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how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2016


    just right for work

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2016

    My DOTD: #1: PURPLE RAIN........a Cosmo made with grape juice rather than grenadine or cranberry.


    Blend: 1/2 c. frozen raspberries, vanilla ice cream, 1 oz. ea. vodka & Chambord.

    Sip each while listening to as many Prince songs as you can find.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2016

    Good morning,. Loungettes!TGIF!Yesterday was a much better day than the beginning of the week, thank goodness.Busy keeps me out of trouble, though.I'm curious to see how many crises pop up today.My record for the week is 3 by 9 am.

    CJ--Hooray for the chemo fog lifting!Wish we could get Murdock and Sadie together for a play date, bet it would be hilarious.

    Goldie--I didn't see any difference in the tushies, either.Which simply adds to the Why?Factor of booty augmentation.$8.3K?For booty implants?Again I ask, WHY?

    Cammy--Joey had a another girl over?What a cassanova he's turning into!It's scary how physically mature pre-teen girls are getting to be.I am so sorry the D acted up so badly.I just wish there was something I could do to help you.Your familyis so helpful.I can imagine how horribly ugly I would be if I were in your shoes.

    Fearless--I am a nurse, I work in Hospice.Been an RN for 35 years, been doing hospice work for 25 or so years of that time.The DOTD yesterday was the Fish Bowl--I never noticed the name didn't show!What part of nursing are you working in?Yummy Big As Margarita!

    Mema--Poor Bella!At least if you have to chase her around it means she's doing better.

    Julie--oh, my, I have GOT to try that Margarita recipe this summer!

    Chi--I was surprise when I say the news item about Prince last night.I never realized he was only a year older than me.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2016

    Good Morning Ladies--

    Samdy u'r up early today--good drinks tho. Oh the news was going on all day, I hate hearing all that sadness Altho I wasn't crazy abut him, I do remember my DD saw Purple Rain thing about 210 x a day. so I lost all interest from then on. But it is still sad.

    TGIF now I really mean it--oh I take calls on Sat. too but I don't really do follow up work or anything else and I don't take any calls on Sunday anymore---thanks to my constant complaining about 24/7 Dan finall put up some normal hrs. on the site.

    I've got my clothes washing right now, took my 1/2 shower and changed my clothes--ok my nitegown, but it's lite green so it's springy and I fed my cat and have my coffee. Hey that's a lot for me so early and no one else is up yet--I like this time tho.

    Yesterday I got a call around 10am and all she said was , Betty I'm running late again, I'll get there as soon as I can.I said why do u call, no one ever expects u to be on time, She yells who is this, of course it was my cousin all I did was LOL and she hung up on me laughing too. My cousin has never been on time for any job she has ever had, but never lost one. She's always been my hero.

    OK that's my report for this morning, again nothing much. But I do love all these drinks


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2016

    Fear, good for you on the running. There's times when I can barely walk!

    LDB, I still so so happy for you. And yes, LIVE for the day. How is your furbaby's eye doing?

    Julie, that's some mighty fine looking watermelon.

    NM, I'm so with you on the "why" for the implants. Glad you had a better dayyesterday, and hope you have one today.-

    Cami, I forget to mention Joey. Such a Casanova, like NM said. And you have somewhat of a schedule now. When I was doing our phones, I would sometimes answer after hours or on the weekend, if I wasn't too busy with something else. And yes, my mom is gonna do what she wants. I don't even think I'll ask anymore if she's had a shower. What tests did you miss earlier?

    I'm supposed to start my FU pills on Monday, after taking a 10 day break and upping my pills. I have that itchy rash on about 75% of my body. I know I won't be doing 7 pills this round. Town day and going to the movies again. Kevin Costner movie,I think "Criminal".

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305
    edited April 2016

    Happy Friday Lovely Ladies!

    Goldie - I'm getting treatments every other week. So it's been about 2-3 days of being foggy (which is not bad at all) and the rest of the time I feel pretty good. So, I'm not complaining. Just celebrating when the fog lifts. :)

    Camille - history and recipes are good things. :) Did you do gels or acrylics on your nails? A friend gave me a really cool nail polish which i want to use. :) Of course the cat is in charge - why wouldn't he be? :p Mine are.

    Fearless - I'm finding it a bit frustrating that I can't do what I used to - or if I do, I'm beat. But this too shall pass. Good job with the running! That margarita sounds amazing.

    MemaSue - sorry to hear about Bella! Foxtails suck! Glad it looks better. Yeah true grace is not one of my attributes. Oh well, I can launch a lovely back kick, so I'll take it.

    Juliet - YUM!!

    Sandy - those sounds amazing, too!

