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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2016

    Creme Brulee

    Four hours.That's how long it took me to make a fool of myself.Four hours after boarding the ship, the Disney Dream.Second seating dinner, in the Enchanted Garden dining room.Beautiful dining room.


    The servers, Zacky, head server, and Lucien, assistant server, are marvelous. Attentive, smiling, learning our names, trying to figure out where we are from. Seven ladies from seven states, no small job!

    The meal was lovely. Really nice wine .Good company. Lots of laughing, lots of high spirits (felt and imbibed).

    Out comes the dessert menu.

    Now keep in mind that I am somewhat distracted by the company, sorting out the screen names, real names and faces of these ladies I have known for years and met for the first time today. I've been exploring the ship, getting lost in the hallways, and have had a cocktail or two. Or three. I lost track. I see "Crème Brulee" on the left side of the dessert menu, with a $10.95 price tag. I LOVE crème brulee. Absolutely adore crème brulee. So what if it's on the premium (as in pay extra for) side of the menu?So worth it, especially for the first night of the cruise.So I order Crème Brulee.

    Lucien and Zacky serve desserts.I get a glass put in front of me.No Crème Brulee, a glass, with a drink.I'm confused.One of my new breasties points out that the left side of the dessert menu was dessert DRINKS.I ordered a Crème Brulee DRINK.It tasted good, but not what I was expecting.One of the servers overhears me say I wasn't expecting a drink."Is everything ok?"Oh, yes, I just misunderstood the menu, thought I was ordering a crème brulee dessert, not a drink.My mistake, no big deal."You want creme brulee? I get you crème brulee.One minute."

    The next thing I know a crème brulee is placed in front of me, by a server out of breath from (literally) running to another dining room to get it!Oh, my, was that one good crème brulee.

    But the story continues.

    Next night, we eat in the Royal Palace Dining room


    This time, I look at the right (correct) side of the menu, and see, guess what?Crème Brulee.Which I promptly ordered, correctly this time.
    And enjoy just as much as the first one.Two other ladies order the Crème Brulee and agree, very good indeed.One orders a crème brulee to take back to the cabin for later!

    But the story doesn't end here.

    The last night dinner is in The Animator's Palette Dining room.


    This is the crew that confused Crush.Confusing an animated turtle is easy and fun, but that's another story.

    Another fine meal, with two bottles of wine (last night on board, after all), and out comes the dessert menu.By now I have this down, left side is drinks, right side is desserts.No crème brulee, but some very interesting and yummy sounding choices.I order the sampler, a plate of bite size portions of three different desserts.

    Our desserts are delivered, and then the servers bring out three more crème brulee!The entire table cracks up, I am thoroughly embarrassed, Zacky and Lucien are laughing with us, and EVERYBODY gets two desserts!

    imageYes, Zacky and Lucien got BIG tips from me!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes, again!Got the Crème Brulee story put together and posted here and on Facebook.This was fun to write up!

    Goldie--Yikes, what an experience for your DD!I will be praying for her, this is crazy stuff.Not to mention expensive.Where did they get married?Can she go to that state and file divorce?Or file from where she is living now?It doesn't seem like she should have to go to St. John to get a divorce.Obviously there is something that I don't understand here.

    SPLASH!Back in the pool again!Ah, I miss the hot tub.I have checked my bill.I bought FOUR drinks on Monday!One of them sorta doesn't count, it was the Crème Brulee drink that I only tasted.But FOUR drinks plus wine at dinner?I didn't realize I was such a lush!I'm pretty sure there arecouple of drinks from Pink that are not showing up--the additional gratuity is, but not the drink.I did get refunded for the snorkel gear rental at Castaway Cay.It was windy and choppy and they didn't let people go snorkeling that day.

    Jazzy--sounds like the retreat timing worked out well.Snowshoeing can be fun, if the snow is good.Haven't been out yet this season, but I expect I'll get a chance eventually.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2016

    I skimmed, my battery is charged a little after a fww days Dan is supposed to get me a new one, he was here last nite. Such a character.

    Oh I love these pics. And didn't I tell u how beautiful Julies accent is, I could listen to her all day and such a lovely woman to boot. NM u never looked drunk, u all look so bootiful and happy, I just get so furcited bout the pics and sories that I tried to read very quickly.

