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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2015

    Julie, good luck on the carpul tunnel study.

    Ya Jazz, one glass of wine will do!

    NM, my mom is afraid that Zues will go into depression and miss her terribly, which he will. But he will get over it too. She says "he will wait for me on the other side". She doesn't want my son taking him, forfear he won't take good care of him. As for insurance, I have no idea what we are gonna do. Obamacare worked for us for one year. So they can't refuse you, but I guess they can charge you up the wazoo.

    Here is a picture of that big boy of my mom's, and my son. Took it from FB, lets see if it posts.It would NOT let me copy and paste from FB, had to save it to my computer. We used to be able to take things from there. I had to save it to my computer and then insert it.

    Well, I'm still sick! Saturday will be 2 weeks. I have blown and coughed up so much junk, I have no idea how a body can produce all that! It must be more than just a cold? I think I need something stronger than some mulled wine! Leaving Friday for Phoenix and then flying out Saturday to TN to see MIL.


  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited November 2015

    Morning ladies!

    Good luck Juliet!

    That's a beautiful dog Goldie. My Mitzi is getting old :( I dread the day I have to put her down but she still seems to have lots of spunk latest rescue, a pit bull mix, seems to have revived her the past year and a half.

    Didn't have a drink last night but took a pain pill for the first time in a few weeks. Whew! Wow! Forgot how they made me feel. Didn't like it much. But did sleep good.

    How's everyone else feeling today? Cami? Chevy?

    Hope all have a good day

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015

    Goldie- I am sorry you are still sick. You may want to be sure you don't have anything like an infected bronchitis? I had that one time and it is nasty, dragged on and made me so sick. Be sure you know what is going on before you travel. You don't want to get out of town and be worse? AZ weather should be good for clearing the lungs though. Love me some desert dryness.

    I am shopping for a new plan myself. I am self employed and was in a state pool here and have had BSBC since 2012, first with the state plan and then with the past few years with ACA. Last year, it got harder with more of my specialists falling out of network. Now BSBC is pulling out of the ACA market here because they could not get the increase they wanted approved by the state reg agency. I am looking on line, but the local exchange and also a not for profit health ins. group I am leaning towards does not have all their plans up yet. Supposedly that will be resolved by 11/15, but that cut off two weeks of the looking time. I plan to jump on it on Sunday. I need to be sure some of my current medical care for follow up from docs, to imaging center, to Prolia shots are covered. Lots to figure out this year.

    In NM, they are reporting most health plans are increasing about 7-8% this coming year, I have heard other states have gotten really expensive with their plans. ACA needs to move to the next level which means not restricting so much or making it out of reach for everyone.

    Simplicity- wishing you a good day.

    Cami- how are you feeling, is the D better and are you more hydrated? Sending you hugs sister.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2015

    Hi Ladies,

    While I'm thinking about it, est I forget, my day was spent with Dr. day yesterday, but I was sitting next ro a lady and of course I talk to her (my big mouth) well anyway since our hospital has joined up with another they don't take Blue Cross and blue shiels anymore WTF --I just assumed everyone would take that insurance, that's like a staple. Who in the hell can afford all this shit.

    NM u r a very organized person whether u think so or not. U live and work that way and that's a compliment.

    Lori please listen to Jazy and check u'r self out, u might need some anti-b's to kick this chit to the curb. I really hope u feel better soon, cuz a cold doesn't last 2 weeks

    Hi Enerva, it's so nice to see u hope u'r doing OK today.

    Julie good luck with those tests, and tell us as soon as u know.

    NM some good drinks again Yum. I always liked vodka

    Oh what cn u say about Seinfield---NOTHING--That show was never missed, so funny..


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015

    Cami- I think BSBC is pulling out of a lot of markets. What I always liked about them was they have good out of state networks. We have cancer centers in town, but when I had my internal rads, I ended up going to Scottsdale for that and was able to get it covered. I went to the best person in the country who does that particular treatment and he happened to be located one state away. I have friends here who have other kinds of cancer and one had to go out of state to an MD Anderson in Houston for a rare kind of cancer that no one here has expertise in and he had to fight to get that approved. Our healthcare system is not patient-centric.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2015

    well i have moderate carpal tunnel syndrome, will see what the plan is when i get back from my vacation , going home tomorrow!

    believe me the doctors are not getting rich from the plans! the paperwork needed for any home equipment is insane, the simplest patients are the one charity ones, our secretary is also a realtor and she said she was so eager when she got her first doctor to go house shppping for until she saw all the loan payments he had for school still at 45

    feel better lori and cammi

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2015

    OMG I wish I understood everything. Julie I'm glad that tst is over, I've heard it's horrible, but I've never had one.

