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how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2016

    hi girls! Popping my head on for some yummy dwinks. I am actually sitting at the hospital visiting my dad. He was having trouble breathing so they transported him here yesterday. Prayers will be appreciated.

    I am getting so furcitied to see some of my girls. This time next week I will be hanging with Mary and who else is coming to Fl early? I have so much ch to do but have off tomorrow for the holiday.

    Good to see you Cammie. Sorry about the damn D. I hope and pray that it stops pestering you. Hugs to you.

    Hi Lori, yes I booked my flight a few weeks ago. I thought I told you. Hope u are having a good time, I think I read that you are away.

    Nancy, glad you got the all clear from your dr to go on the cruise, can't wait to meet u and the other girls.

    Julie, glad that the tornado did not hurt anyone, yikes. See you soon.

    Mema Sue, see you too we are going to dwink some together again, yay!!

    Well I read your posts last night but now forgetting, forgive me.

    He'll to anyone I missed, know I love you all.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!2 work days to go, then I'm off and can concentrate on cleaning house and vacay packing!Going to be hard to concentrate on work, I'm thinking.But that's OK!

    Genny--Sounds like you are getting a chance to meet up with some good friends, that's a great way to start a vacay!Some of those commercials are pretty annoying, aren't they?I could probably stand them if they didn't play the same commercial 2 or 3 times in a row.THAT is really annoying!

    Dara--praying for your Dad, hope whatever it is has cleared up by now.Can't wait to meet you in person!

    Princess Aria Karia of Peru's DOTD:


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2016

    42f this am supposed to warm up later

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited January 2016

    Dara saying prayers for your dad for sure. I can't wait to meet you girl and give you a big old hug! I get in on Sunday. Staying with Sue and 4 in the same hotel as you and Mary I believe.

    Mary I can't wait to see my vitiligo sister lol. It has been so cold and gloomy here. I am so ready for some sunshine and warmth.

    Julie I have been so excited to see my Disney sister seems like we might have a few things in common. I do want to do the 5 k walk as well on Castawy Cay. I think we just sign up at the activities desk if I remember right.

    Sue I am so excited to meet you. I definitely won't miss this one😉

    NM my friend I am also so excited to meet you and share stories of our loves Cole and Sadie.

    4 my roomie I am really excited to meet you and to hear about your very exciting life. I'm sure we will have lots of late night stories 😃

    Trying to get everything done this week and hubby all set before I go. So so furcited!!!

    Cami, Lori,Jazz and everyone else I wish you all could be there too. Maybe we can plan a trip next year to meet in the middle somewhere at a nice not too expensive resort or something.

    Love you ladies

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited January 2016

    It's 7 degrees here, -12 with the windchill. I am not looking forward to venturing out, but my dad wants to go to the gym, and it's his world, I'm just living in it☺️.

    Genny, how's the weather on the west side?

    Cami, yes and yes, completely agree to the commercial with the guy going "commando" and those creepy animated bears. Remember those Charmin ads with Mr. Wipple from back in the day? Don't squeeze the Charmin. So civil and dignified.:)

    Native, my husband loves blood orange anything. I will definitely make that cocktail when I'm back in CA. I also want to try The Little Mermaid to see if I can even remotely get the ingredients to layer like the picture. I finally get the Disney themed DOTDs. I'm a little slow. I blame the Tamoxifen.

    Hope everyone is having a great day!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2016

    Nancy, you will be in good hands with Julie and NM. I can hear the excitement in your post, as well as the other girls. It will be a good time for sure. Be sure and leave the seizures at home!!! Praying you will be seizure free for the trip.

    LDB, I didn't think you wanted to drive to Vegas. You have me funcused. We are staying at a Homewood Suites, 10450 South Eastern Ave. Henderson. I should be on the beginning of my week off from the FU pills, If I stay on 2 weeks on/1 week off. But I know I can hang with you, even if I'm not feeling so good. Would you spend the night at your sons?

    NM, so sweet of you to go and find a Fairy Fart cocktail. Maybe it will entice Dara to come in. 2 more days! I hope Silly Sadie enjoys her time in the Presidential Suite. LOL at traumatizing Mickey.

    Julie, I can vouch for Sue's snoring. But it wasn't me in the tub! Who was in the tub Sue? I don't remember that.

