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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2015

    Oh how I love seeing pictures of Nora. She is going to be a prissy one, I think.

    Jazzy, we saw Sisters also. HILARIOUS indeed! I got some post Xmas shopping done yesterday on line at JC Penny's. Got 3 jeans and 2 tops, I think! Safe travels home. It's been very cold here. I love when people tell me "well, you LOOK good!"

    Julie, sounds like your Christmas went very well and I hope you are feeling 100% these days.

    A quiet night in the lounge, I guess that is to be expected, everyone bizzy with the holidays.



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Off call, and no more work for me today, YAY!And I didn't have to go out last night, double YAY!Winter arrived overnight. Sleet and freezing rain has changed over to snow now.Supposed to get 2-3 inches by the end of the day.

    Goldie--Doing nothing special can be fun, too, right?

    Genny--Anorable talking and toddling and coming out with such crazy things, so fun!I can imagine you forgetting to take pics.That's ok, though, you have them in your brain and heart now and they won't go away or be lost, ever!$300 worth of gift cards to a nice restaurant?Nice!Does it cost THAT much to eat there? Very posh, sounds like lots of fun.I can imagine the kids with Emma on Christmas.Hard for families with an ill child.I did indeed enjoy my leg of lamb, roasted potatoes and corn.And Sadie got a big chunk of lamb when I turned my back on my leftover dinner last night, she snatched it right off the computer desk whilst I was on the potty!She didn't even look guilty about it!I didn't want her to have quite that much, the fat and grease often give her tummy troubles, but so far so good.I've never used a pressure cooker, but remember Mom using one.I'll have to look into getting one someday.

    Splish, Splash, love the Lounge's Pool!And it's swim up bar!

    Goldie--what a lovely lady that is to visit with your Mom on Christmas Day!


    Jazzy--OK, I'm reading your post and see you are leaving the PS area and have to read it again before I change PS from Plastic Surgeon to Palm Springs in my head!I guess I'm not so far away from it all as I thought!

    Juliet-Oooh, Shepherd's Pie from the lamb leftovers, why hadn't I thought of that!There's today's cooking project, for sure! Hmm, I wonder if I have any mint jelly in the house. . .

    Candy McSparkle's DOTD

    Beer & Coffee Breakfast Cocktail

    What You Need

    • 3.5 ounces stout (Oatmeal Stout is great. A heavier imperial stout works well too.)
    • 2 ounces iced coffee (or hot coffee cooled down)
    • 1.5 ounces Averna amaro
    • Cocoa powder
    • Coursely ground sea salt
    • Ice for shaking
    • 1 oversized ice cube for serving
    • 1 old fashioned glass
    • 1 straw (cut down to the size of your glass if necessary)

    What You Do

    1. In a shaker with ice, pour iced coffee and Averna and stir
    2. Place 1 large ice cube into old fashioned glass
    3. Pour mixture from shaker into glass slowly
    4. Pour stout slowly over mixture. Stir to combine gently so as to not disturb beer's mild carbonation
    5. Sift cocoa powder over large ice cube (or several small cubes if you don't have a large ice mold)
    6. Sprinkle sea salt over ice cube. Enjoy with a straw!
  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2015

    Interesting DOTD NM. Funny about PS, Palm Spring vs Plastic Surgeon. The gal that visited my mom is very sweet, she had like a 67 lb tumore removed from stomach area, which was cancer. My mom's house was a disaster, which it usually is, but this friend looks beyond that. So I am very grateful for her visit. Oh that sneaky Sadie! Does she get scolded for doing such things. For some reason, I don't think so!

