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how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2016

    Hi girls,

    Lara, so nice to see you. Tell us what is going on with you, we are here for you. Some of the goils mentioned your name and that we have missed you here in de lounge. Hugs to you, hope tings git better soonliest.

    Julie, hope you had fun at animal kingdom. Are you home yet? It was so special to see you again. You are such an awesome lady, love that accent.

    NM, sorry your flight home was delayed. Stewpid circuit breaker. Yeah, I bet you and Sillie Sadie had a lot of cuddle time today. And I would imagine that she got extra tummy rubs. Getting back to reality does suck. It WAS great having someone waiting on us hand and foot! It was super awesome finally meeting you FIVE years since I first met you here at the lounge. You are as sweet in person as you are online, I was not nesspointed lol.

    Lori, sorry you have issues with the bottoms of your feet. Those dern FU pills, I can only hope that the s/e symptoms go away or at least diminish some. I had pain on the bottoms of my feet when I took the arimidex. I still have stiffness in my fingers that I thought would go away. BTW, I wished over and over that you were with us on the cruise, it would have been all the more fun!

    Nancy, how nice of you to donate breast tissue, hope it heals quickly. And sorry you had to miss the race. You were a lot of fun to hang out with, wish we could do it again and soon. You are a bootiful lady.

    And Lynne, what a pleasure to meet you. You have a great smile and also such a fun girl. It was fun hanging out all night with you until the wee hours of dawn ~ lol, our lil secret Happy

    Mary Mary, it was awesome rooming with you but more often meeting you girl. You are so pretty and so skinny, when I grow up I wanna look jest like you. I hope work was not too bad this morning, hadda suck gitting up early to work after our super big arse partay!

    Mema Sue has not yet posted but I did share text messages with her today. She is still at her DH's house relaxing and if off to bed early today. Sue, I bet she will miss having yer own full time nurses! Which yes, it was nice having nurses at our beckon call if and when needed, eh? Remember, I will always love you more MUAH!

    Queen. yes indeedy it was nice having room service twice a day if needed. I did not have to do much for myself and it was great not working for the week. Back to reality is gonna suck but mese not tinking about it til I go back.

    Cammie, I hope you git your computer back soon. And so sorry you are dealing with the blasted D again, breaks mese heart it does. Glad that Joey is still playing the clarinet, practice will continue to make him better. I tink I told you that I played the clarinet until I got braces on mese teeth and then had to switch to flute which I still play now and then. Music is a great escape. When I sit on mese piano bench, I feel like I am leaving this world and joining another very relaxing galaxy. It is jest magical, that feeling I git when I make mese own purdy music. And I do hope that the girls find a way to git your way so that I can meet your lovely self! I love you goil, love you so much!

    HSant, love your private aircraft lol. You had me going for a minute too.

    Jazzy, all of your chat about St. John and such make me wanna git mese ewwa back to a tropical island soonliest. I sure hope that a bunch of us can git together in the next few years for another BCO dwunken meet up, it is jest so special hanging out with mese bwest friends. Funny ting happened whilst we were out to dinner. There was a large video screen behind our table at dinner once nigth that had a talking fish (or was it a turtle or was it Nemo, hmm, I foyget already). Anyway, the thing was animated yet could understand English. It asked NM her name then started to address her by name, it was jest so clever. Well it asked where we were from and we said everywhere. Nancy first said we were breast friends...When the thing looked funcused, I added the word boobies and well you had to see the face of this thing when I said that, it was sooooo funny!

    Well I am going to make anuuder dwink and watch an episode of "I'll kill for you" on TruTV. I missed that whilst I was gone, that and game show network lol.

    You all have a super sunday, love you goils.

    cheers and titties up if ya got em!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2016

    For some strange reason I;m charged--OMG I missed all these wonderful days u gals had and again Lori TY for naming names, cuz everyobe looks so bootidul and happy and not drunk. why not? Well Dara alitrle and I guess 4 too. I'm so happy u all got together and had such a wonderful time. I was a little nerveous for u being on such a big ship.

    Lara u know u can share with us--we miss u, we want u well and mentally well.

