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how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2015

    Hi girls,

    I am still at work at 6 pee em on a Friday night, isn't that the pits?

    Jazzy, of course we will git you a group pic of us cruisers.

    Nancy, I can't believe that someone stole your DIL's necklace then had the nerve to leave you with an empty box. That is just rude.

    NM, enjoy your Thanksgiving sailabration. I will be with you in spirit. Some turkey sounds good to me. And of course, I love those stanky turks after the meal hahaha!

    Lori, your pic of your view is simply breathtaking. Something to be said about living off the grid. Hope you are feeling well. I commend you for being so brave in talking about your TM's going up but that it is what it is.

    Genny, woohooo, we are all booked. I will see you the night before the cruise, can't wait. The countdown is getting close, less than 60 days. Cheers! I will pay ya when I see ya.

    Camille, you are jest so popular on BCO, people seem to worship ya. Joey is a class act, glad that he waits on you hand and foot. you deserve that.

    Julie, hope you are feeling better. Let's send the peeps that got you sick directly to the swamp land. I have a few people that I would like to send there my damnself, namely financial advisors that I work with.

    Chevy, good to see you in the lounge. We ARE a fun group.

    Sue, you too, I forgive you for jest popping in to read, there are not enough hours in the day.

    Well I am going to get my EWWA back to work so that I can get out of here and start my Friday night JD and diet.

    Here are some rounds for all mese goils.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2015

    hello ladies yes the cruise is next month nowHappyapparently you have to be sober enough to walk up the gangplank per the veteran cruisers! so cammi they are watching you so by extension they are watching us, we'll yet you know if we need bail money

    good new cea is now 4.7( it was 8.4) yes i have had a negative work on everything up all year and my cea is higher than lori's go figure

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    Hi ladies- well I had a busy day and tried to go to a "shop and stroll" event tonight, but good lord, it was a total mob scene, no parking close by, etc. so I left. Going to try to do something similar with some friends another night when there are less people!

    I did manage to stop on the way down there at a store where I shop and got to meet up with Santa Claus and do a "selfie!" And no Cami, I did not ask to sit on his lap, I know what you are thinking!

    I got my first Xmas card today and my first gift today too! I met up with my former massage therapist (she had to close her business as she went back to school for something else and decided to give up her massage therapy work). We had a nice 2 hour breakfast, she has had so much going on in her family so it was a good visit. She gave me a gift card to my favorite hot springs here.

    Tomorrow I am having dinner with a couple girlfriends at my friends new apartment and that will be fun. I have a lot of cleaning to do around here.

    Xmas is in three weeks folks. Get shopping!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2015

    Evening everyone! Hope youall had a good day. Went and did a little shopping with my DH tonight. we got some cute little things for the kids at Old Navy. They always have good sales on clothes. Looking forward to being with everyone soon. I think I need to change my flight coming back though to Friday instead of Sat. Im not sure why I did that. We do come back Friday right?

    Mary I am glad you and Dara are staying at the same place as Sue and I the night before. We will have lots of fun.

    Jazz there are alot of opportunities for group pictures. They have photographers everywhere so I am sure we will have several.

    Dara I know I was so upset that someone had the nerve to not only take my DIL necklace but leave me with the empty envelope and leave me the reciept. The post office called me yesterday and they are still working on trying to figure out what happened. We will probably never know. Im just out 25 dollars. Im going to call Kohls and let them know what happened.

    NM we have had a lot of fog which has caused alot of black ice on the roads especially at night and early am. Be careful driving. Cole says to tell Sadie hello.

    Hello and hugs Cami and Lori and Mema love you all

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2015

    On Christmas Eve after we open all the presents (with DS’ holiday mix playing in the background) we have plum pudding and glogg. If we remember in time (or have the time) we pick up a bottle of Hans’ Andersonville Glogg; otherwise I just throw some together with vodka (unless we have akavit), whatever red wine I have open (or use the cheapest bottle in the house), slivered almonds, raisins, cinnamon sticks, whole cloves, powdered ginger and sugar to taste. One year we used a Harrod’s pudding we got in the Heathrow gift shop that fall; last year we bought a couple on Amazon (and those suckers last longer than fruitcakes--heck, before they go bad we’ll have had nuclear Armageddon and only the cockroaches will be around to enjoy them). We steam the crap out of one (microwaving just doesn’t cut it) and then at midnight dim the kitchen lights, flambe some brandy and pour it over, oohing and aaahing until the flames go out. (The one time of year pyromania is permissible).

