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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2015

    LDB, I will stay on the same treatment for now. The next option would be Ibrance and the biggest problem with that is low blood counts, and possibility of blood transfusions, plus labs every week, I think.

    Jazz, I had no idea about the ice! Too funny! Free jazz concert, friends and alcohol!

    Hi Sandy, I did not see that, nor do I know who it is. I hope you got a glass to enjoy.

    Holeinone, I feel the same way, slight vs. severe. BTW……I'll drink to that!

    Wacko, who you in AC wif? Hope you are gambling and winning big! Did you spend TG there?

    NM, I did get the name of the person I spoke with. DH has taught me to always take names, write it down, date and time called. Yummy on the Mudslide!

    Cami, I hope you were able to enjoy the day.

    Mary, I'm wondering if MIL had some snarky comments?

    Nancy, certainly you had an enjoyable time with ALL of your fam.

    I would love to make some hot artichoke dip, but I would be the only one eating it!

    Dinner was good yesterday, not stuffed, but had plenty! A little shopping today and then the movies.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2015

    Good day after TG morning to everyone. I ate too much, told myself not to have that second helping but did it anyway, ended up having to eat 2 rolaids for desert. Race was fine, missed my goal time by 40 seconds but beat it by 4 minutes from last year (of course I had just finished rads so it really didn't count). I was reading the race results and there was a man in the 70-74 age group that finished in 28 minutes! Holy chit! I think I saw him pass me early on and he was really moving. Anyway, it was great weather, thinking about doing a reindeer one next weekend then that';; prolly be it for the year. Still didn't make up for all that I ate, DH and I getting back on our diets on Monday(again.... sigh) He is at his all time high weight and not liking it.

    NM, haha, yea I guess turkey trot could have other meanings. Are you working today?

    Lori, hope you had a good porkday. Hang in there, hugs to you. And you're right, slight progression is doable, save the next line of tx for down the road, any chance of rads to that spot?

    Dara, have a great time, hope you win some $$.

    Holeinone, Yep that described me last night, I did hate myself. Hope you hate some wonderful food and company.

    Sandy, enjoy your dinner tonight.

    Cami, my turkey trot went well, hope you didn't have one. So sorry you were in the hospital again, hope you are feeling better and were able to enjoy your family.

    Jazz, you are smarter than me, I still haven't learned. Enjoy the concert.

    I am going to an all Beatles music yoga class today, right up my alley. Then my 2 friends from my old town are coming and spending the night, going out, Dh will drop us off, we will cab it home. Not going far, just to the local shopping, eating drinking outdoor mall type area, sure we'll be home by 11 since Dara isn't coming. Anyway, my friend Jeni is the one with the breast lump, she gets the lumpectomy on Tuesday so hopefully this'll help keep her mind off it.

    Hi to anyone I missed, Sue, Nancy, everyone else..... have a great day all!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2015
  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2015

    Hello Ladies==Happy Day after t everyone.

    It went by so quickly I had cheese and crackers or the day and gaterade and some new pills. keeping my fingers crossed, but a this age they don't incross easily, they get stuck.

    U all sounds like u had a decent day which is great and Jazzy u'r right it's the ice LOL Oh artichose dip, I love it, I could make that for a whole meal, yummy. The last couple of years we (as a family) all got together on Christmas eve we stopped coking all the food (just to many people) but we would have homeade Italian soup and every kind f appetizer u could think and we wuld just graze all night but one of the favs of everyone was artichoke dip and whoever made it had to triple the recipe everythng else was doubled. And the table was filled then came the desserts we ate more than if we had an actual meal. We've gone back to meals but we also have one family Christmas Eve and the other Chrismas day-of course I try to go to both.

    Oh I was thinking about all of u yesterday and I never knew our Dar went to AC, that must have been last minute.

    U'r cruise is getting closer and closer and u are all set to have a fantastic time, I'm s envious (not in a bad way) I an extremely happy way and don't forget maybe someone could put it on FB s I can share with my family who u are, cuz I talk about u enough. Nothing personal just talk about how u help me and what u mean to me.

