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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Sadie and I had a lovely day doing next to nothing yesterday.We did throw some soup bones in the slow cooker with some onion and garlic and let it run on high all day and low all night.In a bit I'll brown up some stew meat and toss that in, and later some potato and whatever else I can find in the fridge. The house has smelled so good!

    I have a request as we get closer to vacay time--please use my screen name, NativeMainer and not my real name when talking about the cruise.There are people that I do not want knowing when the house will be empty.

    Jazzy--sounds like a fun holiday ritual.Hope you enjoyed yourself greatly!

    Cammy--Too bad we can't be like the Jetson's now, the worst thing we'd need to deal with is malfunctioning equipment!So what does being asleep at midnight say I will be doing for 2016?More than sleeping, I hope!

    Simp--Happy New Year!Newver mind ketchuping, jump in where we are and move forward!

    Hsant--watching crappy movies is a good way to spend time!

    Dara--Are you counting yourself, Dara? The traveling breasties are

    4 Sew, Collett, Dara, Genny, Juliet, Mema, NativeMainer.I get into Orlando on Jan 23rd around 1:30 pm.

    Chi--yuck, know that feeling, hate it.I like to use plain saline in the nebulizer when I start getting full of crud, helps thin it out so I can cough it up without coughing up my toenails as well.Hmm, that reminds me it's time to make up some "Jewish Penicillin" to have on hand too.Easy recipe from a Jewish friend:oil a crock pot, put in one chicken breast--leave it whole for now.Put 1 head of garlic in a jar, cover and shake until all the cloves have come apart. Take out the skins, then shake until all the cloves are peeled.Drop the cloves in the crock pot, repeat with a second head of garlic.Turn on low for 24 hours, or on high for 8 hours.Take out the garlic and chicken, can cut up the chicken and return the broth if desired, or used in another recipe ( I think it makes GREAT chicken salad for sandwiches).Sip the hot broth 3 or 4 times a day (or more if you like it!)The broth can be frozen.

    Juliet--ah, yes, spending money, that is a BIG motivator!Yup, creating teams is a good idea by the company, and I'm beginning to look forward to the new documentation system that will be rolling out just as I get back from vacay.Ought to be fun!

    Genny--I think this coming year will be much more manageable at work that this last year.We're currently staffed for what we expect the census to be in the coming year rather than chasing behind.Much better situation.

    Jazzy--glad you had a good, well-balanced time at the partay!Here's to ketchuping on household chores and such.

    Candy McSparkle's DOTD:

    Hot Buttered Rum

    Hot Buttered Rum


    • 4 ounces (1 stick) room-temperature unsalted butter
    • 1/2 cup packed dark-brown sugar
    • 1 teaspoon finely grated orange zest
    • 3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
    • 3/4 teaspoon ground ginger
    • 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
    • 1 1/2 ounces dark rum
    • 3/4 cups boiling water
    • Squeeze of Fresh orange juice


    1. Beat butter, sugar, orange zest, cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg with a mixer on medium speed until combined, about 1 minute.
    2. Combine 2 tablespoons spiced butter with 1 1/2 ounces (3 tablespoons) dark rum in each of 4 heatproof glasses. Pour 3/4 cup boiling water over each, and stir. Top each with a squeeze of fresh orange juice.
  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2016


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2016

    NM, the only snow we have is here on our dirt roads, nothing on the main roads. I too don't like people to know I am gone, well just a few. We are so out in the boonies, that it would be a piece of cake for someone to comehere andhelp themselves. However, I don't worry about it here. But there is nothing wrong in being extra careful. You and I were thinking alike in asking Dara if she counted herself!

    Jazzy, your NYE sounds pretty much like mine, just maybe different activities! Surely you had a blast atyour OWN jazz party! I thought I made my post, came back to see that I didn't and more posts from a few. Glad I do them in Word and don't delete right away. Sounds like you had a great day with good treats. Love the cooking with wine.

    Cami, why on earth girl would you say you were disgusting??? I wish you could see the beautiful women that we all see. The movie was horrible. It was The Hateful Eight. Very slow moving, 3 hours long and at the end everyone was shot to smithereens. Blowing heads clear off and then some. Way too much gore for me. And some of it kind of nasty. Don't waste your money or your time. Kurt Russell's WORSE!