    Well, I almost foygot, we need to have a party in the lounge. We have a birthday goil. Genny/Mary



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2015


  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited December 2015
    1. Hi! It sounds like everyone had a lovely Christmas! I'm Jewish, so it was pretty much like any other day for me. My husband is from Milan, so our tradition when I'm home in CA is Osso buco (shanks, traditionally veal in Milan), saffron risotto, baked artichoke hearts, a stinky cheese plate, a home made pan forte (Italian fruitcake, complements of my monster in law) and panettone, top with a mixture of mascarpone, bourbon and sugar. I'm in Ohio taking care of my dad this year, but I did make the Jack Frost cocktail Native Maine posted. It was tasty, so thank you for that! I left out out the cream of coconut, because the pineapple juice is already very sweet. I like that this recipe doesn't have any added sugar. I also follow a lower carb diet. I've doing this for 20 plus years.

    Genny, what the heck is a spaghetti loaf? It sounds amazing! Nora is such a little sweetie! I thought she was around three. Spending time with the ill children at Rainbows is very admirable. I would imagine it's both rewarding ,yet very sad. Emma sounds like an amazing young lady. I am also of the sniff, swirl, (most importantly) drink, with a bottle that's $20 and under. I'm in Cleveland until April (at least). Enjoy your time off from work!

    Native Maine, you post the best cocktail recipes! Leg of lamb is one of my favorites.

    Jazzy, sounds like Palm Springs is amazing. Enjoy your vacay

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2015

    Good morning girls, sitting here watching our third Law and Order repeat. It rained all night here so I put the raincoats on the pooches and took them to the grove. They are sleeping it off now. DH taking me out to dinner tonight, not sure where I want to go yet.

    NM, the posh place I spoke of usually runs us about $200 or so if we have wine so we should have some left over. Men must wear jackets, not your everyday place. My favorite is their wine tasting in which the meal is pre-planned and each course comes with a certain paired wine. These are not available in the winter so we may have to wait and go in the late spring. We'll see. Glad Sadie did not get sick from her lamb dinner. I made bbq beef in my new pressure cooker, it was delicious but took about 3 times longer than the directions said. It's supposed to make canning really easy, may try that next fall tho I'll never hold a candle to Lori.

    Lori, thanks for the birthday wishes and the personalized cake! Glad to hear your mom enjoyed her Christmas with her friend.

    hsant, and Lori, the spaghetti loaf.... he used 1/2 pasta and 1/2 julienned zucchini. (he has done it with just one or the other, the zucchini is good for low carb) Anyway, cook the pasta al denta the zucchini lightly cooked in a skillet with some olive oil then drain. Put a layer of each in a meat loaf pan, some meat sauce, ricotta cheese and parmasaen like you would lasagna, then more noodles and sauce and top with cheese. Pack it in pretty tight, bake at 350 for about 30 min then let cool for quite awhile then slice and serve. Super yummy, I like it better than lasagna. Best cooked the day before. He saw the recipe called spaghetti pie on the Today show then he's been tweaking it and instead of pie pan to meatloaf pan so I named it spaghetti loaf.

    Anyway,hi to everyone else, stuff to do, gotta run... have a good day!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    Good morning friends! I am preparing to leave for LA/Ontario airport a bit after noon time. The weather here may be warming up today, and no winds, figures right? It was cold and windy again yesterday, but just decided to go with the wintry feeling out here this visit.

    My friend in ABQ tell me there is only 2-3 inches of snow in town, heard that on FB from a few other friends but it sounds like eastern NM on over into the Amarillo area is really bad and the freeway is closed in town heading east. So far, it looks like I should be able to get in tonight without a problem. Snow is moving through today but we get another storm on Tuesday! The skiers must be ecstatic! I may go snow shoeing this weekend when I get home and settled!

    I had a fun time shopping yesterday for a few hours. Found another pair of pants to get me through the trip and a few other fun things too! My suitcase is stuffed, I hope it is not over 50 pounds!

    In the afternoon, I went over to the Living Desert in Palm Desert, which is a very cool zoo and garden based off desert environments in No America and Africa. Some spectacular wildlife exhibits like I have not seen before. I was there for a couple hours before my feet wore out and the winds kicked up. I probably only saw a third of it too. I have to go back another visit when I am out this way again and with a better camera! Will share pics after I get home.

