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how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2015

    Hey girls,

    Hoping everyone is doing well and happy. I am very much looking forward to the long weekend.

    Nothing much to report other than work sucks as usual.

    NM, glad your partner is working out. Be careful out there in the snow. It has been raining here but still mild for this time of year. Are you off this weekend, I hope so.

    Jazzy, sorry to hear about your neighbor, wishing her a speedy recovery.

    Lori, hope you are not getting sick, darn it. Are you staying home for awhile or planning another trip?

    Julie, six days off, nice. Welcome back to reality, hope it is not too suckity.

    Chrissy, hiya goil, how the hell have you been? I miss your face in the lounge, thanks for stopping in.

    Sue, hope to see you pop in soon, stop being so busy. Hope you are feeling well girly.

    Nancy, great pics, the kids are adorable.

    Mary, love that Nora, she just keeps getting prettier. She must be lots of fun.

    It is very quiet in here, I guess everyone is busy with the holidays.

    Dwink up ladies, the new year is upon us. Hello to anyone I missed. Love you all.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited December 2015

    Whoa, NM, that drink looks festive enough to wear tomorrow night!

    Used my new Coravin last night to pour 3 oz. of a 2010 Bordeaux Superieur (the Coravin dispenses about 1/2-1 oz. per press of the argon-release button, so it's easy to measure). Drank only while I still had steak on my plate, so I drank only half of it. (Still a little young, grapey & tannic). DH refused to drink the remainder because he didn't want to catch my germs (even though they were originally his germs), so an ounce and a half went down the drain. That contraption is really a game-changer, because I can sample an ounce or two from bottles I was afraid to open before their time, but need no longer worry about them degrading in the bottle. I can even go back to a bottle several times over the course of a year or more to see how it’s evolved. (The Coravin injects inert argon gas through the capsule & cork, and the cork mends itself when the needle is withdrawn. The argon forms a barrier between the surface of the wine and whatever air is in the bottle, because it’s heavier than air).

    Had pizza & salad tonight, so my drink was a lovely Sodastream seltzer with a squeeze of lemon--vintage Wednesday.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2015

    Hi my sweet ladies, again I've missed so much and will try to really catch up.

    SusyQ I'm sorry u'll be fooling around with this chit longer, jeez I hope u feel better soonlyiest.

    Sandy u sound better now I hope that's true and I really like the cough syrups for medicine, I can get behind that really well.

    Dar Logan is so very cute and looks so big and of course I love all u'r pics girls all those ages are so fun.

    Jazzy I'm glad u had a nice Christmas, but it went by quickly and sorry about u'r neighbor.

    NM a partner sounds great for u if it means it will make work easier.

    Julie either I read u'r off or u now back to work, as long as u feel beter it makes me happy.

    Mary sorry for the lateness but Happy Birthday my dear.

    Nancy those pics are so sweet.

    Lori u make me LOL u got so involved with a pressure cooker, I've never used one, always been afraid to, but my mom used to and nothing ever happened. I hope u'r feeling OK.

    Sandy I've got the same weather ice slush and snow, u might have less cuz of the lake or more but it got cold and miserable around her but the streets are OK

    Well I made my parties, that's why I've been quiet all week, OMG it knocked the hell out of me, LOL I'm such a wimp 2 whole days I could hardly move, then I got my night and days all mixed up (still do) and I'm answering my phone (for my job) like a zombie on dope, the phone is waking me at 6AM and I feel like yelling at people but I'm kind, which makes me bitchy all day and groggy and sleepy. I just didn't want to miss anything and I had so much fun so it was worth this week. Well we're having a quiet New Year's eve tho and Joey and I kiss at midnite, if we stay up--he still cracks me up--whenever he gets a present with a card he always completely reads the card first and compliments whoever gave the present for how nice the card is. and opens very slowly to save wrapping paper, I swear he's got my mom in him.

    OK I'm trying to ketchup and get back on the horse, not literally, so I'll check in latah .


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2015

    image Mary

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2015


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2015


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    Good morning ladies- I feel asleep early and so now I am awake middle of the night! Up for awhile.

    Thanks for the kind words about my neighbor. I was not able to do much for her on the mail front, but it sounds like her son and brother figured out some things to help there with mailing keys back. I will keep in touch with her and plan to help her when she comes home.

    I will be doing some work from home today and enjoying a relaxing evening at home. Off to play music with friends tomorrow on New Years Day!

