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how about drinking?



  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited December 2015

    ChiSandy: (drools) (very hard) So, your trip's off to a good start?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    ChiSandy- sounds like a great trip underway!

    Juliet- does your MO say to lay off the sauce or occaissional drink okay?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday! Sadie and I are right on the edge of a rain/freezing rain "precipitation event" so it's the long way to the office for the morning meeting today.

    Goldie--Mr. Bat may have been after the fruit flies, but he didn't do a very good job!That link has some good ideas, I've been using the plastic wrap over food (currently an old onion I found in the fridge) and the empty wine bottle but it's still a losing battle.Got to figure out what I haven't found that they are living on!I bet you are enjoying the new entertainment center!It looks FANTASTIC!

    Jazzy--so glad you enjoyed the concert, and what a wonderful cause to support!I looked up some youtube videos of them, so wonderful to listen to.

    Juliet--Hard cider, yum!And Sadie has been very snuggly this weekend.

    Chi--oh, my, what apowerful picture!And what a wonderful trip so far, and that was just the airports!You do know how to travel.

    Bobby and Dollie Mae are ADORABLE in their sweaters!

    Nimble Giggle Pants DOTD:

    Gingerbread man

    For the ginger syrup

    3 tbsp sugar

    3 tbsp water

    5cm piece ginger, sliced and bashed a little


    Serves 1-2

    25ml bourbon

    25ml vanilla vodka

    25ml ginger syrup

    15ml amaretto

    30ml single cream

    Ice cubes

    A pinch of nutmeg or cinnamon, to serve

    1 To make the ginger syrup, put all the ingredients in a small saucepan and let the mixture bubble over a low heat for a few minutes. Allow it to cool before straining and using.

    2 To make the cocktail, add everything but the cinnamon or nutmeg to a cocktail shaker with plenty of ice. Shake to combine, then strain into glasses. Sprinkle the top with a pinch of nutmeg or cinnamon, then serve.

    image alt="">

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Jazz - beautiful pic of the sunrise and thank you for the blessings. Back atcha girl. I 2nd with Lori, no booze, not a party…LOL on the letter to WINE…very funny.

    Dara dahhhling - we sure do miss you, sorry about the rejections but I'm sure something juicy will come along. Thanks for the toast. How come u are losing 2 weeks vacation time? That sucks big time!

    Cami - thanks a lot and yes it will happen for Lori too. Love the idea of the big S letter for the wall, go for it. Praying the D stays away. Dressing up all xmasy is a good thing, or at least makes me feel good even if a really feel crappy.

    Julie - never noticed before but ur dx was the day after mine. I'm glad my 5 year cancerversary is coming up. Didn't expect to reach it. Congrates to both of us!! Sending prayers for the bone density test. Awe, look at those cuties, bobby and dollie mae…very good.

    Lowee - if it's heavy means it's good furniture. B4 u take out the cables, label them, might make it easier when u reassemble. I'm not fond of the cold either this year, too much weight loss, don't run hot any more…ifk. Pretty pic of the snow tho.

    Readytorock - try not to worry, know it's hard but you have no control. Will say some prayers that the New Years holds positive news for you.

    Queen - when are ur tests? Will put u on my prayer list. Well actually I pray for all the Ladies, but will make special request for u and Ready to rock.

    NM - Yay to having the weekend off, hope u get caught up on ur rest. Thanks for the advice on raising my potassium levels. Just now called the Mo's nurse to see if I can get the levels checked here in Mesquite today so I'll kno whether or not I'm good for tx tomorrow. Don't wanna travel the 1 ½ hours for them to draw then say to low can't tx.

    Lubslubslubs to all!!

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited December 2015

    MemaSue: prayers always welcome! No tests in the immediate offing, but a followup tomorrow with MO to discuss tamoxifen and another with PS to discuss my recovery from his tweaking/reduction.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    Mema- congrats to you on the soon to be celebrated 5 year anniversary. I am woman, here me roar!

    Queen- I hope you are continuing to feel better and that your doctor visit goes well.

