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how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2016

    LDB, glad you got your wi fi up and running, even if just some what. And that you were able to get rid of the water near the house, you are right, not good. You like Windows 8? I'll take 7 any day! Juicy cheese burger, was that at the place you and I went to? When do you get your scan results?

    NM, looks like Sadie enjoyed the mud! And thanks for explaining the orange liqueur.

    Mary, I say you better not golf and let that foot heal. Hope you get to see Nora soon. She is just sooooo beautiful. I'll be back that way late summer, early fall. Tomorrow is my last day for the FU pills. 7 pills is tough, but I made it for 2 weeks.

    Boss Lady, where you be?

    Whacko you too?


    We found a break in one of our water lines. DH noticed our ground wet, but one of our spigots. So he will spend today trying to fix that. Yesterday we had a truck come in with a delivery, at our warehouse in town. Well one of the guys helping, I think ran into one of the walls (metal building) and pushed it out. So DH has to go there to fix that as well. So I have to pack orders.

    Anxiously awaiting Friday night, so I can take my FU bacation!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Lori I hope u'r doing OK with the FU pills, u never complain and u push u'r self doing things, I know. How r things going with u'r DD? I hope smoothly. And I feel bad for u'r worry bout u'r mom, but she is what she is and there is nothing u can do, even if u were there. Thank God u'r DS is there for her, but she just sounds sad to me.

    NM I love how we don't know ll the drinks u give us, I always think it's just me. HaHa it mud season, love how Sadie looks, it's kinda funny. And yes it's Friday Eve so I know it's a good feeling.

    SusyQ u busy woman u, do u ever stop? U'r all over the place, of course we all want u'r tests and Lori's too o be good--I see pics of u 2 and no one would know what u 2 go thru, amazing. At lest u get some good time with u'r kids.

    Hsant u being so far from home for so long must be so hard on u and u'r DH. Like what was asked does he come out for periods of time and do u go home. I think it's wonderful how u care for u'r Dad, but it must be very hard on u'r life.

    Mary being on u'r feet so much has to be not good. It'll only take longer to heal. but I know u will anyway. U have a hard job, I think, but I think u know u'r limits and hope u go with them.

    Had to leave for a bit--my D is acting up. Oh Jeez. Anyway, we did get another car and Leslie has been seaching for job. Hope she gets one soon. She's filled out some apps, but now a days the paperwork takes about an hr. to fill out and mostly asks about how u r with people AND if u have a following--she's in trrrrouble with that. Well we'l see.

    Okay Dokay have a good day.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2016

    Boss Lady, my mom is sad. She doesn't like living how she is living, but yet does nothing to help herself. And I know there is nothing I can do. She asks God, all the time, to please take her. And why is He keeping her here. Certainly Les will be able to get a job, wishing her much luck.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2016


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2016

    ** I have many of "those" friends here.

    Hi ~ Miss you goils, will twy to catchup ober de weekend.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2016

    ps Fearless, wanted to say congrats to you on getting your Bella trained and God Bless ya for adopting that berry berry sweeeeet widdle goil!

    catch u goils laTAH!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2016

    Oy vey--serves me right for not following this thread often enough (but heck, that happens with so many threads here, and I spend most of my time online at BCO)!

    To catch up: home from Europe (Paris was amazing, and downright cheap compared to Lausanne), and just got back from a getaway with Bob to a resort & spa outside San Antonio. Much Western, Mexican and BBQ was consumed, with the appropriate adult beverages (including a wine bar in the San Antonio airport as we awaited our flight home).

    Happy is fully recovered--consensus from the vet is that he severely bruised one of his hips in his drug-induced hallucinatory careening around the house. He is back once again jumping on stuff, swiping his sister’s food, picking play-fights, cuddling and chasing toys.

