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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    Good morning friends- it sounds like everybody is busy with the holiday season!

    Cami- Santa asked me if you had been bad or good? I asked Santa "define bad for me please!" He sees you when your posting......LOL!

    Have you thought about having someone take those clothes in the box to a consignment shop for you Cami? The reason I ask is that when I renovated my house over the past year, it forced me to declutter and also clean out the closets (some still in progress). I have a couple places that will take my things and consignment shops LOVE items with the tags still on them, they do sell very quickly! I got some nice cash/credit for my items this year. Now I have a whole process to put things aside for consignment (as well as for donations) as I go along.

    Goldie- all that furniture is so beautiful. Do you have to put that entertainment center together yourselves? I had a huge one once and had to put it together and take it apart every time I moved. I finally sold it when I moved out west to NM. I hope you enjoy all the goodies you got. And of course she showed up, I like her platform shoes too!

    I would love to share my Santa photo with you but as a self employed person, I have kept my dx mostly private outside of some family and few trusted friends. Therefore, I don't post public photos of myself here. I can PM you the picture if you would like?

    I got into a bit more Xmas decorating, pull out the Xmas tunes yesterday, etc. In addition to business things to attend to this week, I have a few holiday get togethers along the way.

    Wishing everybody a good day and a good week!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2015

    Oh I LOVE candy-canes, and all those who support them...Winking I sent that pic to my Daughter's.... I think I have morally corrupted them ever since they got older.... but what's a Mother FOR anyway?

    Hi Goldie... You remembered! Hah! Yes, I'm "Ed".... xoxo

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Cami - o how I pray that the D won't be an issue this year. Had LOL of 'It hurts too much' we say that around here all the time and then laugh our arses off. Gotta tell the name of Joey's movie. Would lov to see his face on the big screen. I don't like crowds either, I do most of my shopping on line. Only have 3 more gifts then I'm done. Thanks for the candy cane…want him to 'come to mama'…seriously.

    Sandy - sounds like you hob-knob often and I am envious. Your dinner sound ritz and marvelous…u go girl.

    NM - thanks, I plan to call her today and get it taken care of. Have u called Consumer Cell? Don't know how far east they are but maybe look em up on line. DH switched to them about a year ago and he pays $28 per month, adding me to share his minutes will only b $10. A lot less than I was paying with Verizon. I don't kno either about the pic, I mean it was taken at a govt facility…ovey.

    Lowee - glad you are home and got what u wanted…looking forward to the pics. So thrilled your TM's have gone down. I like ur 'tude girlfriend. I want to say it was Nancy's DH that forgot it, but am not sure. I have been checking the calendar and if onco keeps me on every 4 weeks then I'd be due on March 1st (Tues). If things stay this way I can come in on Sunday and we can have lunch and/or jes visit at my son's house. Beautiful furniture…I'm loving it!!

    Jazzy - Good advice for Cami and her new/old clothes. Don't blame u for wanting to stay mostly incognito, but wud still love to c u n santa, but I do derstand.

    ED - LOL, that's zachery what mothers for…LOL

    OK, gotta buzz off…yak at ya'll later.


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2015

    Evening everyone! Whoes got their Christmas shopping done? Ha not me. Lol.

    NM I cant believe that nasty bat is back. OMG I dont know what I would do. I cant stand things like that. Does Sadie go after it? I think Cole would go bazerk. I know GInger would if she still lived with me. I dont think I could come back in my house as long as it was in here. Ugg.

    Mema I cant wait to see you on the 24th of Jan . I think I printed everything off but just incase you might send it to me one more time. Im really looking forward to our cruise and just relaxing.

    Lori I love your entertainment center. I actually saw one just like it here and wanted one like it but my DH didnt want one that big. Its beautiful! Thats a good idea to call Kohls and see what they will do. Im still fighting with the post office. They cant seem to get things right.

