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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2016

    Native- so you ended up having lung problems after external rads? I have just been talking to another sister on another thread related to rads and impacts to the lungs. I had internal rads to protect my lungs, a bit more cutting edge, but the best for my situation. I too have asthma.

    Also, I do systems work in healthcare. What new system are you using? I love that healthcare orgs are making tablets the tool for clinicians. My PCP's office still uses desk tops and she plugs away putting the data into my chart. Makes me feel a bit more seperate during the office visit, but oh well. Really important to have tablets with your patients though.

    Juliet- holy smokes, that was close. Glad you are okay.

    Anyone heard from Cami on any other threads? Hoping she is just busy with work calls.

    Goldie- it is super cold here right now too. With the wind chill, it was single digits in feel yesterday. I am waking up to 20 degrees this morning, but supposed to be going up to the 40s today. I like to go take a short walk at lunch time at my client site, but too cold yesterday. Maybe today?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2016

    Jazzy, hoping to go to the Petrified Forest this afternoon. But only warming to 40. Should be ok though.

    I messaged Cami's DD, she is fine, she is still waiting for her computer to be fixed.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2016

    Goldie- I love ❤ the Petrified Forest

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2016

    lori what a wonderful surprise , so glad your hubby arranged it for you,enjoy every minute of it

    cami-miss you

    jazzt-used a tuffbook on a travel assignment in a critical care unit ,loved it , we use fixed to the wall computers and as its an old building ,most of them mean we are charting with our back to our patients or we are are constantly twisting so we are talking to them face to face

    i had external radiation,because of that ,4 surgeries and 2 rotator cuf injuries now dealing with right upper chest /shoulder issues but pt is great ,had 162 degree range of motion in my arm before the session today and 173 degree after if your plan covers pt go for it, they are great and give you exercises to continue the work after, but now time for a pain pill

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!3.5 inches of white fluffy stuff on the ground here now.A bit more coming through the morning.Not the huge storm they were making it out to be, but I guess since it's really the first oneof the season.

    Juliet--Holy Moly, how scary!So glad no one was hurt.Did you take that pic?Yikes!

    Goldie--Played with the new tablet last night, finally have access to Word and Excel, can't see anything on the new software yet.Can't wait to see how the charting program will work.Glad you and DD are having a good visit!

    Jazz--yup, lung damage from external rads.Probably heart damage, too.Big nightmare, long story, tell you about sometime when I'm 3 sheets to the wind.Short version--I had a mastectomy because of the radiation damage to the breast that caused constant pain and infections.The breast was rotting from the inside out from radiation damage.The new documentation system is Home Base Home Care, or something like that.I'm not crazy about people stopping to put info in the computer during my appointments either, but it is what it is in health care now.The documentation is the most important thing, cuz that's what we get paid by.

    Goldie--thanks for checking on Cami, I was starting to get really worried!

    Juliet--at least with laptops and tablets it's easier to be facing the patient and family.

    Princess Aria Karia of Peru's DOTD:


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2016

    Good morning ladies, I'm not even close to caught up with reading but wanted to jump on and say hi. Have to take the pooches out in the dark this ayem, temperature here is -2 .... and DH outta town....sigh..... Got my clothes for the cruise on the bed upstairs, still have to reduce by half but otherwise pretty much ready to pack. I had Nora last weekend, it was so much fun!. Her new words are why and because but she doesn't completely have the hang of them so it's pretty funny. I have a water purifier thing with a spigot and she can reach it and kept wanting to pour water into a green bowl and I told her no. She stood there with her hand on it testing us and my DH said u want a timeout? She looked at me with a big pout and whined " but yaya...why.....because it's green!....why, because the bowl is green! We were trying so hard not to laugh... She's so cuddly now too, hugs and kisses to us, stuffed animals and Emma and Moose. Junior stays clear. Molly was here Monday, did her hair and went out to lunch. I work the next 4 days then will pack on Sunday or Monday. Anyway, gonna go back and read some hope everybody is ok, if I don't get back have a good day.

    NM, glad you are feeling better, hope PCP visit goes well.

    Lori, congrats on visit with DD, how fun, loved the video.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2016

    Morning, Genny--Sorry for the bump into the pool! Nora sounds like such a treat to have, she is just so funny.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2016

    Jazzy, we were gone for 6 hours, and pretty much just drove through it, only stopping at a few spots. Will have to try and go back.

    Julie, I'm glad the PT is helping you. That is not good standards to have your back to the patient and annoying for you to have to keep turning around. Gheesh!

