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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Tuesday!Sadie got a new Bark Box yesterday (monthly subscription of toys and treats) and is going crazy trying to decide what to play with first.I used to try to give her one thing a day and spread out the fun, but she recognizes the box now, snatches it off the counter and gets into it herself .Right now she's got a new tug and wants me to play with her.So if the typing looks a little odd, it's just her dropping the toy on the keyboard!

    Goldie--I'm not sure what some of those things in the DOTD are either, but it sounded good!Hoping the 1 week on, 1 week off works with the FU pills.

    Collett--I think we did get the same storm, the timing is just about right.Started out as rain, then turned to snow overnight when the temp dropped.Most of this will melt off this week.So happy to hear the lung nodule is going away, that is a great sign!Sounds like quite a workout you gals will be doing, good for you!Jackson is adorable!

    Dara--Finding new ingredients is part of the fun of looking for a DOTD.Hoping to be able to try some on the cruise, always an adventure!I can just imagine what you would like to say to some of your clients.Do you ever write down what you want to say, as if you were taking notes?Hmm, probably not a good idea to write those thoughts down, either.A year after Zak the Vac, what an accomplishment!You are a warrior, indeed!And I will certainly join you in a toast!And I can't wait for the end of January!

    Cammy--I'm sure we will managed to get a few pics during the cruise, and will be sure to get them on here!Boy, you must have done some fancy splainin to that lady!Hope she was understanding. Joey is such a dear to help you and worry about you like he does.

    Butterball Cornucopia's DOTD:

    Baby Eskimo

    2 oz Coffee Liqueur

    2 scoops Vanilla Ice Cream

    8 oz Milk


    Leave ice-cream out for about 10 minutes. Add ingredients in order, stir with chopstick (butter knife or spoon works too). Consume immediately and often. Nice and light, great for following a heavy drink.

    Best served in a Collins Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2015

    Nancy, good to see you! And look at those sweet pictures of Jackson. Good luck on the disability thing. And yay for the nodule disappearing.

    Dara, really praying that SD/SOB doesn't cause any problems and hopefully your DD will NOT take him back. Does he come around often to see the baby? I had no idea dryers were that much. I think I have the very cheapest one they sell at Home Depot, for which I hardly ever use as I hang most stuff outside, or in the house. And girl, I think you have been through more chittin surgeries than anyone on this darned earth. I will definitely sailabrate wif you.

    Cami, I sure wish you felt better. Please go to the hospital if you should. Again, Joey is just such a sweetheart. I don't know if anything I looked up will help you, but hoping so. With all that “D", I hope you are trying to hydrate yourself.

    Jazzy, we can have a talent night in the lounge, featuring you and Dara! I am cooking, but just for DH and myself. BBQ ribs, shrimp cocktail, tater salad, garlic ciabatta bread and a veggie of something. Maybe BEANS!

    NM, what a good hooman you are to Sadie. She is so spoiled and so loved by you. The treat box sounds so fun for her. DOTD sounds like a shake with a boost!

    Mom got a call from her doctor, they did a urine culture on her and told her there was no infection but she needed to see her urologist immediately. So she is scared it's cancer. Which it could be, but our doctor told me that bladder cancer is one of the easiest to treat and usually 100% curable. So I told her that and she is somewhat relieved. No chemo either, they use TB shots for it!

    Waiting patiently (yeah right) for a call from my oncs office. Just trying not to think about it!!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015

    Goldie- yes we can have our own talent night! Cami loves jazz just like me, we have talked about it in the past on other threads. I think she may be sitting in the front row!

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited November 2015

    hi ladies wow so much happening here.

    Hummm I ll give the name of the wine once I get it lol I already forgot the name but I know is the only one I pick up to bring over to anybody s dinner .

    This week is my work xtmas party on Thursday I ll go for only the 2 drinks my ticket ll allow lol

    I never drink but I must go and show my face in case there is any body interesting I should meet in order to apply for other jobs lol

    Hope all having a great week .

    I am just making some gloves and crochet items this week.

    :) last night I wished I had some wine lol

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2015

    Hi ladies.