    Samarah has her first Christmas program tomorrow night. I cant wait. It should be lots of fun. We are watching National Lampoons Christmas Vacation tonight. I love that movie. It cracks me up. Especially when Aunt Bethany is supposed to say the grace and she says the pledge of allegance instead. You know "The Blessing" Oh when Clark says Aunt Bethany you shouldnt have done that and she says Oh did I break wind? Lol. Sorry I love it. Oh and the turkey that disinigrates as soon as he cuts it open crack me up.

    Ok I gotta go finish watching my movie. Love ya all

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2015


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Happy Twofer Tuesday!I'm having trouble getting my brain in gear this morning.Just want to sit here and snooze.Ah, well, the coffee cup is half into me, I'll start waking up soon enough.

    Cammy--Poor tired Joey!I was working in Skowhegan when Empire Falls was being filmed there, went and watched some of the filming and was amazed how long it took to do a single scene.Fascinating to watch, though!LOVE the candy cane martini!Will Candy Cane Man be serving them?

    Goldie--Hooray for finding everything!Watching the storms go by must be amazing.I am glad kid brother kept his germs home, and I figure they'll be up soon.Poor Mom wants everything perfect all the time and thinks she can do everything like she did when she was a teenager.Hard to see her getting older.I think Mr Bat got in through an open window in the sewing room (now closed).Haven't seen him since that one time Sunday night, so I'm hoping he evacuated.But I'm keeping an eye out for him!Pretty entertainment center!Beautiful bedroom, too!


    Jazzy--Good idea about consignment shops and donations!

    Morning, Chevy!

    Mema--I'll check out Consumer Cell, thanks!

    Collett--So far Sadie hasn't gone after Mr. Bat.She noticed him flying around, but stayed put, which is good cuz I wasn't tripping over her trying to chase him out.I've never seen that movie, sounds like I need to check it out!

    Nimble Giggle Pant's DOTD:Cammy's Candy Cane Martini!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2015

    Jazzy, ditto on the idea for Cami to take clothes to a consignment shop. And I would love to see you and Santa. As for the entertainment center, it comes in 6 boxes, so I don't think there will be too much assembling to do. The 2 sides are actually 4 pcs., one sits on top of the other, then the console and the bridge.

    ED, you don't mind if I call you ED do you? Of course I remember you. You and Cami are hoot and a half. Or should I say whore and a half??? It's great corrupting our kids. I love my adult children!

    LDB, would love to spend the day with you. I think it takes you about an hour and a half to get to Vegas? And you can spend the night at your sons, right?

    Nancy, I sure hope you get compensated for the bracelet. It's not a lot of money, but that's not the point. Looking forward to seeing pics of Samarah at her performance. I KNOW you will share! As for shopping, I just need to get into DH's wallet. Just sending cash to everyone. We are kind of like Jazzy's sister….buy your own gift!

    Thanks for all the nice words on my furniture. I can't wait to get the entertainment center.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2015

    OH GOLDIE! Just wait until she sees THAT! She will be beside herself.... "Whore and a half"..... SHE said it first, so I am the "half" part!

    I'm thinking you guys talk in "code" around here..... What is...."Nimble Giggle Pant's DOTD:Cammy's Candy Cane Martini!"???

    You mean with that guy? Is he really serving? And Mema, is she still having the big D problem? That Cammi person? Aw geez, I just spilled coffee down my top.... BUT I can go refill it, and then add the rest of the peppermint candy cane to it. I think it's too early to add the Hot Damn to it.... Isn't it?

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2015

    Morning everyone!

    Chevy I am sure its 5 oclock somewhere so I say go ahead with the Hot Damn or better yet get you some Fire ball I love that stuff! I need to go get me some for Christmas. :)

    Lori You know I will be taking pictures and videos of my baby girl tonight. Lol. She loves to sing, I told Camille this morninig I bet she will be up there waving and throwing kisses to her crowd like she did when we were in Disney. She cracks me up. Im sure I will have a good story to tell.

