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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2016

    Well, now I'm leaving Sunday afternoon and get into Orlando around 9:30 PM Sunday evening. So much for spending Sunday exploring Disney World!

    OK, time to look at the trip insurance and see if that will help any.

    Latah, Ladies.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2016

    Native- when does the cruise leave, on Monday? I hope everything goes okay with the rebooked travel.

    Stupid snow.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2016

    My sympathies to everyone here whose fun-in-the-sun plans have been slammed by Snowmageddon. Hope the airports get plowed, runways treated and planes de-iced in time for you to board your cruise ship.

    Cami, haven’t figured out yet if I will be able to do any of the Restaurant Week stuff--I will be blowing my low-carb diet big-time at Tru tomorrow night (you don’t go to a place like that and tell them what you can or can’t eat--unless it’d make you deathly or at least very sloppily ill). Was hoping for RPM Steak, but they were booked solid. And I doubt any restaurant steak could beat the one I grilled last night (organic grass-fed, would you believe) with espresso-infused sea salt. I had a sort of cheat-day yesterday--a scoop of salt-caramel gelato and a 2” square of cornbread...because it was there. The RWk menus are prix fixe, no substitutions, and include desserts.

    Bob has next Fri. night off and wanted to go to the theatre, opera or symphony besides dinner. Wouldn’t you know there’s no show at the Lyric Opera that night, the CSO is on tour in Korea, there isn’t a show that we either haven’t seen or really want to see, and very few concerts. We may go to City Winery to see Alejandro Escovedo’s tribute to Leonard Cohen. It’s either that or improv---and with a son who’s an improv actor/writer/director I get to see plenty of that for free.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2016

    chi hope you can find a show but the restaurant s selection sound good love the food

    Cami let's just say failing a pee test as a different meaning for me !

    Well m that sucks big time

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited January 2016

    NM I'm really sorry that your flights got cancelled for tomorrow. Did I ever say that I HATE WINTER!! Ok I just wasn't sure if I've made that clear yet or not. Where did you have to reroute to? I'm trying to watch the weather channel and Southwests web site like a hawk. Are you flying with them? I will IM you my cell since we are all traveling Sunday so we can keep in touch. Praying for safe travels and hugs.

    Has anyone heard from Mary yet? I just hope she got tomOrlando today.

    Dora how are your flights looking?

    Mine should be ok. I have a non stop flight from Indy so hears hoping that damn thing dies down and goes away.As of now we are not supposed to get anything

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2016

    Ohhh this wether, but most look OK for Sunday tho and PA doesn't look so good either. Everyone stay safe. it's time for fun and sun not white water falling because of gravity.. Damn gravity.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2016

    I'm watching the weather thing ick.

    And how did I miss a birthday for tomorrow?

    Lori u know I'm going to look at u'r FB page/

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2016



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2016

    Mmmmmm, Cami--I can almost taste those M&Ms!!!

    Found out there may be some tix available for Buddy Guy next Fri. night, towards the end of his residency at the bar he owns--they have killer Cajun food there (I know because I used to have their gumbo and a sweet tea for pre-“notes” dinner during the run of the Bar Show at the Merle Reskin Theater kitty-corner from there). I don’t think Bob shares my enthusiasm for blues, though.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2016

    Hi girls,

    My flight is still on but I am very worried that it will be cancelled. So I booked a back up flight out of Atlantic City which leaves at 6am Monday morning. I have to get to Florida and get on that ship with mese bwest fwends, nothing gonna keep me away. I will lose some money but sure beat losing everything and not getting to hang with my awesome breasties on a sunny beach in the Bahamas baby!

    Lori, loved the pics you posted. You and your daughter are quite beautful. I am so sorry that you are having so many issues from the FU pills. I hope you are feeling better with no D. Huggers to ya ((((Lori)))).