    Went to a hospital buffet dinner at which DH was being honored for 30 yrs on staff. They had a pasta bar, prime rib and turkey-en-croute carving stations, pates, cheeses, lox and cut fruit. Not a green thing in sight, except for the dollar bills in the bartender’s tip jar. The red wine was so “meh” that after a couple of sips I switched to seltzer and coffee. (More fruit at the dessert bar so I could ignore the good stuff). Tomorrow night we’re going to see the “Bar Show.” For the past 90 yrs. the Chi. Bar Assn.’s been putting on a weeklong satirical musical current events revue--and until now I was in it every year since 2002. Bowed out this season for fear I’d give a shitty performance after all that radiation (and at the time I had to decide, hadn’t gotten my Oncotype in yet and chemo was still a possibility). Had I known I’d be feeling so normal, I would’ve stayed in the show. Meanwhile, the cast & crew sent me a floral arrangement and chocolates! Before we go to the theater, though, we’ll shop in the Loop at the “Christkindlmarkt”--in the Daley Plaza every holiday season they bring in vendors from all over Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic to sell handcrafted gifts, ornaments and food & drink. Alas, no beer for me this year (gotta save my booze allowance for the good stuff) and no hot chocolate or cider--too sugary. But there’s a platter of wurst & sauerkraut and a bottle of nonalcoholic Kaliber with my name on it--or maybe some Riesling if there’s a good one.

    Wanted to put together some cool “mocktails” for those of us whose MOs are being party-poopers about booze. But except for Virgin Marys, they’re all too carb-y! A few years back I went to see Carrie Fisher’s autobiographical one-woman show on B’way. She’s teetotaling now, so the bar in the lobby featured a mocktail called a “Wishful Drinking” (the title of the show): muddle some pear puree (heck, open a can of pears & crush ‘em) with ginger and cinnamon and pour in some good spicy ginger ale. (Canada Dry is too bland. Vernor’s--or diet V. for those of us who have to watch carbs--will do. Reed’s Ginger Beer or Bruce Cost’s Handmade Ginger Ale is perfect).

    At George’s on the Cove in La Jolla a few years ago, I had a virgin “Bee Sting:” muddle some Japanese sushi-bar ginger slices with kumquat and lemongrass; add a squirt of honey and top up with ginger ale. (Vodka for the real thing).

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418
    edited December 2015

    Chi Sandy, reading your posts are an education, like a informative cooking class , wine tasting. I enjoy your posts, some of it is greek to me, but I do love the info....

    I am SO excited for the "big" cruise. When you ladies were planning this, I was lurking..( Cami lurking ) & low & behold, my childhood friend invited me to go... We went on Carnival Cruise, June 8, 2015.

    ****~~~~~**** THEY DO NOT CHECK your luggage.... Save yourself the BIG bucks & take whatever want in plastic bottles, inside your luggage. We went to Cozmel & Grand Caymens.... Did not sign up for any excursions. I had done my homework, when we got off in Cozmel, hopped in a taxi, CHEAP, went to Paradise Cove.... $3.00 to hang at there facility, it was a 4* resort, great food, pools, beachfront.

    We both have traveled, done the excursions, snorkeling type things. It's all good, especially if you have not done that before. But, if you don't want, need to do that, self trips are DIRT cheap, food is better, more relaxing. I love doing my own thing, never scared or intimatated. Pretend I speak the native language..... All bologna. I am a very picky eater......embarrassing.... So, I struggled with the cruise food. It was me! Everyone loved the food.... Sorry, it's late, I have had a few, rambling in the lounge, by myself...

    Hope all has a great weekend.....

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thanksgiving/Merry Christmas day for my family.All the gifts arrived, yeah!All wrapped up and ready to lug to the car.Going to have a very, very nice day today.

    Goldie--That is quite a view you have there.Do you get to watch some good thunderstorms rolling in?

    Cammy--I am careful driving, I promise.Got to start packing for vacay pretty soon.

    Chevyboy--that's an interesting looking drink, especially with lots of cherries!

    Dara--still at work at 6 peeyem on a Friday night is AWFUL!I will eat some turkey skin just for you today!

    Juliet--HOORAY for a good CEA result!Being sober enough to find your cabin when you board is a good thing, drop everything (or unpack if you prefer) then find the nearest place with adult beverages and a view is my plan.Then exploring the boat.Eventually.Mostly I just want to meet the other Loungettes and visit!

    Jazzy--Hot springs?Wow!That must be such fun!