    OK u'r leaving tody to go all the way home right, I mean ike Wales==how exciting for u-I must have missed something as usual--Safe trip and a happy one. (((HUGS)))

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Thursday!Got pretty chilly here last night, Sadie slept under the covers all night! Usually she starts out under the covers cuddling with me and helping me warm the bed, then moves up to the pillowswhen she gets nicely warmed up.Time to get out the comforter I guess.

    Goldie--Yuck, after 2 weeks you must have more than just a cold.So not fun, especially if you will be flying.I imagine your Mom's pup will be depressed at first, but they can and do get over that in a new loving home.I'm still concerned about your mom wanting to get rid of the dog, though.I didn't think Obamacare was working as well as advertised, I've heard too many stories of people who still can't afford insurance.It's hard to get pictures from FB to anywhere anymore, they must have changed something.Sometimes I can copy and paste pics from Google, sometimes I have to save them to my computer first before posting here.It's weird.Nice pic!

    Simp--that part of pet ownership is hard, isn't it?I try not to think about it as much as possible.Fortunately Sadie isn't anywhere near that time yet.But somedayI know it will come.Pain pills can make for good night's sleep even if they do make you feel loopy!

    Jazzy--I just finished signing up for my benes, including health insurance for next year.They make us call and talk with a "benefits counselor" who basically reads a script. Takes 40 minutes to go through a process I could do online in about 3 minutes.Very annoying.At least I have access to decent plans and don't have to depend on Obamacare yet.A lot of insurance companies pulled out of the Maine market over the last few years due to not being able to get rate increases.Eventually I figure there won't be any insurance providers in Maine and then things will either completely blow up or something new will emerge that's even better.Like no 3rd party payor system at all, with patients directly paying the doc or hospital, hospitals and labs competing for business, who knows?

    Cammy--A hospital system not taking BCBS?That sounds really odd, but in this day and age anything can happen.I think the entire health care payment system is about to implode, and that will be a good thing, to my mind. I've developed a taste for vodka, too, especially the flavored ones.They make great Comos!

    Jazzy--nope, the health insurance business is not patient-centered, it's focused on making money for investors.

    Juliet--Moderate carpal tunnel syndrome?Doesn't sound like fun.Doc sure aren't getting rich, that's for sure.Many are not even breaking even any more.But those hospital CEOs sure get good salaries!Safe travels!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Tequila Cosmo

    1 1/2 oz Tequila

    1 oz Triple Sec

    1 oz (fresh) Lime Juice

    1 oz Cranberry Juice


    Shake tequila, triple sec, fresh lime juice and cranberry juice together with ice in a cocktail shaker. Strain into a whiskey sour glass and squeeze a further wedge of lime on top. Discard lime, and serve.

    Best served in a Whiskey Sour Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2015

    Jazzy, I don't have time to see a doctor, but it is letting up. I do think it is something like bronchitis. We head out tomorrow. And I doubt the chemo is helping any either! Where in Scottsdale did you go? Virginia Piper?

    Cami, what did the docs have to say and how are you feeling? Always good to see you pop in. And everyone else as well. No one comes around anymore.

    Julie, glad it's only moderate, but wouldn't it be easier to fix it now, rather than later? Enjoy your family. I believe it's your mum's birthday? Does she know you are coming? Safe travels.

    We have dentist appointments this ayem, so have to scoot out of here early. My kitchen is a mess, as I didn't clean yesterday! Not sure when I'll be on next, we leave for Phoenix early Friday morning and fly out early Saturday morning. I think plane leave at 8 am.

    NM, rest assured about Zues. My brother would be taking him, and we can just take him to a rescue and just tell her we put him down. I don't think its fare to him either to do that to him (put him down).It's been chilly here too in the mornings, in the low 20's. I almost bumped you in the pool. We better make sure the Tenders have turned up the heat in there!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015

    Goldie- I hope you continue to feel better and have a good trip.

