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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2015

    LOL, reading your post Sandy is all Greek to me! But it sounds like you had a really nice time. I like to have some wine now and then, but usually just order a house Chardonnay.

    Jazz, I hate that dang wind in the spring, that we get. I have no gym, or anything for that matter, close to me. Everything is at least an hour away (one way). We live on 80 acres, off the grid. Down a dirt road that is 6 miles long to our house and take a half hour to drive that 6 miles. Own our own business, with 2 warehouses on our property for our products. We sell drip irrigation products. MemaSue has been to my house, and she had sat on the wood steps of my porch. Well we have that lovely red clay, and when she got up, she had a dirty butt. Hence Lil Doity Butt! I have seen pictures of the gals in CA from the exercise thread.

    NM, thanks for the splanation of the trypto. I had no idea and wasn't interested in checking Google for it!

    Time to get ready for mese scans. Just hate them, and having to drink so much water in a very short time.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2015

    So glad the Tenders turned up the heat in the pewl. Thanks for the push Cami! Muah back atcha my love!


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2015

    Morning Dahhhlinks, ya gotta watch the above link...get your laugh in for the day. Glad everyone seems to be doing well. will check in a little later. Hope the link works as I'm not good at this stuff.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2015

    Lori good luck on u'r scans Lori.

    Just wanted to say my big idea for taking an antiD pill in the morning went right out of me like everything else-It was violent OMG I'm running out of energy for this. Damn I thought I had a good idea. Poor Les it took us forever to clean-----TMI I know but it's true.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418
    edited November 2015

    Oy ! Cami, so sorry you are dealing with all this shit ! Not fair, sending all my positive thoughts for this to calm down, go know we love Joey. I worked at the elementary school for 12 years. I really miss the kids. Yes, it was disturbing, ( worked with kiddos with sad situations, abuse ). I have appreciated all your family interactions, Joey being # 1. I think we are all richer for getting to know each other.

    Sandy, your party sounds like a tasty treat. My palate is like a picky child. Wine, I love. I would do the same thing you did, salad & veggies later. Never have been a fan of pates. I drink dark reds. Cabs, Vins, wine from Paso Robles.

    Wanted to let you Disney cruisers know, Iwent on a Carnival Cruise in June. I read a lot of your posts when you were planning, same time my trip came up. ( 60th b-day, mine ). Taking booze on, plastic bottles is easy. They DO not check your bags. My cruise allowed you to bring a 12 pack in. Water, soda, Gatorade drinks. We did not do that, but I would now. Bottled water in your room would be nice. Can't wait to go with you all, via cyber travel.

    Have a good one all !

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2015

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Hole u gave some good tips for the gals who haven't traveled, cuz I didn't know any of that. OK u turned 60 this yr. Wow we're still and never will be in the same decade. And I don't remember where u live, if this snow is getting to u. It's been pretty fast falling and in different areas all different amounts the most being about 12 ins. And that's where my cousin lives. All thes kids are so excited, how nice that is to see.

    Wel I was up for about an hr during the nite with my D, so it's not over yet and now I'm hungry so we'll se what today brings.

    Oh adies i't getting to be the season, last yr. don't u remember when we exchanged cookie recipes and different foods that we make...Oh oops that wasn't us that was Good Morning America--I think we did alcomohol drinks, yea that sounds more like us.

    Last nite my sister called me 4 tmes to tell me something important, but by the times I said hello she forgot. The last time I said hello all I heard was LOLing s I just hung up knowing she forgot again. I didn't hear from her again. She used to be the brains of this family group. We no longer have any brains left so we're all pretty even now. She did call me a few minutes after 4PM to tell me it was after 4 so she could have her first glass of wine. Like I really cared about that. She's really bored not working.

    The party today is supposed to be about 50 people but with this horrible weather some are coming from areas that are getting a lot of snow--so I hope it all goes well, WITHOUT ME-Most of Kat's family barely speaks Englis (Greek) so it's kind of separated, damn I hate missing parties like that. I usually gets interesting since the mom doesn't like Dan, after all he's not Greek (according to her but Italian, which is one of the worst) LOL so interaction is fun then. I'm bad. Oh the things that I enjoy.