    NM - That would be a trip to get the two dogs together! :p Murdie likes to boss my 60 pound Aussie around. He's a trip. This is him. He only has one eye now as he had glaucoma in his left eye and had to have it removed. Never slowed him down, goofy dog.


    Went to an event at Second Harvest Food Bank last night. They even served a decent Pinot. It was fun. Good to get out. Of course, today, I'm curled in (it's raining - I LOVE rainy days) and working from home. How sad is it that my major plan this weekend is an echo cardiogram? I'll take the dogs for a long hike, too. I need to get out. Believe it or not, Murdock loves to hike as much as my Aussies. Tibetan Terrors are tough little guys.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited April 2016

    Good afternoon and happy Friday, ladies!

    Passover starts tonight, and my dad is going to go to my cousins for a Seder. I opted out, because I thought I would take the opportunity for a little alone time. Maybe I'll take myself out for dinner.

    Nm, Wow! That is one delicious (and large) looking cocktail! Pass me a straw, please!

    Mars is in retrograde until the end of June, which could be attributing to the craziness in your life, if you believe in that horse sh*t, which I kind of do.

    Power outages suck. Throws off your whole day.

    Wishing you an easy breezy day!

    I'm with Goldie. I can't tell which is the before and after in the photo you posted. The gentleman has a mighty fine fanny in both pics.

    The scallop chowder sounds and looks scrumptious!

    Goldie, $8,300 for butt implants?! Is that all? Sign me up, and pass me my checkbook!

    Enjoy the movies. Criminal looks good based on the trailer.

    Mema, big yay on your NED news!! Woo hoo! Happy belated birthday to Baxter, and congratulations on your cancerversary!

    I'm sorry about your mom. I lost my mom 10 years ago, and I miss her everyday.Your mom sounds like she was a blast. I have the same theory about wasting good alcohol. There are sober children in Africa for goodness sakes!

    Poor Bella! That must've been incredibly painful for her.

    Cami, The cat's in charge? I thought Joey was in charge.:) My sister also got manis and pedis during chemo, but I think she brought her own equipment.

    Funny story about your dad. He was probably cleaner than with the shower.My dad loves those little alcohol prep pads. He uses them on everything.

    Juliet, I hope your mom comes home soon.

    During the summers when I was in college, we would eat vodka infused watermelon slices. I never prepared one, but I think you cut out a deep chunk of the melon, and with the aid of a funnel, pour a bottle of vodka in it, replace the part you cut out and let it sit for a couple of hours before slicing into it. It was very tasty.

    Fearless, it's fantastic that you're so dedicated to running. I'm still trying to perfect the walk.

    Love the recipe for BAMs! Thanks for posting it.

    CJ, your house sounds beautiful. Is it a historical landmark? There are some gorgeous old Victorians in your neck of the woods.

    Murdock looks like one happy and spoiled dog. He's so cute

    Glad that the fog has cleared!

    Jazzy, after a busy week, I hope you have plans for a relaxing weekend.

    I'm off to take my dad for a haircut. Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2016

    mema-ThumbsUpHeartHappywe need a booze icon badly, fabulous news, .the word the other day should have been bed bound,maybe i should post i'm in work so am i on my kindle or just am i just drinking the hand sanitizer(60% alcohol)! dnv surveyers were in town, they accredit the hospital system so they can get goverment money so stress all around

    my mother has been medically cleared for discharge , she had been only getting out of bed with the aid of two people and just going from bed to chair for the last 5 weeks but after the discharge planning meeting yesterday, madam got out of bed with just one person and walked with a walker yesterday afternoonHappy

  • Fearless1956
    Fearless1956 Member Posts: 41
    edited April 2016

    Hope everyone is ready for a big weekend. It's supposed to be beautiful here in Georgia. DH and I are going to the Braves game tomorrow, church on Sunday and then maybe to Taste of Marietta on the square. I have my running training group in the morning, and frankly, right now, I dread it. It's not easy and the aches and pains I have with the anastrozole make it hard some days. But, I know it will help me out in the long run, so I will push myself to get out there. CJ, I understand your frustrations. I have them, too. I'm starting to feel old at times and I don't like it one bit. Native, I figured you were a nurse. I've been in nursing for almost 30 years. I spent about 25 years in surgical services and around 15 of that in management. I got out of management last July (thankfully!) and am now working in quality and patient safety. I work with a great group and they were all so supportive when I was diagnosed last fall. I'm blessed that I was working with them at the time instead of where I used to be. Gotta run ladies! Heading home, taking Bella for a walk and then having dinner with friends at our local hang-out!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited April 2016

    Hi ladies- busy week but a good one for a change. My project has it's challenges, but handling that okay. The problem person I have been dealing with at the project site has been "put back in his box" and watching to make sure no other issues arise.

