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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2015

    Hope you can find your vino Jazzy.

    Here is what my tumor markers have done since the beginning of the year. I hadn't realized the CEA was going up so much, but within normal range, according to my oncs office.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2015

    good Early early Morning Ladies---

    Oh Lori I don't understand tumor markers or how to red them, I never saw one before. I'm sure most will understand especially the nurses, I hope it looks good. I always want u to be good.

    Jazzy u'r so funny , a glass of wine, we sure look like alcoholics here LOL and I knw u'd enjoy the concert and find a good wine. If it's 20.00 it's well worth it.

    Mrty was talking to our neighbor today and they were not able to put up outside decorations anymore so he worked all afternoon and did them for them and got all the inside ones down for them and did the hard stuff. Marty is such a sweet man and his own mother treats him like shit and Joey too. So I'm not a fan neither is Leslie or Joey. She's the one missing out.

    OK here's what's on my mind today----NM a effin bat in the house--How did u get the bravery to do anything let alone get him out. U know I would have called the police, like I've done, never would I face a bat. U'r a hellofa woman--that is totally an outside, cave thing never in a house, oh NM the fear of it all. Well living in Maine u could write a story about it, another Maine classic. Kim King has a nice ring to it.

    OK I got that off my empty chest YAY for NM

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited December 2015

    Hi girls- Dropping in to let you all know Lara is doing alright. Hope everyone has a great holiday and good year ahead. Cheers!

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited December 2015


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday!Still getting up in the dark, getting home from work in the dark and ready for this to be over with for this winter.And it's not even truly winter yet.Sigh.

    Goldie--Bats OUTSIDE are good, interesting, and eat bugs.Bats INSIDE are scary!Spotlight sounds like an interesting moving.I must be getting old, though, I only recognize one name in the list of stars!Bedding is a big ticket item, isn't it?Pretty quilt set!I generally can't buy sets like that cuz I have a full mattress but use king blankets/comforters, regular size pillows, so I need different sizes of bedding.Yours is really pretty!

    Jazzy--Yum!I like Pinot Noir!Just looked it up on, and it's sold out.I'll have to look at some other sites and see if I can find a bottle to order.

    Goldie--That was a nice drop in the CA 27-29 and CA 15-3 when you started the FU pills, and still trending down.That looks pretty good to me.The CEA level can go up during treatment when dying cancer cells release their contents into the blood stream for elimination.Normal CEA is usually less than 3 for non-smokers, less than 5 for smokers, looks like your onc's office uses a middle of the range number for both, which is becoming a common practice. Overall I'd say it looks like the FU pills are FU-ing the cancer cells.

    Cammy--Sadie and I live alone with each other, so anything like chasing bats that has to be done I have to do, or learn to live with situation.NOT going to learn to live with a bat in the house.I also live in the boonies, calling the police means calling the County Sheriff's Deputies, could be an hour or more for them to get here.And to chase out a bat? I'd get laughed off the phone by the dispatcher!Of course, now that I think about it more, I could have just shut him in the sewing room, opened the window and let him find his own way out overnight. . . Oh, well, the broom worked well AND I got some cobwebs off the ceiling in the sewing room and hallway!

    Nimble Giggle Pants' DOTD:

    Bat Bite

    2 shots Spiced Rum

    (Fill to Top) Cranberry Juice

    1 splash Grenadine


    Pour the spiced rum over ice cubes in a glass. Fill with cranberry juice, and add a splash of grenadine. Stir, and serve.

    Best served in a Highball Glass.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    Cami- that Marty sounds like a nice man. His mother sounds like a real Xmas witch though. Some people are just mean, I have a few in my family like that and worked with more than a few meanies in my careers. My feeling about mean people is that they are to be avoided if possible, kept at a safe distance otherwise. I happen to notice mean people live forever too, what is up with THAT? I cannot imagine anyone being unkind to Joey either! Well enjoy the Xmas lights Marty put up for you.

    Undercover- yeowza. Those are my kind of elves! LOL!

    Goldie- your numbers look good. Some things dropping, others going up but in range. Are they watching that CEA number and will you be re-tested?

    I am going to a winter social event tomorrow evening and pondering my next drinking choices........

