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how about drinking?



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2015
  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2015




  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2015

    Wow, quiet in here... Had lunch with Lori, we had a nice time, hope you're all having a good Sunday.




  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited November 2015



    imageHey everyone still at Disney we go home tomorrow. Here are some pictures though..




    Oh and myDD is engaged! He said yes!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday!Easier getting up in the dark this morning with the time change, but I know that won't last long.Still, I'll enjoy it for this week, anyway!

    Genny--non allergic rhinitis, huh?Talk about annoying.Hope the spay helps.I did have one productive day off, and one totally non-productive day off.Perfect weekend!Your brother sounds like a little brat!Glad you found a way to make friends with him eventually.Anorable Pic!So, so Anorable!The next pic is frightening!Love Nora's pumpkin, and the spider puppy.Great pics of you and Lori!

    Collett--Halloween at Disney, that must be just the best!Everyone looks really happy, and cute!And an engagement!Yeah!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Champagne Celebration

    1/2 oz Brandy

    4 oz Champagne

    1/2 oz Cointreau

    1 cubes Sugar

    Peychaud Bitters


    Add Cointreau, Brandy and a sugar cube saturated with Peychaud Bitters to a champagne flute. Fill with your favorite champagne. Garnish with an orange twist.

    Best served in a Champagne Flute.

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited November 2015

    Morning Ladies! Loving all the pictures! Had a great but terribly busy weekend. Nice to see everyone is doing ok so far this morning. Hope everyone enjoys their day!

    A good friend and I Sun. Her and her DH came over and cleaned for me :)


  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited November 2015


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Well, hauled my puter and son's books to his house early Sat only to find out he had forgotten his wifi modem so we cudn't do a thing with his bills. I will have to work on them later today. Then he asked if DH and I could move in to his house for 4-6 months. Told him no, can't do it. I may end up going out once a week just to check his place and haul mail in. Funny cuz my stepson wants to buy a new house, actually have it built with a separate in-law suite. He want's to move back to LV so we can see more of Maddy and them. He's really been talking it up to DH, but he feels same way I do, which NO WAY in hell. Just the thought of packing up 8 years of stuff stresses me out and besides we both love it here in little 'ol Mesquite and really don't like LV…ugh! Got to see Maddy for a while yesterday. She was helping her mom put groceries away. I tried to help but she took over, has to have things in a particular order, was too funny. We did get to cuddle and talk about 1st grade. Gonna try and get her and mayb AM for 3 nights over new years. We'll see.

    Lowee - so glad you had an awesome time. Getting close for your trip to MI, and a meet with Mary. When do you leave again?

    Cami - sounds like you had fun at your dd's expense you party animal you. Thanks for the kudos on raising my kids. LOL, I do watch The Middle it's pretty funny. Sue reminds me of myself when I was that age, LOL.

    Funny story about the wine cellar, you're a Hoot girl!

    NM - gotta quit watching those scary movies if it is invading your dreams, doesn't sound relaxing at all. I used to love those movies, but they haunted me in my dreams too.

    Mary - sometimes a little alcomahol makes everyone more tolerable. Hope your mom is feeling better. Nora feeling her oats, seeing how much she can get away with, letting her temper get the best of her. She'll learn how to control it am sure. Sounds like you had a marvelous time tho at the pumpkin farm and hayrides.

    Queen - still saying prayers that your issues get resolved soonliest.

    Simp - UTI's are no fun…I like Mary's advice, housework can wait, rest is more important. (((simp)))

    Julie - What's up with our DW??

    Mary - my house was the party house, pot and booze. I had a locked booze cabinet, they managed to open, drink vodka, refill with water. One time I went home on my lunch hour to study a college course I was taking. Some slammed the door closed in my face. O the rage, I looked in the window and saw a dozen kids scrambling out the sliding glass door then my dd pretended she was doing dishes and ds pretended to be asleep. The other kids kept calling and hanging up when I answered. I called in to work, asked for some officers to respond, which they did. Found all kinds of paraphernalia, broke their water pipes, really did a good job of scaring them. But later things went bad again, hence juvie. We all laugh about it now but then it was heavy stress. My heart goes out to you, but this too shall end eventually. Love the pics of Nora.