    Hi Simp, good to see you. I thought maybe you just gave up on us. Some do ya know. They come around for awhile, then disappear.

    Dork, glad you had a pleasant evening with DHex2. Was your cuz there too? Let's see, going on the cruise, btw, did you count yourself? LMAO, just kidding. You, Mary, Sue, NM, Julie, Nancy and 4sew. And did you get your flight? How awful would that have been?

    Sandy, I had something similar back in Oct. Hadn't been sick in 10 years, last 3 weeks!

    Mary, I have not seen that pressure cooker. I just knew that they cooked really fast. Glad you like yours and don't feel in danger of it! I used to be a bowler, in a league for many many years.

    Been having some cramping the last few days and some D. I know it's from the FU pills, but I am on my week off. Not fair I say, not fair! I start my next round on Monday.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited January 2016

    Happy New Year everyone! Hope your New Years Eve wasnt too bad if you know what I mean lol.

    Sandy I am a Respiratory Therapist if you are not taking your nebs every 4-6 hours during the day I would. Secondly if you are not on any prednisone you probably need some to decrease the inflamation inside or at least a inhaled one like Breo or Dulera there are lots of them out there also make sure you are drinking lots and lots of water. I would also get back with your doc. I also deal with chronic bronchitis my self and I am always on Breo, Spiriva and ProAIr inhalers Albuterol nebs as needed, singulair daily, mucinex 1200 mg twice a day, nasalcort nasal spray daily and Atrovent nasal spray daily. Its alot but it helps and I drink at least 2-3 glasses of water. Not near what I need to but I try. Just some suggestions but definately call your doc cuz its just getting deeper into your lungs and you dont want it to develop into pneumonia. I do like NM home remedy too.

    Dora I am coming in on Sunday before the cruise around 5pm. Staying with Sue in same hotel as you and Mary. Cant wait to see you all. We will have so much fun!! I really need to just chill and soak in some sun and enjoy some time with my friends.

    Mary how was the Cosmic bowling? I have not done that in ages! We used to do that with my Aunt when I was in HS. I loved it! Maybe I can do it with my grandchildren one day. Cant wait to see you soon.

    Julie I would love to do Christmas at Disney. That is one of my dreams someday to have Christmas there with my children and their families.. See you soon

    Sue I hope you are feeling better. I cant wait to see you on the 24th, Love ya!!

    Lori hope you had a good New Years! I hope your feeling well too.

    Jazz Im with you I need to get back into a gym too and up my cardio exercises. I am doing rowing right now with my team but on the days I am not doing that which is only Sat right now I need to be hitting a gym. Hopefully we can all meet up with you Lori and Sandy and Came sometime too.

    Cami I hope your feeling well too. I think we all just need to meet in the middle somewhere this summer inbetween one of my races. Lol :) Cuz you know we are going to have withdraws once we all meet up

    I love you all and wish good health, wealth and happiness for all of us for 2016

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited January 2016

    Morning ladies.

    Goldie, yea. It's a bit difficult keeping up. I'm in some other threads a bit more regularly. This whole forum is soooo big thou haha

    NM that sounds so good. Is that left over turkey bones? I never do anything with mine.

    Love the picture Genny.

    Jazz, great meme. Happens when I drink and clean. I forget what I was cleaning.

    All others I hope you are well, or as well as can be.

    Holidays here were a bit of a drag. Teens. Add that in with my mood lately and well, yea. I started my Arimidex (anastozole) this past Monday and my body has had a bit of a time adjusting. So I joined the thread for it. Seems icky for a lot and fine for just as many more.

