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how about drinking?



  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2016

    Last night for me, at dinner out, was 3 oz. of a Jovino Pinot Noir from the Willamette Valley of OR. It was a 6-oz. glass, but once I finished my steak I didn’t feel like finishing the glass (plus, I had to drive, albeit only 1/4 mi., because we had a half-case of wine to tote home).

    Jazzy, saying a Mi Sheberach for your cousin (and NM, for your co-worker).

    Early last May, my DH Bob went in for a routine screening colonoscopy and came out with a perforated bowel. They tried twice to “medically manage it” via antibiotics and “bowel rest”--the first hospital admission nearly sent him into heart failure due to IV fluid overload because the stupid resident didn’t want to send him home with low potassium levels--Bob played the “cardiologist card” (and casually dropped the fact that I have a law license); and despite not being on staff at that hospital, insisted on writing his own orders for diuretics. He was discharged the next day. Happened again, but no fluid overload that time--they learned their lesson. Each time he insisted on going back to work after only four days at home (while still on Flagyl, teetotaling and eating a soft bland diet). The third ER visit, they asked him during triage if he had any "suicidal ideations.” He replied, “Suicidal? No. Homicidal...” He told them to fish or cut bait (the actual idiom he used was a bit cruder and scatological). So he had a hemicolectomy--and the removed part of the bowel not only had begun to adhere to his kidney but also was infected, contained the polyps that had been biopsied and also contained all his diverticular disease. No ostomy was necessary. He was back at work a week later. Two weeks after that, his hernia became incarcerated and in the middle of the night he drove himself to the ER (he didn’t want to wake me)! Next day it was repaired, the day after that he was home, and four days later......back at work. At least I convinced him to take 10 days off to go on our Mediterranean cruise in Dec. (by then we both needed it).

    So your co-worker may be back in action sooner than you think.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2016

    ChiSandy- thank you for the good wishes for cousin.

    Wow about your husband and the routine colonoscopy. I hope your DH is okay after all that?

    I am due for my next colonoscopy this year (had my first one five years ago and am on the five year plan). I heard there are some new tests out that one should ask for beyond the fecal occult blood test to check for any indicators of colon cancer. I am going to ask my doctor about those this summer annual exam before I sign up for another colonoscopy. I did not have a bad time with the last one, but had some major abdominal surgery since then and well, just concerned this one could go different.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes! Another lovely leisurely ayem, I actually woke up before Sadie did!She was curled up against my back with her snout on my shoulder, all warm and cuddly. So relaxing to sleep with a dog.

    Jazzy--Maybe I'll get to meet Blondie someday.My friend is doing well.I don't know what caused the perforation, haven't heard any details like that.We are all just very thankful that it happened during a meeting in the office, and not while she was out driving between visits somewhere.39 days from DST?Oh, boy.The time change messes me up no matter which direction it goes in!

    Mema--I'm jealous!Although we need the snow here, and we need the ground to freeze and get rid of the ticks and fleas.Now if we could just get some good cold weather WITHOUT wind, we'd be doing well!

    Hsant--I've never tried a Salty Dog, I'll have to get the stuff to try one this summer.The cantaloupe martini sound yummy!

    Chi--Holy Moly what your DH went through!And since when isperforated bowel managed medically?That's just asking for peritonitis and septic shock and death!I'm so glad your DH was able to bounce back so quickly from each of those episodes!Perhaps my co-worker will be back sooner than we think, but even if not, as long as she is able to come back healthy again we will be happy.A Mediterranean cruise?How wonderful that must have been!

    Jazzy--I'm on the 5 year plan, too, and trying hard not to think about it at all.Not that it was bad (I don't remember anything except how much the IV start hurt), but I just don't want to have to deal with the whole cancer thing every again.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD is Hsant's Cantaloupe Martini!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2016

    Jazzy, our nights and mornings have been quite cold, but warming up nicely during the day. I know later in the week we are suppose to get near 70! No daylight savings here, so things will remain the same. Sun shining like before 5 am!

    LDB, I have to take those nasty pills for TWO WEEKS! So looking forward to seeing you. Will you be able to get me some of that oil? I really want to get into that. And looking at you as my help and go to girl!

    Hsant, my DD will manage just fine. She is strong and a survivor. The cantaloupe martini is pretty, but I thought it would be more orange.