    I am trying to get in fit for the Rowing competition we have coming up the Saturday we get back from our cruise. Its a indoor rowing competition that my team will participate in. A 1000m race. Its individual this time. I will find out more about it Saturday when I go to practice but this is what we are training for right now. Its Jan 30th. I got evaluated last Saturady by our trainer so I will see where my times were and see where I need to improve. It will be fun. I was finishing my check in on the cruise site and noticed I cant choose the Disney bus since I am coming in the night before to go back to the airport. Is anyone driving who could give me a ride back to the airport Friday

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2015

    Hi Ladies--everyone but one.

    Oh Chevy I'm still splainin' to u even tho u are so much older than I. We have a virtual lounge, where we can drink and our nearly nakid men tend to our every need (I have many) and we even have a warm pool, of course I like the floor so I don't fall very hard and the DOTD means DRINK OF THE DAY, of course we can have more than just one. And If I didn't know better where u live and u lived by NM I would think maybe u'r the old bat that got into her house. My sweet Chevy.

    Lori u'r room looks beautiful and it's so big, everything looks perfect. That must feel good to get that all done.

    Jazzy that is a good idea actually, if I do I'll wait til after the Holidays I'm so far behind on about everything. Oh I would luv to see a pic of u with Santa.

    Nancy u are working hard, I didn't know u did this at all in the winter. I'm so happy that u can still do what u love.

    SusyQ I hope u and Lori can meet up for the day--u 2 always look so forward to that. Just feel good girls.

    Ah more pics of aNorable and u can put them with her singing too. That is so cute.

    NM that bat better not come back, I'd shoot it. like skeet shooting. Like I could.

    It's so fun reading all u'r plans for the cruise, who's staying with who and all. U gals are going to have so much fun. U lucky ducks--see I didn't use any F's in that sentence..

    OK I'm a little bit busy with work and have to catch up on filing--I still hate doing that even tho it's all computer chit.


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2015

    Bat shit crazy:

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2015

    Happy National Brownie Day! (I gotta be low-carb till my trip and again thereafter, so I’m donating my share to all of you). It was invented by Bertha Palmer (of Palmer House fame) and her chef. Lotta Chi-town history there!

    Hi, Cami. I live in the city itself, up in Edgewater just s. of the Loyola campus and 4 bl. from the lake (so we get heavier snow, but less extreme temps and the twisters don't get this far east). DH is a cardiologist (invasive, non-interventional), at three SW. Side/near SW suburban hospitals. DS is a comedy writer and actor (mainly improv but also some local sketch shows, indie films and the Banned Books Week readings put on by City Lit and sponsored by the city). I am a singer-songwriter/guitarist-dulcimerist who had to cut back on touring once DH and now I had our little Adventures in Surgery this year. I retired from law practice (admitted to the bar in WA '75, IL '79) but still hang on to my law license in case friends need my services and so I can be in the Bar Show (sat it out this year, though I did help with the writing).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    Cami- sending you PM with pic!

    ChiSandy- I saw it was national Brownie Day! Something on Facebook and pinged my BFF from childhood days about it. We used to go to her house after school and get one of those boxed brownie mixes and make fresh brownies for an after school snack. Warm brownies with milk, nothing better!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2015

    Jazzy oh warm brownies with milk--yummy

    Sandy what a hectic amazing life u lead and it must be so much fun having a son into what he must love. I am sorry u had to slow up this year but u really seem good for all the crap u've been going thru. Not to mention having a DH who's a Dr. had to be a huge help to u. Aha now we know u'r a lawyer so get brushed up on legal issues cuz we usually have some here. (Only kidding) yea right. And where u live is (if I remember) really nice. My brother got engaged last year with a woman that lived dowtown and he was planning on living there some of the time, he loved it. Well he passed away this yr. but for him to even think about that was impressive and she didn't even have a car and got around quite nicely and he loved that. He used to join in on some of the law things too for a while--he retired as a Justice on the Appellate court, but still worked pt for some law firm Downtown. I'm so glad u seem like u'r doing well so u can continue doing all the things u love to do. And if I sounded like I was bragging about my brother I probably was cuz he was such a great guy and a wonderful brother and I miss him,