    Gotta get ready for water aerobics, will get to the rest of you soon.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2015

    Hey there girls, first time I've gotten my computer out since the 29th, last Thursday.

    OMG, missing Wacko's birfday, why shame on us. But double nickel girl, no way! Birthday was Oct. 26, I am so sorry. Birthdays are over rated anyways! I hope you did something fun.

    image unselectable="on">


    image unselectable="on">

    LDB, you are next on the birthday wishes, Nov. 6, same as my moms. I too couldn't imagin moving. Glad you got to see Maddie and I hope you get the kids over New Years.

    Julie, no way did you offend me about the handicapped parking, sorry if I made it sound that way.

    Simp, is that you on the right? Hoping things work out with LDR, but only IF that is what you want.

    Mary/Nancy, love all the pictures of the kids, pooches and yourselves. I'll bet Jackson and Samara had the time of their little lives. Did your son not go?

    Mary, was so awesome to see you, just wish it was longer, but better than nothing. You will always be on my schedule any time I am in MI, same with Cami.

    Cami, it was really nice talking to you, I only wish you were feeling better. I hope this passes or lets up. Boy Joey sure took in a hauling on that Halloween candy!

    NM, I had to chuckle at a type you made, in regards to Mary and "SPAY". Glad you got some productive things done.

    Well, I got sick starting Saturday, mind you I haven't been sick in over 10 years! Run down, coughing, sneezing and feel like CHIT!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2015

    Hi girls,

    I hope everyone has had a nice monkey day. I hate this day, worst day of the week.

    Lori and Mary, great pics of you gals, glad you had so much fun.

    Mary, it was nice talking to you yesterday. You must have been dwunk when you called me again by mistake, you silly girl.

    Lori, sorry you are sick, I sure hope you get well soonliest. Thanks for the bday wishes, they are overrated for shoah.

    Nancy, congrats on the engagement of your DD. So much excitement for you. Love the pics, looks like fun for all.

    Simplicity, great pics of you gals. So sweet of your friend to help you clean. One of the gals here hired me a cleaning lady after one of my surgeries, it makes us feel so loved having such fantastic friends. I hope you are feeling better. When is your treatment finished?

    NM, it was nice waking up to the sun today instead of dark but hated driving home in the dark. I am looking forward to Spring before winter even comes. Glad you had a productive day dis weekend. And glad you had one that was not :)

    Hello Julie.

    Sue, glad your anti depressants have kicked in. Hope they continue to work for you. Sorry that you got to you sons house to find out that you could not get online, shirley sucks the big one. Also happy that you will not move away from where you are happy, good for you for holding your ground.

    Mary asked for a pic of Logan, here he is at my DD's university. She took him with her to work on a paper whilst a friend watched him. Love this kid!


    To all my breasties, have a wunderfoil week ahead and be well, k? Love you goils.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Well, the time change certainly has arrived, I'm getting up in the dark, getting home in the dark. Yuck.Trying to grab some sunlight during the day between patient visits.Craziness!

    Simp--Great pic of you and your friend!Interesting pic playing on Victoria's Secret.

    Mema--oh my, lugging all that stuff all that way and forgetting the one critical item!Sounds like something I would do.Don't blame you for not wanting to pack up 8 year's worth of belongings and move.Especially if you don't like Vegas.Sounds like little Maddy is really funny.Hope you get to have them both over the New Year holiday.I don't very often get scary dreams, but maybe I better stop with the marathon scary movies, limit myself to one or two at a time.

    Goldie--Oh Lordy, I do hope the "spay" worked!I had to go back and find that typo, shaking my head at myself.Rather drastic measures for a drippy nose!Feeling like $hi## is not fun.Rest, drink plenty of fluids, etc, etc.