    Yep dara Jazzy s s right, I love Jazz and others to. U 2 shuld have dueling instruments for a show, That would be so fun. We have had some very interest talks about music over the years, She is so accomplished (about so many things) but music I think is one of her first loves. Dara I never knew u played tho after al this time, so lucky it is relaxing. Did u tell us what u'r ding for TG, did anyone? I don't remember--wow that's unsual. My memory is like a vault--oops that's not me but someone I know probably.

    Yrs back when my parents were alive I had a mouse (no cat) that was coming in my condo-my girls still lived with me--they were adults, well one night we caught it and put it in a bag, first we went out ot my balcony screaming, the cops came and when they found out they left!!! so we took it downstairs to my dad (my mom was not happy) and asked him to take care of it. He took it to the open field across the street--we meant for him to kill it so it wouldn't come back--and he wouldn't cuz he wasn't afraid but all us were hysterical--he of course caled us all nuts, it was a tiny little thing he said. I remember me telling him he betrayed me, I thought he'd break it's neck r something--crazy man loved nature and all of those little things. We all yelled at him about that and he just ignored us.We were out for blood and he was for freedom. Sounds familiar for this day and age.

    Lori I hope u'r feeling OK and the FU pills go easier on u this time. (((HUGS)))

    Now NM this DOTD sounds yummy ro me and I know all the ingredients too. I'd love to have a dog like Sadie, she's so into u with everything, Just lately our dog is staying in my room a lot??? we have no idea why.

    I can't remember all the things I was going to say.

    Well just poopin in say hi and so far I'm still out f the hospital, but extremely weak but Joey's off this week so he's helping me alot. I have a feeling I'll be home for TG this yr. but I really don't mind==yummy, jello, broth and bananas sound like a feast, well actually no effin way. To hell with the consequences LOL

    OK I'll catch u layah MAUH

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2015

    Hi girls, nice to see so many here. Had a great weekend with my Nora, she is so full of personality now. I took her to Penneys portrait studio, got the appt made, waited till 10 minutes before we walked out the door to get her dressed so she'd still be clean. Penneys is just 5 min away, took her hair stuff with us, got to the photo studio, combed her hair and pulled the front back, they were 15 minutes behind so we walk around the store, all the time she wants me to hold her, so they finally get to us and there she stands, stone-faced and wanting me to hold her... we tried everything, I'm jumping around, making faces... nothing, times up, girl asks do I want to reschedule...??? hell no, mom can do it, I tried. So we drive across the street to Walmart to get her some training panties since she is hating her diapers but pees on the floor about every other time... anyway, 5 minutes after the photo studio fiasco and we are in Walmart and she is singing Jingle Bells and Old McDonald and smiling and saying hi to everybody in the store.... Ha!... 2 year olds!!! So I'm working tomorrow and then off for 5 days. I am looking to get another job, found a retirement home needing some help in the salon, might do 1 day/wk see if I can get some extra cash. Business has been slow, money is tight here too. I still have to get on the sight for all the cruise stuff, hoping to do it over the weekend. Got signed up for new health insurance plan yesterday, $6000/per person deduct, $950/month. Craziness... Had Dinner with Nora's parents and MIL on Sunday, just DH and MIL on turkeyday.

    Cami, thinking of you, got my fingers and toes crossed and praying you are feeling better and that nasty D goes away. Love that Joey, what a sweetie. I've had pet mice and think they are cute and could never kill one either. I have always caught them and put them outside. Now a spidr, that's a different story, I'll smash them without a second thought. I do have Moose the hunter tho, he will behead anything he catches.... well except Gloria.

    Dara, I'm looking forward to the cruise too, and we're in the same boat as far as procrastination... I still haven't booked the hotel but I do have my plane reservations. Nothing booked for the cruise stuff yet, hoping to read the info this weekend. So happy about your DD, hopefully SD's interest will wane with time and he'll meet someone new and move on. That's what happened with my son's SD, he saw him a handful of times when we first divorced but never saw him at all from the time he was about 11 till he was grown. He's never even met Nora and he lives an hour away, pathetic but so good for me and DS was so much better without him.

    NM, I know about spoiled pooches, mine have gotten to be so high maintenance with this going to the woods thing, they expect it 2 times/day now or they are bouncing off the walls. No snow here yet, all around us but the lake shore, guess the water is still too warm. What are you doing for Thanksgiving?