    I teetotaled from my return home Sun. night through today. Tonight, B’way Cellars had a “20 for $20” tasting and buffet, this time featuring the wines of WA’s Maryhill Winery nestled along the slopes above the Columbia Gorge (beautiful winery--I sang at the tasting room in 2011). Standouts among the whites were a Gewurztraminer, dry Riesling, Viognier, Pinot Gris, Sauvignon Blanc and a yummy rosé of Sangiovese. My faves among the reds were a full and soft Cabernet Franc, nicely balanced & robust Zin, nice Sangiovese (the grape of Chianti), luscious Grenache and a terrifically proportioned soft and ripe Meritage (Bordeaux-style) blend of Cabernets Sauvignon & Franc, Malbec, Petit Verdot, and Merlot. Nicely priced too. Buffet included spring rolls, spanakopita, ceviche, salads, smoked salmon spread, portobello-avocado maki, wild-mushroom polenta, stir-fried beef, calamari with garbanzos & pork belly, Korean meat balls, homemade duck sausage, pickle-brined fried chicken tenders (da bomb), and mini-tarts. Excuse me while I go burp!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!TGIF!Going to be a beautiful weekend, hoping the yard will dry out some so I can start cleaning up the winter mess. May even be warm enough to sit in the sun in the afternoon.My vacay tan is gone an needs to be renewed.

    Genny--having patience with an injury must be so hard.Like you I tend to think If it's not cancer, suck it up and move on.I can imagine the shock of coming home to that much snow this time of year!I am fighting the insurance company, and my benefits department who says this is an optional program.Express Scripts says it's not optional.Time for me to get noisy.Contacting the state insurance board is the next step, probably this weekend.Dog + mud season = dirty floors.Ah, well, she's happy and that's what matters.


    Goldie--oh, yes, Sadie loves mud, almost as much as she loves water!She can turn a tiny mud puddle into a small mud lake in less than 5 minutes.It's actually funny to watch.Here's praying the repairs are quick, easy and inexpensive, and hooray for FU vacation!.



    Cammy--don't let me fool you, I don't even know all the stuff in the drinks I post!Part of the fun is looking things up and learning about new likkers and liqueurs.And Sadie did look very funny, until she jumped up on my bed!I had to shake a lot of dirt off the duvet at bed time that night.But she was a happily tired pup, so I guess I don't mind all that much.Praying for a job for Leslie.



    Dara-- I have many of that kind of friend, too!


    Chi--glad you had a good time in Europe.Even gladder that Happy is fully recovered!Wow, what a buffet menu,wish I could try a taste of everything.


    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Killer Coffee

    3/4 oz Seagram's Vanilla Vodka

    3/4 oz Coffee Liqueur

    3/4 oz Irish Cream

    6 oz Coffee

    1 oz Whipping Cream


    Pour the Bailey's Irish Cream, Kahlua coffee liqueur and Stoli Vanil vanilla vodka into an Irish coffee cup or glass. Fill the glass with hot coffee and top with whipped cream. Sweeten with sugar or artificial sweetener if desired, and serve.

    Best served in a Beer Mug.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2016

    Dara Dahling, good to seeyou, but you didn't stay long enough.

    Welcome home Sandy, sounds like everything was pretty much poyfect.

    NM, loved your comment about "getting noisy". The repair was $75, well worth it. DHhad already been to town once. 2 round trip drive, not to mention the cost of gas in a truck that only gets about 9 miles to the gallon. Plus the time he would have had to spend fixing it. So well spent $75.00. LOL on the pooch taking a bath. Sadie is one lucky gal! I'm sure we could all use some Killer Coffee!

    Town day, also going to the movies. Seeing, I think it's called The Boss, with Melissa McCarthy. Will let you know how it is. Haven't seen a bad one with her in it. Not going to Phoenix, to the arboretum, going to be too windy. Windy here too.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2016


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited April 2016

    Hi friends- trying to catch up here on everyone's news. Will write to each of you more this weekend, but wanted to share about my fun day in Santa Fe yesterday.

    I had the day off from my consulting work to do a cooking class up in Santa Fe at their cooking school there. It was a class devoted to recipes from Georgia O'Keefes kitchen. Margaret Wood, who wrote a cookbook about this, was the companion and cook to O'Keefe the last five years of her life. The stories she shared were amazing, and the chef (Alan Smith) demonstrated simple dishes from the cookbook and then we all got fed! And there was wine too!, I sample some of Gruet's new pinot noir which is pretty darned good for a local pinot. What a cool experience to hear stories about O'keefe from someone who actually knew her!

    Here are some pics from my day!








  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited April 2016

    Good evening ladies!

    The weather was sunny and beautiful today over here on the east side of Cleveland. It's expected to hit 70 degrees today. Yay, no jacket required!

    NM, The issue with your prescription drug insurance does seem unethical and illegal. I would think you would be able to use it at any pharmacy, besides receiving them thru the mail. My has been using Silver Script since the beginning of the year. What has been your issues with them?

