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how about drinking?



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2016

    Hi girls, Maria Aria of Lala Land here, got a ring to it, and most people who know me would prolly say Lala Land is a good last name for me. I made bone broth soup in my pressure cooker yesterday, got it started and the thing shut off and just died. I had thrown away the box and receipt but Penneys let me come in and exchange it. Now that I got the new one, I think the old one was a lemon, this one seems much more efficient.

    NM, ugh, so sorry about your sickness. And then to have to work, you are working form home? That is how I hope to pack, very light with each outfit getting worn twice. Do we have a more formal night? I forget but I do hope to get into the cruise info today, in fact I need to put it at the very top of my list. Everytime I travel I end up with clothes I didn't wear so this time I want to pack smart. I am going a few days early to visit friends in FL so I'll actually be gone a whole week. Anyway, feel better, hope the codeine helps.

    Suzi, so glad you got to see Maddy, sorry you were sick. Nora takes constant 100% attention as well, when I have her that is the only thing I do. My house is not child proofed, she's much easier in her own home. Glad she ended up liking ET. Funny dream. Thanks for the compliment.

    hsant, nope, no snow here, just really cold and windy. East side and west are so completely different, don't think I'd like the weather out your way. Just wondering, I saw on another thread that you have a Cleveland MO that orders TM's. Which hospital is he/she with? I've been to UH and CC and 3 MO's and can't find any that want to use them. I'm going to request them when I go in Feb but have a feeling I'll really have to push for it. One of my customers is 89 and just had a hip replacement. It took a long time, nobody wanted to do it but she'd rather die than live in agonizing pain, so she finally got a doctor willing to help her. We are outliving our bodies, very sad sometimes. I didn't really swim, if 2 of us are posting at the same time we say the 2nd one got knocked in the pool and NM pushed me in yesterday.

    4sew, don't be recocolous.... of course we want you to come! Feel awkward? You are an old friend! By the way is your little fin all bixed up? Can't wait for our get together and you sound like you could really use a few days off!!

    Lori, yes I still work the other job, that is my primary job and I hope to stay there till I retire, the other is just temporary until the 1st place gets the new assisted living facility built, then I'll work both and should be plenty busy. Hope Julie is right and the numbers are a glitch.

    Nancy, hope all Dr appt go fine.

    For all that asked about Jeni, can't remember what I already told you, she is having BMX, appt with plastic surgeon and MO next Monday. They should have her oncotype by then. She's supposed to have biopsy of sentinal node before surgery as well. She's doing much better now that the ball is rolling. Hoping no chemo or rads for her.

    Gotta run, lots to do today, last day off before 4 days of work and night with ANorable.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2016

    hsant, I try to stay strong, mainly for MYSELF! Otherwise I am just a basket case and I don't like that.

    4, good to see you and I'm sure you are wanted on the cruise. So sweet of you to take on the neighbor kid and the neighbor elderly man. But I agree with him being a bit old for such a surgery.

    Sue, I hope Maddy doesn't catch what you had. How funny that ET scared her a bit. I hope she liked it in the end.

    NM, I hope you can kick whatever it is you have, right to the curb PRONTO! Ha ha, be sure and pack extra panties! Oreo vodka? Who would have thunk!

    Princess Luna Lucy of Kenya here. Even though I'm not going on the cruise, I can still have a Princess Name!

    Mary, I think most of us could be a Princess in LaLa Land! I hope you can get your TM's and no reason why you couldn't. INSIST on it. It may not ALWAYS be reliable, but sometimes it IS. Scans are the same, but they are more invasive. Makes sense for the 95 yo to have the hip replacement so she didn't have to live in pain. I don't think the numbers are a glitch, as my scans show some progression. So glad Jeni has you by her side.

    Well, suppose to have some weather moving in our way. Could get bad across the rim, for which we have to drive across to get to Phoenix. Will be leaving tomorrow and not coming home until Saturday. Seeing onc on Thursday. Lilian (from Taiwan) is flying in on Friday night and may be coming home with us. So I need to get my spare room cleaned up and bed made. I haven't done anything in there since the little critter.