    Lori, Hope you are doing ok with the new FU pill dosage and your se's lighten up. No turkey for you so what are you making? Good idea on the talent show in the lounge, I like it, tho I have no talent to offer. Scan results yet?... fingers crossed!!!

    Nancy, hope the disability goes thru, crazy you can't just get it. Such cute pics of Jackson, don't make yourself broke over a wedding, I know it's important but so is house and bills and retirement. We cut a lot of corners with my DS's wedding and it was still very nice. Those workouts sound grueling, good for you, I'm having trouble getting back into working out. I am doing a 5k turkey trot but now like lifting weights. Bet you can't wait for the rowing stuff in the spring. Cruise getting close!

    Jazz, 5 instruments, very impressive! My DH loves jazz as well. Dh bought an 8 # turkey and I bought all the sides at a deli so super easy for us. What are you doing TG? Italy is on the very top of my bucket list, hope to get there in a few years. I have this crazy dream of sitting on a balcony eating bread and drinking wine in Tuscany.

    Enerva, hope you enjoy your free wine, Xmas party on TGiving? or do you mean next week. Drinking some wine now, course I do most nights.

    Suzie, test results back yet? And aren't you getting g-kids soon?

    Hole-in-one, Sandy and anybody else I'm missing hope all is well and have a good Thanksgiving.

    Ok girls, before I sign off... one of my very best friends, Jeni, you've seen her in all my group friend shots. Well she had a suspicious mammogram, followed by ultrasound. All they can say is there is a marble size mass that needs further investigation. So she's waited 10 days and today was supposed to get a needle biopsy but when she got there the surgeon said now he wanted to remove the lump. So they sent her home and rescheduled it for December 1st. Then he said it may take up to 2 weeks to get the results. WTF??? So anyway, she's a bit on edge, could use some prayers and good vibes.

    Sweet dreams everybody!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015

    Genny- I am hanging out at home and cooking a turkey, working on some Xmas cards, watching movies, etc. I have some new work starting and will have a busy December, so I am just enjoying a home day and plan to do some soups and some other turkey dishes to freeze and store. I picked up my turkey today! The weather is not going to be good here on Thursday, rain and snow forecasted so glad to be in my cozy home! I have plans the rest of the weekend with various friends and once the storm moves through!

    I am sorry about your friend Jeni. It sounds like she may need a surgical vs. needle biopsy because of the size? I have had both (surgical for some calcification years ago, turned out negative) and the needle stuff in 2012 when I got my dx. It is good she has a good friend like you who can help her to understand the process.

    Cami- praying the D gets better.

    E- I will be counting on you to "work the room" so you can network for new job opps!

    I will be drinking some white wine with my turkey on Thursday.....

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited November 2015

    Lol oh yes I forgot it is your t giving dinner . Ours was last month .

    It is my job s xtmas party it cost us $10 and ll allow for two drinks hahahhaha those people make so much money yet won't give us anything for free lol

    Anyway yes I ll go and have my 2 drinks then ll take my train home lol

    Jazz I ll try to make connection for new ops ;)

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Thanksgiving Eve!How is everyone's Turkey Day preparations going?Mine will be pretty easy, just need to show up at my Mom's.Actually, we're having our family celebration in a couple of weeks when my brother and sis-in-law will be home, but Mom wants to cook a turkey tomorrow for the leftovers, to make soup with.She's doing her annual winter Turkey Rice soup stock up.Got to see what I can do to get a jar or two for myself!

    Goldie--I think I manage to keep my Sadie happy, at least she's still letting me share the house with her, still chases me around like a puppy dog, and gets excited to see me when I get home. Her new stuffed Turkey squeaky toy has been destuffed and desqueaked already.The maple leaf tug toy is still going strong, though!I can imagine your Mom is a bit freaked out by the need to see her urologist "immediately".I know I would be.But I'm not happy that the doc didn't say why.That is just not right, any referral like that needs to come with an explanation.

    Jazzy--have Cammy save me a seat and I'll be there, too!

    Enerva--I'm not a big fan of parties where I need to show my face "just in case" but it's part of life, I suppose.Probably a good idea not to drink at them, anyway.Let someone else make a fool of themselves, right?Do you crochet gloves?I've never tried to crochet gloves, but keep thinking I'm going to try sometime.