    Happy New Year & love to all!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2016

    For my cruise bound friends. This will be you getting on the ship soon!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2016

    Nancy, I'm on day 4 of a Medrol Dosepak. I will follow your advice of using Duo-Neb in my nebulizer Q4-6H--it hadn't seemed to work any better than my Ventolin w/spacer, but I guess I need to give it time. Also on 1200 mg. 12-hr Mucinex BID, 2-3 c. of black coffee or espresso shots per day, and am on maintenance doses of nightly Singulair, Zyrtec, and 2 snorts of Nasacort BID (plus saline whenever I feel like I need it). The doxy turned my phlegm clear white again pretty quickly and my head's not congested, so I'm not doing the Neil-Med sinus cleanse. I can't take inhaled steroids like Breo, Dulera, Symbicort or Advair, as they cause irreversible vocal fold atrophy and I'm a singer. My PCP gets back from vacay on Mon., so I will touch base with him (I had to consult by phone with his on-call colleague, who is all the way out in Elgin). I might also follow the advice to follow the Duo-Neb with sterile saline--I actually have a few ampules I use for emergency eye-wash. But in the fridge, there's still half a container of matzo-ball soup that's calling my name (as well as a deli that delivers)....

    Went back to the leftover Perrier-Jouet, and IMHO it was over the hill, insufficiently sparkly (shoulda known when the cork didn’t “blossom" after removal). Bob (DH) decided to finish it anyway, and I cracked the Thienot (small producer from Reims, fairly inexpensive for a true Champagne) I’d been chilling instead. Now that’s more like it! I also noticed that the little painted flutes that came with the P-J hold barely 3 oz. when full--poured one into a Govino plastic flute for comparison, and the same amount barely reached the thumb notch at the bottom third! Funny how your eyes can trick you, but a brim-full mini-flute feels like a lot more bubbly than does the same amount in a 1/3-full stemless flute (never mind one of those 9-oz. stemmed crystal flutes I usually use). Now that I need to watch my consumption, little tricks like that have become important to me.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2016

    see you soon really does mean see you soon!!!!!!!!!!, so furcited,hope we don't drive the rest of you crazy with the talk of the cruise, i coming to orlando on friday so will pm you nm my rm no. and cell phone number, do you want to go and see the rest of the girls sunday night, disney is about a 10 minute drive from international drive and 20 mins from the airport, ps i do have a lead foot and tend to swear at the tourist driversShockedso likker up

    put the cruise on my new wall calenderHappy

    chicken soup sounds so good, the girl that gave me the last bug is sick again and again she came to work first and did the " i don't want to call out and get a black mark bit" again,was avoiding her all day to the point she came up to me several times to talk because normally we do! but i just scurried away BAD ME not

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited January 2016

    a little time in Disney on Sunday night sounds good to me Julie 😄 I'll never turn that opportunity down lol.

    Sandy I sure hope you find some relief soon. Your me drool should have kicked in by now. I'll send up a few prayers for you.

    Hope the weather stays nice and mild the rest of the winter.

    Jazz I'm loving that picture of that ship!

    Ok girls official count down is Three weeks from tomorrow is when my flight leaves for Florida

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2016

    Wow Nancy, that's a lot of drugs youtake for the bronchitis.

    Simp, sorry the holidays were a drag. Hopefully they will be much better next year. I did quite well on my 5 years of Arimidex. I encourage doing 10 years, but not Arimidex, as it causes bone damage. But there are others out there. It was shortly after I quit the Arimidex, that I got the bone mets. I'm not saying that this could happen to everyone, jes sayin. Ifyou catch my drift.

    Julie, are you kidding? I lovehearing you all talk about the cruise. It's going to go by so very fast. And I don't remember you doing any cursing whilst driving! Really, you get black marks for calling in sick? I would think it would be required! Especially in a hospital. Glad you stayed away from her.

    Rabbit hole is looking mighty inviting. So now not only do I have some progression, but my TM's took a jump. Not too happy right now.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2016

    Good morning. Loungettes!Ah,the luxury of a third day of sleeping in and lounging around!I could get to like this 3 day weekend thing!

    Jazzy--Aha, so THAT's why so many people are against cooking with alcohol!They'd starve!

    Goldie--There area handful of people that know where I live AND think that because I am a nurse I keep drugs on hand, despite the fact that is totally illegal in this state.They don't bother me while I'm home (they think Sadie is a retired military guard dog--their idea, not mine, but I've never corrected them). One of them is a cousin they all find out way too much about me and my life for my comfort sometimes anyway, but no use making it easy for them, and all of them have internet access and look up people by name all the time.If you want to be really startled sometime, type your own name into Google or Yahoo sometime!And FU pills SE on your week off?So NOT FAIR!

    Collett--An advantage to my friend's recipe--you don't give your germs to anyone else, no one will come near you!But it counts asfluids.

