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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2016

    Mary, I would highly suggest Moab for a trip. It is so pretty. And I'm sure they have golf courses. I think one right on the Colorado river. Lots of scenic drives and hiking. Did you do any hiking in Sedona? Here is one. Check out the view! My son does work, but only 29 hours a week. He is lazy and not interested in looking for more work. He says he applied to a lot of places on line, but not in person. Plus he could not pass a drug test. Burning eyes, I assume are from the FU pills. Sorry you are going home to snow. It is not common for it to rain this time of year. Usually July and August. Hard to tell, but I think that is you and hubby in front of the pink jeep? Yep that's you guys!

    Jazzy, have you ever been to Moab? Not too terribly far from you. We have been through some hot springs up that way, but I think further north.

    Fearless, good to see you back, and you are able to visit with Bella and your kids. But I totally get wanting to stay home. What kind of dog is Bella?

    Julie, my mom had only had 1 real shower in 3 months? And she's headed back to that. She tells her aide she's not up to it, and does a dry shower. No wonder she gets so many UTI's! You DW you!

    For the new goils, Julie is a Disney Whore, hence the DW.

    NM, hopefully you and Sadie are having a nice snuggle in this morning. I'm sure you'll be around soon. Let me see if I can find a DOTD.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2016

    For the red rocks in Sedona and Moab!

    Red Dirt Chi Chi
    1 ounce Ketel One vodka
    1/4 ounce Grand Marnier
    1 ounce mango puree
    Dash of sweet-and-sour mix
    1/4 teaspoon li hing mui (salty dried plum) powder
    Heaping tablespoon of mango boba balls (juice-filled tapioca-style rounds)

    Blend first five ingredients together with crushed ice. Top with boba balls.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited April 2016

    Good morning friends- we got some good soaking rains yesterday and last night. I woke up to the sounds of pouring rain and cannot say we have had that in awhile. Today is a big foggy, and rain will come back on Tuesday to moisturize the early once again.

    Goldie- I have been to Moab, have not been up there in awhile, but love, Love, LOVE it there. For anyone who has never traveled up through southern Utah to see Monument Valley, Arches National Park and Canyonlands, it is one of the most beautiful places in this country. I highly endorse this for Mary's next adventure!

    NM- sounds like you are having a nice easy morning. I am taking it slow too and paying some bills. I have some errands to do later and going to stop at Home Depot to check out a 7 peice patio set they have on special to see if that is worth considering for my new patio set I am looking to replace. My yard looks so happy and fresh after the rain last night.

    And no, not real terms but goofy ones! That is what makes that so funny!

    Fearless- sorry about your friend's dad. One of my good friends lost a brother last week (she was off to the funeral in TX this week) and another good friend here lost her dad on Thursday night. She was on her way home from a business trip and got the news while sitting in an airport restaurant. She said that was just so awful (I have been traveling when I have lost family members too, but got the news while friends were with me). She told me there will be no service for her father, he did not want one and apparently both her mom and dad agreed on that together.

    I told my friend that it is good to respect the wishes of the person who passes, but that everyone who looses someone needs to have some sort of ritual to help accept the loss. So she has some things in mind and told her would help her with them if she wants. I had another friend whose mother passed a few years ago and her sister did not want to have a funeral, so they could "save money" from the estate. A good friend of hers had a nice dinner at her house for my friend and others came to spend time with her. The sister did not come, and that was fine too. It is interesting to see what some families do (or don't do) with this stuff?

    Anyways, you were a good friend to go to the services for her dad.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited April 2016


    Happy Saturday!

    I hope everyone is having a wonderful and relaxing weekend.

    I haven't had a chance to read everyone's posts from the last week or so, but dang there are some gorgeous pictures!

    Goldie, your garden is truly impressive. Beside yourself, who else helps maintain it? I'm so, so sorry about your mom. I know what it's like to be far away from a parent who is not doing all that great, and it is nothing short of horrible. Your mom sounds like a very strong woman. Ain't nobody going to mess with her. Prayers out to her and your family.

    How wonderful that your son takes care of his grandmother! He's obviously a very special young man.

    Genny, gorgeous pics of Sedona. You obviously had a relaxing vacation. You remind me of one of those old time movie stars. She's on the tip of my tongue, but I can't think of her name. Eventually it will come to me, but you're so elegant.

    Native, thank you for the explanation about a green house vs. an outdoor garden. What do you grow? No assisted living facility for my dad any time soon. He's not there, yet, and he would deteriorate in that environment. He's had my back my whole life, and now I get the privilege and honor of having his.