    Wow Sandy, what an ordeal your DH went through! Funny about "fish or cut the bait".

    NM, I didn't know that a freeze would kill ticks and fleas. My moms dog seems to ALWAYShave fleas. Poor thing, I feel so bad for him. LOL, looks like you used a different type cantaloupe in your martini! I have one of each!

    Was invited yesterday to a pig slaughter. Passed on the actual slaughter but did go. Weekend neighbors invited us. Her folks are originally from here, where I live. He is 83 and she 78. Delightful people and they love talking about the way of life back then. The slaughter was at their old ranch where the dad was raised from the age of 4. A one room adobe structure with a awesome wood burning stove. Then we went to the sons house to eat. Some previously slaughtered pig. I believe it was brisket we had. Everything was so good and we were so honored that they invited us, as it was all just families of both of my neighbors. I was a little late at getting some pictures. Here they had already split the pig. Dad and son were in that building to the right, along with other family members, butchering the pig and wrapping it. Sorry I hope no one is offended by the pics. Just scroll on by!

    Leaving tomorrow for Laughlin, be back on Thursday. My DH wants to hang out with our cocktail waitress's dad, before they head back to Poland. I'm quite certain they will probably be imbibing in some 190 proof Russian vodka. Will also spend a day in Lake Havasu with our friends there.



  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    It's Sup Bowl Sunday! None of my team picks made but both my aunties have em. Wish I could be there to watch them goad each other with every score.

    NM - I hear ya…I hate the wind, I can handle heat and cold if dressed properly for it, but I jes can't stand wind. I didn't kno a hard freeze would kill the ticks and fleas. Hoping you get ur wish.

    Chi - what kinda symptoms did DH have. I always worry about my colon. Have had pre-cancerous polyps removed in the past too. Last colonoscopy they found numerous polyps but only removed the biggest one it was neg, thank goodness. So glad he is doing better and I too had to LOL on his comment.

    Lowee - I don't know about the oils, but I will try and make a few calls and see if I have any luck. Can't wait to see u gf. Got an idea and when u want me to pick u up?

    Jazz - what are some of the new tests, can u send a link?

    Hsant - I'm doing just OK. Pooches are a mess from all the rain we had last 2 weeks. But they have appt for grooming on Weds. They are so soft and pretty when they are clean.

    Gotta run….Where is Nancy, Dora, Julie, and the rest of the goils?

    Lubslubslubslubslubs to all!!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2016

    Sue, you can pick me up when ever it soots ewe! We are staying at what used to be the Las Vegas Hilton. Not sure what it's called now. Are you still doing the CBD hemp oil?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2016

    Traumatizing Disney Dream Photographer (and Bartenders)

    "A bunch of us breast cancer survivors are going to take over a Disney cruise and traumatize Mickey."That was my answer when people asked what I was doing for vacation.And that was the plan.

    Plans don't always work out as, well, planned.

    Mickey is still trauma-free, at least from us.Oh, he was there, and we did see him, several times.Always at the end of a long line of people waiting to get a picture taken with him.We kept waiting for "next time when the line isn't so long."I'll give you three guesses what happened, first two don't count.You guessed it, the lines were ALWAYS long.Well, except for the By Invitation Only photo op that we did not have invitations for but got into anyway, but that's another story.

    Our urge to traumatize did not go unfulfilled.We traumatized.

    One evening Lynne, Nancy and I were wandering around and came upon a photograph area without a line.So we jumped in.Lovely background of the ship.We got a classic poses.


    Then the photographer tried for another classic pose.Someone (who shall remain nameless but is not me or Lynne)commanded "Best Boob forward!"

    Another nameless someone (no me or Nancy) asked "Wait a minute, is this my good boob?"All three of us burst into gales of laughter, caught by the photographer:

    image alt="">

    The poor photographer asked what we were laughing about.We look at him, he looks at us, we dissolve into giggles.Finally one of us choked out "Inside joke" as we made our escape.

    The fun, and traumatization, didn't stop there.

    My favorite bar on the ship was Pink.A champagne bar, designed to look like the inside of a champagne bottle.

    image alt="">

    The lights behind the bar look like bubbles.

    image alt="">

    Small little bar, sometimes I was the only one in the bar, or only one or two other people.On my first visit the bartender made me an Elderbubble drink.My new favorite drink!

