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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    Cami- Santa said this one is for you!


  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited December 2015

    Mema: the right decision is the decision we made, based on our lives and our prognosis. Never look back. (Odds on I wouldn't have had reconstruction either if I'd had to have a mastectomy because of the recovery, never mind the long-term effects.)

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited December 2015

    Jazzy, I will never say that I'm cancer free or that I have "beat" it. Nor will I ever refer to myself as cancer survivor. I'm not big on statistics, but I am superstitious🙃. Love your avatar!

    Today was a slow one for me,so I just opened a bottle of a lovely Australian Shiraz...

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    Hsant- nope, those words don't fit for me either. My doctors office always says the way they see it is more as "no evidence of disease". No one will ever say it is gone forever, so we don't either. I don't use the word survivor either. I am a survivor of many things in this life.

    The shiraz sounds lovely! I am in search of a lovely pinot noir I had a few weeks ago and trying to find locally. No luck yet!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    The best wine shop in town has heard of my wine I am looking for and is going to look into ordering it for me! Six bottle minimum though, but have some gifts to still do and think this wine could be a nice one!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited December 2015

    Jazzy, I'm not especially knowledgable in Pinot's. However, Oregon is known for producing great Pinot noirs, and also Paso Robles (central Ca).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    Hsant- the wine is called Route 99W and is out of Williamette Valley. My friend just called and wants two of the six bottles if we can get the half case (just perfect as I wanted 2 bottles for moi and 2 for myself!) Fingers crossed!

    I got some great pinot noir out of Napa Vally when I was there last, but still think I like the cabs out of that area the best. If you have never had a Whitehall Lane cab, it is one of the best around!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited December 2015

    Jazzy, I've had the pleasure of imbibing Route 99W. Delish! I'm not familiar with Whitehall Lane Cabernet, so thanks for that! I love, love, love California reds in general. Hubby and I have spent many a drunken weekends wine tasting in central and northern CA, since it's relatively local to us

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2015

    Hello ladies, just checking in to see how you all are doing. Drink up!

  • Planet
    Planet Member Posts: 9
    edited December 2015
    After abstaining for 4 weeks because of Norco use following 2 bunionectonies, a Mohs procedure to remove a basal cell carcinoma from my face, and THE BIOPSY, I got my pre-op call to give me my surgical times for tomorrow. I offhandedly said that I wish I could have an adult beverage to relax, she said that if I don't take a Norco, I can go ahead.

    So, I am enjoying a frosty, foamy, nutty, dark Guinness. Mmmmm. They used to give this to nursing mothers in Ireland, right?!
  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited December 2015

    Planet, you have been thru a lot! Enjoy that Guiness!!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2015

    Hi girls, it's been awhile, such a busy time of the year. Started my second job Saturday, went ok, was really busy so I did make some money, we'll see how it goes next time. Went to the cardiologist Tuesday for my yearly and had my stress test and blood work and all is hunky-dori in that department. Told him I was boycotting anyone whoes name ended in ologist (cept for the onc) for 2016. So he agreed on my next appt being Jan, 2017...yay! Haven't seen Nora in a week and a half, going thru ANorable withdrawal. So many new ladies on here, the lounge has been hopping! Keeping those tenders busy! Looks like everybody is doing well, I've been reading the posts, too much to try and ketchup. Weather here is so great, 50 degrees today! Working next 3 days but I'll try and pop by the lounge for a few... love to all....muah!!!



    Looks like the tenders are keeping up just fine... I think our drinks are ready.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    Hsant- I discovered Whitehall Lane during a bit wine trip in 2009. I remember sort of stumbling my way into the tasting room and just loving their wines, but especially their cab. I ended up buying a $75 bottle of cab reserve for my 50th the following year. Opened it with a group of friends I celebrated with who know their wines. They too thought it was one of the best they had tasted! They have some nice Xmas boxes too!

    Very cool that you know the pinot I am getting a few bottles of. There is also a little boutique winery in Napa that make a fab pinot noir too.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited December 2015

    Hey Genny! I'm a born and bred clevelander, and proud!

    Jazzy, would love to go wine tasting with you!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2015

    Wow it's hoppin' around here--Welcome sant--I forgot the first letter and Planet==As long as u'r not on an Anti-b or pain pill go for the drink--we all deserve it. And u women know u'r wines, so enjoy--wines and I like to mix my beer sometimes with Diet Dr. Pepper and ice, I know it sounds disgusting but I tried it with my girlfriend and I was shocked so occasionally I've had that.