    Memasue, Cami, Juliet, Fearless, Jazzy, I look forward to catching up on your posts.

    This is what I woke up to this morning.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited April 2016

    Hsant- that is unbelievable. It looks like ALOT of snow too? I hope it will melt quickly, after all, it is April! I remember when I was in college back east, we had a blizzard one April and the university had to shut down for the week. No one was sad, just sayin.......

    I have been working on home organization today. Went through a closet and organized some spring and summer items in a way that they are more easy to locate for my morning dressing for work. I am needing to put away the fall and winter stuff now, and pruning items in the closets to take to consignment to recycle those back into the community and get a bit of cash for a few things still in good shape but that I am not wearing. Most of us here have found our bodies have changed and I am just finding some things that used to fit no longer work for this body of mine anymore.

    I am also working on getting my patio set up for the spring and summer months. We got some good soaking rains yesterday and last night, but today was sunny and getting my house plants and the wintering geraniums back out on to the patio so they can soak up the sun and grow. I keep all the plants, some of which are quite large, in my dining area and now have some nice space in the dining room and put things back together so it's less of a "greenhouse" and more of a dining area. I am also looking at more patio furniture and saw something I liked at Home Depot today, but going to take a trip across town next weekend to a place that has a whole warehouse full of choices. I have never bought patio furniture before, the set I have was given to me by friends when I built this house and excited to pick out something fun!

    My patio is my favorite place to be in the spring and summer months and do a bit more entertaining in the better weather months with friends. I have my first group coming over in mid May (just a couple friends from my client site). I am also thinking about having a summer party, but need to think carefully about that as it is a lot of energy to do something like that. I find these days having friends from my different social networks vs a big bash is less exhausting and more fun for the hostess?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday Lovely sunshiny day here, 25 whole degrees.Brrr.But sunny!I'll take sunny, it's pretty and brings hope of warmer.


    Goldie--woops, bumped each other into the pool!Love the Red Dirt Chi Chi, What are boba balls?Sounds naughty. Hmm, tapioca and juice.Definitely sounds naughty!That looks sooooooo good!


    Jazzy--Hmm, I may have to consider Monument Valley, Arches Nat'l park and Canyonlands for a future vacay.But Acadia National Park is still the most beautiful in the country!OK, one of the top 5.Love the goofy terms, those can be so funny.It is amazing how many ways a family marks the death of a loved one.A funeral is for the survivors, and some form of ritual or recognition is important.Celebrations of life are getting more popular all the time.Allows for a get together and mutual support without the "having a funeral" aspect.


    Hsant--I putter around with growing different stuff.Some veggies, some flowers, got an area I amworking on naturalizing with Lupine and spring bulbs. Trying to get some clamatis and other climbers established on the chain link fencing Sadie's yard.Eventually I will get a good herb garden going again.Herbology is a bit of a hobby.So good you can have your Dad's back right now.And you can keep that white stuff right with you!I don't want any more!


    Jazzy--ah, patios and decks, almost time to really be able to spend time on them again!Nice to spend time outside after being cooped up inside all winter!


    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Warp Core Breach

    1/2 oz Tequila

    1/2 oz Goldschlager

    1/2 oz Bourbon


    Pour the goldschlager into a 1 1/2 ounce shot glass. Layer the tequila on top, followed by the jack daniels. Shoot.

    Best served in a Shot Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2016

    Jazzy, we have been to all of those places, some even twice. Western UT is also beautiful, with Bryce Canyon and Zion National Park. We LOVE Moab too, our favorite place to take our quads, camp and go riding. Summer is too hot tho!

    Hsant, my husband helps with the planting and the irrigation. But pretty much when that's done, it's just wait until harvest. He also fertilizes during the season, and he helps pick stuff when there is a lot and it's time for canning. That of which he does not help! Pretty picture you captured, but I'm glad it's not in my yard! I hear ya about having your dad's back. My mother is a mess. She used to be strong, strong minded and bull headed that is! But now she won't hesitate to tell people, "I'm an old housebound old lady". She's only 77.

    Jazzy, I too hoard my geraniums into the house for the winter, about a month or more, I cut them all back. Too cheap to buy new every year! We got barely a drizzle of rain, not even enough to make any mud!

    NM, I agree with a "celebration of life" or just a memorial. I don't think I really want a "funeral". If so, it would be a closed casket. Acadia looks beautifuy! So many beautiful places in this country of ours. I think you have the idea of the Boba Balls. We had Bubble Tea in CA one time, while visiting with Lilian.Taiwan is where it originated. Quite interesting, to say the least. They give you a straw with large opening, so you can suck up the Boba Balls with the straw. As for herbs, there are several that you can grow and they will winter over, and spread as well.