    What I liked about the Palm Desert area is that it has that feel about the 50s era. Everything out here plays off when the Palm Springs was in it's big heyday as a Hollywood get away. Streets named after folks like Frank Sinatra, Bob Hope, etc. Even the local station plays all the old music of that time. I think it would have been cool to be out here in the 50s.

    Hsant- I have to tell you about this fabulous Jewish deli out here you would love. I am not Jewish, but grew up on the east coast where they are everywhere and our family loves the delis. Hard to find out west, one okay one in my town, but this place here is awesome. It is called Shermans and if you don't know about it, you should! We ate their twice, went for breakfast (eggs benedict with lox one day) and dinner last night (fab reuben). They have an amazing desert section with sugar free deserts too. I hope the plane can can off later today after all the good food I have eaten here!

    Gotta keep moving to be ready to start my travel day. Will be back in touch when I am home and settled. Into the client site for while tomorrow after I get myself up and going!

    Have a good day ladies!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2015

    hello everybody,that spaghetti loaf does sound good,sadie pinched your dinner nm,i'm surprised she left anything on the plate for you but glad she's got no tummy trouble ,lori good for you on the shopping,

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2015

    Spaghetti Cakehappy birthday mary

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2015

    Just popping in to wish my dear breastie a Happy Happy Birthday. Have a good time at dinner and dwink a lot!

    Love to all mese goils CHeeRS!




  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited December 2015

    Happy and healthy birthday, Mary

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2015

    Happy birthday, Mary!

    hsant, your trad. northern Italian Christmas meal is making me drool--even though with my rotten chest cold I have no appetite for anything right now besides chicken soup and perhaps challah toast. We have boxes of holiday cookies and the annual tray of baklava from Shattila Bakery in Detroit (gift from the gastroenterology, not the one that perfed DH’s colon, who gave us a teeny box of Godivas and a mosaic ashtray). Two boxes of Fannie Mays and a bag of Lindt truffles....and I’m craving a big steaming bowl of matzo ball soup. Alas, no delis here deliver. Maybe I’ll order out to the Asian joint around the corner for wonton soup....or the Vietnamese places down the street for pho (pronounced “fuh”). Someone told me about a Vietnamese restaurant in Honolulu called “What the Pho."

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited December 2015
    • Chi, forgot to mention the home made gnocchi. Lol. And the bottles of Borolo. My father in law was a huge fan of Borolo. Nothing beats a cold like matzoh ball soup. And the balls have to contain schmaltz, aka chicken fat, right? Hope you're feeling better. BTW, Alinea is on my restaurant bucket list.
    • Genny, that spaghetti loaf sounds delish! Have you had shirataki noodles? 4 total carbs and 20 calories for an 8 ounce bag. Hmmm ...thinking that would be a good substitute for the pasta to make it really low carb. I hope you had a wonderful birthday!
    • Jazzy, the deli sounds fantastic! You had me at lox, lol. However, I live in Santa Monica, a little beach community in LA. Nowhere near Palm Springs. I agree. Can't beat the east coast for a good deli. Sounds like you are having an amazing vacation!
    • Dara, just want to say hi, since I'm new to this thread.
    • Native Maine, thank you for your wonderful cocktail recipes, all your awesomeness! What you do for people is truly priceless
  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2015

    Hi girls,

    Quick pop in before I go to bed...should have been asleep by now, ooopsies!

    Hsant, thanks for the hello.

    Sandy, hope you feel better.

    Here is a pic of Logan with his new walking toy that I got him for Christmas. Isn't he just cute?


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday!Got a nice layer of snow, sleet and freezing rain, everything is nicely coated and very pretty.Road crews have been out all day yesterday and probably last night, since there are no school cancellations or delays posted.Or are schools on vacation this week?I can't keep track.The left over leg of lamb is now a very yummy Shepherd's Pie in my fridge for this week's dinners.Glad I kept the fat and juices, they made a fantastic gravy.Whoever suggested Shepherd's Pie, thank you!