    The seven of us gathered in Pink before dinner the last evening.Since all seven of us weren't together very often we asked the bartender to take a picture.I think all seven of us gave him our cameras.As we were getting the pictures taken the bartenders ask "Are you all related?"Nope, we're friends."How long have you known each other?'From a few years to more than5 years."Where are you from?"Nevada, Indiana, New Jersey, Florida, Ohio, Georgia, Maine."How did you all meet?"Online.We're all breast cancer survivors.

    There was a notable pause in the flow of the discussion here.

    The bartenders are ready to start taking pictures."Say Cheese!"Nope,that's not what we say.We say "Titties up if you've got 'em!"

    image alt="">

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2016

    Mema I had a busy couple of days. Had to get somethings in order financially and not having much success. Not sure if we are going to be able to keep my car. Lawyer wants us to turn in my DH car and kep mine. It's newer and cheaper but a certain bank isn't too willing to work with us. They want three months payment so that's what we are trying to figure out at this point. Then I had my babies. God will provide thigh I just know he will.

    We are supposed to get freezing rain and snow tonight I know husk!,,


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2016

    DsOTD at neighborhood restaurant/wine bar’s private Super Bowl party: Marques de Rizcal Brut Cava and Mutt Lynch “Hellhound Red” Rhone-varietal blend. I take the Fifth on how many glasses, but at least I didn’t drink the fifth....

    Best of luck with the financial-legal situation, Nancy. I know it can take some delicate dancing around the details in order to get back on one’s feet while trying to hold on to as much as possible of what makes life normal.

    Bob didn’t have symptoms. 10 years ago he had his first routine colonoscopy after he realized he was nagging his patients to get them but he never had one himself. (Shoemakers’ kids go barefoot). Three polyps were found and he was advised to come back in five years. He took seven. No polyps this time but diverticulitis. (My turn a week later--just ‘rhoids. I’m good to go till age 70). He was told to come back three years later, so he did. (He went to a GI endoscopy clinic down in Oak Lawn run by colleagues of his at Advocate Christ Med. Ctr.--but we live on the city’s far north side, just s. of the suburb of Evanston). It was a busy Friday, and there was quite a backlog. (I didn’t know that and feared something had gone terribly wrong--which it had, only nobody knew it yet). I finally got called into Recovery, where he woke up, was given juice & cookies, we were told two polyps were biopsied, and we were sent on our way (the propofol had worn off but the local hadn’t yet). Traffic back north was horrific, it was raining buckets, and he slept about an hour. Just past Soldier Field on Lake Shore Drive (we were stuck in the middle lane and crawling), he awoke in excruciating pain. We were already 2/3 of the way home, and I couldn’t get off the highway to an E.R., so we went home and he thought maybe he could sleep it off. He couldn’t. We both suspected from his symptoms that his bowel may have been perforated (the informed-consent release mentions it as a known complication--but statistically it happens maybe one in 2.000 times, in medicolegal parlance a “never event” which is possible malpractice). We called the GI doc who ‘scoped him, and he answered “I’ll meet you at the E.R. at Christ.” We told him no way--it was storming even worse and it took us over 2 hrs to get home. He said to go to a closer E.R., but didn’t have any colleagues he could recommend up north. So we decided to set out for the E.R. at NorthShore Evanston Hospital. He got up from his recliner and nearly fell against the bureau. I said, “No way am I letting you walk downstairs. I think we should call 911.” He replied, “Okay,” which was how I realized in how much agony he was. The paramedics would not take him as far as Evanston Hospital--we had our choice of Weiss (a snake pit a couple miles south of here) or St. Francis in south Evanston (a level 1 trauma center). Duh. To St. Francis we went. The resident who read his CT thought he saw free air in the abdomen, so he admitted Bob to a surgical floor. But in the morning, the surgeon re-read the scan and said the perforation didn’t go all the way through the mesentery and that he could be medically managed. By now, we know how that turned out.....

    He’s fine now, fully back at work and when not working, fully at play (he doesn’t play golf, tennis or jog but he walks long distances and climbs at least a dozen flights of stairs a day). At one point, he had lost so much weight (from the unpalatable bland soft diet that was in itself an appetite suppressant--one can get sick of pasta Alfredo, scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, bisque soups and vanilla gelato awfully fast) that his middle-aged spread was gone and I outweighed him by 30 lbs. He looked great. But after his hernia repair, when he was given the dietary green light, he regained his appetite, he outweighed me again, and we are locked in a weight battle. He is determined to get below my weight and I am determined to stay below his.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes!I'm not sure why all the pics didn't post with the story here, but you get the idea.Snow coming in later today, and very cold temps for the weekend, which figures since I'm on call Friday night into Sunday morning.Oh, well, such is life, right?