    Cami, that sweet Joey of yours. I'm sure he is trying to let you rest. So if you would rather he stick around, let him know it's ok with you. If it is.LOL at the Charmin commercials. And you are more intelligent than you think or give yourself credit for. Praying you can make your doctor appointment, and let em have it! Or just do it yourself. What are you thinking will stop the D? I may need to try it too! What is Steadfast?

    Julie, scary weather you had. Glad you are ok, and our Cyndie Lou too.

    Mary, so cool that you also get to hook up with an old friend. I too am getting furcited for you all. And you will be ready!

    THERE'S MY DARLING WACKO! So sorry to hear about your dad. Sending prayers your way sister. Not really away, had to take DD to Phoenix for her flight home. How's your mom, DD and the baby? I miss you!

    Hsant, almost knocked you into the pewl. So sweet of you to live in "dad's" world. When do you return to Cali? Is your hubby with you in Ohio?

    Well, it's been quite a week. OMG, seeing my daughter was amazing. But I found out that it was my brother that initiated it, but he did so in a way that I was not too happy about. He made it sound like I may not have much time, and she should plan on seeing me while I still feel good. But her and I talked it out. Went out for a quad ride, she cried when we got back, cuz she was so glad to be able to share that with me. We went for walks looking for petrified wood, and she liked looking for river rocks too. Her flight home was leaving at 5 am. DH took her to the airport and not too long after leaving she called me, I figured to tell me she loved me, one more time. Well, I answer the phone and she's crying. Her debit card wasn't working for some reason, so she couldn't check her bags! I had to call DH right away, so he could turn around and head back to the airport. Got her bags checked and she made it to her gate. DH told me she was crying when he dropped her off and she told me she cried all the way to NC. I asked why, she said she was sad. I didn't take it any further, as I didn't want her to start again. She got Burger King in NC and was better! She loves her fast food, as there isn't any on St. John. I haven't been doing too good. The D and cramps have been horrible. My DD made me get some Ensure. I'm not eating much and the cramping double overe, take your breath away. I start my week off the FU pills today. I am NOT going through that again. Maybe try 6 pills for the first week, and then drop to 5 for the second week. I was tolerating the 5 pills just fine, but that extra pill put me over the top. Don't much care for the Ensure….YUCK! DH also bought my DD an iPad, she only has her phone, so we can facetime! Ok, need to get in the shower and try to get things done. Hoping for a good day, since I don't have to take any FU pills! OHHHH….I'm uploading the video of my surprise to You Tube, it will be private, so anyone wanting to see it, let me know and I will PM you the link. Those of you on FB, I know already saw it. Love and Huggles!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks

    Julie - oh I sure hope the weather cooperates. I have to take my friend Pat to doc this morning so not much time, but will call Kathy sometime today.

    Hsant - so wonderful to me you take such good care of your dad, makes me miss my mom. That is some cold weather and I'm bitching about the 30's n 40's.

    LDB - I would make that drive for a chance to see you, don't you doubt it. I could spend overnight if I'm tired or liquored up. I can at least get a nap before heading home. So what day is best for you fri or sat? Makes mese tears well up about your DD and how much she cried. Am sooo glad though that you made new memories with her. MUAH.

    Dara - so sorry about your dad. Prayers coming your way.

    NM - love that DOTD too, I don't do much chocolate cuz I love it so much, I could easily become a chocoholic.

    The girl in the tub was a friend of Lori's who flew to meet us in Portland. LOL

    Nancy - I can't wait either....we'll all be hugging soon tho.

    Gotta run, take Part. Lubslubslubs ya all...

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2016

    Hi ladies- for some reason I lost you off my favorites! Adding you back in and don't think you can get rid of me that easily. LOL!

    Been super busy with my new work but wanted to say hi.

    Ncollett- would love to meet up with some of you ladies some time. As I do project work with deadlines, getting away is often dependent on my work/deadlines. But that being said, once I know what next year looks like, we can discuss!

    So glad some of you are getting away from the winter cold! May I hide in your suitcase please?

    Hi Cami-glad to see you are back!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2016

    jazzy, i got some really big suitcases so no problem

    dorty-hows your dad today?

    well the forecast for the weekend is dry and 70's by day and 50's by nightThumbsUp

    (((((((((((lori))))))))) no big d allowed

    hello cami

    seeing my ladies on the weekend!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2016

    Hsant- I had a glass of this petite syrah tonight. Very nice. I had not had any adult beverages since Xmas and this wine tasted so good!