    Jazzy I remember u going on Yaga retreats over the years, but of course I might be mistaken and it's nice to come back relaxed.

    I have to say looking at all the pics, it didn't look like so many of u weren't feeling goo and I'm sorry ro hear that, but I know how we look OK and inside it's a mess, but the great thing is u'r with women who totally understand u can look good and feel like chit so everyone can adjust. BTS didn't they have elevators? Stairs are horrendous nowadays.

    Lori u'r poor DD going thru all this chit for a divorce, I mean it's a no brainer and yet she has to act like a prisoner with this. At the time I never realized how easy my divorces were cuz I never went to court or anything, well by brother always took care of me, Oh the first one I went to court but no big deal. All of 5 mins.and 2 of those mins trying to talk the Biliff out of throwing my cousin and I out cuz we were LOLing so much, yes same cousin as now. Oh well---Lori u said u'r lossing balance, what's going on? I don't remember u saying that before.

    The other nite I had an explosive D all over the kitchen floor at 11PM and had to wake my DD to help clean it up I felt so bad, then Joey got up to help and I sent him to bed and did what I could,it was all over the place even o n the walls--this is so tiring and I'm full of bitchyness too.TMI right?

    OK Dar what;s with u'r hip? It's hard for me to member cuz I'm not on her enough I can not wait til I get a new batt. so I can be here every day. I really miss everyone and what's going on.

    Oh I LUBS U ALL and I would love to see Lara and Cyn in here much more often, we all miss u

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited February 2016


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited February 2016

    Hi girls, just wanted to let you all know that my friend Jeni had her BMX this morning with immediate recon. I just got word that she is out of recovery and all went well so thanks for your prayers. She has to wait 7-10 days for path report and node status.

    NM, love the pics and stories, how is it that you lost 3 pounds and I gained 5?

    Gotta run, house is a mess and it's cleaning day, see ya all a bit later

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2016

    Mary so awesome everything went well for your friend. Will pray for good path reports and speedy recovery.

    Cami there were elevators too lots of them, but to go to the smoking lounge you had to take stairs up to the 13 or 12 floor. I'm so sorry about your D I wish they could get that under control for you.

    Jazz I was rear ended by a drunk driver 3 years ago and have a mild traumatic brain injury which has caused my seizures. They are brought on by stress any kind of stress so good stresses, physical stress like pain, fatigue, being sick, emotional stress, environmental stress like crowds loud noises brings them on. It's very aggravating. My melds do help believe me or I would have a lot more than I do but there pretty much isn't a day right now that I don't have a least a small one. It is what my life has become since. I had a contra coo Injury I believe it's called where the neurons in the brain are torn. It's interesting to read about.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2016

    well weight wise i stayed the same but didnt eat the creme brulee, and the crush story is so funny!

    lori well i 'm glad the dd divorce is underway but not fair it has to cost so much,should be automatic when one partner is an a@@h%^& and free

    cammi,well that was certainly the big D,hope your feeling rested today

    jazzy the yoga retreat does sound peaceful could do with that after one day back at work

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited February 2016

    fantastic pics of you gorgeous ladies! I'm craving creme brûlée, both in dessert and cocktail form.

    Genny, positive thoughts and prayers to your friend.

    Cami, that's what family is there for. My mother went thru the same thing. She would get projectile "D". Not fun

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes!This was my last leisurely lie in before having to get up for work tomorrow.Oddly, I'm kind of looking forward to getting back to work.Need to find out what's going on with my peeps!If only that didn't involve alarm clocks.Supposed to rain and maybe snow here today, but not much accumulation expected, if any.In other words, winter in Maine.

    Cammi--the stories will be here, you can go back and read them when you have a good battery!You seem to really have trouble with batteries, Dan should just get you a couple and stay ahead!Yes, they did have elevators.3 sets of elevators.One set didn't go to our level, and I kept finding that set!The elevators were always so full and crowded that even I took the stairs sometimes.Explosive D in the kitchen, how horrible!I so wish there was something that could be done about that.

    4--LOL!What a great idea!I still smile every time I see my toes, and remember how nice that pedicure and leg massage felt.

    Genny--Hooray for the good news about Jeni--that all is going well, sorry she needs to be in that place, though.Praying for a better-than-expected path report.And I lost 3 pounds cuz living on a cruise ship is a more active lifestyle than here at home.Here I walk 15 feet to the dining room.There I walked at least the length of the ship!