    Cammie, OMG, you are a phuckin riot. Saying your brother had Isis, I would have loved to see the look on that doctors face. I hope you and Joey get lots of cuddle time this weekend. And I sure wish you could be on the cruise with us. I know you will be with us in spirit. I love you lady.

    Julie, I am so furcited to be seeing you again. We are going to have a blast. I hope that you are feeling good too. It is going to be awesome partaying with you again, I am so furcited that I have not been sleeping well. There is nothing better than seeing mese goils! Hugs for now to last until I deliver a real one, yay!!!!!!

    NM, glad you were able to change your flight. I am praying so hard that all of us make it. It is snowing quite hard now, it started as I was driving home from work tonight at 7pm and it is not supposed to stop until early Sunday morning. OMG, what horrible timing. I guess Sadie has arrived at her hotel by now. I know you will miss Sadie terribly. I find it hard to sleep without my little doggies by my side. To some it might sound weird but I love sleeping with my pups. Can't wait to give you a big DorKy hug, it has been a long time coming.

    Chi, happy birthday to you, wishing you many more. I hope you have a great birthday weekend.

    4sew, I am excited to be meeting you too. Jest two days and it will be like we have known each other forever. I hope your family is ready to handle life without your help this coming week. We are going to have a blast x infinity, woo hooooo! Sorry about the damn leak, I hope it is easily fixable without much damage. These kinda things jest suck the big one.

    Nancy, thanks for posting the pics, makes it all the more real. I feel like pinching myself as I have never been on a cruise. It will be nice to have someone around that knows the ropes of it all. Can't wait to meet yer face too. We will yak yak yak all night long. Well I sure hope someone will stay awake with me most of the night. Warning you all now, I am a night owl and will likely be sleeping a lot during the days especially when we are sailing. Glad your flight will be alright.

    Jazzy, I too wish you were coming with us. I look forward to the day that we can dwink up together and party the night away, yay. Nice to think about and who knows, it might come to be. Who knew I would be meeting Kim, Nancy,4sew, Mary and seeing Sue and Julie again. If you told me I'd be with them five years ago when I joined I would have thought you were a nut and wow here we are meeting up.

    Genny, I hope you made it in alright. I just thought to text ya to see if you got in ok but realized that it is 1am and perhaps a little late. See you either on Sunday or Monday early in the am. I also want to find out if someone there can help me get from the airport to hang out with you goils at the hotel for awhile before leaving for the cruiseship. I am not even sure what time we all board the ship, tried to find it on the cruise website but couldn't. Hope you got to partay tonight.

    Sue, Mema Sue my dahling, so sorry about you wasting your time and gitting turned down for your treatment. I hope and pray that your blood levels get to were they need to be. Girl, jest two more days and we will be dwinking like we did in Vegas baby, what a great time that was huh??? OMG, we had such a blast and I know we will again. (disclaimer to apologize to de other goils who are not going, sorry for talking about it so much, can't help my damnself... hope to see ALL of you goils in Colorado with Willie too, a big yeeeeeeee haw!!!).

    Hello to anyone i missed, Jazzy and who else? I also miss the goils from the old days here in the lounge. We sure did have a lot of fun together carrying on. I regret that I do not post as much as I used to. There is something very calming about writing to all of you wonderfoil goils. Well my rants are over, time to make anudder dwinky then try to get to bed at a decent hour. I still have to pack and will also need time to shovel my property...of course my cousin will help me, she is still living here with me and it is working out great. Well this time i am going for realsies, lots of cheers!

    PS jest can't say enuff how furcited I am right now. I feel sooo much better after booking the back-up flight.

    more chEErS!


