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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Friday!I'm not going to say TGIF cuz I'm on call tonight and tomorrow.Hopefully it will be uneventful this weekend, but we'll see.The new software system is working pretty well for something so new.It's really dictating rather than typing information, but I'm getting the hang of it, and it will be a lot faster in the end!

    Jazzy--A trip to NYC would be fantastic!The closest I've come to visiting the city is changing planes at LaGuardia.Staying at the Waldorf, that sounds so swanky and so much fun!I bet it will make a great base of operations!

    Collett--I heard about the Royal Caribbean boat in the big storm.I heard an interview with a passenger who said the crew was crying and praying and that scared her more than anything else.I can't imagine going through anything like that.Sounds like they are trying to blame the weather prediction, saying the storm was worse than reported.A wedding at the Ritz sound very posh!I bet you will have lots of fun there this weekend and for the wedding itself.You are one busy lady, and that's a good thing!

    Cammy--the tiny keyboard is a pain on the little computers isn't it?

    ChiSandy--OUCH!Tincture of benzion is very sticky stuff!If you have any nail polish remover with acetone that will take the Benzoin off skin and your rings.Not so sure about the cutting board, though.I'd have ordered pizza after all that, too!And after all that the wine wasn't good?SO NOT FAIR!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    High Seas

    1 splash Grenadine

    1 shot Lime juice

    1 shot spiced Rum

    1 dash Salt

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2016

    ChiSandy- I am so sorry to hear about you injuring yourself. The LE problems are tough to deal with alone, but having an injured other hand is awful. Even the wine did not help! I hope today is a better day and that you heal up quickly.

    You play the guitar?

    Native- NYC should be great fun. My sister (who is not much of a shopper compared to me) was talking about a shopping trip to Macy's in CA yesterday, and the said "I can't wait to shop at the Macy's in NYC!" I have a good friend in the NJ area (she will probably come in to meet us for a day or evening while we are there), and we always go to one of the stores on 5th Avenue to get our makeup done. You come away looking like a movie star! Plus they have makeup lines I cannot get where I live. Laura Mercier is my new favorite line (and found some up at Nordstroms in Denver last summer too).

    I read a bunch of reviews about the Waldorf, and don't think it is quite as good as it used to be, but think it will still be a great experience. My sister told me it was the best place she has ever stayed (although my favorite place we did together was the Fairmont Orchid on the big island of HI). Sometimes she/they travel to places they once liked and are shocked that things are different many years later. I asked her last night when she stayed there in the past, and it was like 30 years ago. So I wanted to be sure she knows what the recent reviews are. My sister is a doc and not strongly technology oriented, so surfing TripAdvisor, Yelp, etc. for reviews is not what she does.

    All that being said, it is going to be a fun time. I love the city and miss the city! And the Waldorf has a spa, did I mention that?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2016

    Jazzy, we are having exceptionally beautiful weather here too. We have a couple of fruit trees, that hardly ever produce, due to a late snow or freeze. And budding early due to warm temps. If they do bear fruit, some critter or another gets to them before us! We have a peach tree, produce well one year…OMG were they good!

    NM, glad that Sadie doesn't get the fleas, but bummer on the ticks. How often do you have to check her and how do you get them off? Here is the recipe for the spray, for you or anyone else that might need it.

    • 8 oz apple cider vinegar
    • 4 oz warm water
    • 1/2 tsp salt
    • 1/2 tsp baking soda

    Mix dry ingredients first then slowly add to wet as the vinegar and baking soda will react slightly. Put into spray bottle and spray pets down. Be careful not to get in pets eyes. Use Borax throughout the house, sprinkle it on the carpets and let sit for a few hours, then vacuum. This should kill all the fleas and ticks in your home and on your pets.

    Jazzy, yeah for the all clean with BC docs! When is the NY trip? You know we will want pics of the make up y'all go in for. I know, not here….private message.

    NM, be sure and double check your talk to text. It sometimes puts in something other than what you said! But I do love it. I use it when I can for texting, cuz I hate texting!