    Spent most of yesterday out in the garden. Planted a bit more and did some weeding and just cleaning up. Today I need to at least dust!

    Bubble Tea


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2016


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited April 2016

    NM- I so agree about Acadia Park. I have been there a number of times (grew up on the east coast) and Maine is one of my absolute fav places in this country. We used to vacation up in Maine when I was a kid, but could not tell you where. One of my mother's cousins had a cabin on a big pond/lake and we would go up in August. I have great memories of fishing with my dad, picking wild blueberries and seeing the cute little otters in the lake that would follow our canoe around. As her kids had their own families, we lost the invite to that place we had for a number of years. Some sweet memories of that time, as you can tell.

    I also spent time in southern ME in my 20s, when I was dating a guy who had family in the Ogunquit area. We used to go up there a lot on long weekends and later, I spent a summer working at a restaurant there. That was a really fun summer during my college years.

    Goldie- well that is too bad you did not get any rain. I hear there is a lot of rain out in CA right now (sister lives there) and we may get more on Tuesday and hope you get some moisture this time. I hope El Ninjo sticks around for awhile.

    Cami- we have not heard from you in a few days and hoping you are okay?

  • Fearless1956
    Fearless1956 Member Posts: 41
    edited April 2016

    Good Monday morning to you all. I'm ready to start a new week. Temperatures are supposed to be mild today, getting back into the 70's!! I love Spring in the south! Everything is greening up and my tulips are blooming. I'm not a gardening person and definitely don't have a green thumb. We live in a condo complex, so I don't have a garden spot anyway. My DH piddles outside more than I do. I have always wanted tulips, so he planted some for me this year along with some flox (thrift). At least there is a little color outside our unit.

    Hsant--I would not want your weather at all. I'm just not a cold weather, snow-loving kind of person. I'll take warm/hot weather any day. I had enough snow while I lived in NC for about 30 years. It's pretty but sure wrecks havoc on travel.

    Juliet---hope you are enjoying your trip to Disney. I have been twice and I really have no desire to go back. I kind of liked Universal better than Disney.

    Jazzy--now that I plan to be home for the next few weekends, I need to get busy doing some spring cleaning and home organization as well.

    For you ladies who have been or live in the west, that is one place that I would love to someday visit. My children are fortunate enough to have been. When my parents were younger, they took my kids on summer trips and one of the best ones they had was a 2 week driving trip to many western states. I've seen many beautiful pictures of that area of the country.

    We brought our dog, Bella, home from board training yesterday. She is a boxer-pit mix. We got her in January as a rescue. She was sick and had kennel cough at the time and our hearts just went out to her. We got her to the vet and on medication and within a week, she began acting so much different. The puppy in her came out! We started working on some initial training with her and she could follow a few simple commands but there were problems that we just couldn't get her to listen and obey on (jumping, play biting, etc). She was wild! Anyway, we have a friend who trains dogs, but he lives in SC. We contacted him and he was willing to train her but we had to travel there every couple of weeks to work with her; she had to know to follow our commands and not just the trainer's. Well, we now have a changed dog!!! She is much calmer and listens to our commands. She can even function off leash and still behave herself. We are amazed and this is exactly what we wanted as results from the training. I will try to post a picture later as I now need to end this up and finish getting ready for work.

    Hope everyone has a great Monday as the start to a new week!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes!Pretty red sunrise this morning.Of course, the weather guesser is saying light snow changing to rain later. Sigh. Garden still mostly frozen.Sigh.At least it was sunny over the weekend!


    Goldie--Sounds like your Mom is still bull headed, uh, strong minded!My Mom overwintersa geranium and a few other plants.I keep saying I'm going to steal a leave off the lemon geranium to have a home.Smells so good!I'm going to go the cremation route.No open casket, no casket at all.Whatever else gets done is up to whoever survives me. That Bubble Tea looks great!I think there was something sold briefly a few years ago that had "flavor pearls" that I bet were Boba Balls.Kind of fun, as I remember.


    Jazzy--Around here we call southern Maine "North Boston"!Pretty area, though, if awfully busy and crowded.There are so many ponds and lakes, so many camps.All are beautiful and fun.


    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:


    1 splash Vodka

    3/4 oz Amaretto

    1/4 oz Irish Cream


    Build in shot glass. Float Bailey's in amaretto and top with 151. The Bailey's should float in the middle.