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2016

    hi girls, typing from my phone but I am in Florida. Daytona Beach to be exact. NM, Dara, Nancy, Sue, praying for your safe arrival here as well, ugh, a year of planning and we get "snowmagedin"!! 4, sorry about your ceiling, safe driving for you. Dara, text me about picking you up on Sunday when you know more. ✈️✈️⛴ FINGERS CROSSED!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!I'm sitting here listening to the weather channel and thinking I should be at the airport.Ah, well, Disney will be there, I can go another time.Kathy was wonderful yesterday, changed my reservation at the resort, cancelled my park ticket and meal plan, and I'm getting more than $200 refunded.Now I am praying that there aren't any more changes!I didn't sleep worth beans last night, I miss my bed warmer.The doggy cam at the kennel isn't working so I can't check in on Silly Sadie, and I want to see her!

    Jazzy--yes, the cruise leaves Monday afternoon.I'm pretty confident I'll make it to the cruise no matter what.

    Chi--espresso infused sea salt?Where on earth did you find that?I want some! Caramel gelato on corn bread sounds so yummy!Hope you find something good to go see next weekend.

    Juliet--Sucks just a bit, but the cruise is the important thing and I'm still on track for that.There are advantages to booking first class seats--I'm getting priority rebooking!I figure by the time I get to the resort it'll be pretty late and all I'm going to want is a drink and sleep.I was looking forward to spending the day with you and the evening with the others, but I'll have to be content with meeting everyone on board on Monday.And then let the fun begin!

    Collett--My new flight is actually the exactsame route, just on Sunday afternoon/evening rather than Saturday ayem/afternoon.I'm flying on Delta, it's pretty much the only airline that flies out of Bangor regularly that goes more than just regionally and they've always treated me well.We'll all have to try to keep in touch tomorrow so we all know where every is!

    Cammy--damn gravity and damn white water!But that is a WONDERFUL cake!

    Chi--glad you found something to do!

    Dara--You booked a back up flight?How smart was that?!Now to pray you don't have to use it.Silly Sadie got dropped off at the Presidential Suite yesterday ayem, and I didn't sleep worth crap cuz she wasn't here last night, so I I know exactly what you are talking about there.You can sleep all you want during the day, as long as you are doing it on deck. We will use your sleeping body as a gathering point/home base and you can hold our lounges for us!

    Genny--Yeah!One of us is in Florida, 6 to go!

    Princess Aria Karia of Peru's DOTD:

    Snowmageddon Recipe


    1 ounce anisette

    1 ounce white crème de cacao

    2 ounces heavy cream

    White chocolate shavings, to garnish


    1. Shake the anisette, white crème de cacao and heavy cream in a cocktail shaker with ice.
    2. Strain the contents of the shaker into a chilled cocktail glass.
    3. Garnish with the white chocolate shavings, and serve.

    Snowmageddon - anisette, white crème de cacao and heavy cream!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2016

    4, a leaky ceiling is bad. But even worse when you AGAIN! OMG, I can't even imagine! I'm so sorry this is happening right before such an exciting time.

    And now NM has her flight canceled. This is awful! Well, you have an extra $200, I guess that is good. But not worth what it cost, as you can't put a price tag on what you are missing out on. Not Disney, but spending time with friends. And I'm so sorry you are missing Sadie now, and the camera is not working. LOL at telling Dork she needs to sleep on deck and her being "home base".

    Happy Birthday Sandy! Hope you have a great day and lots of wine!

    Thank goodness Nancy, yours is non stop. As long as FL doesn't get hit with all that snow!!! Could you imagine???

    Wacko, I hope you don't have to take that second flight! Getting there very early Monday morning, that would SUCK! I too am sorry for the phucking issues I have with the FU pills, but it is what it is. Better than the alternative. That's how I have to roll! Are you gonna get to see Cyndie at all? And girl, do not apologize for talking about the cruise. I am loving every minute of it!!!

    Mary, you made it! Wooo hoooo!

    Sue/LDB??? How are things looking for you?

    Girls, I can vouch for the fact that Wacko will be sleeping during the day, and up all night! We saw Dirty Grandpa yesterday, with Robert DiNiro. The man is looking good for his age. But my eyes were on Zac Efron!!!!! Come to momma baby!