    Maggio petite syrah

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2016

    Hi Ladies

    Dara sending prayers for u'r dad,

    Lori u'r poor DD, I'm glad u found out tho and u can talk with her about it, it had to make u both feel sad tho. U poor thing suffering with this crap, don't forget to drink gatorade, the flavor rain is my fav. but I really don't like it immensely, but I'm not a big fan. Can't any of the Doc help u, it seems like SE's and it's taking a tole on u, and I hate to hear that, u know that.

    Julie OMG u had to get all the patients in the hall, oh what a job, how scary for all of u. U'd better make sure that weather leaves and don't send it her. Wind chill is like -25 here,--see when it'a that cold I think they should close the schools cuz even waiting for a bus can be really bad for their young skin even when they cover up they have to have their eyes clear and some hikd have to walk a little, I'm so picky. Oh everyone gets to hear u'r beautiful accent.

    Hsant I just realized the DOTD had a theme too. LOL

    This is a blanket statement now u all are going to have so much fun, the rest of us will be waiting tho to hear something from u gals cuz we're all furcited.

    Jazzy that would be great to have another get together somewhere in the middle, I would love to meet eveyone so much.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!One more work day, then vacay time!So much to do, so little time.Hooray for motivation to get the housework done!

    Juliet--Yikes!10 degrees, -3 with wind chill.And a storm coming in this weekend.So hoping it blows out to sea and doesn't delay my flight out!

    Collett--I'm getting excited to meet you, too!And talking about Sadie and Cole.

    Hsant--I never pictured those kinds of temps in California!Talk about COLD!Tamoxifen is good for blaming things on, isn't it?I've never tried to layer a drink, will have to try that someday.

    Goldie--there's going to be lots of just hanging out, I think,on this trip.Lounging in the sun, that's for me!Oh my, your son's heart is in the right place but it sounds like he misunderstands some things.I'm glad you and DD could talk things out.How traumatizingthat her debit card didn't work, that would freak me out, too!Lots of people don't like the taste of Ensure.You can get almost the same nutrition from Carnation Instant Breakfast, or any of the generic breakfast drink mixes, and get more variety of flavor.Be careful with the Ensure, it can cause diarrhea by itself if you drink too much, and how much is too much varies person to person.Hooray for being able to Facetime DD!

    Mema--you say chocoholic like it's a bad thing!

    Jazzy--Threads drop off the Favorites lists every once in a while, I think there's a gremlin in the BCO system somewhere.

    Juliet--the forecast is for 30 degrees warmer than here in Maine!Yeah!

    Cammy--wind chill -25?I'll take the -3 here, thanks, but would still rather have NO wind chill and 70!

    Princess Aria Karia of Peru's DOTD

    I have GOT to have one of these!


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2016

    Good morning ladies, oh so cccold here, that vacay is sounding so nice! Got my suitcase packed, prolly still too much but it all fits and I am going 2 days early. I've talked to both my FL friends, one picking me up from the airport and the other will pick Dara up and take us to the hotel. I'm getting so excited! Moose is driving me crazy, he doesn't know what to do, he goes out the front door, walks to the back and bangs on the screen to get back in, then bitches to go out and so it goes, over and over, I guess he thinks it somehow warmed up in the last 3 minutes and he must be bored with Gloria.

    Dara, prayers for your dad, hope he gets to go back home before you leave. I'm getting furcited too, we are going to have a good time, I just know it! And you just put that job right outta your head for a week, it already takes too much of your energy.

    Lori, I am so sorry about your SE's from the FU pills, ugh, I feel so bad for you, I hope you can find the dose that both stops the progression and gets rid of the D and the cramping. I'm with NM, Carnation instant Breakfast taste much better and it's really good in the blender with vanilla ice cream, used to make those for my mom all the time. I know you were a little upset with your brother but I suspect his heart was in the right place. I'm so glad you got to see your daughter and had such a nice time, I hope you get to do it again soon.

    NM, Yay to just hanging out, that is vacation to me, no agenda, just relaxation. Glad you'll be able to peak in on Sadie whenever you want, they say 1 day is the same as 7 to a dog, that's what I always tell myself when we board the pooches. DH is gonna have his hands full with our high maintenance pets, they are a lot more work when doing it alone.

    Sue, Just a few more days! 30's and 40's sound glorious to me, that would be a heat wave! Hopefully we'll get lots of sunshine and 80's on our cruise.