    Fearless- I work in Health Information Technology and deal with all kinds of healthcare professionals. I am working with six docs on my current project and my daily mantra is "I must keep my docs happy!" Ha ha, you nursing types know that is not easy. As a non-clinician, my relationships with them are different than in the clinical world. I have worked with docs before, but have to say compared to others I am working with on this project, I like them because they are like me, no nonsense and all about getting it done!

    Hsant- I actually have some good things planned for tomorrow. I am going to a jazz clinic for two hours with legendary bass player Nathan East. There is a music and film festival in town this week which I have wanted to do more with than I have, but really want to see East and they are hosting this event at a friends music shop. It is a must do for me and always cool to listen to the legends talk about music. Later in the evening, I am doing a neat yoga workshop. Music and yoga are a few of my favorite things.

    Finishing up work this afternoon and listening to a new jazz vocalist I discovered by the name of Denise Donatelli. Probably related to Cami no doubt, but what a voice. I got her new CD and went looking to see if she may be in any of the places I am at this year, and found she is playing Roswell, NM tonight. Dang it! I would have gone to hear her if I had known that sooner (not a quick trip and would require an overnight stay.). She is on my radar now. I was hoping she might be in NY later this year when we are there.

    Far behind on many messages here, but thinking of you all and sending you all good wishes for the weekend! Attached is an iris blooming in my garden for the first time!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2016

    Jazzy, so appropriate that it should be an iris! Haven’t heard Donatelli, but East is one of my bass icons.

    No Seder for me tonight (both my guys will be getting home too late), so I will just chill some Israeli brut sparkling wine and have half a flute with gefilte fish for dinner (probably preceded by chicken broth with a few mandlen). Tomorrow night’s temple Seder will likely be carb overload (matzo, matzo balls, grape juice if I don’t drink the wine, charoset--which is apples, sweet wine, raisins, cinnamon and matzo chopped together, carrots & potatoes, macaroons & fruit compote for dessert, so I’ll try to observe the requirement to eat a piece of matzo at least the size of an olive and keep the rest of the carbs down tonight. (I already said farewell to bacon for the next week this morning). Next Tues. through Sat. morning I will be taking my friend from exurban Minooka to the hospital in Oak Lawn (staying in a hotel near the hospital to keep the driving Wed. morning to a minimum, and staying there until she’s released Fri. morning, when I’ll drive her home and stay with her overnight till her neighbor takes over on Sat.). So I will probably be carrying some matzo in my suitcase, as I did in Spain last year. Bob will be joining us at the hotel each night to keep his own driving to a minimum, so we’ll get a suite.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited April 2016

    ChiSandy- here is a link for you on Denise Donatelli:

    Soul Shadows

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2016

    Good Morning Ladies.

    BTW I have never heard of spiked watermelon, but what a great idea, and how easy it is o prepare.

    Jazzy u'r weekend sounds great and u sound so excited --I don't blame you--and Sandy always know what u'r talking about so it makes it more fun. As u know it's been a while since I've been to any jazz things, but I still enjoy it.

    Sandy u are so kind to take care of u'r friend like that--I hope everything turns out well for her.

    Lori u have to tell us how the movie is, it really looks good. I hope u enjoy it.

    Jazzy what a pretty pic.

    Fearless00"Good nite noise" I think Archie Bunker used to say that line. I didn't know. Now we have another nurse here too. Very hard work, for sure. I always liked all of my nurses everytime and always give u all so much credit for what u do. And u'r running is great, u know what u can do, and hope u keep it up.

    Hsant I hope u give u'rself time to relax. And like u I think of the moon thing as chit, but then again I believe it. I lways remember when working --not knowing about the moon phase--but we would always say there must be a full moon, and sure enough there was. We had a green moon and it was raining here so no one could see it, I guess it happens every 4 hundred yrs, so I missed this one.

    CJ u'r dog is precious, those dogs are so cute, we have a big one so he's not as cuddly, but he tries, he just doesn't know how without wounding us.

    Hi Julie, I hope u'r doing OK.