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2015

    Good morning girls, I'm in PC to watch my ANorable girl. She is sleeping in this morning. I've been up since 4, was so afraid of oversleeping, DH had to leave for Louisville this am so I needed to get out with the pooches super early and leave my house at 6:30. Dh all stressed out these days and it tends to rub off so I'm looking forward to having tonight to myself.

    NM, my cats used to bring all kinds of things thru the dog door but never a bat. I did however find a beheaded one on my front porch once, Moose at work no doubt, he's quite the hunter.One time they brought me a perfectly healthy chipmunk, running around the house so I started stacking thinks in a line to make a path to chase him out the door. Well, he started running that way and then discovered the dry doog food and just jumped in the bowl and started eating. Sitting there on his little haunches looking at me like "If you kill me at least I'll die with a full stomach!" So I turmed a waste basket upside down and carried him and the dog bowl outside. I'm sick of the dark already too.

    Undercover...good to hear about Lara and ...Well hello elves, they can stuff my stocking anytime!

    Lori, no pics of Nora that I know of...she's been a crabby girl lately, cutting a bunch of molars all at once. And she crawls out of her crib everytime they put her in it now so they had to turn it into a little bed and are having trouble keeping her in it. Sounds like she should be hanging out with my DH, but he doesn't have molars to blame.

    Well, she's awake now, hi to everybody else, lubs to all and have a good day!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2015

    Cami, on the tumor markers. The "normal" range is across the top. And my reading below each one. For instance, the first column the CA 27.29, normal range is 0.00-38.60 and my December reading was 49.5. It's still higher than normal, but it's the lowest it has been. My highest reading on that marker was in Feb., at 105. How could ANYONE not like Marty or Joey. And to not like your own son? You are right, her loss!

    Shannon, it's always good to see you. Lara pooped in for a second, just to say hi, but that was about it. You didn't bring any friends this time! OOPS! I guess I should look better. No telling what one will see here if they just scroll! Schweet!

    NM, the sale is over, but you could order different sizes of stuff, everything is sold separately, not a set. And yes, I'm happy with the TM's, even though there is slight progression, but I guess that is to be expected? I'll take that over a big change any day. Shortest day of the year is coming soon, then the days get longer. But I think what also hinders that, is the time change.

    Good thing I refreshed, almost went swimming with Jazzy! I think mean people are not happy people. I have met both Marty and Joey and they are indeed VERY nice people. I have to get labs done every 6 weeks. My onc wanted me to do it every 3 weeks. I said no way! Every 6 is bad enough. If I end up on Ibrance, I think I have to do weekly labs, due to it lowering blood counts.

    Well, I told you all about the mouse droppings in my spare room. I cleaned it all out and didn't see a mouse. Haven't seen any droppings either…until yesterday! There was 1 dropping on the bed. WTF? There is no food in there, there are no signs anywhere else in the house, what gives? So, I have set some traps in there. This is driving me nucking futz. Hopefully it IS just one, and it won't multiply! I put out a few decorations, but not doing a tree. Hope everyone is doing ok!

    I'll have bat bite now, thank you!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2015

    Well, looks like I got to go swimming anyways..........SPLASH! Mary, you splashed water in mese drink! Good thing there is plenty to go around and I can get another. Oh poor Nora, cutting those molars. And getting out of I don't remember having a problem like that. You have to feel so bad for them, cutting those teeth. Maybe a good thing that they are all coming at the same time! What's got hubby so grumpy?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    Genny- I am having family issues around these holidays too. With my crazy sister who told me if I wanted a gift from her, I would have to buy it for myself. They invited me to come for Xmas then said that. Who says that? Anyways, I am rethinking the trip because I can tell it is not going to be a good time to visit. I have new work starting soon, and may just stay back and focus on the things I need to do this December. Not into family drama and it abounds this time of the year.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2015

    hello ladies from jumpy sugarplum sorry for the absense but one of my colleagues did the i'm saving my sick days for my kids thing so gave me her virus ,so thanks marta for the 101.9 fever!

    cammi-marty is a fabulous man and the way joey is growing up is evidence of that! and its her loss

    lori-woohoo on the numbers

    cruise ladies-not sure what my plans are depends on the pocket book,

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2015

    my mother and her grandkids and partners


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes! Happy Wednesday!Raining here, freezing rain in some places, not looking forward to driving today, but what is, is.I'll just go slow and annoy a lot of people who can drive faster than I can when it's slippery, like usual.If schools aren't being closed or opening late it can't be all that bad, can it?