    Dara--That is an adorable pic of Logan!Handsome little boy.I can't imagine why you are so taken with him.Hoping DD is doing well, glad she's in school.It is much nicer waking up to sunlight, isn't it?

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Electric Banana

    1 oz Southern Comfort

    1 oz Amaretto

    1 oz Banana Liqueur

    5 oz Pineapple Juice


    Pour ingredients in glass and shake vigorously.

    Best served in a Highball Glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2015

    Good morning girls, just getting up, no work today. We are having the most beautiful weather here, in the 70's today. DH and I went golfing yesterday, I may have to try and sneak out for 9 holes again today. I'm finally just starting to hit that stupid little ball and I hate the thoughts of winter making me have to start all over next year. Well girls, today in Ohio we vote on legalizing marijuana, both for medical and personal use. Only 10 farms will be allowed, the apponents saying it will be a monopoly. Seems opinion is pretty split, outcome should be interesting. Funny, the opposition doesn't seem so concerned about the marijuana, it's the fact that it will make 10 people/groups very rich. Nick Lachey being one of them if you know who he is. So I guess I'm going to vote for it and my DH as well, then I think it has to go to Washington so it'll be awhile. The only thing about it that bothers me is the chocolate and candy, I can just see a kid like Nora finding a whole candybar and eating it and being in big trouble. I've tasted the chocolate and you can't tell the difference. And they make it in suckers too, when I think about these idiots that leave their loaded guns lying around I have no doubt they would be smart enough to hide the marijuana candy.

    NM, I feel for you having to live in the dark. When I was in nursing I worked 12 hr shifts and never saw daylight. It was dark here at 5:30 yesterday, evening seemed to last forever, got quite a bit of cleaning done after my DH and I got home from dinner. I never caught the typo either, getting spayed for a stuffy nose would be rather drastic. Any new news about your job and the staffing? After Walking Dead night I do sometimes dream of zombies but never scary, just like I'm watching TV I guess.

    Nancy, cute pics, congrats to the newly engaged, you are going to be busy with weddings for awhile I guess. Did you catch up with Julie in Disney? Looks like all are having fun.

    Lori, you are right it was not long enough, I though of all these things to ask you and talk about after we left. Looking forward to the next time. Hope your cold is passing quickly, mine was better in a few days, hope yours does the same. Have a nice rest of the week with your family and pop in when you can.

    Dara, OMG, Logan looks just like his mom! I can't get over the strong resemblance! And no, I should hope I wasn't drunk sice I called you while driving. I just hit the wrong button and I am naturally flaky. Monkeyday is over, tomoree is hump day then back to party Friday, be here before you know it. Logan is absolutely beautiful!

    Lori, too bad about the missing modem, sounds like something I would do too.The party story about my son was from when he was in HS. Nora's dad, he is 34 now. We went thru pretty much the same thing with my DH's son but he is 26 now and living in CA. No teenagers left here, to old to go thru that now. Moving is so much work, my last one was only 4 miles and that was hard enough. So glad you got to see Maddy, New Years will be something to look forward to. I may have to go babysit Nora next Tuesday, can't stand not seeing her, must be hard for you, mine is only and hour away and that seems too far. My month of yoga is over, now I have to pay again. Didn't go nearly as much as I wanted to, life kept getting in the way.

    Simp, so nice of your friend to come clean your house. Like the Vicky's Secret thing. Brad and Angelina were on The Today Show yesterday and her story was very interesting, while she didn't have cancer, she had quite a scare with her ovaries, had to have BMX and ovaries removed d/t BRCA. Before her mom dies she made her doctor promise to remove Angelina's ovaries. Anyway, hope your kids don't give you any of the chit Sue's and mine did but it does pass. Hope you're feeling good, when is your last rads? We have to make sure the lounge is good and stocked with bells and booze!

    Gotta get out with the pooches now, have a good day all!