    Jazzy, wow, no wine since Christmas, I'm not that strong, good for me if I make it 3 nights. I have been buying alcohol free wine and making myself drink that some nights instead, it's not as good but kills the urge. I wish they sold it at restaurants. Wish we could put you all in our suitcases and take you with us.

    hsant, we only have a few inches of snow here but it's oh so cold. This morning it's 8 with windchill at 10 below. Not looking forward to taking the dogs out, they will prolly only last about 20 minutes before their paws freeze up. How much snow do you have now? Yes Mr. Whipple was much more appealing.

    Julie, 70's sounds wonderful, we are almost there, see you Friday!! You brought back memories of my nurse days, we always had to pin the curtains shut for thunderstorm warnings and bring all the beds in the hall for tornado warnings, oh that was a lot of work!

    Nancy, so glad we have our 2 Disney whores to tell us what's what. Thanks for answering all our cruise questions. i'll slather on the sunscreen but I know my vitiligo spots will show again by the time we're done. Only a few more days!

    Cami, I would love to meet you as well, maybe one day. Hope the D is subsiding and you are able to get out a bit. We'll be sure to take lots of pics to share!

    Well, time to get started with my day, hi to anyone I missed...see you all later.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2016

    LDB, I not LDB, I Lowee! Hey I'll get back to you on the day. What are the chances of both of us spending the night at your son's? But I don't want to intrude, so a "not so good" is fine. I get there on a Saturday (Feb 7) so maybe Sunday/Monday and the we leave on Tuesday. Oh, when you talked about someone sleeping in the tub, I thought you meant our Vegas trip. And for the rest of you, the Lori she is talking about is another friend, not me.

    Jazzy, you moosta had too much to dwink. Glad you found your way back! Hey it's suppose to be in the 50's here, for the next week or so.I can deal with that. I think we are doing the balloon fest again this year, depending on how I'm doing. Maybe we can meet up then. I know it's a busy day when you are there for that. But I would try and work something out.

    Julie, as for the no D allowed, I wish it were that simple! I'm going to get some Imodium when we go to town.

    Cami, I don't do Gatorade. I make my own. I'll get through this, cuz I'm not gonna do it again!!! Not worth it. Don't you have a doctor appt. today? Schools should DEF. be closed with those temps.

    NM, a delay would be better than a cancelation. Do you have a change in flight somewhere in between? It was my brother, not my son that initiated the trip. I'm assuming he might have been a bit tipsy when talking to my DD. It's all ok now. My biggest thing is trying to get everyone to "accept" my diagnosis. Cuz they are always saying "you can beat this, you are strong". I have only had 2 Ensure so far, one a day. But only when I can't eat. I've been able to eat lately.

    Mary, funny about Moose. I was going to suggest Gloria! But not now if he is bored with her! Thanks to you and NM about the Carnation, I will get some just to have on hand. So exciting hearing about the trip, and some of you leaving early. It's important to enjoy this pre cruise excitement, as it will be over way to soon. Hoping the weather cooperates.

    Well, only day 2 of my FU bacation, and still have the D. But I am feeling better, not so tired. I'm sure it will subside soon, and hopefully not return, as I will adjust my meds. For you nurses, since I don't do Gatorate, I do lemon/orange squeezed into my water with organic honey. I can add salt too, but I don't. I read that this is as good as Gatorade. Do I need the salt?

    Will share some pics next....

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2016



    At Salt River Canyon

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2016


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2016


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks!

    Lowee - those pics are fabulous, you look so happy, so does DD n DH. Get some Liquid Imodium. I tried the pills they didn't work as well at the liquid. And yes you are welcome to spend the night. Sunday and Monday sound perfect. Glad you r feeling a wee bit better. Prayers and big hugs!

    NM - LOL Mother knows best, it's a fact jack. Praying the weather doesn't interfere with your travel, that would not be good. Nothing wrong with being a chocoholic, jes not for me. One more day of work woohoo.

    Hsant - try to stay warm. How long will u b staying there, when do u go back to CA?

    Jazzy - wow, no adult beverage since xmas. I don't think I could do it. Glad you enjoyed your wine!

    Cami - I might have mentioned this before, that G2 Gatorade has more electrolytes and less sugar than reg G. Good advice for Lowee.

    Julie - having a time reaching Kathy on the phone so will try email.