    Cammy--oh my goodness, I can just picture the bunch of you on the balcony screaming about the mouse and the police showing up!They probably laughed all the way back to the station!Your Dad sounds like mine was, wouldn't kill anything just for doing what it does (except for an occasional deer during hunting season).Your pooch is spending a lot of time with you?Maybe cuz you love on him/her?Sounds like a good thing to me!You better stay out of the hospital until at least Friday!

    OK, they're talking about the annual Thanksgiving Morning news show on TV.The tradition is that they prepare a Thanksgiving meal at the station during the morning news show (4am to 7 am).They've done Trash Can Turkey, deep fried turkey, deep fried battered turkey, and some other recipes.Some were total failures, some worked really well, some were somewhere in between.It's a real hoot to watch, you never know what's going to happen.This year they aren't saying what recipe they are making, just that it has turkey in it but they aren't cooking a whole turkey this year.I get such a kick watching this every year!

    Genny--oh, my,. Nora is such a 2 year old!Not having any part of the pics, at all, then so full of charm after, so funny!I bet working in the retirement home would be a lot of fun as well as some extra money.Wow, at $950 a month you would save up enough to cover the deductible in 6 months.That's $11,400 a year.You'd almost be better off just putting that money into an account where you'd get interest and use it to pay for medical care as you need it.Many hospitals and docs offices will give really good discounts for "cash" payments, cuz it costs them less than submitting claims to insurance companies.Praying for your friend Jeni.It may take up to 2 weeks to get ALL the results--things like Her2 and ER/PR testing can take a bit of time,but the main report--cancer/not cancer should be available in a few days.No fair making her wait so long.Just no fair.

    Butterball Cornucopia's DOTD:

    Thanksgiving Special

    3/4 oz Apricot Brandy

    3/4 oz Gin

    3/4 oz Dry Vermouth

    1/4 tsp Lemon Juice

    1 tsp Cherry


    Shake all ingredients (except cherry) with ice and strain into a cocktail glass. Top with the cherry and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2015

    Jazzy, I want front row seat too, right next to Cami! And where are you getting your weather report? Suppose to be very windy here today, we have a wind advisory. Temp at 60. Tomorrow it shows temp at 56, partly cloudy. No precipitation for the next 10 days.

    Enerva, enjoy those 2 glasses of wine and good luck on the hunt!

    Cami, my neighbor releases any mice he catches alive. Too funny about the cops coming.Not me, they are NOT welcome, they go to mouse heaven. I did tell about our TG, we are having BBQ ribs and some other stuff. Jello, banana's and broth, you made me laff. On the info I posted about the "D", they say something about the "BRAT" diet. So apropos for you! Banana's, Rice, Applesauce and Toast.

    Oh my Mary, that Nora has a mind of her own. I bet she was so cute saying hi to everyone and singing. Good luck on finding that new job. LMAO, glad Moose won't be-head Gloria!You need to explain to the new loungettes. My son's SD only saw my son when he was first born. So happy it worked out that way, but the ASS went on to have 3 other kids, but never had anything to do with his first born. Sending prayers for your friend Jeni, hoping it's nothing. I guess having it removed right away is not such a bad thing. Better than going for biopsy and then back to have it taken out. Such a scary time for her, we all know that feeling. Our insurance is just as bad. Oh wait, we don't have any for the upcoming new year!

    NM, glad Ms Sadie is still willing to share the house with you. She is such a special friend to you and visa versa. I hope you get some of that soup. Can you ask mom ahead of time? Maybe to buy a bigger turkey so you can have some soup? I made a really yummy stew yesterday with some of my kale, would have been totally vegetarian, but I added a little ground beef to it. Carrots, celery, onions, chicken stock, canelli beans, lima beans, quinoa, not sure what else, oh some rice. Hope the turkey/news show is a good one, let us know.