    I hate being tired all day and must treat my cutomers like hurry and get off the phone--if I had 9PM to 1am hours I think I'd be nicer. And everyone in this house is in bed by 10 and Joey by 9 so it's quiet here. Oh he did have a recital tonight and used his RED clarinet and they're sounding better now (finally) I asked him if he thought he was the best one there and he said no and I said who was and he said no one but we all did our best so it was great. How he thinks, I've never heard him say anything bad about anyone, the most he's ever said was I don't enjoy hanging around that person. I've got to teach him Snarky.

    OK I should chexk my emails so I can delete all of them.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2015

    Cami, so sorry to hear about losing your brother--you are absolutely right to be proud of him, he sounded like an amazing man. (I’ve been away from courtrooms for awhile, but perhaps I might have heard of him since Appellate Justices are pretty well known (heck, I bet I voted for him). Joey sounds like a great kid!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Yesterday turned into a long day.Finished my last visit at 7 home just after 8 peeyem.Poor Sadie scooted out to pee so fast she almost tripped over her own feet!But she forgave me after about 20 minutes of belly rubs and tummy tickles and ear scratches and extra treats.

    Goldie--I can imagine you are excited for the entertainment center to come.

    Chevy--"Nimble Giggle Pants" is my Christmas Elf name.DOTD = drink of the day.I usually post a drink of the day for our enjoyment, and elected the Candy Cane Martini that Cammy posted earlier for yesterday's drink of the day.We do have our own language here, don't we?

    Collett--I bet you'll do well in the rowing competition.Sounds like fun!

    Cammy--I don't want to shoot Mr. Bat, he eats bugs and I don't like bugs.So far no more sign of him.I'm going to go over the sewing room very carefully over the weekend to see if he's found a hiding place there and evict him if he has.In the meantime the sewing room door stays closed so he doesn't have access to the rest of the house, if he's still here.


    Chi--Happy brownie day!Like days like Brownie days!Celebrated with a big one for lunch.

    Jazzy--warm brownies and milk, YUM!

    Cammy--don't teach Joey snarky yet, he'll learn it in time!Let him stay the nice guy he is for a while longer!I imagine you do miss your brother.Sounds like he was a great guy.

    Nimble Giggle Pants' DOTD:


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2015

    Good morning everyone! NM that English Christmas Punch is looking might yummy. I bet Sadie did forgive you after 20 min of belly rubbing. Lol. Its funny how they love to have that belly rubbed isnt it? I know Cole is a attention hog when it comes to rubs.

    Cami we start with indoor training in Nov and will continue until we start with the season in June when the water is warm enough. I cant wait to get back out on the water. They may be sending some of us to a training camp in either Tampa or Orlando in April. If they do I hope I get to go.

    ChiSandy happy brownie day to you a day late. I love brownies especially with a nice glass of milk.

    Samarahs first Christmas program was just adorable last night. She did a great job as did all the little ones. They were all so darn cute. As promised here are a couple of pictures. There is a video on my FB page. image

    Samarah before the program


    Samarah with daddy (my DS) and mommy


    Samarah and Papa (my DH)






    Cole wanted to say hi to Sadie

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2015

    Nancy, I guess Samarah isn't shy? Good for you on the workouts. Can't wait to hear and see her performance. Would be nice to go to FL, does the team pay that for you? Your son is a lucky man to have those two beauties in his life. Is the SD in the picture? Love all the pictures and so sweet of Cole.

    Cami, luck DUCKS with no "F". You are too funny. I hope you can make some money on those clothes. As for needing a lawyer, I think you might be the one that may need one the most! With all your letter writing.