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited January 2016

    Good morning everyone Nancy Aril of China here. Lol must be Mulans sister. 👯

    Listen here Lynn your coming on the cruise your my roomie and I have been looking forward to meeting you for a long time😉 It's all good and yes we all want you to come. We will have a good time and sounds like you need a little down time.

    Sue I won't forget it I already have printed and with my papers😉 Can't wait I think our flights get in pretty close to each other. Mines about 550 or something like that on Sunday.

    Don't forget sunscreen money to tip at the end of the cruise which should be about 48 total gotta get ready for today's appointments so will check in later

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited January 2016

    Good morning from Princess Helena Aria of Sweden! I'm waiting for my dad to finish breakfast, so we can head off to the gym. My 87 year old father works out every day, and I wish I could say the same for his 48 year old daughter.

    Mema, How nice that you spent NYE with your grand daughter! How old is she? I'm glad you're feeling better.

    Nm, yuck! So sorry you're sick. I hope you feel better soon! Oreo vodka???? Proof that there is a god, and she is woman😀. My father lives in the snow belt, so winters can get very brutal here. I had Continental all season tires put on last year, and so far, so good. Coupled with the four wheel drive, I haven't had any problems.

    Goldie, best of luck with your onc. appointment. I hope you have an easy drive to Phoenix, with out any complications.

    Genny, My Cleveland onc. was with UH for many years, but now he's in private practice. I have to say, he is BRILLIANT. He's an oncologist, internist and hematologist. His office is in Mayfield Heights, but I have to say I think it would definitely be worth the drive. My onc. In CA prescribed having my markers checked every 3 months, but my onc. here absolutely concurred. The only difference is that CA onc. wants the ca 15-3, and CLE onc. Recommended ca 27, 29. So, I get both checked. Please PM me if you want his information.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2016

    Click for Options

    Forgot to tell the most exciting news. Maddy lost her 1st tooth while with us. That little box is where it is and the whole thing goes under her pillow. She pulled it out by herself, it was so loose if she'd had let me or papa touch it we'd have pulled it, was hanging there. She is so proud of herself. Then during the night she was playing with it and lost it. But I found it bout 2am when I went in to check on her. Did ya'll know the going rate for a tooth is $5??

    More later.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Sunny Mia of Wales here. Dang, I can't seem to copy/paste that pic of Maddy that I wanted to share. Will try one more time at end of this post.

    Hsant - welcome to the HTL, a really good place to be under the circumstances. WOW I am impressed that ur father still works out at 87, just wonderful. I am feeling better, thanks.

    Nancy - woohoo, it's right around the corner, glad I am feeling better, was worried for a bit. Glad u got all ur paper work together, thanks for reminder of sunscreen and money for tips. Are you flying home on Fri the 29 or are u staying with me at hotel. I fly home on Sat at 10:30.

    Lynn - you WILL be on that ship…comprende?!?! Can't wait to see you again.

    Lowee - I hope she doesn't catch it too. Haven't heard from mom or dad so assume all OK. My MO doesn't seem to worry about CA either. But I get copies (now online) and watch the numbers myself, they fluctuate a lot. You be safe on your trip to Phx.

    Mary - Yes there is 1 formal night, it says nice pantsuit or dress, so I'm taking black pants n nice top. You can read all about once u get your paperwork done, which by the way, better b ur top priority now that we're so close.

    NM - I'm hoping the 4 of us can get together for a nightcap or two at the hotel. I think Dara & Mary are sharing a room there too. Oh Oh on that cough. Hope your cough meds kick the cold to the curb soonliest. What about shoes, 1 nice pair for pirate night and Capt's dinner, rest of the time flipflops? What about a light sweater, does it get cool in the evenings?

    imageHope this works!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2016

    Sunny Lucy of Atlantis checking in here. Bronchitis is almost gone (so are the Medrol & doxy). Went to the LE specialist today and he says mine is borderline and mild--but still wants me to start OT to learn exercises & MLD massage. Says I didn’t need to use my sleeve & gauntlet for flying--he never prescribes them for patients who’ve had only 4 nodes taken--and that when I saw my fingers swell I should have removed the garments immediately; he prefers a fingerless glove instead of a gauntlet.