    This went so faast after all the time that we waited, I'm sure u'r all exhausted and Sadie is happy as a clown or a dog.

    I LUBS U ALL and Lori I hope u feel better

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2016

    NM, love your post! So cute, no one to wait on you, no hot tub, no buffet.You poor thang you. I saw how horribly you were treated! The Elder Bubble sounds yum. I wonder if they would have held the plane for you. I have heard of them doing that, since they have names of everyone and they can see that you were on a previous flight that was delayed. First suitcase off the plane cuz it was the last to load! Glad you made it. 8 minutes, WoWSa! I hope Sadie was GLAD and not MAD to see you!

    Hi Lara, don't be a stranger. There are peeps here who care.

    Nancy, sorry about the race, but what do you mean "donate breast tissue"? What's going on?

    Wacko, you are too sweet to say it would have been more fun iffin I had been there. Thanka ewe! Did you keep everyone up until wee hours of de night? They SE's don't go away, they actually get worse! Accumulative thing, ya know! But then again, it's what is supposedly keeping me alive. So I'll take it. Nice post BTW. Love you girl.

    Ahaaaaaa Lynne, you stayed up with Wacko!!! Did she sleep all day?

    LDB, Wacko sayed you were at DH house relaxing. Mese tinks she meant your dear sons. BTW, I'm comin at you. Would love if you could pick me up, go to your son's house and I can spend the night, if that's ok?

    Cami, glad the puter is at least charged? I just keep mine plugged in. The only time I use the battery is when I'm on a plane. Did your DD ever get your hair done for you? I hope things are good for you and your family. And I'm doing ok. Things can always be worse!!! Right?

    Been working out in the garden and cleaning things up in the old west town. The Shady Lady is open for bizness!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited January 2016

    Morning ladies gotta get ready for church but had to say morning to my bestie beasties,

    We had some of those bar tenders laughing pretty good with put your best Titty up. Lol.

    Miss everybody and the sun and warm weather. It did get up to 60 here yesterday but today not so much. I had Jackson last night and get Samarah today. I will check in later.


    Team photo from race yesterday. Can you find me

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2016

    YUP, front and center!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes!I am so excited, I get to pick up Sadie in a few hours!I've been working on getting all of my pics together in one place, having a touch of trouble with the pics on the phone.The phone says their uploaded toDropBox, but I can't find themthere.I'm trying to e-mail them to myself and that isn't working.I may have to post them all to Facebook and then onto my computer!Ah, well, I'll get it worked out soon.

    Cindy--So good to see you here!

    Queen--I'm already going into service withdrawal!

    LARA!!!!!!!!!So good to see you!

    Collett-- sorry you got pulled out of the race, but better that than make the hematoma worse.I get to pick up Sadie at 3 pm today.Hopefully I'll be able to sleep better tonight with her to cuddle with.

    Dara--It was so good to finally meet you face to face!I wish you weren't hurting so much though.We did have agood time, didn't we?Oh, my, the look on that Turtle's face was priceless!He changed the subject pretty quick, didn't he?

    Ah, the Bar Tenders and photographers we traumatized with"Titties up if ya got em!"

    Cammy--in the pic with all the Disney characters I am so drunk I can barely stand up!

    Goldie--thanks for keeping the thread up to date for us as we all gathered in Orlando.I think they were holding the plane I connected with, but still was able to take off on time.Not a very full flight.Nice in first class, though.

    Collett--see you in the pic!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Creme Brulee Martini


    • Ice
    • 3/4 oz. Monin Caramel Syrup
    • 1 1/2 oz. vanilla vodka
    • 1/2 oz. vanilla liqueur
    • 2 oz. half & half
    • Yield: 1 glass


    1. Combine ingredients in a shaker in the order listed.

    2. Cap and shake vigorously.

    3. Strain into a chilled serving glass.

    4. Garnish with a drizzle of Monin Caramel Sauce.

    Who wants to tell the Crème Brulee story?