    Undie!Look who you brought to jump in the pool with us!Thanks for the Lara update.

    Jazzy--"winter social event"is that a politically correct way of saying Christmas Party?

    Genny--LOL at the chipmunk in the dog bowl!That's a great way to take care of that little problem, too.Going to die with a full stomach, why not.Have a great day with little Nora, teeth cutting, houdinisimand all!

    Goldie--I think you are right about the time change and being in the dark.And the shortest day is almost here, almost forgot about that.Then things will start getting better, right?Hate to tell you but if there are signs of one mouse there's probably more than one.Hopefully the traps will get enough of them to send the rest packing!

    Juliet--101.9?Talk about feeling miserable!Hope you are feeling better!Nice family pic!

    Nimble Giggle Pants DOTD:

    Absolut Anti freeze

    1 part Midori Melon Liqueur

    2 parts Citrus Vodka

    1/2 cubes Ice

    2 parts Sprite


    Pour ingredients over ice and strain into shot glasses.

    Best served in a Shot Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2015

    Jazzy, you have to buy your own gift? That is rather hilarious. I would still buy that gift, call the sister and tell her what you got and then let her know that you won't be there for Xmas!

    Jumpy Sugar Plum, I think Mickey and Minnie would approve of your elf name. Sorry the sickness was passed on to you, and a fever to boot. So glad you got to be with her mom for her birthday!

    NM, I'm with you on driving slow. No sense in being stupid. Be safe out there. Definitely need some anti freeze here, 6 degrees this morning! I do know there is usually more than one mouse, but there aren't that many droppings, and this last time there was ONE on the bed.Just one! And there is no food in there, no water. I have no idea how it got in or how it's surviving. Anyways, I went in there to check yesterday morning, and wha la! ( Not sure how to spell that, maybe walla) I got mese a critter. First night! I'll leave the traps in there for another week or so, just to make sure.

    Might go to Phoenix this weekend, we are looking for an entertainment center. That's the only thing else that I want for our house. Well almost. I would also like a desk, but not a lot of room to put one. It would have to go somewhere in the living room, and the back of the house is almost all windows. We have just a console now, and I don't really care for it. It's not bad looking, I just want the entertainment center!

    LDB, I think I will only come to Vegas iffen I can see you. We are there for 3 days (I think) and I will be bored out of my mind. There is no way I can walk the show, with this hand/foot crap. I would only be good for a couple hours, and they are there all day, for 3 days. So I would be stuck sitting there, while they do the show or stuck in hotel room. But don't feel bad if for some reason you can't make it, I would totally understand. Hopefully you know that!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    Good morning friends- got a new contract in I have been waiting on for over a month (yay) and working on that to get going for my next gig. I will say hi, and then disappear again for a bit. Trying to turn this around fast but easier said than done!

    Goldie- my sister is a doctor, and therefore, whatever is going on in her life is always most important! She also had bc at the same time and although most of us tend to slow down and revamp our lives after going through this, she has continued to overextend herself with too many things and then gets mad when the unexpected comes up. Then we all must pay for her overly busy life and decisions (big eye roll.....) That is really what this whole thing is about, she is overextended and angry about it, but only so many ways one can say "umm, you created this for yourself dear."

    They have a dog who may need some surgery this month, and if they are nursing a sick pet through the holidays, that will be more than enough reason to say "not a good time to visit, see you later." I also told myself to stop going out of my way to buy thoughtful gifts that way too; it is gift cards from now on. The holidays with them have never been good, so I tell myself not not put too much energy into expecting anything positive from them over the holiday season. The leopards don't change their spots!

    NativeME- that is funny, winter social as a politically correct way of saying Xmas party! I think you may be right! It's going to be a struggle to get to it today, and I may opt out depending on where we are with the contracting process. The sooner that is done, the sooner I can get to making some good cash flow for my biz. On the other hand, it is at one of my fav restaurants and there will be good wine. Know what I am saying?

