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how about drinking?



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2015

    Morning girls, beautiful November day here, DH went golfing. We have an overnight guest, Jack a little mixed breed, so cute, but fed way too many treats. His hooman owns a liquor store, rents a small office to my DH. Junior's fur is a bit ruffled, not one to share his people but he is managing. Moose on the other hand did not even so much as bat an eye, walked over, sniffed him and went about his business. He is quite chubby tho, way too many treats and only a little over a year old. Getting ready to take them all to the woods and dog park.

    NM, so glad you told me, I'd like to reserve some snorkling gear for Castaway Cay too. Maybe the excursion, guess I could always cancel I change my mind

    ChiSandy, I know what you mean about the prudent life. My MIL worries about her carbs and her cholesterol and the "what if's" that consume her life. Meanwhile at 87 she is in better shape than most 70 year olds and has not enjoyed her life at all. I gave her apple cider with a shot of bourbon with dinner the other day and she went on and on about how good it was, so I told her she should buy a bottle and just sip on a little at night. Oh no, I can't with all the medication I take she tells me. She takes a B/P pill, a statin and a blood thinner, I even printed off each medication and the fact that all were ok for moderate drinking but she'd rather be able to talk about how she "can't" do this and "can't" do that. Anyway, she has helped me to figure out what I don't want to do. She had BC 16 years ago and still everytime it comes up she says "mine could still come back!". In the meantime life has passed her by. So welcome to our virtual lounge, pull up a barstool and order your favorite libation!

    Cami, oh I am hoping and praying that your D takes a much needed vacation this weekend and you get to go party your arse off. Hope the pain goes on vacay with the D too! I think your babies were just as pretty, you just don't appreciate it as much when you're up in the middle of the night changing poopy diapers and trying to cook and grocery shop and feeling sleep deprived. That's the beauty of g-kids, we just get to enjoy and admire their beauty.

    Simp, hang in there, when I get my puter back I'll send you some pics of my burns, oh they were so bad, I had to have days off too. I ended up with 31 instead of 33 because I just couldn't take anymore. But now, a year later it seems like a long time ago...good times ahead, I promise.

    Well, that's all I can read on this page and with this ipad I don't know how to go back, so have a good Sunday everybody... l

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday!I'm up getting caffienated and ready for work, Sadie has gone back to the bed room and made a nest and is snoring.So not fair, but she's good at getting me up in the ayems and warming the bed in the peeyems, so I can't really complain.

    Genny--Poor Junior, has to share his hoomans with an interloper!I'm sure he'll get used to the idea and be a good host doggie by the end of the visit.You can cancel a reservation anytime, according to the website.You might want to look at the excursions and see what you might like, some sell out really quickly.I love snorkeling and catamaran sailing, so I just had to sign up for that one.I'm sure the snorkeling gear and floaties/tubes are plentiful on Castaway Cay.I like the idea of reserving stuff like that ahead of time, then the first day on the ship is more relaxed, without needing to think about getting into lines to sign up for stuff, and can just explore the ship and get settled into the cabin.

    Just for Fun:


    Butterball Cornucopia's DOTD:

    Turkey Feather

    1/4 oz Amaretto
    1/2 oz Drambuie
    2 oz Bourbon

    Stir and strain into an old-fashioned glass three-quarters filled with broken ice. Add a slice of orange, and serve.

    Best served in a Old-Fashioned Glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2015

    Good morning girls. Going to be another exceptionally beautiful day again here with temps in the upper 60's and pure sunxhine. And I appear to have picked up pinkeye to celebrate...arrgghhh.. Went out to play trivia last night and my eyes were feeling goopy and blurry and I went into the bathroom and the were all red. So I rinsed them out good before bed and woke up with them glued shut. I was trying to blame it on a new eyeliner but nope, it's pinkeye. No idea where I picked it up, haven't seen Nora since Tuesday so maybe at work.

