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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2016

    Hi ladies- such a busy week and still doing some work, but home today too. My new contract has me jamming, plus some other things I am doing around that related to economic development with a professional group here. We be jammin'

    Hsant- I love Cline wines and not seen that one? Will have to find it or order some from fav wine place. Still have not gotten into my box of Route 99 yet?

    I got some good news on my bone density report I had done in December. My MO started me on Prolia shots in January to help mitigate bone loss from the AIs. It seems to be working and the spine is back to my baseline/pre-cancer stuff. The femur has also come up, but still down 8%, but the Prolia has helped that too. It helped me to decide about moving forward to keep doing this for at least 2 more years until I am done with the 5 years on the meds. I now must call the MO's office today to get new insurance info to them for approvals.

    Been snowing here all week! Storm number 4 came through last night into this am, but sun is out now. Me and my fine bones are going snow shoeing this weekend!

  • Planet
    Planet Member Posts: 9
    edited January 2016

    image Here I am in Logroño reusing my wine glass holder at a wine/tapas event degustation during San Mateo. My friend Cathy and I wish we were crafty, because we can see a huge market for this item at festivals and tastings.

    I wish I could work in the wine industry but for now I must content myself with being a consumer. And now my MO wants me to cut back to 4 glasses a week. That's not even one bottle

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2016

    Planet- mine says 2-3 a week max. Some here are told none at all? They all seem to have differing options.

    I have heard some sisters on these threads says they just drink regardless. I am just glad mine has not said to give it up yet.......

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited January 2016

    Hello everyone hope your all staying warm. We are supposed to get snow tomorrow. NO say it's not so....

    Sue they do have hair dryers on board so you don't need to bring one. I think they cover what to bring and what not to in your cruise book. The plug is different so you don't want to bring yours 😀 Also dinners in the dining room they usually like for you to wear pants,nice shorts or a dress. I think there may be one semi formal night I don't think there's a formal night since it's just a four night cruise but I need to look again and don't forget your Pirate outfit or gear for Pirate night. Last time I had just finished Radiation and slept through the fireworks but not this year!

    NM I hope you feel better soon. I hate feeling sick!

    Lori I'm glad you had a pretty good visit with your onc. Let's hope things don't change except for the better.

    Jazzy I'm glad you had a good report! Yay!

    Gotta go talk to ya all later and love ya all

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2016

    I’ve been told that reducing body fat (not nec. weight) is more important in an ER+ cancer than is avoiding alcohol. Alcohol inhibits the liver from clearing estrogen from the body, so if you’ve been on an AI long enough to have excreted or metabolized the estrogen you had when you started, so it may stand to reason that alcohol is less critical (as long as you’re not drinking every day or bingeing once or twice a week) the less estrogen you have in your body. Fat cells and adrenal glands make estrogen in the presence of aromatase, so if aromatase is inactivated, you will have much less estrogen (if any) for the liver to have to deal with. But for those on tamoxifen or raloxifene, such is not the case--your estrogen levels aren’t affected, just the tumor’s ability to absorb estrogen (by the drug occupying its estrogen receptors). So both alcohol intake and body fat should logically be more crucial for those not on AIs. Alcohol is also dehydrating, calorific and can leach calcium from bones, which is a bad thing for anybody--hormone+ or -, cancer patient or not.

    (Since I’m on letrozole and trying to lose some weight, that’s my story and I’m sticking with it. I’ll drink to that).

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2016

    only got through today by doing a countdown in my head

    nm hope your feeling better tonight

    lori so true, on the getting older rules, well as least not changing drugs

    love the hands free holder need that for the epcot food and wine!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Not sure what kind of bug got hold of me but I think I've finally got it kicked to the curb.I went back to bed yesterday morning didn't get up until 9 pm.Was able to drink and eat a little, read for a bit, went back to bed around midnight, got up about half an hour ago.Actually feel decent.Got a load of laundry in and a cup of coffee going, will see where things go from there.Down almost 20 pounds from my usual so I know I'm dehydrated and need to work on that, but need the coffee to chase off the last of the headache that's lurking.I can't wait to find out what they think of me at work, calling out sick for 2 days only 2 weeks from vacation.OK, no to play ketchup hear and with the housework . . . .