    It looks like Sadie had a love fest with a mud puddle. So cute, but not fun for you I would think.

    The Agua de Valencia cocktail looks very tasty. I think that between the Cointreau and orange juice it would be sweet enough with out the sugar.

    Ditto on the raw scallops. Yum!

    Thank you for the information about the various different kinds (is it called hybrids, breeds?) of basil.

    Goldie, Is the aide giving your mom sponge baths? Besides the excuse of the social worker coming to her house, why doesn't she want to shower? I went through this with my dad over the summer when I was in CA. I couldn't get him to shower, and the caregivers had no influence on him, and I had no influence over the caregivers. My dad's reason was a fear of falling. He has a shower chair and handles on the wall, and had always showered independently. It drove me crazy. I feel for you being so far away from her, but It's great that she also has your brother. I will say this again, you're son is a very special young man. How is your beautiful daughter? I just read your response to NM regarding the shower. I recommend a shower chair and having safety bars installed if she don't have these already.

    Your lavender is beautiful! I want your entire garden! Although, it wouldn't last under my supervision. I would love to be able to grow tomatoes and can them.

    Jazzy, you are obviously very passionate about your work. Cool about the CIO!

    You are on top of things! The cooking class sounds unbelievable, a once in a lifetime experience.

    Cami, yes, it's definitely understandable why you can't stay mad at your boss. The party sounds like a blast! I'm sure everyone was so happy to see you.

    Great news about the meds!!!! That sticker price of $1,400.00 (I'm having a problem even typing that amount) is absolutely ridiculous.

    I've been in Cleveland since August, and this has definitely taken its toll on DH, understandably. It's really hard for him to come out to visit, because of his work. He usually works weekends. Thank God for FaceTime.

    Memasue, Good to hear that you have your Wifi working and that you can fax.

    It's really too bad that you can't get a consistent answer with something as simple as how much water you should bring to your scans. That's the last thing you should have to think about, or second guess. I bet you were weak and sick after fasting for 12 hours! That burger must've tasted especially good after not eating for that long. Wishing you the best on your results.

    Genny, It's supposed to be a beautiful weekend. Finally! I really shouldn't say that, because all in all it was a mild winter. I will be here for at least the summer. I can't imagine leaving my dad. The hubs is scheduled to come out Memorial Day weekend for our 15 year wedding anniversary. I hope your foot is feeling better. That boot has got to be a pain (no pun intended).

    Fearless, it's so impressive that you're training for a 10k. I sleep next to a treadmill at my uncle's house, and the only contact I've had with it is to blow off the dust, and hang some of my clothes on it. You're inspiring me to (think about) get my butt moving.

    Chi, The wine tasting event sounds delightful.

    Hope everyone has a lovely weekend

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited April 2016

    Watermelon Margarita Poptails


    – 5 cups seedless watermelon (about 1/2 of a large watermelon)
    – 3/4 cup lime juice
    – 1/2 cup sugar
    – 1/2 cup tequila
    – 4 limes
    – Margarita or other coarse salt

    – 10 5-ounce Dixie cups
    – Short popsicle sticks or craft spoons

    Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth and sugar is dissolved.

    Strain ingredients through a mesh sieve to remove watermelon pulp.

    If using Dixie cups, prepare limes by slicing 3 thick slices from the middle section of each lime. Insert short popsicle sticks through center of limes. You will then place these on top of popsicle mixture in each Dixie cup.

    Divide popsicle mixture between Dixie cups or popsicle molds. Top with lime popsicle sticks. Freeze for 2 hours.

    Freeze overnight and sprinkle with margarita salt before serving. Enjoy!

    Juliet mentioned Popsicles made with Grand Marnier, which sounds delish. I figured there had to be other adult Popsicles on the Internet

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2016

    Jazzy, sounds like you had a most enjoyable day at the cooking lesson/show.

    Hsant, my mom does have a shower chair and handles. She is lazy, it takes her breath and just takes everything out of her. No, the aide doesn't give her a sponge bath. She likes to cook, and that is what she does the most. I told her I want my mom to have a shower at least 2 times a week and at the very least, once a week. I don't think she's had one since about March 28. She uses wipes to clean herself. She is incontinent, and is most likely why she keeps getting UTI's. A person needs to shower, with real water!The lavender here grows very easily! Oh, I do hope your DH can make it out to see you. LOL about the treadmill!