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2016

    nm you are forever princess leia of maine and thats the real creme brulee, wil try to get my pics up asap, back home now but guess who left her passport at disney ? waitin to hear if they found it, ah well titties up if you got them or best boob forward

    hello lara how are you

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2016
  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2016

    passport found disney to ship to me,have to arrange it tomorrow Happy

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2016

    imageme after the 5k with chip and dale

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2016

    imagefrom l-r-mary,lynn,nm,me,lucian,lbd,dorty,nancy

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2016


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited January 2016

    Hey girlz....I jest luv seeing the pic's. From what I can see it looks like you all had a fab time! Reality bites! Im sorry you are having issues Orla. I think we all do in one form or another. Dara, I will try and join you alls if you make another plan within the next few years or so. I miss you.

    Glad you made your flight NM, Typically what the airlines do...well, this is what we did when I was with USAirways ...if we had notification that we had a delay we would go thru the manifest to see what time people were connecting and if we saw a possible miss connect we would back the traveler up on the next connection out. They rarely hold planes for miss connects unless there is a significant number of people on that connection..other wise on time performance trumps anything else. I bet Sadie is happy that you are back. are the poster child for Disney whore...LOL. I agree with your accent. Arent there different levels of season passes..some with black out dates?

    The DOTD's look great..but NM your glass looks that because there is no tender to fill it? :(

    Hello to all the new peeps .. Hope to see more of you.

    BIG HUGS Cami!!!!!



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited January 2016

    Hi ladies- just checking in after getting back from a weekend yoga get away to the mountains here. My little slice of paradise for a few days, but nothing as awesome as what that cruise looked like.

    Loved the photos and sounds like everyone had a fun time!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited January 2016

    Glad you had such a wonderful time cruising, and managed to outwit the SnowMonster to get there and back!

    Three drinks:


    Honey, cardamom pods, espresso coffee (freshly made, Keurig, or reconstituted Medaglia d’Oro instant powder or crystals). Optional: 1 tsp.. aquavit or sambuca

    Put 1-2 tsp. honey in the bottom of a demitasse cup or shot glass. Add 3 cardamom pods, cracked. Add 2 oz. espresso (1 long or 2 ristretto shots, or the instant equivalent) and stir. (Float booze on top if you choose). Toss back in 2-3 gulps before it cools down.


    Seltzer, Torani cherry syrup (red, not black cherry), fresh lime wedge (1/8-1/4 of the lime). Optional: 1 jigger gin

    In a tall (highball, pint or large soda fountain Coke-style) glass, pour in 1-2 oz. (to taste) red cherry syrup (reg. or sugar-free). Add gin if desired. Pour in seltzer up to 1” of rim, and stir well. Squeeze in the lime.


    Black tea, sugar (white or demerara), Jack Daniels or brandy (cheap--don’t waste good Cognac or Armagnac on this)

    Brew tea to your preference. In an Irish coffee mug or regular coffee mug, muddle sugar (at least 2 tsp., to taste) and 1 jigger Jack Daniels or brandy till sugar is dissolved. Pour the tea atop it and stir. Drink very warm but not too hot. (You can use honey or agave if you prefer, but for some reason sugar seems to work better. Lemon is optional but I don’t like how it changes the taste). Don’t use sugar substitute--it doesn’t soothe the way the real thing does.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited January 2016

    Lori I donated breast tissue to the Komen tissue bank for cancer research. They are looking for a crude for BC and IU cancer center right now is the only donation site. It was worth it but my entire right boob is purple with a huge lump where they did the biopsy to get their sample. I didn't bleed like this with my first biopsy on my affected tend side. Geese.

    Anyway, no power for this girl tonight for some damn reason it went out. But so did 2,999 other people's around here. I'm about to fall asleep so manuanna!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited February 2016

    fantastic pictures! You gorgeous gals looked like you had a blast! I see a lot of red vino!

    Juliet, glad your passport was found! I'm sure that's a huge relief for you.

    Nm, you must be happy to be with your pooch!

    Jazzy, how was The yoga retreat? I haven't been to a class since August. When I'm in LA I can walk to yoga classes on the beach. I'm a little bit of a snob when it comes to yoga and fitness classes.

    Dara, double Jack and Coke? You are my new best friend.

    Goldie and Cami, how are you feeling?