    3-5" of snow. You be careful out there. I guess winter finally arrived for you. Will they give you some kind of class on the new tablet?

    Mary, taking the dogs out, not only in the dark, but only 2 degrees? Does this mean on a leash just out the door, do your business and back in? Or are you taking them for a walk? Great visit with Nora and the 3 of you went out for lunch? She must be so fun to take out too. I'm sure everyone compliments her.

    Day 10 of my upped dose of the FU pills, getting cramps and explosive D. Not sure I'm gonna continue this dose. I will for this round. Will see how my week off goes, as it works into that as well.

    DOES EVERYONE HAVE THEIR POWERBALL TICKETS? We do, DH is just hoping to win back his $40.00!

    Here we are in the Painted Dessert.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Lowee - been praying for you. Hope your time off the FU pills gets ya feeling better. Love the pic of you and DD. LOL at how bundled up she is as she isn't used to the cold. About my treatment, the powers that be say 3 years of Kadcyla is protocol. Will see my onco next Weds n will ask what she thinks the future holds, especially meds. Will keep ya posted. Oh and looks like I might be able to see u in LV on that fri or sat. Keeping fingers crossed. And yes….we have $40 in power ball…hope one us is a winner!

    Genny - oooo tooo cold. I have to take my pooches out to the park but won't do that for a couple hours. Catch the noon time sun and temps in the 50's by then. LOL with you and dh over Anorable. Maddy is 6 and loves to cuddle her stuffed toys.

    NM - ugh snow. I think it's pretty and all but lived in it long enuf and glad to be back in the desert. How horrible what happened to you during your tx, sounds so painful. Glad you're over that now. Hope they get the new tablets up to speed and there is no difficulty using it. That Little Mermaid sounds delish and looks so pretty, would put me down tho, LOL.

    Julie - sounds like a nightmare. Glad pt helping. I don't think I'll be joining in the 5K, feet are a mess with neuropathy and plantar facitis (sp). I can walk about a dozen blocks but that is about it. How freakin scary about the tornado, and no basement…I'd been wetting my panties. Glad it missed you.

    Cami - I miss you too, hope ur doing ok and can get ur puter bixed soon so u can check in.

    OK, gotta get some more taxes together, hate tax time.

    Lubslubslubs to all my goils!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2016

    i didn't take that pic of the tornado but i think we don;t have a siren system just a severe weather text system and no basements and no one badly hurt or killed so definitely a miracle , it cut a 3.5 mile path

    well in work we got our powerball tickets,prayers were said over them and also sprinkled with holy water from the river jordan

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy chilly Thursday morning!Finally kicked the respiratory stuff to the curb, got my annual eval and it was good, saw my PCP and got my antidepressant dose bumped up a bit, got organized at work so I don't feel like I'm going to miss anything between now and my first day off --NEXT WED!So close, yeah!

    Goldie--they sent several pages of instructions with the tablets, for getting them turned on, set up and get the e-mail loaded, etc.The rest of the education will be done on the tablet itself, starting next Monday.I'm really looking forward to going through that stuff and to the classes that will be starting right after I get back from vacay.Going to be lots of fun I think!I thought about getting a powerball ticket, maybe I'll get just one.Lovely ladies in the Painted Desert!

    Mema--The snow really is pretty, but annoying at times.So far the new tablet isworking well, except that the e-mail isn't pulling over, I'll re-install that probably tonite and see if that works.I'm really excited to learn how to dictate my notes, that will save so much frustration and irritation, and be so much quicker!Some of those Disney drinks are pretty potent, aren't they?

    Juiet--Wow, if one of your powerball tickets doesn't win it won't be for lack of trying!

    Princess Aria Karia of Peru's DOTD:


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2016

    Good morning girls, never did read all the way back but I'll just jump in on this page. Working next 3 days since I didn't win the lottery either.

    NM, so glad you got that sickness out of the way before the trip and got a good report from the PCP. The new tablet does sound like a big help, when I was a nurse everything had to be written in charts in triplicate, it's come a long way since then.Thanks for the swim, it was a lovely way to wake up!

    Sue, are you going off meds completely? Are you NED? Yay on seeing Lori in LV!

    Lori, so glad you are having such a nice bisit with your DD. How long is she staying? Yes it's cold here and I bundle up and take my dogs to a grove and woods where they can run. Too icy to walk them around the neighborhood. They only lasted about 20 minutes before they got ice balls between their toes and we got back in the car and came home. Then they get the same thing after I get home from work, they are so spoiled.