    Cami- did you get to the party and if yes, how did things go?

    Wishing everybody else here a good day and week ahead. Xmas on the horizon and busiest day for shipping today!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2015

    chi- great start to a vacation hope it continues to be fabulous

    no sue i didn;t notice either, so we will get an early start on the 5 year celebrating

  • readytorock
    readytorock Member Posts: 51
    edited December 2015

    Thanks to everyone who "chatted" with me after posting on Friday night!

    Feeling more positive today. Sometimes wine helps. I wish I didn't feel guilty when I NEED a few glasses!

    NYE is my first full mammo/ultra/surgeon appointment since the end of active treatment for those who have asked. I'm nervous, but hopefully I'll hear all is well for at least the next six months!!

    Oh - and my drink of choice is a pomegranate martini. Haven't had one of those in more than a year though - since I was diagnosed on Aug. 11, 2014. I was out of pomegranate juice and figured I might as well give them upSad

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    Readytorock- thought that was what was happening. The first one is a toughie.

    I have my check ups starting in about another month. I am starting a new contract project this week, and been thinking "what if they find something, what if I have to leave after a month, what if, what if, what if?" I used to stress about it more, and have an out on my contracts if I need to go for any reason. I have kept my dx and the rest very private due to self employment, and like to keep it that way. I try to avoid the "what ifs" but they can find their way in. I will be looking forward to February and being through another one with no evidence of disease!

    We will go through it with you. That is what this threads are good for. The support we all need for stuff like follow ups. No one can even begin to understand how stressful these are to go through.

    Pomegranate martini sounds yummy!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2015


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Lovely rainy morning this morning.But at least it's rain and not the white stuff!

    Mema--Hope you can get the potassium checked locally, that's a long drive to end up just turning around without getting treatment.Hooray for almost 5 years!

    Morning, Queeny!

    Jazzy--Good morning and have a good day yourself!

    Juliet--Whopee on the almost 5 years!

    Ready--Pomegranite Martini?Sounds yummy!Have you considered un-giving them up?

    Jazzy--yeah, the What if's can drive you crazy in short order, and it can be hard to beat them into submission.It does get easier over time, though.

    I'm Candy McSparkle!

    Candy McSparkle's DOTD:

    Pomegranate Martini

    2 oz Citrus Vodka

    1/2 oz (fresh) Lemon Juice

    1/4 oz (fresh) Pomegranate Juice

    1 oz Simple Syrup


    Shake all ingredients well with ice and strain into a chilled martini glass. Add a dash of rose water if available. Garnish with flamed orange peel, and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • readytorock
    readytorock Member Posts: 51
    edited December 2015

    NativeMainer - I like that - "ungiving up" pomegranate martinis! I gave those up but won't give up the wine!

    I do occasionally have a cosmo if I go out - not as good as a pomegranate martini, but close!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    Hi kids- greetings from Merry McGlisten! I am awake a bit earlier than expected this am, but do have an early AM meeting and it is cold out there, so I am going to get myself bundled up and out the door in a few hours for an early meeting!

    Wishing you all a good day!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2015

    LDB, we did label all of the cables, and it does seem like good stuff. AND….it was made in China! The store is HUGE and they have 2 locations. They must have many containers that come over from China with all of this furniture. I was all boxed and done quite well. What are your Xmas plans? Hoping you get to see Maddy and AM (Andrew Michael). Gosh, 5 years of Stage IV. AMAZING! I hope I get many years. I'm always thinking I prolly won't live to see 60. But will remain optimistic!

    Queen, are you having a hard time with recovery?

    Rock, most of us will tell you that you don't need to give up your Pom Margarita's. Having a few is not going to kill you. I say go for it. In fact, I'll have the Tenders bring you one over. Would you like it pool side?


    Jazzy, support here is like nothing else. I could never leave. No one understands like US. We will be there for you too when the time comes. You just have to remind us, as we are all quite forgetful!

    Julie, Magic McSparkles here! Yay for 5 years for you. I don't think I stopped thinking about cancer (pretty much daily), until I hit that 5 year mark.