    Who's between the two chipmunks? A 5k? Awesome!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2016

    Love everything about this trip. And Cami, it did go by so fast. That is why I always say you have to enjoy the excitement before a trip.

    Lucy, are you here to stay? We miss you!

    Ok NM, what's the story about the crème brulee?

    Nancy, never heard of "donating" breast tissue. I hope it doesn't give you problems.

    Jazzy, a weekend of Yoga? I have no balance!

    Hsant, that's Julie with the chipmunks. Our lounge Disney Whore.

    So glad to have you girls back. Did anyone go snorkeling? Loved the Pirate pics. What all did that entail?

    I'm doing fine. Been trying to help my DD get a divorce!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Sadie has finally forgiven me for not taking her with me--she spent all night with her nose and head right against my head or on my shoulder.I am so glad I have a few more days off from work, I am still ketchuping on sleep and rest, and probably detoxifying a bit, too.But what a trip!

    Julie--left your passport at Disney?OUCH!As in left it in the hotel, or lost it?Hope you just left it in the hotel and they can send it to you ASAPliest.Aha, I see, passport is found, YEAH!So much energy to do the 5 K on Castaway Cay!

    Cindy--my glass was never empty on the cruise, but doesn't seem to be filling itself here at home. . .

    Jazzy-- I think it was Mary that went to Yoga on the beach at Castaway Cay, I bet you were there in spirit!

    ChiSandy--Yummy drinks! I think I still have some cardamom pods from a previous baking experiment. . .

    Collett--no power?What a culture shock that must be for you just getting home!At least you aren't alone in your powerlessness.Sleep well!

    Hsant--Red vino, white vino, Reisling, sparkling, champagne,and that's just the wines!That's Juliet between the chipmunks.

    Goldie--I want to write up the stories carefully, to really share the feeling of the trip, so give me a day or so and I'll start posting them!Hope DD's divorce proceedings go smoothly.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Florida Sunshine

    Peach Schnapps


    Skyy Vodka

    splash of Orange and Cranberry Juices.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2016

    Hi ladies- waking up slowly with a cup of coffee. I had a Prolia shot at the MO's office on Friday that has left me a tad achy at night. During the days with yoga and hot tub and some spa treatments this weekend, I did not notice it as much. Hopefully that will ease up after today. Usually the first 2-3 days after the shot make you feel a tad like you are coming down with the flu. I mostly just get achy for a few days.

    The yoga retreat was fabulous. I have done retreats with this particular instructor, who is also a friend, both in NM and internationally but it has been a while since I have done one of these with her. I usually go to her other special events she does in town. The weekend was filled with four yoga sessions, time for meditation both mornings, time to read, journal, fabulous vegetarian meals, etc. The B&B where we stayed has a spa too, so you know I had to do that! Did two treatments, one on my feet and one hot mud wrap with massage. Major detoxing weekend with all the yoga, treatments, etc. I feel good outside the Prolia SEs right now. I think they were lessened by doing all that self care too?

    I lost my weekend to do my normal things around home and with errands, so I got back yesterday and was busy with unpacking, laundry, and some other things. I am heading into the client site for the day, and must get ready for that. Will hit some errands on the way out today. We have a snow storm coming later today too!

    Thanks for asking about the yoga experience. Here are a few photos from our time this weekend. Yes, that is my mat in front of the fireplace (toasty warm yoga!)



  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited February 2016

    Good Morning Goils!

    Just popping in quick. Already been out and running twice and you wouldn't believe the pile of laundry awaiting me!!

    I had the bestest time and will get to work on my pictures soonliest!

    In the meantime............................

    GGGrrr Gremlins are blocking the tunes! Sorry have to copy and past the link below!!!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited February 2016
  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    What a time. A lot of walking and climbing stairs. Windy and cold...thank goodness we had each other to keep warm. Lots to talk about but most will have to wait. Being gone a whole sooo much to do.

    Lowee - yes, on DS and not DH....will hook up at end of the month for shore. Hope your feet se's calm down.

    CyndieLouWho and Lara too....what a special treat....don't stay away so long.

    Loving the pics, I didn't take many but will post when I can.


  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited February 2016

    Good afternoon. Hope all the cruisers are getting back into their prospective realities with relative ease.