    Collett--yes, we get back to Orlando on Friday.Sadie says Hi to Cole.I'm always extra careful in the fog and on frosty times just because of the black ice issue.I also have a pretty good idea where the black ice is most likely to be, which helps.

    Sandy--LOL, permissible pyromania!Love that!Gotta love the unhealthy food that gets served at parties put on my hospitals.Sorry you are missing out on the musical.I bet you'll have a great time with next year.And the chocolates and flowers, how sweet!The market sounds like great fun, too.Neat sounding mocktails!I didn't know Carrier Fisher had a history of drinking.I guess I still think of her as Princess Leia.

    Holey--I'm not quite brave enough to strike off all by myself in a strange country, probably would if I was traveling with someone though.

    Nimble Glitter Pants DOTD:

    Bee Sting

    1 oz Bärenjäger Honey Liqueur

    1 oz Laphroaig Single Malt Scotch Whisky

    .25 oz Fernet-Branca

    1 Egg white

    1.5 oz Fresh tangerine juice

    3 dashes Peychaud's Bitters

    Add all the ingredients except the bitters to a shaker and shake without ice for about 10 seconds.

    Fill with ice and shake again very, very well—about 30 seconds.

    Strain into an Old Fashioned glass filled with ice and top with the bitters.

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited December 2015

    ChiSandy: Kristkindle market? Huh. I haven't ever been to/through it though hardly unaware of it--had to walk past it for opera on Thursday.

    NativeMainer: not sure I'd bury the Laphroaig in all that, but then good liquor does sometimes make the drink amazing, rather than merely alcoholic.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2015

    Now we can't forget the adults as the holidays approach so for the grown ups we have the

    1/2 oz. (15ml) Vodka
    1/2 oz. (15ml) Dark Creme de Cacao
    1 oz. (30ml) Baileys Irish Cream
    1 1/2 Cup Chocolate Ice Cream
    Chocolate Sprinkles
    2 oz. (60ml) Melting Chocolate

    1. Rim glass with hot melted chocolate and dip in chocolate sprinkles.

    2. Blend vodka, creme de cacao, baileys and ice cream. Do not blend the ice cream completely to a liquid. Let it maintain some of it's thickness.

    3. Pour into chocolate rimmed glass and add sprinkles on topimage

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2015


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2015


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2015

    Queen, the Christkindlmarkt is in the plaza of the Daley Center (bounded by Washington on the s., the DC on the n., Dearborn on the e. and Clark on the w.). Closest parking is either the Theater Dist. garage on Dearborn & Lake across from the Goodman or a garage on the w. side of Clark bet. Wash. & Madison. Not cheap, but there’s always the CTA!

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited December 2015

    Public transit the way to go, definitely! though I'd probably end up taking an Amtrak spur in, should i choose to attend.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday!Had a lovely visit with Mom and Dick.My brother has the flu, so they didn't come. Mom was a bit upset about that for a while.She tries to do everything in one day and gets upset when she can't managed that anymore so she was a little miffed about not having the tree finished and her Christmas village set up and about a million other things done in addition to cooking the turkey and everything else for dinner.When she did sit down she fell asleep!Gotta love her, though!

    Queen--sometimes just knowing something good is in the drink makes a difference, too!

    Juliet--Yum, Yum, that looks DELISH!OOH, the Eggnog Martini looks even better!

    Nimble Giggle Pants DOTD:choose your fav:


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    Good morning ladies- you are making me thirsty as I get my Sunday going! Well, it's 5 p.m. somewhere, yes?

    I have had one of those chocolate bliztens in the past. They are so freakin' good! Like having an ice creme sundae with booze!

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Been doing a tad of Xmas decorating around the house this weekend. Got a box of pears of Harry and David pears yesterday for a Xmas gift. YUM!


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2015

    Morning Dahhhlinks!

    All the DOTDs sound crazy scrumptious, not that I need any more crazy. LOL Can't believe how much ketchin up I need to do. Had a nice time in Vegas. All though the time there set me back 3 days here. Managed to get our bills paid and some of DS too. Had my teeth cleaning on Thur and Fri was my pamper day, nails, toes, lashes.

    I am still stuck with my pre-admit for the cruise. Will have to do it tomorrow, I'll call Kathy and have her walk me thru. Speaking of callng, been try to switch my provider. Boy did it all get screwed up. Hopefully the new phone will come tomorrow. arrrgg.