    NM, such strange weather we are having across the country, for sure. But like you said, the snow will come!

    For Lease Navidad…..cute! Stay warm out there Jazz, it's cold here too…….brrrrrr!

    Cami, did you make it to your party?

    Dara, Nancy, Mary, and anyone else I'm missing.......come out to play!

    I would like to encourage everyone (that is not stage IV), to continue with 6 month check ups until you reach 10 years. 5 years does not giveyou a free ride. At least do labs. I know some doctors don't rely on them, and they are not always the "indicator" that the RB has returned. But it's something and not as invasive as scans.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2015

    Good morning everyone! It has been kinda crazy warm here in the usually frozen tundra north. It was 71 this last weekend. I loved it. Just makes me wonder how long its going to last.

    Lori I think you and Jazzy are getting our ususal weather. Im sorry. I think though that we are going to pay for it in Jan and Feb. We ususally do. It has been very cloudy though. No sun hardly at all. Ugg. I love your entertainment center. Your house is so pretty!

    Julie we definately will have to get together when I come back down to Fl. I will be back down to Clearwater in June of 2017 for my DD wedding. She is getting married June 7 2017 in Clearwater. Her fiance family is from there and his grandma still lives there and it is actually cheeper for us to have a beach wedding there than to have a wedding here. Its crazy. But I will be there before that as well as I am sure we will be racing somewhere in Fl this next year. And I will be seeing you soon on the cruise next month. Cant wait to meet my fellow Disney fan.

    Cami I hope you had fun at your Christmas party and that the D held off. I think of you often and pray that everything stops soon. Love you!

    Dora- Im sorry your having a tough time at work. My DD quit her job recently due to her boss was relentlessly picking on her and just making it so miserable on her that she just couldnt stand it any more. She got wrote up for not smiling enough. Thats how petty it was getting. Now she is out of a job and still looking. She is a Medical Assistant so Im sure she will find something. I wish she would have waited until she found something else but I do understand why she left when she did.

    Mary I cant wait to meet you in person! I am so excited to see everyone. I know we are going to have fun. I need to get away for awhile and just have some me time and relax with the girls. I hope your liking your new job. We have our Christmas this Sunday with my brothers and sister.

    Mema I am so glad you had good test results! Now we will have lots of reasons to celebrate. Lynn told me that she will be turning 50 while on our cruise so we will have to celebrate her birthday too.

    NM, Jazz, and everyone else I may have forgot love you all and hope you all have a wonderful day.


    Christmas Cranberry Juleps Enjoy!


    • 1 c. water
    • ¾ c. sugar
    • 2 strip fresh orange peel
    • 1 c. fresh cranberries
    • 1 c. Kentucky bourbon
    • 8 sprig fresh mint


    1. In 2-quart saucepan, heat water, sugar, and orange peel to boiling on high. Add cranberries and cook 2 to 3 minutes or until cranberries pop and split but still hold their shape. Remove from heat and cool to room temperature. Refrigerate until cold. (Syrup and cranberries can be refrigerated up to one week.)
    2. When ready to serve, strain cranberry syrup through sieve set over 1-quart liquid measure; discard solids. Spear 3 raw cranberries on each of 8 toothpicks. Stir bourbon into syrup.
    3. Fill 8 glasses with crushed ice. Divide bourbon mixture among glasses. Garnish with cranberry spears and mint.
  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2015

    Santa's Sleigh Cocktail
    Recipe courtesy of Sandra Lee

    Santa's Sleigh Cocktail
    Total Time:
    7 min
    7 min
    Yield:4 servings

    White sugar crystals, preferably coarse
    2 cups store-bought eggnog, chilled
    1/2 cup brandy
    1/2 cup amaretto liqueur
    1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
    2 scoops vanilla ice cream
    4 cinnamon sticks

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited December 2015

    Goldie: thank you for asking! Not a bad recovery for a breast reduction, but surprised by it being physically harder than my lumpectomy. Go figure.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2015

    Good Morning my ladies

    I've missed a couple of days---no not to recover from going to my party but for not going--Believe me I get so effin mad, mostly down--I probably could have gone but the times turned out all different and it ends like 3am and I know what happens to me after midnite--yep I turn into a pumpkin squash--It got so confusing I can't even explain then Joey got this horrible scary feeling about going and didn't want to and he wanted me with him--it was very strange how he was so clingy cuz he loves these parties more than I do--it was a strange weekend for the 2 of us--well there are more parties with the same people and some different so--I'll just wait.