    Sorry again didn't mention everyone but by now I think u know how I feel and I'm sorry I'm talking so much about myself but I'm fed up with this damn D, but u know when it leaves I'll forget. LOL Oh BTW there is not one piece of snow left it's bee raining for 2 days here and warmer, now we'll see what next week brings.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015

    Cami- you can talk about anything you want here! All the booze you are drinking, men you are running around with, all the partying day and night. But seriously that is what BCO is for, it's for supporting one another when we need it. So you share away, and I always feel you have shown great interest in all of us.

    I can related about things getting stuck too. I had a bad experience after Thanksgiving in 2007 with food that left me in urgent care. It really taught me to not overdo with the sticky foods like stuffing (which I love) during the holidays. I also now take digestive enzymes and pro-biotics with meals and that helps. Our guts don't work too well as we age, and the meds we have had or do have don't help either. Praying your D settles out. I know you want to enjoy those Xmas parties with family.

    I am working on putting the last of the Xmas presents together to mail and opened my suitcase today to pack presents for the family I will see in Cali for Xmas. I have not gone anywhere for Xmas by plane in 6 years and read something on line that reminded me to not wrap presents in your suitcase if you are flying! Reminder to all who may be traveling by air this season!

    I also got a start on my Xmas cards! Ten down and so many more to go. I decided to skip the Xmas letter this year, so many people on FB with me these days and know my goings on.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2015

    Hi ladies,

    a lot of new people

    reporting in missed u all'

    Heres a shot on me

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2015


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited November 2015

    Lora hope your doing well! Very nice to see you!! Hope you had a good Thanksgiving too.

    Mema Yes I would love to stay with you on Sunday. Just send me details so I can try to plan for that. My flight comes in around 6 or 7pm and then I leave the day after we come back from the cruise I think. I will have to look again. I cant remember lol Hot artichoke dip sounds very good.

    Lori I had a great time with the kids and my the rest of my family. I did hace a couple of damn seizures but kinda expected it. I didnt sleep very well the night before due to my cough. I have asthmatic bronchtis again so I cough alot especially at night and am wheezing alot.

    My sister and I went out Black Friday shopping around 10p and got done around 3am. Came back for a power nap got up at 9 took showers and went for breakfast and then did a little more shopping and then came home and rested. I got Samarah and my DIL done and my DH done. I just need to finish my DDl grandson. Hope you all have a great day.




    my beautiful daughter in law


    my handsome son


    9 more months until they say I do


    my little Ginger

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2015

    Mary, good for you on the 5K, no matter what you time was. Radiation is generally used when the pain gets bad, and then it's to treat the pain. I hear that it helps, but gets worse first. Hope you enjoyed your Beatle's yoga.

    Cami, I hope the new pills work and you can make it your family Christmas parties. And you need to STOP saying "I'm sorry". You have NOTHING to be sorry about. So just quit it! If you didn't talk about "YOU", we wouldn't know how you were doing. Next sorry that comes out of your mouth, it's a spanking coming!!!

    Jazzy, I love how you can keep up with family and friends on FB. Good tip about not wrapping gifts for flying. Unfortunately, all we do is monetary gifts. Kids are grown and too hard to buy for, and grandkids have way too many toys, but all they do are computer games! Hoping they use the money for a family something or other.

    Lara, good to see you, but where have you been? What's going on with you.

    Great family pics Nancy and I love to two little ones on the couch. But the one with the two of them on the motorcycle is a favorite of mine. You've got a little prince and princess there for sure! Sorry for the seizures. I wonder if it would help you SSD if you kept track of them?

    The movie we saw yesterday was "The 33". It was about the 33 miners that were stuck in the collapsed mine in Chile for 69 days. Pretty good movie.

    I'll go and look for a DOTD…..back in a bit. NM's day off, so she and Sadie are cuddling.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday!Wasn't expecting rain this morning, but that's what we've got.At least it's warm enough that the stuff that was frozen to the deck is unfrozen now and I could get the stuff moved to their winter places.Makes the snow shoveling easier.

    Goldie--Taking names, dates and times when calling about stuff is always a good practice!Good for you!