    Best served in a Shot Glass.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2016

    Jazzy, for some reason rain/snow most always misses us. Not always, but usually. We have rim/ridge to our west and I think that might have something to do with it. Plus it makes it practically impossible to get in or out of our place.

    Fearless, I am originally from Michigan, been in Arizona for 16 years. Glad that Bella was able to be trained. I've only been through Georgia and stranded there one winter at the airport. Last year or year before.

    NM, does the lemon geranium bloom. Guess I better Google it. Google is your friend (most of the time). I have a pink one that looks similar to that, but never noticed a smell. I do have some chocolate mint, and I like to buy pineapple sage, it also has a beautiful bloom and gets quite large. I think I have posted pics of it before.

    Hope everyone is doing well, another quiet evening at The HTL!

  • Fearless1956
    Fearless1956 Member Posts: 41
    edited April 2016

    imageimageimageNM--I love today's DOTD. The combination sounds wonderful. I'll have to get some of those ingredients and try it!!!

    Goldie--you should plan a trip to the ATL where you can stay longer and not just get stuck at the airport. Thankfully, I don't live in the city but in metro Atlanta (northwest) and I avoid going downtown as much as possible. There's still plenty to do without being in the city.

    I'm posting a few pics of Bella (and one of them from last night with my DH at our local hangout where they allow dogs on the porch). We are so glad to have her home again.

  • Fearless1956
    Fearless1956 Member Posts: 41
    edited April 2016

    NM---Today's DOTD sounds delicious! Some of my favorites all combined into one drink.

    Goldie---You should plan a trip to the ATL when you don't have to get stuck at the airport. We live in metro Atlanta and there's plenty to do away from the city. We avoid going "downtown" as much as possible.

    I'm going to try once again to post pics of Bella. I tried in the previous post (that I deleted above) because it removed some of my post and posted the pictures at the top instead of the bottom. I'll try to make it work this time. One of these is of my DH and Bella at our local hangout where they allow dogs on their outside patio. We took her with us last night when we went there for a drink and a bite to eat after getting home from our trip to SC. The one of her laying down doesn't seem like much, but to us, it was. She used to NEVER stay in one place without us being around.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2016

    Bella has some pretty markings. I am just scared to death of pit bulls. Former friend of ours had one, and I was so nervous being around her. Hubby is pretty easy on the eyes too!


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited April 2016

    Good morning friends- getting ready for work and whatever rain was trying to come in last night did not do much, but we may see more tonight and through Tuesday, Sorry it is missing you Goldie, seems to be the case here in the west with hit or miss showers.

    Fearless- your Bella is a real cutie. She has beautiful markings too, those of the boxer I see? I am glad you got her some help and that she is feeling better. She is lucky to have found you to give her a forever home!

    And if you are ever in Albuquerque, let me know so we can meet up for some fine NM somewhere in town!

    NM- I would love to see the lemon geranium in bloom! My fav color I have found so far is a purple one I have kept going through the winters. Most of the others have been of the red or coral color. They are such beautiful and hearty plants! I hope the snow moves through quickly!

    I remember that southern Maine was very busy in the 1980s, big tourist area for the summer vacationers. I have heard from friends who go there through the years that it is very built up in the Ogunquit area. It was very charming back in the day, and loved Perkins Cove.

    Getting ready for another busy week at work. I am feeling better from this cold finally and not taking any crap from those people over there this week (one in particular). I got this one!

    Wishing you all a good week!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited April 2016

    Happy Monday!

    My weekend was pretty uneventful, which in my world is a good thing. I opened the bottle of Cigar Zin, and enjoyed a glass (okay two) with oven baked bbq ribs, and roasted Brussels sprouts. It didn't disappoint.

    A shout out to all those gorgeous dogs, zues, Emma, Bella.

    Mutley and Sadie are not forgotten.

    Jazzy, your pic of the various descriptions of wine cracked me up. The Hubs and I have spent many a boozy weekend wine tasting in central and northern CA, and the flavor descriptions on the tasting menus always crack us up. My personal favorite was crushed white rock. Yes, what could be more refreshing than a mouthful of crushed white rocks? Maybe brown or grey rocks?

    I also love Maine. We did a lot of road trips back when I was in college in Boston. Best lobster and lobster rolls ever at the little sea side shacks along the coast.

    Weused to have big parties, with around 100 people. We hired caterers, and bartenders. Now, 20 is our tops. And that's once a year. Typically, we will host a dinner party for six. I can comfortably cook for six.