    Goldie--Special lady, your Mom's friend.Yes, Sadie gets spoken too, but not really scolded.She gives me this look, with eyes that just melt my heart she is soooo sorry, and then she leans up against me and nudges me with her nose as if to say "I'm just a poor, neglected doggy, I don't know any better" and eventually she slides down and rolls over and presents her belly with this little hopeful smile and tail wag.By then I've usually forgotten what I was upset about and just give her tummy tickles.


    Hsant--Wow, what a fun and tasty traditional meal!Substitutions and changes to the DOTD are always allowed here, it's all about the fun and enjoying life.And eating good food!

    Genny--BIRTHDAY GIRL!-- $200 for a meal with wine, that is some nice place.The wine paring meal sounds like a lot of fun, too. I'm glad Sadie didn't get sick from the lamb, too, but I notice she didn't eat as much kibble yesterday!She's actually pretty good about not eating herself sick, except for when I leave human food out where she can reach it.My Mom says there are food that can be canned with a pressure cooker but not with a hot water bath, not sure what the difference is, never really looked into that, but maybe I should.Not that I'll ever hold a candle to Goldie, either!That spaghetti loaf sounds really good.I've not tried the julienned veggies in place of pasta, need to do that someday.Probably lots healthier.

    Jazzy--I can't wait to see the pics of the Living Desert, sounds fascinating!Safe travels.

    Juliet--ah, Sadie didn't leave anything on the plate!Not a scrid.Fortunately, that was AFTER I had eaten.I was going to cut up some of it and mix it in her kibble for a treat but she beat me to it.

    Dara--Good to see you!

    Chi--hope you feel better soon!A gastro group giving out ashtrays for Christmas?Very weird, but it sounds like that is an odd group anyway."What the Pho", hee hee!

    Dara--Logan is such a little hoot!So handsome!

    Candy McSparkle's DOTD

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2015

    hsant, I hope your dad will be ok. You are there for quite some time.

    Mary, I have made something similar to that. My recipe is called "baked spaghetti". I've only made it once, and I think you can Google spaghetti casserole. When I looked up loaf, it was bread stuffed with spaghetti. They have pressure cookers for cooking food and then pressure canners. 2 different things. A pressure cooker cooks food faster. I had a pressure cooker, when in MI, but never used it as it was intended to be used. Don''t ever remember when I got it or who from! How was your dinner?

    Jazzy, hope you made it home safe and sound. We have hardly any snow on the ground here, but it's sure cold. Single digits in the morning. Did you buy your own gift???

    Sandy, hope you are feeling better soon.

    Oh Dorothy! Look at that sweet baby. Thank you for sharing (finally). Is he not walking yet? He is so cute!!!

    Yay for the Shepards Pie, NM. I think it might have been Julie. Love how Sadie is "spoken" too. I wouldn't expect anymore from you. I know you are lucky to have her, but she is lucky to have you as well. The Ambrosia looks very yummy!

    Cami, where are you my love???

    Dinner for us was chili! Pretty simple, but everything from the garden except the burger and beans! I love that!

    Not sure if you can can in a pressure cooker or not. The jars can not sit on the bottom of the pot, they need a rack to sit on. Which is easy enough to get, but it may only be tall enough for pint jars. First pic is the cooker, second one is canner.



    Those round racks are what you set the jars on. You can double stack with pints, which is why there are 2.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2015

    Good Morning hope everyone had a great Christmas! I got my cruise book too and cant wait to meet everyone in person!

    Mary Happy Birthday a little late (sorry) Nora is so cute!! I bet she was so fun to watch on Christmas. I love these ages. The kids are so much fun.