  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2016

    Happy Birthday Chi have a fabulous day

    It s a fabulous 51f here today the sun did make an appearance.Mickey says hi looking forward to seeing you all on Monday and forth I will try to stay awake long enough at night so I see you and catch up now I,m a day person .guess who was the only one wearing short s in the park today ! This hot flashes finally came in useful!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2016

    Good afternoon, Loungettes!Well, I'm on the first flight out of Bangor that hasn't been cancelled tomorrow, so I've got the best rebook possible without driving 3 hours to the Portland airport, and since the cancellations are coming from New York I doubt there is anything any sooner that way.Watching the weather channel it looks like the storm is winding down in New York, so things should get cleaned out pretty well for tomorrow afternoon.I'm puttering around doing housework I've been putting off, and it's not anywhere near as fun as when Sadie is helping. Sitting here at the computer on rest breaks I keep reaching down to pet her and being startled when she isn't there.I know I'll be fine once I get on the way, but for now I miss Sadie!

    Goldie--No, what I'm getting back doesn't equal what I'm missing,BUT, and I keep reminding myself of this, the pre-cruise stuff was EXTRA, the cruise is the main event and I am not missing any of that. AND, much better to lose some Disney time and some visit with Juliet time than to miss the cruise!

    Happy Birthday, Sandie!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2016


    My flight out of Bangor is now showing a 38 minute delay! I'll still make the conencting flight.

    I keep telling myself it will be ok.

    I'm losing my calm.

    It will be OK. It will be OK. It will be OK.It will be OK. It will be OK. It will be OK. It will be OK. It will be OK. It will be OK.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2016

    OMG....that No'r Eastern weather has me skeered. I hope all affected can get to Orlando. I am packed and ready to head for my DS's, well I still have to shower. Last thing to go in my bag is my curling iron. Praying we all make it...Can't wait to see everyone. SAFE travels...muah muah muah. This will be my last post unless I can figure out my Kindle. Lubs Lubs to all.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2016

    Ok, I feel better now that I have checked in for my flights tomorrow. It's still 24 hours away, it may get back on time, right? Well, I can hope.

    Now I am going to go something to distract myself.


  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited January 2016

    Heck, I'm chewing MY nails about all the flight cancellations and I'm not even going on the trip! Best of luck, ladies.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited January 2016

    hiya Goils!

    I am happy to report we are FINALLY on the road. Hoping to get a room at the hotel tonight and arrange so I can just keep it for when Sue and Nancy get there. But iffin' I have to check out and wait you Goils will find me snoozin' in the lobby--K?

    Happy Birthday Sandy!

    All you other girls stay warm and dry!!

    Travelers be safe and good luck with flights and connections!



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2016

    Sending positive vibes for smooth travel for all the sisters on their way here to FL to enjoy some time together. Sounds like the storm is the worst today and hoping you can all get to FL and on the cruise together. May a tasty cocktail be waiting for you when you board!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2016

    Your vibes worked, Jazzy! I just got word that my flight out tomorrow is no longer delayed.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2016

    Yay to all you cruisers--you’re gonna get to sail after all! (WDW will always be there--and may be cheaper in warmer weather).

    Goldie, thanks! I’m drooling all over the keyboard--except I’m not sure whether it’s about the cake or Zac!

    Looking forward to tasting menu and wine pairings tonight! (Gordy’s still sleeping after doing a late show last night, and Bob wants to camp out in front of the TV watching football tomorrow, so I guess I’ll have to go visit my friend myself tomorrow aft.). Thurs. night B’way Cellars is having their bimonthly winemaker dinner (Mutt Lynch, with Scandinavian-and-SW-themed dishes). And I just found out that Cafe Spiaggia will be doing an Italian sparklers-and-crudo (think sashimi Italiano) tasting next Sat. night. Yum!!!!! (Hic!)