    NM, I am not working today so I think I'll finally get on the site and check out the excursions. You're right, relaxation easier with stuff like that planned. Our little guest went home, Jack, what a good houseguest, he slept in our bed at our feet all night. I took him to the woods, don't think he's ever gotten to do that and he sure did like all the good smells. Our dogs are always tucked in and sleeping as I leave for work, ahhh, the life.

    So quiet in here, have a good day everone

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015

    Good morning from Pudgie McTurkey! Here is one back at cha!


  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418
    edited November 2015

    Jazy, love that photo.... Both my kiddos are kayakers. DH was in the spud buisness, so we ate a lot of potatoes.

    Genny, I am in Idaho. Wind is howling 40mph right now, with a skiff of snow. I did play 18 holes of golf on Saturday. Nice day, probably my last time for 2015... Your stories of MIL crack me up. If I make it to my 80s, I am gonna eat & drink whatever I please. I am in training right

    Good morning all.....& you too Cami...

    Yam Bam Featherbrain

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Jazzy - I have heard of ACA, are ur premiums outrageous?

    Hole none - Love the DOTD, very apropos! Hope to see u often in the lounge, I'll toast a dwink with ya. Nancy is the dragon boat queen. I think it's pretty cool too.

    Mary - Thanks for update on Lynn woo hoo. Yeah for the Cleveland Clinic. There is a new onco facility opening up here in Mesq. Dh wants me to check it out, it's based in St George, UT which is only 40 miles as LV is 90. I really don't want to change but he insists and will do some research on it. Ugh! Your Emma is quite the dog…so sweet.

    NM - we had horrible wind last night and rain. Not taking pooches to the dog park cuz of the wet grass and muddy puddles. They get so darn dirty. Hooray for a good day at work. Getting bone which will be pretty much head to toe, CT will only look at my innards in the torso area. Then brain scan then Muga. I suspect all to be ok. Let me know what excursions ur thinking about when u figure it out. I still have to finish my 'check in' paperwork.

    Cami - LOL, yes I will be glowing for a day or two til the nuke meds run outta my system. LOL good for you for giving you boss the chit. Hope u got ur star bucks and hope the pain eases in your leg (((Cami)))

    Simp - it all sounds terrible, my heart aches for you, hope this all ends soon without too much skin damage. (((Simp)))

    Sorry I can't respond to everyone, almost time for aerobics. Talk to ya'll again soon.

    Much lubslubslubslubs

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015

    Mema- actually the rates went down for me when I left a state pool. The challenge now is there are no PPO plans so it is hard to get all the things I need in network. But I found out today there are two carriers here that offer business insurance plans for a business with 1 employee or more. That is something new, most only have them for 2 or more employees. I am exploring the actual group biz health plan for my business, which will allow me a PPO and all the things I need. Not sure what the cost for that is yet......

    We have our first winter storm going on here today. Rain, sleet, and now SNOW!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2015

    Good Morning. Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday!Actually saw some snow driving home from work last night.I guess summer is truly gone.Sigh.

    Genny--Yikes, pinkeye is no fun.Are you on eye drops for it?I've had that a few times and the itching nearly drove me crazy, but even worse was not being able to wear my contacts.Hate wearing glasses, especially bifocals, but you do what has to be done, right?Ah, to live a dog's life!Have fun looking at the excursions and such, lots to choose from!


    Hole--Yams and Feathers, quite the combo!

    Mema--I'm doing the Catamaran Sail and Reef Snorkeling (N14) In Nassau.That's the only excursion I've reserved.I've reserved toys to play with on Castaway Cay, but no specific activities.I'm really looking forward to that day, just sunning, swimming, snorkeling, snoozing, maybe some shopping and generally sitting back and schmoosing with my breasties!Don't blame you for not taking the pooches to the dog park, they can get VERY muddy.But they seem to love rolling in the mud for some reason.

    Jazzy--time to hunker down and watch the weather!Hope you are ready!