    Gotta get my EWWA in gear (for the new gals, that means Ever Widening White Arse) I've got my list and a raincoat, so packing won't take long.

    Lubs Lubs Lubs all ya'll

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2016

    Julie - just found out that we can haul a case of water, but there is filtered water at 2 locations on the boat. So I'm good with that, no need to get water for me.

    Thanks a bunch,


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited January 2016


    Our cabin


    Our ship

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2016


    Oh yea....I'm ready for some heat and sunshine!

    Love the pics Lori!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2016

    Goldie- the pics of your DD are lovely! I understand your unhappiness around the way your DH got your daughter there. But maybe he said it from a place of love and concern around not assuming anything about the future. What is that old expression, tomorrow is never for sure so celebrate the present? I think cancer makes everyone more mindful that life can be short, although many women live very long lives after bc. I think you will be around with us for a long time.

    So about not drinking since Xmas, I really did NOT overindulge during the holidays, but sort of don't really drink unless there are social outings that drive that sort of indulgence. I have not really had many since the holidays, although I have more coming up this week and into next. I am saving the rest of my drinking for Thursday night, when I get together with a friend for wine and appetizers!

    As much as I would love to travel with you all, I am very happy in my new project work and got my first invoice payment yesterday. Did a bit of post holiday sales shopping at Dillards. Whoot whoot! I have expensive tastes and like designers like Eileen Fisher but too expensive full price. Got some nice deals and wearing some of that today!

    So excited for you gals going to the warm tropical islands.

    Cami- we should all meet up in Denver some time! Good place to par-tay! Have Joey drive you! I know he is too young for that yet......

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited January 2016


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2016

    well its currently 45f in sunny fl! but dry its going to be in the 70's tomorrow but cool down on froday with chance of rain the weekend keeps changing right now!

    thanks sue,i'll bring my water bottle

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited January 2016

    Those are just teasers of what our ship will look like. We don't get there until Monday. However, I believe we all fly out on Sunday and are meeting up and most staying at the same hotel. Had Samarah today and she had fun fixing up her bed with all her stuffed animals and playing kitty with Cole. She's so funny. It's supposed to snow here tomorrow 1-3 inches yuck!!! All I can say is come on Bahammas and warm sunny weather!

    Lori your daughter is beautiful!!

    Julie praying for continued dry nice weather

    Jazz I'm loving the Denver idea for next year!

    Gotta get to bed all I'm falling asleep

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2016

    Good Morning. Loungettes!V A C A T I O N!!!!!! Slept in till almost 7 ayem, on a WEDNESDAY!With nice warm Sadie cuddles while listening to the wind blowingoutside.The very cold wind.Got an e-mail from Disney about getting ready for arrival, looks like temps will be in the 60's there, not as warm as I'd like, but certainly warmer than here and I'll take it!I am getting so excited!

    Genny--Moose is being silly, going around and around like that!Bet he knows something is up.Getting to visit with friends will be so much fun!If one day to us is like 7 to a dog, then poor Sadie will think she's away for 70 days, that's almost 3 months!Poor baby!She'll do just fine, though.

    Goldie--A delay would be better than a cancellation, and right now it looks like that storm should go out to sea and not be a problem anyway.I do have a flight change in La Guardia.If the flight out of Bangor gets cancelled there is a good chance I can catch one in Augusta or Portland or even Boston.Part of the reason I like to book a pre-cruise stay in the departure city is in case of weather problems with the flights.Still have time to get there for the cruise even if I miss out on the pre-cruise fun.But since I have first class seats for this trip I think I'll get some consideration for rebooking, etc if it comes to that.So I'm not too stressed about that, yet.Woops, your brother, not your son, sorry.You really should try Boost, Equate, and all the other generic diet supplements that are out there. They all taste a little different, and you may find one you actually like.But eating real food is definitely better!If you are having D, put a little salt in your home made Gatorade to replace the sodium you are losing.You don't need very much salt, you can put a little in every other batch and that would probably be enough.

    GREAT pics!

    Mema--so far looks like weather won't be an issue.I am not going to pack my rain coat, it is way too big and bulky.If it rains I'll buy a poncho there and cope!

    Collett--Nice pic of the cabin!

    Genny--Is that you under all those layers??

    Jazzy--Hooray for the first invoice payment!And the post holiday sales shopping!

    Queen--we promise--moar pics coming!

    Collett--It's going to be quite the meet up on Sunday!