    Goldie--good idea for the tips from the pros!My tip is to take along some gallon size zip lock bags.They are perfect for packing still damp bathing suits, and keeping sunscreen and other liquids from leaking in the suitcase.No. Sadie is not happy with the Presidential Suite, she wants to come with!I keep telling her to study up and get certified as a service dog and she can go with me on vacays like this, but she hasn't graduated yet! But I'll get tocheck on her bydoggy cam whenever I have internet.Glad the critter will need Devine intervention to come back, that's the best way for those little nuisances!Hmm, I've got to get to work on the pirate thing, some stuff I ordered hasn't been delivered yet!Wow, what a drive that one is!

    4--thrift shop for cruise clothes?Great idea!Especially the tossing to make room for other stuff part!

    Juliet--I thought the moon was full recently!So excited to meet everyone Sunday eve!I've got a few days off before and after, too, to get myself put back together for work after, always need that bit of time to readjust.

    Chi--WOW!What a trip!

    Goldie--thanks for covering the DOTD!I didn't think I was running a temp but apparently I was, according to Sadie who wouldn't cuddle with me until last night.It's rare she doesn't cuddle with me.

    GREAT PICS!I wanna go there!OH, yeah, I am going there!

    Goldie--Glad the onc visit went well. Very happy with the no pain part.Love the Getting Older Realizations!

    Hsant--thanks for the speedy recovery wishes, seems to have worked!HOLY BLUEBERRIES BATMAN--what a wonderful sounding martini!

    Mema--Knowing how to take care of myself and actually doing it are 2 different things.As tired as I was feeling (as in stopping between visits to take naps in the car) I should have taken a day or two off before it got to the throwing up point, but I didn't.Some day I will learn, right?Also, I have a routine appointment with my PCP this coming week, if there is anything left over from this by then she'll take care of it.

    Jazzy--Great news on the bone density!I haven't been snowshoeing in years, hoping to get to do some this year.So far though all the snow has as ice layer on top and isn't much good, and temps are still swinging up to the 40's at times.Just crazy!

    Planet--Great pic, and I wish you could make a business of them!But for now, thanks for sharing the pic.

    Collett--I really want to see the fireworks, I love fireworks and never go see themcuz of the crowds and traffic.Not a problem on a ship, though!

    Chi--great explanation!

    Juliet--feeling much better this morning, thanks!

    Princess Karia Aria of Peru's DOTD


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2016

    Cruise tips from the pros:

    Money for tips


    Zip lock bags--gallon size (for damp clothes, liquids in luggage)

    Zip lock bags--quart size (for camera, phone at the beach)

    Thrift shop for cruise clothes

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2016

    Good morning ladies- waking up again to snow! Gotta love it!

    Another fun travel tip my sister does. When you travel, take all your old underwear you are close to throwing out/replacing and toss them as you go. Can be done with socks too, but you may not have as many of those for this cruise and the warmer climate.

    Also, stuff underwear and socks in your shoes to use up that space.

    When I have gone on yoga retreats in other countries and even on the cruises, I often leave things for the folks that clean up the cabins. Clothing you may be done, with but that is wearable. Especially if you buy consignment or thrift items you won't wear again.

    I always bring a back pack when I travel anywhere. It can be used as a carry on, for fragile gifts you need to hand carry back, when you go on excursions. Bring a water bottle too. They will charge you a lot for bottled water on the ship. You can fill that water bottle up at the buffet with the drink of your choice.

    Native-glad you are coming through the crud. So much sickness around.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    It's still below 40o here…brrr. And one of my pooches has made messes in my house. Looks like the Big D. Gonna have to get the rug cleaner out. Ughh.

    All you gals have given excellent tips for us cruisers, thank you soo much.

    Will check in tomorrow, hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.