    Cami, are you texting with just a number pad? Where if you want the letter C, you have to tap the number 1 three times? Cracking up that you have to sneak on Joey's computer and your DD is still worried about the gov calling your other DD. What are they gonna do, lock you up??? I broke a power cord once, but when plugged in, it came straight out of the computer, so it was always being tugged on. The one I have now is shaped like an elbow, so the cord is sideways and not sticking out. Am I making sense?

    Nancy, who is Emma? Do we have a newbie in the lounge that I missed?

    Oh my Sandy, what an ordeal with your hand. At least it wasn't the LE hand that got stabbed And then to have the wine that didn't taste good! I hope you are able to play at your concert without any problems.

    LDB, I am not staying at Homewood. It's the old Las Vegas Hilton. I believe it's called The Westgate now. Yes, I just checked. Address is 3000 Paradise Road, I assume you know where it is? How come you aren't doing the Willie oil anymore?

    Well, we had a great trip and didn't cost much at all. Hotel was free all 3 nights, ate at Basia's on Tues, ate at our friends in Lake Havasu, and only lost about $15.00 gambling. Came home and worked more in the garden. I have most of it done. Cutting stuff back is quite time consuming!

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited February 2016

    Chisandy: love the vanilla-ish smell of benzoin myself, though I'd prefer it in bubble bath rather than all over my hands, the counter, the spatters on the floor.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Just got a letter from my colonoscopy doc, they want me to call and make appt for another one. Guess I'm on a once a year plan…ugh. I did the fecal test about 6 weeks ago it was neg. So not sure why another 'oscopy.

    Lowee - I went to LV yest and got u n I some stuff to try. Store doesn't have any oils yet, but they say they will soon. Did u research AZ for your application? I know they have stores all over PHX. Can't wait to c u too gf. Oh, not doing the oil cuz I'm out of it and my contact is making it anymore. Yes I know where 3000 Paradise Rd is. Jes 2 more weeks…Yay!!

    NM - did I tell ya love the pics and story about Pink Bar? Well I do, it's priceless. Yay on the ease of the new tablets, you'll figure out the rest as u use it. I don't think anyone got a pic of my toof, it all happened so fast. I still laugh about it tho…LOL

    Lynn - Can u pm me how much I owe you for the Garden excursion? I'm still upset that I'm such a klutz!! You are one bizy woman, hope you are getting some rest.

    Jazz - my ugh days are usually after tx and they pass. I've been on Lexapro for depression, don't think it's working but will give it a few more weeks. I did hear about that ship, shoulda never happened as the crew had the weather reports. Thankful it wasn't us. Yahoo at being good for awhile…I hope my time comes soon. A trip to NY…how fun. Keep us posted on ur plans.

    Sandy - how does that work, getting wine out without opening. Congrats on winning $125, sounds like fun was had by all. Ouch on ur stabbing yourself, sounds so painful, hope it stops bleeding and the pain subsides enuf by tomorrow. Just read 2nd episode of ur punctured hand…yikes you poor thing, lol about ur dh liking the smell of that glue. ((Sandy))

    Nancy - hope it heals b4 ur rowing starts. Miss you too. Sounds like a gr8 set-up for Saturday, have a wonderful time.

    Cami - we miss you too!!! Glad Joey is fine and love how he takes such good care of you…but getting a call from the government…oyvey!!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2016

    Jazzy, I play acoustic guitar, mountain dulcimer, acoustic and electric bass guitars, and a little bit of harmonica.

    It's not that the Pinot didn't taste good, it's just that it didn't taste as good as it would have with a food that complements it (and vice versa). Seeing as how I have to limit my alcohol to the equivalent of 15 oz. per week, it just wasn't worth it--we have a Valentine's Day dinner coming up that includes a bottle of wine. So I de-stressed with some dark chocolate instead.