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited November 2015

    Love the pic Dara! He's a cutie! Last day of rad's is Nov 24th. *sigh* long way to go still. seems like anyway. I have been very lucky. I have quite the beautiful Army walking beside me though this. I've lost a couple of links in the chain along the way, but eh, is what it is.

    Goldie, yes that's me on the right. No. Don't think that's what I want anymore. Now I just have to pull back emotionally. I was way more invested than I realized where my emotions are concerned.

    NM-I debated on posting because I am so tired of these air brushed, picture perfect bodied ladies used in ad's. Let's get a real survivor on that poster. Also the fact that VS is still not up for providing mastectomy bra's.

    Tired today but woke up early with a kind of upmf and angry, or maybe.....determined? IDK what for thou haha

    Hope everyone has a great day!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2015

    well hope everybody is having a good day, getting to read but as soon as i start to type my hand starts the carpet tunnel stuff,sorry lori got on my soap box but sick of seeing the breasties suffer financially and walking into work and seeing people playing the system big time,! and winning, those who want to know what illegals cost the taxpayer should look at healthcare in everyday costs

    have a blessed day

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015

    Hi ladies- I just wanted to stop and say hi to Cami who I know from other threads and times. Hope you are doing okay Cami!

    Onward to your cocktails ladies. Love your Halloween pics!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited November 2015

    Hello everyone! Just got back from Disney last night. We had a good time. I just booked my activity for our cruise. I booked the Discover Atlantis Beach Day for the day we are at Nassau

    (Until 2:15 pm)

    Atlantis Beach Day & Discover Atlantis (N07)

    Lori my son didnt go he got stressed out about work and the holidays coming and was worried that he wouldnt have enough money when his slow season starts in January so he stayed home and worked instead.

    Mary I am with you on the Marjiauna thing. I dont know that I would want my grandchildren to get ahold of the candy that would be made from it. OMG i dread to think of Samarah or Jackson getting ahold of some of that. I'll tell you those two at Disney, if one said it was blue the other would say it was black. One minute they would be hugging and the next fighting like cats and dogs. Lol. Jackson fell at Epcot and we had to take him to get stitches. Poor baby. I didnt get to catch up with Julie. I wish I would have thought to think of contacting her.

    Julie sorry I didnt think to contact you while I was down your way. I really wasnt good company though most the time. I was pretty down most the trip. I tried real hard not to be. Im still depressed about our financial situalation and now my DD is getting married I dont know how we are going to pay for that. Im sure it will work out somehow though.

    I can't wait to see you all in January and am really looking forward to it. I got a one BR suite at the Old Key West Villas for Jan 29-30 when we get back. I am a Disney Vacation Club member. I am staying there just one night when we get back. It sleeps 5 so anyone is welcome to stay with me if they want.

    See you all soon.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Long day yesterday, but should be a lighter one today, which I need to get caught up with the paper work.I came home last night, played fetch with Sadie,sat down to read for a bit and poor Sadie had to wake me up to go to bed!Conked right out in the chair.Good thing I've got her to take care of me!

    Genny--Nice to have good weather for a bit longer, isn't it?Maine legalized medical marijuana a while back, nothing much seems to have changed since so few docs have gone through the registration process to be allowed to prescribe it.There are some "clinics" where marijuana products are sold, pretty tightly regulated but seem to be doing well.Funny how people are more concerned about the "monopoly" than the marijuana itself!It is a big concern about the food products and people getting dosed without intending to/realizing it, especially children.I did find out the weekend position pay is less than I'm making now, so I'm thinking I'll be staying where I am for the time being and try taking a Friday off so I have a 3 day weekend once a month and see how that works.

    Simp--I hear you about the air-brushed bodies.The pic is a good start, though!Next we need to get them to show a true mastectomy scar.Baby steps!A lot of people are absolutely horrified at how big a mastectomy scar really is.Shows how much education is still needed.I'm not surprised VS doesn't domastectomy bras, they'd have to jump through all the hoops insurance companies require to be allowed to submit bills to them, and can you imagine these kids that can't make change without a calculator filling out insurance forms?