    Jazzy, my previous MO used to sit typing in the computer thru my whole visit. I honestly don't think she ever had a clue what I looked like. Used to drive me nuts, a big part of why she's my previous MO. I had to have ABC rads because they couldn't get a field without my lung or heart being i the way. Had a snorkel like thing in my mouth and hold my breath whilst getting zapped, had to drive downtown to main campus and the rads took 30-40 minutes each time. So glad that's over, still fighting with UH and Med Mutual, just got a bill yesterday for $10,500.... again. It was OON and I had a waiver but bill just got sent back thru and they didn't include the waiver this time... so frustrating.

    Julie, way to close for comfort, isn't a tornado in FL very unusual? So glad no one was seriously injured! I would love to do the 5K, I would run, sounds like fun, how do we sign up?

    hsant, looks like you've been getting pounded with snow your way, it's a different world over on your side of town. We've only gotten about 3 inches here on the west side but oh so cold. Hope you and your dad are doing fine, they do know how to take care of snow around here.

    Anybody heard from Cami? Lori?? Starting to get a bit worried about her, maybe her computer is still on the fritz.

    Well gotta run, have a good day all

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2016

    LDB, it was chilly out there. I just jumped in for a quick picture. Too hot to keep everything on in the truck as it was quite warm in it. Good luck on your treatment too love. I want us to be around for a long time! I skipped my morning pill yesterday. Not as much cramping, but I still have D that is just like water. Not much of an appetite, which sucks cuz I have to eat when I take the FU pills. Hands are getting bad as well. I'll let you know as well if I come to Vegas. Truth be known, I'd rather not. But absolutely iffin I get to see you!

    Julie, that is too funny about blessing the lottery tickets. I don't think it works that way….lol!

    OMG NM, is next Wednesday take off day, for the cruise? SOOOOOO glad you are feeling better, and of course you got a good eval! So you will be able to "dictate" notes, instead of typing? I love my talk to text on my phone. As I text VERRRRRRY slowly!

    Mary, my DD has a flight out Sunday morning, 5 am….UGH! Is a long day for her. She flies to NC and then on to St. Thomas. You are good momma to your pooches. Sorry for the continued troubles with medical and insurance. As if we don't have enough to deal with. Yes, Cami is just having puter probs, according to her DD.

    Wacko??? Wacko??? Come in Wacko! I have some JD for ye. Miss you pretty face in the lounge, Wassup girlfriend? Did you get your ticket?

    Having sooooo much fun with my DD, but it's going by way too fast! We sat and went through old pictures last night, having a few drinks as well. Might go for another ride today, go see where we go camping and in that area is where the HUGE fire was back in 2011, devastation of burning 841 sq. miles!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Got lots to do b4 the cruise, time to get at it seriously now. We're a loser on the Power Ball, waaa waaa.

    Julie - don't they have electric converters on the ship? How do we charge our phones and kindle or pads? And I have to have my curling iron. Dang, I didn't think to bless the PB picks.

    NM - yay for kicking it to the curb. You sound excited about the new tablets. Don't blame ya, my pcp has his back to me while on computer entering my answers to his questions, I think the tablets are a much better choice. Yep, vacay almost here…hooray! Love those DOTDs.

    Mary - in April or May is when I have to stop the Kadcyla. Don't know if any other tx available to me or what my onco has planned. Will find out on Weds, the 20th. Ugh about the insurance not paying attention, all they do is add stress to the pts. Money grubbers that they are. Hope u get it worked out b4 we sail.

    Lowee - I know what u mean about D like water. Mine calms down by mid-day usually, but still attacks in the middle of the night often. Ahhh, might not come to LV, but I understand, but sounds like we both need a BIG HUG…so jes let me know when and what you decide. Sounds like you are having a fab time with DD…will be sad when she leaves. Muah!

    Missing Dara and Cami plus a few others, hope all are OK!

    Lubs everlasting!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2016

    well sue they have hairdryers in the cabins so must have some sockets,so cruisers what do we need? i'll ask the phrmacist she did the 5k its on the disney island,how you sign up if not we can pay a visit to the help desk on the ship

    the blessing didn;t work ,so back to work tomorrow

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited January 2016

    Hi there everyone glad to see everyone is feeling better! I went to my Neurologist today and she gave me her blessing for the cruise. She is going to mail me her note with instructions not to airlift me if I do have any seizures since they are non epileptic and I have Ativan on me. I believe she will leave instructions on her note for the cruise ship Doctor as well. I will be fine so I am not worried. I'm looking forward to getting away and relaxing.