    Goldie--a freeze will kill any ticks and fleas not attached to a host, so the population gets really knocked down during the winter.When the winter is warm the population stays a lot higher and they are a much bigger problem in the summer and fall.I would have passed on the slaughter part of the pig slaughter, too.I freely admit to being a hypocrite, I don't want to see animals killed, but I will eat the meat happily!Have a good trip to Laughlin!

    Mema--I'm getting half my wish, going to be very cold this weekend, but it sounds like there will be some wind with it, have to wait and see.

    Collett--freezing rain and snow, yuck!

    Chi--oh, my, your poor DH!What a saga! So glad he is recovered.While regaining his weight isn't good, it's good his appetite is back.I'm rooting for you to win the weight loss war!My co-worker was discharged to home yesterday, that is very good news.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Barnaby's Buffalo Blizzard

    3/4 oz Vodka

    1 oz Galliano

    1 oz White Creme de Cacao

    2 tbsp Vanilla Ice Cream

    1 tsp Grenadine

    2 oz Milk

    1 1/2 oz Whipping Cream


    Blend ingredients (except cream) briefly with half a glassful of crushed ice in a collins glass. Top with whipped cream. Serve with a cherry.

    Best served in a Collins Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2016

    NM, great pictures and great stories. So sweet of you to share that here. What is up with trying to post pictures here! It used to be so easy. Now it's just a hit and miss. Glad to hear that your co-worker got to go home. Does Sadie get fleas often? If she does, have you seen the remedy going around. It's a spray from ingredients at home. I know apple cider vinegar is one of the ingredients. The pig was definitely yummy.

    Nancy, that's horrible that you will lose a vehicle. Praying for you that all things will work out. I know having those two little loves helps.

    Wow Sandy, what a story for a simple heiny scope. Glad everything turned out ok. Good luck on the weight battle. I root for you!

    Not in a big hurry to leave this morning. No plans for when we get there except to drink and gamble! I'll check in iffin I get a chance. Interesting DOTD, trying to imagine what it must taste like!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2016

    Good morning ladies- seems like New Mexico is going to have warmer than normal temps this week. I have noticed some of the trees starting to "bud out" more but we tend to have this very long slow evolution of spring here. Some things start blooming slowly in the month of February (like my gopher plant) and culminate in May. I find the long slow spring an interesting thing. We still can get snow here easily through end of April though. Anyways, on the milder days, I try to get out at my client site and take a short walk around the building.

    NM- I love the pic and your stories from the cruise. I chucked with the "is this my good boob" question too during picture taking.

    I like to that you told the bartender on the cruise how you were connected. I think cancer has many faces and people need to be more educated on the whole reality of cancer. I know I certainly got an education about cancer having it versus knowing others who have had it. I think sometimes people just think the worst and heard more than a couple people say to me "you are going to die now aren't you?" comment. By sharing your story and how you found one another, people can see you came through it, and were out and about enjoying life! The only way for people to get past the fear is to understand us better?

    Sandy- whew, what a story. I am glad your DH is doing well.

    Although I am not that into football, I went to a Superbowl party last night. Good food, fun friends, lots of fun. I left before the game ended but saw when I arrived home the Broncos had won. Denver will be a big party town once again. I predict a large haze over the city (lol!)

    Have a good week ladies. Will pop in when I can.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited February 2016

    Good Monkey Morning Goils!!!

    Loving all the pics and stories. Is it just me or does it seem like floating with Mickey happened months ago??

    Off and running for another week. But then the kids get a 9 day break. WooHoo!!! Nick was out of town last week right after I got back so I have not had time to do much with my pics and stuff. I tried to get the Crush video to post but I am going to have to tap my teenage tech guys!

    Miss you all!! Reality so just bites!!! Sorry I don't have time to get to all individually. Hope everyone has a great week!!

    LUBS and HUGZ!!!


    HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I know we could use a do-over, so why not give Chinese New Year a go?? Plus the year of the Red Fire Monkey just seems so appropriate!!