    Butterball Cornucopia's DOTD:

    Black Feather

    4 parts Brandy

    1 part Cointreau

    2 parts Dry Vermouth

    1 dash Angostura Bitters


    Stir with ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with an Orange Twist.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2015

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Mary u and my DD should go on some pink eye convention-it's all the time around here and for some reason we don't catch it, well sometimes Joey does.

    What is it with u people who live in the easiest part of the nation getting sleet and snow, we haven't had it yet. But this weekend it might get cold enough only Mother nature knows for sure. I d know, it rained like crazy last nite but then again I have wet dreams so wh knows.

    My kids went to KMart last nite and started some layawy which I'm glad about SSince there is no more Santa it wil be cheaper cuz Joey feels quilty about alot of spending LOL.

    My GF is coming in from FL next week, u know she's the only one of us who has any bood and they are big and soft so she always let me mush them, she said now that's a friend. Yep for many years.

    U gals have so many interests good for u, all sounds like fun. Love the pic Jazy. That's the only one I really appreciate. FOOD

    I'm sorry I tak about Joey all the time but he filled with so much info--He's reading Robinson Crusoe and I love all the vocabulary he learns, he's getting so interesting--he's still cracks me up) but just different Oh Jazzy he's learning some songs on his own from different books--The dog and cat no long run from the rooms, says alot right there. And he still remembers u when he started too.

    OK I was busy yesterday with one woman who didn't want to give me anyinfo in case she didn't use us--understandable except she didn't want to give me her phone number either. OOOHHHH so I told her no worry u won't be using us cuz we will not be able to reach her -ooo then she gave her number. Am I totally understanding stupid now? The world invented this word and caries it on her shoulders. Oh well

    I realy hope everyone has a decent day.

    I LUBS U ALL and want all tests to be good. (((prayers)))

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015

    Cami- weather pattern this year called El Ninjo is shifting the moisture track south. Southern Cali through the rest of the south will see ALOT more moisture this winter. We already have since the spring. We had a whole month of rain in May, very unusual and a pretty wet July. It started up again in October. It is good for all the drought affected areas. We have been hurting for moisture out west for a long time now.....

    I saw the totals in the paper recently and for a place that gets 8 inches A YEAR, some parts of the state have seen more than double that so far for 2015. Mountains here got 11 inches yesterday, my guess is a lot more further north!

    Our snow does not stick though, it evaporates!

  • Carriek30
    Carriek30 Member Posts: 62
    edited November 2015

    How is it that I never found this page earlier this year! Happy Tuesday. Tacos and Margaritas for our bunch over here.

    Hope everyone is doing well!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015

    Hi Carrie- welcome to the thread! Tacos and margs sound awesome to me!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2015

    Hi girls,

    I am jest popping in right quick to indulge in the DOTD, yummy, thanks NM.

    I hope you are all doing well. I am busy with work as usual, no time for myself cept gitting mese hairs done tonight. wooop wooop.

    Miss you girls.

    Welcome Carrie.

    CheeRs all!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!There was a crew in the office yesterday setting up another row of cubbies/computer stations/work stations to accommodate the new staff.Amazing how fast it all got put together, only one day and the big stuff is all done, they just need to finish up some wiring and add the phones today.Our big open space is turning into a maze!But we need the spaces, so it's a good thing.

    Cammy--Looks like more rain coming later in the week, glad I bought the Rubber Ducky Coat.It's a Carhart bright yellow heavy duty rain coat like they use on the lobster boats.The same bright yellow that Rubber Duckies kids play with in pools and the tub.Knit cuffs inside the sleeves to keep the wind out.Big hood to keep the head and hair dry.I bought it the day of the monsoon rains earlier this summer when I discovered my old raincoat was not even water resistant, let alone water proof.But, it makes me look like a walking rubber ducky.OH well, at least I make people smile when I wear it!It's a good friend indeed that lets you smush her big soft boobs!I love hearing about Joey, it's kind of like watching him grow up through your eyes.He is so unique.And it's so much fun to listen to kids at that age.So one lady didn't want to give you her phone number even.Sounds like you've got that kind of stupid figured out, though!Good for you!