    NM, I would love to have a garden with rosemary, lavender and basil. I've attempted to grow basil in the past, and when I say grow, I mean I purchased it in a pot. It just shriveled up and died. And basil is supposedly really easy to grow in southern CA. Big sigh.

    The Storm Cloud is a really sexy cocktail.

    Goldie, now you've brought up another topic that I'm completely enamored with, because I love to cook...canning. What are you preserving? I'll make my own mayo, ketchup and Dijon mustard, but not my own jams or pickled veggies. The process scares me.

    Wild West cocktail = 👍

    And Red Dirt Chi Chi =🙃

    How is your mom? I know things can change on a daily basis. 77 is young, but it also depends on the person. She really reminds me a lot of my mother in the best possible way. How is your son doing? It seems he has a lot of responsibility on his shoulders right now.

    Fearless, ironically, I live in southern CA, six blocks from the beach. I'm in Ohio taking care of my dad.

    Genny, Nora is precious.

    Cami, I hope you're feeling well.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes!Drizzly this ayem.Got a very interesting letter from my prescription plan yesterday.The short version is that if I don't switch to their mail order pharmacy, my prescriptions won't be covered.This irritates me since I tried theirmail order pharmacy and was often without meds or had the wrong meds/wrong dose.No surprise that mail order pharmacy is not doing well.I'm going to contact our HR dept and let them know that our coverage is being substantially changed essentially without notice.And just as I have found a dependable mail order pharmacy!


    Goldie--I think the lemon geranium does bloom given the right care.I just love the smell when the leaves are brushed.It's also sold as Mosquito Repellant Plant for a much higher cost than plain old Lemon Geranium.Chocolate mint and pineapple sage smell really good, too!



    Fearless--I thought that drink was yummy sounding, too!Someday I'm going to have to make a list of drinks to taste and go spend a bunch of money having them made for me!Bella is a sweet looking doggy!I just want to reach out and chinny chuck her.Is she a cuddler?


    Jazzy--The snow is gone through, now we are getting rain again.Temps 20 degrees warmer than yesterday.What a roller coaster!Lots of fog this ayem to contend with.Southern Maine can be very busy, especially during tourist season.But then, so can any tourist town in Maine.A lot of the southern coastal area has been built up over the years, with a lot of attention to shopping, especially in Kittery.What used to be the Kittery Trading Post is a whole shopping complex now.Good for you for not taking crap at work.I hope you have a strategy for dealing with the one in particular!


    Hsant--I agree, uneventful is good!Basil is actually hard to grow, no matter what they say!It's very picky about how much water it gets (moderate) and how much sun (lots and lots) and the soil it's in (mucho drainage).I try to grow basil every year, and every year end up buying it from the health food store or farmer's market to dry for winter cooking.Someday I'll figure that one out!


    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD is stolen from hsant

    Red Dirt Chi Chi

    1 ounce Ketel One vodka

    1/4 ounce Grand Marnier

    1 ounce mango puree

    Dash of sweet-and-sour mix

    1/4 teaspoon li hing mui (salty dried plum) powder

    Heaping tablespoon of mango boba balls (juice-filled tapioca-style rounds)

    Blend first five ingredients together with crushed ice. Top with boba balls.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2016

    Fearless, my stop in ATL was to catch a plane to St. Thomas. I was going to to visit my daughter, she lives on St. John.

    Jazzy, glad you are feeling better and I hope your week goes better than last week. It's trying to rain here again, haven't looked to see if it actually did or not.

    Hsant, lol on the crushed rock! Yep, that is what I would like to drink! Wow parties of 100 people? I don't think I know that many peeps! I talked with my mom's aide yesterday and told her to push the shower. She hasn't had one in over 2 weeks now. Well I guess the aide told her that I called. She called me and left a message. "What's going on out there? Where are you? Blah blah blah and I'm not taking a shower". She was waiting for her social worker to come over, which she was a no show. So no shower, and no social worker. She has a couple of doctor appointments today. I feel for my brother! One is at 9:30 am the other not until 2:00 pm. My son is fine. He gets riled due to all the phone calls from my mom. "Can you get me this, can you do that, etc. And it especially riles him when she does it, and he is on his way out the door for work. Your husband must really miss you, and visa versa.

    NM, sorry about your prescription woes, it's not right. Fortunately for us, we don't usually have any problems. We use Right Source. I think I'll see if I can order a Lemon Geranium plant online. As for basil, sorry, but I have no problem growing it at all! I put it in the ground, not a pot.