    Dara - so glad you got ur passport. DH lost his that we got last year, he went to PO with his papers, PO took his picture. Well the powers that be sent his ap back and told him the picture wasn''t good enuf. So he has to go back for another pic.

    Lowee - what a beautiful but kinda scary pic. Did you end up with rain or snow from that stormy looking sky?

    NM - sounds u had a gr8 weekend. Black ice is a big thing, can cause so much damage and worse sometimes. I know you'll be extra careful tho.

    Holeinone - thanks for the likker advice, my worry is getting the alcohol on the airplane.

    Chi - never heard of Andersonville Glogg, never even heard the word glogg. Sounds yummy tho.

    Cami - I've missed you, hope ur doing well.

    Lubslubslubs and forgibness for me being so behind!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2015

    I forgot to ask Mary, I think it's you that has the caramel shoppe. Can u send me the web address so I can check it out. Found sev when I looked, wasn't sure which one was yours.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2015

    Hi Ladies---

    lots of good likker happening here, each one I read I want one.

    NM I'm sorry u'r mom had a disappointment for u'r holiday, but it sounds like it came out all right. But when families get together u really want everyone there.

    Jazzy I would never say u wanted to SIT on santa's lap, well I wouldn't use those words cuz yyes u know me. And I would think any where u go now it will be overcrowded I hate outside shopping.

    Hole I was going to say the same thing to Sandy, Sandy u'r post are so interesting and cute to read. And hole u'r just as adorable as ever..

    HaHa I see Chevy broke down and had to put her penny in, yes Chevy it's not evn worth 2 cents, but I'm always glad to see u. And read u ripping me apart which gives u so much pleasure, and I'm here to please .

    SusyQ u've got some busy stuff to do, in fact u'r always busy, I hope u'r feeling OK

    Julie are u on an anti-b again, I thought I read that, I don't know u've been not feeling well for a while now--I hope u'r all right.

    Where's Lori, did I miss something.

    BTW Julie if there are so many people not on a watch list that should be, believe me I might be, u know how I write to political figures and now their wives. I can't stop sometimes.

    OMG what a day Marty went in the attic to get all the decortions down, holy chit he found 5 boxes of my clothes most with tags on them, like I'd wear them I', a nightgown person now. So I did put all summer things away to make some room, I don't have enough room. Well anyway Leslie got a phone call from her GF (whose brother is filming a super low budget horror film) and it's not far from us so he wanted Joey in a scene. It's the very last scene and it took 3 takes, so u know how bad this will end up--So the house is up for grabs and they'll have to finish tomorrow--what a mess. And my room/office is like the good will drop off, believe me it will stay like this til I feel like packing things right for the attic. Oh well

    This coming saturday is my one side of the family's Christmas--I'm praying I'll be all right to go, I really don't care about my pain it's always my D that gets in the way. I'm on a few different things and hope it just keeps on working, I don't want to miss another one. Good thing we have a lot of wood in this house I'm always knocking on it. No Chevy I do not use my head, I've learned over the yrs. (it hurts to much)

    Dara I hope u'r weekend was good, I know it's Monday already and I have no shopping done yet, oops sorry I have my sisters present--that's it.

    OK if I missed anyone I never mean to but it usually happens.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2015

    This aft. went to brunch & had a Virgin Mary with an egg-white/basil/chevre/sundried tomato scramble with cucumber-tomato salad. DH had a glass of bubbly & so did I. Tasted sweeter than I remembered. Unfortunately, Robbie Gould blew a sure field goal sending the game into OT and the Bears lost a few minutes later. Then I found out the bubbly was J. Roget. Meh. (It does make decent mimosas, though). Dinner tonight was at McCormick & Schmick--we shared mussels in tomato-basil broth to start. Entree was pan-seared sea bass with pesto, tomatoes and sauteed asparagus. Had Chandon Brut with it--now, that’s more like it!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2015

    Good Monday morning, Loungettes! How is everyone this dark and frosty morning?Mr. Bat found his way back in the house, he swooped through around 7 pm last night.Not sure where he's hanging out, hope to find him when I get home from work tonight and shoo him out again.

    Jazzy--good looking pears!

    Mema--I'm sure Kathy will be able to help you with the cruise check in.I think I need to look at changing phone providers, I don't have coverage in a big chunck of where I work and that can be a problem sometimes.Hubby's pic not good enough?That sounds odd but what do I know?