    Jazzy u must look gorgeous u wud anyway, but now just a bit of a touch up. And u start work today. Good

    Susy Q u'r another one that's going to beautify u'rself--BTW I loved having acrylic nails I had them for years, but that's when I couldn't type anymore too, and still can't, cuz when I was working I had to use 2 fingers cuz of my nails and now I can't type the other way anymore. I did cut all my nails down tho cuz one fell off again and another is growing crooked again, but my pinkies I left a little longer. So I let people think I have a bad habit.

    Mary I can't believe it's been so long since u've been with Anorable, I am SURE u are having withdrawals.

    Lori I saw all u'r pics, u'r home looks so comfy and welcoming and big too. Ican't believe u'r weather is that cold, it's going to be in the 50's on Christmas and that's the only time I like to see trees covered in snow but not on the roads. Oh Leslie has already gone to beautician school yrs ago and cosmetology. Now she went for estatician (sp) This she had to learn all about rashes and body parts and all kinds of medical stuff, plus what good for every skin type and she can assist a PS with botox or face stuff or a Skin Dr. with certain things. This was hard for her, she studied all the time and always took this very seriously so she has managed to keep like an A average and they use alot of machines for different things--I honestly didn't know if she could do this, never telling her, not only the time it takes but the pressure and prayed she wouldn't have any relapse-so it was a little scary for Marty and me--cuz she can be so intense, but it about done so were happy. And when she was learning about all the muscles and BONES in our bodies I kept on singing that stupid song about the knee bone's coneccted to the chin bone the chin bones's connected etc but she didn't think it was funny.

    NM must be super busy.

    Oh and Italian table look pretty much like that for the holidays, there are usuall 4 or 5 whole separate meals so u have to like at least on possibly all and that's after all the appetizers, then the dessert is like a sweet table at a wedding, it's actually sickening--so many many leftovers everyone takes things home so we all bring our plastic stuff.

    Joey and I placed our order for Leslie so it supposed to arrive in a few days. we had fun ordering, I got that out of my system a little.

    Oh and I have all my "ologists" probable hating me now since I learned the my never could get the hang of it, now I'm blabbering all the time. I had my D all nite it was horrible so I'm writing them asking for the scripts that I think will help me. U know me and my Associates come up with all these ideas, these Drs. just don't always agree but no one can even figure out my D attacks and I know when I get certain meds they are not as bad. I just don't want to miss Christmas too, I did last yr. And I love Christmas the most. And I always find a new drink to drink on that day and it's always good.

    OK I'll finish kechup tomorree ladies


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday!Long day at work yesterday, ending with a visit that was upsetting and unsettling.Some family members just need to be hit with a brick.But, office Christmas Party is the afternoon, that will be fun.

    Jazzy--funny sign!

    Goldie--yup, snow has arrived.So far no big accumulation, but I'm sure that's coming, too.

    Collett--written up for not smiling enough?Talk about a toxic work environment!I have got to try a Christmas Cranberry Julep!

    Queen--I think a breast reduction is actually more invasive a surgery than a lumpectomy, no wonder it takes more to recover!

    Cammy--talking about hospitalizations like Jiffy Lube--too funny! Arguing about the correct way to flush a toilet?There's more than one way?Baffling!

    Godive Choc Liqueur, sooooo goood!Senorita Snow White , soooo goooood!

    Jazzy--that's a "few" snacks, alright!

    Goldie--4 hole degrees?You can keep that kind of cold!

    Hsant--Welcome to the HTL!I would live to try a Mojitini!

    Mema--Good grief, you shouldn't have to play games like that to get information.Maybe tell the MO's office they're going to have to reimburse you for mileage if you drive over and can't get treatment.That just irritates me.

    Jazzy--yeah for the new contract!And a shopping spree!Life is good for you!

    Morning, Dara!

    Planet--Welcome!An adult beverage or a Norco.Sounds like a no brainer choice to me!

    Genny--Hooray for a busy day at the new job!Isn't Tender watching fun?

    Cammy--I'll have to check out like a helpful place.

    Candy McSparkle can't make up her mind for a DOTD, so choose from:

    Christmas Cranberry Juleps Enjoy!