    Dora Logan is stinking cute! Look at him walk with his little toy! I will be praying you find something you like soon! And I cant wait to see you and give you hugs in person!

    Lori I love Shepherds pie! One of my favorites. Sorry your trip was cut short. Hope you had a good Christmas

    Mema glad your treatments are done! Looking forward to giving you hugs in person very soon.

    Julie cant wait to meet my fellow Disney fan in person and talk about all our favorite places in Disney World.

    4 that was an awesome present you left us all see you soon as well.

    Samarah got a Ragedy Ann doll from Santa and she says look its a Ragedy Scarecrow Lol

    Here are a few Christmas pictures of the kids. image





    Cole says Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Sadie and all his other doggie friends out there

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    Good morning ladies! I made it home last night! Landed around 10:30 p.m. and to bed a bit before midnight! So good to sleep in my own bed and did get a solid 8 hours in the end, but am travel fatigued. I do need to work today, but let the client site know I am working from home. Highways here are good, but secondary roads are messy and there is fog too. My driveway is a mess and must deal with that in a bit. But for now, more coffee......

    Genny- wanted to wish you a happy birthday girlfriend!

    Dara- little Logan looks so pleased with his new gift.

    Ncollett- what great photos. Little ones look so happy. You do too!

    Goldie- well, in many ways I suppose I did buy my own gift. My sister did Chico's gift cards for the three of us and we went on a little shopping spree. It made it more of creating a shared memory than a sterile "go buy it yourself" good time. She was very generous with me and also got a lot of other smaller fun things too. The trip went okay, but they still have dog issues and lingering coughs from their crud. My sister has the week off from work and on Sat, they were both low energy and so I went off to have my own adventure which worked out just fine.

    I bought myself a few presents too during my little shopping spree out there! Fun little boutiques in Palm Springs and came away with some great stuff.

    Cami- I hope you are feeling okay and no doubt busy with work.

    Hsant- did I mention the cheese blintz at the deli? OMG, so good.

    Must get to my day, will check in later with you party animals. Stay safe if you are in the path of this storm Goliath. We have another snow storm coming tomorrow (oiy!)

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2015

    Morning DahhhLinks!

    Mary - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope u had a wonderful day. SillyHeart

    It's the end of the year and I have tons to do over today and tomorrow...taxes for my DS business. I couldn't stay off the pot the last few days, felt fluey for sev days. Woke today nauseous too and am out of my Coumadin so I took a little of my ginger spice and I think it's working.

    Also wanted to let you all know I am not stopping tx until the spring, jes had low platelets this month so they would give me my tx until 2 weeks later, which really messed with my schedule. Hope to hear from Doc today about my schedule.

    No time to address all except to say it sounds like all had a pretty good Christmas weekend. I may be incognito for several days, Maddy coming Weds for 4 sleep overs. So I must have this stuff done by then. Just kno I LubsLubsLubs you all and to have a fun, crazy, but safe New Years.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2015

    Roads here are awful--icy, slushy, and stinging sleet hits you in the face. DH worked as much as he could from home this morning, waiting for it to all turn to rain, but Mother Nature refuses to adhere to a schedule. And he can’t see patients through a computer. So I’m biting my nails until I find out he’s made it down to work on the SW Side safely. It’s still sleeting--outside my window, it sounds like someone is pouring buckshot on to glass.

    Meanwhile, I think my fever broke. Slept much of yesterday. Wheezing so hard that if you put a keyboard on my arm you could play “Lady of Spain” on my lungs. (The patron saint of accordionists is, BTW, Our Lady of Spain). Here is my DODT:


    8 oz. orange juice

    2 tabs ea. 1000mg Vit. C, 30 mg. Sudafed, Mucinex; Tylenol, ibuprofen or Aspirin (dep. on symptoms)

    1 10 mg. tab Zyrtec

    1 oz. good Cognac or Armanac (at least a VSOP)

    Good comforter & pillows

    Make bed. Gather the tablets in the palm of your hand and wash them down with the orange juice. Get into bed and drink the brandy. Sweet dreams. (Optional: keep an asthma inhaler at bedside).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    ChiSandy- I hope you feel better. I like to sip Grand Marinier when I have a chest cold going on.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2015

    ChiSandy Hope you feel better soon. Some hot tea with honey and a touch of whisky always feels good as well.