    Simp--The stock is from beef soup bones I found on sale at the grocery store last week.First I boil them for stock, then Sadie get to gnaw on them.I have used leftover turkey bones, too, for stock.Throw a turkey carcass (don't bother to clean it much, ok to have some skin, some fat, some stuffing, whatever!) in a pot with a quartered onion or two, some stalks of celery, maybe an old carrot or two.Simmer until the carcass fallsapart, then pour through a colander to strain out the bones and big bits.Chill, skim off the fat, package and freeze.Very yummy base for all sorts of things!I remember the Arimidex days, feeling old and decrepit all the time.Keep moving as much as you can.Loratidine, the active ingredient in Claritin, was an amazing help for me in keeping the stiffness and aching to a bearable level.And when the 5 years was doneit did take a few months to get back to feeling like I did before taking it, but it did go away.I am proof it does finish and it does get better once finished!And you have my sympathy, I know how miserable is can be.

    Jazzy--I had forgotten how big those cruise ships are! Very, Very big!To hold all the fun!

    Chi--I'm with Nancy, use the neb more often than the hand-held inhaler.It's amazing how little of the medication from the hand-held inhaler gets in to the lungs deep enough to do any good when we're coughing and hacking.I go straight for the neb (plain albuterol for me, so far).In fact, this is day 4 of coughing and sniffling, starting to cough hard enough to pee myself *(TMI,I know) so I'm going to get out my nebulizer right after finishing this sentence.

    OK, got my "peace pipe" to smoke as I continue my morning lounge visit.First thing on tomorrow's list is contacting the PCP re steroids etc to nip this in the bud.

    Chi--it is funny how the eyes can play tricks on the mind, isn'tit?Might as well take advantage of those tricks as much as possible.

    Juliet--I am getting so excited to meet everybody!I'm open to just about anything anyone wants to do, as long as I don't have to drive myself (do that all day at work)and get to see the Electrical Water Pageant.And get treated like a Princess.OR a Queen.Or someone special.I would definitely stay away from that co-worker, too.I'd tell her to stay away cuz I don't want any black marks for being sick either!

    Collett--19 days for me!Yeah!

    Candy McSparkle's DOTD

    Candy McSparkle's DOTD

    Kink Kooler(served on Castaway Cay)

    1/2 oz dark rum

    3/4 oz light rum

    1 oz passion fruit juice

    1 oz pina colada mix

    1 oz orange juice

    Mix, pour over crushed ice, garnish with orange wedges, cherries,

    Kink Kooler (served on Castaway Cay)

    1/2 oz dark rum

    3/4 oz light rum

    1 oz passion fruit juice

    1 oz pina colada mix

    1 oz orange juice

    Mix, pour over crushed ice, garnish with orange wedges, cherries,

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2016

    Goldie- I am on anastrozole (generic for Arimdex) and they are trashing my bones for sure. I started taking Prolia shots last January to counteract that and got my bone density test on 12/18 and waiting for the report. I go see my MO later this month and before I decide to do any more Prolia. Report due any time now. I am almost to three years on the AI drug.

    My MO's said many women are taking the drugs for longer now, but he said we would evaluate that once I got to the 5 years. I told him I don't want to end up with a broken hip, my mother had osteoporosis and ended up with a broken hip and some other breaks at the end of her life. We are larger boned women in our family, which goes against the norm for this condition, but there seems to be a genetic pattern with the osteo on my mothers side. Both she and her sister had it. My baseline suggested I was a tad osteopenic coming into this and it has gotten worse!

    Ncollett- that photo was from a cruise I did around this time in 2012 called the Smooth Jazz Cruise. We sailed out of Ft Lauderdale, went to Nassau, St. Thomas, St Barts, and a little deserted island owned by the cruise line called Half Moon Cay. The music went day and night and was so fun. Party boat for sure! First cruise I had done in a good 20 years!