    Juliet--I hear you about the people playing the system.Very frustrating and upsetting.Way too much being taken away from hard-working, tax-paying people and given to people doing nothing to get ahead.Anyone else remember the "Economics Experiment" story making the internet rounds a few years ago?

    "An economics professor at Texas Tech said he had never failed a single student before but had, once, failed an entire class. The class had insisted that socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer. The professor then said ok, we will have an experiment in this class on socialism. All grades would be averaged and everyone would receive the same grade so no one would fail and no one would receive an A.

    After the first test the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy. But, as the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too; so they studied little ...

    The second Test average was a D! No one was happy. When the 3rd test rolled around the average was an F. The scores never increased as bickering, blame, name calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for anyone else. All failed to their great surprise and the professor told them that socialism would ultimately fail because the harder to succeed the greater the reward but when a government takes all the reward away; no one will try or succeed. "

    Welcome, Jazzygirl!Pull up a bar stool and join us!

    Collett--You must be special to be able to book activities already, I have to wait until the 11th!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Beach Bum

    1 part Bacardi Limon Rum

    1 part Sprite

    1 part Orange Juice


    Pour into a glass with ice. Stir.

    Best served in a Highball Glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2015

    Hi girls, something weird going on with me I wanted t run by you all. I've had tinnitus (ringing in the ears) for prolly 10 yrs or so, no known reason, had it checked out when it started, I just live with it. Last Friday I went to an Allergy/Immunologist who looked in my ears, gave me allergy tests, all were negative. Then yesterday, I'm driving in my car and all of a sudden, my right ear started ringing really loud, then I felt like someone was holding a tin can over my ear, then cooking dinner it sounded like static, like on a radio. Anyway, if I put my finger in my left ear I can't hear out of my right unless it's loud. I took a 1 mg Xanax and went to bed at 10. When I woke up the static is gone but it's ringing loudly and I can't really hear out of it. I have to jump in the shower and get ready for work. I have an appointment with a rheumatologist on Friday. not her aea but think I should just wait till then? Call my PCP? Or try and get in with an ENT?

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2015

    Hi girls,

    Happy Hump Day, I have the day off. I was going to get mese passport as my new birth certificate arrived this week. But my seester has my marriage license and is away until the weekend. I had not realized she was leaving town this week, thought it was next week. And I already had the day off and was not about to change that.

    Genny, it is warm here too, going to73 today. I have been stacking wood all morning and my back is on fire. It is going up to 78 on Friday then getting chilly for the weekend. Regarding your ear, I think you should see an ENT asap as this sounds like someting that could be serious. Please make an appointment. I never did hear if the willie law was passed your way, say it passed. I am all for it. Parents need to monitor their children and keep them away from it as they would keep them away from anyting that could present a danger. I do see both sides of it though.

    Nancy, nice to see you. Sorry that you are feeling down. And yikes about the lil accident while on vacation, kids! Congrats on the big engagement, you are right, tings do work out somehow. Like you, I am having financial issues due to all of the work time I have missed over the past five years. I am in so much debt and have refinanced my home to pay down debt that i am reaccumulated. I am struggling and do not see any light at the end of the tunnel. I will keep you in my prayers.

    NM, I wish I had the guts to post pics of my mutilated body on the internet to show the world what cancer really looks like. That is why the whole pink movement is a turnoff to me. I hate the slogan save the tatas. Breast cancer is so much more than just about the tatas. It is a vicious and deadly disease. I need not tell you all this, you all know from hanging out here. I hope you get your three day weekends, that would be great. Give Sadie a kiss and a pat on the back from me, Bella and Lucy.

    Julie, I can imagine just how infuriated you get over the way people play the system. I would have huge resentments if I were in your shoes seeing people taking so much without giving a damn thing. Here I struggle to pay my medical bills and cut myself short of funds due to the fact that I pay them whilst others get government paid medical expenses, food, shelter and God knows what else. There are some who deserve that but for the majority, I believe they are just sponges that soak the chit outta our economy. Human wastes I call these type of people. Gosh, don't ever let me get on the soap box, I would be tossed outta the loounge by the mods. And it will not be the first time lol. Sorry about the carpal tunnel symptoms, hope you can get that corrected.