    Well, got an email from onc's office. CT was negative, nuclear bone shows slight progression. I guess that can be expected, but would rather have heard NED. Not sure yet how the new schedule or the FU pills will go. I can definitely feel the extra FU pill. But only on for 1 week, it's got to be good! No results on my labs yet, and portal not working. Got a bill in the mail from onc's office for $3600.00 for one of my injections. I get my meds sent to his office from Right Souce (mailorder). So I call billing to explain that to them, and the girl is like, I've never heard of that. Well, I don't care if you have never heard of that, I do not get my meds through you guys. I will call today, as I have proof of my meds being sent by Right Source. I think whoever did the billing for that day, just assumed because I was getting an injection there, that they provided the meds. Oy Vey!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited November 2015

    Morning everyone! Hope you all are surviving the preparations of Turkey day. I am fixing 2Turkeys tomorrow. We will bake one and fry one, and I am doing the dressing and an Apple pie and Pumpkin Pie and I got a cake to celebrate my sons up comming wedding thats in 9 months!! But tomorrow is also his birthday. I am having my mom, brother, nephew and his partner, my son and his fiance and my granddaughter and my daughter her fiance and my grandson over for lunch and then my sister and her family will join us later.Everyone is to pitch in.

    NM what are you doing for Thanksgiving? I taught Cole how to sing yesterday. It was so cute he lifts his little head and yelps so cute. He got some new little toys too and I bet he and Sadie would have a lot of fun together.

    Dara I would love to hang out with you on the beach or on the boat. I am like you and wont have hardly any money at all so that actually sounds like a great plan.When are you getting in to Orlando? I need to get with Sue and finalize all that again. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving hugs to you.

    Lori hugs to you too Jackson keeps me going and so does Samarah. They are a hoot. I was at practice the other day and they were both here and when I came in they both yell Nana yay! Samarah says Nana you came back, like I wasnt going to come back. Lol. She cracks me up. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving and I hope your scans are ok.

    Jazz I love all kinds of music. Jazz, country, christian, pop. I used to play violin when I was in school and can pick a few tunes by ear on a piano but thats about all the musical talent I have. I would love to learn how to play the guitar or piano more though. And yes I love dragon boat racing. It has probably been the best support system for me besides this board and my support group that I go to at the hospital. I really dont know what I would do with out it or all you ladies. If you like to kyak you would like dragon boat racing. I am sure there is a team in NM. You should look it up. Look us up to see more about what we do. We are the Indy SurviveOars. You can find us on I have never been to Italy but it is on my bucket list.

    Genny I think both my daughter and daughter in law call it the terrible 3s instead of the terrible 2s. Lol. I think I have to agree too. At least for us that seems to be the case. Those cute little devils sure do have a mind of their own dont they? Hugs to you to sweetie and cant wait to see you too. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!

    Cami I hope you get some relief soon. The D can be a pain in the ass. No pun intended. A big Hug to you dear and I will be praying for you. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving and a great time with your family.

    Mema Can you send me the details again on where we are meeting up and how much my part will be so I make sure I have enough for that. Love ya and hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    I am very Thankful for each and everyone of you. Hope I didnt leave anyone out. Love you all and have a very Happy Thanksgiving.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015

    Good afternoon ladies- I hope you are all looking forward to the long weekend. I have my turkey in the fridge, and getting some final biz things done this morning before I park my work for a few days for relaxation and time with friends!

    Ncollett- I do like kayaking but the problem here in NM is that there is not much water around. The river is high in the spring, too low for boats in the other months. Most of the lakes are a big drive and well, I just don't really have the time (self employed, work a lot, etc.) The group sounds so awesome though. I may tell a bco friend who lives near Boston and she may be interested?

    Goldie- well, the local news here forecasted rain and snow, but I have the desktop app on my laptop says only 20% chance of precip now. Sounds like the eastern part of NM may get the weather.

    Sorry to hear about the bone progression.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2015

    Happy Thanksgiving people,working today, just have to catch up on everything, mam had a lovely birthday

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2015


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2015

    Good Morning ad HAPPY BIRD DAY everyone.

    I just want to pop in ad tell u how thankful I am for all of u in my life, each and everyday. And when one of u is hurting I think we all feel it just like when we feel good, we're all happy .

    Lori I'm sorry about u'r scan but u'r doing good and I think it's u atitude (MUAH)

    I'm sorry not speaking to all of u but u'r in my heart, I'm just so tired. I did get out of the hospital last nite, I was like a quart low and they gave me some new meds and I am better, but I'm home for the day. But I'm fine with that.

    also everyone have a great day.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2015

    Nancy, I'd take the terrible 2's or 3's, over the terrible teens! Good to see you back, we have missed you. Good foryou hitting the gym!