    I'm trying to play ketchup so please understand.

    Lori u'r home looks beautiful with so much warmth, (just like u) and I always wih u many years cuz there is so much more now going for u. My sister and I both have said I think this is it and we're still going, that why we still go every 3-4 months--it's a PITA and levels change all the time an we're occasionally in the hospital even for a day like a jiffy lube, which we barely talk about cuz it ends up being OK--it's 8 yrs for both of us--we're still surprised but we're still going. I know our age doesn't help how we feel, but I know she and my cousin and of course all of u understand our feelings, moods and insanity. One thing is good my hospital and Drs. are all about 8 blocks from me--so it makes tests and hospital stays so much easier. OK enuff.

    Sandy oh wow u are all first class and it sounds great and u deserve it. Hope all of u'r trip is even better.

    OK pomegranate (sp) martini sounds good to even me. Once in a while u have to fill the urge LOL

    Nancy's right our weather is crazy 2 days of hard rain and 60 degrees and I can not believe the pics Of Jazzy and Lori and the snow. I hope people don't talk about it much cuz someone will come up with Armagedon.

    NM I'm glad u'r getting someone else in for the weekend, cuz that sucks for u. U work so hard during the week u need to rest.

    Talking about rest JULIE don't overdo u still sound a little shakey. And u'r scedule would knock the hell out of me.

    Hey Susy Q I hope u'r doing all right and still dancing the high point with NED.

    Dara hang in there not to much longer for vacay time......Have u heard from Lynn? She's supposed to go right?

    I've been a little busy with work regarding pwople putting their lites on and blowing fuses, I myself can tell them what to do, but I keep my mouth shut on this one. Our Griswold house is burning electricity like crazy and sometimes it to much. LOL

    Tonite Joey and I are shopping on line for Leslie, I put things in my ?bag" and we can both decide since he really has good taste. and Les will shop for what else I need. Oh her last day of school is this week, then she's wait til January and take her test for her license, this is so exciting for all of us. And we'll have a celebration after she passes her State test. I know at this time she doesn't want to work for any Drs. yet, but that is in the back of her mind. Altho so many people now are going to skin drs. and plastic surgeons now a days. Well we're all happy this school things is almost over lots of studying and time involved.

    Oh phones are going.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    Hi ladies- we like the snow here in NM, it has just been less snowy in awhile due to the drought. It is going to be a good ski, snowshoeing cross country skiing year for sure!

    Cami- well I am sorry you missed the party. If I remember correctly, you may have another opportunity to gather on Xmas Day with the same folks? Always good to have a Plan B in life, no matter what! You and Joey Xmas shopping makes me smile.

    Dora- I missed the thing about your sister being pushed out of her job, but have worked for hostile bullying bosses like that. How those people survive in any organization is beyond me. She will find another job as an MA, this is a good time to find new work as orgs have budgets approved for new positions in the new year as well as those that naturally get vacated. I hope she lands in a situation with a great manager next.

    I went to a prof org meeting early this morning, and then went to get myself "prettied up" for my trip to CA next week. Got some nice pretty red gel nails and also had my face "defurred." I colored my hair yesterday and getting it cut in a few hours with a moved up pt. Next will be getting some things further packed for my time away starting next Wed.

    Who else is going somewhere for the holidays? Home for the holidays is nice too!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2015

    Jazzy u really sound Jazzed up for u'r trip and getting all dolled up helps too. U'll have a wonderful holiday seeing everyone and just being happy.