    OK I'm closing for now saying and throwing kisses at everyone of u, hoping u all feel well.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2015

    LDB, how come you deleted your post?

    Cami, that damned "D"! Isn't there something else you could try. As it doesn't seem like what you are currently on is helping? And so sorry for the explosion.I can totally relate, as that is what I had when I first started the FU pills. Maybe eat lots of cheese? What about drinking Metamucil? I don't know, just throwing some "shit" out there! LMAO, pun intended and hope it brings you a laff.

    Hole, I feel funny calling you that! I worked 15 years with severely challenged children, and we had our classroom in a school for "kids at risk". They too were abused, on drugs, or the parents were on drugs, in jail, etc. But the kids would come in and help with our kids and it gave a feeling of self worth.

    Cami, you and your sister are a hoot! Sorry you will miss the party. How much snow did you get?

    My scans went ok, but that damned contrast always makes me sick. Usually when I come out, but this time it did it right when I went in the tunnel. And you are supposed to take a deep breath and hold it. Of course that is when I gagged and threw up in my mouth….TWICE! It was just the water I had drank, but had to hold it in my mouth until I came out. Needless to say, she had to do the image again, because there was "movement".

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes! It's a frosty Saturday morning, here.Sadie went out, stepped on the frosty grass, stopped short and gave me a very dirty before piddling.Apparently she didn't approve of having cold feet!I wiped off her paws when she came in to make sure she didn't slip on the kitchen floor.

    Cammy--I can believe you don't have boots, I hate wearing boots, and avoid it as much as possible.They make my feet so hot and sweaty when I'm inside, then they get cold and clammy when I go outside, and I hate taking the time to switch into and out of them, but such is life, I suppose.

    Goldie--the trypto explanation is just a guess, but since it's just a silly little game a guess is ok, right?Hope the scans went well.When will you get the results?


    Hole--Good to know that we can carry some booze and water on with us, thanks!I can't imagine any cruise line actually checking the baggage that comes in, but these days you never know.

    Butterball Cornucopia's DOTD:

    Kori's Saturday Night Special

    1 oz Banana Liqueur

    1 oz Coconut Rum

    1/2 oz Dark Rum

    Vanilla Ice Cream


    Blend all ingredients until smooth. If it gets too thick, add some cream. Top with whipped cream and a cherry.

    Best served in a Parfait Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2015

    NM, looks like you and are enjoying our libations in the pewl. Nuttin wrong wif dat. I'm sure Ms. Sadie will get used to that cold ground. I should get my results by Wednesday of next week. DOTD sounds yummy!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2015

    Cami, please read this, there has to be a reason for the “D", and treatment! It is from WebMD, but from the year 2000. The medicine is actually used to treat high cholesterol, but it talks about the gallbladder actually being the cause. At least ask your doctor about it. What kind of foods do you eat? Maybe keep track of what you eat, and when you get the “D". Maybe there is a trigger there? Resident nurses, any thought? I'm gonna do some more research….

    No one likes to talk about it, but for millions of Americans, chronic diarrhea is not just an embarrassment, it's a crippling disorder that takes a devastating toll on quality of life. "I couldn't go anywhere," recalls Mary Petrozzello, 76. "I would get all dressed up and then have to stay home. I was afraid to budge -- it was horrible."

    Making the problem worse was the fact that in some cases, nothing seemed to help the symptoms go away. But now a study in the August issue of the American Journal of Gastroenterology shows that people with chronic, intractable diarrhea may be suffering from gallbladder dysfunction. Treatment with a drug known as cholestyramine, or Questran, originally developed for patients who have had their gallbladders removed, may bring relief when other approaches have failed.

    Study author Saad Habba, MD, a gastroenterologist in private practice in Summit, N.J., tells WebMD that chronic diarrhea afflicts approximately 10% of patients who have undergone gallbladder removal. He decided to perform this study when he noticed that many of his chronic diarrhea patients were "behaving as if they didn't have a gallbladder."