    Mema, the way the Coravin works is that it has a needle that pierces the cork right through the foil capsule covering it. Then you push the trigger to inject a little inert argon gas (which comes in little capsules that look like Whip-its). Then you turn the whole thing upside down over your glass and push the trigger again and let go. About an ounce will pour out, enough for a taste. I usually do two ounces, which is perfect to go with an entree. Then you turn the bottle right side up and remove the contraption. The argon gas is heavier than air, so it blankets the surface of the remaining wine, and since it's also inert, it doesn't mix with the wine or the air. And as long as it's a natural cork, when you remove the needle, the pores of the cork come together and the cork "heals" itself. If you use it on a synthetic cork, that "healing" doesn't happen; but as long as you store the bottle upright the argon will still protect the wine inside. Trouble is, without removing that foil capsule you don't know if the cork is natural or synthetic, unless you Google the winemaker to find out what kind of cork they're using. You can't use it on a screw cap--you'd break the needle. For screw cap wines, best to use a Vacu-Vin pump & stopper and finish the wine within a week. And you can't use it on sparkling wines, since they're already under so much internal pressure that the bottle would explode!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2016

    AZ- the trip right now is planned for mid October. The week of Columbus Day, which is a very busy holiday back east. I was in NYC in 2007 during that time and the friend in NJ and we could not get any hotel rooms in the city because it was a three day weekend. It is midweek this year, but told my sister lets book the hotel early. It is a fab time to be in the city. I like the summer, fall and right before Xmas the best. I used to go down to the city all the time during the holidays back in the day. Something to look forward to!

    ChiSandy- I play alto and soprano sax, the flute, the violin (regular and electric) and am learning the steel drums. You and I could be an amazing two woman show!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2016

    LDB, I have not searched for AZ application. Guess I should do that, eh? Let me know what time you want to pick me up. I so appreciate it, thank you. Just when ever you get up and moving. If you don't get there til 10 or 11, ok by me. I'm just essited to see you!Bummer on having to do another heiny scope after only a year. I'm probably due for one as well.

    I'll take a ticket to the CHI-JAZZY show! Should be lots of fun!

    I had my labs done last Friday, so I know they are there for me to look at. I was gonna do it when I got home, but now I've decided to wait and check either tomorrow or Monday, when I start my next cycle of the FU pills.

    NM, I hope you are able to enjoy the weekend and do not get called in.

    Cami, have you gotten that cord or battery yet? Or has the Government come for you?

    Mary? Where you be? How was your Nora bisit?

    Nancy? Where you be?

    4? Wacko? Same as above!

    DOTD – Baked Apple Jazz Cocktail

    Unfortunately it didn't come with ingredients!

    Baked Apple Jazz Cocktail 2

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday!Snowing again, but very light fluffy stuff, so no real problem.Got to run out and do one visit this morning, so it shouldn't be busy today. I hope.Got to sleep through the night last night.The new software system is coming together and already has some decided advantages.I really like being able to see the patient's name, address, phone number, doc's name and phone number, diagnosis before the patient is even admitted.And I like being able to see what everyone else is doing with the patient, the same day!Much, much better!

    Jazzy--5th avenue shopping, makeup makeovers, a spa visit, what fun, what fun!My mother does the same thing--goes some place and then is shocked that it isn't the same as the last time she was there, 10 or 20 or 30 years ago!

    Goldie--I check Sadie for ticks and such pretty much daily, as part of our bedtime cuddle and tickle routine.When we are both on the bed it's easy to lay hands on all parts of her, even the parts she doesn't like touched so much.When I find one I pull it off with my fingers if it's already gotten big or with tweezers ifit's smaller.She tested positive for Lyme disease a couple years ago, fortunately that's not as bad an illness in dogs as in people.Borax is wonderful for all sorts of things, isn't it?Did you know you could mix Borax, sugar and water and leave it out in a bottle cap to kill ants?It works GREAT!I do check my dictation, the software does some really entertaining, but unprofessional, things to generic medication names!It does surprisingly well with medical terminology, though.Still need to figure out how to use it for texting from my phone, though.Sounds like you had a great trip, good for you!How'd you get free hotel nights?Cutting back stuff is VERY time consuming, isn't it?