    I just love our holidays cuz basically we all live pretty close so we have a few more coming up, well one is here actually--Marty's family it started small now everyone is calling so who knows how it's go now these are serious drinkers and sometimes it gets a little to much--and like Italians love their wine the Irish love their beer so we'll see. So of course I'll be here but I often excuse myself and just go to my room when I can't deal with them--they're not so fun and silly, they tend to be loud and disagree about most things like the correct way to flush a toilet. Yea that's what I said. So my room is available at all times and everyone know it. So I don't always thro my opinions in and add fuel to their already started log inferno. I step bck. LOL

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2015


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    Cami- I am officially all "prettied up" now between coloring, cut, nails and waxing. Now for the outfits for the suitcase........

    I think I told you this long ago that I grew up in a very Italian town in CT. We have the best pizza there in New Haven, as you may know! Most of my CT friends are Italian, and boy do they put out a spread for Xmas. I have a funny picture on that I need to find for you.

    OMG that drink looks so yummy.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    I crack up every time I see this going around FB during the holidays. So true!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2015

    LOL Jazzy, then the next line is always do u think we have enough?

    Julie yummy on that drink.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Just a quick pop in, got to head in to the office early and get some stuff caught up. Hoping for a ketchup and full post tomorrow.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2015

    Nancy, a Florida wedding, how nice. As for our weather, it's not unusual. After all, we are in the mountains at 6000'. The snow never lasts long. Right now we are having a cold spell. This mornings temp so far has dropped to 4!

    Awww Cami, I'm so sorry you didn't get to go. But how sweet of Joey staying home with you. I'm sure you two had your own party. Wow, and you at 8 years of stage IV. That is amazing. How how I pray I get that! I'm sure Les will do just fine. But why working at a doctors office? I thought she wanted to do hair? Having a party at your house is the perfect party for you, like you said, you can excuse yourself anytime.

    Jazzy, where in Cali are you going? We are heading to Laughlin on the 19th, and to Oceanside CA on 23. DH's daughter and grand kids are there. We are also seeing Leeanne Rimes. And I too will be getting my hair done. As for my nails, I usually do them myself, but I can't get them to grow now, they are so brittle and keep breaking. I think it's the FU pills. So I may have to start with acrylics. Have never had them before.

    Julie, I hope you are starting to feel better. And that drink has got to help! I'll have Irish cream in mine please.

    Jazzy the Italian snacks is quite funny.

    NM, we'll see you tomorrow morning. Have a great day.

    Not much going on around here. DH and I are revamping our website and just got a new template, so we are "mobile friendly". Will start laying clothes out for our trip.

    For Lease Navidat!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited December 2015

    Happy holidays to everyone, and best wishes for a happy, HEALTHY 2016! All of your pics are so lovely, and since image

    • This is a boozer thread😀, I wanted to add a pic of my Mojitini. Fresh lime juice, organic mint, vodka and Stevia. Goldie, I completely agree with you regarding maintaining check ups. I was diagnosed at stage 1, but I was prescribed Tamoxifen for 10 years, and was told that I should always see my MO every 3 months for blood work, no stop date. This disease is not curable, yet
  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited December 2015

    Chisandy, I want your life😀. Your trip sounds amazing! I love me a good champagne and seafood. Preferably smoked salmon, blinis, creme freche topped with cavier. Pure decadence

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Queen - ouch on the tweaking. I didn't let them take my breasts cuz the recovery, rads, expanders etc would take too much of what life I have left. I think I made the right choice and my PS told me the ratbastard will not likely strike the boobs again, but somewhere else. So far she has been right.

    Jazz - thanks, I do like to roar…LOL on the 'for lease navidad' very funny. Had to laugh at getting 'defurred', I've been thinking about having my beautician do it, but I's askeered the regrowth will be prickly, so I'll jes keep thinking. Your pamper session sounds like a good one, bet ur the prettiest of the bunch, good for you. Getting my red on on Fri. and my lashes on Sat so I'll b good til NY. WOW that table covered in food, never seen anything like. Do ya still do all that food?