    Pan-seared a half-duckling last night (precooked), sauteed baby haricots verts with wild mushrooms and had a couple of ounces of Georges Duboeuf Beaujolais Nouveau 2015--still quite drinkable. Popped the cork rather than using the Coravin, since it’s a cheap-ish wine and I’m sure husband & son will kill it off.

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited January 2016

    I think I'll take Quinn Mia of China. Sounds a little better than my real name, though I wouldn't mind being of Hawaii just now.

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited January 2016

    Derp. I didn't mean to delete that, but edit it: I'll take Quinn Mia of China over my real name, though I wouldn't mind being of Hawaii just now.

    Do those of us stuck at home get regaled with stories and pictures of the cruise?

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2016

    hello from handspun petunias of Thailand which is the kindle version

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited January 2016

    Sue I would bring a light sweater as it does get chili sometimes. I'm flying home Friday I have an indoor rowing race Saturday I have to be home for 😌 You know me and my racing 🚤

    I am starting to look over my list of things and make sure I have everything I need. My treadmill wore me out!

    Sandy I'm glad your feeling better! I have never tried duckling before what does it taste like?

    NM I'm hoping the four of us can get together as well for a couple of drinks on the 24 th. It will be a good way to unwind.

    I'm gonna get ready for my support group. Love you all

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2016

    Cruise people......


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2016

    Roast duck tastes like a meatier version of dark meat turkey. If you grill a duck breast rare-to-med.-rare and slice it thinly on the bias, it looks and tastes like lean steak.

    Here’s a shot of my little Perrier-Jouet painted champagne flute, shown in front of, not on, my MacBook (so it looks bigger than it is). In that shot (about 3 oz. at most), it holds less than a regular flute half-full, but it feels like a full glass:


  • Planet
    Planet Member Posts: 9
    edited January 2016

    Hey Ladies!

    Sorry I fell of my barstool shortly after my last post. I decided I was going to live like I didn't have BC since I wasn't going to find out my treatment plan until today and now I have a ton of your posts to read to catch up. But first I wanted to tell ChiSandy that I was at the Rioja fest last May at Union Station in Chicago and my BFF flew in last minute from LAX to join me. (Loved the cheese, jamón, and OD'd on the morcilla). Every September we spend 2 weeks celebrating the wine harvest in Spain: Aranda in the Ribero del Duero then Logroño for San Mateo and wrap it up in San Sebastián for the film festival. The bartenders (and a fair number of residents) know us better than the bartenders in Chicago. This past September, the village of Haro began a one day tasting festival with the 7 wineries located near the train station. We bought the VIP tickets that gave you 2 premium tastings in addition to the standard one. Twenty-one tastings in 5 hours! Check it out this fall. If I finish my chemo and rads in time, I will be there! (They give you a pouch to wear around your neck to hold your wine glass. It even works whn your glass is full so you have two hands to eat the tapas-ingenious!)

    Okay...back to catching up!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Wednesday!Silly Sadie gets to ride with me today, she has an appointment with the Vet this ayem to make sure all her shots are up to date before going to the boarding kennel whilst I'm away.I reserved a Presidential Suite for her, so I can check on her by Doggy Cam.She didn't seem terribly impressed when I told her about it!

    Genny--Maria Aria of La La Land does sound nice! I'm not really sick, I just havea cold that's irritating the asthma and making me feel sorry for myself.It's getting better, should be gone pretty soon.I am still working, I go out to Nursing Homes,Assisted Living homes, boarding homes andpeople's homes and visit people so I I'm always being exposed to colds and stomach virus and such.I'm just a little freaked about this one being so close to vacay time, but it is getting better, so I need to quit freaking and just take care of it.I usually pack way more than I wear, too,and keep trying to streamline.We'll see how well we do!Thanks for the update on your friend.Praying it all goes well for her.