    Mema--another heiney scope so soon?I'd want to know why, that's for sure.I was so hoping someone got a pic of the toof, to use with the story.I still smile when I think about all of us in Pink!

    Chi--that coravin sound like quite the gizmo!

    Looks like the HTL has a new band!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:image

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2016

    Good Saat. morning Ladies. U all have to put up with this little puter for now,my fingers are bigger than the keys.

    Sandy OMG u really got cut up, u really know what to do and having u'r DH as a Doc must make u feel better. (well I would) I HOPE IT HEALS WELL and quickly. I love u'r knowledge of wine, when I did drink it I would just drink the whole bottle so I never thought about the keeping it for next time, but I'm going to tell my sister about this, cuz she drinks 2 glasses still every nite.

    NM I hope u have a quiet weekend and no surprises, just doing what u want.

    BTW Sandy I didn't know u played the guitar or I forgot. Jazy right u 2 can get something going on. U talented people.

    SusyQ Oh chit with another up u'r ass thing. I'm sorry u have to go thru this again, I just wsnt this sll to go well for u. And u feel good.

    OK Lori good for u'r gsrden but It's super cold here so we'reon alert with snow to follow, But my big qquestion is are u over doing this, I hope u'r not. I know how u love it but make sure u take rests alot.

    Well I'm allowed to keep this puter in my room, if I don't write any government emails, well u know that hasn't happened, LOL I don't know why this bothers them so much, it's something I've done for yrs.

    Well no D for 5 dys, then yesterday wham, well now we'll see howthis goes. And no heart test now my Dr. said I had it when I was in the hospital and nothing has changed so that was good. I told him I didn't even remember I had it, but it was one I don't care for so I'm glad it'ss done. He was so sweet and I was expecting to have it done so that was good. But he did proceed to tell me how sick I was and I asked him not to since I don't remember I'd rather keep it that way. So that was that.

    Oh a girl asked Joey to come over Sunday evening to wstch a movie with her on Valentine's day...WTF these kids aare 11, oh and her parents won't be home and her 16 yr' old sister is babysitting.Joey's thinking about it cuz the parents won't be home--he's not to bright when it comes to this stuff LOL

    OK my fingers are cramping up, jeez, Dan better get my puterfixed soon--I'm limited on here for me, anyway.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2016

    NM, thanks for the info on the ants. I don't have them, but they are a huge problem where my DD lives. We have player cards at the casinos and the Edgewater offers free rooms M-Th. What kind of phone do you have? I know you used to have iPhone, but I think it's different now. The iPhone has a little mic like icon that you click and start talking. You have to say "comma", "period", etc. where they are needed. For instance…."Can you meet me for lunch today question mark. I can meet you at noon period. Looking forward to seeing you period."

    Cami, I don't over do it, but mainly cuz my back will hurt. So I do it in spurts. It's still not done! I will do that for maybe an hour or so, and then go on to something else. I think you did pretty good with that lil computer! Not sure I would let my 11 yo go to someone's house with no parents home. I'm sure Joey would be nothing less than a perfect gentleman, but still.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Happy Sa-Turd-day!!

    Lowee - yes, research it and get the paperwork started. I will text you when I'm on my way, then u can figure 1 ½ hours for me to get there.

    NM - hopin it's just one visit so u can enjoy the rest of the day with Sadie. Didn't know that about the borax and ants. We get them and they are rampant at the dog park in the spring and summer. But I'd be worried the pooches would get into it and that would not be good. I love the DOTD.

    Sandy - Thanks for the splanation of the wine opener, sounds pretty cool. You and Jazzy so sophisticated in the wine and dine genre. It's all very interesting. How is your hand healing?

    Jazzy - that would be gr8 if u n Sandy would hook up and record some music. You could play for us and the tenders at the pool n bar. What a blast that would be.

