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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2015

    Just poopin in for a minute----

    SUSYQ YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA I LOVE NED now it's Lori's turn and Lori it will be.

    Hello everyone, Jazzy that wreath looks like cashmere, it's so pretty.

    Julie good eatin' yesterday, that was nice and good Luck with u'r test. Especially when u do the frog leg, o is that another one, I forget.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2015

    OK I'm jumping in again, I need u all to say one prayer for me to hold off my D til t least Sunday so I can go to our one side of the Christmas party.

    And listen to this idea, OK All I buy for now is the baby Sam (my boos and cousin's baby) There are just to many people anyway he's got everything being the only granchild and great grandchild sooooo I thought I buy one of those letters "S" that lights up for the wall, they don't have that. It's just something, no big deal. But I like to do it. What do u think.?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    Prayers coming your way sister Cami! No D for awhile so Cami can go partay with the best of them!

    P.S. There was no booze at the party I went to tonight.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2015

    Thanks Jazzy----but u can't officially call it a party with no likker, it's called somewhere to go.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    Cami, LOL, well they had food and drinks, just no booze but it was a city facility so I knew they probably wouldn't. Don't worry, I have other plans for cocktails this weekend......

    Meanwhile, I have a bone to pick with wine......


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2015

    Cami, once the ent. center is together, I WILL put my legs up! And we promise to keep you out of jail. Heck, even if you did end up there, they'd prolly throw you out!

    Mary, I miss big family get togethers at Xmas. Sound like yours was awesome, especially when there are little ones around, none in my family anymore. Good luck with the docs. How often do you see your MO? That soon after treatment, I was on every 3 months, I think for 3 years. Hmmm, Tinkle Jazzyhands…..means you have a birthday this month!!! Did we miss it? And what's going on with your friend Jenni?

    Julie, hoping all is good with the bone density test, at least it's an easy one to do. How are you feeling these days? I hope well! How nice to have gotten the Chinese food. There are still good people in the world.

    NM, oh my! That Xmas Cookie Swap, we don't want to drink too many of those. I think I would be hugging the porcelain thone!

    Beautiful gift Jazzy. Hope you were able to make the "Social Event" and was able to imbibe a bit.

    LDB, I am jumping with joy to hear NED. I wish I could get there. And no more chemo come spring, that is great but I think a tad scary too. I may have to jump on the RSO band wagon. I just don't know how to go about getting it. I love all mese new stuff too. But then I should, right? I picked it out.

    Jazzy, that picture of the sunrise is gorgeous. We have been having some really pretty ones lately, as well as sun sets. I don' t have a great camera, so it just never does it justice. Bummer for no wine! LOL at Cami calling it "somewhere to go". LMAO at the letter to wine.

    Wacko, whilst Stella was here, she told me she wanted to go on the cruise.ED was short for Elizabeth Dahling. Bummer that you are gonna miss the paid vacation. But why did you get declined on the resumes?

    Oooooh Cami, bit time prayers for no D. I know you really enjoy a certain side of your family. The light is a great idea.

    Ok, we got the goods. Dang is this chit heavy! Disconnecting the tv and all of it's components/wires is going to be a challenge and an even bigger one, hooking it all back up on the new console! Cold front, snow and wind blowing in today. Winds up to 50 mph. Maybe only an inch of snow, that is ok, it's the wind I hate. Jazzy are you suppose to get any of this? Hoping we get to put it together today and through the weekend

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2015


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2015

    sue-woo hoo-NED definitely needs lots of wine to celebrate on the cruise

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2015

    Good Morning Ladies

    Did I miss NM or I didn't see her. OK Lori I have to admit u tought me how to double screen, but of course I didn't learn it--I just don't catch on, I hated to admit it to u all this time, but I'm sure u've caught on by now. Oh now u have to put all these things together, to me that's the hardest part, I remember. Just don't overdo, I know u know that but I also know u have a stubborn streak too--that I lubs.

    Jazy good words to the wine industry.