    • 1 c. water
    • ¾ c. sugar
    • 2 strip fresh orange peel
    • 1 c. fresh cranberries
    • 1 c. Kentucky bourbon
    • 8 sprig fresh mint


    1. In 2-quart saucepan, heat water, sugar, and orange peel to boiling on high. Add cranberries and cook 2 to 3 minutes or until cranberries pop and split but still hold their shape. Remove from heat and cool to room temperature. Refrigerate until cold. (Syrup and cranberries can be refrigerated up to one week.)
    2. When ready to serve, strain cranberry syrup through sieve set over 1-quart liquid measure; discard solids. Spear 3 raw cranberries on each of 8 toothpicks. Stir bourbon into syrup.
    3. Fill 8 glasses with crushed ice. Divide bourbon mixture among glasses. Garnish with cranberry spears and mint.

    Santa's Sleigh Cocktail

    Total Time:

    7 min


    7 min

    Yield:4 servings



    White sugar crystals, preferably coarse

    2 cups store-bought eggnog, chilled

    1/2 cup brandy

    1/2 cup amaretto liqueur

    1 teaspoon ground nutmeg

    2 scoops vanilla ice cream

    4 cinnamon sticks

    Senorita Snow White

    2 oz coffee Tequila

    2 oz Godiva Chocolat Liqueur

    2 Oz fresh cream

    Shake over ice until blended and chilled.Enjoy!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2015

    planet,when my sister had my 1st niece she was told to drink guiness when she was nursing and to eat mars bars! so go for it

    cammi-sorry you had to miss the party but you got joey time thats even better, your d just has to stop ,

    well got my hotel booked pre and post cruise , going to the coranado in disney, ,not getting up there for christmas but that will be good to look forward to

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2015

    What a pleasant surprise to come to the lounge and see a new face. Hi and welcome hsant. Pull up a bar stool and I'll have one of our Tenders bring you a few more Mojitini's. As tho those two you have already, won't last long! YES on the continued check ups. I didn't feel the need to go every 3 month, but I had done Arimidex for 5 years and completed that. So no active treatment to be checking labs. So I went with 6 month check ups and labs. Looking at the things you will never say, one of the ones I don't ever say is "My" cancer. I say "the cancer I have". As it is not MINE. I didn't ask for it, nor did I want it. Therefore, not MINE!

    LDB, I thought your hair was coming back? I guess not, eh? You still bootiful. I may have to start getting my nails done, but I don't know if they would touch me, due to the H/F (hand/foot syndrome) My cuticles feel very dry and sharp. What is low on your counts? Red cells? I wish there was something we could do about that, but I don't think there is. Yay for getting Maddy for 4 sleep overs. I wonder why Sommer is not comfy wif it, oh well.

    Jazz, congrats on the new contract and enjoy your little get away. Ha ha, are you picking up your own gift? Sounds more like you should be stepping on to the Red Carpet, instead of client site. I worked with a woman who had a beard. And she hardly ever had it taken care of, just left it. Was quite odd looking at her, and of course trying to avoid looking at it. My onc wanted to set me free after 5 years, I said NO.

    Queen, take it easy and don't over do it. That is the worst thing to do, and so many do it. A few of the gals here can vouch for that.

    Planet, another new face. Hi and welcome. You can have all the drinks you want here. What surgery are you having? Good luck with that.

    Mary, glad all is goot wif you heart and no ologists in 2016, except MO. I think we are all have aNORAble withdrawls. I'll bet DH is loving the nice weather and is out golfing. Glad you like the new job.

    Oh my Cami, beer and Dr. Pepper. Who would have thunk?? LOL on the long pinkies and bad habbit. My dad always kept just one of his pinkies long. Can only think of one reason, which involves the nose, and I'll leave it at that! So glad the Les made it. And with an A average! Doesn't get any better than that. You are too funny singing the bone song.

    NM, I still can't wrap my head around family members being so bad, when someone is dying, that they need to be hit with a brick! Enjoy the office Xmas party. How is that lil office baby doing? The cold here should just be temporary. They are even getting freeze warnings in Phoenix.

    Julie, are you having DW withdrawls? You do have some family there in FL., don't you?

    Heading to town tomorrow. DH is having some skin cancer removed from his neck and then they will check the spots on his head. Then leaving Saturday. I don't mention that on FB, as I don't want neighbors to know we will be gone. Well, one in particular. Yes, we have neighbors. Just not very close.

    I see a familiar face peeking in. I think I will empty the bar of all the JD, unless someone else wants some?