    Fiery monkey year greeting card template. Floral patterned concept with chimpanzee head in wreath and inscription Happy New Year 2016.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited February 2016

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Lowee - no haven't been taking them lately, will check on those also when I do some research and make some calls. I think u told me u were staying at Homewood Suites @ 10450 S. Eastern? Anyway that's what I have written on my calendar. If that's not it, jest text me fri when u get in.

    Nancy - u poor thing, finances can be a real downer. I hope you can figure it out soonliest. How is ur donation site healing up? I will say some extra prayers for ya. (((Nancy)))

    NM - LOLROTF!!! Gr8 pics tho, wish I hadn't been soo tired so I could hang with you gals more…I missed out on a lot. But You tell the stories so well! I'm a hypocrite too, can't help it, as I really like chicken, beef, pork, all of it. Cept for buffalo, glad none of it is in ur DOTD…gross.

    Chi - OMG I get chills just thinking about what you and DH went thru and then the traffic and rain to boot. Glad he is recouped. LOL about you two trying to best each other with the weight loss. Good Luck Lady!

    Jazz - yeah LOL, a very large haze. Glad u had a good time at the party, DH and I jest sat home and watched it. Yest was a 'not so good feeling' day for me. Feeling better this ayem tho.

    Lynn - can't wait for the crush video. And it does seem like it was long ago. Oh yes, let's do a Chinese New Year. I love sake warmed up and will always drink too much. But I got me a bottle, meet ya all in da pewl!

    OK…off to finish my and my DS taxes, well I won't finish them, but I might get ours finished. That will take some of stress off me. Hope everyone has an easy week…


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2016

    HAPPY NEW YEAR every body, still tryng to get my cruise stuff put away but no wil there so cold here ok cold for fl so would rather read , love looking at the pics, ,y disc not co operating for putting on another disc my need my tec h support niece or nephew

    bowel perf especaily if you have diverticuilitis is more likely as the bowel is weakened where the little diverticuli are ,they do try medical management but usually end up with surgery

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2016


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2016

    Sex on a snowbank? That sounds like Cami's favorite drink (or thing to do?)

    Just having fun with you Cami! Love you girlfriend

    MemaSue- I am sorry you were not feeling good yesterday. I have days when I just feel "ugh" and call those my "aromatase inhibitor days". Of course, it was just around this time last week I got over my "Prolia shot days". I am glad you feel better today.

    Did you cruising gals hear about the cruise that left from NYC to head to Florida and ran into rough weather off the NC coast? Middle of February seems to be an odd time to run a cruise out of the northeast?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2016

    Gung hey fat choi, gals (if it fell on Mardi Gras it’d be either “gung hey fat Tuesday” or “let the good times egg roll”)!

    The party went great--between us we won $125 on squares and “Sack Sack” drawing.

    Dinner was an Asian theme--teriyaki salmon, sauteed sugar-snap peas and fried cauliflower “rice” with veggies.

    My DOTD was a terrific Gauthier 2012 Carneros Pinot Noir. Bless that Coravin: I was able to pour myself 3 oz. without opening (and more importantly, having to finish) the bottle. I get to try wines that I always thought were too costly for anything but a special occasion meal, dinner out at an upscale BYO, or party.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Class for the new documentation system went really well.The tablets/system have some nice features, and a couple of disappointments, but overall it will be much better.I'm really looking forward to figuring out the voice to text feature.Being able to dictate input will be really nice.3 1/2 inches more snow on the ground this morning, but it's light fluffy stuff, not a big deal except for the blowing around.

    Goldie-- Sadie has never had fleas, but I do find ticks on her, and found a lot of them last summer and fall.Ugly critters, ticks.I do use a spray on her during the summer, with essential oils, that may be why she doesn't get fleas.Apple cider vinegarseems to cure EVERYTHING!

    Jazzy--a long slow spring would be interesting, indeed.Taking a walk around the building is a good idea, something I need to more of.Walking, that is. Anywhere.I just need to move more.I think we did educate some people about cancer survivorship on the cruise.It's amazing how many people do not realize what having cancer means despite the millions of dollars spend on "awareness" and research.I remember several people saying something like they thought I was all over treatment after surgery and radiation and when I was just starting anit-hormone therapy.Ah,well, time will educate more and more people as more and more of us survive.

    4--It is seeming like the Mickey trip was longer ago than just a couple of weeks!Happy new year to everyone!I can't wait to see the Crush video.