    Juliet- ugh about people who come to work sick. Are you sure it's not the flu? I have a client who had three little kids and whenever I work for her, as I am about to, if I am sick she says "I want you to stay home." Many times I can do the work I need to from home around resting. One of the benefits of self employment to have that sort of flexibility. I think people having their sick time lumped in to the piddly PTO buckets most have is not a good thing. I remember when I first started working that sick time and vacation time were very seperate buckets, as they should be. Well, we all know America is not a leader in taking care of it's work force, right?

    Anyways, I hope you can feel better soon.

    Cami- how are you doing today?

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2015

    hi girls,

    just popping my head in from the office and reading a little here and a little there. I hope everyone is having a good day. I better not stay in the lounge too long this time, forgive me for my absence. I hate the work I do these days.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2015

    Hi my Breasties or non whatever.

    Julie u always seem to catch all this crap and any time u'r temp is over 100, that's horrible. Oh feel better Julie,

    OMG Lori u caught the little SOB Oh how I hate wwhen anything from the ouside comes in, that's not what nature intended, makes my skin crawl. I'm glad u explained about the markers, and as long as u'r doing OK we're all so happy. My sister and I get our blood work every three months, now she goes religiously I go whenever, but I seem to get more anyway cuz I seem to have more infections than she does.

    oJazzy I'm so glad u got the job u wanted. And u'r sister is so funny... buy u'r own gift, does she send u the money at least. LOL Maybe u'll change u'r mind about the holidays when they get closer, but if u know t's crazy u'r better off just doing what u want.

    NM u and I are having a snow match--When I got up this morning I walked by the window and said I thought all the snow melted, there was about 4 ins. out there WFT It has een melting tho but I just didn't expect it. Good DOTD today.

    U gals have to be counting the days til cruise time. I'm so happy for all that's going, u'll love it.

    Mary I had a whole thing I just wrote to u and it disappear, WTF did it go.? I was talking about aNorable and her poor little mouth, I hope it ends soon. And the chipmunk like Alvin LOL

    Leave it to Undie to decorate the halls with BALLS of holly--tra lalalalalalalala.

    Hey I'm losing ore I'd better close for now


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2015

    jazzy your so right,you get dinged if you call in, so people come to work sick and pass it round, well i would stay home too and have a merry little christmas of my own

    hello lara nice to hear from you and you to undy

    just finshed work and so tired got a pt evaluation tomorrow as my right shoulder stiffening up, then got blood work see if my cea as gone down,

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes! Happy Thirsty Thursday!Raining here, but supposed to change over to snow later, sigh.I supposed it had to happen eventually.

    Goldie--Wha la, indeed, catching a critter the first night!Hopefully it's an only critter that hasn't brought any friends or family in yet!6 degrees, even colder than here, you can keep it!I know I'll get it soon enough.

    Jazzy--yeah, I know what you are saying, fav restaurant and good wine does go a long way toward overlooking boring.What kind of work do you do?Sorry if I've asked before, but I've got a memory like a steel sieve and tend to drip info all over the place.You're probably right about them not changing their spots.And a sick dog is a good reason to avoid EVERYTHING!And you have a point about sick time and vacay time being lumped together into PTO time.I think twice before taking a sick day, and worry what it will do to my balance when I'm ready to take a vacay.


    Cammy--4 inches of snow?YUCK!Hope it all melted off!

    Juliet--praying for a normal CEA result and quick resolution of the stiff shoulder.

    Nimble Giggle Pants's DOTD

    Christmas Pudding

    100 ml Southern Comfort

    100 ml Drambuie

    500 ml Guinness Stout


    In a 6 2/3 Paris Goblet add Southern Comfort and then Drambuie. Top up with Draught Guinness.

    Best served in a Red Wine Glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2015

    Hi girls, and happy Thursday to ya. Only have a few minutes befor getting the pooches out and then to work. Dark and wet here but no snow. I took another job, will be doing hair in another retirement home every Saturday. I'm not at all excited about it and ma not do it long, its an agency that supplies these place with salon people. It will all depend on how much I make but thought the extra cash would be nice if it turns out to be enough to make it worth it,

    NM, I'm not ready for the white stuff either, hope your driving is not a problem.

    Julie, sorry about you're getting the crud, hope you're feeling better now and praying for low cea's. Love the pics.