    Princess Aria Karia of Peru's DOTD:


    Hope I'm not repeating drinks. . . .

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2016

    LDB, that is goot news on da water foy de boat!

    Mary, you are too stinking cute, all bundled up!

    Nancy, nice teaser pics. Sounds like you and Samarah have been having some quality time together.

    Jazzy, all is good. I GOT TO SEE MY BABY GIRL! Glad that things are going well with the new client.

    Hi Queen.

    Julie, those are not too warm of temps.

    NM, maybe the weather will change and warm up for you cruisers. Thanks for the salt info. I'm doing ok for now, being on my week off. Hopefully a dose change will help. Like I said, I'm not living like that. Still have D this morning, but's trying to get some consistency to it. Boy Oh Boy, the things we talk about! No worries about repeating drinks, do think we care? NOOOOO!

    Nuttin new on mese. Just been cleaning and working and doing some laundry. Thank you everyone on the nice comments of my pictures.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2016

    Good Morning ladies

    NM if u reapeated any, chances are none of us would remember anyway. Wow u words are permeaing excitement, I'm so happy for all of u.

    Lori u'r DD is as beautiful as her mom and I really like the pic of the 3 of u so sweet. OOO the girls gave u some good ideas for the drinks of course I'm partial to the breakfast dink with the ice cream but that's me. Just feel beter I pray all the time.

    Hey Queen it's good to see u.

    I don't think I would like to go on a trip with a tour on vacay, u guys can do what u want when u want and that's how it's supposed to be. YAHHOOOO

    Jazzy I always wanted to go to Denver and even Chevy could meet us. Not that I ski or do anything ever but it sounds beautiful. I think I would fly now, all my life I was so afraid and turned down trips to places, how foolish, I could have gone to Italy, greece and a few others and I didn't need any money for it, I admit it was men who loved me but I never went anywhere Oh well.

    One of the pipes froze in the laundry room at 1AM the other nite and my room got all flooded and we were up most of the night, what a mess but Marty got it fixed and I have no rug anymore but I don't care. Thenthey called me to cancel my dr. app'tment cuz according to records this Dr. never saw me in the hosp. Well they got it figured out and he did see me, in fact he remembered me cuz as he ou it I was in ICU and very bad condition so I did go to the Dr. tired as anything. I'm doing a 24 hr urine test? I never did that before but he did start me on some med called questren-to try for a month or something and he was very nice and I only said 1 stupid thing--I'm getting better I told him my brother is on an anti-b forever so why can't I--and he asked what for and I said because he has ISIS, he actually pushed his chair awa and said WHAT??? Then I did realize I meant to say sepsis, I get so confused with words. And Lori u always remember my Drs. times.

    Had an emergency call last nite for a furnace and dan went to do it, I was so happy cuz I never know what these guys do. But I shocked myself for even answering the phone.


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited January 2016

    Hiya Girls!!

    I hope everyone is curled up with a Tender and a fancy drink staying WARM! It was 19 here this ayem.

    Fabulous Pics and drinks from everyone!! I'm still trying to ketchup but was very exited for Lori's surprise!! And I hope everyone that's been under the weather is feeling better. Cami, water pipe! YIKES!! Had that happen and it is NO fun! Glad Marty got it under control.

    I have finally taken 2 minutes to log on to do cruise stuff! I have been looking at excursions! I see some of you are going snorkeling! Fun!!! I was also looking at the City and Garden Tour for Tuesday and the Walk and Kayak for Weds. Anyone interested?? I think I will do some snorkel equip with Mary and maybe floatie stuff too on Weds.

    I am going to take a couple of liter bottles of water and then just keep refilling where and when I can!

    Busy Day so I gotta run. Trying to get rides and everything in place for next week so DH doesn't go TOTALLY mad while I am away playing!! Off to see Madonna tonight too so I can get into my groove!!

    LUBS and HUGZ to all!!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2016

    Cami, if you were able to fly to Denver, I would def. go! How fun if you and ED could meet? You little hussy you, passing up all of those wonderful vacations! I don't mind flying, but not sure I could last more than 6 hours on a plane. LOL on your brother having ISIS! So so sorry about the flood. How is our sweet Joey? Is he still a musician?

    Lynne, how fun to go see Madonna. She is from MI, not too far from where I lived. Have fun!!!! DH will manage just fine, I'm sure. Are you driving? (To FL)