    Jazzy, your retreat looks divine. I am jonesing to do something similar, but not in the cards for me right now. I hope you get relief soon from the Prolia shot.

    Goldie, I'm sorry about your DD. Even if it's for the best, the process still sucks. She's lucky to have you.

    NM, that is one delicious looking cocktail!

    NCollett, Truly wonderful that you opted for an elective invasive procedure for the sake of research.

    Mema, looking forward to your pics!

    Genny, Fortunatly, you came back to some pretty decent weather.

    Juliet, Mazel Tov (congratulations) on your 5k

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited February 2016

    Hi ladies, finally getting around to posting after our nice vacay. I didn't get home till 9 on Friday, Dh picked me up at the airport and then we went out to dinner. As if I hadn't eaten enough! Wow, the food was good on the cruise, every night, I loved the choices! Glad to know you all made it home safe and sound. I still haven't seen ANorable but I'm keeping her on Saturday night, I miss that girl so much! Tomorrow is my bi-annual MO apt, don't expect any problems. Called Disney today about the strange charges on my bill. I have $100 of non-alcoholic drinks, yea right, me wracking up a tab like that on non-alcoholic drinks! They are going to go thru all my charges and see if they can figure it out.

    Dara, hopefully your week back at work isn't as horrible as you thought it would be. Hope your hip is feeling better. How's your dad? Have you gotten to see Logan since you got back? I'll bet your pooches were glad to see you.

    Sue, hope you're feeling rested and the leg gash has closed up.

    Julie, so glad to hear you found your passport, pictures are fun!

    NM, I'm glad Sadie has forgiven you, mine weren't mad at me since they had their dad here. So nice that you are still on vacay! I had to work Sat but now on my 2nd of 3 days off. Love all the pics that you put on FB, I only took a few. I didn't make the yoga on the beach, I felt to gross after the 5k so I went to the boat to shower. I'm missing the creme brulee, it was sooo good!

    Nancy, hopefully your bruise is just about gone and you're feeling all healed up and getting back to rowing. Nice pic of your team!

    Lynn, sure you are super busy getting back to the grind. I trust all survived without you?

    hsant, yep, great weather to come home to, looks like winter may return a bit soon. Do you still have snow? All has melted here but we didn't have much.

    Jazz, the yoga retreat sounds wonderful. I would like to do that one day.

    Lori, Julie and I went snorkeling, NM went too but didn't go in. The water was super cold for about a minute, then I got used to it, lot's of pretty fish to look at. Glad to hear DD is getting a divorce, hope she doesn't have too much trouble. Sorry about your feet, are you feeling better since changing the FU dose?

    Hi to CindyLou, Sandy and Lara

    Have a good night everybody!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2016

    Lynne and Sue and I went on a tour of Nassau and then we went on a tour of this really pretty gardens that had some exotic birds and flamingos in it. Lynne and I feed some birds and watched some flamingos March then our driver took us to a beach for a quick stop. The shows were amazing !! As all Disney shows are. The service of course amazing. If you said you wanted something you got it . I will let NM tell that story though. It was just awesome to be able to finally hook up with my best friends and have a good time together. We laughed and laughed and I really didn't have that manny seizures. I come back home and start shaking and trembling all over again. Damn . Cole was glad to see me too and so was my DH .

    Mary glad you got back ok. We went out to eat too as I got back around 6 and Cracker Barrel was on the way home and I really didn't want to cook.

    NM I'm glad Sadie forgave you and wa giving you hugs. Lol we do need to find that cream Berle don't we. I probably spelled that wrong I apologize.

    Julie so glad you found your passport. That must have been frustrating.

    Lynne back to reality is right girlfriend,

    Dara I hope your doing well and your work isn't stressing you. Love ya!

    Mema I hope your doing well. I love you and thank you so much for sharing your room Sunday.

    I really enjoyed being with all of you girls and miss our time together. But I look forward to being together again and this time hopefully with Lori and Cami and anyone else Jazz ,hasnat, or anyone...

    Love ya girls...