  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited January 2016

    Jazzy, congratulations on your good report! Great news that the Prolia shots are helping with bone loss! Yes, highly recommend Cashmere if you like Cline ... But time to dip into that Route 99! Have fun snow shoeing!

    Planet, Love that wine holder! I want one for around the house. Out of curiosity, how much wine were you drinking before your MO told you to cut back?

    Mema, I hope you are feeling better today!

    NM, so nice to hear that you wrestled that bug, and won! Very happy to hear that you are feeling better!

    I drink about 1/2 a bottle (wine, usually red) per night. My husband is from Italy, so drinking wine with meals is part of his culture. Plus, cooking is my passion, so splitting a bottle of wine with a nice meal kind of goes hand in hand, at least for me. I'm in Cleveland for the winter, but I still cook nice meals, go out for dinner and have a couple of glasses a night, one with dinner, and one with my other guilty pleasure, reality tv. I have not been told to cut back or give up booze. I have mixed feelings about this.

    I lost my mother (71, in 2005) and my sister (43, 2004) to breast cancer. Both had high estrogen receptors and were her2-. My mother didn't drink alcohol, weighed around 80 lbs at 5'2", but smoked cigarettes for many years before quitting in 1986, and my sister would maybe have a glass of champagne or wine once or twice a month. She was diagnosed (early stage) when she was 32, had two recurrences, second one with mets to the liver. She was a dancer before she went to law school. Never smoked, never touched a recreational drug, had 9% body fat. She was honestly physical perfection. So I ask myself, how much does alcohol really play into estrogen related breast cancer?

    Wishing all the ladies going on the cruise a fabulous time

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2016

    Both Viking cruises (river & sea) replenished our fridge with two bottles of water daily and handed us bottles each time we left the ship for shore excursions. Even most hotels now give you one freebie H2O per day

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Well,I managed to pretty well rehydrated yesterday (homemade ginger ale is a wonderful thing!) but went right back to coughing so hard I would gag and then throw up.Apologies to anyone trying to eat or drink breakfast right now!Just waiting to see if starts again this morning, if it does I'm headed to Walk in Care.

    Jazzy--those are some great ideas, I've added them to the list!

    Mema--Ooo, sick puppy messes, not fun!Hope pooch feels better soon!

    Hsant--not so sure I've won the battle with the bug, but maybe last night was the final battle. . . Personally, I don't think they can really tell us that alcohol plays any more of a role than anything else, since medicine really does not know what causes cancer to begin with.I mean, really, you can tell me that drinking causes cancer but you can't tell if any particular cancer will be killed by a particular chemo drug unless you try it?Not good enough.Stop blaming the victim.Have you had the BRCA test done?That's a lot of first degree relatives with bc for coincidence.

    Chi--I've never been on a cruise that had a fridge in the cabin, that is a terrific thing!

    Princess Karia Aria of Peru's DOTD

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2016

    Native- glad you are doing better.

    Just a comment about the fridges on the cruises which you may or may not know. They fill them with drinks and snacks so there is little room to store your own stuff. The goal is to get you to buy those drinks and snacks. That is where those 50 cent bottles of water turn into a $5 per bottle charge.

    You guys are gonna have a blast! Can't wait for the pictures!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2016

    glad your feeling better nm, i know disney hotels have fridges so you can store your own things, they come empty!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2016

    Ha ha, at home today getting some home and business things taken care of. I am watching MeTV and the Love Boat is on. What a riot, I think cruises have come a long way since the 1970s! Made me think of you cruising gals.......

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2016

    Good Monday Morning, Loungettes! Wild and windy yesterday and last night, lots of rain, branches and trees down, some roads closed due to trees and power lines being down,lots of folks without power.Glad it's petty warm. And a winter storm watch for Tuesday into Wednesday.Welcome to winter in Maine!

    Jazzy--ah, didn't think about the fridge in the cabin being "pre-filled".I've run across that at some hotels.I'm still amazed at the idea of a fridge in a cruise cabin, have never seen that before!Cruises sure have changed since the 70's, haven't they?Or were they ever like you see on Love Boat?