    Julie - yep I plan to party hearty on the cruise. Looks like my snowman name would be "Hope McSnowballs" LOL. Ohhh my, that Senorita Snow White is right up my alley…yummy.

    NM - all I got was 'leave a message' then the front desk said they'd carry it in to MO's nurse, when I didn't hear I just went down and got my blood on Monday here. Then Tues I waited til last minute then called and INSISTED on talking to the nurse, she called me right back, had gotten the results from here and I was still too low. She told me to do same thing next week, blood on Monday here and hopefully tx on Tues in LV. I know they are super busy, but I have special circumstances. We'll see how it pans out next week.

    Rocker - gonna shorten ur name hope you don't mind. Anyway, wish I could drink wine, just doesn't agree with me. Now my vodka and brandy they still agree with me so I'll stick to those.

    Lowee - Hope to drop xmas presents off this Sunday when in town for my family xmas. Will see Maddy too. Plans already made to have her for 4 sleep-overs over the NY. Still no response from parents of AM tho. And Sommers mom said she is not comfy at mema's house so doubt I'll see her. Sounds like China does the furniture right rather than be cheap like most things from there. It does look nice in ur house. I worried too about hitting 60 and guess what I saw that bday and another one, and you will too…muah. 4 degrees????bbbrrrrrr! Sounds like a wonderful trip you have planned. My nails were the same way, split, tear etc. I broke down and am now doing the acrylics. I like them and it only takes about an hour and cheap where I'm at…$20 every 2 weeks. LV is so much more expensive then my little ol Mesquite. Or think about the gels.

    Nancy - thanks for the heads up on Lynn's bday, where has she been anyway? We will have to party hearty on the ship for sure.

    Cami - so sorry you cudn't make the party. Joey is so close to you he feels what you feel it sounds like anyway. And yes, am sure there'll be other parties. HUGZ! WooHoo so excited for Leslie…she will pass with flying colors am sure.

    Hsant - nice pic and good wishes, thank u so much and backatcha.

    Lubslubslubslubs to you all!!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    Well, my new contract is in and going to start my new project tomorrow. Just in time to then go away for a few days! Love these end of the year project starts (said no one ever.....) I am grateful for the new work and some good cash flow to depend on this next year!

    So I decided to go visit my sister for Xmas as she is acting a bit better and things seem to be quieting down with the daily crises. This will be my time to go before I get more tied down with the new work and deadlines, plus I have some other trips planned into the new year for personal and professional reasons. She told me she is taking me on a shopping spree! Bribery, I tell you! The trip will be a short one and think it will be okay now. Backing off a bit and waiting to see if things got better was the right thing to do.

    Goldie- sent you a PM with a few details on my trip!

    Cami- I am not sure it will ever be enough! LOL! That table makes me hungry!

    MemaSue- all my pampering made me look very good, but I did wake up with a bit of red blotchiness on my checks this morning. Some sensitivity to the waxing process or perhaps the lotion they put on after? Between my nails, new hair coloring and cut, and defurring, I am looking pretty good for my step onto the the client site tomorrow and then trip next week. Now on to packing......

    My hair is more like a blonde peach fuzz. It does not grow back prickly, but perhaps may depend on the person and their facial hair to begin. I know some women do a sort of shaving routine of the face. I find I only need to do this every few months myself, but everyone is different. I know some women can get a real true beard and the like in menopause. Ha, I never wanted to look like a man though!

    Hsant- welcome to the thread and those motini's look yummy! I am going out Friday with some professional gal friends and some are known martini drinkers. Can't wait!

    Yes, doing follow ups is important. I am very good about being on schedule with mine. But I have noticed some women don't do them either, many are not even offered this unless they are doing tamox or the AIs. I will say I don't really understand that? Despite whether you are doing the longer term meds or not, we have that five year milestone they measure things by. My sister had a higher risk bc and is not doing an longer term meds (she did not have ER/PR tumors), but they watch her closely as she was HER 2 positive. I am more used to things three years in, but won't say it is ever fun to go.......

    Hoping everyone is having a good humpity hump day.....