    Jazzy, I use as well. Windy here yesterday and again today and tomorrow. Feels like spring! I was thinking the same thing about lakes when Nancy mentioned Kayaking to you. We don't get any "local" news, it's all about Phoenix. Unless it's real bad weather, bad accident, etc.

    Julie, you're home! Welcome back. Don't need to ask if you had a good time, as I know you did. Have a pleasant day at work.

    Cami??? So you did end up in the hospital again. For how long? And what are the new meds for? I hope you can enjoy this turkey day. I'm ok, and gonna keep up with the good tude. Can't afford not to. Besides it makes for a sucky life when stay sad all the time. I don't want that. The progression is only slight. I think if it were bad, my onc would have called me.

    I too am very thankful for the friendships I have made on here and also loves you all. Since we are having ribs today, I guess it's pig day for us!

    NM, you and Sadie must be sleeping in a bit, I hope so!

    Thanksgiving cocktail recipes

    A Wild Turkey (in photo above, Wild Turkey bourbon, butterscotch schnapps, sweet potatoes, etc), Mrs. B's Secret (brandy, Frangelico, maple syrup, butter, served hot) and Gin and Cranberry Sauced (gin, cranberry sauce, rosemary, lime, etc). Head HERE for the recipes. - See more at:

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2015

    Hi girls, getting ready for my 5k turkey trot, money goes to local women with BC, I've done it for years, way before I knew I'd be one of them. Anyway it's a fun race and weather is going to be 40's and sunny so perfect for running. DH just left with the pooches then he is going golfing. Dinner is just us and MIL so we'll prolly rent a movie or something.

    Cami, so glad you are home, I sure hope you get some relief and can enjoy family and the fixins'.

    Lori, sorry about the bone progression, sure hoping the new FU doseage makes things easier. Any new news with your mom?

    Dara, do you get to see DD and Logan today?

    Juliet, sorry you have to work but the double time pay is always nice.

    Jazz, enjoy the time off.

    Nancy, you have a good size family, have fun and let everyone else clean up. Pull the cancer/seizure card, gotta come in handy sometimes, no?

    NM, enjoy your family as well.

    Enerva, maybe you are working today? Not sure what you do, but have a good regular old Thursday.



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2015

    Oh, nice swim in the pewl before the race, thanks Lori!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2015

    Mary, I sure hope that dude is swimming with us! Mom is pretty much the same. There is nothing that will help her, it will just continue to get worse. Can't wait to hear some funnies from your MIL! Have a great run too.



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2015

    Hey LDB, any chance you will be in Vegas any time between Feb. 27 - 29. There is a trade show then, not sure I even want to go. I can't walk all day for 3 days. We would actually go home on March 1st. So this would be Sat, Sun and Mon.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Turkey Day!Gobble Gobble! The morning news turkey dinner show was fun and not disapointing.This year they didn't cook a whole turkey.They did an egg roll thing--used egg roll wrappers and filled them with cooked cut up turkey, mashed potato and stuffing, then deep fried them.Looked really easy and yummy.They also cooked stuffing in a waffle iron and used the crispy result as a slice of bread and made open faced sandwiches and a bowel with the stuffing waffle, turkey, mashed potato, cranberry sauce and gravy.I'm not so sure about that one, but would try it.Then they made what they were calling"Cherpumple":



    1 8″ frozen pumpkin pie

    1 box spice cake mix

    1 8″ frozen apple pie

    1 box yellow cake mix

    1 8″ frozen cherry pie

    1 box chocolate cake mix

    Eggs and oil according to the cake mix

    4 tall tubs of cream cheese frosting

    3 8.5″ round cake pans


    Bake pies according to instructions and cool to room temperature overnight. Mix cake batter, according to instructions. For each layer, pour about 1 1/3 cup of batter in the cake pan. Carefully de-tin the baked pie and place it face up on top of the batter in the cake pan.

    Push down lightly to release any trapped air. Pour enough batter on top to cover the pie. Bake according to box instructions. Cool and remove from pans, and frost it like you mean it.