    Cami, sorry the gremlin got your post, Nora's actually doing much better, teeth are in, nose has stopped running and I think the crabbiness is the beginning of the terrible 2's. But what a cutie, she went in her playroom and walked out with a tamborine singing Jingle Bells. Hope you're feeling much better.

    Jazz, congrats on the new contact that you've been working so hard for. Gift cards are the way to go, no point in killing yourself looking for the perfect gift when it's not reciprocated. I have a few friends this year that we have agreed to stop getting anything at all, just too much work and money. Do whatever makes you happy for xmas.

    Hi Dara, I still haven't finishe the cruise registration but I will try and get to it tonight. Then I'll get on the hotel room, home we don't have trouble finding one.

    Lori, hope you get to see suze in Vegas and get the entertainment center thing you were looking for.

    Gotta run, outta time love to all and hi to anyone I missed.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2015

    Jazzy, congrats on the new contract. And it sounds like a good idea to not visit your sister. And so right about us creating our lives. My mom complains so much about what she can't do, and how awful she feels (medical issues). I would so like to tell her, you did this to yourself and there is no fixing it now. And you have never done anything to try and change.

    Cami, YES indeedy, I caught that little SOB. Then had a dream last night (I never dream) that I caught another one, and a RAT! But the rat was still alive, only caught by the tail and running across my living room floor! I'm keeping my traps set, I found more droppings under my kitchen sink. I just don't get it, there is NO FOOD where I am seeing droppings. And things are so clean in my house. Oh how I wish I could do labs every 3 months! LOL on the "balls of holly". You are too phunny!

    Just popping your head in just doesn't cut it! Jes sayin!!!! Get your arse in here!

    Julie, you always have something going on with you girl. I hope all turns out ok and that CEA is down. Do they check your other markers?

    NM, those low temps are just overnight and in the morning. Daytime is sunny and 40's-50's. I'll take the cold, you keep your snow!

    Mary, I hope the new job works out for you, just not sure I would want my Saturdays always taken up. I can just see Nora and her tambourine and singing. You had to crack up! It would be nice if you and Dara could get into the same hotel as some of the other gals. Heading to Phoenix tomorrow to look for entertainment center, might check out some RV's too, iffen we find the furniture and have extra time. Suppose to be 75 degrees down there, looking forward to that! And like I said, if I can't see Sue, I might not even go.

    I'm not going on the cruise, but I'm getting so excited about it!!!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    Good morning friends! Thank you for your kind wishes for my work!

    I have made some good progress with the contract since it arrived on Tuesday, and need to get with my atty next on his review and comments. Going to call him today to see if he has had a chance to look at it. One never knows if he is in court, etc. I am going to see if we cannot set up a meeting to review comments by Monday. Waiting to hear from the client on the insurance coverage. None of this happens fast, but trying to turned around so we can get going. I was supposed to be starting in November with a fast track turn around from them, but it did not happen so now we are scrambling to get things done because they want to get started. Never easy to do this stuff during the holiday, but trying my best.......

    Native- I am freelance consultant who manages complex projects and programs. I do a lot of work in healthcare.

    Goldie- some of my friends and I have opted out of exchanging gifts. We all agree we have too much stuff and many don't have disposal income these days. We do find ways to connect to share some time together around the holidays!

    Well, I did not go to the winter social as it started at 4:30 p.m. which cut too much into my business day. I needed to be around to talk to my client around some contract questions, and glad I did what I did as she called later in the day. I viewed the list of attendees and it was many of the people I know well and see all the time. I did let the organizer know, that way if anyone wanted to bring someone last minute, they could! I have some other social events Friday evening and Saturday which will be good and not around critical work time.

    But of course, this means I could not have any yummy wine last night either! Sad

    Oh and my sister called yesterday to say they went home this weekend from their other home to find the oldest cat had gone completely blind. She just had to put another cat down who went blind and was deaf in the past month. The cat has an apt with a vision specialist (who knew they had those for cats?) The cat is 20 years old and cannot see a completely blind cat making it too long. So now there are multiple sick pets. She told me "I am so overwhelmed" and told her to just focus on what she needs to get through. I have not said anything about not coming, but the more I hear, the more I think it is best to stay home.