    Jazzy--Snow that doesn't stick, wouldn't that be nice!Actually, once it's on the ground snow isn't so bad, it's the process of it falling out of the sky and needing to be moved off roads and such that is annoying.It's like housework, you no sooner get it done than it has to be done all over again.

    Welcome, Carrie!Margaritas for you?I'm sure the Tenders can manage that.Pull up a bar stool.

    Dara--Good to see you, have fun getting the hairs done!

    Butterball Cornucopia's DOTD:

    Champagne Cornucopia

    1 oz Vodka

    1 oz Champagne

    3/4 oz Peach Schnapps

    1 oz Cranberry Juice

    2 scoops Rainbow Sherbet


    Pour the cranberry juice into a large red wine glass and set aside. Combine sherbet, vodka, and peach schnapps in a cocktail shaker. Shake until smooth. Pour over cranberry juice to product a swirl effect. Layer champagne on top. Garnish with a slice of orange, and serve.

    Best served in a Red Wine Glass.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015

    Good morning friends- the snow moved out, but it was windy and cold yesterday. I think we may have a calm day today in the weather dept.

    Here is a lovely photo of the mountains near where I live dusted with the snow. The mountains got a good foot or more. Skiiers going to be happy, and know some ski resorts up north were hoping to open before Thanksgiving!


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Cami - thanks for giving me a peak at your activities. I have to find the time and soon too to finish my check in and then pick activities. I will prolly just do the Castaway Cay one. Do a little shopping for my grandkids then soak up sun and liq.

    Mary - u have pink..very annoying n can be painful. Hope you get it under control soon. ((Mary))

    Cami - LOL, yep sounds like u are understanding 'toopid', I'm still laughing. Such a darling, that Joey is! Have a good time with your gf. I used to do the Kmart layaway years ago. But once the kids got older they wudn't be caught dead in Kmart, I sed if a classmate sees u and starts taunting you, jes ask them 'what were you doing there?' She liked that.

    Jazz - a lot more moisture won't hurt, will be helpful if there's no damaging flooding.

    Carrie - welcome to the Lounge, Love the margarita n tacos!! Ready to join you in the Jacuzzi. Tits UP!

    Dara - Hi…really miss you, wish you weren't so busy. I know your hair will turn out beautifully.

    NM - I too have a carhart car coat. LOVE IT! I like the yellow, rubber duckies makes me laugh. And I 2nd what u said about Joey, he is growing and such a delite.

    Jazz - beautiful picture…thanks for sharing! to my class, have a gr8 day everyone!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2015

    Hi girls,

    Popping in again from de office for some drinks, the DOTD sounds yummy.

    Hi Sue, nice to see your face in the lounge, sit down and knock down a few with me.

    I too hope Mary's pinkeye is getting better.

    NM, glad that the new cubes are set up for the new staff. Hope they are up and running in no time so that you can get that much deserved relief. Your ducky raincoat sounds awesome.

    Jazzy, bootiful photo, I can just close my eye and put myself there.

    Cam, you know we LOVE when you talk about Joey. As NM says, it is as if we are with you and getting the experience of watching him grow. He is such a lovely kid, you are so blessed.

    Speaking of kids, I did get to see my DD and Logan over the weekend, they made a surprise visit to my house. It is amazing how much I see them now that the sperm donor is not in the picture. And Logan will be a year old tomorrow, unbelievable.

    So what is this talk about having to "check in" for the cruise? Do you all know if there is something that I am supposed to do? Gosh, I am a slacker.