    Goldie--this cold is rapidly hitting the curb now, will be a full week tomorrow, so I'm on the downhill (uphill?) side.Not coughing at all as much, only the one episode of cough and gag.Going to pack all the panties I own, except for what I wear on the flight.Fortunately they don't take up much room!And yes, the Princess Name is for EVERYONE!I stumbled across that and thought it would be fun.I take it little critter never came back?That's a good thing!Drive safe.

    Collett--A Princess from China!What fun!

    Hsant--I know, Oreo Vodka?I have GOT to find some of that.4 wheel drive can be a very good thing in the snow!It's amazing how many options there are for getting around and how they can be personalized to our individual needs!Your Dad is awesome.

    Mema--Maddy lost her first tooth!How exciting! $5 for a tooth?I remember it being 25 cents!Talk about inflation!Shoes for me will be Crock knock-offs for the boat, beach, pool, a pair of walking shoes for my time at Disney before the cruise (and probably what I will wear on the flight) and a pair of espadrilles that are good for evenings.And probably a pair of boots for Pirate Night, depending on room and if the costume stuff I've ordered arrives in time to pack.The Crock knock-offs are bright pink and very battered, but oh, so comfortable, so I will inflict them on you all!I also pack a couple of very large scarves that can double as a light shawl or swim suit cover up that works for cool evenings and take up almost no room.I rather suspect we can manage to get together Sunday evening one way or another-- and I am SO looking forward to it!Cute pic!

    Chi--I second the doc's recommendation.Start managing the LE now, cuz it never gets better, all we can do is maintain where we are at.I wonder what you doc would tell me about getting truncal LE after having just ONE node taken?Yummy dinner, too!

    Queen--oh, yes, those of you left behind will practically be with us we will post so much, I bet.I don't usually access the internet while on vacay but am making an exception this trip.It will be interesting to see which is bigger, the internet bill or the alcohol bill!

    Juliet--we sure have the world covered, don't we?

    Collett--don't blame you for heading straight home for rowing!

    Jazzy--Nice!Where is that?It's beautiful!

    Chi--Pretty wine glass!

    Planet--Oh my goodness what a wine tasting event that sounds like!I'd love to see a pic of the pouch with the wine glass, it sounds innovative!

    Princess Karia Aria of Peru's DOTD:

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2016

    Nancy, sunscreen money to tip….I had to laff at that one! But a good idea. You expert cruisers should share some tips to the others as to what to bring or not. Such as sunscreen. If I were going, that might have been something I would nothave thought of.

    Hsant, how amazing that your 87 yo dad works out, wow! Go dad!

    LDB, wow on $5 a toof! I think when we were little, you maybe got a quarter. I think my kids got a dollar. Glad you found it. Ohhhhhh, love seeing that sweet little face. She is just too cute and so sweet and funny. I will never forget her telling one of the dogs "don't give me any attitude". Or something along those lines. Is her hair just as long?

    Good luck with the LE Sandi, not something I have had to deal with, so I don't have any suggestions for you. Very pretty champagne flute.

    Julie, Handspun Petunias? WTH is that!

    Jazzy, beautiful lighthouse picture! Did you take it?

    Welcome back Planet, I hope your landing was a gentle one!

    Gosh NM, you get Sadie the Presidential Suite and she is not grateful??? Silly pooch. As for the critter, he was not coming back unless through devine intervention! However, there were NOT any more to be seen. No more droppings anywhere. NO IDEA how it got in though. LOL on the pink crocks. And we want to see everyone for Pirate night. Interesting DOTD, but I think I will only have one! Looks pretty sweet!

    Dara? Did you get your tickets?

    Cami, miss you love!

    Leaving a bit later this morning, hoping to NOT hit any weather that is too bad. Taking a route further south in hopes of missing any snow and ice. Pretty drive too as it takes us through the Salt River Canyon. Down one side to the bottom, cross the river and then back up the other side. Lots of hair pin curves!