    LDB, as fot the water issue and scans. They give me the water at my oncs office. Just tell me to be well hydrated when I come and to stop at a certain point.

    Yummy popcycles!

    Went to the movies, as I mentioned before. The Boss. Was funny, a lot of language if you don't mind that. Was good for a few chuckles and an afternoon out with the hubs. Another windy day here. How about you Jazzy? The spring season here is about wind, not rain and not mud!

    Happy Saturday and no FU pills for about a week and a half! Wooooo Hoooooo!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunny Saturday ayem!Going to be a beautiful weekend and I have got to get myself off my EEWA and outside this weekend.No burn permits being given this weekend due to winds and high fire danger, so I'm hoping the yard is getting nicely dried out.Sadie has plenty of mud to play in, and lots of things getting blown around to chase, so she'll be happy today.

    Goldie--glad the repair was reasonable.I haven't been to the movies in ages.Used to love meeting friends for movies and coffee or dinner or whatever.I do remember going to a movie one afternoon and being the only person in the auditorium--it was very odd feeling!

    Julie--hooray for Fabulous Fridays!When do you go to Disney again?

    Jazzy-What a great cooking class that was!So much fun, so much entertainment, yummy looking food. I bet you had a blast.

    Hsant--My issues were with Express Script.They were consistently late sending refills, so I would often go a week or more without some of my meds.The overcharged me several times by charging the monthly co-pay instead of the 3-month copay.One time I got several bottles of meds, one was for a different person entirely.Twice I got meds that looked very different, was told it was just a new manufacturer, but when I took them to a pharmacist for identification they were not the drug labeled on the bottle.I really did not like not being able to order refills until there were 5 or less pills remaining, since it often took 2 weeks for the refills to be delivered.That would have been ok if they calculated refills by calendar date, but they calculated from delivery dates.In essence, I was paying for 12 month's worth of pills but only getting 10 month's worth.I'm sure they saved lots of money that way, but I got pissed and changed pharmacies.I'll pay out of pocket before I go back to Express Scripts.The HR people said this is an optional program, but I see nothing in the letter indicating it is optional.Will be interesting to see how this works out.Sadie does love mud puddles.She's very good about parking in her crate until she dries off, and then letting me vacuum or brush her out.Makes a mess of the living room floor, but since the mess is pretty contained to the living room and kitchen (as in not in my bed!) I don't mind so much.

    Wow, Look at those Watermelon Margarita Poptails!DOTD, Ladies!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited April 2016

    Good morning friends- hope everyone is having a good start to the weekend. NM is in the midst of a storm that brought rain yesterday, last night and more predicted today. It is cool and breezy outside and will be a good day to do some indoor things. I am heading to the salon for some coiffing as well errands and shopping today. Tomorrow will be a better "outside day" to work in the yard and gardens. I think by next weekend, I should be able to do some more permanent planting by next weekend.

    Wishing everyone a nice weekend!

  • Fearless1956
    Fearless1956 Member Posts: 41
    edited April 2016

    Good morning and Happy Weekend to you all!!! It's going to be a beautiful weekend in the Atlanta area with highs in the 70's both days. I started my day early, getting up at 6:15. I like to sleep in usually, but for the next few months, I go to my Peachtree Road Race training group run every Sat. morning and we start at 7:30. It's all part of the plan to get myself back into the running routine, strengthen my bones (to try and help counteract the side effects of the Arimidex on the bones) and to improve my overall health. I'm in hopes to lose some weight as well. Today we did an "indicator run" to determine current level and to help set goals. It was a 3K run (around 1.86 miles) and I finished it in 25:18. I do run/walk intervals. Not at the point of running entire miles at a time. Maybe that will come at some point. I hate getting up early, but I'm still glad I'm doing this.

    Thanks for all the comments on Bella. She does have pretty markings on her. That was one of the things we liked about her when we rescued her. The pit/boxer mix is a good combination. She's very good-natured, just a little stubborn at times (hence the training). She's only around a year old, so she still has lots of "puppy" type energy. Goldie, you mentioned being afraid of pits---they are actually very smart dogs and they sometimes get a bad rap mainly because of owners who train them to be mean/aggressive. If you all have heard of Cesar Milan (The Dog Whisperer), one of the main dogs in his pack is Junior, who is a pit bull. NM, no, she's not a cuddler type of dog, mainly because we are not allowing her to get on the furniture. We will get on the floor and play with her but not allowing her to jump on furniture or us. Cami, she's not really as big as she may look. She's around 45 pounds Medium size dog which is smaller than our previous dog who was around 75-80 pounds! Love seeing pics of other dogs----Sadie and Zues. I think I may have missed some others.