    Collett--Great avatar pic!

    Juliet--Confusing Crush will be the next story, maybe I'll write that one up today.

    Hsant--I will never look at crème brulee the same way again!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Turtle Drink

    1/2 oz Benedictine

    2 oz Canadian Whiskey


    Pour both ingredients into a mixing glass half-filled with ice cubes. Stir well, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2016

    NM, I'm smiling from ear to ear, reading the "Crème Brulee" story. You posted the pictures so perfectly. And why did you not drink the cocktail. Seems as though that everyone kind of had some of their own plans on the ship, you all managed to have dinner together. WHAT A MEMORIE! My DD lives on St. John, there are no courts there. You have to take the ferry over to St. Thomas. They got married in FL, at a bank or car lot! Something like that! You have to live in the state where you are applying for the divorce. They said she can't file herself, she has to get a lawyer. Which is VERY expensive.

    Cami, chemo affects your balance. I mostly notice it in the shower, iffin I have to stand on one foot! I don't quite understand your battery issue. You have to plug the computer in to charge the battery, no? So why not just leave the computer plugged in when you are using it? So sorry aboutthat DAMNED D. I had that happen to me, but I was in the hospital. So embarrassing.

    Cute story 4 about flip flops. I wear them a lot!

    Mary, you are getting Nora soon. Please take more pictures, we miss her too! Continued prayers for Jeni. And I hope she gets all the paths soon.

    Nancy, was there ever a law suit from your accident? Such a horrible thing to have to be forced to live with.

    Julie, the divorce is NOT under way. I thought she might be able to get it done for about $150. They are telling her she has to have a lawyer, or at least a paralegal. It's the traveling back and forth between islands and paying for taxis each time, which are very expensive over there.

    Waiting anxiously for the next story. So much fun. Feels like I'm still on the trip! DD took today off, hopefully she can find something out. Perhaps my SIL has changed and life will be good for all three of them. Natasha seems like a very nice girl, and her daughter is adorable as well. My DD has always said that Jason is great with kids.

    VERY COLD here this morning. 3 below the donut hole, as NM would say! Jazzy, how is it in your neck of the woods?

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Platelets were 114, didn't kno what that meant, nurse said I got tx when they were 108 and 109, so I should be oK. Going in for it this morning so don't have much time.

    NM - I missed that 1st night with the crème brulee, but I was there when they brought out 3 of em. LOL. Love love love ur new avatar. U are a special lady for shur. It was truly GR8 to finally meet u…I think it was day 2 or 3 when we finally met? Oh and my tooth isn't green anymore!

    Your face was priceless…I still LOL when I think about it. U did excellent on the pics and stories…I musta missed the Crush too, so waiting for the details. Was 28o here this morning…brrr.

    Nancy - it was a pleasure. Thanks for sharing your story on ur brain injury and cause for your seizures.

    Jazz - I can relate to the aches, I was on Neulasta and now on Xgeva. Yoga retreat sounds like just the ticket.

    Lowee - I'm sure it won't be a problem even if my son is there. So lets count on spending Sat/Sun together. Those are the days yes? Yuck about the hands and feet. My gash, chalk it up to my clumsy self. Stepped wrong on the wooden step the driver of bus puts down to make it easier to get on, it tipped up and gashed my shin. It bled horribly, lots of peeps on the bus were handing me napkins and Kleenex. We put about 8 bandaids on it. All the blood was cuz of my Coumadin. Thank goodness Julie was there, back at the room, she had a firstaid kit, then Nancy had some bigger pads, I eventually went to the infirmary and got more pads, Neosporin, and betadine. I'm doing fine now.

    Miss you Dork!

    Hi to Cami, Julie, Hsant, Lynne and anyone else I'm missing.

    Sorry I gotta keep this short, but again, thank alll for a wonderful time.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2016

    Feeling a bit sad today. Last sunday, I learned one of my cousin's lost her husband to a several month battle fighting a serious infection. Today I learned a cousin on the other side of the family found out she has the same genetic mutation that my brother had, who died from a disease that was a result of it. She only has part of the gene mutation, but may be facing some health problems just the same.