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited January 2016

    Morning Goils!!

    So much to ketchup on and to fill you in about. Out the door right now though to take the neighbor for an echo before they will clear him for surgery.

    Checking on flights today or may just drive, dunno yet. Have barely even cracked the cover on the cruise book. Guess I better get crakin'. I have some friends that cruise and this is a tip from them....They thrift for cruise clothes! Then if it gets ruined, lost, dirty whatever, they only spent a few bucks and don't care!! plus they can pitch it and put whatever they buy in the luggage instead!

    Hope everyone is feeling good and has a great day!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2016

    lori,thats what my kindle changed my name too its was supposed to be janalyn i think

    i'm driving up to orlando so no limit on my packing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, nm no problem o drive up to hotel to meet up with them sunday, was going to do a pediure on the cruise but chickened out at the thought of someone touching my feet! still doing the manicure tho, so looking forward to meeting dorty again and everybody else for the first time,driving everybody in work crazy by doing a count down ,it was fullmoon days for the last 3 days , with today being extra special!!,so glad to have a day off back in for one signed up for an extra day in a moment of weakness , then the weekend off to start packingHappy

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2016

    Planet, yum! I’ve only been to the tourist sites in Spain: Madrid, Barcelona, Sevilla, Granada, Mallorca and Valencia. Wish I could convince my husband to go to Rioja country! My first trip to Europe was in 1990 with a local wine merchant. He was supposed to lead a 20-person tour, on a mini-bus. Little by little, people began dropping out for various reasons until it was down to just him, one of his salesmen he was hoping to educate, and me--in a Mercedes. We did the Rheingau & Nahe, after which the salesman went home (severely hung over). We continued to Beaune for a couple of days in Burgundy, then down through the Loire to Jarnac in the Charente region, then Pauillac & Sauternes, up to Paris and back to the Nahe for a day before flying home from Frankfurt. We were comped half of the places we went--wined, dined, housed luxuriously (I had Napoleon’s room at Ch. Courvoisier). I even got to participate in a barrel-sample tasting in the Nahe and my remarks were translated into German and published in “Essen und Tranken” magazine! (And I learned how many bugs a windshield could collect at 130 mph on the Autobahn).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2016

    Hi ladies- crazy busy with work this week and lots of snow out here in the state this week. Storm number 3 going on and more to come! We are having a real winter for a change. I might get a chance to snow shoe this weekend!

    Planet- how are you doing post surgery?

    A couple of you asked about the picture. It was taken off the jazz cruise ship Jan of 2012 coming out of Nassau in the Bahamas. And yes, I took the photo with my phone! A blackberry at the time I think? I am amazed how good the pics are from the phones now. My current Windows phone takes some amazing photos too. January is such a nice time to take a cruise!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2016

    Quick pop in, been up throwing up all night, just called in sick, going back to sleep for a while now that this bout has eased up.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2016

    Julie, I'm still confused. Your kindle changes your name for you? It's supposed to be Janalynn? Cute name tho! I can hear the excitement in your voice. But I think we are ALL getting excited.

    Jazzy, I agree on how good pictures are from phones. You got a nice one with that light house. I'm wondering how much snow we got. We have decided to get another camera for our place, so we can see outside when we are gone. The one we have now shows us if the pellet stove is working. It's our main source for heat. No funace.

    Oh no NM. So sorry you are sick, but glad you have time to get better. Are you running a fever? (((((NM))))).

    Today's DOTD, and we have 3 of them!



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2016

    nm feel better soon

    chi sounds an epi trip!

    jazzy great photo,must admit still take photos with a camera

    lori lub you

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2016

    Native- I am sorry you are not feeling well. Throwing up is the worst. Feel better.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited January 2016

    Kim Feel better fastliest!!

