander have enjoyed good career success since that show. I said that you never hear about the others, like the guy that played Newman. Then low and behold in the past week, a friend was out in LA and he was sitting nearby (she took a picture of him and he was giving her such a look, lol!) That show was a classic!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!And Thank You to all the Veterans in the country, and all those who are currently serving.

    Goldie--Being a dog person myself I'm really worried about your Mom talking about putting down her dog.That can be a sign of serious depression.Taking him to a rescue is a great idea, and you are right, your Mom doesn't have to know.Fleas are treatable, and if he is smart and good tempered he'll find a new home.Glad you got a bit of a nap yesterday, naps are good when you are sick.WTF with the insurance?5 kids = cheap insurance, almost no deductible?Working for and paying for insurance all your life = getting dropped?What happened to Obamacare?Thought all that stuff was supposed to be stopped by Obamacare?

    Jazzy--oh, yeah, when I want to get that last drop out of the bottle so I don't have to make another trip to refill the glass!!!!!

    Enerva--The DOTD recipes are mostly for fun based on the name or ingredients, especially fun when I mess up and post one without any alcamahol!What's the name of your current red wine fav?

    Juliet--I've heard stories about nerve studies, hope it wasn't as bad as the stories!Have a good shift!

    Princess Glittere Sizzle's DOTD:

    Mulled Red Wine

    4 oz Red Wine

    1 oz LBV Port

    1 tsp Lemon Juice

    1 tsp Sugar

    1 pinch Cinnamon

    1 oz Water


    1 pinch Nutmeg


    Heat in a small saucepan and strain into a heatproof cup. Do not boil.

    Best served in a Pint Glass.