    On my drive home from work today, I told myself "get used to this, we are all at that age now where stuff is happening." Yet, I am not sure I want to get used to hearing this type of news?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Back to work day for this Loungettes.I wonder what it says about me that I'm actually looking forward to getting back to work?I enjoyed my life of leisure, and can't wait to do it again, but for now, Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work I go!Not quite sure what Sadie thinks yet.

    Goldie--I didn't drink the Crème Brulee drink cuz I was already buzzed and another glass of hard likker would have been too much.Having ahangover while catamaraning and snorkling was not on my list of things to do. I did taste it, and it was very good, but very sweet.Your poor DD, hopefully she can get the divorce with minimal aggravation and red tape.

    Mema--LOL!I was so thrilled to finally meet you face to face!That cross country flight you took must have been exhausting.I remember flying from Boston to LA once, it wore me out.So glad you made it.

    Jazzy--So sorry to hear about your cousin's husband, and your other cousin's genetic mutation.Yes, we are at the age when these things happen, but I don't think we ever get used to it.Learn to cope, maybe, but not get used to it.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2016

    Sorry the pic isn't very clear.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2016

    good morning all

    mary -hope your friend gets good news on her path report

    jazzy-yes we are at the age when we hear these things more often but as nm says we never get use to it and as they discover more and more about genetics the more we discover what we can get to

    lori-well i wish it was all over for your dd with the minimum cost for her where;s that pixie dust when you need it

    morning mema,who seen me first thing in the morning before coffee and tea and survived

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2016

    LDB, a gash on the shin…….OWWWWWWW! And now green teeth? Wassup wif dat? Sat/Sun…it's a date girlfriend. Actually I hope your son will be there, so I can meet him.

    Jazzy, so sorry to hear about your cousin and brother. But you are so right about becoming "that age". I don't wanna! My husband is always saying we are ole people. And I tell him, you can be an ole people, not me! I just don't feel my age (57). Besides, I don't think that's old. I always used to say 80 is old!

    NM, a very sweet drink on top of an already buzz. I understand now! And no, a hangover on such a short trip, well…not allowed! I too love your avatar. So much nicer talking to a "face". LOL! And what do I see but a very sweet DOTD! Sounds yummy though, we are single digits this ayem. Glad you are looking forward to going back to work.

    Oh Julie, you think any of us look like princesses in the morning. I sure as heck don't! Glad you had your first aid kit for LDB.

    My DD is just going to have to bite the dust and travel back and forth between islands. But first she has to find a lawyer. The odd thing that I found online, from the "courts" website. It says you can get the paper/s for $50.00. But when you call, they say they don't do that anymore! Sounds to me that it's very hard to get a divorce there! It will be really sad if this ends up having to cost her $500.00 plus!

    Missing the other girls, as always.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2016

    Thanks to everyone for your kindness. I spent a lot of time trading messages with the one cousin yesterday on her genetics news and she is going to talk to my sister today (who is an MD). She is in a country with some of the best healthcare in the world, and feel she will be well taken care of. I am going to call the cousin who lost here husband this weekend after her son leaves. Chances are she will need a friendly voice. Both cousins far away, but trying to let them know I care!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Jazz - sending prayers and hugs. Getting this disease is bad enuf, but to have genetics that makes it even scarier. Hang in there and keep us updated.

    Julie - u saw me too…but you are always beautiful inside and out and you survived my 'ship rockin' snoring. Did ya ever have to use the earplugs?

    Lowee - it's a Green Light for the end of the month at my son's. He is meeting me in St Geo for his taxes on the 23rd, so said he will not be there that weekend. I'll let NM tell the story about my green toof since she writes stories so elegantly. Ugh on the hoops your DD has to go thru to get a divorce, praying that she can get it done without too much hassel. Looking forward to the end of the month

    NM - I can actually understand you looking forward to getting back to work. That verifies to me what a truly caring soul you have. Poor Sadie, I'm sure she got enuf attention these last few days to keep her happy whilst you go back to work.

    Cami - u poor thing, musta been horribly embarrassing for you. But ur not alone. Happened to me while sitting in the pod getting chemo tx. I couged and it jes spewed out into my pants. I got cleaned up and one of the chemo nurses gave me some 'paper' scrubs to where on the drive home. Whoo weee was I embarrassed and the smell oh dear!!