    Wishing my cruising friends some great times together this month!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2016

    Goldie--sorry to bump you into the pool, but at least it's heated! Please stay out of the wabbit hole for now, maybe book a trip later in the year. or the decade. And health care employers are very odd--they do not want their staff taking sick time, you get a lot of grief for doing that more than once a year or so, depending on your employer, despite all the signs that are posted


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2016

    Good morning girls, hope everyone is having a nice weekend. Ended up getting really busy at the new job yesterday, ladies are starting to refer me to their friends so hopefully I'll have a nice steady Saturday clientele soon and I'll be able to operate on auto pilot. I have to take down my tree today, ugh I hate that job. Tomorrow is my day to make sure all ducks are in a row for the cruise. Been wanting to do that just haven't had the time. Nora's b-day party was yesterday, I couldn't go cause of work, DIL forgot about my new job when planning it and it was an hour away. Her birthday is actually on the 6th. It's fine tho, we will be keeping her overnight next Saturday so DS and DIL can have date night, they want to see Star Wars.

    Jazzy, Glad the jazz day was such fun. I am not a bowler, haven't done it since last New Year's Eve but I come from bowlers. My one brother had five 300 games and the other one had 6. The bowling gene skipped me however. Good for you on getting back to the gym, I have got to do that as well, told my DH yesterday I was going back to my paleo diet and what did we do but order pizza last night. Ah well, today is a new day.

    NM, got it on the screen name, NM it is. Slow cooker soup sound good, that's my next experiment with the pressure cooker, wonder if it can really taste as good as simmering all day. So glad for you that management finally got it and sent you some help. Good you hung in this past year, sounds like they really got it straightened out. Love the sounds of that hot buttered rum, sounds like a perfect drink to hunker down with a book during a snowstorm.

    Goldie, I'll check that movie off as one not to see. Hope the cramping and D are gone and are just a fluke and not cause of the FU pills.

    Hi Nancy, cruise is getting close, sitting and chilling in the sun sounds good to me. Haven't seen the sun in weeks, starting to forget what it looks like. Cosmic bowling is fun and whoever asked what it was, hsant maybe, they turn the regular lights off and there are black lights and music is loud, lanes lit up strobe lights and stuff like that. I figure in a few more years we'll be taking Nora as well.

    Simp, I've been on Arimidex for over a year now. Initially I had terrible bone/joint pain and wasn't sure how I was going to stay on it, was eating ibuprofen like crazy. But my body seems to have adjusted to it, now I just think I have normal 58 year old aches and pains. I also take a natural tumeric joint pain relief stuff that has helped a lot. Other than that and my continuous hot flashes, I've not noticed any SE's, hopefully you'll do as well considering we have to take them for a long, long time. As far as the teens go, I have no advice, you're on your own with that one.

    Jazz, love the cruise ship.

    Sandy, so sorry you've been so sick, hope the drugs are knocking the snot out of it, so to speak. We go to BW3 to play trivia and DH ordered a large beer, then next time a small one and pored it into the large glass and it filled it all the way up, different shapes, same amount yet of course they charge more for the large. Very tricky.

    Julie, we are getting close aren't we? So glad you know your way around.Sure you don't catch the crud from your coworker. We all need to stay nice and healthy for the cruise now.

    Lori, so sorry to hear about the progression and the TM's, please try hard to stay outta the rabbit hole, ugh, wish I knew how to keep you from going down there. (((hugs)))

    NM, If only the work week could be 2 days and the weekend 5....ahhhh, I can dream can't I? I am careful not to say when we will both be gone on FB but I admit I do forget about someone being able to create and account here just to snoop.

    Jazzy, I have mild osteopenia in my hip, so far no other drugs. My MO says she'll prolly keep me on Arimidax for 5 years than switch me to tomoxifen for 5 since it doesn't cause the bone loss.

    Hsant, Sue, Cami and anyone else I missed, (only covered this page) Hi, and have a good Sunday.

    Love and hugs to all....

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2016

    Thanks for the swim NM, goldie and I are having a great time!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited January 2016

    I thought this was an interesting recipe. I would probably leave out the simple syrup, since marmalade is already quite sweet.


    1.5 oz Hendrick\\\'s Gin

    2 tspOrange marmalade

    .75 oz Fresh lemon juice

    .5 oz Simple syrup


    1 Lemon peel

    Glass: Cocktail


    Add all of the ingredients to a cocktail shaker and fill with ice.

    Shake, and strain into a cocktail glass.