    Mema--I wish you could have been with us more, too, but the time we had was WONDERFUL!Writing up the stories is a lot of fun and a great way to relive some of the memories.I haven't forgotten your green tooth!

    Cruise ladies:does anyone have a pic of Mema's green tooth you can e-mail to me or post on FB?I need it for that Mema's story.

    Juliet--gotta love teenage tech support!And the Sex on a Snowbank!

    Jazzy-- I didn't hear about that cruise running into weather.Must have been scary.I know cruises do leave out of New England ports all year 'round.I suppose you can run into weather any time of year.

    Chi--What on earth is "Sack Sack"?Hooray for winning $ no matter how!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD is Julie's:


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2016

    NM- I work with healthcare systems in my consulting work, what system are you using?

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2016

    Morning everyone! It's really cold and snowing here. I'm ready to go back to the sunny warm weather we had in the Bahamas 😎

    Mema my purple boob is less purple these days. Still have a lump and some bruising but it's getting better. I may still need to have it drained. Hope your doing well. I have been thinking of you. 👯 Miss you and lub ya

    NM I just love how you narrated our adventures. You should write a book. My coach actually wrote one on her breast cancer journey. It's funny really, you can get it on Amazon I believe but really you should think about it. Your very good at that. Miss hanging out with you.

    Julie I'll take 2 of those drinks you made. I could go for another movie night with you, NM and 4. This time I won't fall asleep so early. And we need Mema, Mary, Lori, Cami, Dorothy and whoever else would like to join to pull up a chair and join us. We would need a bigger room though. Jazz you up for movie night?

    Gotta go get my mom to the Doc so will catch you all later. Hugs miss you all and love ya

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2016

    Good evening friends- I finished up my current 6 month follow up with my BS today. I saw my MO a couple weeks ago as you know, and he said the same thing. We are good now for awhile with the cancer doc visits! Grateful to be doing well.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day, for those of you not working the weekend.Today should be fun, I'm doing an admission this afternoon using the new tablet and software system.I did figure out how to dictate intothe thing, that should be fun.Cold here this ayem, and Sadie has gone back to bed and is curled up in the pillows.I wish I could do that!

    Jazzy--they call the new software Home Base Home Care, and MAAS360, and Point Click.Not sure which is the actual name.

    Collett--I enjoy writing up little stories like that.Maybe someday I'll collect a bunch and see if I can publish a book.Sorry to hear about the boob still being purple and swollen and sore.

    Sounds like we need to add a nice big theater to the Lounge!


    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Pain, Pain, Go Away

    6 pints Irish Whiskey

    5 splashes Irish Cream

    2 tbsp Tabasco Sauce

    4 oz Ginger Ale


    Pour tabasco sauce into a large container, add whiskey, cream, and mix well. Pour into appropriate glasses, drink and chase with ginger ale and lemon peel. (Drink the mixture, take a swig of ginger ale, and bite the lemon peel.)

    Best served in a Margarita Glass.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2016

    HI Ladies, Oh NM I love u'r stories and u explain so well, but I didn't see ll the oics for some reason. It;s super cold here this week but no snow so whtever.

    My power cord is all screwed up too so I need a batter and a new tip, no not tit, tip, according to Dan I should have it next week, I'm slow with work but using my texting skills, which are crap.

    Lori I hope u'r feeling good when u'r away, u'r o lucky to see SusyQ. now I wish I live ther.

    Sandy the horror u/r DH went thru, good thing he knows whst's going on and so glad it turned out well for him. U 2 really enjoy each other and wht u do, that's so nice to hear.

    Nancy I feel for u and the money dificulties, I'm still fooling around with the IRS from 2010, it took me one day to find the paaper work and now I have to screw around with monies I don't even had, I barely made ends meet and they are acting like I;m hiding money in a vault. Well much like all my female parts that's as much money I have. But good luck to u and I'm glad u have someone helping u.

    This put is goofy, it's another type of window and smaller than mine.

    Jazz u can always say anything u want to me I'l never mind. nd u'r as busy as a bee in high season, so u'd better relax when u can.

    Oh I lovin' these drinks especially anything with coconut, right now I cn't drink, but soon. 3 days no D, I fear saying that. but we'll see.

    Joey's fine we spent a lot of time together this weekend he takes care of me better than some adults do.