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes!I am still enjoying the leisure life, in that I get to sleep in, don't have to go to work until Thursday.NOT getting waited on hand and foot, though, so not quite the same.But the Sadie cuddles make up for that.Still collecting pics and working on getting pics out of my phone.I'm still unpacking stuff I never used, I probably should take notes for my next trip.Only1 pair of deck/beach shoes, never wore the water shoes.Much less jewelry.Maybe only one or two necklaces and bracelets.2 bathing suit tops.Why did I take 4 any way?Who knows.Wish I hadn't lost my silver lame Micky hat, though.Not sorry I lost 3 pounds, though!

    Jazzy--I've often wondered what a Yoga retreat would be like.I do like yoga, need to do it more often.I bet the self care did help with the Prolia side effects.Anything that minimizes side effects is a good thing.Toasty warm yoga is a good thing!Beautiful place!Hope you aren't in for too much snow.

    4--morning!Out running?You are way to energetic!I need to start walking again, I know.Quite the song/video!Back to reality is so right!

    Mema--Glad you got home safe!There was a lot of walking and climbing of stairs.And yakking and visiting and eating good food and drinking fine wines (and other imbibables). So great getting to meet everyone face to face.

    Hsant--getting back to reality has been easier with afew days off before going back to work, but is still a process!

    Genny--That was a long trip home for you!I bet you can't wait to see aNorable again.$100 of non-alcoholic drinks?How did that happen? Hmm, I better take a look at my bill, too!

    Collett-- The garden and bird pics are marvelous, thanks for adding them to the album!I'll write up the crème brulee story today and post it.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Back to Realitytini


    • 2 parts Pinnacle® Mango Vodka
    • 1 part DeKuyper® Vanilla Liqueur
    • 4 parts Cranberry Juice
    • Cherries


    Shake with ice and strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a cherry.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2016

    LDB, as for mese feet and hands, they will not clear up. They do a little when I am on my FU vacation, that's about it. Tis what it tis! Can't wait to see you. Oh how I hope we can stay the night together at your sons. But if not, I understand. What is this about a leg gash!

    Mary, too funny about the non alcoholic drinks. If they don't find it, all you have to do is dispute the charges. You will get your money back right away, until Disney can PROVE you made the charges. As for the FU dose, it was increased, so feeling better……..NO! LOL! I would have wussed out on the snorkeling too with the water so cold.

    Nancy, so sorry about those damned seizures. But glad you didn't have too many whilst gone. Yep, I know what kind of fun you had. It's awesome hooking up with Breasties!

    Can't wait to hear more stories!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2016

    NM, nice to see you in the pewl. Thanks for the swim! Wow, you went on vacation and LOST weight! I think maybe ALL OF YOU should check your bills. I'm still filled with excitement!

    Cami love? Where are you darling?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2016

    Good morning friends- we had a bit of snow and wind yesterday and some light snow overnight. Very cold again but the snow is now more in the northern mountains.

    I worked from home yesterday and the aches from the Prolia shots dissipated over the course of the day. I was able to sleep well last night vs. waking up with an achy body. I think I am through the three days of it. So much of the new normal is figuring out what to expect and finding ways to cope. My MO and I talked a lot about that this visit. I will be done with my 6 month follow up next week when I return to my BS office for my apt there. Then I should be clear again until July when I go back and do it all over again.

    Ncollett- I am sorry about your seizures, any idea why this happens?

    NM- the yoga retreats I have been to feature morning and late afternoon yoga before meals, and lots of "play time" during the day. There is always such good food too, vegetarian and delicious at this place. I had really wanted to snow shoe this weekend as one of the best places to do so is in the area, but knew with the Prolia shot would make that a not good idea. Several folks did go, and said the valley was beautiful, but the snow was not great. So I am glad to do the snow shoeing another time. The MO apt got made a long time ago, the yoga retreat got added in Nov. So things stacked, but I made it work by not pushing too much.

    Goldie- sorry to hear about the DD's divorce, and hope she can get through this okay. I think women stay and try in relationships much longer than men do, trying to make things work out. My own observations in this life.

    Yes, where is Cami?

    Gotta get to the client site today. Will post some more pics soon of my mountain adventures.

    Who is going on a trip next?

    Anybody going to a Superbowl party?