    Garnish with a lemon peel and serve with buttered toast on the side.

    Genny- love that pic! Which one are you? I'm just going to assume you're one of the two ladies😀. You are both beautiful!

    Jazzy, it sounds like you had an amazing time off from what is obviously stressful work. Btw, I had a very nice Zin, Shooting Star. $14.00 a bottle, and I think worth a taste.

    NM, Yikes! All that snow! Which kind of snow tires do you use? I feel very fortunate that Cleveland has been experiencing a very mild winter (thus far), but who knows what January and February will blow in

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2016

    Hi ladies

    i did'nt ctchup but my compter s ll screwed up, I think I need a bttery, so i need my boss to look t it, thhese are smaller or smothing feels different. I hope eveyone is doing OK and I'll be back hopefully by tomorrow, f my boss comes to fix it, cuz I'm helples thi time. I can't type on this thing


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2016

    oh lori. its just a blip because they will be down the next time or else down to the swamp they go,cammi get blocking on that wabbit hole

    i managed to get to the gym yestaday for the first time in weeks , bit stiff today but i with you nm ,healthcare is the worse for dinging their workers for calling in sick but we are exposed the most to disease,go figure. just realised how much luggage i will need,always overpack anyway but will be away fri to the following sunday, will be driving so no problem going anywhere

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited January 2016


    Chocolate syrup

    1.5 oz

    Van Gogh Dutch Chocolate Vodka

    1 oz

    Castries Crème Peanut Rum

    .75 oz

    Chocolate liqueur

    .5 oz


    Garnish: 1 Peanut butter cupGlass:



    Drizzle chocolate syrup inside of a chilled martini glass.
    Place in the refrigerator
    Add remaining ingredients to a cocktail shaker and fill with ice
    Shake vigorously, and strain into prepared glass
    Garnish with Reese's peanut butter cup

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes!Wind chill temps to deal with today.As in below the donut wind chills.And Santa was golfing Christmas Eve!Well, it seems the intensive nebulizer and Mucinex, extra fluids and extra sleep seems to have worked.Very little coughing during the night, and nowhere near hard enough to make me pee myself.Except for the shaking from the morning neb, I feel pretty good.Now to see how long it will last.At the first sign of the cough coming back I am taking myself to the closest Walk In Care center.I hate being on steroids but if I'm going to need them I want to do it now and get it over with!

    Genny--Hooray for the new job working out!And for getting a Nora Night!Happy Birthday to Miss Anorable!I've wondered about things tasting the same in a pressure cooker, too, but who knows?Time to try itand find out, I suppose!I'm glad I hung in at work, too, things are much better now.Getting the cruise stuff done won't take you very long, it's pretty straightforward.And actually kind of fun to look at the activities and excursions available!Hmm, would weekends really be as nice if they were 5 days long?I've wondered.

    Hsant--I use studded tires.No particular brand, at the rate I go through tires I buy the least expensive I can get.There is a Tire Warehouse that I use regularly.Not a fancy place but they've always treated me well, get me right in when I need something.This last time the owner gave me a free front end alignment after I bought 4 new tires, had them studded and bought roadside hazard coverage. The breakfast Martini sounds yummy!I'm with you, probably doesn't need the simple syrup.

    Morning, Cammy--hope the boss gets you fixed up ASAPliest!

    Juliet--I'm stiff and sore this ayem, but not from going to the gym!Just from coughing.But that's OK.What have I heard about packing for a cruise?Pack half as many clothes and twice as much money as you think you need.

    Candy McSparkle says she like the Peanut Butter Cup Martini, too!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2016

    Good early morning girls, it's my day off and I'm wide awake. DH snoring like a freight train at the moment, pooches are still in bed tho, guess they don't notice. Guess I'll wait till it's light and bundle up and take them out. Old man winter has arrived, still no snow but cold and windy. Think I'll make some soup today.

    Cami, hope you get your puter fixed and get back in here soonliest. We miss your purdy face.

    hsant, a nice lo cal martini to ring in the new year, huh?

    Julie, today is my day to start working out again, been putting it off for too long. I'm going to try and pack super light, gotta figure out what fits first.

    Dara, somehow I missed you yesterday, hope your work week isn't too painful.