    I had internal rads at a place called the AZ Breast Cancer Specialists. They are affiliated with the AZ Cancer Center. The internal rads was more cutting edge when I did it, becoming more mainstream now. It is only for very early bc, with no node involvement. Although it was frightening to go out of state for all that, I was glad I did it in the end.

    Cami- I hope you continue to feel better every day

    Wishing everyone a good day. I have a business meeting this morning and must get my day going.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2015

    Good morning ladies.

    I's really gotten chilly here too, had to put my personal heater on last nite, and we had terrible storms, but the only difference was my cat didn't hide, wven with all the thunder, she just stayed right by me, that was strange.

    Wow Lori I can't believe it got that cold. Well I hope u feel better before this trip, I can't say relax cuz u won't, but try. Oh my official term for my ICU stay and hospital stay was It's a fluke. Altho I have no medical experience I thought that was kind of vague. Now I've followed all instructions perfectly and last nite I again had violent D, by the time I got done I was so exhausted buytnot goofy so WTF--no one gets this D stuff. U all know I've had this forever but never been in ICU for organ failure, maybe my age. I told my Dr. my medical team (sister and cousin) figured it out. Remember when my Dr. started me on a new drug for the brain to stop pain, well I increased it as told and a week later this happened, after looking up alot it said call Dr. if, confusion, dementia symptoms and delusions--TADA so I think that's it maybe. Altho she did say she's never had that happen it always a possibility. But she didn't dismiss our conclusion.

    Did it feel like Veterans Day to anyone, I didn't think so, it used to be more involved than now.

    Oh Julie I bet u'r so excited going home, I'm not sure what season it is there, but Im sure it's not like ours.

    I think SusyQ is gone for a while, or so it seems.

    lDam I just wrote a whole sentence and it nisappeaded on me-blsh. Well anyway I think we should all start writing out our Christmas recipes, hahahahahahahahahahaha just thought I'd give this a little home feeling All I have is eggnog and rum and champagne and vodka h and a little orange juice. Very festive. Of course I did mean cookies and stuff, but we have to stay with something we know.

    OK I'm going to stabe my leg with a knife so I'll feel that pain and distract myself from the other pain. And people think I'm confused.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2015

    Thanks Jazzy I got thron right in our virtual pewl, but it was nice and war. Hope u'r meeting goes well.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015

    Cami- I remember you talking about the bad D when we first connected here on bco long ago. It is so hard to live around something like that. I used to have terrible IBS when I was in college (no one called it that then, they just told me I had a nervous GI system) and always had to be near a bathroom. No one has any answers for you either, been there too many times myself too.

    Wishing you some good rest and glad the cat was with you during the crazy storms!

    My meeting this morning is more networking related, but lots of movers and shakers will be there. I am waiting on a new contract from one of my clients who has a project for me and wanted me to start next week, but so far, no paperwork for that to be possible. I am tired of sitting around and waiting since the urgency they told me they had is clearly not there. And as we know, a watched pot never boils, right? So I will go see some of my people today and enjoy that. Going to stop at the local co-op on the way home and enjoy something for lunch from their hot food bar (yum!)

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2015

    Morning DahhhLinks,

    I am back, was wonderful seeing old bff's. Have 4 scans scheduled for Nov 30 and Dec 2. I have to wait a day between the two cuz of the contrast. Will have sults at next doc appt on Dec 8. Anywho, I have been reading but not remembering all I read.

    Lori and Cami - sounds like you two have been sick...hope ur both feeling better now.

    Julie - I think I f''d up majorly in trying to 'check in' for the cruise. I think I changed some on your page. Please forgive me, but u might log back in and correct it. Can't figure how to go back, besides I don't have ur flight info and such. Again am sooo sooo sorry.

    Hi to the rest of the goils....will get caught up soon. Have a gr8 day.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2015

    well sue Hawkins cantata that kind some talk for the phrase from the lion king meaning no worries Don,t you love the kindle auto correct . Currently in Atlanta painting to go to Amsterdam .Will check the cruise page on areal computer or God only knows what I might sign us up for

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2015

    Hi my girls!

    Oh how I have missed you all, working crazy hours these days. But today, I officially have appllied for mese passport and should have it by 12/26 at the latest. I am so glad that chore is behind me. wooo hooo, Bahamas here I come! Can't wait to be with the girls here that are going and wish you all could physically come and party like it's 1979!