    Genny--missed your goal by 40 seconds but was 4 minutes better than last time?Sounds like you did a lot better to me, rads or no rads last time!Good for youfor just doing it!I did work Friday, turned out to be not such a long day after all, had a couple of cancellations.Beatles music yoga class?Sounds like something interesting and different.Praying for Jeni.

    LOL @ kitty starting sleep cycle!

    Jazzy--didn't see you at my Mom's Thursday!That's what all 3 of us said!

    Cammy--the appetizers and soup, grazing all day and then desserts sounds like a great way to manage a big family Christmas get together!The dip sounds very, very yummy!When I was growing up my Mom used to say that Christmas was a holiday for her, too, so she cooked a turkey with stuffing, made gravy, put out bread and cranberry sauce and when we got hungry we made ourselves hot turkey sandwiches.On paper plates.Towards the end of the day she's pull out some pies (that she said every year she was NOT making for next year) that she had hidden away.I'm sure someone will put some stuff on FB during the cruise, and definitely after so you can share the fun!

    Jazzy--good for you for getting your Christmas cards going!I've got to do my shopping this weekend.I hate Christmas shopping in stores, love that I can do it all on line now.Much better that way!


    Collett--asthma is the pits, isn't it?Complicates everything.Hope yours gets under control ASAPliest.Sounds like you did well with the Black Friday shopping.Cute kidlets, and Ginger, too!

    Nimble Giggle Pant's DOTD:

    Elf Tea

    1 oz Peppermint Liqueur
    1 oz (fresh) Lemon Juice
    1 tsp Sugar
    3 oz Iced Tea

    Pour the peppermint liqueur and iced tea into a highball glass filled with ice cubes. Stir well, and sweeten to taste. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon over the top, and serve.

    Best served in a Beer Mug.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2015



    BEATLES ALEXANDERaka The Lennon Milkshake(John drank Brandy Alexanders all the time but called them milkshakes!)1 Oz. Brandy1 Oz. Godiva Chocolate Liqueur1 Oz. Half & Half Add all ingredients to a cocktail shaker filled with ice and shake until well blended and chilled. Pour into a chilled martini glass and garnish with a dash of nutmeg and some dark chocolate shavings.

    THE SGT. PEPPER1-1.2 Oz. Bourbon2 Oz. Dr. Pepper1/2 Oz. Lemon JuiceDash of Cherry Bitters Fill a cocktail glass with ice, pour in the bourbon, then add the lemon juice, the Dr. Pepper and tap a drop or two of Cherry Bitters on top. Garnish with a homemade Bourbon Cherry.

    LENNON DROP1 Oz. Citrus VodkaJuice of 1/2 Lemon1 Tablespoon Lemon Infused Sugar Zest the lemon and mix this zest into 1/2 cup of sugar. Set on a cookie sheet to infuse and dry for at least an hour. After your sugar is ready dip the rim of your glass into some lemon juice then into the lemon sugar and chill glass in the freezer. Next, fill a cocktail shaker with ice, add the vodka, lemon juice and a tablespoon of lemon sugar to the shaker and shake until the sugar has dissolved. Pour into a chilled martini glass, garnish with a twist of lemon.

    STRAWBERRY FIELDS1 Oz. Strawberry Vodka1 Oz. Whipped Cream VodkaWhipped CreamSlice of Fresh Strawberry Pour the strawberry vodka into a shooter, add the whipped cream vodka. Top off with a shot of whipped cream and a strawberry slice.

    YELLOW SUBMARTINI3/4 Oz. Dark Rum1/4 Oz. Apricot Brandy1/4 Oz. Banana Liqueur1/4 Oz. Galliano1 Oz. Pineapple JuiceJuice of 1/4 Lemon Combine all the ingredients in a cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake until well chilled. Strain into a chilled martini glass and garnish with a banana slice and one dried apricot.

    HAPPINESS IS A WARM GIN1-1/4 oz London Dry Gin3/4 Oz. Fresh Lemon Juice2 Oz. Boiling Water1 Tablespoon Lavender Honey 2 Sprigs Fresh Lavender Add the lemon juice, one sprig of fresh lavender and the honey to a fun White Album Beatles Mugand muddle. Add the gin, then pour in the hot water. Garnish with the 2nd sprig of lavender.