    "The presenting complaint of these patients was diarrhea [after meals]," he tells WebMD. "Some of my patients were afraid to eat because they would immediately have to go to the bathroom."

    To test his theory, Habba performed a study on 19 patients with chronic diarrhea, defined as more than four daily bowel movements for at least three months. The patients, who averaged anywhere from four to as many as 10 bowel movements per day, underwent extensive tests to rule out infections, irritable bowel syndrome, and other disorders known to cause diarrhea.

    Further testing revealed that all these patients had varying degrees of gallbladder dysfunction. Three patients had gallstones. Interestingly, the severity of the gallbladder disease bore no relationship to the severity of each person's diarrhea.

    The frequency of bowel movements dropped to one to two per day when the patients took Questran before meals, two to three times a day. "It's like a miracle," says Petrozzello, one of Habba's patients. In her case, it took a few weeks to see results. "At first I thought, this guy is nuts," she recalls.

    Habba, however, encouraged her to be patient. "It took about a month for the diarrhea to go away. Now I can't believe I feel the way I do -- what a beautiful change." Petrozzello spoke to WebMD from her home in West Orange, N.J., just before leaving to spend the weekend at the beach. "I couldn't do that before," she says. "I wouldn't leave the house." She has been taking Questran once a day for five years and reports no ill effects.

    "What Dr. Habba has done, using studies of the gallbladder, is to show that in [some] individuals with diarrhea, the gallbladder is not functioning," says Carroll M. Leevy, MD, professor of gastroenterology at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey.

    Leevy tells WebMD, "This research is exciting because we now know there's an additional ... mechanism for diarrhea related to gallbladder dysfunction, and it is treatable and correctable in a different manner than we used before."

    Diarrhea after eating may be the only clue that a patient has gallbladder problems, Habba says. "We never connected chronic diarrhea to gallbladder dysfunction before. Now we do." He recommends testing gallbladder function before tagging patients as having irritable bowel syndrome or other conditions.

    "I want to make this known to other practitioners," he says. "Many of my patients were diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome, but did not respond to irritable bowel syndrome therapy. I changed their medication to cholestyramine [Questral], and all of a sudden their symptoms got 100% better. It's a dramatic difference."

    Petrozzello puts it more succinctly: "Thank God for Dr. Habba"

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2015

    Another article for Cami. Not sure you want to read all of this! If not, just pass right by it!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015

    Good morning ladies- I have had a few busy days and evenings and another one coming up today, but wanted to day hi.

    Cami- sorry you will miss the party. The D sounds troublesome. Goldie may have a good point about this being gallbladder related. I had some issues with my gallbladder back in my 20s (no surgery resulted though) and that was one of the big symptoms. I also had a lot of pain too though. Might be worth asking your doctor next visit?

    And you would have loved this concert I went to the other night, Cami. A young female sax player by the name of Grace Kelly, who is also is a fabulous vocalist too. She put on such a good show, and also got to visit with her after the show.

    Went out to dinner with some friends last night and enjoyed a couple glasses of tasty petite syrah. YUM!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2015

    Happy Saturday girls, I'm so far behind, haven't read anything but I'll get to it. I left my computer at my DS's over a week ago and was using dh's ipad but not much. Anyway, computer is back home and Nora is here for the weekend, napping at the moment but I have a lot to do before she wakes up. DH is of course golfing, too cold for me but he'll golf until the snow flies... Anyway, we are having Thanksgiving dinner with DS and DIL and MIL tomorrow so pretty busy here specially since aNorable will be here till then. I told her I wanted to brush her hair today and she said ... "NO WAY YAYA!" Haha, she cracks me up, anyway I said yes way! and she proceeded to have a little tantrum whilst I got her dressed and brushed her hair. So just wanted to pop my head in, I'll go back and read in bits and pieces, love to all, have a good weekend.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015

    Genny- what a great photo. Nora is a total cutie pie and the dog is awesome too. That picture is a keeper!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015


  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited November 2015

    (bursts out laughing) Yep, that'd be my holiday workout. Except how do we translate this for the wine key?