    No calories in the brownies here in The HTL Sandy, so have as many as you like.

    Jazzy, I like Toll House cookies with milk. Made a batch last week, and so yummy! Thank you for the picture.

    NM, sweet Sadie to hold it that long. I can't even imagine if we had to do that! Be sure to keep that window closed in the sewing room. We might go tomorrow and pick up the entertainment center. Partly because no telling what the weather will be like in mid January when they deliver. Then we would have to leave it at our warehouse in town. No fun to have it there.So if we go tomorrow, it will just be a turn and burn.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2015

    Good Morning Ladies--weather is warmish and rain in sight but that's OK.

    ori I hope u can get the ent. center and get it put together so u can enjoy it. With u'r legs up, relaxing====Oh what did u think I was going to say.

    NM I bet Sadie forgave u immediately, she knows u'll rub her tummy and how u love her. Good DOTD today sounds like something to think about for a crowd--Oh who am I kidding a couple of straws and we're in good shape.

    Nancy luv the pics, she looks right at home on the stage and what a beautiful family u have--so happy. And Cole isso cute sying hi to Sadie. My cat's on FB but Joey did it for me, my DD thought I did. LOL as if......

    OK Lori I don't think I'm really on the watch list, but remember when they called my DD (Jodie) and thought I was mentally ill--so I don't think they think I'm a danger just crazy. Doesn't mean I won't need a lawyer but.......

    My calls have started so I'll be back.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    Cami- you know what I like to say, we are ALL CRAZY and it's not a competition!


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2015

    Hi girls, I've been gone awhile, just really bizzy. Had Xmas with my brothers and their families last Saturday, was nice to see everybody, we only get together twice a year. My niece has 3 kids now, 5,3 and 9 months so fun to watch them all interacting with Nora. We ate lots of food and had a gift exchange and stealing of gifts, we ended up with a bluetooth speaker and a $30 gift card to Outback so didn't do too bad. I start my new job on Saturday, I'm just dreading it but I'm sure it will be fine once I get used to it. DH outta town tonight and it's nice to have the house to myself. I had my routine stress test yesterday, I'm sure everything is fine, will have results in a few days, oh and lipids and CBC, see my cardiologist next week then I am done with doctors till 2017 except for MO... that's my new years resolution. No ologist! Really want to keep that money in the health savings account for a change.

    NM, I've worked in the independent living facility for 9 years. I was there part time when I owned my own shop. I rent a chair and the money is fantastic when I am busy, which I always was until the past year. The new residents moving in do not get their hair done every week, just cuts once/month. The Saturday job is commission so they supply everything and I just show up with my scissors. I have no idea how the money will be, it will depend on how busy I am and how fast I can work. Figured it was worth a try, can always use the extra money. The bat came back? Oh my, hope he left. I only read this page, I was just too far behind. Dogs never take long to forgive, mine only need a treat and they love me again. Hope you got off work earlier tonight.

    Jazzy, I would love to see your pic with Santa, I like having a face to put to the posts. Hope you have lotsa fun at the holiday parties. Ha, love the crazy!

    Lori, you sound good, love the furniture and the entertainment center. Hope you get some facetime with LDB. Glad you and Cami had a nice swim.

    Sandy, nice to know a bit about you and your family. Hopefully you will have your act back out on the road in no time.

    Sue, good to see you, cruising time getting close!

    Nancy, Samara gets prettier everyday. Great looking family! Good job with the workouts, hope the contest goes well but I can wish you luck in person real soon. That movie is a good one for sure, was that when they put the dead gramma on top of the car? I am done with Xmas shopping and have everything wrapped, don't know what got into me this year but I did almost all of it online and just got it over with.

    Chevyboy, Nimble Giggle Pants is NM's elf name, it was posted on here a few pages back, I'll see if I can find it again.