    Got my tx yest, but it took 3 hours instead of 90 mins. They temporarily lost the copy of my blood work. Then nurse says she is having my 'dose' of Kadcyla changed because of my weight loss, hmmm, not sure about that. Anyway, it took a lot longer than usual.

    OK, gotta finish this tax crap….have til 23rd to get it done. Taking pooches for shots this afternoon, and trying to set up grooming, they are a mess.

    Lubs all ya'all!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2016

    Hi friends- well my cousin has a plan to find out more about her liver problems and to see if they may be a result of the gene. So at least she is armed with info and a plan now. Thank you for caring and for prayers.

    Whew, my client worked has kicked my butt this week! I had a great yoga weekend, but was launched into a kind of hellish week!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2016

    Good morning, Loungetttes!First day back at work was tedious, lots of computer lessons getting ready for the new documentation system.Almost done with that, though.Had fun telling stories about vacay.I would like to ask for some prayers, though.One of the ladies I work with--Office Baby's Mom--collapsed during a meeting Tuesday, and had to have emergency surgery for a perforated bowel.She was awake and talking yesterday, but will be out of work for at least 8 weeks, possibly longer.

    Juliet--I can't imagine you are too terribly horrible before coffee/tea in the mornings!

    Goldie--I've never been fond of pics of myself as I am obese and not very pretty, but I have discovered that the pics can trigger nice memories, and am learning to love myself the way I am, so I am starting to use pics of myself more.Your poor DD.They sure do make it hard to get a divorce there.

    Jazzy--the cousin connection can be a very strong one.I bet yours love you!

    Mema--so I'm elected to tell the green tooth story?Do I have to be truthful?Sadie was not happy with me going to work yesterday.She barked and whined as I was leaving and wiggled her way out of the crate and left a "message" on the living room floor about her feelings on the issue.She is too spoiled, getting pets and tummy tickles on demand for 4 days!Not fair the treatment taking twice as long.How does a computer "temporarily lose" blood work results?Taxes?I supposed I need to do that, too.

    Jazzy--sorry about the hellish week back to work.That can unoo a vacay rally quickly!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2016

    Sue, can't wait! We will have some fun fer shur! Sorry about the treatment taking longer, but at least you got it done.

    Jazzy, glad that your cuz has a plan. Sounds like you need another yoga weekend!

    OH NM, so sorry to hear about your co-worker. Sending lots of prayers for her. Perferated bowel sounds serious. I'm glad to hear you are liking yourself for who you are. I know we all think you are beautiful, inside and out. Funny about Silly Sadie leaving you a "message".

    Gosh, it was more fun when y'all just got back from the cruise, quiet in here again. Heading to the indoor pool with mese Salty Dog.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2016

    Good morning ladies- TGIF. I have some work to do for my client today, but also have the cleaning company coming for the monthly cleaning. So I have to pick up around here to be ready for them at 11 a.m. The "cleaning before the cleaning" as I call it. I love going into the weekend with a clean home!

    NM, you look a lot like another sister here on BCO. You have a twin!

    Goldie- my next break will come over Easter weekend (also my birthday weekend) when I go up north to my favorite hot springs! That is only about 7 weeks away!

    Cami- I hope you are doing better. The projectile D must have been hard for you to deal with. It is tough when our bodies fail us.

    Wishing everybody a good day!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2016

    Hi Ladies, still no battery for my puter. M silly boss.

    Jazzy I am also sorry about u'r bad week, it can really be a PITA to work under a lot of stress. Try to relax this weekend. And u'r cousin is sharp.

    Oh NM WTF u are o bootiful all over the place, I know I'm crzy about my pic being taken but I was always like that, I just never liked it. Haha about Sadie, what a stinker (litterally), it's funny how ourfurbabies act, they're pretty sharp.

    Is everyone dong OK? After a vacay needing more time to relax usually is part of everything.

    Lori how r u feeling? I stll have my explosive D and started a new med now, so far nothing, but it lways takes a while--I can't leave the house still cuz of the D, ick Oh well--it sure has been quiet here. I'm on Joey's puter nd it's different than mine and he's getting so old, I luv it, but maybe not all the time--he's so busy with meetings, church things and his friends, but I do enjoy when we have real conversations, another Oh well.

    I had to come in here first so now I'll catch up on my work.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2016

    Jazzy, what hot springs do you go to?