    Cami - woohoo for being D free for a few days. Sorry it reared it's ugly head again. You are going to keep on with the meds for awhile longer yes? 11 yoa, being alone unsupervised…I don't think so. Too much could go wrong…that's my opinion anyway. What if the 16yoa sister takes off? Wish you weren't so sick…Sending prayers and hugs your way.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited February 2016


    Margarita with black salt. Delish

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2016

    Hsant- YUM!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2016








  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2016


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2016

    I got some black salt awhile back--it’s alderwood-smoked. Haven’t used it yet, but might on salmon.

    L hand is healing well--steri-strips fell off and just wearing a band-aid now. But not taking any chances with carrying heavy guitar cases in either hand. (Gig in Wauconda tonight was canceled due to weather--postponed to the 27th, less likely to be bitterly cold. But have had LE issues all day with R hand & forearm. Put on compression this afternoon, and the arm is better. But the 3/4 finger glove (extends to nail beds) is stiff & clumsy and the 1/2 finger one (ends between middle & distal knuckles) feels very stiff, not at all like when I wore it for exercise Thurs. (And it’s the “soft” one)! The gauntlet makes my knuckles swell. Guess it’s that stupid front coming through again: low pressure on the outside means higher pressure inside (just like when flying or high altitudes). We’re getting a few inches of snow tomorrow, Ugh. It’s getting old.

    With dinner tonight (grass-fed grilled ribeye), we had some more of that Gauthier Pinot Noir. Amazing how much better good wine tastes when matched with the right food. 2 oz. was just right--had my last sip just as I had my last bite of steak!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2016

    LDB, I'll see what I can find out. Can't wait to seeyou. Gonna be so fun. But I thought you would be coming from your sons. You are coming from home and we will spend the night at your son's and then you will go home the following day?

    Cami, you should be able to make everything bigger on your screen Press the Ctrl and then the plus key (+). To decrease, you press Ctrl and the minus( –) key. I don't think I have heard of black salt. Been on a black sand beach though, does that count?

    Sandy, good news on one hand, not so much on the other. Sorry about that. Guess it's a good thing that the gig was canceled.

    I've started sneezing, so I guess allergy season is upon me. Oh how I hate this.

    Happy Valentines Day! Oh that looks yummy!



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2016

    Oh my gooness! WHY would someone of this size do this?


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2016


    Love Potion

    makes 1 cocktail


    1/4 oz clear creme de menthe (or peppermint schnapps)

    1/2 oz clear creme de cocoa

    1 oz vanilla vodka

    1 1/2 oz raspberry simple syrup (recipe follows)
    1/2 oz cream or half and half (optional)

    Pour all ingredients into a shaker filled with ice. Shake until chilled and strain into small cocktail glass. Garnish with fresh raspberries. Enjoy!

    Raspberry Simple Syrup:
    Add 1 cup of water, 1 cup of sugar and 1/2 cup of raspberries to a small saucepan. Bring to boil and allow mixture to boil for 3 minutes. All syrup to cool completely and strain off solids. Syrup can be stored in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2016


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes!Very cold ayem, here,As in 6 below the donut.I'm not getting the big wind some other parts of the state are getting, fortunately.Did get some snow yesterday.Four deaths so far this weekend.I go off call in about 19 minutes, YEAH!Whenever I am on call I wake up several times thinking the phone is ringing when it isn't.Don't sleep well at all.A nap is definitely in my plans for today.

    On top of being on call during a storm, I am driving a loaner car.Yuck.I was driving to my scheduled visit when the Jeep developed a vibration and funny thumping noise.It made me feel nervous, so I stopped at the dealership on the way by to arrange to have it looked at and to rent a car to use for the weekend.I got lucky in that they had a loaner I can use, so I don't need to rent a car.The mechanic did get to look at it yesterday and found that one of the wheels was about to come off!The lug nuts were loose and a couple of stems were broken.The wheel itself is damaged and needs to be replaced.Going to run about $800.I have just moved $1k of extra from checking to savings, looks like I'll need to move it back.Oh well, at least I won't have to dip into the emergency savings I'm trying to build up.

    Woops, Goldie, looks like I bumped you into the pewl!Like the sounds of the DOTD.