    Princess Karia Aria of Peru's DOTD:

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2016

    NM- yes, I have been at hotels that do it too, but my last cruise was the only one I have ever been on with a little fridge in the cabin (I had not been on a cruise for many years prior to that when I did the windjammers back in the 1990's. Might just be good to know in case you are planning to store stuff in it. If it is empty, all the better!

    Those Love Boat re-runs were such a hoot. I remember watching that every Saturday night when I was in my teens. So I had to google "where are they now" and that cast is still around, ages anywhere from 40's (the little girl) to 80's (the captain and the ship doctor). Fred Grandy who played Gopher is a US Senator from Iowa these days. Here is a pic of them these days.

    That my friends is your Love Boat trivia update for today!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2016

    WOW WOW WOW, I have had the MOST AMAZING surprise, as some of you have seen on Facebook. My husband surprised me with visit from my daughter. I haven't seen her in almost 2 years. So I have company until very early Sunday morning. I am so stoked! Then the staff at the Embassy Suites hotel, where we stay, came out with 2 platters, one had chocolate dipped strawberries with whipped cream and the other had little mini cheesecakes and also a bottle of champagne.

    LDB, my news from the onc wasn't the greatest, but at least it wasn't worse. And yes, I am doing 6 FU pills a day.

    If anyone has meds that need a fridge, you can usually get one for that issue. I always stuff undies and socks in mese shoes! If I'm traveling to MI to see family, I put canned goods in my shoes!

    I can't believe how quiet it is in here. NM, glad you are feeling better!

    Unfortunately, I can't share the video here, otherwise I would.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2016


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2016

    Goldie- what a wonderful surprise. Sounds like an awesome weekend for you!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited January 2016

    Goldie, wow! What an amazing surprise! That is one gorgeous pic of the chocolate strawberries, mini cheesecakes and champs! Have a wonderful time with your family!

    NM, I hope this finds you feeling 100%. Coughing to the point of vomiting is horrible! Is it Bronchitis? It's 10 degrees here right now, with an expected high of 16😞. However, it stopped snowing today, so I'm not complaining. I love Maine, even in the winter. It's a beautiful, beautiful state. I spent quite a bit of time up there during my college years in Boston. I have yet to find a lobster roll as tasty and fresh as the ones at the little seaside shacks we would frequent back in the 80s. I was tested before my diagnosis, and tested negative.

    Jazzy, hilarious! Who didn't love The Love Boat back in the day (along with Fantasy Island)? Jill Whelan, the chick who played Captain Stubings daughter was on an episode of Celebrity Wife Swap over the summer.

    When my husband and I travel, we always ask that the mini fridge is emptied of everything. Hotels have sensors on those fridges, so if you take one out, or move something around you get charged for it. Huge pain in the ass.We learned that the hard way.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited January 2016

    Goldie, You and your daughter are beautiful! What a gorgeous picture

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Have been feeling a bit better with each passing day.

    NM - You sound like the bug really bit you and isn't letting go. Hope you do see someone if ur not better in a day or two. How do you make your own gingerale? I've been sprinkling a little ginger on my tongue, helps with my nausea a lot..I was surprised. Love the Let It Go DOTD. Hope you get to feeling better soonliest. (((NM)))

    Hsant - thanks for the git better wishes. Whoa, snow in Santa Monica? Wild. And I agree whole heartly about the RB (rat bastard). I think of the kids that are stricken, they never had any drinking or smoking habits. So I don't think anyone really knows.

    Julie - thanks for the info on the fridge, I drink a lot of water but can't see spending $5 bucks for a bottle.

    4Sew - what did u find out about parking? Would love to check out a store nearby to p/u some water and G2 Sunday morning b4 boarding.

    Jazz - thanks for sharing the memories of the Love boat. I too watched it as a kid. It was funny and wholesome, not like the kid shows today.

    Loweee - what a terrific surprise. She is beautiful jes like her mom. And yes, I am 'terrified' about being cut off from Kadcyla this spring. I will see doc and have tx on the 20th. I have a few questions, that hopefully will put my mind at ease, at least for a while longer. Looks like Embassy treated you two like royalty.