    Wishing you a most awesome 2016 and for those of you celebrating this evening, even at home, enjoy yourselves!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2015

    Good mornng, Loungettes!It's my Friday, and it's a 3 day weekend for me!YEAH!Got my studded tires put on yesterday,so driving is not so scary.

    Goldie--My mother's BF used to cook with a pressure cooker all the time, I'll have to remember to ask him about using one.My new team mate is AWESOME and we already work really well together!Hope the stuffies are just from being in the house, can you get outside and breathe cold air for a few minutes?I really think there is something to the old-fashioned practice of opening up all the windows and doors of the house for an hour a day during the heating season.Clears out the stale air and lets in fresh!

    Jazzy--Your poor neighbor, I hope she gets better soon.So kind of you to pick up her mail and keep an eye on things for her.

    Dara--Yes, Sadie and I have THREE WHOLE DAYS OFF!Yeah! What are you and your poochie doing this weekend?

    Chi--wow, that Coravin sounds like a cool gizmo!I may have to look into getting one.When I make wine now I bottle several small bottles--1 to 2 glasses worth that I can open over time to check on wine that's aging.Which reminds me,I need to get the cranberry wine that's cooking bottled this weekend.

    Cammy--having a partner is making a huge difference already, life is much easier at work now.Glad you made it to your parties!Joey is such a character!Glad you're ketchuping on the sleep and rest.

    Candy McSparkle's DOTD:

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited December 2015

    Hi girls, not time to read or catch up this ayem but wanted to pop in. I have to get ready for work, just a half day. Molly and Rocky coming to stay the night. DH bought crab legs and then we are going cosmic bowling from 9:30-12:30. I've done all kinds of stuff but we always seem to have the most fun bowling, haven't even done it since last New Years Eve. Anyway, if I don't make it back just wanted to say Happy New Year to all my Breasties! Love you girls!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2015

    Well, I don't have time to chat this morning. Need to rush out while the road is still frozen. Need to go to town for labs. I thought we could get them tomorrow, but they are closed, and close today at noon. If I wait til Monday, I have to pay for it. Not much money coming in this time of year and our deductible this year is $15,000. Last year it was $5000.

    Happy New Year!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    Goldie- I can relate about the deductibles. Mine was $3000 this year, going up to $7K in the new year.

    Genny- what is cosmic bowling?

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2015

    Goodmorning everyone. I hope your all feeling fine for New Years Eve. I just got back from the hospital last night so we wont be doing much celebrating just watching some good movies at home with a shot of fireball. I am allowed to have that as long as its way before I take my seizure meds. Like about 12 hrs before so since I already checked those off my list I am good. Yep my body decided it had enough of worrying about what we are going to do about things so it went into overload and I couldnt stop seizing, Now that I have that out of my system and have had my tune up I should be good for another six months. Time to head south meet up with all my friends get out of this ugly no sunshine state called Indiana and get on a boat to some SUN and Warmth.

    Lori be careful on those roads and hope you have good luck with your test.

    Mema hope your feeling better.

    Cami do you have any snow in IL yet? We just have rain rain and more rain, clouds clouds and more clouds. I am glad there is no snow and not real cold. Dont get me wrong, but some sunshine would be very nice.

    Mary I love to go Cosmic Bowling! I havent been in years! We used to go all the time with my cousins when I was younger. Hope you have a great time.

    Dora what are you doing tonight?

    NM I am glad you have some help, It does make a big difference especially with the paperwork

    Julie have you ever spend NY Eve with Mickey? I bet they put on a big bash. I would love to do it just once.

    Sandy hope you get to feeling better soon Its going around alot.

    Jazz that is great that you helped your friend, I have a teammate coming over to help me today with somethigs and it realy doea mean alot,

    Happy New Years everyone and here are a few of my favorite drinks for tonight.image









  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited December 2015

    Ncollet- OMG, I love fireballs! I used to do fireball shots back in the day. I used to sling cocktails in the early 80s during college and we would party after work and do shots. Fireballs were my favorite. Them were the days! Thanks for the fun memory.

    I hope you are feeling better and glad you are out of the hospital sister. Blessings for better days and the new year!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2015



    Ok Im here to party with some friends !!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited December 2015


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2016


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2016

    1999 Perrier-Jouet Fleur de Champagne (the “flower bottle”). Couldn’t get the Dom Perignon box open! Just as well--only 5 of us came back to my house, and we’ve become such ol’ fartz that we couldn’t even kill off the bottle! (And I’d planned on going through 3 bottles of bubbly tonight).

    Happy New Year--saving some Champagne for you!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2016

    NM, so glad you like your new partner. Hoping it makes things run a bit smoother, for you and your patients.