    Jazzy girl, good to see you hanging out at the lounge and keeping the girls company, you are good company.

    Cam, had to log in and check on you, sorry you are under the weather, hope your world gets just crazy again as you know we all love your crazy self. Muah!

    Lori, you need to see a Dr girl. I hope you can find a way to sneak in a visit before you fly off again. Really.

    Sorry not to address you all, oh Julie, have a wonderful time, I tink I read you are going home.

    I have got to git some sleep. CheeRs my dwunken fwends ~ hiccup

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Friday the Thirteenth!Hope no one is overly superstitious!

    Goldie--I checked with the Tenders, the pool water is turned up to winter temps, so nice and warm. Meet you in the pool!Great description of things in 2015.

    Jazzy--I've read about the internal rads, how did it go for you?Seems to have a whole lot fewer potential side effects and permanent damage issues.

    Cammy--poor kitty, too scared to go hide, or is kitty getting brave as long as you are around to provide protection?Hmm, increasing the new drug and the ICU stay sound related to me.Scary drug, that can do that.

    Jazzy---Coops make good food, hope you found something yummy!Don't you love the way something is urgent, but you end up waiting and waiting for some bit of info or other to even get started?Drives me crazy.

    Mema--4 scans?Good grief, your doc better be able to tell you every single thing going on in your body after all that!

    Juliet--auto corrects seem to have a language of their own!

    Dara--Good for You!Have a good sleep.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Friday the 13th


    • 2 oz Plantation 5-Year Barbados Rum (sub other quality aged rum)
    • 1/2 oz Aperol
    • 1/2 oz Dubonnet Rouge
    • 2 dashes Fee Bros. Rhubarb Bitters


    • Combine all ingredients in a mixing glass with ice cubes and stir until well-chilled
    • Strain into a chilled coupe
    • Garnish with a Luxardo cherry
  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2015

    Cami, it's 15 degrees here this ayem! You and that darned "D". Do you think it is that drug that has caused it? Is it one that you can stop for a bit to see? And don't you dare go stabbing anything. I'm so sorry for all the pain you have. Where is the majority of your pain?

    Jazzy what do you do? And what part of NM are you in? I traveled to Tulsa for ALL of my treatments. Chemo and radiation.

    LDB, how is it even possible you can change someone elses information on the cruise? I am still sick, but it's starting to dry up. I too have scans coming up when we return from TN. My onc usually calls me within a couple of days with results. Doing a CT and full body nuclear bone. Gosh, what 4 do they do for you? I hate the anxiety of results, same with labs, which is why I do them every 6 weeks, not every 3.

    Wacko, OMG you finally got your passport, but won't be in til right after Xmas. Nuttin like cutting it close! I will not be able to see a doc before I go. All they gonna do is give me Anti B's and it's on it's way out anyways. Quit working so much, I miss your cray cray arse!

    NM, the water feels divine! I didn't realize it was Friday the 13th, until your mention of it.

    I was thinking of Lara today, I hope she is ok. And 4, isn't she suppose to go on the cruise too? Has anyone talked to her? We will be heading to Phoenix this morning, and then having business meeting with the new company. It's all still up in the air. He is getting huge orders for a major company, but doesn't have the money to buy material. He was turned down for a business loan of 250K, sonow we are looking at a measly 50K. If he could get out from under this debt, he would be ok. And business for him will start to pick up next month.

    What day do you gals take off for the cruise? I'm getting so excited!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2015

    good morning girls, sorry to be absent so long, I left my computer at DS's when babysitting Tuesday. I've benn reading here and there on my phone and charged up DH's ipad last night so thought I'd try to ketchup a bit. Pboblm is I don't k now how to open 2nd windows or go back and forth so I may miss a lot. Nor had a cold and we go snuggle time in front of the TV which was a first. Normally she is not still tha long, it was kinda nice. We watched about 10 episodes of Sophia and another 10 curious George. She calls them Sopee-a, and jore-monkey. She also made me copy with her tea set. Only pic I got she is in her Hello Kitty pj's and she put her tutu on and she's got her pacifier (bippy) in her mouth. Don't knowhow they are ever going to break her of that thing, esp when she is sick a lot since she goes to the babysitter. Herlittle immune system should be good and primed by the time she starts school. Today is my day off, got lots to do around the house and my windows are all full of little doggie snot prints.