    Lori the video of you and your daughter was awesome! She is as beautiful as you are. That was so awesome of your husband.

    Jazz I love the picture of the Love Boat crew I still watch them on Dish Network. I love that show.

    Julie OMG that picture of that Torado too close for comfort for me! I'm so glad no one was hurt! I would crap my pants and have a major seizure all at the same time if I saw that. I would like to do the 5k I will walk though. I forget how to sign up for it though. I think they give you a medal for finishing. It's a beautiful island and would be fun to walk around.

    NM I'm so glad your feeling better!

    Mary I'm going to start my packing soon too.

    Memaw they do have regular plugs in the cabins for your phone, tablet etc.. And you can bring your curling iron they just don't want hair dryers. Also Disneys refrigerators come empty at least mine was last year.

    I would suggest you do not put your Disney luggage tags on your luggage until Monday when we get ready to leave for the port so the airport doesn't mistakenly put your luggage on the ship before it needs to go. Otherwise you won't have your clothes until Monday 😳 Also I don't know if anyone has any trouble with sea sickness but I always use Dramamine everyday and have some ginger gum on hand and I do great with that. Just a suggestion.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2016

    0MG I will never catch up, but I got my puter back finally. I felt like Iived in 1950, it was horrible

    Lori u and u'r DD is wonderful and U make the scenery look really beautiful, I'm so happy for u 2 and she really has u'r beauty.

    NM were u sick, it sounded like it, I hope u are much better now.

    Julie the holy water didn't work????? Well let me tell u we won $4.00, I'm thinking of quitting my job after our big win.

    Mary u like u'r job, I think that's what I skimmed I hope so for u.

    OK rhe trip is soon ans I forgot when and I still can't type, Dan didn't fix that.

    Nancy u'r going on the trip too right, Oh u lucky duck with all of u.

    Sue u'r always in my prayers (muah)

    I've had my D for 7 days now most of it pretty violent, in fact when Dan walked in my room I exploded ight that minute, I guess it was fom excitement (yea right) I think he got really embarrassed (ppoor guy) well I was in the bathroom the whole time he was here and he hurried and left and called me later. I'e been drinking loads of propel and gatorade but I still feel pretty weak and tired and cancelled a Drs. app'tment this week so have reschedule but I have another next Tues for all this D Haha he'll never figure it out, but I think I have a DX so I'll tell him and we'll see. I've been eating rice, bananas, and crackers--not loosing weight, how can that be??? I've been textin my calls for work, U'd think by now I'd have an understanding of numbers and the alphabet, but it takes me forever to text. Now I havw to file, sounds easy right, except I can't read my handwiting, it's all scribbly, I'll be making up chit for all of this--See chit breeds chit.

    Oh how I've missed u gals really so much

    If I missed anyone u know I didn't mean to,Hi Cindy, hsant, there has to be more my mind is really blanking out on me


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!TGIF!And next week I only work 2 days, then am off to get ready for House of Mouse and Mickey Cruise!YEAH!

    Genny--charting sure has come a long way.I can remember when charting was about what was done for a patient and how the patient responded, now it's all about reimbursement, regulations and surveys.

    Goldie--Next Wed is my first day of vacay--I try to take a few days before and after traveling for getting ready and recovering.I'm taking a full 2 weeks offwork but will be away only 1 week.So happy for you and your DD having such a good time!

    Mema--absolutely time to take vacay packing and prep seriously!

    Juliet--The cruise ships I've been on have usually had one or two outlets, I've generally had to rotate what was plugged in and getting charged.

    Collett--When you get your doc's instructions make some copies, please.I'll keep one set with me, I bet Juliet will keep one with her, and we can take care of you if you have a seizure.Seizures don't stress me, doubt if they stress Juliet,and if they do we can all have a nice drink when it's over any way!Good point about the luggage tags.I've got to be sure to get the right tags on the bags for the trip down or I may never ketchup with my stuff!

    Cammy!!Yeah, I caught a virus, now over it and feeling much better and so ready for VACAY!It must have been terrible without the puter!Sounds like you've been busy, and embarassing your poor boss!So glad to see you back!

    Princess Aria Karia of Peru's DOTD:


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2016

    LDB, I didn't bless my PB picks either. Dang, no wonder we didn't win! How long is the drive between you and Vegas?

    Nancy, so fun to hear you all talk about the cruise and what you will be doing. Glad you got things straight with the docs and seizures.