    MAXWELL'S SILVER SHOOTER1 Oz. Silver (aka Blanco) Blue Agave Tequila1/2 Oz. Cointreau1/4 Oz. Lime JuicePinch of Smoked Sea Salt Pour the tequila, Cointreau and lime juice into a fun Gun Shaped Shot Glass then sprinkle on the smoked sea salt and serve. If you want to have a nice gun smoke effect, add a small piece of dry ice to the shot just before serving BUT warn your guests not to drink until the dry ice has dissolved.

    ELEANOR RUMBY1 Oz. Dark Rum1 Oz. Spiced Rum2 Oz. Coconut Milk2 Tablespoons Coconut Cream1/2 Tsp. Mild Curry Powder Add a cup of ice to a blender. Pour in the rums, coconut milk, coconut cream and the curry powder. Blend until smooth and creamy then pour into a fun Beatles Glassand garnish with a sprig of fresh basil leaves.

    HARD DAY'S NIGHTCAP1/2 Oz. Coffee Liqueur1Oz. Chocolate Liqueur1/2 Oz. Irish Cream3 Oz. Warm MilkDash of Cinnamon & Nutmeg Combine the liqueurs and the warm milk in a brandy snifter, sprinkle on the cinnamon and nutmeg and serve. You Love, Love Me Do Now doncha?Let the Twisting and Shouting Commence!I am the Walrus!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2015

    Lively Happy Feet (good name for me) reporting in again and swimming with Nimble Giggle Pants!

    I also brought some Hot Artichoke Dip. OH YUM!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015

    Greetings from Bouncy Giggle Pants! Sounds about right for me!

    Nancy- that is a good looking family you have, including the pooch!

    NativeME- although there are stores I will end up going into this time of the year like Starbucks, Home Depot, Ace Hardware, Staples, etc. but try to keep away from the other big box stores. I don't like crowds and lines, plus there seem to be more safety issues here where I live with people getting car jacked, cars broken into etc. this time of the year. I think you probably live in a very safe place, knowing Maine a bit, but always encourage folks everywhere to be aware this time of the year. I hope your shopping goes easily and is fun!

    Also, today is small business saturday so if do have a local small business you like (coffee shop, boutique, etc.) get out and support them. I am a small business myself (freelance consultant) so I support other small businesses here as best I can. Where I live, there are far more of those than anything else which is kind of nice! We have not been "corporatized" here yet......

    Orange- hi there! I am newer to this thread although I have been around BCO for three years. I am a Cami stalker and heard she was here, so I came to join the party. Making new friends here too! It is always fun when Cami is in the room!

    I am home this morning but going to the movies later. Wishing everyone a good day! Happy

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday!Sadie and I had some fun last night chasing a bat out of the house.Not sure how it got in, will have to check around and see if I can figure it out, but since I tend to leave the kitchen door open when I'm hanging out or bringing in clothes he probably snuck in behind me one time.

    Goldie--looks like we get to share a drink at the swim up bar!A Magical Cocktail Tour, what fun! I really like the looks of the Lennon Milkshake, the Yellow Submartini comes in second, Hard Day's Nightcap comes in third, Happiness is a Warm Gin comes in fourth.

    And Hot Artichoke Dip!It's a PARTAY!!!!!!!!!

    Jazzy--got all my shopping done before I even got dressed yesterday.Amazon is a wonderful place!There are a lot of small businesses around here, but I am not going out this weekend.I make a point of using the small businesses year round, but get claustrophobic so I avoid the big crowds at all costs this time of year.What movie are you seeing?

    Nimble Giggle Pants says pick a DOTD from the Magical Cocktail Tour, or even more than one!Some great drinks there!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2015

    Jazzy, be careful out there shopping. We have a very small town where we live and it's an hour away. WalMart, Home Depot, Lowes, Kmart, Penny's, Big Lot, Bealls and Ross. That's about it! What movie did you go see?

    NM, it's quiet in here! I look forward to our swims! How in the word did you get the bat??? I'll bet he was quite interesting to look at.

    Pants...........I'll have a Lennon Drop please, and bring me two!