    NM, Got my blood work back, Creatinine was low but doesn't sound like that means anything. My Vit D level was not in the toxic zone but in the very high end of normal so I think I'm going to cut backk to 100 IU/day. I think normal was something like 40-80 with mine being in the 70's. Says toxicity is over 100. Took my last prednisone yesterday,(sigh). I was able to get on my hands and knees and play horsey with Nora and didn't even need ibuprofen to do it! Now that I'm back on the ai's and off the roids it'll be interesting to see how fast the bone/joint chit returns. Hope you have an easy Friday and have the weekend off. Didn't know about it being the 13th till you mentioned it.

    Hi Dara, yay on the passport bizness being done. Did you get to see the baby? SD still gone? Did he move out?

    Julie, auto correct is a challenge for sure. I have suri on my phone and it never gets anything right, I have a friend who never looks and she sends me the funniest messages. Painting to go to Amsterdam? I know I read somtin about carpal tunnel, will you be having surgery? A vacation with pay?

    Sue, glad you had fun with gf's! Hoping to get my yearly Xams dinner/shopping with2 of mine in a couple of weeks . so hard to get everybodys schedules in sync.

    Jazzy, hope the meeting was good, and had a yummy linner. love the big glasses of wine, I still love watching Seinfeld, one of the best shows ever.

    Cami, so sorry you been so sick, hope at least the D is better. Don't ya just love the way we have to diagnose ourselves, it all makes sense to me. Better explination than "fluke". The one thing I know for sure about cats is you can't predict anything aboiut them. I think they do that on purpose just to screw with us.

    Lori, so sorry to hear you are still sick. Sounds like you might need an antibiotic. hope all goes well at the dentist. Make sure you get plenty of rest, but hopw you have a good time. Can't you call the Dr and have them call you in a script? Zeus is a beautiful dog. hope htings work out for him.Nice pic of him and your DS.

    Hi Simp, hang in there, almost done! I got the bells ready!

    Ok, lots of typo' since I'm not used to this ipad and I've read everything on this page and am afraid to move from it , don't wanna lose this post so I'm going to send now. Have a good day all!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015

    Good morning ladies- I have my cleaning company coming today for their monthly cleaning and have to do some pick up around here to be ready. I call it the "cleaning before the cleaning" or just getting all the surfaces available.

    The event yesterday morning was very good. Made some new connections, saw people I know, and reconnected with one person I met when I moved here almost 20 years ago.

    Also heard back from my client and she is checking with their legal dept again. I have mentally reset that I probably won't be starting until after Thanksgiving now, but okay with that too. I have to find an new ACA plan for 2016 as well as working on getting some Xmas packages mailed early since I won't have time when I get going. I mailed 3 presents yesterday (how sick is that?)

    Goldie- I am a consultant, work mostly in healthcare and doing work the past few years on electronic medical record systems.

    I live in Albuquerque, and had my surgery here, but did the rads in AZ as they were not doing much internal rads here at the time. That has since changed and more places here are doing it now. Albuquerque has some very good heart specialties, but only recently has upped it's game with cancer centers. I never had thought about needing to go to a different place for medical care until this happened, but bigger cities have more specialties and more experience with some of these higher tech procedures.

    Have fun on your trip and hope the bronchitis is moving through.......

    Dara- thank you for your kind words. Bahamas here you come! Are you meeting a group of ladies from BCO or other friends? I know some of the groups here meet up in various parts of the country. I have some women who would like to try to meet up in the future, finances pending.

    NativeMaine- I found the internal rads to be very do-able. They are trying to do it more for early dx because it focuses more on zapping the stray cancer cells post surgery than external that impacts to the chest wall. I was very worried about my lungs because of asthma and read some posts on line about women who did external rads and it created way more problems for their breathing. I was tired from the whole thing, I did feel fatigue from the radiation treatment, but also don't have any long term SEs from it so far. Because so many bc tumors are being found earlier, they are trying to find ways to not overtreat women. For more advanced cases with node involvement external rads is still the standard of care.

    Mema- wishing you good outcomes on your scans.