    Love to all, the weekend is almost here!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2015

    Last night at dinner onboard after we left Naples they poured us four wines: a Muscadet, a Bordeaux blanc (Sauvignon/semillon), St-Veran (Chardonnay from between Burgundy & Beaujolais) and a tawny Port. They have complimentary limoncello shots tonight to mark our two Sicilian ports of call (Messina today, Trapani tomorrow). Caffeinating like crazy to counteract the alcohol--at lunch today in Taormina, DH had his espresso "Corretto" (with sambuca). Picked up a couple of handmade cannoli before getting back on the bus, but a feral kitten poked his nose into the bag and began eating one! (Smart kitten: he knew not to lick the chocolate chips, just the candies fruit, ricotta and shell). Cutting away the kitty-spit part and sticking the rest in the fridge. DH bought an Etna Rosso in town--we'll have it tomorrow night. (Saw Mt. Etna from town).Tonight is dinner in the nouvelle-cuisine restaurant--heaven help me! (Shoulda walked back the 60 miles from Taormina).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    ChiSandy- oh that sounds wonderful! Been to Messina and saw Mt Atna blowing her top years ago on the cruise over to Siciliy. Your trip sounds fabullous. Enjoy the wonderful food and drink, sights and smells, people too! Oh and the shopping in Italy, my my my!

    H- we would have fun doing the wineries together!

    Goldie- I forgot to say your entertainment center and other furniture looks fab!

    Planet- thinking of you today and in your pocket on your surgery day. Let us know how you are doing and how we can help?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2015

    Good Morning Ladies--yes I'm saying Good--it's Friday Eve and I like that. Why u say, oh no one said why OK.

    When I get on here during the nite u have to know I'm babbling more than usual, so just put up with me. Thank you.

    I'm really so happy we have some new people on here , these are lovely ladies that u'r sharing with and we virtually do alot. Lori (Goldie) explains everything so well--u should have been a teacher) about our wonderful lounge of our minds it's great. And Lori u always ask the right questions for everyone.

    NM I'm sorry u've been so busy, but I hope the party will unstress u a bit--every place should have a Christmas party--Wait that means I should too, Oh I'd better get my invitation out to myself today or I'll forget. Since I'm a one person office in my bedroom. I'd better get the punch bowl out.

    Time for my opinion. I agree about the word survivor and my cancer -oh I might have said it but didn't realize it. But I think of a survivor as someone who gets thru a physical thing like a war, or a fire or a bullet that shouldn't be going their way and they came out of this horrendous fight for their lives with dignity. )I don't think I'm explaining this exactly right) But I don't think having cancer is surviving it u get thru it cuz u do pretty much what u'r told, u really don't act u react. Oh chit I'm not splainin' this right but I think u have an idea. Oh I'll stop.

    U gals are on count down for cruise now, this is so exciting for me I csn't wait for the pics and the good times u'r all going to have and if there are any "ship-board" romances happening u'd better let everyone else know and share it, cuz even at my age that sounds like fun. For u single ladies. LOL I made that more proper.

    And Julie I just want u to feel good, I feel sadness in u now and I feel bad about that.

    Oh now see I thought I'd loose this whole thing, I had 3 phone calls and had to ignore this for a while, and yet when I'm just writing this it all disappears WTF.

    OK I have to go


  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited December 2015

    Camilegal: survivor? Me neither. I'm like that about calling myself "lucky". Enjoy the punch bowl--I'd guess that more than a few of us are with you in spirit.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2015

    Jazzy that's a cute pic.

    Queen that pic reminds me if I took a plane and landed safely, then I'd consider my self a survivor. LOL

    Oh Joey wanted to listen to the song Cat in the cradle tonite, I guess the teacher was talking about, altho he knew the song--he kind of forgot it and she said it wasn't a sad song. Well it was for us. I said maybe she never listened to the whole song, of course he was shaking his head. It's so cute when we say goodnite--it's always The first person says I love u and the 2nd always says I love u more.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!It's Friday!My On Call weekend begins at 5 pm, goes to Monday 8 am, should be interesting.We shall see.

    Juliet--Yeah for the pre- and post-cruise reservations made!When are you arriving pre-cruise?

    Goldie--I'm with you, it's not "my" cancer.I didn't ask for it, I didn't go buy it, and I'm not making any money off it.If it's anyone's cancer it's the doctors'.They're the ones getting money out of it!Lil Office Baby is 17 months old, walking, eating real food, and made a huge mess at the office party--everyone one loved it!The family member I am having a problem with is refusing to give her mom pain medication, then complaining about how upset she is that her mom is crying all the time.Drives me mad.

    Chi--Oh my goodness what a culinary trip!I am so jealous!

    Morning, Jazzy!