    I forgot to tell a funny. DH has some skin cancer on his head, new spot. Previously he had been given some "chemo cream" to put on a few spots in the past. It's actually the same type of chemo I'm on, the FU stuff. Anyways, it comes in a tube and I have it just on the bathroom counter. So he was done with his shower, and I applied some. Getting in the shower myself and he comes in and says "why are you putting jock itch cream on my head?" We both cracked up and I said to him later, it was a good thing he didn't put the chemo cream where the jock itch cream goes!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2015

    Good morning girls, Mighty Jolly Jingles here for a Sgt Pepper, well, after I finish my coffee. The Beatles yoga clas was great, wish they'd play Beatles at all yoga classes, well maybe throw in some Rolling Stones to mix it up. Had fun with the girls, we always do, then yesterday we went shopping. Jeni loves to shop, we spent 2 hours at World Market where she spent $300 Xmas shopping and then another 2 hours at Petitti's which is a huge garden center that covers the place in Xmas stuff every year. I also managed to dash in and out of Target to get my husband a Fitbit so I am officially done with him. All done with Nora too. All I have left is DS and DIL and trinket gifts for Amy and Jeni. Got my tree up and decorated yesterday but all the boxes and mess still covering my living room. That and getting on the cruise website and getting the hotel room booked are top of my list today. All my old aches and pains back again now that I'm back on the AI's and off the roids...Ah, well it was nice while it lasted.

    NM, I'm with you, Amazon is a beautiful thing, got 90% of my shopping done thru them, Amazon Prime makes it so nice well worth the $100/yr to not have to pay for shipping. I have to get it set up on my phone because I guess there is a lot you can do with it. Save photos, play music and other stuff. Wow, a bat in the house, bet the got the old heart started first thing in the morning. Did he fly out or did you have to catch him?

    Lori, Beatle Drink menu was great. And the artichoke dip superb, thanks! Glad you enjoyed the movie.

    Lara!!! SO good to see you! Pull up a barstool order a drink from the tenders and tell us what's been going on with you!

    Jazzy, so funny that you followed Cami to the lounge, I think she's got a lot of stalkers, she cracks me the hail up all the time. What did you see at the movies? I'm wanting to go see the new Julia Roberts movie, looks like an edge of the seat one.

    Cami, I get worried when I do not see you in the lounge everyday. I hope you are feeling better, and please don't ever apologize for anything you say. Sure hope the new D meds are working.

    Great pics Nancy, everybody looks so happy. Tamara and Jackson get cuter everyday.

    Well, my crazy DH is about to leave for golf ...brrrrr... and I'm headed to the woods with the pooches. Hope you all have just a wonderful Sunday...

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2015

    Lori, thanks for the swim! Water is perfect!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2015

    My selfie from the race.


    Cocktails with Amy(in the middle) and Jeni. We've all been friend for 30 years and always have fun.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2015
  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015

    Good morning ladies!

    I hope everyone is continuing to enjoy their weekend. I had a good day out and about yesterday. Went to the movies, then to have an early Asian lunch (walnut shrimp with noodles, YUM!) I also stopped at a couple of my fav small businesses on the way home, and picked up a few things before I called it a day!

    I saw the movie, Spotlight, which I highly recommend. The cast that they put together is outstanding and it is a riveting story. Mark Ruffalo deserves an Oscar nod for this one. It is one of the best films I have seen in a long time.

    Today I am going to a free jazz concert, but meeting a friend and her cousin in for the holiday weekend for drinks before hand. That is right, DRINKS! I see a nice glass or two of pinot noir in my future!

    Wishing you all a good day and as Cami would say, lubs you all!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2015

    Hi girls,

    I hope everyone has had a fantastic weekend. I ended up a winner in Atlantic City, came home with 8.90 more than I had when I got there. Anything is better than losing. Good news, my passport arrived Saturday. I was so furcited to see it arrive earlier than expected.

    Lori, great cocktails, I will have one of each. What a funny story about the jock itch cream.

    Hello Lara hope you come in more often. We are all still here, at least the VIP's of the lounge are here hehe! Missed ya hon.