    Well time to get back to work. hello to everyone that I missed. I tink of all of your girls daily and you are all in my prayers for happiness, peace and feeling well.

    chEErs my loves!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday!Or as some of us call it, Friday Eve.Getting chillier here in Maine, actually had to put my jacket on yesterday.Sigh.At least it's not snowing yet.Still not ready for snow.

    Jazzy--beautiful pic!Do you ski? I've never tried it, always wanted to.Maybe someday.

    Mema--Carhart makes good stuff, don't they? I've got a winter coat from them, too, very warm and comfy and rugged.

    Dara--The new cubbies have sure changed the look and feel of the office, in a good way.So many new people I'm having trouble keeping them all straight and learning their names! But that's OK, it's a good problem to have.Wow, Logan is a year old!Where did the time fly to?And so glad SD isn't in the picture anymore and you are getting to see them more.We can do a lot of the cruise check in process on line, and make things quicker on boarding day.It's on the Disney Cruise site:

    And click on "My Online Check-In"You don't have to do this ahead of time, fromwhat I've read, but it makes it a lot easier and quicker at boarding time if you do. You can look at the activities and excursions and reserve what you want by clicking on "+View or Add Activities" at the bottom of the "My Cruise Activities" button.The "In-Room Gifts & Shopping" box is where we can order water, wine, beer packages and other goodies.67 days and counting down!

    Butterball Cornucopia's DOTD:

    Gin Lime Rickey

    1 1/2 oz Gin

    1 splash Lime Juice

    (Fill to Top) Tonic Water

    2 Lemon Wedge


    Mix the gin and tonic in a highball glass over ice and pour the lime juice. Drop two lemon wedges into the glass and serve.

    Best served in a Highball Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2015

    Good Morning Ladies

    Oh NM and SusyQ I love the rubber Duckie raincoats, u look like u should be on the Gorton's fish box.

    I hope u get more use NM than snow boots. But they are ao adorable, now u 2 match. I've had the DOTD champagne coctail not long ago YUUUMMY really, I think I had more that one, tastes like good juice.

    Oh Jeez so far I've had 2 people in my room, Marty to tell me we're supposed to have anywhere from 5-8 inches of SNOW this weekend, he and my sister love to tell me and then Joey bringing me my coffee, much more welcome. That a lot of snow for first time, I hope they're wrong but we'l see. NM u must be getting snow soon.

    Jazzy u'r picture is perfect, it looks like a postcard it's so beautiful.

    Oh Dara I can not believe u'r baby is 1 yrs. old already. Wow this really flew by. and I'm glad u are seeing each other more, it's the way it should be. I spit on the SD. U just couldn't see it.

    Mary I hope u'r pink eye is gone remember to throw all u'r eye make-up out, if u wear any.

    Carrie I hope u'r reading and come back-it's very nice here.

    OK gotta get my work station open. LOL


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015

    Good morning ladies- busy few days ahead so I will pop in to say hi and then catch up with you again soon.

    Native- I do cross country ski, and did downhill ski from the age of 30 to about 45-ish. NM has some great skiing, CO too. I gave up skiing around 10 years ago when my knees were "talking to me" during one of my last outings with my sister and so I stopped. I finally sold most of my downhill equipment in the past few years. Bones cannot risk anything like that now. I took up snowshoeing as a replacement winter sport which I love. But we have not had good snow in awhile for that. Maybe this year? I am ready!

    Cami- I hope your D is better? I know you like the holiday party stuff. Pulling out the fun jewelry and getting dressed up!

    Dara- I did my last cruise almost 4 years ago. A lot of things have pre-check in now, like hotels. Hilton does that, and sometimes you get to choose from available rooms for your particular reservation. If you want to be closer to something vs. further away? Maybe the cruise line does the same thing?