    Cami, I sure hope that new med works. Tell Joey he can't grow up. He won't like it, and I'm pretty sure he won't agree. But tell him anyway! I'm doing ok. I managed to take the 6 pills for the entire two weeks. Monday begins my week off!

    Sitting here twiddling my thumbs. Tsk Tsk!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2016

    Goldie- I have a few I go to here, but my favorite is Ojo Caliente

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday!Boy was it easy to sleep in this ayem.Getting up to 5 inches of snow wasn't a whole lot of fun, but it is winter in Maine.50 degrees 2 days ago, snowing yesterday.

    Goldie--My co-worker is doing betting, thanks to all the prayers.She's out of ICU and will be going home when she can eat and drink enough to not need an IV, probably in a few days.She posted on Fb yesterday morning.She will definitely be out of work for quite a while, though.

    Jazzy--Who do I look like?I always thought I was unique!

    Cammy--Doesn't your puter have a power cord you can plug in and use?Not as convenient as being able to carry it around, but still usable that way.Sadie is a real stinker, all right.But she seems to have forgiven me, went quietly into her crate yesterday ayem, reminding me to feed her, and demanding lots of tummy tickles at bed time.Children do seem to grow up awfully fast, don't they?

    Goldie--Hooray for a week off coming up!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2016

    Good morning ladies- I survived the week! I started thinking about having a glass of wine by Tuesday, but by last night, made it a reality.

    Hsant, I finally got into my first bottle of the Route 99W pinot noir! It is so yum!

    NM- there is a sister here by the name of Blondie that you look like. We have never met, but I know her well and have seen photos of her and you two could be sisters. When I saw your photo, I thought "what is Blondie doing on that cruise?" She loves Florida too. She is not here as much these days, but we love her just the same.

    I hope your friend is doing okay. Abdominal surgery is no small recovery. Do they know what caused the perforation?

    Cami- how are you doing friend?

    Goldie- how is the weather in AZ? Been alternating between very mild to very cold! It has been really cold here this week but going up in the 60s by next week? Thirty degree temp difference in days week to week sometimes. We had a bit of moisture on Monday, but nothing major.

    I saw we are 39 days from day light savings here in the US. That means the evening light returns! I love when that happens! Springing back and getting used to that is another story......

    Wishing you all a good day.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2016

    Morning DahhlinKs!

    NM - brrrr is all I can say. We are expecting rising temps thru the week, possibly hit the 70's. Woohoo!

    Lowee - yea for u getting thru a whole week of dem nasty pills. And now u get rewarded with a week off. Know that's not a lot, but it's something.

    Jazz - we have similar kind of weather in southern NV...I can't wait for daylight savings, love the longer days.

    Cami - sorry to hear that the D is raging....hope new tx sets in and gets to work soonliest. Give yourself and Joey a hug from me.

    Ohh Y did I start this on the thread instead of my works app, now I can't go back and I can't remember what all was said. Ugh!!

    Well to all the other apologies. Hope all have a wonderful weekend.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2016

    This was three days ago on Facebook. Now 36 days? Yay for evening light coming back soon!


  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited February 2016

    Hi all!

    NM, you are beautiful! A very special lady, and your patients are lucky to have you. I love a Salty Dog! Make these a lot during the summer when we have guests.

    Goldie, oy. You are going thru a lot! I hope DD can get thru this relatively cheaply, and with ease. I also hope you're feeling better.

    Jazzy, prayers out to your cousin. Yes, it sucks getting older, because we lose the ones we love, but I'm so grateful for having the privilege of having those peoplein my life for as long as I did.

    Glad you finally cracked open a bottle of Rt. 66! Good stuff! I had a nice Zin the other night, Starry Night. Dry, fruity and full bodied.

    Cami, I hope you're feeling better. Projectile "d" sucks for that person, but it's not a big deal to the people who love you. As my sister said, it's better than being constipated.

    Genny, Crazy weather we're having, huh? Beautiful today over here on the east side. How are you?

    Mema, how are you? How are your pooches? It was also nice to see a pic of your pretty self.

    This is a blurry pic of my cantaloupe martini. Purée cantaloupe in a blender, strain in a fine sieve, add ice, 3 0z of vodka (I prefer Grey Goose), 6 0z of cantaloupe purée, and either one stevia packet or 2 tbsp of simple syrup in a martini shaker. Shake for for about 20 seconds. Makes two martinis