    Hsant I don't know what kind of nails I had-I actually think I started with the fake ones, then as my nails grew they would just cover them with gel. But I had my own things put in a separate place that they had, (like everyone else) but not the polish. I did it the whole time I was working, along time and after I started chemo cuz I worked the first four months of chemo, then operated on, then didn't work anymore and picked back up with chemo--then I just started drifting away fro getting my nails done. But the first part of my chemo is when my nails had black in them, then after I was loosing them and my toenails all grew back sideways. Joey is the only one that will polish them, it makes everyone else throw up in their mouth. Such sissies, but they are stupid looking and one nail on each hand grows in sideways too. LOL

    Oh how could I forget--Leslie (my DD) got a job yesterday. It's a beauty shop with another room for estatician and she starts next Thursday, Fri and Sat. They give her the clients, so she gets paid hourly and a portion of a customers charge, I think and if she has no customers she can help in the shop, which she actually enjoys, just doesn't like to do hair anymore, so she's happy about that cuz she heard the other one just waited for customers and Les doesn't like just waiting. And she knows some of the people running the shop cuz she's been in that kind of business since she was young. And they all still know each other--These women are in their 50's so she feels comfortable with that too. I'm so excited for her and all of us--she's worked so hard for this, so we shall see.

    NM our weather will be a little cool today but tomorree super nice, so I got one summerish dress out--oh chit I just remembered I have a party too, now I have to think of some more than a dress for around the house. damn. I hope u have a good weekend.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday everyone!Coolish this ayem here, but supposed to be nice a bit later.Planning to putter in the green house and the yard a bit this weekend.Was really nice last evening, got to hang out in the swing chair on the back deck and finish my notes for the week.With a water bottle of wine spritzer.It was so nice, I didn't even mind the few mosquitos that came by.There is hope for spring yet!

    Cammy--I wasn't a big fan of Prince either, but he's the same age I am, and that's a little scary sometimes.So many people dying are close to my age now.Don't really care for that.Hooray for normal working hours, and Sundays off!How is it that some people can get away with being late all the time and never lose a job?

    Goldie--Friday was actually pretty good, so I had one good day out of the week.Today should be relaxing and quiet.And I'm looking forward to that.I wish the FU pills treated you better. That rash must be miserable.

    CJ--Murdie is adorable!And I can just see him bossing my 65 pound yellow lab around!It's amazing how quickly our pets can adapt to things that would devastate us, isn't it?He must be a pretty tough little guy if he keeps up with the big dogs on hikes.

    Hsant--Hope you are getting some alone time and enjoying it.I never did find out why the power was out the other morning.Too curious for my own good sometimes.

    Julie--oh,joy, surveyors.We're do for a survey at my office, too, the state folks have been in the office nearby, so we're on alert.Glad your Mom is doing better, amazing what a little motivation can do for a person!

    Fearless--aha, you are one of the Chart Police! How do you like QI work?

    Jazzy--it's good when a problem child is put in baby jail and kept there, especially at work.Beautiful iris!

    Chi--that sounds like a great meal!So kind of you to be with your friend for a whole week like that.I'm sure she's very grateful.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:



    1 oz (30 ml) 42Below Manuka Honey Vodka

    1 oz (30 ml) Dolin Sweet Vermouth



    1) Combine ingredients in a mixing glass and stir with ice.

    2) Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

    3) Dust with freshly grated cinnamon.


    As a variation, the recipe also responds well to the addition of ½ ounce of Calvados, the French apple brandy.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited April 2016

    Good morning friends- I had a nice wrap up to my day yesterday and just relaxed at home last night. Typical Friday evening for me, usually too tired from the week to do much else? No place like home.

    Cami- great new about your DD and the new job. Providing services to 50 year olds a good thing, most have money where as young folks don't! I hope she enjoys the new work!

    NM- I just read from a friend on FB who also lives in Maine that you may have a warmer than average spring and summer. Are you ready for such bliss?

    Before I get to my enjoyable things today, I need to go to the computer store to get my new spare laptop and some upgrades built, then to some other errands before I go see Nathan East and do yoga later. It is going go up to 80 today so I better take the convertible out, yes?

    Wishing everyone an enjoyable weekend!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2016

    CJ, it's good to hear you are handling treatment fairly well. It's def. not a walk in the park. I hope you continue to do well. Mine were every 3 weeks, so it took 6 months to finish chemo.

    Hsant, I wouldn't mind having a nicer tush, but not willing to pay for it! Criminal was ok, I had a hard time following it, DH did not. A little too much "gore/blood" for me. I don't mind some of it, but when they show it……ewwwwww! LMAO at the sober children in Africa!

    Julie, they put my mom on bed bound when she is in the hospital. Give her yellow socks to wear, so everyone knows she's not allowed up with out help. Of course I'm sure this is to protect THEM, as they don't want her falling. Glad your mum is able to go home, 5 weeks in the hospital is a long time!

    Fearless, sounds like you have a nice weekend planned. And we have another nurse on board!

    Jazzy, glad you got rid of the problem child, must have been so frustrating. We have been to Roswell once. No need to go again! My Iris's are blooming too. I have a dark purple, a light purple and a BRIGHT yellow.