    Cami and Memasue----sounds like you have both gotten your computer issues straightened out. It's amazing how much we depend on technology in our lives and when it gets out of whack, it can play havoc with our routines.

    Genny--hope your foot problems are resolved soon. Thanks for the input on the should try to get back into it someday. Stretching and the right shoes are very important. When I first started running about 6 years ago, I ended up with tendonitis in my ankle because I wasn't in the right kind of shoe. I had a "running shoe" but little did I know there are so many types. I got fitted into the right kind after that. My daughter is an asst mgr of a sporting goods store and is trained in the right kind of shoes for runners. So, she fitted me last weekend for a new pair. Plus, she's a runner also and knows about having to have the right shoe.

    Goldie--you remind me of my mom in days gone by. She used to do a lot of canning and freezing straight from the garden that she and Dad had for years. It's a much healthier way to live by having fresher produce. Thanks for a reminder about going to the movies---I haven't been to a movie in a few months (Star Wars was the last one we saw). I saw one advertised yesterday that I want to see called Criminal with Kevin Costner. Have you seen it?

    Jazzy--looks like you had a wonderful day at the cooking school! What fun and the food looks great.

    NM---keep posting those DOTD's. I'm like you.....just need to go out and buy all the liquor to be able to make some of these fabulous drinks. And raw scallops? I don't think I could stomach that. I can eat them cooked, but even then, they are still a little too chewy for me. Now, I'll eat shrimp cooked in any way! I love it!

    Hsant--the recipe you posted for the watermelon margarita poptails looks inviting!!! I have a recipe for BAMs (Big Ass Margaritas) that is wonderful!!!

    ChiSandy--your trip to Europe, then followed up by another getaway to a resort/spa! Now, that's the life! I love a good wine tasting---those different wines sound like good ones. My favorite wines are Pinot Noir and Sauvignon Blanc. I read something on the Arimidex boards about a "ChiSandy" who was scheduled for a concert in Hickory, NC in May. Are you that same "ChiSandy" and if so, what kind of music? Sounds interesting.

    Well, ladies, the cleaning fairy hasn't yet showed up to my condo, so I guess I'm going to have to get busy and tackle getting it cleaned on my own. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!!

  • everymoment
    everymoment Member Posts: 6,656
    edited April 2016

    Fearless: Bella is so cute however I think there is nothing more adorable than a well behaved dog and your dedication to working with her will certainly pay off for the many years you have together with her. Admittedly, I am a pit bull fan!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Welcome Magiclight hope u come back and spend time with us. Our furbabies are a big part of our lives here.

    U are all by far the busiest bunch of women I have ever met, well haven't really in person met, but u all know wht I mean. And getting back to running sounds so good.

    I got so confused with the meds being mailed, I think I can't handle that mess. My pharmacy s still trying to set up my meds for once a month, cuz there are so many and I forget them sometimes. I's a mess for me.

    NM u'r loaded with pics on u' post, I'm lucky I can do a few. I hope u and Sadie are enjoying this weather, it's been nice here too. Oh my Katie-Kat was yelling at me yesterday cuz I was busy with work and for some reason she got upset, I thought she was used to it by now.

    Joey went to another bonfire last nite, we're allowed o have them here, it is so net how the neighborhood as all these aromas, like yrs. ago when I was little.

    OK coffee's coming, so I get to indulge, either Marty or joey brings in to me. I know I'm spoiled.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2016

    Hsant, I think it was you that asked about my DD. We don't know anything more. One lawyer, whom she has been talking to, said she needed to litigate the case and he doesn't do that. Gave her names a few that did, they told her it would be very expensive and maybe even impossible! I asked her, what happened to just filing abandonment and doing your case pro se (which is representing yourself)? I get tired of asking her. Cuz I know if something happens, she will tell me.

    NM, now we all know that EWWA doesn't mean that! If there are any goilies that don't know, just ask. Same with FURB. Being in the theatre alone does sound a bit odd. We have had that happen too, but there are 2 of us. My gosh, what stories about the mail order pharmacy, getting wrong pills, getting someone else's pills. Sounds like a lawsuit to me!