    Wishing everyone a good day!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2015

    Morning DahhlinKs1

    Dara - I am still in the middle of my check in. Have you not been getting emails from Kathy? NM gave u the link, ya 1st gotta create a log in name and password, then go from there. Hope u figure it out girlfriend. And yes can't wait to toss a few back with you and the rest of the sailors. And HOOORay or getting to see more of Logan and that the sd is outta the picture. I he giving Jen any hassles? Can't believe it's been a year already...soon he'll be walking if he isn't right now. Give him a big hug n kiss from me.

    Where as Lynn been? Last I heard she is paid in full. Wish she wud visit the lounge again.

    Jazzy - my knees 'talked to me too' so I gave it up and sold my gear. It was sure a lot of fun tho. Didn't do cross-country and wudn't do it now cuz I'm a big cold chicken who catches the chills easier now. Sides, lost lots of muscle with my recent weight loss. Working on that tho.

    Cami - my carhart is blue, not yellow like NM's, sorry I confused u. I jes like how well they are made. U are blessed to have Joey...he's such a sweetheart.

    Off to take care of some things, sorry if I missed anyone.

    Lubslubslubslubslubslubslubslubslubslubs...and lots of muahs! (kisses)

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2015

    NM, thanks for the information on the check in process, I will have to check it out when I find time. I am glad you like the look of the cubes in the office. I hope you are able to remember everyones names.Our office space was recently redone too. The goal was to fit more people in the building so they shrunk our cubies. They were quite large. Some people be bitching about them but not me. I remember going to an interview and seeing the processors sitting along a shelf with a drawer, a computer and a telephone.

    Cammie, Snow already, wow. I bet Joey is happy cept that it is s'posed to arrive during the weekend.How are you feeling these days? YOU have not mentioned the big D, hope it took a long long walk.

    Jazzie, sorry you had to give up the skiing but I guess that is par for the course when we start gitting older. I know that my old bones would not tolerate the falls I used to have in my dwunken days where mese falled down most nights hehe. Really though, glad you found a good substitute.

    Suzie, Logan is not yet walking but seems to me that it will happen any day. He is cruising along the furniture holding on, jest a matter of time before he lets go. Thank you too for the check in info. Ihave received emails from Kathy and saved them to my cruise file, jest did not take the time to fully read, only skimmed and did not see that I needed to take action. What activities are you doin g? I do not recall you saying. I guess I should sign up for something other than jest dwinking the entire time. And if I understand right, I am not allowed to bring my Jack, only beer and wine, is that right? That is discrimination man, that sucks if I am right.

    And yes, I miss Lynn and Nancy too. And Julie, when does she return? And that Lori, where is she now? I tink TN maybe? I hope she checks in to let us know how she is feeling.

    Well a big hello to anyone I might have missed. I never mean to miss anyone ya know??

    Well I had better git back to work, slacking is sumting that I do not have time for these days. But had to stop for a few and check in with my breasties.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015

    Mema- do you belong to a gym? I lost a lot of muscle after two major events in 2012 (including BC) that left me in bed ALOT. As I recovered, I was unable to do at lot I had before from an exercise/sports perspective. I finally spent the money to work with a personal trainer at my gym to get that all back. I highly recommend doing it if you can afford it.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2015

    Le Beuajolais Nouveau est arrivé! (Yeah, I know, it’s marketing hype for bubblegum-in-a-glass, but it’s still fun). On my way to a tasting of it and of “Cru” Beaujolais (those maturer ones with specific village names, e.g. Moulin-à-Vent, Fleurie, etc.) downtown, with charcuterie & cheeses. Wish me luck (and the discipline to pour out and spit)!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2015

    Hey Hey my Lovely Lounge Lizards!!! I am back in AZ. Left Nashville this morning (5 am AZ time, and was up at 1 am AZ time). Went to see mese onc, got my labs done and go in for scans in de morning. Finally I am feeling better!!! And depending on how my scans/labs turn out, he told me I could do my FU pills one week on and one week off, but I should up it a pill. I am so for that! Sitting at Embassy Suites, waiting on a friend and her hubby and my step daughter and her hubby. Having dinner, filet mignon!