    Mary, love the pics of you, you look prettier than ever. You must be doing something right.

    Nancy, also loved your pics. The kids are jest adorable. Can't wait to hang out with you and the other girls, less than two months now wooo hooooo!

    Jazzy, you play a lot of instruments. I can also play clarinet but had to give it up in grade school when I got braces on my teeth. I can still play a few songs but do not own one. My fav music to play is classical.

    NM, omg, you are quite brave, a BAT? I would about chit my pants trying to git one out iffen I had to. I am also curious if you were able to lure it outdoors or if you had to catch it and walk its sorry ass outside. Glad you and Sadie had a nice weekend. The four day weekend went by waaaay too fast for my liking. I am bumming out over the new work week, hate my job so much.

    Suzie, come in and knock back some dwinks with me. HOpe all is well in your world.

    Cam, hope you are feeling well, please check in.

    A big hello to the other girls, and Julie, Julia, when do you get back to the states? I miss ya here.

    Have a great week goils, lubs ya all.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2015

    Sweet Sugar Plum checking in here.

    Gotta bite the bullet and start practicing guitar & dulcimer again lest I lose my left-fingers calluses. After my last gig (don’t have another till Feb.) I sort of let things slide and told my manicurist not to take my left fingernails down to the quick like I usually have her do. I think I’ll use my extended vacation from performing to explore the wonderful world of open tunings. (How else do you think Dolly Parton can pick & strum with those hoochie-talons on both hands)?

    "Pulled the trigger” online yesterday at for a Coravin (which they had on sale). Not cheap, but can use it to preserve several bottles several times over. Unlike the vacuum pumps (which require separate stoppers for each bottle) or the “balloon” type that you inflate by squeezing a bulb that looks like a bunch of grapes (trapping whatever air’s still inside and usable for only one bottle at a time, for at least $24 per), the Coravin works by piercing the foil and the cork (yup, you don’t have to cut the foil) with a needle. Inert argon gas is injected.You then tip the bottle and pour out as much as you want; then set the bottle upright and as you remove the device and withdraw the needle; not only does the heavier-than-air argon blanket the remaining wine’s surface, but the hole in the cork reseals itself! I bought it because I didn’t like the idea of having to use up an entire bottle within a day or two just because I want one small glass. And that’s especially true when it comes to the more expensive bottles. It also allows you to periodically check how a particular bottle ages over time, without having to buy a case of it. (It’s been tested and thus far, after more than a year the wines in the tested bottles haven’t spoiled). More and more bars & restaurants are using them instead of the pricier and bulkier “Cruvinet” cabinets, which hold only a few bottles at a time and take up space. The only real expense is refill cartridges of argon, which last longer than the CO2 cartidges I use for my SodaStream.

    Might experiment with some of those reds I have open--not sure whether to make sangria or, more seasonal, gløgg. Need akavit for the latter if I’m gonna do it right! There’s a tavern around here (Hopleaf, great for Belgian beers & mussels) that sells “Hans’ Andersonville Gløgg” by the liter, but unlike the original Hans himself used to make for sale at Simon’s, now that Hans has gone to the great ice-fishing-hut in the sky the stuff uses Everclear as the booze component. IMHO, it doesn’t taste as good without that little hint of caraway. (Tried adding caraway seeds to the cardamom pods, but it looked like I’d dumped a loaf of deli rye bread into the stockpot).

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited November 2015

    Hello all, just got back from Thanksgiving at my brothers. I dont want another bite of turkey for awhile. Lol.

    Love the Beatle Tour drinks. I think I will try a Yellow Submarine though. Have you guys seen the movie the Calander girls. I am watching that. It is very good.

    Lori I have to keep a daily journal for my neuropsychologist and I log my seizures in there as well so I am keeping track of them as well as my depression so it should help. I sent out a letter to my Congresswomen too so hopefully I will hear something soon.

    Is anyone staying anywhere after the cruise? I will check in later I am falling asleep just wanted to check in quick

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2015
  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2015

    OHHHhhhhhh hELLO Nick Jr, oh I tink he can be a part time tender to all of us, thanks Mare!