    Leslie really was worried about ,me taking Joey's computer cuz she knows all the people I write to and she actually gets nervous so I'm sneaking this t nite, She reminded me that ever since Jodie was called by the government doesn't that scare me. Poor girl she just doesn't have nerve, maybe when all female things are gone balls show up or something like them. I'm now psycho mom. Oh well.

    Oh I miss u guys, I can;t wait til I get my own puter back.

    Hi Julie


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday!Boy this working for a living thing is tiring.But I did get to be the first one to do an admission on the new tablets and software, and it will be a much faster and easier process.Dictating note is a new experience, but one that I like already.

    Cammy--This pics didn't post here for that story for some reason.I'll try again to get the pics in sometime.Got a couple more stories to write up, too, so still some fun to come!It's starting to sound like you need a whole new computer, not just a battery!But I think I know what you are talking about, I've broken a few power cord tips/sockets/whatever-they-call-its myself.Your texting is way better than mine!

    Hooray for three days and counting!

    Wow, quiet here in the HTL!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Gaelic Coffee Drink

    1 Creme de Menthe

    3/4 oz Irish Whiskey

    3/4 oz Irish Cream

    1 1/2 oz Dark Creme de Cacao

    2 oz Milk

    1 tsp Instant Coffee


    Blend until smooth and pour into an irish coffee cup. Top with whipped cream and sprinkle with green creme de menthe for color.

    Best served in a Irish Coffee Cup.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2016

    Good morning ladies- I have been a busy woman this week with work, but also planning a trip to NYC this fall with my sister. We got the idea last fall when we were at a family wedding in upstate NY. We were driving down the 87 from Albany and there were signs to the city, and I said "lets blow off the wedding and drive down to the city for the weekend!" LOL.

    Being that our family is originally from the east coast and we lived a good half of our lives there until we moved out west to different places, we used to go to the city all the time. I was there for a day a couple years ago when I was back east to meet a friend and we crammed in a play, 5th ave shopping, visit to my favorite deli (The Carnegie), and more! I told myself next trip I would go for longer and maybe stay a week. I used to work in the city a lot with one job I had too. I have never done a trip focused around JUST the city, always one or two days around other trips. So our plan is we are going to do five FULL days in the city with travel in and out on the surrounding days.

    My sister wants to stay at the historic Waldorf Astoria. I had been looking at some Hilton's around the Times Square area and my sister, said "what about the Waldorf?" Well, I found a great deal on a suite that would cost as much anywhere else around the TS area. I did do some reviewing last night of the Waldorf on TripAdvisor and the reviews were mostly good, but some of the rooms suggested the rooms needed renovations/upgraded. The suites got the best thumbs up and that is what I got for us. They have everything there from the concierge, to a theater desk, to a spa. I think it will be a great setting for a whole week in NY. And the Waldorf has always been on my bucket list!

    So we have that plan in the works now and it will give me something to look forward to after this project is done!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited February 2016

    Good frozen morning to ya everyone! At least the sun is out right?

    Jazz - Yeah for a great report! Thats awesome. Is it hard to drive to NYC? That's on my bucket list as well. I need to go to the East coast. I have not been there yet. I need to get to Maine and then stop and see NM and I want to go to Vermont and Mass and NJ and see Dora again and of course the Cake Boss. Lol

    Cami I am so glad knock on wood that you are not having any big D right now. Hopefully it will stay away. I did our taxes and will owe out the wazoo because I took all my retirement out of my IRA and of course even though I paid taxes on it they want more because they see it as income and because I am only 50 they are still going to penalize me some. But hopefully we can make payments to our darling Uncle Sam. I need to take that to my lawyer. I am still going over all my medical expenses to make sure I didn't miss anything.

    NM did you see that storm that the Royal Caribbean boat went through. Al from the Today Show showed the forecast that the crew had and that the cruisline had and they could have either sailed around it or postponed sailing but someone made a really bad decision there. They really are not supposed to sail into storms like that from what I have been told. So glad we didn't experience anything like that on our trip.

    Emma hope your doing well. I miss you and think of you often. Love ya.

    So this Saturday I get to go with my son and DIL to the Ritz where they are having the wedding and do entree tasting, cake tasting and a bunch of other things. So excited for that. And for my daughter we are putting together their Engagement party. Also finding venues for my teams Pink Paddle Party for November and working on donations and sponsorships since I am a co-chair this year and also busy with Komen Race for the Cure doing Ambassador things for them so I really don't have time to think about all my financial problems :) which is a good thing.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2016

    Wow everyone is so busy.