    Mary, bummer about the pink eye. I have had that, not fun. Did you tell that other hooman that they are giving there furbaby too many treats? How is our aNORAble baby? Anymore singing? I love hearing stories about your MIL, sometimes soooo funny. I too blistered from rads, 3rd degree burns.

    Simp, my burn healed pretty quick. I used something that they use on burn victims, Sounds something like sulfasilividine? I'm sure one of our house nurses would know what it is.

    Cami, you can't not talk about Joey. He is a part of all of us, and you can't take that away from us. You are cracking me up, as always,telling NM and Sue they should be on the Gorton's fish box. You are such a hoot! And I think your friend that is coming is Donna? And she is the one that got Joey into the gems?

    Hi Sandy and welcome. Hope to see you around more. Drunks love company!!!

    Cari too. Cheers!

    NM, good for you in planning some things for the cruise! I'm not too keen on my TG name-Captain Tryptophanny??? WTH is a tryptophanny? We have had snow already, but whilst we were away and temps in the low 20's! Hoping it's all gone by the time we get home.

    Jazz, I love the canoe pic on the mashed taters and gravy. No turkey for me, DH doesn't like it. I think you and I prolly have pretty similar weather. We too have had lots of rain this year, even in the fall. As for the ole bones, I have to be very careful with that, due to the toopid mets! I think you asked about the trip that some of the gals are taking. Not sure if anyone answered, but one of the girls brought it up that a bunch of us should go on a cruise together. I, unfortunately, and not one that is going. It will be Nancy, Genny, MemaSue, Dara, Julie, NM (NativeMainer), another gal Lynne, who hasn't been here in a long time. I think that is everyone. Anyways, they are taking a Disney Cruise.

    Hole, I plan on eating and drinking whatever I want even if I don't make it to 80!!!

    LDB (for the new goils, that is MemaSue, my initials for her stand for lil doity butt), you and I both be glowing. Mine is tomorrow morning. Should get results first part of next week. Your pretty white fur babies would be a mess iffin you let them roll in the mud!

    Slacko/Wacko (Dara) OMG, I can't believe the baby is 1 already! Happy Birthday to that lil bundle of joy. Also it is so good to know you are seeing more of him and your DD. I think you should smuggle Jack in. What are they gonna do, other than take it away? I would find a way. But then again, I'm not going!!!

    Julie, I hope you are having a great time, we miss you.

    Almost free happy hour, so I better scoot. Good to be home and back in touch with my breasties.

    CheerZ ma DeerZ

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015

    Goldie- glad to hear you are home and that your trip was good. Also good to hear you are feeling better. I remember you felt pretty lousy before you left town.

    And yes, we do have pretty similar weather! Today was nice and I was able to get out for an end of the day walk! I love walking year round, but won't when it is very cold or the winds are blowing. I go to a gym too.

    How cool that there are people going on a cruise together! I have seen some ladies do a weekend in CA (from the exercise thread) and another thread has had women meeting up in FL. I am starting a new project soon so only little trips for me until next fall.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2015

    Went to the tasting at Paris Club--they had only one Beaujolais Nouveau, a couple of really weird but yummy CA Nouveaus (an unfiltered biodynamic Pinot Noir and a Zinfandel--two grapes that nobody in their right minds releases a couple of months after harvest) that were strictly for show rather than sale, a sparkling Gamay brut rosé; and the rest were serious Cru Beaujolais (Morgon, Fleurie, Regnie, Brouilly, Julienas) from producers familiar and arcane. They served a plethora of sausages, terrines and patés (campagne, duck, rabbit), cheeses (bleu d'Auvergne, cheddar, Comte, Ossau d'Irraty) and yummy pass-arounds (pork belly, beef tenderloin, salmon canapes, smoked salmon profiteroles, and cheese gougeres). I convinced them to sell me three bottles to go of the only Beauj. Nouveau they had (we were supposed to order for later pickup)--Chateau Cambon, which none of the stores around here carry. First thing I did when I got home, though, was slap together a green salad, since I was so veggie-deprived! DH is stopping at Binny's, the chain booze emporium, to pick up a few different Beauj. Nouveaus from more familiar producers (Duboeuf, Drouhin, Bouchard, Jadot, Jaboulet, etc.) to compare. Most years they go for $8-15 tops, so it's not gonna break the bank. We'll bring the best to our friend's Sunday-before-Thanksgiving brunch, as we have for the past 20 years.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Friday!Looks like it's going to be a Rubber Ducky Coat day today, but at least it's not really cold.50's isn't bad for mid-November.I can't believe Thanksgiving is next week.