    Have a good day girls, see ya in the lounge for cocktails after you all get off work.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2016

    NM, a nice ayem swim in the pool, that got me awake! Hope you feel better soon.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited January 2016

    Good morning ladies!

    I hope everyone is feeling better. I'm going for my post hospital check today with my new PCP then tomorrow see my Neuropsychologist and have my Cardiac stress Echo and Imstill waiting to hear from my Neurologist on when I can see her so I can drive again.

    Jazz that cruise sounded like it would be fun. I love to cruise. This will be my second with Disney and 4 the overall.

    NM you are correct on your friends recipie the garlic will definitely keep people away lol. Hope your feeling better.

    Lori if you only knew how much Medes overall I take you would think I was a drug addict lol. Everyone always makes fun of me and asks if I brought the pharmacy..

    Gotta get in the shower for my appointment but will check in later love ya al

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2016

    Mary, sorry you missed the aNORAble party, but yay for having her overnight. And the swim was mahvelous! Glad to hear the new job is going well. Are you still working at the other place?

    Cami, I sure hope you can get that bixed up. We miss you.

    Julie, I'm with you on the swamp, sounds like a good idea.

    NM, I didn't know you were getting sick. I hope you can nip it in the bud and send it to Julie's swamp!

    Heading out to the dermatologist this morning, DH getting his stitches out from the mohs surgery and having another spot frozen that didn't go away from the FU cream. Feeling a little better. Just telling myself, yet again, you can be strong and be happy, or be depressed and sad, it's my choice!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited January 2016

    Good morning, ladies!

    NM, I'm glad you're feeling better! Very important to nip it in the bud if you start to feel symptoms coming on again. Feeling bad sucks, especially in the winter, so I hope you continue to feel well! I went with all season tires on my dad's Suburu. I thought about snow tires, but since I drive short distances, this is what seemed to make sense.

    Goldie, best wishes to your dh. MOHs is a GREAT treatment for basal cell carcinoma, but I know it ain't fun. My dad went thru this a few years back. I'm glad you're feeling better! You are obviously a very strong woman, and an inspiration.

    Cami, computer issues always suck. I tend to have problems posting on this website. I get this weird, delayed reaction when I type. I hope it's resolved, and I hope you're feeling well.

    Genny, did you say no snow?? Well, we have snow over here on the east side. Not a lot, but enough to put me in a bad mood😀. How wonderful that you went for a swim today! Great way to kick off 2016!

    Ncollette, best of luck with your doc appointment today. I wish you the best, and I hope you get the 👍 To drive soon

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited January 2016

    Good Morning Girls! Happy New Year!!

    I just don't know where to start! I hope you all are feeling well today and anyone that has been sick is on the mend.

    I'm sorry I have been MIA. It started because things here were just super busy and I was trying to use it as a motivator to get things done. No computer time until I reached a certain goal. You see how well that worked out for me! Plus we have taken in an extra child that we have know from kindergarten that had a really messed up home life and was willing to be homeless just to get out of the situation. So now I have 5 kids, 2 of which are high school seniors and boy is that a lot of stuff to navigate! In addition to that I have an 85 year old, widower neighbor that has no family and is waiting on back surgery. I am his health care agent and it has been a long draining situation that has been going on for too long and surgery keeps getting bumped for one reason or another. (extra blessings for you nurses that deal with several patients. I have my hands full with just the one!) Then on top of everything else they re-arranged positions at work and Nick is on the road a whole lot more than he was before. GIANT SIGHHHHHHH

    I also still felt kind of awkward and thought maybe if I stayed clear tha CindyLooHoo or some others might pop back in with you girls.Now it's been ages and I feel terrible about that. I read all the email posts everyday and have sent up prayers and good thoughts and always send extras when they are needed.

    And welcome to the new Girls! And Chevy popped in a time or two also!! Plus the girls from down under!

    I hope it is still ok for me to tag along on the cruise. I really feel like I could be imposing. If you all would rather, and one of the new girls wants to, I guess we could see about them taking my spot?

    I hope you all will forgive me for being out of touch for so long. It was not because you girls were not on my mind. I think of you all often and it is a bright spot in my day to catch glimpses of my email alerts!!