    Gotta get to my day ladies. Hope everyone has a good day and don't drink too much!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2015

    Good morning ladies. Hope everyone is staying warm. I had a not so nice surprise in my mailbox a couple of days ago. I had ordered some presents from Kohls and found a empty opened envelop in my box that was supposed to have my DIL necklace that I had bought her for Christmas in it. Someone took it and just left me with a empty envelope. I hope they needed it more than I did. I called the post office and they said they will be investigating it and I should be hearing back in 40-72 hrs.

    Lori - I hate mice. They are disgusting and infact I am afraid of them so I dont know what I would do. I dont think I could stay in the house alone knowing it was inside here with me. When we first got married we lived in a trailer by a apple orchard. I saw one run down the hallway into the living room. Michael was just a baby like 8 months old. I ran out the door next door to the store of the orchard where Dennis was working at the time. He couldnt leave but his friend who was the owner there came over and got Michael out of the trailer for me and had me go down to his house and sit with his wife unilt they got off work and could get the little SOB out of the house for me. Oh and we had Opossums too. It was bad.

    Jazz your work sounds interesting. I was a Respiratory Therapist for 28 years before my car accident. Thats sad about your sisters cats. I have dogs. I have a mini schnauser and a mini dauchshound. The dauchshound lives with my son though because we have had a lot of problems with coyotes and they attacked her about 2 years ago and took my mini Yorkie I had at the same time so I cant go through that again and since shes only 5 pounds I told my son to keep her so shes at least safer.

    Mary hope your new job works out for you. I heard from the Congresswomen who I wrote the letter to and she is going to try to help me get my disability sooner. I am thankful for that and hope she can help.

    Hope you all make some yummy cookies for Christmas. I know I am.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2015


    I am back but pressed for time. Read thru a couple pages,,,did u really think I'd remember who said what, ya all not on the ball like me.

    Nancy - I'll call them tomorrow and let them know.

    Would love to address everyone but my time spent reading and now gotta get my EWWA in gear.

    Lubs all of yas!!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2015

    Just got Dorothy and me booked at the same hotel as Sue and Nancy. Getting excited! Kim, can't you come and play at our hotel? I'll pm you the info ifin you need it. Busy right now, love ya all, have a good night!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    Will we get a group picture of your crusin' ladies? I hope so!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!TGIF!My family is getting together tomorrow for our Thanksgiving/Christmas celebration at Mom's. All but two of the gifts I ordered have come in,both are supposed to arrive today, hope they both come.Will have to wait and see.

    Genny--I hope the new job works out for you.I know hairdressers at the nursing homes and assisted living facilities I visit always have a line of people waiting, or a full appointment schedule every day they are open,But I don't know what they charge or how that part works, so I don't know what kind of money anyone can make that way.Driving so far been ok, was snowing on the way home last night.Layer of freezing rain on the deck this morning.Not looking forward to this morning's drive in.

    Goldie--Aw, can't I have the 40-50s for one day?To melt off the ice and snow we just got?Don't blame you, though, I would rather have cold than snow and ice, too.

    Jazzy--Congrats on the new contract! Wow, you must be busy when you are working!And you must be super organized.I wonder why the cat suddenly went blind, that would worry me more than the blindness itself.I had a dog once that gradually went deaf but adapted really well, and know of some that are blind and well adapted, but it happened gradually.And it's their second cat with similar issues in a month?I wonder if there is something in their home that is affecting them.So sad for them.

    Collett--I've heard of people stealing things out of mailboxes and right off people's porches this time of year.So sad, and so hard to deal with.Like you say, hope they really needed it more than you.

    Morning, Mema!

    Genny--PM me the hotel info and I'll see what I can do!

    Jazzy-- I think at least one group photo will be done during the cruise.I want to have one for myself!

    Nimble Glitter Pants DOTD:

    Hasty Cocktail

    1/4 tsp Anis

    1 1/2 oz Gin

    3/4 oz Dry Vermouth

    1 tsp Grenadine


    Stir all ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2015

    Jazzy, I'm with you on the fact that spending some quality time with friends, is much more important than a gift. Have fun on the upcoming "Social Events". What is the elevation where you are? A 20 yo cat? Wowsa! Here's the view I have out the back of my house, the side that's almost ALL windows! As you can see, it's monsoon season!