    Cammy--I hope to get more use from the rain coat than snow boots, too!But, this is Maine, there will be snow, eventually.I like cocktails that taste good, too, just have to be careful not to drink too many!5 to 8 inches of snow at your place this weekend?That's a good first snow fall, sure to get all the kinks worked out of the removal systems with that!

    Jazzy--I have a pair of snowshoes, but haven't used them much. When we have had snow we've had so much that it takes up a lot of time clearing off walkways and such, and then it was icy on top a lot.Maybe this year will be better for that.

    Mema--Have a good day taking care of things!

    Dara--I'm doing ok remembering names, it's putting the correct name with the face that's challenging me!But it's ok, we're all having fun with the fact that almost every new employee has the same name as someone already here--there are 2 Amanda's, 2 Anne-Marie's, 2 Kathy's, 2 Mary's, and a couple others.It makes morning roll call entertaining.

    ChiSandy--sounds like a fun time!

    Goldie--Sounds like good news so far, YEAH!Ooh, filet mignon, sounds yummy yummy!Captain Tryptophanny?Hmm, I bet it's based on tryptophane, the chemical in turkey that makes us sleepy after Turkey Day feasting.Hopefully you'll get a better Elf Name after Turkey Day!

    Jazzy--Great drink!

    Chi--wow, what a shindig that was! Glad you found something tasty, and what a nice thing to take to the friend's before T-Day brunch.

    Butterball Cornucopia's DOTD--Jazzy'sGrinch Spritzer!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2015

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Lori's back YAAAYYYY. I love the way u explain everything to the new gals, I never think to, but u always remember. I'm glad u'r feeling better. MUAH

    Jazzy u'r always doing some excercise so good for u. And of course the drinks help in here too. sounds good.

    Sandy I like those wine parties, such a nice evening and waking away with somthing u really like and how nice to bring it to u'r friends. That's a perfect compliment to dinner. And cake is too. I can't help myself.

    SusyQ u too sound so furcited about the trip u gals are going to just have a good fun time.

    Dara it's so wonderful for u and Logan to be together--pics Missy.

    Mary? Nancy?

    Jazzy u'r right I've got a couple of parties this week. I hope I can go. What I've been doing is taking 2 D pills every day and I have so far have regular BM's so maybe I found a way, we'll see. I'm LOLing cuz I'm thinking what can I wear the only problem is the cut on my tops if they are too V neck I stil have clothes with tags on cuz that's how often I've been anywhere and lI've never worn---and I still can't type too.

    NM can u believe I don't have boots I have never had them since I was a kid. I know stooopid, but I hate them, I might have to break down this yr. maybe. I know u'd understand with similiar weather altho I hate to say it u'rs wil be coming soon so baton down the hatches and get Sadie ready.

    OH Joey and a couple of kids hosted a party for 60 teachers, they had a budget and ordered food. Pizza and salad and brownies and they had enough--They did a great job. But he came home so tired, but I just got my fresh coffee, so I wake up for a little while. NM it is realy cold here tho and it wasn't just a couple of days ago.

    I've got to stop watching MSNBC so much tragedy and it's so confusing to me. This is terrible.

    Ok I hope everyone has a deent day aand feela good.