    Cami, Oh it seems like just yesterday that Joey brought that clarinet home and was just learning to play. Kim is right, he'll learn snarky soon enough. If only people could learn to make their heating and air conditioning calls late at night, would make your life so much easier!

    Well. I'll go back and read the past pages now and see if I can really catch up but wanted to pop in before I got anymore behind.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2015


    This one is a little different but you get the idea. Now I'm Twinkle JazzyHands

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2015
  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2015

    good morning everybody, worked the last 3 days, so need to catch up, so many rude and nasty people this week but ended on a high note ,one of the patients owns a a chinese restaurent and brought in sweet and sour chicken and mongolien beef for everybody last night ,

    ok good now we have a lawyer ,to help keep us out of trouble or jail ,especially you cammiHappy

    nancy-samara looks adoreble ,love kids christmas concerts, if you come to fl again we have to meet up

    lori -house looks great,

    ok its 0355 so back to bed,have a bone densisty test today

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Just crawling out of bed after another long day yesterday.Not even sure what day of the week it is today yet. But the first mug of coffee is being consumed, the brain cells will start talking to each other soon.

    Collett--Yeah, Sadie mostly forgave me after the belly rubs.She did take over all the pillows that night though, I think just to remind me who is really boss in this house!I do hope you get to go to the training camp, sounds like such fun!Sadie says Hi to Cole, and like Cole's sweater! Samarah looks beautiful!Bet she was a hit.

    Goldie--Having the entertainment center in the warehouse probably isn't as helpful as it could be.Hope the trip to pick it up is a smooth one.And Sadie is a good doggie.I think she likes me.

    Cammy--Sadie is a forgiving pup,I have to admit.I kind of like punches and sometimes make a very small batch--one or two drinks worth, when I have all the stuff on hand.Too bad to waste good punch recipes on just parties!


    Genny-- A bluetooth speaker and gift card is a pretty good haul!Ah, how the ageing of the population changes things.My grandmother used to do the weekly hair thing, my mother does the monthly/every 6 weeks thing, and I get my hair cut a couple times a year and trim my bangs myself as needed.I hope it works out for you.Mr. Bat has not been seen for a few days now.He is either gone or stuck in the sewing room.This weekend, when I am home during daylight hours, I will go over the sewing room carefully and see if he is there and then make sure the window is closed and locked--I've discovered that window will work its way open if it's not locked!

    Now I'm Buddy Floppy-Feet!Or Cookie Floppy-Feet, depending on if I use my screen name or real name.I think I'll stick with Nimble Giggle Pants, it's funnier.

    Genny--I'll take all 4, thank you!Plus the wine.

    Juliet--Isn't it nice when a patient/family does something thoughtful like that?I bet it was fantastic!

    Nimble Giggle Pants/Buddy Floppy-Feet's DOTD:

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    Good morning friends- that Xmas cookie swap looking YUMMY! All my favorite things with Baileys, Kaluha, & more! Might have to have one of those before the season wraps up?

    Been pushing to get this contract wrapped up so we can get going on this work that is running LATE! I have some info coming from my atty today and will see if they are able to accept it plus my insurance coverage (still pending). If not, my atty and some others have advised me I need to walk away from this one and know they are right. My client is very anxious to get going.

    I have a fun social event tonight with the entrepreneurial community here and hoping there will be some wine?

    I got two Xmas presents in the mail and opened them BOTH yesterday! That is my holiday modus operendi, open em as they come in. Beautiful wreath from a sister in law and some fun gifts from one of my BFFs in TX. I am posting the wreath photo to share with you!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2015

    beautiful gifts jazzy

    nancy not sure of my travel plans yet still but if driving, no problem to take you to the airport

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2015

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Sorry I've been away so much. All my tests showed NED. YAY, then MO says the protocol is 3 years on this chemo as long as I stay NED. So come April or May I am finished with this treatment, basically cut loose. I will still get some tests every 6 mos to a year. I drove all the way out there, got my port accessed, they checked my blood and determined my potassium level was too low to do chemo. I have to go back Tues next week and we'll try it again. Oyvey!