    Wishing everyone a nice weekend. Thanksgiving is on the horizon!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Thanks so much Julie, it's all new to me so I didn't really kno what I was doing. Are u signing up for any shore excursions? Is anyone?

    Hi Dara - you getting any Logan time? Is sd gone for good now? I am fercited about seeing all the beasties too on the cruise. Hope we still have 7 going. Haven't heard from 4sew in awhile, hope she's well and just busy. Sooo glad you got ur paperwork for passport outta the way woo hoo.

    NM - yeah, 4 scans 2 each day CT and bone on Monday the 30th then brain and MUGA on Dec 2nd. I suspect they will all be NED, I hoping anyway.

    Lowee - my eyesight so bad lately, been 1 year since last check up but insurance will only pay for every 2 years. Gonna try and stick it out. So yes I f'd up Julies address and so forth, was just the 1st page, but I cudnt figure out how to get back to her page, sides I don't have her addy and dob and stuff. Yes my bone scan is nuclear too. Have to let this other injection circulate for 3-4 hours then go get injected with nuke med, then pics. Glad u are shakin the cold to da curb girl. We leave on Sunday Jan 25, and come back Fri the 29th. Wish u could go, but I understand. Hope the new company finds a way to 'start'. Praying all goes well.

    Mary - o so cute and cuddly I can just see it. Poor Nora, but I like her names for those shows. I was recommended Vit D, so I took it, then PCP tested me and told me no no no, I was tooo high. Ya get Vit D from the sun as well as foods, so I just make sure I get at least 15 mins per day of sunshine. D absorbs thru the eyes, so I've heard.

    Jazzy - I do the same thing, pick up b4 cleaning crew gets here, too funny. Hope all works out with finding a new ACA (don't kno what that means tho lol) for 2016. Thanks for sharing ur work and resident city with us. We're a nosey sort and like to know these things.

    Hi Simp - hope ur doing OK.

    Gotta run, aerobics today, but if that water is cold, I'm leaving and I mean it.

    Lubslubslubslubs to all!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015

    mema- ACA is an affordable care act insurance plan on the exchange. I am self employed so I buy my own insurance!

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418
    edited November 2015


    Hello Cami & Jazzy & all the lovelys in the lounge......

    I have lurked here for awhile, checking up on Cami, the goof ball. When I was very sick, fighting the effects of the red devil, Cami called me Hole in the HEAD ! It was one of those silly comments that helped get me through all the crapola of chemo. What a great group of awesome ladies here.

    Whoever is on the dragon boats.......I am so jealous, I have always wanted to do that. I know how to oar a whitewater raft, but live in the cold, rural area. Keep rowing all.....

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2015

    good morning girls, still using DH's ipad so expect lotsa typos. We have Medical Mutual Insurance and are self employed. Our current rates are $1050/month with a $3000/each deductible. We just got notified that our deductible is going up to $3500 per person and premiums up to $1250/month. It's insane! So now we are changing to $6000 per person deduct and premiums will be just under $1000. The so called affordable health coverage thru the government was even more. Ugh, I've got the news on, so sad......

    Sue, I talked to the travel agent the other day to pay the remaning balance of the cruise and she said Lynn was still going and paid in full. 5 minutes of sunshine a day is a tall order in Ohio. In the winter months we can go a whole month w/o seeing that pretty yellow ball at all. I still haven't looked at the excursions, I'm not a very good planner and now I don't have my puter. When I talked to Kathy she said at Castaway Cay they have an adults only pool and a family pool and I'll prolly just enjoy hanging around cause I've never been hter. I'm not much of a fan of Nassau, will prolly make that a boat day. I think Nancy signed up for sometin, maybe she can pop in here an tell us which one?

    Jazzy, I had to lay my cleaning lady off for the winter because my business has slowed down so much and boy do I miss her. It takes me so much longer than her and I know what you mean about cleaning before, always took me at least an hour to get ready for her. I had to have a specialized rads called ABC radiation. I had to drive to downtown Cleveland everyday and get hooked up to a snorkel like device and hold my breath each time I got zapped and wow did I burn. My skin blistered and peeled off in layers. The Seidman Cancer Center was OON at main campus so I had to get a waiver. Now I've swithed everything over to Cleveland Clinic so won't have to worry if the RB ever comes back. Think mine was too advanced for internal rads but so great that you got to do that, it does sound much more doable. Sounds like woek stuff is going your way

    Holeinone, I remember you from when I first started all this chit, I think cause we have the same dx, we were on the same sights. As I recall you live in Ohio, right? W Love the Friday the 13th martini. We love our Cami around these parts, she has put a smile on my face more times than I can count, and makes me LOL just as much. I looked into the Survivoars in Ohio and they do have a group in Cincinatti.