    It was an hilarious disaster.They were doing pretty well until they put the third layer on top, then the whole thing began to break up and ooze pie filling and cream cheese all over everywhere.After spilling over in the oven and burning and creating a lot of smoke.It didn't even make it onto their table it was making such a mess!But still better than the trash can turkey they did many years ago that was still raw when they tried to carve it.

    Goldie-- I am going to get some of Mom's soup.I'm renting freezer space for the Christmas Turkey for a jar of soup.Mom & BF don't have the second freezer anymore, so she was all bothered about not being able to buy the Christmas Turkey for 49 cents a pound at Thanksgiving time and save it.So I told her I would get one and put it my freezer, and drop it off at her place a couple days before our Christmas dinner, and charging her a jar of soup as the rental fee.So now there is a 23.7 pound bird sitting in my freezer!I saw a recipe for a turkey breast/stuffing roll up that I want to try sometime here at home.A whole turkey is way too much for just me and Sadie, but I really love turkey and stuffing, so this may be a solution.HOORAY for negative CT.Slight progression on the bone scan, well, at least we know the FU pills are slowing things down a lot.The billing people should not be making assumptions, especially not with bills of that size.Instead of proving to them that you got the med from your pharmacy make them prove to you that THEY supplied the med.You shouldn't have to do all the work.

    Collett--2 turkeys, pies AND cake?You are one busy cook today!I'm going over to Mom and her BF's today.Going to take Sadie so she can get some extra attention and Dick can get his doggy fix.He's always had a dog but Mom doesn't like having a dog, too much mess, too restrictive if they want to go somewhere.So take Sadie over when I can.They seem to like it, but Mom will complain about the dog hair on the floor for days afterwards.I can just picture you and Cole singing.Too bad Cole and Sadie can't have a play date!

    Jazzy--wish I had a long weekend, it's work as usual tomorrow for me.But that's ok, even if it will be a long day.I've got a vacay coming up that I'm looking forward to!

    Juliet--Happy Thanksgiving, may you have a peaceful and uneventful shift.

    Cammy--Glad you got topped off and are back home.Now take care of yourself!

    Butterball Cornucopia's DOTD:

    Royal Turkey

    1 oz Apricot Brandy

    1 oz Bourbon

    1 oz Sloe Gin

    3 oz 7 Up

    2 oz Pineapple Juice


    Shake all ingredients (except 7-up) and strain into an ice-filled pina colada glass. Add 7-up, garnish with fruit slices, add straws and serve.

    Best served in a Hurricane Glass.

    Thanksgiving Cocktail

    1 1/2 oz Bourbon

    1/2 oz Apple Brandy

    1 tsp Lime Juice

    4 oz Cranberry Juice


    Fill Collins glass one-half full of ice, add ingredients and stir. Garnish with a lime wedge, if desired.

    Best served in a Collins Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2015

    NM, I have a turkey breast in the freezer too. Will make it one of these days, and casserole dish of dressing, hubby will eat that. Sweet of you to keep the turkey for your mom, but I think I would ask for 2 jars donation of the soup! And then some at Xmas!

    Oh, I called back yesterday to the billing dept. as they did not contact me back. But said that they don't show me owing any money. Told them to send me a copy of that! But yes, I had to do the work.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015

    Good morning friends and Happy Thanksgiving. Wishing all of you a lovely day today that are celebrating this holiday!

    Cami- I am sorry to hear you have been in the hospital. I hope they got you hydrated and feeling better. Take it easy today. I have thoughts of Joey curling up to hang out with you on your bed and having a good chat.

    Goldie- you are right that it is quite balmy and springlike here in the Southwest. I went out to move my car last night, and noticed the warm moist air and it is there today too. We must have an El Ninjo push off the Pacific. It is cloudy today and the current report says rain tonight into tomorrow. I hope to squeeze in a walk later today if it's not raining!

    NativeME- I hope you enjoy a nice day with family and that work goes quickly tomorrow.

    I have a recipe to share with you that I learned long ago and is great for turkey left overs. It is called Hot Turkey Hustle Up and is yummy. This recipe calls for MSG, which I would never use. Salt or No-Salt for you salt sensitive types like me works fine! This freezes well too!

    Enjoy your day!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Happy Turkey Day Ladies!!! We will be celebrating at my DD's house. I am baking 2 pumpkin pies and making a little Hot Artichoke dip. Make 3 pans last night, still have to bake them. 2 will go to the bar. They put on a feast for all the lonelies. DH is working til 3, dinner is at 5. Driving in to DD's, might be late, but can't be helped.