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited January 2016

    Holy Blustery Day Batman!!! Just crossed into Florida and made a pit stop!

    SO windy and Dern Cold Too!!

    But whoa oh, we're half way there!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2016

    Oh all of us who aren't going are just as excited as all who are going. I've been watching the weather andknock wood (ooo that hurt my head) all will be fine and everyone will be together and have so much fun. I just can't imagine and I'm so furcited I'm telling my family and friends all about it---so I know I want pics or any kind of talk you are able to accomplish with all the drinking, Oh are u in waters where u might see Willie Nelson? Or is he a no show.

    Sandy Jazzy's name is just what it means--she is a player of it--that sounds stupid, but she can play quite a few instuments, she doesn't get to play as often as she likes but she's been around.

    And Joey is still playing the clarinet, trying to entice girls, but that's not a very sexy thing I guess. But I am now able and willing to listen to him, still don't know the songs but no squeeking.

    4 I'm glad u'r almost there and u could put the troubles at home behind (I hope)---I have a good feeling u will all make it, so don't worry my little chickadees, this is from the old sage herself. I think that's a word. As u all get to FL let us know.

    Sandy I hope today goes great for u.

    Queen u sound just as furcited as the rest of us.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2016

    Hi girls,

    I am a nervous wreck over getting to the ship. I am not sure which flight I will be taking and my ride to the airport backed out on me, my exDH2 was supposed to drive me. He said there is too much snow to make the trip here...he is about an hour away. I am going to call to see if I can get picked up by Rapid Rover which is an airport shuttle.

    NM, can you PM me your cell phone number? I want to be able to communicate with you, and anyone else that is going, would like to have your cell numbers. I do have Sue's. I have two different numbers for you and do not know which is accurate. Another question...would I have had to sign up to get my luggage taken from the airport to the ship? I was reading about it in my little book and it does say I have this service.

    My flight was also delayed by a little over an hour. I started getting my clothes together and OMG, did not realize how much weight I have gained. My freaking dresses do not fit and I only have one pair of shorts that fit and one pair of jeans. chit chit chit, I should have prepared my clothes so much sooner than now. I am hating myself right now.

    Lynne, safe travels to you, see you hopefully tomorrow? OMG, I am a WRECK!

    Sue, same goes for you and all others that are traveling.

    Sandy, enjoy your night, sounds fab.

    Jazzy and Queen, thanks for the positive vibes, you're de best!

    Lori, thanks for the steamy pics, hellllo honey! I hope you are feeling well, I think of you often and really really wish I could be seeing your face too.

    Cam, snow there? I hope your clients are not bothering you too much. Muah!

    I have to get my EWWA in gear and call for a ride to the airport. My Cuz said she would take me but she is ALWYS late for eberyting and we would both have to also get our cars cleaned up and the driveway shoveled, OMG, I am sooooo overwhelmed right now. Instead of moving my EWWA, I am dwinking and popping valium!

    cheers loves!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2016

    Ok, have my transportation to the airport figured out, getting picked up at 12:30pm God willing, $40, not bad.

    It looks like Nancy and I can meet up at the airport, her flight comes in just before mine. That makes me feel a ton better. I hate traveling alone, I get so nervous. I have bitten my nails off, my nerves are so frayed.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2016

    i AM NOW OFFICALLY FREAKED OUT. My flight tomorrow is now showing as cancelled, next available flight is TUESDAY! I am officially freaked out.

    I'm going to call Delta.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2016

    Called Delta. Hold time is more than 2 hours. Went ahead and set up for a call back.

    Did I mention that I am officially freaked out?

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2016

    Oh good God, Kim. I really feel your pain. I pray that God intervenes and that there is another flight you can find. Have you yet searched for other flights? I am sooooo sorry, think positive thoughts if you can. I would be freaked out too. I feel so bad for you, here is a big hug (((((((((((((((((((( KIM ))))))))))))))))). Gotta get you there somehow some way.