    Jazzy, when I first read your comment "NM is in the midst of a storm", of course I go right to thinking Native Mainer, instead of New Mexico. We had rain/snow/wind all day yesterday.

    Fearless, I'm an early morning riser, usually up around 4:30 – 5 am. I'm not afraid of pets, just Pits. I know they get a bad rap, but whenever there is something about someone or something getting attacked by a dog, seems as though it's always a pit. And of course everyone always says how calm and sweet the dog is. We saw Star Wars too, then Dirty Grandpa (hilarious).

    BossLady, goot to see you. I hope your coffee is being delivered by your little man. And hey, you and I met! I think most of you have furbabies, except me. I just have my humming birds. I think you and Mary are the only ones with a cat. And everytime I think of her cat, all I think of is how he has his way with Gloria…(his stuffed animal) LMAO!

    Weather here can be so strange! Hoping my plants managed ok. It's odd to have a gray/gloomy day here. Can't imagine that I lived in MI for so long, when it's like that all winter long and into the spring and beginning in the fall! By Thursday, it's suppose to be 80.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday!Lovely if chilly here yesterday, supposed to be warmer today, hope so, want to open up the house and let the winter air out!Ground still too wet to work on, sigh. Gardens still frozen in places.Wound up spending way too much time on the computer playing and not getting stuff done.Need to reverse that today!Did get quite a bit of laundry done, though, just enough breeze to make everything dry really quickly.Sadie did lots of running around and supervising the neighborhood, she was one tired puppy last night.She went to bed before I did!

    Jazzy--Ah, coiffing, how I enjoy having my hair done, and almost never actually do it!Would love to have pretty polished nails, too, but as soon as I put anything on them they start peeling and breaking and end up looking even worse than before.All that hand sanitizer I think.

    Fearless--I cannot imagine getting up early to go running!You amaze me!Good for you!Good idea to not allow Bella to jump on people or furniture.I'm not strong enough with my pets when it comes to that. Sadie is allowed on the bed and on the ottoman, but now where else.The funny thing is that she seem to know that she can't get on any furniture at my Mom's place, but can at Auntie's.I can't stomach the consistence of shrimp, or the taste, no matter how it's prepared!And I suppose they really aren't much different from scallops.No accounting for taste, is there?

    Welcome, Magiclight!Pull and bar stool and visit a while.

    Cammy--Poor Katie-Kat, thinking she's being ignored.Love the way our furbabies can get our attention no matter what we are doing.Bonfires are great fun, love the smells and toasting marshmallows.Enjoy your coffee indulgence!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Florida Rum Runner

    1 oz Blackberry Brandy

    1 oz Banana Liqueur

    1 1/2 oz Rum

    (crushed) Ice

    1/6 oz Lime Juice

    1/2 oz Grenadine


    Mix in blender until ice is crushed into slushy form. Serve while frozen.

    Best served in a Collins Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2016

    NM, odd that you like scallops, but want nothing to do with shrimp. I love shrimp, lobster and crab legs…yum! LOVE LOVE LOVE those bar stools. I'll got dibs on the Happy Ass!

    Forgot to welcome Magic. WELCOME!

    Mary, I think you had Nora this weekend?

    Nancy, saw all of your pictures, Race for the Cure. And your cute lil Jackson and Samara.

    Julie, what are you up to? Or do we even need to ask?

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited April 2016

    Good morning ladies!

    Went out dinner with my dad last night. It was a bit challenging getting him to actually eat, but he did ok.

    I've been doing some spring cleaning, which includes (attempting to) detoxing my body, so I've been abstaining from all adult beverages for the past week or or so. If y'all look out your nearest window, there's a good chance you'll see a pig or two flying, cuz it's been a long time since I've eschewed a glass of wine or cocktail with a good meal at a nice restaurant.

    Goldie, I'm sending you a hug. The shower situation must be driving you bonkers. I went through the same thing with my dad last summer. He didn't shower for at least two months under the responsibility of the caregivers, just sponge baths. I believe you mentioned that your mom has COPD? That's not an affliction of my dad's, but he does have respiratory issues and uses oxygen when he sleeps. Showers can take a lot out of older folks, but yes, it's important to cleanse with water and soap. UTIs are unpleasant at any age. Your poor mom! How often is the aide with her and for how many hours?

    Nice that you went to a movie, but if I lived on your beautiful property, I would spend every free moment plopped down amongst the lavender. It looks like you have a lot of land!

    Big yay to the medacation! Vacation from the meds.