    Missing our other loungettes, I hope they are all well.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2016

    I can't find a picture of my basil, will look later on camera. Mean while, here is a picture of my lavender and another one of my black brother! My son is about 6' tall, and you can see Zues from the side, maybe showing his size a little better.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited April 2016

    Good morning friends- I hope everyone survived their monday. I had a productive day at work, and introduced myself to the new CIO (head of IT) yesterday as we were both walking in together at the same time. I checked out his Linked In profile. so I would recognize him and had a good chat on the way in. He is going to be on one of the high level committees for my project so I wanted to be sure he knew who I was. The interaction was nice and I let my client know and think she was pleased.

    So shifting gears this week, after work today, I am going to a cool meeting with the City around the entrepreneurial community. Got invited by the Director of Econ Dev on some input to the growing start up and entrepreneurial community here I have been involved with. Helps me to keep up with my professional community. It will be nice to connect with some of my cooler peeps later today.

    NM- I remember the Kittery outlets, used to go to the LL Bean store too! I am with Hsant about the little seafood places along the coast. Nothing better, give me some of those fried clam strips please.

    I have to get to work and have a busy and full day ahead. Will write more soon. Thinking about Cami here too.....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2016

    Good Morning ladies.

    I'm sorry I've been missing, but I've been here mostly.

    I love u'r pics (as usual) Wow Bella is a big dog, i still fear some dogs, But good thing u sent her to obediance school, it is so much easier for u and u'll enjoy her so much more.

    Hsant u'll see Lori's pics of what she cans (whatever u call it) and it's loads, tomatoes, beans, well all kinds of stuff, I don't know how she manages to do it all, but she does. I know it's a lot of work, but in the winter she has all the good stuff.

    I knew DW couldn't stay away from Mickey very long.

    NM good DOTDs, U know I hate being told where or how I'm allowed to get my drugs, that should be up to us and yet so many people have no choice any more. I just don't think it's right.

    u all sound pretty good and that's a good thing.

    Jazzy u've been busy and now it's time to put away winter things (well not here yet) but when u work, thats a big job. And I agree about Saddona, it's breathtaking. I haven't been there in yrs. but u don't forget that kind of beauty.

    Well as u can see, my boss was here and took my whole puter apart, piece by piece and now it's working, except it's been so long it's taking me forever to get the hang of this thing. Plus he connected Netflix and Amazon to my TV and put the charge on his bill--see why I really can never get mad at him and the big thing is I went out Saturday night, got home after midnight. Wow for me. First time in about 2 months, My boss picked me up with the other guy I work with and we went to his home for a party. Of course my cousin (his grandma) was already there and more in my family and a few friends of theirs--Lots of fun and loads of food--and I didn't fall. of course they were on both sides of me anytime I walked, but that's still good. Oh Oh I got an OK for my pills I started Sunday--remember $1,400.00 well it was $60.00 so I started them on Sunday--Of course I still had it last nite, but now we'll see--fingers crossed.

    Hey anyone I missed, I'm still brain disabled.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2016

    Got to post this quick...our wifi decides when and if it's going to work. Been having a hell of a time with it. This morning dh called phn comp, was told to remove the splitter (thus my fax). Ugh, I need that fax to send paperwork to my ins comp.

    Been reading and I will be back. Miss ya all!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited April 2016

    Cami went out and had fun. Yay! Happy

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2016

    way to go Camino.fingers crossed the pills work

    Love your garden Lori.mam is improving still no discharge date though.

    Fear belle is beautiful

    The weather at disney was at night,warm in the day and the flowers lovely.France had a frozen ice pop with grand Marnier in

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Over half an inch of rain yesterday, sunny and warmer today, and no rain for several days now, yeah!Looking forward to the sunshine.


    Goldie--Is your Mom afraid of getting Alzheimer's disease?If she is maybe you can push her buttons a little by telling her that refusing to shower is a sign of Alzhiemer's or a sign of dementia.It actually is a common issue in people with dementia, although in the middle stages, so you won't actually be lying.I contacted the HR dept about the prescription thing, am thinking about contacting the state insurance regulating body, as I think this tactic is both unethical and illegal.I am not going to use Express Scripts due to past experiences with them, and that's the end.I imagine you have the perfect climate for basil, Maine is not the best place for it in the garden.Maybe I should think about a pot of it in the house instead. That lavender is gorgeous!Zeus is one BIG boy!


    Jazzy--LL Bean is still a big draw.They've got outlets all over Maine now.Would you believe I don't like fried clams?The only way I like to eat clams is steamed and dunked in butter.Scallops, now, I will eat any way I can get them, and have even eaten them raw!