    Hi Nancy, hope you have a nice rest.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2015

    Cuddly Sparkle pants check in.

    OH how I love u'r pics. Nancy u'r little ones look like Ebony and Ivory and they are both so cute. U have a beautiful family, but u'd better start resting a little more I don't like those seizures that u have and it seems like u get them when u've done alot. Oh I'm not saying don't enjoy the things u love, but maybe slow down a little.

    Lori too funny, godd thing u'r DH noticed cuz u didn't, OMG maybe u've used it for him before. U so silly. Good list of drinks everyone I read was my fav. til I got to the next one--so I want all of them. oo would that be fun.

    LARA I'm so glad to see u but not enough info on u. Come back and tell us about what's going on with everything.

    Lori I saw Antonio Banderas on a show talking about the movie 33, well first of all just looking at him (for me) is a heart palpatation and how he explained making it was fantastic and the man that he played had a small part in the movie as an extra. It looks good. And Spotlight looks good too.

    All the shopping u gals have done, I do not go to stores, Les will go for me or Jod will go, but most things are ordered, I ordered before computerland--I think I was part od the original group who did that. The only problem with that is I see so many great things in no time at all and I want to buy everything and I enjoy my catalogues I get mysef all ready to just look at everything and agin I want everything. I used to get so many UPS deliveries when Joey was about 2 Vito (my delivery guy) nyway Joey called him daddy, he saw so much of him.

    Holy chit Lara if u came home with that much u realy were a winner, hope u had loads of fun.

    BTW I didn't know we had so much talent here playing all these instuments, we have a very accomplished group here and I luv music, always wanted to play the piano. Everyone started when they were six and I couldn't wait , then we moved out of the city and our piano really didn't fit in our home so my mom sold it and sold all my dreams with it. I was 5.

    Jazzy Joey got another clarinet and it's RED it looks so pretty, now if his playing would match the looks of it that would be something. Well I kind of said he deserved it, but he really doesn't, he just doesn't see it yet.

    Marty decorated the outside today, every year I remind him of 20 years ago when he didn't even want a tree and he keeps adding stuff outside again Welcome to the Griswolds--It's recockulous even for me.

    I'm still feeling floopy but not as bad, And now I have all these designs (yes designs) of rashes all over me, so Les looks it up in her skin book (after taking pics. and couldn't find anything, then she remembered that 2 nurses said my stomach wasn't cuz of fat that they thought something else was going on. So my silly DD wants to go with me to the Dr and tell him all of this---no Way I told her it's so close to the holidays I'd be carved like a turkey just for practice. I will not let her go in for sure. OK Lori I'm not apologizing, I just find myself so interesting that's why I can stay alone for so long and it doesn't bother me--Oh please don't think I'm serious.

    OK again I think I didn't address everyone but u all know how I feel.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes! It's Monday!Yeah!If I act excited I'll start feeling excited, right?Hmm it's not working.

    Goldie--I found a window that was open a couple inches, think he got in that way.Interesting is not the word I was using when he was flying around the house, but they are fascinating critters--OUTSIDE the house.Oh Lordy, putting Jock Itch cream on DH's head!

    Genny--Boy did you geta lot done!Good for you!Sorry about the aches and pains though.Amazon Prime is so worth the money between the shipping and the videos and everything.I almost even had them wrap my gifts this year, but for $3 and change a gift I couldn't justify it.Mr Bat was flying around in the evening, I herded him toward the open kitchen door and he took himself out.Probably just looking for a warm place to sleep, just like the rest of us!Great pics!A trio of Lovely Ladies!

    Jazzy--Spotlight?Haven't heard about it.What's it about?Drinks before a concert, what fun!

    Dara--Hooray for coming home a winner!And your Passport is in your hands!YEAH!I chased Mr. Bat out of the house with the broom.Was not going to touch him, those things have teeth, I've heard.Not interested in getting bitten.

    Chi--Wow, that Cruvinet gizmo sounds like a neat thing!Sounds like making glogg is fun.Amazing what you can do in a crock pot, isn't it?

    Collett--I'm staying at the Orlando Airport Marriott Lakeside.There's a place some others are staying at but there were any vacancies when I tried to book a room.Didn't move quick enough.