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2015


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015

    OMG that chocolate pudding.....

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2015

    Picked up some of the Domaine Dupeuble Beauj. Nouveau (the one the critics usually love) yesterday and tried it last night. DH & I agree that while it is delicious it is too “serious" and complex to be considered a Nouveau despite its youth. B.N. is usually light and a fruit bomb: cherries & banana Turkish taffy are the most common aromas despite its dryness. The Dupeuble actually has some tannins--I would consider aging it for a year. It can take it. DH picked up a couple bottles each of the “usual suspects:" Georges Duboeuf, Louis Jadot, Bouchard Aine. Gonna sample one tonight--and bring it to the party tomorrow. Cheap enough to pour a splash and recork for a few nights.

    But it's a brutally cold night and I'm actually craving hot chocolate! (Un-spiked).

    UPDATE: Opened the Bouchard. Now, this is more like it--typical Beauj. Nouveau nose, but uncharacteristically dark color and fuller body. Classic Beaujolais taste too, uncomplicated. We're probably gonna bring it and the Duboeuf (flower label, what everyone expects from a B.N., from the house that started the marketing hype over 30 yrs. ago) to the party, along with a Mumm's Cuvee Napa for those expecting bubbly. I'm starting to think there's a trend here this year--this is the third B.N. I've tasted, and they're all weightier than other vintages have been, going back at least 5 yrs. Last couple of years they were all fairly thin & acidic, with more bouquet than flavor. About a decade ago, a vintage this strong had producers labeling their Nouveaus as “Beaujolais-Villages Nouveau." Bet they would've done so this year, but France's counterpart to our Dept. of Ag. probably cracked down on that, saying it could be a Beauj.-Vill. or a Nouveau but not both. I suspect that whatever didn't sell this year (or a substantial amount held back) will reappear late next summer as “2015 Beaujolais-Villages.” And another thing--this year they’re definitely more alcoholic--13-13.5%

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2015

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Lori TY for all that info I'm certainly going to write it down for my gastro who I see soon. I have no GB but I don't think that makes a difference, maybe just maybe this will help. Why haven't all these Drs. read up on this before. U know I've been in the hospital with this a number of times and folowed all directions and it means nothing and taken every kind of anti D-plus perscription there is. So Now I have something to really ask about Thank u again. (((LORI)))

    Oh all those wines sound yummy, I used to enjoy wine so much, but over the years not eally but I have hd some really good ones and enjoyed them.

    Jazy u always found the best music to listen to, u'r appreciation for it is wonderful. Of course I know u play so that's a world that's great.

    Oh these DOTD's and yummy desserty drinks sound yummy. Oh Chocolate.

    Our ANorable is darling, Mary u have to enjoy her so much.

    My work phone is going--Furnaces now it's cold and we got about 10 inc. of snow--Now thar women are mearsuring the snow I think it's much more accurate.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Another chilly ayem here, but at least it's not all white and crunchy.Nice chilly nights makes me really appreciate the nice,fluffy comforter on my bed that keeps me and Sadie warm at night.

    Goldie--had a nice float in the pool, then a nice soak in the hot tub, thanks!Good info for Cammy.With her "Flying Organzas" it's likely the gallbladder and lots of other things are working as they should.

    Genny--I can just picture Little aNorable having a cute little temper tantrum.Looks like she has a furry friend to cuddle with.

    Jazzy--My kinda workout!

    Genny--That recipe is going into my collection!

    Chi--great description of the wines, I can almost taste them!

    Butterball Cornucopia's DOTD:

    Jamaica Sunday

    2 oz Dark Rum

    1/2 oz Lime Juice

    1 tsp Honey

    2 oz Lemonade


    Dissolve honey in rum, and pour into an old-fashioned glass half-filled with broken ice.