    Sandy, good luck to your friend. So nice of you to hotel it to be near to her.

    Cami, I'll bet your girls have heard of likker infused watermelon. So so happy for your DD and getting a job already. I hope she likes it! So sweet of Joey to polish your toe nails.

    NM, I can picture you on that swing, enjoying the outdoors, sipping on your spritzer and working. The rash is VERY annoying! And it hurts too, so it's like scratching raw skin basically. The skin is so very dry too. I start again on Monday, but I'm going back to 6 pills. I can't handle 7. No QOL with that dose. The rash is quite mild on 6 pills.

    Going to see a doctor on Monday to get my medical MJ card and probable pick me up some edibles at the same time. Crossing my fingers that it can get me to NED. I wanna be like mese big sister. Have some neighbors up here visiting, they live down in Phoenix. So they were gonna come by for a bit today. Also more gardening to do. Windy today with 30 mph winds!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited April 2016

    Goldie- any moisture come your way out in AZ? We got a round of t-storms late yesterday and some more moisture. It rained five out of 7 days in the past week here!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2016

    Jazzy, nope, nadda, nuttin!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2016

    Morning DahhhLinks

    Yesterday was the 1st day all month that I had nothing on my calendar. I slept away the day. Got up and got moving about 2pm. High winds yest and thru the night, makes for a restless night for me. But I'm up and at em, heading to shower soon. Think I'll take pooches to park today, we'll see.

    Cami - U gotta try the spiked watermelon, it's delish. I'm with u on belief of the full moon, but when I was working, the calls into dispatch doubled. It makes me a believer to a certain degree. YAY for Les finding a job. And wonderful that it's with a group her age and that she knows them. Tell her congrats for me.

    NM - sounds very relaxing sitting in a swing chair with ur wine spritzer.

    Jazz - we have been in the 80's, wish I had a convertible, I'd sure take it out for some sun.

    Lowee - good for you for going for ur MMJ card. It's a long process but I think it's worth it. Ya kno I hate the wind, and it has to be even more troublesome for you and your allergies. Doc told my dh to start Nasalcort at least 6 weeks prior to allergy season. Doc says it will minimize allergies. DH says he'll start snorting in Feb and keep it up til summer. We shall see. I'm going to PHX June 1-June 5. Gonna have a pool party with mese girl cousins on one of those days. If u find yourself trippin on down give me a heads up.

    Know I missed some gals….but I'm sending positive vibes and prayers to all of you….lubslubslubslubs

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited April 2016

    Happy Saturday!

    I took myself out for a great (obviously non traditional Passover) dinner at the local sushi joint last evening

    It really was nice to have a little me time. I had a Kirin light, breaking my almost 2 week detox/abstinence from booze. It was mighty tasty.

    Goldie, I have what is called a thass. Not sure where the ass stops and the the thighs begin.

    I would Love to get me some implants, but I don't have an extra 8 grand hanging around. Maybe in my next life when I'm ms. Kardashian.:) I'm also not a big fan of blood and gore. Give me a sappy, corny chick flick anytime. Prayers out to you that the maryjane creates NED!

    Jazzy, sounds like a lovely weekend you have planned.

    Cami, congrats to your daughter on her new job! That was fast! How nice that your DD is an cosmetologist. You can get first class treatment in the comfort of your home.

    NM, love that! Swing chair, deck and spritzer. Three gorgeous words in one sentence. I hope you indulged.

    Mema, those lazy sleep days are the best!

    Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited April 2016

    Oh ladies, the music afternoon was just incredible. So much more than expected and some friends of Nathan east's flew in, including drummer Steve Ferrone from the original Average White Band group and the original keyboard player from Stevie Wonder's band, the Wonderloves back in the 70s (Greg Phillanganes). It was like a walk back in time as most of them have been back up for many famous artists including Anita Baker, Michael Jackson, Tom Petty and so many more. They did a lot of fun jam music together and told lots of stories. I am not sure I had any expectations going there, but I came away so filled up and happy from my time there!

    All of them knew Prince in some form or fashion and given the recentness of his passing, shared some great stories about him and then played Purple Rain at the end. I was never a huge fan of Prince's actual songs, but he wrote many other songs I did like and was a fabulous musician. He has always been well known for not letting the music industry "own him". I thought the tribute was very nicely done, and touching too. Music community is a very tight group.

    Oh and I got a selfie with him, won't post publicly for privacy reasons but here is a photo of Mr. East doing his thang......


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited April 2016

    Hello girls!

    I was four pages behind but scanned through each of them to see what you have all been up to. Glad to see ye goils embiding in de likker.