    Cammy!I was starting to get worried about you!I just do not think it's right to advertise coverage at one level and then totally change it 6 months after people buy the service and when they cannot change to another company for another 6 months.I'm pretty sure HR and the state insurance board will agree.We'll see.Wow, you have turned into a real party animal!Out till after midnite, wow.And $60 is still too much for any pills, but much, much better than $1,400.Much better.Now if only they work as advertised.Glad you got your computer back!


    Mema--hope the wifi straightens itself out soon!



    Julie--oh, my a frozen ice pop with grand marnier, what fun!I'm still jealous!


    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Grand Gold Margarita

    1 bottle Beer

    3 oz Cointreau

    3 oz Grand Marnier

    6 oz Jose Cuervo 1800

    2 cubes Ice

    Margarita Mix


    Pour the the margarita mix, tequila, cointreau, grand marnier, and beer into a blender.

    Best served in a Beer Mug.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2016

    Good for you Jazzy, hitting up the CIO. Now get your heads out of the gutter, I mean it in a PROFESSIONAL way! Still very little rain here.

    Ayyyyyy, BOSS LADY is back and has a new puter, got some meds, went out partying until wee hours in the morning, got Netflix and Amazon on her tv! Who is this Wonder Woman? So happy to seeyou back girl. Looks like you've been quite busy! Did your DD find a car? What is this new drug you got. Maybe they have a program that will assist with payment. I am getting that for my FU pills and the injection I get.

    Hsant, I forgot to answer you in regards to canning. I do tomatoes, salsa, sketti sauce and beans. I grow other stuff but don't can it. No jams or fruit. We do have a peach tree, but we usually get a hard frost or freezing temps while it's blooming, which kills it from producing fruit. OR, the critters get them. We had a good production one year, OMG were they good!

    LDB, if you can't get your fax working, we use It's all on the computer, 10.00 a month and it lets you send 100 faxes a month. Don't know if that helps you or not. You just have to be able to send PDF's, JPG's and such.

    Glad DW had fun at DW! At least with your mom in the hospital, she is being cared for.

    NM, thanks for the advice, but my mom is sharp as a tack. But you are right about the showers. She's lazy! And I know it wears hard on her breathing, and she says it hurts to walk. She can barley lift a foot when she does walk. So it's just not wanting to, I don't feel like it, so I'm not doing it and you can't make me! I can't do scallops. The first time I had them, was in a restaurant with sister in law, ended up in the bathroom throwing them up. And I love almost all other seafood.

    Another interesting drink there. Can't imagine mixing some ingredients together. I mean beer, tequila and grand Marnier, margarita mix and whatever Cointreau is!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2016

    G'afternoon DahhhLinks

    Finally got a temp fix on our wifi. He just replaced the cable from back of house in thru a hole he drilled in my office wall. Supposed to send out a specialty crew in the next week or so. Splitter still split but if I have to fax dh can get it to work.

    Had a friend call to help me with Windows 10, declined as my son put dh and I back on our previous windows, me 8 and dh 7 last weekend. We're happier now. We had plenty of rain last weekend. Had to struggle with the pump and hose as dh was at work. Too much rain floods the back patio and sits along the base of the house, not good. I got it working and stopped the slop of water…whew.

    Got my bone and ct scan on Monday….what a load of miscommunication. One nurse said to bring 48oz of water, another said, 40, and another said 30, so I took 44oz, size of two bottles. When finally in scan room, nurse says 'oh 16oz' is fine for ct. Oh and during phn call check in, nurse said start fasting at 9am. I kept arguing that the test was at 9am, went back and forth. Finally gave up and started fast at 9pm, by time all was said and done I had nothing to eat or drink for 12 hours….I was weak, dizzy, and nauseated. Was so happy when it was all over dh and I went and had a juicy cheese burger. Enuf of my banter.

    Fearless - no need to catchup unless u feel like it. I'm jumping in at ur last post on 4-8. WOW, a 10K, proud of you sister. They'd have to call medical if I tried it. Saying prayers that DH doesn't need total knee replacement. My SIL had it last year, lots of pain and a bitch to move around the house on that little scooter thing.

    Wonderful you got to spend sometime with your family, enjoyable yes, but always a relief to be home. I have a Bella too and her older brother Baxter, I try to train them but dh doesn't follow thru. Your dh is handsome and Bella is pretty, I like her coloring.

    Julie - hope it was another fun trip to DW, ya DW…Muah.