    Simplicity, we will have a big arse partay on the day that you ring that bell. the tenders are already planning the blow out for ya. Hang in there, things will begin to get better very soon. In the meantime, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Sorry about the emotions you are feeling, hope things get better for you emotionally. YOu are going through some tough times girl. Try to keep smiling, laugh when the chance arrises and dwink, just dwink when you feel up to it. And keep the people that are supporters close by. Dis is mese advise for what it is worth.

    Hi Jazzy, welcome. OUr Camille sure has a fan base, eh? Stop in more often for dwinks, this is a fun place to hang. We have tenders that want to satisfy our ebery need. Speaking of, tenders, bring rounds of dwinks to welcome the new goil. Keep on coming back, Cam has brought in friends in the past, I believe our own Allyson is a recruit of Cam's.

    Cammy, I miss you, please report in as I need some simple laughs, you are always good for either a laugh or a feel-good Joey story.

    Hello to anyone I missed. Speaking of missed, Lori, hope you are having a good time and also feeling better. I miss ya!

    CheeRs loves! Have a great humpity hump dey!

    Remember .....


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Still getting up at oh dark hundred.Still getting home in the dark.I'm ready for winter to be over and it hasn't even really begun!

    Genny--I'd mention your ear ringing change to the rheumatologist, she can take a peek and see if there is anything obvious there, but also call the PCP about gettingin to see an ENT.A big change in the noise like that can mean that something has changed in your ear, or something new has started, and it would be good to know if that's happened and find out if it means something can be done about it now.

    Dara--having a day off is nice, isn't it?So glad to hear how close you are to getting your passport!Good for you!Every time I hear "save the ta tas" I wish I had a bunch of amputated breasts preserved in jars in formaldehyde that I could whip out and hand out to people."Here, here's a saved ta ta!"The woman who was killed by it doesn't need it anymore."Sadie says Woof to Bella and Lucy.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Breakfast Martini

    3/4 oz Cointreau

    1 1/2 oz Gin

    3/4 oz (fresh) Lemon Juice

    1 tsp Marmalade


    Shake ingredients with ice and strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a piece of a slice of toast.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2015

    Good morning girls. I called an ENT myself yesterday, an otolaryngologist, another ologist to add to my repertoire. Anyway, the sh-ing sound stopped throughout the day and was replaced by a louder ringing. They got me in after work and did a hearing test and the right side was very diminished. So he's putting me on prednisone for 3 weeks and I go back for another eval after that. Problem is with the prednisone in my system I won't know if my bones start feeling better if it's the vacay from the AI's or that. I've been off 9 days and so far haven't noticed any difference. So I may just go back on and try a vacay over the holidays or maybe when we take the cruise or something. IDK. Tonight I am having dinner with a local BCO lady then Molly is coming and spending the night. In the morning I go to the rheumatologist and then will do Molly's hair. We were hoping to golf but looks like our beautiful Indian summer is about to end. I have to jump in the shower and get ready for work but I have read all and will ketchup soon. Have a good day everybody!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Dara - what a little cutie-pie ur gs is. He looks a lot like his mom. How old is he now? Is sd still around? Anti-depressants ahh yes. Will start taking a whole one today seeing as my calendar is pretty clear and if it makes me sleep…I'll sleep.

    Lowee - ya got to get better…sending u Big HUGZ!!! I sent both Allison and Dork a Happy Bday email both were a couple days late. I miss our Allison. What is LDR? And yes tomorrow I will have made it to 61yoa, very happy. My kids are coming Sat to take me to dinner, very fercited about that.

    Welcome Jazzy, you can always find Cami here.