    Lori, congrats on the medical MJ card. And I hope the FU pills can be kinder to you, that sucks that you are suffering so from them.

    Hsant, LMFAO at your comment "There are sober children in Africa for goodness sakes!". You crack me de hail up!

    Cam, a big congrats to Leslie on her new job, very well deserved. And yes, you have got to try that watermellon tingy, it is delish and a great way to catch a quicky buzz.

    Julie, glad you read that your Mum is doing better, prayers to her.

    4, congrats on the new fin, hope it is everything you wanted it to be and then some. Nice to see you post, goilfriend!

    Welcome to CJ! Your pooch is adorable, jest love doggies, all of dem.

    NM, glad you had a nice relaxing time swinging, hope you are still relaxing.

    Hello to eberybuddy that I did not comment to, love all of you goils and miss ya all bunches. I have been working my EWWA like a crazy person. One of my clients is an NFL star, plays for the Eagles and is suchh a dick. He was shooting some f-bombs at me on the phone so I hung up on him and did not take any of his calls yesterday, that'll teach the bastard to talk to me that way. Ugh......I hate filthy rich people, especially the ones that do not appreciate just how well off they have it. UGHHHH ....That is my rant of the day. It was a fairly quiet day at work yesterdey due to the Passover holiday which bdw, happy Passover to those of you that celebrate! Cheers!!

    My Jennkia will be graduating college next month. I am just so proud of her. She is a great mommy and is doing so good with raising her son alone. Sperm donor is still out of the picture. If he wants to see him son, he has to have supervised visitation so he just hasn't bothered to see baby Logan. I love that little guy just so much. Jennika is supposed to be moving closer to me in the next few weeks, for that I am berry berry furcited!

    So I am jest on my 1st JD and coke this evening but was up dwinking unti 8aye em dis morning. I slept until freaking 4 pee em and missed the most part of a berry beautiful spring day. Chit! Oh well, the night of partaying was soooooo fine. I had a visit from my exDH2, Steve. I had not seen him in a few months. It was time, now I am good for another few months. My roomie (my cuz), went to the shore overnight for the weekend to celebrate her's and the friends birthdays (with another high school friend). Sadly,I could not go as she was staying overnight and I have to care for mese Bella and mese Lucy goil. But it was a great night for a booty call HappySo I am jest gitting meseself a widdle dwunk now (hiccup n a burp, esczuuuuuuza moi).)

    I hope you all have a splendid rest of the weekend. Love each and ebery one of you goils.



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2016

    Oh Dara it's so good to see u in the lounge and know that u'r imbibing is going strong. It's so nice to hear about Logan and u'r DD--remembering a couple yrs. back and how far she's come with u. Logan must be a hoot now especially. Such great news with her graduating.

    Lori I think we've gone thru so many ideas for u'r rash, and so sorry u have it so bad--that is annoying I was just thinking about chicken pox and how itchy and couldn't scratch them and had to have baking soda bths, did u ever try that? I know that's so old fashioned and I don't even remember if it helped, but I can't think of anything else anymore.

    Jazzy u'r day sounds like a fabulous one, more people than u thought. How exciting

    well I was just quickly poopin in, I'm going to try to go to sleep. Using the other side of my brain to wave me goodnight.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes! Happy Sunday Funday!I stayed up way later than I intended last night, I was re-reading a book that I borrowed from the Kindle Library.It's called "A Handmaid's Tale" and is a near future dystopia story.I read it years ago, and then saw a movie made from the book, and something brought it to mind so I went and looked for it. I know a lot of people think I'm crazy cuz I re-read books I enjoy a lot, sometimes over and over again.But I get something new out of each reading, and really enjoy doing that.What can I say?I'm a little odd, but we all knew that already, right?

    Cammy--looks like I bumped you into the pool yesterday!Sorry bout that, let me buy you a drink or two to make up for it?How does a nail grow in sideways?I can't picture that.MaybeI don't want to?Hooray for Leslie's new job!Did you get to the party?Have fun?

    Jazzy--right now I can deal with the idea of a warmer than average spring and summer as long as the humidity stays away.I can deal with heat but not humidity.That just drains me.Would you believe I've never ridden in a convertible?Maybe I'll get to do that someday.Sounds like fun!

    Goldie--I'm glad the rash is tolerable on 6 pills.Gotta have some QOL to make all this treatment crap worthwhile.Is it much of a process to get a medical marijuana card there?In Maine only certain docs can give them.Supposedly they have special training.I keep thinking I should go into one of the local dispensaries and get myself some more education on this stuff.So many ways to use it, so much to learn about it.

    Mema--the wine spritzer and the swing chair made working late Friday downright enjoyable!