    Cammy--I'm sure my brother and his wife will come up another weekend soon and we can all get together then, but it won't be the same without a turkey dinner, but we'll managed just fine.Oh, my, Joey in a Horror movie, what fun!Will we all get to see it?Praying the D stays away long enough for you to go to the family get-together.


    Nimble Giggle Pants' DOTD:

    Elf Tea

    1 oz Peppermint Liqueur

    1 oz (fresh) Lemon Juice

    1 tsp Sugar

    3 oz Iced Tea


    Pour the peppermint liqueur and iced tea into a highball glass filled with ice cubes. Stir well, and sweeten to taste. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon over the top, and serve.

    Best served in a Beer Mug.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2015

    Oh Sandy sounds delish, I love pesto (we always made our own and my sister still does) and I have to mention some of these wines to her, she's a wine drinker every day, like my dad was and she's always looking for a good red wine cuz she does change around some time. We both live west of the city and my DD has worked Downtown for at least 20 yrs and she still loves it. I'm nosy like Lori do u live in the city or a suburb and what does u'r DH do. And u got home late tonite LOL Hope u get some sleep.

    Oh Joey was so tired tonite after all he was an actor today and it's not as easy as it looks standing in the right place with a maniacal laugh. for 15 seconds. If and I say if this movie ever gets released I'll tell u, it does have Tara reid in it so it'll never make the Oscars. Leslie did extra work on movies and some TV series made in Chgo, yrs ago--u'd see the back of her head or an elbow, but she'd be there for hrs. for a 5 second thing and she never spoke, but she loved it, that's why she took Joey to do it. OK going off on a silly subject.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2015


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2015


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2015

    Aw Geez Cammi! Now THAT is something to wake-up to! Ooh yeah!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2015

    Chello Chello my friendly Lounge Lizards! I am home and we got what we wanted. Of course, couldn't bring it all home. Got our entertainment center, 2 end tables and a couple of rugs. And my bedding came in as well. I'll share some pics at the end of my post.

    Cami, you and I went swimming the other morning, always a pleasure.

    ED! Great to see you Elizabeth Dahling! Altho that is not your name either!

    Wacko, glad you are all set to go on the cruise. My TM's have gone down, not up. But true dat, iffen they do go up, it tis what it tis! I DO have a nice view! Thank you. It isn't usually that green though.

    Julie, great news on your CEA. I think there are things that can cause that to go up and aren't RB (Rat BasTURD) related. Cami and I will get a collection together in case y'all need bail $. Love the Chocolate Blitzen.

    Jazzy, a selfie with Santa? Well girl, you know we all want to see THAT! My shopping is all done….cards to send moolah in!

    Nancy, that would sure be nice if Kohl's replaced the necklace. Maybe share with them your correspondence with the post office, might help prove your "case".

    Sandy, seems like a hospital would put out a little more healthier dinner! You have a busy future for sure!

    Hole, you are never alone in the lounge, so ramble all you want! We'll blame it on the booze. Glad you were lurking and now have joined us! And great advice for our Cruzette's.

    NM, we do get to watch the storms, most of which go right on by us. I think it's partly because of the up draft that ridge to left creates. You can see a storm MILES away! When us girls all met in Vegas, I didn't care if I did anything either, just wanted to spend time with the girls. So much fun. Sorry you brother didn't get make it to the gathering, butyou have to be glad that he wasn't going to share his germs. And kudos to mom for all she did, even though not to her liking, and then fell asleep.

    Pretty pears there Jazz!

    LDB, I do not think that storm made it to my yard. Speaking of passports, who was it that went somewhere, but their DH forgot his passport and had to come a day or so later? So hoping you can make it to Vegas, so we can hook up.

    Cami, so glad that your friends made it here, and you and ED are just too funny together! You and your letters to the politicians and wives too???Oh I wish we could see Joey in the movie. I'm sure he had a blast doing that. And don't worry about missing anyone, you're here partying with us, that's all that counts, and maybe we can get Chevy to join you on the floor!

    OMG NM, the bat is back? I wonder where he's getting in from, and I'm sure you are wondering the same thing!

    Nice COCKtail there Cami! ED, I think it woke all of us up!

    Ok, here is the entertainment center we are getting. I can't wait. I'll post my own when we get it and get it all put together.


    My new bedding....After 10 years, the room is finally complete. Except the patio door. I'd like to get verticals for that.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2015

    Chevy for some reason I thought u liked candy canes, so I looked for a picture of one.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2015

    Another swim with Cami, I'm lovin that. Grab that candy cane Cami!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2015




  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2015



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2015