    Mary - glad u r having good weather, our last 80o was Mon and next 2 days in the 60's. BAM jes like that. Sometimes I wish for 4 seasons but I'm not moving. I have edible mj, chocolate and hard candy. I am very cautious with it when my gkids are here. Scares me to the core but I put it up in cupboard above frig…even I have to get a step ladder to get to it and only do so when the kids are out playing or in their room. Caution caution for sure.

    Mary - since my accident whilst target practice, well u described what I hear perfectly. I went to ENT and an audiologist, no inj to inner-ear drum, audio guy wanted to sell me hearing aids, but I declined. I think mine is getting a little better too. So my only advice is audiologist to make sure nothing is damaged in the inner ear. I read further, never heard of that kind of doc. Hoping the prednisone works for you. ((Mary))

    Nancy - did I congrat u on the engagement, if not CONGRATS.

    NM - I kno I'm behind but been trying to ketchup. Did you ever find out the pay diff for the weekend nurse? Oh, in reading further I see your answer…am sawee it didn't work out. I've never heard of that economics experiment, sure has a ring of truth to it tho. Beach Bum sounds delish. I feel same way about the 'save the breast' (won't let write at at, see) Love what you said about em.

    Simp - u are simply gorgeous! I agree with the mag ads, they should be real survivors and good to kno about VS not providing those bras. They should tho - just because someone is missing a breast or both doesn't mean they don't want to be sexy…shame it is.

    Julie - I didn't know u have carpel tunnel, tis very painful. Using the systems really pisses me off too, don't get me started, and the handicap spots, wish I had the balls to say something, but I don't. That's all.

    Lubs all my goils, please take care of youselves...MUAH (that's a big smacking kiss in case ya didn't kno)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2015

    Good early morning ladies.

    I skimmed but I still have to ketchup.

    Lori I hope u'r feeling betterI worry about u cuz u think u'r super woman, altho u'r beauty is mor than equal u need to take it easier and 'm not going to preach. I am so glad u and Mary got to meet and spend some facetime together and Mary I'm glad u went to a Dr. (whatever kind that is) and are geting help ASAP.

    And u all know how we love our pics and u gals have outdone u'rselves. They are so much fun. And Dara I cant get over how big Logan is getting. Wow and so good to hear u're DD is going back to school.

    I had a terrible week so far, and I hope it's done. I ended up n ICU Sunday nite, my kidneys and liver function were failing, I really don't remember much, I was hallcinating (ell that's what everyone said) but I think my brain was just overcharging and I almost died--not much fun so it was good u gals didn't come here. I went to the regular room Tuesday afternoon, they found an infection with my blood and my crazy D had dehydrated me-I was hooked up to everything I could be and according to Leslie after about 2 hrs. I asked if I could go home.. Once I started to rally around I didn't know what happened and they couldn't give me much of a reason, except to say since I got dehydrated so fast that it affected everything. My recurring D just got to much to deal with. Well I got home tonite, some tests are still out.-Dan )my boss) picked me up and as soon as I got settled in my room handed me my phone. He's so funny--he said we missed u making us LOL everyday as said well thanks but u'r trusting u'r business to me now!!!! I was treated so well by the Docs and the staff on both floors--I had an my old Dr. from a couple f years ago for disease control and he actually remembered me-of course my beauty overwelmed him and he's on the job again--I remembered him and as I told him mostly cuz I can't understand him and his big old accent--TaDa short for tada ta da. Well after Dan left and Marty and I were finished talking Joey came in my room and asked if we could just cuddle with no distractions no TV or anything and he held me so tight for like 45 minutes ad the adult in him totally was there. That was my highlite--and he brushed my hair and rubbed my back, OK I'll close for new this is taking forever for me to type.and I'm really tired.

    Remember I really LUBS U ALL

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!TGIF and I'm already off work, Yeah!This idea of setting up a 3 day weekend off once a month or so was brilliant.Even if I couldn't sleep last night.Just couldn't get comfortable or relaxed.Wound up dozing in the recliner.Don't feel especially tired this morning, though, so no big deal.I bet I'll sleep well tonight.