    Lori, great pic of us! I'm the tall one on the left :-)

    Hello to everyone! Quick pop in for me too!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited January 2016

    Just a few pictures I took of Castaway cay last January on our Disney cruise on the Fantasy


    View of Castaway Cay as we dock


    The Adult Beach


    The pool area where you can also watch movies all day and at night


    Another view of the island. It's beautiful!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes! Steel feeling like crap, staying home from work, going back to bed, hopefully get on to ketchup later

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2016

    Julie, you still use a camera. That's ok, I just hope it's a digital camera and not one that uses film!

    Beautiful pics Nancy, I'll bet you can't wait to get back there!

    Oh NM, I'm so sorry. And I know you are not well iffin you have to take yet another day off. Not much to ketchup on, since it's been so quiet in here!

    Onc visit went well. My original mets were in my spine at the base of my neck, there is some growth there, right hip which is the same and a new spot in my groin area, right side. Because I feel so good, and no pain, he is fine with me staying on FU pills. If the markers continue to rise, then we will change. He did want me back on the 3 week schedule and he wants me to see if I can tolerate 6 pills a day, and I can do 3/3 pills or even 2/2/2.

    Saw this on FB, thought it was cute.


  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited January 2016

    Hello ladies.

    Native, I hope you feel better soon! Wishing you a speedy recovery!

    Goldie, love that pic you posted! Beautiful! congratulations on a positive doc appointment! Feeling well is everything. As I stated before, you are obviously a very strong woman. So, about those Disney Cocktails? For the kids? Just kidding! Looks delish!

    Jazzy, my family vacationed on paradise Island for many years when I was a kid. Beautiful photo! I hope everything is going well for you. Sounds like you're under a lot of stress at work. Have you had Cline Cashmere? It's a red blend, and quite lovely.

    I thought I would post my recipe for blueberry basil martinis. I know blueberries are not in season, so I suggest using organic frozen ones.

    2pints or one bag of frozen blueberries.

    Puree berries in a blender, and strain thru a fine sieve.

    In a cocktail shaker, muddle 1 oz of fresh lime juice, 1 stevia packet (or 2 tbsp. Simple syrup) and about 5 or 6 basil leaves.

    Add 6 oz of blueberry purée, 3 oz' of vodka (I like Grey Goose) and ice.

    Shake for about 30 seconds, pour into martini glasses. Makes between 2 and 3 cocktails. Enjoy!image

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Been cold and rainy here the last 3 days. Looks sunny out now tho. Lows have been in low 30's brrr, and high 40's during the day. Still to wet to tae my pooches to park, all grass in gone, leaving nothing but mud…ugh! Had 2 good days as far as my yuckiness, woke today with major headache and the Big D. Oh well, back to bed in a bit.

    NM - hope u can knock it down b4 the cruise. Would offer advice but u already know what to do. (((NM))) Yum the Mouse Slide sounds good.

    Lowee - not sure if that's good news or not. Is he going to let u do 3/3? LOL on ur "get older" post…wish I could say it aint true, but it is sooo right on. Maddy is growing up, her speech is almost impeccable and yes, I remember her scolding my pooches…too funny. I don't like hairpin curves…please be careful. Canyon does look beautiful tho.

    Chi - so glad ur bronchitis is almost gone.

    Queen - I hope we can take lots of good pics and share them with our sisters. I'm debating on taking a small cam that does video too or just use my new MOTO 4 phone.

    Julie - LOL, sorry, but that is some name. Oh, do the cabins have blow-driers in them or should I pack one? I was hesitant about my 1st pedicure too, but once I did it….yowza…it was wonderful. Now I get one every 4-6 weeks. You should consider trying it.

    Nancy - thanks, I will pack a light cover. Hooray for more races. I have my list going too on things to bring. Thanks for posting the pics, make me even more excited.

    Jazz - gorgeous pic of the ocean and light house.

    Planet - glad u got another post in. So fascinating to read about your's and Chi wine escapades. Wish wine and I liked each other.

    Genny - prayers going out for your friend.

    Hsant - Love the blueberry basil martunies.

    4sew - great tip about thrift shopping for cruise clothes, will try to check it

    Lubslubslubslubs forever!