    Julie I don't know if it my cooky head or not but u seem down or just don't feel good and u know how much I care about u so let me know wht's going on.

    SusyQ hearing the words NED is so peaceful, I'm still hppy and will be for u.

    I just washed some clothes so I can pick what I want to wear tomorrow--it's always Christmassy, I can't help myself--but I like to have choices too.. The rest of me looks like hell yet I care about what I wear, I'm so sick. LOL

    OK what's everyone doing this weekend? I hope I'm partying, I need to so much. And I never really feel like that but to me this last month was bad and I just want to be with my family and have a good time. BTW when we go on Christmas day to the other side we also have such a great time, I wish we could all get together at one time but there are just to many of us now. I guess I just love being with my big ole Italian family.

    Oh my cousin called to tell me about tomorrow, it's not "officially" our family Christmas party --WHAT??? So it'll just be our family get together--WTF this is always being changed and she wants Christmas the day after with everyone---she lives 45 mins away, if the waather is bad forget it. hahaha Oy vey

    I'll be back


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2015


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    Cami- well, I have had those things happen too. Oh this is not really "the" event, but then they want another one to follow. Sometimes I find spending time with anyone 1 time is more than enough? Make this weekend a good one, so that if you are not up for going on Xmas, you will feel fulfilled. Still sending you love and good energy to keep those bowels of your quiet.

    What am I doing this weekend? Going to meet a friend for drinks tomorrow night (told you I had drinking plans) and then we are going to see a group called the Ten Tenors to hear some acapella Xmas music. Besides that, finishing Xmas cards, exercise, and reviewing some client info to be ready to start work next week! Whoo whoo, love me some cash flow!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2015

    your right cammi haven't felt right for weeks first the cynbalta then various bugs was too tired to do anything even go to disney SHOCK but slowly getting there . feeling more like my old self every day. going to a thanksmas party tomorrow, the theme is state dishes so bringing a christmas pudding and brandy sauce with some chocolate.. hope you enjoy your party tomorrow, just bought some strongbow cider ,they had a variety pack in publix. had a visit to the mo today ,everything fine just routine in visit in may ,dont' want to turn me loose just yet because of the cea ,as they never found a cause for it being high but i can live that you know that fb cartoon where you shopped at the supermarker and have a fridg full of heaalthy food but your too tired to cook so you order pizza thats me, my pepparoni and mushroom has just arrived

  • readytorock
    readytorock Member Posts: 51
    edited December 2015

    Drinking too much wine and feeling scared tonight. Anyone else willing to fess up?

    I have my first mammo/ultrasound coming up on NYE and getting more anxious by the day.

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited December 2015

    Recovering from surgery--trying not to drink--but I'll sit with you and sing silly songs about goblins and not tell a soul tomorrow. Not looking forward to that first post-treatment set of tests myself!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2015

    Oj Ready tp rock, on NYE Jeez, that's quite a wait, it would be great getting all tests right away and get results right awaym it would lessen anxiety so much--All I can say is try not to let this ruin the holidays for u--put it in a different part of u'r brain, I'm sure it will go fine, plus no amount of anxiety will help anything---so go to meds.

    Queen I hope u'r getting better day by day, totally keep to u'r instructions and things will go better.

    Julie I'm happy u'r feeling better tho just keep it up. Travel is calling u'r name so u want to feel good.

    Wacko I'm sorry u"r job is so trying, I did like it better when u were home tho, not that I want u not to have a job or to be sick so, well keep on working and suck it up. I kind of goofed that one up .

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited December 2015

    Cami: thank you for asking! This evening I hit the 'what the bleep was I thinking!" stage, but hopefully turning around over the weekend.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2015

    Oh Queen everyone goes thru that stage, after that the stage is What the hell was I thinking????? U stop bleeping words and make them anyway u want. I still think having a lumpectomy hurts way more than having everything taken out. That's why I said follow instructions, sometimes it feels better but it's a little fooling. Just take care.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2015

    image Thought I'd do some stocking, since it's Christmas time

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Apologies for not posting yesterday, had an early ayem call out, and then a day that just kept going and going like he energizer bunny.Was SO happy to find out that I am on call NEXT weekend, and not this weekend, cuz I am bushed, even after a night's sleep!But now I have a good mug of coffee and am looking forward to a nice ketchup session.