    Genny--glad you called the ENT, and you got checked out and on treatment.Does make the AI vacay a bit trickier though.Hope you get in one more round of golf!

    Mema--I'm pretty sure that economics experiment is just a myth, but it is a great story, isn't it?And really illustrates how the whole "redistribution of wealth" actually works.

    Cammy--Holy Hannah what a week you've had!Must have been scary for Joey and the rest of the family.LOL at Dan trusting work to you as soon as you got home!So glad you are back with us!


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Bahama Mama Sunrise

    1 oz Dark Rum

    1 oz Spiced Rum

    4 oz Orange Juice

    2 oz Pineapple Juice

    1/2 oz Grenadine


    Serve over ice in a tall glass.

    Best served in a Collins Glass.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2015

    Well, I finally called Delta and got my flight reservation changed from Miami to Orland. Guess what? Not only was it very easy to do (I was really dreading making that call) but I'm getting First Class seats from Bangor to LaGuardia which weren't available when I booked earlier, so I get a First Class seat all the way, both directions, AND it cost $98 less than the original ticket! So now I have a Delta voucher, good for a year, so I'm just going to have to plan another trip next year!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015

    Hi ladies- I am going to add this to my favorites. I don't drink much anymore (MO said only a couple drinks a week these days), but am a lover of fine wines, as well as good martinis. So I do partake, but on a limited basis.

    Cami- I am sorry you were in the hospital and not doing well. I hope you are recovering well at home.

    How is Joey doing with his clarinet this year?

    Greetings to all the other new friends here! Happy

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Cami - OMG that sounds scary. Did they give u anything to stop the D so u don't dehydrate again? Are your kidneys and liver ok now? Oh this just scares me. Can't believe either, that you ended up with a phone in your hand when you got home. Jes not fair, you need to drink something with electrolites in it. It really will help. Sweet Joey, bet he was scared too, bless him for cuddling with you. (((Cami)))

    Julie- tooo cute, a wiener dog in a bed bun adorable.

    NM - hooray for being off, hope you get some rest today. Woohoo, u made out like a bandit making that call to Delta. Can't wait to meet you, you sound like so much fun.

    Looks like everyone else is sleeping or busy….I'm off to my class, then some pampering, nails, toes, n lashes. Will b a long day.

    Lubslubslubslubslubs everyone!!

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited November 2015

    Morning ladies

    omg Cami! I cannot imagine! I bet that was scary!

    Love to all. I'll be partaking in the wine drinking this weekend. Need to break away from myself for a bit.

    Have a good day ladies. Thanks Dara and Mema :)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2015

    Oh NM good for u--see the dreadee became the dreador, I think

    OH Jazzy I'm so glad to see u, BTW if truth be told I really don't drink, but everyone is great here and we always have a dotd (drink of the day) if anyone wants a new drink LOL Wel Joey is now allowed to practice in front of me-hardly any squeeks only in high notes and has been in 3 concerts so far and he's enjoying it. well we all know he's no sportman so I'm glad he found something, beside there are more girls in the band than on a field.

    SusyQ I don't know how u keep this pace up, u'r somthin' girl, I admire u.

    Simp relax as much as u can, this is not an easy part, the way most people think of it. And remember grapes are good for u and when fermented even better.

    Oh my primary called today, u know now when u'r in the hospital u never see u'r primary, t's all strangers, of curse u think of stranger danger but under these circumstances u throw caution to the wind.(as oppssed to breaking wind) Anway she's so sweet she talked to me for a while and I told her I was shaky and it's probably all in my mind--and her response OMG u always think everything is imaginary--she cut me off quick as she said u almost died this week and I popped back with but everyone knows u'r mind is powerful and u can kill u'rself with out any weapons or drugs, just u'r mind. Oh why do I continue talking-I faced death and shes LOLing at m-e. I can not type phew

    OK business calls--literally

    I LUBS U ALL---I miss Lori