    Jazzy that sounds like a really nice trip and like the cruise it will be here before u know it. U are another one so organized, ?Good for u.

    Nancy I never understood all the ira STUFF eVERYTHING HAS BEEN TAXED i THOUGHT BUT NOT ENOUGH i GUESS, but I'm glad u have so much to do cuz u really can;t think about it, but the tasting sounds. like fun to me and so does the other things

    OK I found a little notebook computer, it's driving me crazy but I do have use of it, if my fingers don't cramp up, it's so small..

    OK I'll try to chime in later

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited February 2016

    Ncollett- oh too far to drive dear. There will be flights into LGA for us!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2016

    I could definitely use a really good DOTD right now. Came home from LE therapy and shopping and found several packages I'd been long awaiting. So I grabbed a letter opener.....and you just know this story doesn't end well.

    Yup--stabbed myself in the L palm just below the index finger. Washed it out (very painfully), put direct pressure on the wound by applying sterile gauze, wrapping my hand in a washcloth and raising my arm and leaning hard against the doorjamb. When the bleeding stopped, I slapped on a band-aid, wrapped it in self-stick stretch gauze and walked to the Immediate Care clinic around the block. Fortunately, it hadn't re-started bleeding, so the doc there cleaned around it, applied some Tincture of Benzoin, three Steri-Strips and another band-aid. Said I didn't need stitches (I have a concert to play Sat. night!) and if it starts bleeding again to reapply Benzoin and Steri-Strips. He gave me some of both and sent me on my way.

    Well some of the stuff that came today were new charms for my Pandora Medic-Alert bracelet. And after I finished putting them on, I looked down at my hand and saw some dried blood. Pulled off the band-aid and both it & the Steri-Strips were soaked with blood. Tried to pull off the Steri-Strips, but they were stuck. Called the clinic....and it had closed 20 min. earlier. So I figured it wasn't worth driving to an ER. Cut open one of the packets holding the benzoin swab.....only it didn't just have a swab, it was full of benzoin...which is iodine mixed with a natural tree resin that is like a milder version of surgical glue. You can guess what happened next: the benzoin didn't just get on the strips I couldn't remove--it got all over my other fingers, rings, the butcher block carving board, etc. After I put on fresh Steri-Strips and band-aids, I tried scrubbing it off the board with soapy water, but there are still some sticky spots. Didn't have any sandpaper or emery boards to spare (and too much repetitive scrubbing would make my R arm swell up with LE), so I just dabbed it with paper towels and flipped it over. Meanwhile, it took some effort getting those rings off--I had to soak them in Dawn and rubbing alcohol and tried to scrub (with a plastic mesh dish sponge pad) and then polish them as best I could. My husband Bob came home and said he didn't think I need to go to the ER and can wait till morning to go back to the clinic. I asked how he gets benzoin off his own hands (he's a cardiologist who uses it to help close the mini-incisions from doing cardiac caths). He laughed and admitted he just washes his hands and likes the smell...which reminds him of vanilla. So right now my left hand smells like I dunket it in a vat of vanilla extract. At least it doesn't look like it.

    Meanwhile, I had been using my L hand to do all the hard work, heavy lifting and pressure. Now I don't know how the heck I can lift my guitar case; and though the clinic doc said I could probably play by tomorrow, I'm afraid to rip the scabs open again.

    So the pizza I ordered arrived. (You really think I'm gonna cook and stick to my diet with all this stress)? Bob had a box of Malbec open and offered some to me. After all, fine Pinot Noir or Cabernet Sauvignon don't exactly go with sausage pizza. Poured myself some--but because the spigot on the box was sorta cockeyed a lot of it got on the floor. Had to stop & wipe it up before the cats tried to lick it. So I finally took a sip and....heck, it tastes like boxed Malbec. Am I really gonna waste my limited alcohol allowance on wine that I don't love, just because it's wine and it's there? No way. I finished my two slices and am about to take the Coravin and pour myself a couple ounces of that Gauthier Pinot.

    But you know what? Just took a couple of sips....and it really doesn’t taste as good without a steak, roast chicken or salmon. Think I’m gonna let Bob finish the glass.