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2015

    Mary, Emma looks so big next to Nora. What a cute picture. And you have her for the weekend. I know you are loving that! "No way Yaya"….gotta love it. You should change your namehere to something like YayaMary, or MaryYaya! You should throw a tantrum with her. Oh those pudding things look delish. And no calories, no siree, not here in the Hot Tatties Lounge.

    Jazzy, sounds like a fun concert you went to and I love the wine work out!

    Sandy, your are truly a wine connoisseur!

    Cami, there is mention about the "D" and no gall bladder and the drug used to help with the "D". I copied that part from above. The drug is Questran. But now a study in the August issue of the American Journal of Gastroenterology shows that people with chronic, intractable diarrhea may be suffering from gallbladder dysfunction. Treatment with a drug known as cholestyramine, or Questran, originally developed for patients who have had their gallbladders removed, may bring relief when other approaches have failed.

    Anyways, you got lots of snow, wow. My brother in MI said he got 14". It's cold here in the morning, but so far still nice during the day, and of course the sun shining! Another 20 degrees here this morning, but it will warm up to almost 60. The coldest day time temp we have forcasted for the next 10 days is 45. I'll take it!

    NM, the hot tub sure felt good after that swim. You would be a hit if you took some of those pudding things to a function. I have had similar in a pudding shot at my brothers. Made in those little cups like they put jello shots in. DOTD sounds pretty good.

    Well, I went to clean my spare bedroom, as I had not done it since our Taiwan friend left. And under the pillows I find mouse droppings!!!


    Now granted, I live out in the boonies. But in 10 years, I have NEVER had a critter in the house. WTF? Tore the room apart and found nothing. So I'm hoping it just left, the same way it got in!

    Missing lots of chica's up here in this lounge. Come out, come out wher eever you are!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2015


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2015

    Hi girls,

    I am popping in the lounge on this sunday night to say hello to my girls.

    Lori, great suggestions for Cammy and her D, hope she gets relief. And yikes, a critter, glad it seems to have left. So glad that you are feeling better, I was concerned.

    Genny, great pic of NOrable and Emma too, funny that she said no way, outta the mouth of babes.

    Jazz, do I hear right that you play an instrument? If so what do you play? I play flute and piano and love it. Music is such a great escape. when I sit on my piano bench and play, I feel like I have left this crazy world and gone to a world that is nothing but peace and butterflies lol.

    Sandy, you are talking another langwich, I did catch that you are talking about wine. SOunds like you know your stuff.

    Cam, hope you are feeling well and able to hit some parties if they have not passed. I tink of you often.

    NM, glad you did not have the white stuff coming down as I have seen on the news in other states including IL for Cam. Good that you have the names of the peeps at work down, you will soon match the names with the faces. Funny how many dup names you have working with you, must get confusing for some.

    So it has not been a great time to be a homeowner. Last week my washing machine stopped spinning. I had a guy come out and look at it yesturday and I need a new pump at a cost of 240.00. He is putting it in tomorrow night after work. So yesterday whilst me and Cheryl (mese cousin) are sitting in the kitchen, I ask her if she is cold and she says yeah. I go to inch the heat up and find that the house temp is 62 and the thermostat was set at 68. I turned it even higher and nothing. I called for service and got someone out here today, turned out it was dust around the pilot and the light went out. Thankfully only needed it cleaned and relit. My heart was in my mouth thinking I might need a furnace. NOt an expense that I could handle right now.

    So Ize dwinking mese Jack and diet and we are playing internet pool tonight, it is fun. I hope you all had a nice weekend, miine was relaxing, had a good visit with mese Dad and I brought lil Lucy with me. Boy did the old peeps love that lil puppy!

    Hello to everyone I did not mention. I will try to check back early in the week girls. I miss you all when I do not report then get myself behind which I hate.

    Haave a great week goils. chEErS! *clink*


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Well, it finally happened.Woke up to an inch and a half of snow.Heavy, wet snow.Sigh.Probably won't last long, but here it is, and my snow shovel is still downstairs in the basement.Will bring it up when I get home from work tonight.