    Cami girl, back in da house. Hip Hip Hooray! We have missed you so much! Thank you for the compliments and to everyone else. I am having so much fun with her. Ha ha, I think we won $4.00 too! I can't believe you are texting with numbers and the alphabet! Does the phone use a SIM card? Surely someone has a phone they could give you with a key pad? I'm with you on the D. But I'm not eating much. Almost like being on IV chemo again, where it's just hard to get stuff down. I have lost some weight tho. Which I'm sure will return at some point.

    NM, a whole 2 weeks of vacay…yippee! And you are right about needing some time before and after, especially after. When I first saw the DOTD, I saw Fairy Fart instead of Dust...LOL.

    Tomorrow DD and I leave for Phoenix, spend the night and her flight leaves at 5 am.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited January 2016

    NM I will do that for you and Julie. My Neurologist was glad to hear I was traveling with two good nurses and said next time she wouldn't mind coming along too. Lol. She's a great doc. And you are right on having a drink afterwards 😜

    Lori I bet you have had a blast with your DD. Times flys by too quick sometimes doesn't it? I loved Phoenix when I went to see my cousin. Arizona is so pretty.

    Cami I'm sorry you can't seem to get rid of the D. I wish one of us would have won the lottery. Damn. Oh well maybe some day. We can dream right

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2016

    we got you covered collet

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Cami - sooo glad ur back, we've missed u. LOL on thinking about quitting ur job with ur big lotto win…heehee. We sail next Monday, wish u were coming with. Too funny about poor Dan, but I still can't help it, I have to LOL. I can't read my writing either, but my dh's is worse. Good luck with it. Thanks for keeping me in ur prayers…muah!

    Nancy - glad u are making copies of you seizure instructions for Julie and NM, I kno I'll rest easier. Thanks for the info on the outlets and frigs. Woohoo, a little over a week to go, can't wait. I'm taking some Dramamine too and some ground ginger. I'm dizzy a lot. OK, ditzy too LOL.

    Julie - if u can I need lots of water as I have constant dry mouth. If not I'll try and rouse 4sew up Monday morning and we can scout for a store b4 boarding. I tried chewing gum, but I keep biting the insides of my cheeks…ugh.

    NM - smart to take a few days b4 and after the trip. Those are the greatest DOTD's in the Disney theme, wonder if they make any of them on our ship? Will have to go back and print my fav and ask em when we get on board.

    Lowee - the drive is only 1 ½ hours. Where will u b staying? I can pick ya up. Remember that my son lives just off the south end of the strip so no problemos. Are u and dh gonna retire with ur lotto winnings…j/k.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Worked until 7:30 last night playing ketchup after the computer screwed up, and have to complete rewrite an admission from Thursday over the weekend.Then have 2 very long days of work to try to get as much of 14 day's worth of work done in 2 days, then OFF!So lookingforward to Wed, sleeping in and concentrating on vacay prep!Sadie checks into the Presidential Suite on Friday, and I fly out Saturday morning.Saturday afternoon in Orlando at Disney!Roaming the French Quarter, floating in the pool, fancy food, ahhhhhhhhh!

    Goldie--Hmm, wonder if I can find a Fairy Fart drink recipe?Phoeey about feeling like being on IV chemo.Have a good day in Phoenix, safe travels for you and DD.

    Collett-- no trivial little think like a seizure is going to stop us from having a grand time!

    Mema--Can you just picture the bunch of us descending on some poor bartender on the ship with alist of drinks we want to try?Going to be hilarious!

    Princess Aria Karia of Peru's DOTD:

    Princess Fart


    3/4 oz. Jagermeister (more Jagermeister drinks)

    3/4 oz. Peach Schnapps (more Peach Schnapps drinks)

    1 1/2 oz. Cranberry Juice (more Cranberry Juice drinks)


    Shake with ice and then pour into a shooter glass.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2016

    Morning goils!

    NM - LOL that would be hysterical, poor tenders, they don't kno what they're in for. Love love love that DOTD and the pic. Ur jes too funny!

    WARNING CRUISERS. Who ever is bunking with me better have ear plugs, my snoring can wake the dead. I'm not kidding. When 3 of us went on that road trip 2 years ago, one of the girls was found all bundled up in the tub trying to sleep over my snoring. Jes saying....

    Lubs ya all...n getting so fercited....Muah!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2016

    got my earplugs and a pillow and a alibi just saying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. how much water sue! ,is there limit on how much we can take aboard ?