    Hsant--I indulged for a couple of hours Friday evening.It was heavenly!I wish this weekend was a bit warmer, 34 degrees when I was puttering on the deck at 7 ayem, but it will come.It's only April.

    Jazzy--sounds like you had a wonderful time!Hooray for you!

    Dara--why do sticking rich ba$#ards have to act like such ba$#ards?Good for you for hanging up on him and not taking any more of his calls.Congratulations to Jennika on her upcoming graduation, and so exciting that she and baby Logan will be moving closer!Glad sperm donor is staying out of the picture, he's not much good for anything.Can't be very motivated to see the baby, can he?I see you mad the most of having the house to yourself, you sly girl!Give Bella and Lucy a pet and cuddle for me.

    Good night, Cammy!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Liquid Marijuana

    1 oz Midori Melon Liqueur

    1 oz Malibu Coconut Rum

    1/4 oz Captain Morgan Spiced Rum

    1 oz Amaretto di Amore

    1/4 oz Blue Curacao

    1 oz Butterscotch Schnapps

    1/4 oz Melon Liqueur

    6 oz Pineapple Juice


    Pour all ingredients into a glass and stir together. Then enjoy the deliciousness.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2016

    LDB, I too hate this darn wind. Tomorrow is going to be the worst. Gonna cost me about $300 to get my card. Have you tried that vapor smoke thing, like the one you gave me? The JuJu Joint! I'll keep beginning of June in the back of mese mind. Let me know as it gets closer.

    Hsant, never heard of the "thass"….LOL! Glad you got out for some quality "me" time.

    Jazzy, sounds like an awesome evening. Glad you came away even more impressed.

    My wuvely Whacko, so goot to see you. Here is a Jack and diet for ye. I wish you could find a job that you liked better. And good for you hanging up on the idiot. Glad to hear about your DD and SD not being around. Sometimes, that is just best. And congrats to her on her graduation. And they are moving closer to you, whoo hooo.

    Cami, no baths for me, I don't have a tub, only showers. I'll lower my dose, so it will be better and continue with Benadryl.

    NM, I was recommened to a doctor for the card, but you are right, not just any doc can do it. He is a retired MD, not sure what field. He said it would take about 45 minutes, and then I think it might take about 3 weeks to get the card.

    Well, nuttin new here on my end. Not looking forward to the wind tomorrow, I have my appt. at 2 pm. Then I might head over to the dispensary and see what I can learn from them.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited April 2016

    Good morning friends- good to see some folks here I have not seen in awhile, like Dara.

    Dara dear- I am sorry about the guy who is acting like a turd. I have been dealing with one myself, and he is not a rich NFL player. Some men just have TMT (too much testosterone) and go through life acting like they can do or say whatever they want. I do know you a bit of success and or money to the equation, and it makes the already present entitlement attitude that much worse. You seem like one tough cookie and hope he gets it that you are not to be bossed around. If he happens to be married, I feel sorry for the wife.

    Congrats on your DD's graduation. Always good to see the ones we love moving forward to take good care of themselves. Education is so important, especially for women. I wish all of you the best here!

    NM- you need to find someone with a convertible and get that on your bucket list for a ride! Having lived back east for a long time, I know far less folks have them there than they do here. We just can use them a lot more out here in the west.

    Cami- I hope you got some good rest last night! Wondering if Joey is getting excited about playing in that parade coming up soon?

    I had a good day yesterday all the way around. Before the music, I got over to the computer shop and got my new laptop purchased along with a few upgrades added to make it more robust like my current workstation. Should be ready later this week and next must call the computer company here who helps with home office networking to come over and get my new printer on line along with the new computer, etc. Home office upgrade is almost complete!

    Last night I went to a yummy yoga workshop for an hour and a half. The class was great and I have done a couple classes and workshops with this guy before and like the cool things he does. I had to laugh though, I was thinking how much life changes as we go through it. Saturday nights used to be "go out and party night" and now I am doing yoga workshops on a saturday night! Probably a bit healthier though. Having a day of music and good yoga really felt great!

    Today I am going to spend some time at home today and go over to Home Depot to get some flowers to add to my gardens and pots today. April 23rd is the date that we are usually past frost potential (we had a frost last weekend too).

    Hoping everyone has a good Sunday Funday!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2016

    Good Morning ladies.

    NM--NO CONVERTIBLE--Holy Chit--well thinking about it, I might not appreciate it so much now, cuz it can be some wind going there, but when I was younger it was great. But u have to at least try it. There is a beautiful breeze here today, my window is open and just feels so good.

    Jazzy u'r still on a high--keep it as long as u can.