    Mary, I'm sure you all had fun bowling. I just don't think I would last that long. We go to bed SOOOO early! How is your friend Jennifer doing?

    Jazzy, insurance is recockulous (as Cami would say)! I hope your friend is able to make it home safe. Nice of you to try and help with the mail.

    Nancy, so glad you are ok. May you have NO seizures in 2016, so you can have more Fireball! I'll have some with you.

    We can help you with those other bottles Sandy!

    Cami, are you still partying?

    Heading to town, our typical Friday! And going to the movies, seeing some western with Kurt Russell.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2016

    Happy New Year, Loungettes!Welcome to 2016! May we all survive and thrive this coming year.

    Genny--hope you had fun bowling, sounds like a great way to welcome a a new year.

    Goldie--Yikes, what a jump in deductible!Drive carefully!

    Jazzy--tiz the season of start-over deductibles, sigh.$75K deductible?Does this insurance pay for ANYTHING?No wonder some people are saying they are better off paying the fine than getting health insurance!

    Collett--Yikes on the seizures, but glad you've got you bi-yearly tune up done.We'll have a great time relaxing in the sun soon!Having a partner at work has been a great change so far, I am loving it1We both got off work early yesterday, a first in a long, long time!

    WOW!What a list of NYE Party Dwinkies!

    Chi--only one bottle last night?Oh, my, how we age!

    Goldie--movies for the New Year, sounds like fun!For me it would mean a chance to sneak a nap in the dark before the big moment!.

    Cany McSparkle's DOTD:

    Happy New Year Drink

    1/4 oz Brandy

    4 oz Champagne

    3/4 oz Ruby Port

    3/4 oz Orange Juice


    Shake brandy, port and orange juice well over ice cubes in a shaker. Strain into a champagne flute, fill with champagne, and serve.

    Best served in a Champagne Flute.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2016

    Good morning friends and Happy 2016! I hope you enjoyed your evening whether you stayed home, went out to celebrate with friends and family, went to the movies, or anything else! I had a super exciting evening staying in and getting caught up on some piles of laundry. This girl knows how to have a good time on NY Eve! LOL!

    That being said, I do have a party today where I am going to play jazz with friends. We eat, play, visit and have fun for the afternoon. One of my favorite holiday rituals.

    NM- I wish not only for us to all survive, but to thrive this year!

    I hope you all have a wonderful day and enjoy the last of the holiday season!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2016

    Good Morning my brand new 2016 ladies--Oh wow when I was little I thought we'd be like the Jetsons by now.

    Jazzy u'r big day is today, sounds like so much fun too. BTW they say what u'r doing at midnite shows what the yr ahead will be like--I really hope t midnite u weren't doing laundry, well it's better than some other things. I was kissing Joey and blowing a horn. Now the kissing is good, but the rest is questionable. Oh I already know I'm disgusting. But I did tuck Joey in (he sill loves that) and we cuddled and talked and he was smiling as he fell asleep---so that was my real start.

    Lori I think u'r talking about that movie GR8te something and that looks good. let us know--it looks like a bunch of the older actors that I've enjoyed over the years and that sounds like a perfect way to start the year with relaxation and good movie with u'r DH.

    All right who the hell went bowling? OMG just picking up the ball sounds like an effort, but I remember always having fun.

    I love all the drinks, I want every one.

    Sandy had o LOL about not finishing the champagne for some reason every yr gets harder. We watched the Chicago count down and before the band Chicago played and those were fun songs--these crazy people were outside thousands somewhere downtown. And of coursed watched all the fireworks.

    NM I'm so glad u'r starting this year with a partner and it really sounds in u'r words so much pressure is off, it's about time.

    Julie countdown to cruise, oh the gals get to listen to u talk, I love that.

    I stayed up for a while and watched Tht 70's show, which I think is funny, so I was LOLing bringing in the NY's hope that's a good sign .

    I just wanted to pop in and wish all of u a wonderfu New Year that brings us all health and well being and u all know


  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited January 2016

    Hey ladies! Just wanted to pop in and say Happy New Year! Hope it's a good one for all of us.

    Try to catch up but it started me on Nov 19th hahaha Not sure catching up is possible.

    Have a good one. Love to all.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2016

    Somp just come in whenever u feel like it, hope u'r doing OK.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2016

    Cami- I was sleeping at midnight! I guess I will be sleeping a lot this year! LOL!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited January 2016

    Happy, HEALTHY 2016 to everyone! I went out for dinner with my father. Lovely meal. Came home,got in my Jammie's, and popped open a bottle of Veuve Clicquot, and watched crappy movies on LMN

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2016

    Hello Ladies,

    Happy New Year! May 2016 be all that you wish for and more.