    Jazzy--hope the entrepreneurial community social event was fun and what kind of wine was there?That is a BEAUTIFUL wreath!Your friends have good taste.

    Mema--NED!YEAH!And an end in sight to chemo.Bummer about the potassium level, though.Eat some bananas, raisins, potato and smooth peanut butter.Those will help get your potassium up for next week.Oh, and chocolate.1 1/2 ounces of chocolate has 165 mg of potassium.

    Jazzy--Wonderful sunrise pic!

    Dara--work sure can interfere with fun time, can't it?And less privacy is not so much fun, either.Actually I'm not sure if the same bat got into the house, or a different bat of if the original one didn't leave the first time.No sign of him for several days now, but the sewing room door has been shut.When it's light enough I'll go through the sewing room and make sure he's not there and make sure the window is locked this time.Personally, I'd let him stay if would promise not to fly through the house and scare me silly in the evenings!Sadie sends kisses back, and is rolling over for a tummy tickle.Losing the vacay time is the pitts. Praying you find a good new job ASAPliest.

    Cammy--I think that light up letter for the baby's wall is a great idea! And praying the D stays away.

    Jazzy--bummer about the no booze party, but on city property I guess one must make do.Hmm, seems like Wine isn't good at keeping his promises!

    Goldie--if you haven't already started disconnecting stuff, grab some masking tape and a pen and write were each end of the wire is connected to and put it on the end of the wire--makes it easier to put things back together after and the masking tape pulls right off.Hope the wind doesn't blow your house away while you are working on the entertainment center! Good prescription for Mom Nature!

    Cammy--My plans for the weekend revolve mostly around getting a lot of paperwork caught up.And drinking.I bought a bottle of Dr. McGilicuddy's Intense Cherry Liquor that is absolutely MARVELOUS.Also got a bottle of cranberry wine from a local winery to try.So, drunken paperwork time for me!

    Now THAT's a yummy looking glass of Fruit Cocktail!

    Juliet--why does pizza have such a bad rap for being unhealthy food?It's got veggies, protein, some carbs, a bit of fat, it's actually a well-balanced meal!A ham and cheese sandwich can be described the same way, and that's considered healthy! And with mushrooms you are getting extra veggies, not just tomato.

    Readytorock--welcome to the Lounge!Come on in and drink away your scanxiety.We've all been there and know what it's like.Pull up a bar stool or grab a pool floaty and tell the Tenders what your drink of choice is and they will keep you supplied!

    Queen--I'll drink for you, sit with you and sing for everyone--after I've had enough to drink=!

    Cammy--that is an IMPRESSIVE collection of likkers!

    Nimble Giggle Pants DOTD:

    Mrs. Claus-mopolitan

    2 oz Cascade Ice Cosmopolitan Skinny Cocktail Mixer

    1 Oz Vodka




    To cocktail mixer, add juice of an orange and a lime, mix with vodka and sprinkle in cranberries.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2015

    Cami, the unit is pretty much together, just have to move stuff, and everything is so heavy! The bridge and the two top pieces of the sides. Me stubborn? Great drink there girlfriend. I hope you get to go today. And have a fab time.

    Jazzy, I think we all like that "cash flow".Getting your drink on tonight and entertainment with friends. Sounds good.

    Julie, your CEA isn't too bad. So please don't worry. Sorry you are still feeling crappy. But to turn down Disney, I KNOW you aren't feelin it.

    ReadyToRock, sorry about the anxiety, then there is the anxiety of waiting for results. Worrying isn't going to change things, so try not to think about it. Maybe more wine? Welcome to the lounge.

    Queen, reconstruction? Hope you are feeling better real soon. And hope you have help. Praying you remain stage 0 forever.