    OK I haven't really read up on this, but I think they are having dispensary problems in IL, finding the right people to run them for accuracy--chit they should just ask the guy standing on the corner--but it's a big deal and there are different ways to use it so I wonder if u get a recipe book with it to help at least.. I did read how they found so much in the plant, not just for cancer but for a lot of different diseases--something chronic that pain would be totally eased. It's funny but how I think if something grows from the earth it is either meant for beauty )plus honey) or for a reason, like the poppy and if u follow the thought everything in moderation then i's all good. Now I realize there are poison plants, but again it's for a reason, well like geting rid of a husband or something.

    Well I guess I'm staying home today, but I don't mind, if it was my family I'd have a fit, but it's not so I'm OK with this party.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2016

    Just read an article in Chicago Magazine titled “Gourmet Ganja" about pastry chef Mindy Segal, who is developing a line of chocolate-based MJ edibles to be sold both in CO and IL dispensaries (in order to taste for quality control, she'd have to go to CO to do it as she is ineligible for an MMJ card in IL). Supposedly, they'll taste better than the currently available ones. But she will be using high-THC resins rather than CBD ones, so the secondary goal (after taste) would be to facilitate a high rather than treat pain, inflammation, or other stuff like seizures. (And CBD is supposedly the nastier-tasting component of cannabis). I don't need MMJ yet (my MO won't prescribe it for anyone other than Stage IV patients or those who are getting cachexia from chemo and for whom anti-nausea meds aren't working). There are doctors around who for a fee will facilitate the application process for those with statutorily qualifying medical conditions, but I'm pretty leery of it so long as it still is a felony under Federal law. Though the current DOJ says it will not prosecute anyone possessing MJ legally in their own states, we don't know how long that'll last after the next election--a GOP-appointed Atty. Gen. might well reverse that policy; and even if Congress removes it from the schedule of illegal controlled substances, a Republican Pres. would almost surely veto that.

    Unless and until I am no longer physically able to ever again practice law or travel by air (or need to use a passport), I don't dare take the chance of applying. Possession is still a Federal felony (and even use--as evidenced by blood levels in one's system--has been held to be “possession"). In renewing my law license I would have to certify that I have not violated and do not intend to violate Federal laws, and if I lied about that I would then be committing perjury. The IL MMJ app. contains a declaration by the applicant that they know it's a Federal felony, and that the State of IL will not go to bat for them if the Feds bust them. Now I know one state agency (the Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission) doesn't necessarily automatically communicate with another (whatever IL agency administers MMJ apps.), but it is conceivable that filing an MMJ app could get me disbarred. And if that ever got back to the TSA or State Dept. I could end up on the no-fly list. Too big a risk for me right now.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Tis Monday!The alarm went off right in the middle of a dream.I have such a hard time waking all the way up when that happens.Gonna feel a little bit off all morning, now.Beautiful day yesterday, but never got above 55 degrees.There was talk of frost overnight.But sunny, it was beautifully sunny!

    Goldie--I'd be really interested to find out what the appointment with the MJ doc is like.I'm curious what they do that needs special training.And even more curious about what the dispensary is like!

    Jazzy--I'll add a ride in a convertible to my bucket list--if all else fails I can always test drive one since most of the local car dealerships seem to have one on the lots in the summer.The home office upgrade sounds like it's coming along on schedule.I bet you will enjoy the "new" office!

    Cammy--like the growing season in Maine the convertible season is very short, makes convertibles a true luxury item around here. But I do see some around, will have to ask around and see if any I know has one.When we use whole plants as medicine we get a lot of different chemicals in very small doses.Using several chemicals attacks a problem in different ways and needs much lower doses to be effective, and the lower doses mean fewer side effects.Then our medical system comes along, isolates 1 or 2 chemicals from the hundreds in the plant, then produces them and gives themin huge doses compared to what is in plants, and, magically, we get all kinds of side effects and less effective therapeutic effect.Modern medicine is finally figuring this out, and now most cancer treatment protocols use a combination of drugs so they can use lower doses of each one and avoid killing the patient while killing the cancer.But the doses are still huge compared to what is in plants.Talk about overkill!

    Chi--you cite some potential effects of getting an MMJ card that I never thought of. I've often wondered how the federal vs state thing worked, and if that caused any problems.I can see now where it can.Lots more to think about than I ever realized.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Lunch Bucket

    12 oz Beer

    1 oz Amaretto

    1 oz Orange Juice


    Stir ingredients together in a pint glass, and serve.

    Best served in a Beer Mug.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2016

    BTW, I've been thinking about that Raspberry Beret cocktail: should be served in one of those upside-down-beret-shaped shallow champagne coupe glasses.....the kind you find in a secondhand store (sorry, couldn't resist)