    Lori, hope the crud is almost gone and you have a good time with DH's family.

    Dara, yep you cut it close, hopefully no glitches in the passports arrival. I agree with Lori, we miss you around here. Can't you find something to get operated on? Appendix, hammertoe, something? Hope your job is getting better and the snooty SOB's are keeping their snooty mouths shut. There, that shouldn't upset the mods.

    Kim, hope you and Sadie get lots of rest this weekend. Emma has a therapy dog job at the library this morning, she lies on a rug while the kids read to her, it's her favorite gig, her only job is to stay awake and get lots of scratches from the little kids. SHe has been going to visit a woman while she gets chemo also. The lady is going thru it for the second time with mets and Emma just lays on her feet while she being infused, the woman says it calms her.

    Cami, I think the only Xmas recipes better be the liquid kind if we ever want to hear from Dara. I can't even believe it's almost Thanksgiving. Hope the D is all gone now and no more emergency bisits to the hospital.

    OK, speaking of pooches, time to get them out to the woods. have a good day everybody.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunny Saturday!Gonna be a bit windy here today, should be good for getting a load of towels dried on the line.But, it's going to be "seasonal" in the temp area, so under 50 degrees. I guess I better dig out a jacket to put in the car.

    Goldie--Pretty calm Fri the 13th, wasn't it?Not so much made of that as there used to be.The cruise sails Jan 25th. I'm staying at Disney a couple nights before to play get into vacay mode.So looking forward to it!

    Genny--a low creatinine by itself just means your kidneys are working well.Soundslike the Vit D level is in a good place. Sorry the steroids are done and the AI is back, hope you have an easier time.Friday was actually pretty good for me at work for a change.

    Jazzy--I wish I had a cleaning company, but I need to get my place cleaned up before I can let a cleaning company in!It's good you had an option other than external rads.

    Mema--Well, you will be scanned from head to toe , won't you?Praying you are still dancing with NED.I'm going to be looking at the shore excursions today, and I'm getting really excited, too!

    Holeinone--great to see you and great Martini recipe!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Holeinone's Friday the 13th Martini!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2015

    Good Morning Ladies

    Oh Hole welcome here, this is really a great thread and so so friendy, I think u'll enjoy it. BTW I hope u'r doing well and I never heard of black vodka. Good DOTD (drink of the day)

    SusyQ all those scans in such a short time, Jeez in a way it's good to just get them done but crazy and u'll have that special glow, no not like u'r pregnant more like u've been zapped. Praying all good results.

    Lor u'd better feel better before u go all over the place, cuz it's taking a long time.

    Well I imagine Jlie is where she should be and I so love her accent, I like her to go home s she gets it heavier.

    DARA they are actually letting u have a passport, I thought u were stalling cuz it was never really going to happen. Well I guess u'r record is better than I thought. Good for u DARA All u gals are going to have such a good time.

    Yes Jazzy they are metting in FL and leaving from there these scatabouts. Alot of them have met so theyll have a great time.

    Lori my pain is in my hip and leg to my knee (right) and it's extreme a lot of the time but when I was in the hospital and they want there stupid numbers I would say 8 and the nurses would re question me cuz I was talking and LOLing fine so this time I started yelling OMG I'm in so mch pain, now did that convince them any more? Well I think it's RA but we all know my doctorate is in bull chit so no one takes me seriously.

    Oh my boss called me last nite and tole me he was going to bring me a Starbucks this morning, cuz I called him a SB's whore and he hoards them. We'll see. I also called hime a manass so he's trying to be nice to me.

    Mary sorry aNorable was sick but cuddling is my fav of all times. ast night Joey came in my room about 2am and laid down with me to cuddle for about an hr, and it was so nice, even tho we were both uncomfortable. LOL

    OMG I was up most of the night watching Paris, it just sickens all of us. There were a lot of Americans at that concert too so it makes u wonder. Almost 130 people killed on a regular nite.Chit. Prayers for all of us.