    Cami, How nice that your DGS or SIL serves you coffee. It sounds like you have your family well trained!:)

    Fearless, I need a nap after reading about your training. Seriously, it's so impressive.

    Native, wishing you the best with your prescription meds. I hope HR is correct, and using the insurance mail order pharmacy is only an option. You shouldn't have to worry about filling a prescription at the pharmacy or mail order pharmacy of your choice. I hope you and Sadie are enjoying the beautiful weather.

    Jazzy, I hope the rain has stopped by today. It sounds like you had a nice girly (hair, shopping) Saturday planned.

    Wishing everyone a happy Sunday!

    View from the restaurant.


    Dad enjoying a Heineken.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2016

    Hsant, we have 80 acres, but only live on and care for about 10! I think she gets 50 hours a month. She is now to the point where she hardly even comes out of her bedroom. Beautiful view to share with a handsome man. Just too bad it's not your hubby!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited April 2016

    Good morning Sunday Funday friends!

    Well, I have to say I love all the photos here, especially the bar stools with the thong bikinis. That is just a riot! I want to go to that bar, who wants to go with me?

    Cami- I love a good bonfire, we always had those in the summer and fall where I grew up in CT. I don't see them as much out here in the west because of the fire risk. We came out of our many year drought last year, but then it has been dry again and read there is more drought coming back in to the state. Bonfires bring back good memories for me too!

    NM- I only paint my toenails because of my home activities and gardening. Every once and awhile when I am going to a wedding or other special event, or on vaca, I will get a whole clean up with mani/pedi & face waxing. My stylist did a nice job yesterday and got me all prettied up for the week.

    Goldie- we got a couple soaking days of rain, lots of snow up north. Skies are clear today but it is nippy out. I covered some of the plants last night knowing we might get a hard freeze, but did not. Going to be in the mid 50s today for high but up to the first 80 degrees next weekend. Looks like that may be it for rain for awhile, but hopeful El Ninjo will stick around?

    I wish your DD good luck with all she is going through. I spent two hours on the phone last night with an old friend who just got divorced and all the problems that still remain. Men can be such jerks!

    Hsant- I am glad you got your dad out for an outing. The waterfall looking lovely! I am glad he got an appetite after he was there. Love the pic of your dad too!

    ChiSandy- did I tell you that Gruet has a new pinot noir? I know you have enjoyed their champagne (so good) and they have a nice chard too I have had before. I had some at the cooking school class this week and it was nice!

    I know I am probably missing some folks here too.......

    I had a very busy day yesterday after the coiffing, with a trip to the patio furniture store. I found the most awesome custom patio set, but it is SUPER EXPENSIVE and although I really want it (and can pay for it), between the cost and the lead time from order to delivery (6-8 weeks), I am going to continue to look. Going to one more place this week that may have some better options in my price point and if I don't see anything, may park it for awhile. I have a little table right now that will work until I find the right thing!

    I also found a new laptop at my computer store, came home to do the reviews on it, and going back for that this week (easier decision). Then i will get the computer company over to do my new home office upgrade! That project will be done soon.

    Got lots to do here at home today and wish you all a good sunday funday!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2016

    A Scot was drinking in a bar in London when he gets a call on his cell phone. He orders drinks for everybody in the bar as he announces, his wife has just produced a typical Scottish baby boy, weighing 25 pounds Nobody can believe that any new baby can weigh in at 25 pounds, but the man just shrugs, "That's about average up our way, I said - my boy's a typical Highland baby boy." Two weeks later the man returns to the bar. The bartender says, "Say, you're the father of that typical Scottish baby That weighed 25 pounds at birth, aren't you? Everybody's been making' bets about how big he'd be in two weeks. So how much does he weigh now? The proud father answers, "Seventeen pounds." The bartender is puzzled and concerned. "What Happened? He was 25 pounds the day he was born." The father takes a slow swig from his Johnny Walker whisky,
    wipes his lips on his shirt sleeve, leans into the bartender and proudly says,
    "Had him circumcised."
    God Bless The Scots!

    Be back later....lubslubs

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2016

    Morning DahhhLinks

    Dara dahling - I agree, nice post, glad you pooped in for a minute. I tried to repost it, no go dang it.

    Thot I'd start my post with a joke. Hope it's not offensive to anyone. If so, let me kno and I'll delete it. Don't kno why this is double spaced, my format is set for single…wtf??