    I spend the evening with exDH2, Steve. It was fun. We watched Dick Clark's Rocking New Year, some good performances. And dwank until the wee hours of the aye em.

    omg, I jest booked my flight last night. I got soooo nervous when I first started checking flights as there were not many left with good departure/arrival times. I was afraid to take a noon flight back home as I did not know how long it takes for disembarkation (?) of the ship. I am SO EFFING FIRCITED!! What time are you all arriving in Orlando and what day? And who all is coming, I can only count six of us. Duh me, my brain is super fwied.

    Well it is time for dinner, stuffed my face way to much last night so gonna keep it on the light side tonight.

    Cheers all and wishes for a peaceul and harmonious 2016!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2016

    Damn this bronchitis! I was asleep, having a dream, in which I was talking to a doctor on the phone. He kept asking, “How’s your blood pressure?” and I kept answering “nooor-maal.” He kept pressing me “no, what are the numbers?” I kept replying “nooor-maal.” I finally awoke and realized that was the sound my lungs were making!!! I took a Ventolin inhaler hit, rolled over and next I knew it was after 1pm!!! Doing everything I can--doxycycline & Medrol per doctor’s orders, Ventolin or nebulizer as needed, black coffee, and Mucinex. Feeling better, no fever, but lungs still full of crud that I’m having trouble coughing up. Ugh. Time for matzo ball soup.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2016

    nancy never spent ny with mickey but did spend christmas 1 year with him, this ny i spent with dopey, grumpy ,sleepy and doc and that was just the staff! yes i'm on a countdown ,only got through the last 2 days by telling myself this is spending money!

    woohoo to a partner nm ,finally a good idea from the company

    ch feel better

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2016

    Good morning ladies, I have to go to work so can't do a full ketchup but thought I'd pop in whist drinking my coffee.

    Dara, glad you had a fun time wif the ex. So happy you found a flight, you were cutting it close! There are 7 of us, Kim, Lynn, Julie, you, me, Nancy, Sue. I am going down 3 days early, going to visit 2 friend that live there and 1 night prior to cruise with you. We are in the same hotel as Sue and Nancy but I'm not sure if Kim was able to get a room there or not. I'm getting excited too, seems it has come so fast altho it also seems like we've been talking about it for a long time.

    Jazzy, Hope the party was fun and the music wonderful. My Dh is the jazz guy around here, doesn't play but it's about all he listens to. Sleeping at midnight on New Years Eve, I have done that on occasion.

    Simp, hello we've missed you. Don't try to catch up just jump right in and tell us what's been going on with you. I trust your kids had a nice holiday?

    Cami, glad you made your parties and are getting recovered from them and I hope the D has gone out with the old year.

    Kim, so glad you got some help, hopefully your new year at work will be much more manageable than last year.

    Lori, bowling was lots of fun, we didn't get to bed till 2 which is really late for me but it was a good time.

    Sue hope you are feeling better.

    Sandy, we had mimosa's prior to going out, and a few yesterday but skipped the champagne at midnight. Bowling alley champagne, prolly wasn't Dom.

    Forget who all was asking about the pressure cooker It's a Power Pressure Cooker XL. It's on infomercials sometimes. It cooks and has a separate booklet on canning. I used it for the pork roast and sauerkraut yesterday everything done in one pot in 30 minutes, I've only used it twice but so far I really like it. Says in the book you can safely turn it on and leave the house which we did yesterday when we took the dogs to the woods.

    Anyway, I have to jump in the shower, hi to everyone I missed, hope you all have a good weekend. lubs, lubs!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2016

    Good morning friends! What a good start to the New Year yesterday! I hope the same for all of you!

    I have been needing to get back to the gym since my travels for the holidays and told myself yesterday morning, New Years day was the day to do it. I went in the morning to do weights and felt the better for it. I expected the gym to be mobbed, but the only place that seemed crowded was the front desk getting folks signed up. Oh it's going to be fun there in January!

    The music event was beyond my expectations yesterday. So many of my music friends there, met a few new people too. There was some great food too, which made it hard to want to sit and play when I just wanted to EAT! But don't worry, I took breaks to enjoy the treats and visit with my people.

    Genny- I love the bowling picture. My parents were big bowlers in their day!

    I have a plethora of errands to do today to catch up from being away, holiday season, etc. Wishing you all a good day!