    OK I do work today, yahaha, so I hope everyone has a good day.


  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited November 2015

    Morning ladies!

    Whew. I am way behind lol

    My rad burns got increasingly worse this last week. Dr gave me M & T off. Don't go bak until Wed. My right underarm is soooo burnt. I swear the skin is going to give way before I am done. With the exception of cooking dinner, I stayed in bed with Radiagel packs on. Can't do that all day today. Going a bit stir crazy. Hope everyone has a great day and gets to feeling better!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2015

    What's going on, it's so quiet in here. oooooeeeeeeoooooo

    Oh Simp I'm so sorry, sometimes people's skin just can't take it. Mary and Nancy were burnt with like blisstery, when I saw their pics it hurt so it must be bad. I have Italian skin so this time it came in handy for me for rads anyway. Just try to rest as much as u can.

    I'm tring so hard to feel good, I've got 3 parties in the next couple of weeks and of course I want to go to all of them, as long as I don't have D of course I'll go, cuz I dont really care about my pain for going out just my D. fingers crossed.

    My boss came over today with Starbucks and stayed about an hr and we just talked, he's so incredibly sweet and smart just not really socially but since I get him we can talk and LOL at all the things we do. They are having a party for his 1 yr old son Saturday and I was thinking how pretty babies and kids are now. I don't remember my babies or anyone's that were so beautiful yrs. ago..Maybe cuz it's grandma time now.

    Marty is having his Mom and grandma and a friend over tomorrow for dinner and I know I'm not up to chat quack now so I'll see how I feel--this is instead of TG--he's kind of trying to get that over with.

    That was pretty much my day


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2015

    I hear you about living a prudent and ascetic life into a very ripe old age and being miserable. My late f-i-l discovered yoga and Zen in middle age and abandoned Catholicism for decades (driving my poor fun-loving lapsed Catholic m-i-l to distraction....she literally had to sneak out on foot to Burger King for meat). After she died (at almost 96), he came to live with us. By then he had become uber-Catholic ritually and super-Buddhist when it came to lifestyle pleasures--which is to say he indulged in none of them save sugar (which he shunned while his wife was alive). His doctor said “You beat the reaper--would it kill you to have a burger & fries?” He took Lent extremely seriously--because the Cardinal existed on a “light supper” on not just Fridays but also Wednesdays, so did he--said “supper” consisting of a can of soup, two rice cakes and prune juice mixed with skim milk. He had an eventually fatal stroke at nearly 91--and I am sure he felt every one of those 91 years.

    No thanks. Not that I’m gonna live fast, die (relatively) young and leave a good-looking corpse (the boat has sailed on the latter), but as long as I have functioning tastebuds I’m going to enjoy myself--within reason.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday!Got my online check in for the cruise done yesterday.Reserved a spot on a sail and snorkeling excursion the day we are in Nassau, and a manicure and pedicure for the last day as a special treat for myself.Oh, yeah, reserved snorkeling gear and a float tube for the day we are at Castaway Cay.Everything else will be go with the flow!Can't wait to meet everyone in person!

    Cammy--The Paris stuff is crazy and scary, isn't it?So not right that the nurses didn't believe your pain rating, that just burns me up when I hear about that kind of thing going on.Just not right.

    Simp--I am so sorry your "radiation sunburn" is so bad.I hope the time off helps.I remember how much that hurt. Praying for you.

    Cammy--3 parties in 2 weeks, you party animal!And your boss with the Starbucks, what a good time!Babies are pretty, and since I'm not a gramdma my opinion is unbiased!

    ChiSandy--Life is for living, not suffering, to my way of thinking.Religious beliefs and rituals can provide guidance, comfort and structure, but shouldn't be so restrictive that it's all someone can think about.Your late f-i-l must have been dreadfully unhappy his last years.Prune juice mixed with skim milk?Yucky sounding but I bet his bowels were regular!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Harlem World Seven

    3/4 oz Vodka

    1/2 oz Current Vodka

    (Fill to Top) Gin

    1 1/2 qt Black Sambuca

    1/4 tsp Lemon Juice

    1 pint Prune Juice


    Mix over ice cubes, pour into a suitable glass and consume immediately.

    Best served in a Beer Mug.