    Lowee - yes, if nec I can spend the night at my sons. I have access to his house 24/7. Still too early to know my schedule but when I do I'll let you kno. Miss ya gf! Did I tail ya I just love ur new furniture…it's beautiful!

    LOL'd over 'whore and a half'. Wish I could see their faces.

    NM - they have unlimited data, talk, text but for more money. DH took a mid-range and has never used but ½ of his time. Start low and they will email ya if ur getting close to ur usage limit. We are very happy with them.

    ED - yes I am big D or C, I go back n forth like a pingpong ball. Never kno what surprises I'll get. And I agree, never too early for Hot Damn or Fireball…go for it girl! I jest love the 'bat-shit' post…soo true.

    Nancy - I so envy the rowing, sounds like good FUN kinda exercise. Proud of ya! Love the pics of pretty Samara and the rest of the clan.

    Cami - how are you feeling, are those latest remedies helping at all? I can sympathize. I had one bout last week…looked jes like coffee grounds…tmi right LOL, had to share. MO wants me to go back to butt doc, but I'm sure I recently had a colonoscopy this past spring. Oh well, I'm in the 'wait n see' mode.

    Jazzy - I agree we're all nutz….LOL gr8 post!

    Mary - so glad to see you again in the HTL, I know what it's like to get behind from being so busy. It seems I'm in the same boat. Looks like I'm Elvis Sweet-buns…LOL. I need the 6 shots of vodka and 2 weeks of sleep!

    OK, gotta go. Today I hang my tree on the wall. Then I'm done besides wrapping a dozen gifts. LubsLubsLubs everyone…Muah!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    I wanted to share a holiday greeting with all of my new friends here on the Drinking Thread. This photo was taken by me last December up in Northern NM during sunrise. Blessings to everyone this season for a peaceful holiday season and good health and much happiness in the new year!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2015

    Hi girls,

    Oh mese oh mise, I have really missed you all. I tink this might be the longest period where I did not check in. I read the last two pages and it looks like I have missed so much. My pea brain is loaded with comments, well WAS and now I foyget what I was going to say to you all.

    Gotta keep this short as I have to log in and work tonight.. the work crud sure gets in my way. Speaking of, it is more difficult for me to post or read from work as I have moved my cubicle and do not have the privacy I used to have. Chit chit chit.

    Lori, saw your bedroom pics, they sure are bootiful. And I saw Stella too, love that girl. I miss the good old days when she used to post here.

    Nancy, your baby girl is so so pretty. And what a ham she is.

    Sue, a big congrats on being NED, wooo hoo, I will toast that girly. Muah! and Cheers!

    Ed, I forgot how you got that name but I do remember Lori and the rest of us calling you that.

    Camille, you cracked me up big time talking about the bat that got into NM's house, OMG, you are so funny. Sending you lots of love and hugs, k? Feel them?

    Julie, hello, sorry you had to deal with so many butt heads at work.

    Genny, hello roomie. Good luck with the new job.

    NM, the same bat in your house? Say it isn't so. I feel for ya, hate bats. They fly over my house when I have the pool light on in the summer, reason I rarely put it on, they skeeve me. Sending kisses to Sadie Goil.

    Hi Jazzy, that is a pretty wreath. And hello to ChiSandy and anyone else I may have missed. I never mean to skip anyone. My brain is effing fried these days. I need a drink and might jest make one, shhh don't tail.

    I got another rejection letter on a job that I applied for. Two resumes submitted and two rejections. Will get back to the drawing board soon as I have a chance. I am super pissed off that I am about to lose two weeks vacation time at work, can't miss any work as I am too busy and it will kill me. And can't carry them over. My company sucks so much. Oh well, life is a-ok here and ihope the same for you all.

    Wishing you all a wonderfoil weekend full of fun and relaxation.