    Jazz its always good to buy yourself a little something something when on vaca. Glad you had a good time.

    Mema hope your feeling better. (hugs)

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2015

    Good morning, Loungettes!Something absolutely amazing happened yesterday.I got home and HAD NO WORK TO DO ON THE WORK COMPUTER!I was all done when I left my last stop at 5:30 peeyem. Having a partner to work with is AMAZING!

    Goldie--I did not realize there is a difference between a pressure cooker and pressure canner.I think I better stick to hot water bath canning for a while longer until I figure out the diff or I may poison myself!

    Collett and Cole--Great pics!

    Jazzy--Welcome home!Goliath? Are winter storms being named like hurricanes now?

    Mema--sleep lots, ginger tea yourselfwell, add a little honey once in a while, and have fun with Maddy!

    Chi--great recipe, I'll need to mix some of that up to have on hand to keep the winter asthma away!Hope you feel better soon.My Mom once had a doctor give her a recipe for cough syrup:1 part honey, 1 part lemon juice, 1 part whiskey, take 1-2 teaspoons every 15 minutes until you don't care about coughing or your sore throat anymore.I've made it with brandy and with rum, and it does work!

    Candy McSparkle's DOTD:

    Cough Syrup Drink

    1 part Vodka

    1 part Blue Curacao

    1 part Creme de Menthe


    Mix all ingredients together in a shot glass.

    Best served in a Shot Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2015

    Nancy, it wasn't me that made Shepards Pie, it was NM. Glad you had such a nice Christmas, but how could you NOT, with that amazing family you have. Thanks again for sharing pictures, I love them.

    Jazzy, I saw on the news last night, the craziness on I-40 and out East of you, OMG! Glad you didn't have to drive in that. Question…when you fly out of Albuquerque, do you usually stop off in Phoenix. We always fly out of Phoenix, but we always go East. So flying out of Albuquerque (both cities are a 4 hour drive) would cut about an hour off of flying time for us. But not if it goes to Phoenix first. Glad you got yourself a few goodies to boot! Ha, I just looked at Southwest and picked some dates in Feb, NO non stop at all. Oh well.

    Oh Sue, poooooo on being sick. I hope you are feeling better by the time Maddy gets there. Have fun and enjoy that lil sweetie. Wish I could see her again.

    Nice drink Sandy, I hope it helps you and that DH made it to and from work ok.

    NM, a partner? What's up with that, and how long will it last. Yay for you, no work at home. A pressure cooker, cooks your food much faster than traditional cooking. For instance, a roast might only take a half hour. In canning, you only need like an inch of water in the bottom of the canner, and then you have to watch and monitor the pressure. If it gets too high, that is not good!!! So I pretty much stay right there in the kitchen to make sure it doesn't get too high. Nor can it go below the intended pressure, or you have to start your timing all over. Some things, like green beans, can't be processed in a hot water bath.

    Not a thing going on here. We have a container in LA that just came off the boat, so awaiting it's arrival to unload into the warehouse up in town. Weather here has been calm. And no plans for NYE. How about everyone else?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    Good morning friends- gearing up to go to the client site today to work. I got some time in here at home yesterday, but need to go in today. I hear it will be snowing again today but not quite as bad.

    Mema- hoping you are coming through things. Hugs sister

    Native- I don't know if they always name snow storms, but they did this one! It was a Goliath too!

    Goldie- when I fly west, I usually have to go through PHX or Vegas. I can get a direct to LAX and to Oakland from here. There was no way I wanted to deal with LAX this trip. PHX was a zoo when I flew out last Wed, busy Sunday but not as crazy. I bet this coming weekend will be super busy as folks fly home after New Years. Glad to be home and no flying trips again for awhile!