    The plans ya'll have sound wonderful. DOTD sounds poyfect cept I'd sub vodka for the gin.

    Nancy, I'm staying at the Fairfield Inn in Orlando. Be more than happy to share the room and expenses with you. Give me a few days and I'll PM the info too you. My flight does not get in til close to 6:30. I fly to SanDiego, CA and then straight away to Orlando airport. Did you want to spend Sunday night with me, they have shuttles to hotel from ap and from dock back to hotel. I'll send the rest later.

    Lowee - let us know how they are going to treat you now. I hope it's not the same thing you've been taking. I won't kno about Feb until I get scheduled for my appt. Wud love to see you and do everything I can to do so. Muah!

    I am so far behind I'll never ketchup but I do give thanks on this special day for having all of you in my life. Hope you all have a special, memorable Thanksgiving.

    Lubslubslubslubs to you all!!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2015

    Happy Thanks-eating Day! Anyone see Colbert last night when Daniel Bouloud did a turducken stuffed with an entire torchon of foie gras? Does it come with an angioplasty chaser?

    As to drinking, last night I had an oz. of Beauj. Nouveau with 2 slices of NY-style pizza. (DH and DS both working late and getting their own dinner--didn’t feel like cooking for one). Poured 2 oz but drank only one. Tonight, if the restaurant doesn’t have a really, really good wine to go with the turkey (and I know they won’t have decent glassware and will fill their glasses high enough so you can’t swirl or sniff), I may just drink Arnold Palmers or even water instead. Not gonna blow my limited alcohol allowance on something I don’t love and can’t fully enjoy.

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418
    edited November 2015


    Happy Thanksgiving all,

    Cami, hope you can rest & rehydrate today.

    Lori, wish your scans had you dancing with NED, but slight is better than severe.

    Safe travels to those on the road......

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015

    Chi- I missed that show, but cracked up with the angioplasty chaser comment. LOL!

    I have learned not to over eat during Thanksgiving. I made a turkey and just had that with some stuffing, green beans almondine and a bit of gravy. I had about half a glass of wine, and that was it. Don't like drinking middle of the day and also planning to walk here before the end of the daylight. I feel contentedly full, but not overstuffed.

    I am going on Sunday to a free jazz concert and meeting some friends before hand for cocktails so I am saving my alchohol allowance for the week for that!

    Hope everyone is having a nice day!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2015

    hi girls, just checking in real quick to wish all of my breasties a very happy Thanksgiving. I am in Atantic Ciry typing from my phone.

    CheERs! And love too! Will check back n also catch up when I get home

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!How is everyone this day after feasting?I know I ate too much, as expected.Sadie got lots and lots of attention and treats, as expected.Wow, looks like a bunch of us ended up in the pool!

    Goldie--yup, Sadie and were lazy yesterday ayem.Nice recipes!

    Genny--doing the turkey trot always meant something different when I was growing up!Good for you,I'm always impressed by people who can run any distance!

    Goldie--I hope you got the name of the person you talked to at the billing office, and I hope you get a statement saying you owe nothing ASAP.Hmm, maybe I will ask for 2 jars of soup and see what Mom says.She does make good soup!

    Jazzy--that is a yummy sounding recipe!I've added it to my list of recipes to try soon.Thanks for sharing!

    Mema--Hot artichoke dip sounds tasty, would love to try some.


    Sandy--I can just picture you going out and ordering a glass of wine and a second empty glass so you can pour a bit into it and swirl and sniff and REALLY enjoy it!


    Dara--Hope you had a profitable day at Atlantic City!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Fridays Frozen Mudslide

    1 1/2 oz Vodka

    1 1/2 oz Coffee Liqueur

    1 1/2 oz Irish Cream

    8 cubes Ice

    1 1/2 oz Cream

    1 scoop Vanilla Ice Cream

    2 scoops Chocolate Ice Cream


    Begin by crushing the 8 ice cubes in a blender. When ice is finely crushed, add the remaining ingredients and blend for 45 seconds on blender's highest setting. Pour into glass and serve immediately.

    Best served in a Hurricane Glass.