    Sandy - sounds like a wonderful trip and lots of good stuff to eat and drink, glad ur back tho.

    NM - Love ur pics too, speaks volumes. I have mud all over my spread…but I don't mind. Bought a new spread, hope to get dh to help me change the bed out tomorrow. The Killer Coffee sounds scrumptious. Hope your getting 'noisy' (lol) helps get ur insurance squared away.

    Lowee - Let me know how u like The Boss…I've enjoyed everything I've seen her in too. (oops, see now that u liked the movie) Hooray u on vacay from FU pills. It's the 1st time in 5 years that I've been asked to bring water to a scan, maybe something new.

    Jazz - u bootiful, thanks for sharing.

    Hsant - thanks for the good wishes, will kno on Tues. Bet it is hard on ur dh, FaceTime is OK, but nothing like the real face time, hope u get to see him soon. Looks like you and ur dad had a wonderful dinner, nice pics too.

    NM - thanks for posting the other meanings for EWWA, but around here we gonna keep it as 'ever widening white arse'. I never considered that about the Disney characters…tooo funny. And I really loved the booty bar stools.

    Fearless - good for you for staying with the running routine. I tried it several times in years past, but my shin splints created too much pain. You go girl!!

    Magic light - welcome to the HTL, hang around and you'll find this is a Gr8 thread.

    Cami - nothing wrong with being spoiled, you deserve it.

    Gotta run, DS coming over to learn payroll.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes!It's Monday!Another work week starting up, will be interesting to see how it goes. Today is Patriot's Day, one of those very strange, New England only holidays that not everyone recognizes.Half the doc's offices will be open, half closed, banks and post office closed, 50/50 chance of any other business being open.Makes life interesting.Poor Sadie tuckered herself out so much running around the yard yesterday that she STILL hasn't gotten out of bed!She's usually getting me up, I almost never get up before her.A tired puppy is a good puppy, though.

    Goldie--no accounting for taste, is there?I LOVE lobstah and crab, any way I can get em! Aren't those bar stools fun?

    Hsant--Glad you had a nice dinner with your Dad.Getting him to eat sounds like a challenge.Sadie is enjoying the nice weather, as am I.It will be interesting to see what happens with the prescription plan.Nice view!

    Jazzy--I'm having the tenders set up a set of those bar stools in the Lounge for us to use and laugh at!I had a mani-pedi on the cruise, first time ever, it was so nice!Would love to do it again, but I can't keep polish on my nails when I'm working.Keeps getting chipped off.I hear there's a new kind of nail polish that doesn't chip off, I may have to try that someday.New computer and a home office upgrade, wow!Good for you!

    Mema--LOL!I just about fell off my chair at that one! I tried to find an "ever widening white arse" definition, but couldn't.So I posted what I found.Thought it was kinda funny.There was a time when big arses were haut couture:

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Patriotic Blow

    1/4 oz Blue Curacao

    1/4 oz Sloe Gin

    1 squirt Whipping Cream


    Layer the blue curacao and whipped cream over gin in a shot glass.

    Best served in a Shot Glass.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited April 2016

    Good morning friends- where do the weekends go? I got a lot done around home yesterday, will go in to the week in a better place

    We still have some moisture, including a lot of snow, sticking around in the mountains right now. Winter came back, but also not a suprise as we did not get hardly any moisture since mid Jan. When that happens, we usually have more wintry blast right up until May! It rained off and on down here and the moisture is great for the gardens!

    NM- the new kind of nails that don't chip are called gel nails. I have gotten them a couple times and they will last a good month without wearing out. I don't think I have ever seen a nurse with nail polish.

    It's tax day folks so get your taxes in if you have not done it yet! Uncle Sam wants your money!

    Have a good day/week everyone!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2016

    Jazzy, sorry about your friend and her divorce not going well. With my DD it SHOULD be easy peasy. There are no children, no property and no money in the bank to share and he's in another country with a girlfriend.Good luck on furniture finding.

    LBD….funny Scot! You want to see a phunny movie, go see Dirty Grandpa!

    NM, never heard of Patriot's Day. Hopefully it cause you any problems. Sadie must have had a good time. Polish that doesn't chip??? I don't believe it. Are you thinking the gel polishes? I have some, not done professionally, but it chips too.

    Ha ha, big butts. Have you seen Nikki Minaj or Kim Kardashian…..WHOA!!!!

    ..... and WHY????