    LUBS and HUGZ,


  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited January 2016
    • Hi 4sew! I'm a newbie on this thread, about 2 weeks. Wow! What you are doing for those kids is truly amazing! Are you a foster parent? If so, very admirable. If not, still very impressive! I'm curious about the 85 year old man, waiting on back surgery. That seems like a huge surgery for someone that age. Anyway, just wanted to say hi, and wish you a health, happy new year
  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Am recovering from having my gd, Maddy, over NY's. She requires a lot of attention. I got a minor flu bug and a cold her 2nd day here, so sad I couldn't take her bowling. This is the 1st morning I've not been nauseous. Think I'm on the mend. DH had to work NY's eve so Maddy and I watched ET. She had never seen it and some parts scared her. I turned it off and we went to bed. Watched the rest of it next day, then she was glad she watched it.

    Sandy - your bronchitis sounds horrible. Hope you are feeling better soon.

    That is a lot of medication, but matzo ball soup sounds like a sure thing. (((Sandy)))

    Genny - I had a dream last night that I forgot my pirate outfit. Can't believe it is so close. Nice pic of your bowling team. You are looking good girl! I use a combo pressure & slow cooker. I love it.

    Jazz - I need to get to the gym, not going for water aerobics, going for weights and cardio, hope they have a personal trainer for me, if not I'll just wing it. The music event sounds wonderful.

    NM - u got it. I've never made soup with soup bones, sounds terrific. I arrive in Orlando at 6:20 on Sunday., will prolly b close to 7:30 by the time I get to the hotel. Hopefully my other 3 cruisers will be there so we can have a toast…woohoo.

    Nancy, don't forget to print and take the hotel info I sent ya.

    Lowee - thanks for the info on the Hateful 8. I like Kurt Russell but that does sound over done to me. Glad u are snow free around your property

    I feel so bad for you and those FU pills. ((((Lowee))))

    Simp - Sorry u had a not so good time on NY. I kno how teens can be. Hope your experience with Arimidex is good not icky.

    Dara - silly goil. Sounds like you had a good time with the ex.

    Julie - u not bad. She should be staying away from everyone. I do hope she was wearing a mask all day, especially around pts.

    Sis-in-law just arrived unexpectedly, so I have to run.

    Sorry if I missed anyone, but remember

    I lubslubslubslubs ya all

    Lynn, jes read ur post....NO WAY...u are going with and that's that....can't wait to see you there...muah!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2016

    Good chilly Morning, Loungettes!I'm really dragging getting moving this ayem, woke up with a coughing and gagging fit a couple hours ago, took a dose of special cough medicine (codeine with reglan) and put a quick stop to the coughing and gagging, but now would like to sleep for a while.Can't do that, though.Will be fine once I get some caffeine going.And I was feeling so good yesterday by the end of the work day!

    Genny--isn't it nice to just lie in and snooze/relax in the ayem?Almost as nice a float in the a warm pool!Hope your work out went well.On past cruises I've essentially lived in my bathing suit and a cover up, and I do well with a pair of semi-dressy pants and a few nice tops for evenings.No one really notices if you are wearing the same pair of pants, or even the same outfit!Underwear is a different issue, I usually end up wishing I had brought more.

    Collett--Hope your appointment went well, and the upcoming tests go smoothly and the results are good.

    Goldie--I keep telling myself I've just got a cold, no big deal, just need to keep the asthma from noticing.Annoying more than anything else.It's not bad and I'm am bound and determined to keep it that way and have it gone ASAP.

    Hsant--All season tires can be very good tires, even in the snow.I like studded tires cuz I'm required to drive in more bad weather than the average bear, and unplowed driveways are a common issue. When I was working for the University I used all season tires since I knewwouldn't be driving in many snow storms.

    4--Talk about being busy!I can't imagine taking in children/teens like that.And taking care of your neighbor, too.If there was a problem with you going on the cruise you wouldn't have a reservation, so quit worrying.

    Mema--I hope at least the 3 of you can get together for drink Sunday evening.Juliet will have a car, maybe she and I can connect with you guys.If not, we will certainly connect on board!

    Candy McSparkle's DOTD:


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2016

    Disney Princess Name Generator. Mine- Alexandra Mia of Hawaii:

    I am Princess Karia Aria of Peru.