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2016

    no sue, both my bil and nephews snore so very used to it on vacations home plus my sleep pattern is sleeping for short periods only so no worries

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2016

    Hi Ladies

    Oh I'm getting more furcited than ever for all of u, make sure each one of u orders a different drink like we have here and enjoy.

    Lori u'r time is going so quickly with u'r DD, that so rough so take lots of pic. we want to see them.

    Nancy good idea with all the instructions, u'll be in good hands that's for sure.

    SusyQ I'm sure u know about Bitene (sp) for dry mouth but I think there is a new one out. I know it's actually hard to talk with such dry mouth and water just soothes it for a minute well to me anyway. But check up on the mouthwash and spray sruff, it might help.

    NM smart lady that u are. It's always good to take extra time off with a real vacation--time to recoup and spend extra time with Sadie too.

    I missed going out to brunch today and lunch during the week, I',m sure u can tell I'msuper bitchy and that Dr. on Tues whether I have it or not is going to hear all of my DX's to stop this damn D, hey maybe I'm right for once.

    Joey is at my other DD's tonite I really miss him I actually didn''t see much of him all week cuz I've been so sick he just did stuff for me and cuddles a minute then left me alone so I've miss our talks.

    I wish I had something intelligent to say for some interest but as u know that's not one of my strong points, blabbering come easier for me, but I will say I'm writing about the commercial for Charmin when the guys come out of the curtain after chitting and goes commando, Oh please I can't even stand the bears doing that in those commercial, I think it;s charmin.

    OK another CEO to write to, I wrote to Steadfast Inc. this last time, I think everyone should know my point of view and not we've heard about u before. Chit maybe someone should stop me.

    OK I'll be bock.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2016

    well lovely fl weather this week, we are under severe weather watch until 8am ,with potential for tornado development!, on fri same thing, had a code brown( thats the code for severe weather i kid you not) in work there was rotation on the weather radar so we had to start getting all the patients in to the hallway lucky it only lasted a few minutes but another f1 tornado touched down a couple miles from the hospital, so fellow cruisers bring a rain coat ! will update you on the weather forecast all week

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Just finished on line check in for my pre-cruise stay at the Port Orleans French Quarter Resort.Got a reminder set up to check in to my flight on line come Friday.It's getting real!I am so excited!Getting stuff laid out in the spare room for packing.VACAY!VACAY!VACAY!

    Mema--I've been telling people I'm going on a Disney Cruise with a bunch of girlfriends and we're going to traumatize Mickey!Might as well start with the bartenders!

    Cammy--I will be in serious Sadie withdrawal by the time I get home, and always need at least one day of 24 hour cuddles to get caught up after a vacay.That's after the couple of hours that she won't speak to me. . . . And I LOVE the way you write to people and tell them what you think!Good for you!

    Juliet--tornados?I can deal with rain, and even cool to cold temps, but tornados terrify me!I'm guessing Disney has a plan in place for that?Oh well, will make for a good story when I get back home--the Disney vacay that got blown away!

    Princess Aria Karia of Peru' DOTD:


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited January 2016

    Good morning ladies, house is quiet, pooches and DH sleeping in this ayem. Today is pack day, I'm going to get it done and pack as light as possible. Julie, thanks for the reminder about the raincoat, I would've forgotten. I'm off today, tomorrow and Tuesday, then I work Wed and Thur and fly out at 6 ayem on Friday so I have to be ready to go. I'm going down a few days early to bisit friends in FL. One was my grade school friend that I met up with last summer, she will be picking me up from the airport. The other, I met in cosmetology school when I was 18 and we ended up being roommates until we both got stoopid and got married the first time. I haven't seen her in years so I'm really looking forward to it, then she will take me to the hotel where I will meet up with all my cruising buddies! Oh I can't wait, I'm so furcited!!

    Cami, so gald to see yer purdy face back in da lounge, we missed you! Oh, so glad you are writing to that awful toilet paper co, I hate that commercial, and you're right, the bears were bad enough. And I don't like the IBS walking colon or the green mucus guy either! There, got that off my chest! I love your blabbering, so sorry about the damn D and missing brunch and not seeing a lot of Joey, at least he stops by for hugs. I'm hoping I can get time to go see Nora before vacay but it's an hour to her house so we'll see. We will all have a big ole toast to you and the other loungettes and post a pic for shore! Wish we could get the spaceship to pic you all up and bring you aboard.

    Anyway, got to run, have a good Sunday everbody!