    Gotta get tax papers in order and I'd like them done b4 the cruise. Got a few bills to finish too.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2016

    Where is Cami? Check in Cami please?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2016

    Last night, cracked a bottle of Mumm’s Napa 2006 DVX cuvee. WOW! Far better than either of the genuine Champagnes we had New Year’s Eve & weekend!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited January 2016

    Mema, I live in Southern California, but I spend winters in Ohio taking care of my my dad. I can't even remotely imagine what would happen if it snowed in Los Angeles. Ha ha. If there's a little rain, people go into a tizzy, and drive about 5 miles per hour. Good to know that you're feeling better

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!One whole day, no major coughing spells, half the dehydration weight is back on (sigh) so I'm getting caught up with that,think I've finally kicked this sucker to the curb.Of course, I've got an appointment with my PCP tomorrow am, so I can make sure.Also, since the appointment is at 7:15 ayemI won't be on here first thing tomorrow.At work yesterday we got our new tablets for the new documentation system, I haven't turned mine on yet, but am getting excited to do that and start learning it.

    Jazzy--Wow, great pic of the old Love Boat crew!I remember watching that show when I was babysitting--usually I wasn't up late enough to watch it unless I was babysitting!

    Goldie-- WOW, what a surprise! How wonderful for you and your daughter!Your DH is a wonderful man for arranging all that.When I first read your post I thought you said that you put your socks and shoes in the hotel fridge!I can think of a lot of things to use the fridge space for other than water and snacks, but shoes?What kind of canned goods do you smuggle to MI?GREAT PIC!

    Hsant--not quite 100% yet,but 85% and gaining rapidly.The coughing/gagging/etc is the asthma effect when I catch anything like a cold.It all started with a plain old cold.The asthma has gotten a lot worse since rads damaged the lung tissue.I'm looking at temps in the 20's with below zero wind chills right now.Been so warm for so long, and in the 40's again over the weekend, it's just crazy.Did you really get charged for just moving stuff in the mini fridge around?That's abit crazy.Asking to have the stuff taken out is a good idea.

    Mema--yet, bug got me good but it's grip is slipping fast now.I make Ginger ale 2 ways:the quick and easy way I peel and very thinly slice about an inch of ginger root into a pint mason jar, add 1/2 cup sugar, fill with hot water, stir or shake until the sugar dissolves, let sit for a couple hours.I put about 1/4 cupof the liquid in a glass and fill with seltzer water.The "real" way is to peel and thinly slice 2 inches of ginger root, simmer in 2 cups water, add 1 cup sugar and simmer until a syrup, strain the ginger out.1 to 2 tablespoons of syrup in a glassand fill with seltzer water.Stronger ginger taste, lasts longer in the fridge that the first way, easier to adjust to your taste.Another recipe calls for simmering candied ginger to make the syrup.Ginger is wonderful for tummy troubles, isn't it?Hmm, reminds me I need to get some candied ginger to pack in my carry on.

    Chi--nice sounding wine!Always fun to find something unexpectedly good.

    Princess Aria Karia of Peru's DOTD:

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2016

    imagethis is the tornado that touched down about 1 mile south of me! thankfully no body hurt, we don;t have any basement etc so definitely a miracle.

    apparently they have a 5k on disney castaway island but you can walk it anybody interested?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2016

    Thanks all, I am ecstatic having my DD here with me.

    LDB, I wish you could see the video. And I am praying you can get you mind at ease with discontinuing treatment. Why though? Will they put you on something else? I'm sure you don't have the answers for these questions yet. Praying for girl.

    NM, bummer how fast that weight can come off when sick, and return just as fast! Not fare! So hoping you like the new tablet, new partner, new work stuff to make life a little easier. I smuggle beans and maters to MI for mese momma.

    Julie, so glad you are ok, as well as everyone else.

    It's been cold here too in the mornings, last look this morning it was 8. Day temps warming up to the mid 40's, but not quite warm enough to do much outside. Would love to take DD out on the quad.