    Ooh,I wouldn't mind a visit from St. Nick Jr!

    Cammy--So sad your 5 year old dreams were sold with the piano!And you still remember so clearly to this day!And now rash designs.So not fair.But you are so funny about it all.

    Nimble Giggle Pants DOTD:Chi--is your recipe anything like this one?

    Glogg Recipe

    1 liters Vodka

    2 bottles Red Wine

    1 lb Sugar

    2 sticks Cinnamon

    1 1/2 cups (Blanched) Almonds

    10 pinch Clove

    1 piece Orange Peel

    20 pods Cardamom

    1 1/2 cups Raisins


    1. Pour the wine and vodka into a large pot. Add spices, fruit and nuts. Turn on the heat and bring the ingredients to a temperature just below the boil.

    Best served in a Beer Mug.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2015

    Mary, you've been a busy one and your DH is def. a golf nut! And a morning swim with other loungettes is fun. We have Amazon Prime too and also sell on there. Can wait to see all the little ones at Christmas time. Did your DIL get the pics done with Nora? I think you took her to Penny's? Do let us know how things go with Jeni, it's tomorrow, right?

    Jazzy, surely you had a good time and hopefully able to imbibe in those couple glasses of wine! We are small business owners, but biz is very slow this time of year. Busy during gardening season. We sell drip irrigation products.

    Wacko, yay for coming home with 8.90! Even breaking even is winning! And I will dwink to you getting your passport. Nuttln like cutting it close! I'm so sorry you hate your job so much, that just sucks.

    Sandy, have you ever seen Dolly play her "nails"? Your Coravin sounds quite interesting, hope it works for you. Your elf name is super cute.

    Nancy, glad you are keeping track of things. Good luck with the Congress lady.

    Oh baby baby, Nick Jr.!!!!

    Cami in da house!!! I mean Cuddly Sparkle Pants. What a poyfect name for you! Hmmmm, Antonio Banderas's character, I thought, had a huge part in the movie. He was sort of the "leader" down in the mine. Oh how I remember getting the Christmas catalogues and all the toys!!! Too funny about Joey calling the UPS dude "daddy". About the rash, you best get that looked at girl. I wonder if you could take some Benedryl for it. It cleared my rash right up, huge difference just over night. But check with your doc to be sure it's ok. I only take one pill at night, they make you "floopy". Joey is looking so grown up!



    NM, I find bats interesting and have seen them out here. But you are right, interesting OUTSIDE! I think they look like flying rats! When I lived in MI, we actually had a bat house. But I don't think we ever got anything in it. I looked up the movie "Spotlight".

    Spotlight is a 2015 American drama film directed by Thomas McCarthy and written by McCarthy and Josh Singer. It is about The Boston Globe's "Spotlight" team, the oldest continuously operating newspaper investigative unit in the United States. The film depicts the team methodically uncovering a pattern of sexual abuse of children by Roman Catholic priests in Massachusetts and an ongoing cover-up by the Boston Archdiocese. It is based on a series of stories by the real Spotlight Team that earned The Globe the 2003 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service. The film stars Mark Ruffalo, Michael Keaton, Rachel McAdams, John Slattery, Stanley Tucci, Brian d'Arcy James, Liev Schreiber, and Billy Crudup.

    I got me a great deal at Penny's on a new quilt for my bed, 2 pillow shams and 2 small accent pillows. Saved almost $500.00! That just goes to show you the HUGE mark up on stuff! The one I currently have, I have had for I think about 10 years! So, I think it's time. Bedding is so expensive! Reg. price for the quilt was $300.00, I paid $119.00.

    Here is what I ordered, but not the round pillow.

    child pp image

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited November 2015

    Good morning friends- we had a wonderful time yesterday enjoying some wine and taps, then enjoyed a fabulous jazz big band concert (Cami would have loved that part of it!).

    For you red wine drinkers. I had the most awesome red yesterday called Route99W Pinot Noir. My friends got there a few minutes after me and one got a glass too after sampling mine. The wine is from Oregon, looks like it runs around $20 a bottle. I am going to see if anyone has it locally. YUM!