    Cammy--you can come babble any time you want to.You've listened to me babble often enough, happy to return the favor!I got a nice bottle of wine from the Yankee Swap, and had a blast in the process.I think I get you about the survivor thing. You survive something that happens and ends, is over with.You endure something like cancer that never truly ends.Am I close?

    Queen--do we need to set up a virtual office party for Cammy?

    Ouch!Poor Santa!

    Cammy--Cat in the Cradle is a sad song to me, too!

    Candy McSparkle's DOTD:

    The Grinch

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    Good morning friends!

    My first day at the client site went well. Did mostly set up work with computer, meetings, etc. I won't be on site today, but may do some work from home later including a conference call later this morning. Got more detailed work to do next Mon and Tues before I leave for my little holiday get away!

    Cami- Cats in the Craddle is a very powerful song. It can be sad if a child is having that experience with a parent. I have watched that play out over and over again with adult children and their aging parents. Joey is just to cute with the way he loves you and watches out for you. You are very blessed to have such a sweet young man in your life!

    H- I ordered a half case of the Route 99W Pinot Noir yesterday! Merry Xmas to me. The gal at the best wine shop in town that called me said the vineyard is Ponzi and they only do high end Pinot Noirs. She seemed very glad to know about this wine too. I will pick it up on Sunday. Merry Xmas to me!

    Genny- what is your second job?

    Native- good morning to you too!

    Last weekend before the holiday. Anybody have any fun parties or other events this weekend?

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2015

    endured sounds about right 'm.going up Friday so will be in the Disney frame of mind by Monday.what time do you get in?

    Working next 2 days ,so have fun ladies

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2015

    Good morning girls, popping on this ayem to share some sad news. My very good friend Jenny who I told you all had a lump in her breast, well she lives in a small town, went to a general surgeon and he just wanted to remove the whole lump not knowing what it was which I thought sounded so wrong. Anyway, he removed it, told her it appeared to be nothing but a fatty tumor. This was 2 weeks ago! She went on vacation, just got home and the friggin physicians assistant to her PCP calls her out of the blue last night to tell her she has ILC. To say she and her husband are freaked out would be an understatement. The PA told her she was er/pr+ and grade 2 and the cancer had spread outside the tumor so no clean edges. So she calls the surgeon and he says, "well I guess you'll have to have a mastectomy!!!" Oh my gosh! She has not had a bone scan' MRI, nothing, has no idea what she's dealing with yet and he said that to her! Doesn't know if it's in the nodes, nothing! I told her that she needs to find a breast specialist first or breast onc. It's only an hour to where I live and my MO which is the Cleveland Clinic, I hope she considers it. She is going to see the PA today and see if she knows of someone to refer her to. Lori, I told her about your story going to the small town surgeon. I told her to breath, and take her time finding the right doctor, it's so hard in the beginning when you are operating through panic. Anyway, I have to get ready for work but wanted to share.

    Hoping to get on here and truly catch up soon.

    Love to all, hope you have a great day!

    PS....Cami, I just love your Joey stories!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    Genny- wow, that is a terrible story. I agree that starting with surgery, unless it was a surgical biopsy, was not the way to do this. That general surgeon should have not said anything to her either until the path report came back; he created a false sense of security around an unknown. He sounds pretty caviler about the whole recommendation too.

    Your friend does need to find a breast surgeon and go through all the tests they have you do before anyone can know what your treatment plan is. It is good she has you for an adviser and friend during this time.

    Can you share this site with her to provide resources to her around ILC? May help her to know what to ask around her dx when she talks to the right people?

    Hugs sister. It is hard to see our friends get the same news we once had.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited December 2015

    Thank you for the warm welcome! And thanks for posting all of those recipes! Yum!

    Goldie, I can't fathom using "my" and "cancer" in the same sentence. If someone robbed my home, I would never refer to the thief as my burglar. Ha ha.

    Cami, beer and Dr. Pepper? Pure genius! That combo also inspires what I think will be a great braising liquid (along with beef stock) for some beef shanks I plan on cooking over the weekend. Thank you! Just to clarify, the reason I don't use the word survivor with respect to my cancer (couldn't help myself) is because I'm superstitious and don't want to jinx what's shown thus far (knock on wood) as no signs of recurrence. However, I'm just 7 months out of the gate. No doubt, ladies, you are warriors!! I have so much respect and admiration for all of you!

    Jazzy, a big, fat Merry Christmas to you! So, where do you live, cuz I'm coming over😉.

    Chisandy, I think I already said I want your life😀