    Goldie--I really wish I had a real hot tub now that the snow has arrived.Nothing more relaxing that sitting in a hot tub in the snow! The puddings would be a great hit just about anywhere, wouldn't they?Mouse droppings in the spare bed?Eewwww.I hope it's gone, too!

    Dara-it does get confusing at times, but we're getting ways of differentiating which person we are trying to talk to.Homeownership does have it's drawbacks at times, doesn't it?$240.00 for a new pump in the washer?Could almost buy a new washer for that!So glad the furnace problem was a simple one.

    Butterball Cornucopia's DOTD:

    Call of the Snowfields (Lumikenttien Kutsu)

    2 cl Parfait Amour

    2 cl Lapponia Lakka Cloudberry Liqueur

    2 cl Cream

    2 cl Pineapple Juice

    (grated) Nutmeg


    Blend with ice and pour into cocktail glass. Sprinkle grated nutmeg on top.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

    Pafait Amour:

    A sweet, violet liqueur made from and tasting of spanish oranges, vanilla, rose and almond.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2015

    Wacko, so good to see you love. And glad the furnace was ok. I had to replace one for my mom last year. My brother and split the cost, $3000.00! Has your parents had the chance to see the baby? Nice that you took Lucy for a bisit. And can't you buy a new washer for about that much, what it costs for the pump?

    NM, interesting DOTD, not sure I know what much of it is tho! No snow here, but cold in the ayem for shoa.

    Still no signs of the critter, glad about that! Need to head out early this morning, DH has 2 doctor appointments and we need some groceries. Starting my FU pills today, and upping the dose. I hope it works and doesn't make me sick. Anxious to see if 1 week on, 1 week off works! Sucks not having anyone to talk to in here.


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited November 2015

    Happy Monday everyone!!

    Simp I am so sorry you are having such problems with your radiation. I had a similar experience. I will tell you that it does eventually get better. The thing that really helped me is to go with out a shirt as much as possible and I did these dombreo soaks. Also had people tell me that green tea spray works well. I will keep you in my prayers for sure.

    Jazz all you need is a nice dragon boat to get you down that nice gravy stream at Thanksgiving. Lol. I do dragon boat racing here in Indy with a group of breast cancer survivors. We race all around the state, nationally and internationally. This last season we raced in Ft Wayne IN, Chicago IL, Washington DC, Kentucky (by Cincinatti) and Jacksonville FL. Not sure yet where we will be racing next season but we are going to Florence Italy in 2018.

    NM did you get the same snow storm we got? We got about 2-3 inches on Saturday. It's been cold about 17 at night and 20s during the day.

    Mema what have you decided to do in Nasau. I may just decide to stay on the boat or just look around where we dock at. Im not going to have much money so I will need to watch what I do.

    Dara I cant believe Logan is a year old already! Im so glad things are working out for you. I cant wait to meet all you guys.

    Mari Nora is getting so big! What have you decided to do on the cruise? I need to text or email Lynn and see what she is up to.

    I found out who my Congresswoman is and she is going to help me get my disability expediated, so hopefully I will have some good news soon. My daughter found where she wants to have her wedding at. Now we just have to try to come up with the funds. The good news I have is that my chest CT came back with the nodule in my lung disappearing. I am very thankful for that. We have started our winter workouts with the SurviveOars so on Saturdays we row indoors on the erg machines and on Sundays we box on the bags at Title Boxing. Man is that a workout. 8 rounds of boxing and then 14 min of core exercises. We burn 650 Calories just in one session.

    Just want you all to know how thankful I am for all of you. Have a great Thanksgiving everyone! Love you all image

    Jackson with Papas glasses on giving the Papa look




    Dragon boat racing for those who have not seen it. I am in the very last row on the left

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2015

    Hi girls,

    NM, happy snow storm, sorry it caught you off guard but glad that it was not too much. Be safe out there. Interesting DOTD, I have no idea what the ingredients are either but it is yummy. Tank you always for keeping us with good dwinkies. I needed it today being monkeydey and all lol.