    Cami- hope you are doing well and keeping safe in the bad weather. I think it is hitting the midwest now and on it's way to the northeast.

    Wishing everyone a good day!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited December 2015

    Hi there goils!!! Just throwing my hat in the door to say I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and to wish you all a safe and happy New Year!!

    Love n hugs to you all! Chrissy

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2015

    good afternoon all,hope your feeling better chi,, back to work tomorrow after 6 days off , so feeling very lazy today,bur veggie curry made,uniform ready to go,good for you nm ,enjoy your sadie time

    lori-you like any particular pressure cooker brand,thinking of getting one?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2015

    Good Morning, Loungettes!7 inches of snow yesterday.Winter has arrived and plans to stay from the look of things.I suppose it was inevitable.Was not fun driving yesterday.

    Goldie--Yes, I have a partner at work now!I've been partnered with a newly hired LPN, she and I will work together to managed a caseload.We're the third team the office has set up.So far as I know this is a long term plan.Hmmm, not sure I like the sound of the pressure canner.Does the pressure cooker need the same level of attention?I ammore of a throw stuff in the crock pot in the morning and eat it in the evening kind of gal.My only plans for NYE is to enjoy the 3 day weekend!

    Jazzy--yeah, I guess this snowstorm deserved a name.Goliath seems to fit!

    Chrissy!!!!!!!Love and hugs back at ya!

    Juliet--Sadie and I have been enjoying snuggle in bed time very much now that the nights are colder.

    Candy McSparkle's DOTD:


    New Year's Eve Confetti Martini

    (serves 2 - adapted from Sandra Lee)

    3 ounces vanilla almond milk (or vanilla milk)

    2 ounces spiced rum

    2 ounces butterscotch schnapps

    1/2 t vanilla

    ice cubes and cocktail shaker

    corn syrup, sugar and sprinkles for rim garnish

    Rim edges of two martini glasses with corn syrup. Dredge rims into colored sugar and sprinkles. Place glasses into the refrigerator to set corn syrup while mixing your drink.

    Combine all liquid ingredients into a cocktail shaker with 3 ice cubes. Shake vigorously for a few seconds and then pour into your prepared martini glasses. Drink and enjoy!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2015

    Waving hi to Chrissy!

    Julie, 6 days off? Schweet! I don't use a pressure cooker, nor do I have one. I can with a pressure canner. Not the same as a cooker, but mine is a Presto. I'm with NM, and would just rather throw something in the crockpot, or just cook on the stove.

    NM, as I mentioned, I have never cooked with a pressure cooker, but I would assume it would need to be watched too, but I'm not certain. And as to my understanding, a canner CAN explode if not done properly. So I imagine the same is true for cooker. That is so awesome that you have a helper. Do you like your "team mate"?

    We were NOT to suppose to have snow yesterday, but it ended up snowing most of the day! Also, I feel as though I'm coming down with a cold. Stuffy and runny nose. BUT…I have not been out of the house in like a week! What's up wif dat?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    Hi friends- hope everyone is gearing up for a good New Years and new year! We had more snow yesterday, but nothing that was too much. More coming friday too. It sounds like the storm made it all the way over to the east coast. Hope everyone is staying safe and warm.

    I spent a full day at the client site yesterday and heading back in today.

    The phone rang very early this morning and it was my neighbor who has been away for the holidays and needs help with someone picking up her mail until she can get home. She went into the ER and straight into the ICU this weekend and just got into a regular room. I don't think she is going to be well enough for awhile to get home. I told her she needs to talk to her doctor in the hospital about whether she can fly or not?? She is with her son in CA and has brothers here and hope they will step up too. I offered to help with accessing her mail and will get her some groceries for her arrival. She sounds very sick and am worried for her.