    Lowee - so sad about ur mom. My sister-in-law is in much the same boat. She's in a care facility but doesn't want to do even a ¼ of what they tell her. Yum that 'red dirt chi chi' drink sounds scrumptious. I won't eat scallops or oysters or crab…but lobster and shrimp…bring it on…mmm mmm.

    Hsant - dang that is a lot of snow.

    Mary - loved the pics, sounds like u had a wonderful relaxing time.

    Jazz - I did the closet thing too, with the weather going from 50's to 80's then back down again, I found myself going from spare closet (summer clothes) back to my winter clothes. Have fun picking out ur new patio furniture.

    NM - my dh and I are presently discussing updating our chit. We both want cremation, no viewing, no casket, etc. What we want is for all we leave behind to CELEBRATE….

    OK ma Ladies, getting tired, don't be alarmed if I don't check in tammary as I have early appointments then driving into LV…again, ugh. Hope to stay with my DD as she is closer to my test local. Then later DD and I are meeting for lunch with 10 Dinosaurs (Dino's for short, meaning retired Metro dispatchers, we always have a blast.

    Lubslubslubslubs to all!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday!Mud season has officially arrived.It was warm enough to leave the kitchen door open so Sadie could go in and out and I came home to this:


    Goldie--yikes, throwing up scallops would not be fun.And would turn anyone off them!Sorry that happened. Cointreau is a brand of Triple Sec, an orange flavored liqueur.Very yummy by itself, and mixed with other things.


    Mema--Hooray for getting the WiFi fixed, even if temporarily.And even more so on getting the pump and hose working!You rock!12 hours of fasting, yuck, especially not being able to have coffee.I bet that cheeseburger tasted heavenly.Can you imagine if you had been fasting for 24 hours?Not good!Good luck with the next round of tests.


    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Agua de Valencia

    1/4 liter Champagne

    1 dl Cointreau

    50 g Sugar

    3/4 liter Orange Juice


    Put all ingredients in a pitcher. The Cava can be very cold.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited April 2016

    Good morning ladies, I've skimmed back the last 2 pages so I'm pretty well caught up. Going to take pooches to doggy day care today I think. It's beautiful outside (for Ohio) but DH is outta town and I've got a super bizzy day at work and my foot is still giving me fits, so I'm thinking I should skip their morning walk. Trying not to let it get me down. I've slept in my boot the last 2 nights, with a little help from Xanax and I think it's helping. I got on a runners website the other night since this is a common injury with runners to see what they do about it. Anyway, big thing is patience it seems. It's a slow to heal injury and I need to be vigilant about my stretching and exercises. Standing on a concrete floor for 7 hours/day isn't helping I'm sure. Ahhh well, it's not cancer so I figure I should suck it up move on. Haven't seen Nora since I got home from vacay, I may see if I can go babysit on Tuesday while her mom works. We are supposed to get into the 70's this weekend so I may take my boot out golfing, ha! that'll be a site!

    NM, looks like our winter lasted longer than yours this year. I came home from beautiful Arizona to those pictures than hsant posted. What a shock that was! Now it is officially mud season here as well so my pooches have to actually be walked instead of running in the woods which we all miss. I would fight the insurance company about the forced prescription stuff as well, I would hate to have to depend on the mail for them.

    Lori, hope you're doing ok with the meds increase, your garden is beautiful... again, enjoy it while you can before harvesting and canning season! Hope we get to connect on your next trip to Michigan.

    Cami, yay to fixed puter, Netflix, Amazon and partaying till midnight! Sure hope the new pills fix the D and you are able to make the outings a regular thing!

    Fearless, I'm envious of your training. I used to run, did several 5k's, 10k's and 1 half-marathon. I think my running days are over and I miss it, make sure you have really good supportive shoes and do lots of stretching. I'm trying to wrap my brain around the idea of biking but that means indoors at a gym in the winter, ugh. I have lived in Ohio all my life and I'm used to winter but if I never saw snow again i wouldn't miss it. This was my first vacay out west and it really is beautiful, hopefully you'll get out there one day. Your pooch is a cutie, so glad you rescued and save her, sounds like she is going to be a wonderful companion now, and a great running buddy!

    hsant, me, elegant??? Never, ever thought of myself as that but thank you! I think (hope) we are truly done with winter now, looks like a picture perfect weekend ahead of us. Are you staying for the whole summer, hubby coming out for a visit?

    Jazzy, hi, hope your workday is good and not too frustrating.

    Hi to everybody I missed, got to run, decided to walk the dogs around the block, DH coming home today and said he'd take em' for a long walk tonight, might as well save the 40 bucks. Love you girls, have a good day!