    Cammy--Call hasn't been too bad, got woken up but didn't have to go out during the night at least.Write all the government e-mails you want, girl, it's your right!Freedom of speech, etc, etc. It'll give some official somewhere something to do to check you out and make sure you aren't able to assassinate any one.Poor Joey!Doesn't know what he's getting into, does he?Seems like 11 years old is a bit young to be going to someone's house unchaperoned, no matter what gender mix, but I was brought up with what are now considered old-fashioned standards and rules.When I was that age and came up with something like that my mom would be calling the other's kid's mom to verify that a parent or adult would be there, find out the name and rating of the movie, and ask if alcohol was locked up or not.But like I say, different time, different world.I worry that the girl can say anything happened wether it did or not and Joey would be in trouble.CHIT that the D is back.Hope it passes quickly.

    Goldie--I've got an LG phone now.The text thing doesn't have the little mic icon, but it does have Google Speak, so I think I just need to change some settings or just generally figure out how it words.I discovered the need to speak punctuation when dictating to the new work tablet, sounds odd but is kind of fun!I'm thinking of seeing if I can get or find a mic for my desktop and starting to use the voice command/dictation software more.

    Mema--I was only out twice yesterday. Once for the scheduled visit, the lady died just before I arrived.Second one in the afternoon when another lady died in a local nursing home.Family was gone by the time I got there, so that was a short visit.And now I'm off call and can relax!Yeah!Did get 2 calls during the night, though.


    Cammy--there's a whole line of gourmet salts out there to explore--I have Citrus Salt in my cupboard, and am looking for some others to add to the collection.It's fun to play with the different flavors.

    Chi--Good food, good wine, aaahhhhhhhh!Sorry about the LE and compression garment issues.So not fun and not fair.

    Goldie--Allergies already?Well, I suppose that means winter is almost over.Love the heart pizza!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Jim Beam Black Manhattan


    • 3 dashes Angostura® Bitters
    • 2 1/2 parts Jim Beam Black® Bourbon Whiskey
    • 3/4 part Vermouth, Sweet
    • Garnish with Cherries


    Combine ingredients in 3-piece shaker. Shake vigorously to chill. Strain into chilled martini glass. Garnish with a cherry.
  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2016

    NM, I too have an LG phone. Must be a different version than yours, as mine does have the mic. Your desktop doesn't have a mic built into it? I have one I could send you. We use laptops now, don't even own a desktop anymore. Sorry for the loss of your patients, guess it's expected though. Is it hard not to get attached?

    Julie, Dara, Nancy, Mary, 4.............where are you ladies, gheesh!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2016

    Happy Valentines Day friends! As you all like to say here, lubs you all!


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2016


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2016

    happy valentines day people,

    cammi-i must be old fashioned too! because i would prefer an adult there

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited February 2016

    Happy Valentine's Day Girls!!!



  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited February 2016


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2016

    Happy V day Ladies....stopping in to say hey ....HEY!

    I forgot just how fast the conversations are here...get too behind and your F'd...

    That being said..I have no idea whats going on except Sandy stabbed herself and ordered a pizza...Lori lou and SuZQT are meeting up in NV ....4Sew is battling Disney for charging her for some drinks she would never in a million years order...some of you are freezing and sounds like Cami has a dilemma with guardians being home when Joey spends time away from home. ..well, that's what I got from scanning.

    Some of you know I had breast reduction surgery a few months back...well, the shitty titty hasn't healed the same as the good one and all the tissue in the breast is its solid as a rock and the nippled never came out of much going on this time of year and she said it was ok to put it off until this next October to have the tissue replaced with healthy tissue from somewhere else...has anyone had this done? She mentioned taking it from my the meantime the week after next she is going to pop my nipple out so at least i'll look semi normal.

    Have a good night <3

    xox Cyn

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited February 2016

    Hi girls, just wanting to let you know that I'm fine. Super bizzy, I've been off the puter for awhile. Had Nora last night, going to Molly's tomorrow night then out to dinner to sailabrate Jen having negative nodes! I will read and ketchup soon, love to all. Happy Valentine's Day!!