    NM, I didn't think you would have to do "on call" anymore. I thought they hired for weekends? I did start with the masking tape, but couldn't get to far as I need to pull the current unit away from the wall, and too heavy to do it by myself. I also plan to take some pictures! And the cords are all WAY TO LONG, and there are SO MANY of them! Hoping for no signs of Mr. Bat. Cute name for the DOTD.

    Well, we got snow and suppose to get really cold for night time temps. Not a fan!


  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited December 2015

    Cami: if I'd added all the words I was thinking at that point, I'd still be typing! But definitely keeping that in mind for next time.

    Pizza and chocolate, a round for the house!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    Good morning friends- waking up to a bit of rain and some Starbucks Xmas blend. There will be imbibing tonight before the Ten Tenors concert too!

    Readytorock- if I read this right, my guess is that this may be your first follow up? If yes, I understand being terrified, as I know I was. I was also pretty convinced they were going to find something. Well, they found a bunch of scar tissue, but nothing more. I have had five follow ups so far (I get seen every six months) and doing my next one end of January.

    I won't say it really gets easier, as I hold my breath every time, but at least I know what to expect with the process now when I do go in. The first one is the hardest for sure, so big hugs on this. My imaging center comes in right away to tell me how I am doing. It is a huge relief to know right away. I hope yours does the same for you?

    The anxiety around these things can be crippling. I have a little talk with myself every time I go in too. I remind myself of how strong I was when I got my dx and went through treatment. That is is okay to be scared, how can I not be? That I have a good medical team to help me through to make decisions about anything else that comes up.

    I also don't talk about my follow ups anymore except with my sister (who is an MD and also had it herself) as well as a few very close friends who understand the five year follow up process and her on BCO. I have had a few too many "oh you are all done with that now" comments. People don't understand this 5 year follow up thing unless they have done it, are doing it, or know someone who has. Some choose to just not understand, don't want to talk about it or think about it either. I learned to say doing well so far if anyone asks, without specifics unless I know they get it? You will figure out who gets it too!

    Native- the party on Thursday was nice, but no booze. A gal brought some bottles of wine but no one had an opener? Too funny! I think they were unprepared for anything on that front, the party got thrown together very last minute. I still enjoyed myself!

    Tonight is wine before the Ten Tenors concert. Here is a fun link for you!

    All I want for Xmas Is YOU!

    Cami- hoping everything down under is staying calm and that you are heading into party time this weekend!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Sadie and I had a lovely sleep in this morning.All snuggled up warm and comfy, I even had a pillow for my head!Woke up with Sadie's head snuggled into my neck.Was so nice to just lay there for a while relaxing.

    Goldie--We didn't have to do on call until the weekend nurse took another job.A new weekend nurse is starting in February, so we'll only have to cover for a couple a months.Taking pics of the cords is a great idea, too!I've got the same problem with super long cords and loops and loops hanging around on the floor under the TV catching dust and grunge.But it will be a great project once it's done!And no signs of Mr. Bat.I'm pretty sure he vacated.Now if only he'd eaten all the fruit flies I'm trying to get rid of before he left. . . . YIKES, look at that white stuff!

    Queenie--I'm in on the pizza and chocolate!

    Jazzy--Last minute parties can be big hits or big bombs.Nobody had one of those wonderful pocket widgets that has every tool known to man in it?Oh, my, too funny. Love the Ten Tenors video!

    Nimble Giggle Pants DOTD:


    For the Simple Syrup

    • 1 cup sugar
    • 1 cup water
    • 6 cardamom pods
    • 2 Tablespoons star anise
    • 2 cinnamon sticks
    • 1 teaspoon whole cloves
    • 1 teaspoon whole allspice

    For cocktails

    • Full batch of holiday-spiced simple syrup
    • 3 cups bourbon
    • 1 Tablespoon Angosturo bitters
    • Optional garnishes: cinnamon sticks, lemon twist, orange slice, maraschino cherry