    Lori, washing machines start at around 600.00. Mine is larger so would cost more and mine is not that old, just about 5-6 years old and its a maytag. Go figure I needed the maytag man. He was cute but very skinny thankfully as I did not need to move my filing cabinet out from next to the furnace for him to work. Hey, I hope that the FU pills do not cause any issues for you this round. And i hope and pray that they keep working hard for ya. Bcuz mese lubs ya that's why. And yes it has been too quiet here. My parents have not seen Logan lately, my Dad did meet him before he was placed in foster care. I am hoping to see my DD and her son for Christmas and think I will as long as she does not reconcile with the SD/SOB. I hate that man but I am afraid that since he is Logan's Dad, our family will be stuck with having him around. Ugh.

    Nancy, good to see ya hon. Glad that you got someone with influence to help with the SSD income. Hey, I will prolly be hanging around with you at the beach or on the ship whislest the others do their ting. I will not have much spending money either. I have not been making commission, it is so hard to get paid for closing a lot of loans bcuz the damn loans are so hard to close. I hate filthy rich people so much due to this job of mine. Congrats to your team for going international, something big to look forward to. Great pics as always, that lil guy is too cute with his papas glasses and expression too. He is quite the actor huh?

    I chose not to work from home tonight, I am so fried from the day. I had an hour conference call with a client and his attorney and they rattled me in trying to get around the system, then griping about our fees. They lost their battled though, take that idiot is what i wanted to say. I hate that I have to bite my tongue so much on the job. Why I'd love to tell some people where to shove their money (where the sun does not shine)...

    I am so grateful to have you all in my life and can't wait to see some of you soon, just two months woooooo effing hooooooo! I could not have done all that I did without you all. Ya know, it has been two years this week since the dreaded wound vac aka Zack the Vac. Today I am celebrating no vac, no puka, no infucktion, no pain. Well minimal pain, I still wake up in the night with tenderness under my left foob which was the one that had the most surgical procedures, I tink about 14 on that side including implants and expanders in and out. So yes, I celebrate, won't you all join me in a toast. Here is to all of us, wE are waRRIORS!!!!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2015

    Early Good Morning Ladies--my nites are days and my days are nites, lately.

    Nancy Jackson looks so cute, like a little actor.

    NM sorry about the snow but we got a ton so quickly, but being on the weekend it was less trafficky for people who had to drive around. That snow will melt tho soon. Just enough for sadie to play in. I'm another who doesn't know the the DOTD is but it sounds good. U know its such a short time for the cruise and for those left behind, we'd better see pics. and plenty of them.

    Dar iit's ok not to have all kinds of money u'll enjoy that cruise just as much. And being with Logan and DD for Christmas will start the New Year off in total happiness. And I hope u'r parets are doing good. Oh how I remember that puka, I can still see it, it was so scary looking to me. t's amazing how u healed from that horror hole..

    ori Thanks again for the info I wrote so much of it down--I'm ready for my consultation maybe. Today was a goofy day my D started easing up finally but my dr. wanted me in the hospital and I did promise her I would go if it came back with the same symptoms, but so far it's subsided a bit. Joey was home today and I had a huge accident but he helped me cover it all up, then he felt bad cuz maybe I should be in the hospital, He's s sensitive about these things. I am tired all the time tho cuz I'm not sleeping much, I spend a lot of time in the bathroomo, well I guess I was knocked out to day but answered my phone and asked the person to hold on--for 5 ins nd she did, I woke up and saw the phone on. I had lots of "splainin' t do and shomehow I did. Whew

    OK sleepy time ns I'll check in later.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015

    Hi ladies- hoping everyone is having a good Thanksgiving week? Who is cooking? Going out to eat?

    Dara- I play five instruments- flute, 2 saxes (alto and soprano), the violin and I am currently learning how to play the steel drums. I could be a one woman band!

    ncollett- love that you are doing the rowing team and thanks for the pics! Oh and Florence, one of my favorite cities anywhere! Have you been before? I went there on a yoga retreat in 2009. It is just an amazing city. All of Tuscany just captured my heart and I wanted to move there. You have something really nice to look forward to!