    Nancy, I'm so sorry about the necklace being stolen. Have you also tried contacting the store you bought it from? The mice don't really bother me in general. I live out in the country. But NOT in the house!

    LDB, where ya been and why so pressed for time?

    Jazzy, getting pictures when a group gets together, gets to be hard, as you are having such a great time, and of gab gab gab, that you forget. I'm hoping they get time too.

    Mary, glad you got the same hotel. What fun y'all are gonna have!

    NM, hoping you don't run into any black ice. Oh how I DON'T miss driving in those conditions. If it gets bad out here, we can just stay home. One of the nice things about working at home! Have fun with fam.

    Leaving here this morning, not sure if I'll have time to check in on the weekend, we'll see. And you know I will if I can.

    Love and Huggles

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2015

    Good Morning Ladies--yep it's still dark here too.

    NM be careful driving I hate ice more than snow for sure. I like the DOTD the nam Anis is so cute. And I actually did read that whatever drink u make it's very important to put it in the right glass. Which I never knew cuz I used to drink from a coffee cup, I really didn't care. Now it's going to getwarmer here for a few days but we'll see. U sound pretty set for the cruise and it's coming soon.

    Lori u'll go into warmer weather now for a couple of days.--while u'r gone set more traps everywhere, like I said meece should live t DisneyLand not our land.

    Jazzy I know when u start a job especially there is so much to organize so I hope it goes smoothly for u. And take u'r time deciding about u'r sister, maybe she does need u, she always acts so strong about everything, but u u'rself are a very strong and determined woman.

    Oh Julie I hope u start feeling better, I've been on anti-b's now for weeks, I have no idea why anymore, but u understand all this stuff and u get fevers and all. That's not good.

    Mary I remember there was a lady who came once a week to do hair for thr residents and she said she liked it, cuz everyone was nice, for the most part they never complained and the ladies looked nice too. And she said she made decent money???? Oh it's 2 time for aNorable she's to cute to be to bad, so don't worry.

    Nancy a possum in u'r house OOOHHH I would be freakin out like crazy

    I'm so glad Dara got her passport, for a while I had a doubt, but I should know better.

    Oh I'm back on the MSNBC crap it's so hard to watch and yet I can't stop. The man was born here, how does that even happen.? I'm finding out more than I ever wanted to know actually. I've got to stop this insanity, I'm to political to watch this. It's heartbreaking.

    Ah Joey just brought me my Friday coffee with a big extra smile cuz it's Friday (already) WTF

    Well of course I had to write to the Gov. again, so if I get on some watch list this is why, I know I'm flagged somewhere. Oh well

    Hi SusyQ I hope u'r doing well.

    I hope everyone has a great day.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2015

    Good MORning all you cute little ladies! YOU guys are always so much fun.... and yes, I mean all of you.... even Cammi... So what IS this Cammi? I read a bunch of pages ago, where you said "whore".... Now HOW can you mis-spell everything else in your life and get THAT one right? It was a mistake.... I'm sure of it...

    I have been soooooooo busy and know that some of you have been feeling puny, and I didn't tell you I'm sorry! But I'm sorry.... Just ain't any fun trying to act normal whilst feeling under the weather.... (My Grandma used to say that.)

    But do I still fit in? Sometimes I even drink! My favs is a Bocce Ball.... Okay.... do this...... Mix how-ever much good Vodka you want, with same amount of Amaretto, and then orange juice! With ice of course, of course, and drink! Try doing this without falling off the bar-stool.


    No wait.... WHO has "Soda"? that dilutes it, doesn't it? Forget the soda... It's more like 2 oz. of vodka, and 2 more of Amaretto... and maybe 4-6 oz of orange juice.... and cherries.... LOTS of cherries.

    I mean! I have picked up Cammers off the floor more times than I can count... and it's getting much too hard to lift her up anymore.... See Cammi likes Italian things.... she has to LOVE this one....

    Now, I don't have any news.... other than we are going to look for another Kerosene heater today.... We HAD one.... actually a few over the years, but now it quit....

    No, we DON'T live out in the woods with no amenities... we just like a little extra warm our toes....

    Just know... you guys are a kick! I always smile or laugh when I read this crazy thread..... I mean when you are all feeling okay..... Take good care gals......

    Elisabeth DAHlink.... aka.... Ed