    1. Make simple syrup: Place all ingredients in a small saucepan and heat to boiling. Reduce to a simmer and cook 5-10 minutes. Steep for several hours or up to 2 weeks (refrigerated) ahead of serving. Strain before using. (Note: extra syrup is delicious to top fruit salad or yogurt parfaits.)
    2. Make cocktails: Muddle 1 orange and 1 cherry in bottom of glass. Shake holiday-spiced simple syrup, bourbon, and bitters well in a cocktail shaker over ice. Serve on the rocks in a small glass garnished with a cinnamon stick.
  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2015

    Jazzy, I was excited to reach my 5 year mark, but did not want to stop with my follow ups until I reached 10 years. Insisted on seeing my onc every 6 months and at the very least have labs drawn.Year 6 is when my TM's slowly began to rise. So by insisting that I continue with check ups, I was at able to catch the mets early. I also agree with you, that people just don't want to talk about cancer to someone who has/had it. The people that ask most about me, are just acquaintances, not family/friends. How was the concert? I can't watch videos, unless it's before 5 am. And I slept in this morning (5:30). We have limited bandwidth and we've already exceeded it, and still have almost 2 weeks to go before it starts again.

    NM, nice to hear that you and Sweet Sadie got a cuddle morning. Was it the fruit flies that the bat was swooping in on? I Googled how to get rid of them, you might try one of these ideas. I'll just post the link instead of copying and pasting what they are.One looks a bit expensive, calling for a pint of milk. I would use one with vinegar. I can't get the link to be active, so you will have to copy and paste that, or just Google "how to get rid of fruit flies".

    Cami, hoping to hear you were able to make it to your Xmas party!

    Got the entertainment center in. Wow, what a job! But gosh, it's gorgeous! Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2015


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    Good morning friends- the Ten Tenors concert was just fantastic. Two hours of wonderful music that featured holiday tunes, a Michael Jackson medley, Frankie Valley music, and my favorite, Queen!

    These guys are from Australia and very young, most are not any older than 35. They came out to sign CDs after so we got to meet and talk to them. Such gracious fellows, and love that Aussie accent. They were quite thrilled with the snow as they said it is VERY HOT where they live at Xmas, so they are getting to experience what a snowy December is like. I got a signed Xmas CD and the proceeds of that go to a children's hospital in Australia that helps children there and around the world. The whole experience was good, Good, GOOD!

    When we left, it was snowing like crazy and also on the drive home. Woke up to a winter wonderland this morning!

    More later today! Just wanted to say hi for now. Oh and I had some yummy wine last night too!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2015

    wow jazzy thats my kind of concert , , my 82 year old uncle is a tenor in a male voice choir. and i love looking at snow on photos from florida.

    had a great time at a thankmas party yesterday, even had a hard cider when i came home, first time wanted alcamahol in a long time

    wish i could say the anxeity gets less before any scan but it will be 5 years this year and i still get anxious

    hope everybody had a great time at their weekend events ie cammi and keep on snuggling sadie

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2015

    Taking advantage of free time (and free hotel internet) before turing in for the night. Waiting for our flight at O'Hare, we got into the Air France lounge: free Mumm's Cordon Rouge champagne. Changing planes in Amsterdam, we had oysters, gravlax, baby shrimp and smoked trout at Bubbles in Schipol Airport. DH had Sancerre; I had Taittinger Brut. Staying at Rome Airport Hilton (no taxi necessary!) and the put us in the Exec. Lounge--shrimp & baby greens salad, espresso, and Pinot Grigio. Free shuttle to downtown Rome--dropped us off at the edge of Campo Dei Fiore (old Jewish quarter). Went out to La Taverna del Ghetto for famous "Carciofi alla Giudica" (whole, deep-fried but not battered or breaded artichokes). They even threw in a free glass of kosher Valpolicella!

    And it was the last night of Hanukkah (hence the deep-fried stuff), but all the oil lamps (not candles) had burnt out. Took the following pic from our table looking out across the street. If this doesn't say "Coexist," nothing does!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2015


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2015

    imagebobby and dollie mae in their christmas sweaters