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how about drinking?



  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited April 2016

    Happy Monday, ladies!

    Another beautiful day here. Sunny and the expected high is 75 degrees. I think it's safe to say that winter is behind us, which means it's time for me to pack up my winter clothes and break out the spring/summer stuff. I'm sure I'll procrastinate that chore for the next week or so.

    NM, I want those stools!! Hilarious! I'll sit on one of those all day long. I wish I looked that good in a thong!

    Your neighborhood is lucky to have Sadie as their official neighborhood watch dog.

    I'm going to jump on the lobstah, crab, shrimp, scallop, clams, mussels bandwagon. I love 'em all. I respectfully disagree that shrimp and scallops are similar. Scallops are pure sweetness, can be consumed raw (yum!) and when cooked properly are melt in your mouth goodness. Shrimp tastes slightly of iodine, has a chewy consistency and can't be consumed raw. I love 'em cooked any way, but they're different from scallops. Crab, I like to eat cold, straight out of the shell. No butter or sauce needed. Lobster the same only warm. My absolute favorite dish is pasta with clams,mussels scallops and shrimp in a red sauce.

    Goldie, 80 acres! Wow! But maintaining 10 seems like a huge responsibility.

    On a positive note, at least your DD is working and residing on a beautiful tropical island while dealing with her divorce.

    Your mom is going to do what she wants to do. My mom was the same way. She was stubborn as hell.

    Jazzy, I love CT. I spent a lot of weekends in various towns in Fairfield county during my college years with friends and their families. Absolutely beautiful.

    What do you grow in your garden?

    Why is it that the things we love always end up being expensive? Maybe patio furniture will go on sale after July 4th?

    Memasue, I sent that joke to a friend of mine, who's husband is from Scotland. Funny!

    Fearless, would you mind posting you recipe for big ass margarita's? I think with the recent topic here, it would be most appropriate.:) I also love me a good margarita.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2016

    Hsant, glad your weather is getting nicer. We can be so goofy here. Been in the 20's in the morning and 70 during the day! My DD is very happy where she is. MY CONCERN, because they are married, if he were to incur any debt and not pay it, they would come after her!

    Jazzy, thanks for the swim, the water is nice and I see a Tender at the bar with a drink for me.

    Oh....funny story about my mom. So I bring up the shower issue yesterday, asking her if she had one. She said "oh yeah, Jason helped me". I ask when, she says I think it was Thursday. So I call my son and ask him, he says NOOOOOO! My mother has never been one to tell a fib.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2016

    Morning DahhhLinks

    Just a quick pop in, slept way to late this morn, but I must say it was 'good' sleep, maybe the 2 vodkas I had was the ticket.

    NM - never heard of Patriot's Day either and that businesses are mostly closed for the day, does make life interesting. Cute cute about Sadie and the pic you posted.

    Many years ago I flew to Boston where my bff was currently working. Ordered lobster, to my surprise it was a WHOLE lobster. Well I didn't kno where to begin but in my poking and attempts at cracking it open, it went sliding right off my plate and landed near an elderly couple. The guy felt sorry for me and came over, sat down, and gave us a lesson on that critter. We laughed our arses off. Glouchester (sp) was where we were. And yes, big butts are all the rave.

    Jazz - do the gels ruin the nail bed like acrylic does? OOO wintry blasts til May, makes me shiver jes thinking about. We've in the 70s mostly, heaven.

    Lowee - Dirty Grandpa does sounds funny on the ads, will try to see it. LOL over the pics of the boo-taes. Ur mom will even try fibbing to get out of taking a shower, funny but not…(((Lowee)))

    Hsant - it's already 70 on my shaded patio, think we jes might make it to 80 today. My dh loves all that shellfish too.

    Lubslubslubs to all, I gotta get moving.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2016

    Wow, who shut the lounge down?

    Mema, you could wait too until it comes out on Netflix or something.

    Well, maybe I'll check in is 2 for Tuesday!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited April 2016

    Hi ladies- super busy this week but wanted to say hi!

    Goldie- lounge is still open, maybe just quiet on a Monday?

    Mema- yes, they do kind of wreck the nail bed. That is why I don't do my nails that often.

    NM got cold yesterday and had more rain and snow in the mountains. Waking up to the upper 20s today. Not uncommon to get blasts of winter right up until the end of April. I met with someone yesterday who flew in from Denver and said they got 51 inches in the foothills of Denver this weekend. They are expecting more snow this weekend. Crazy weather!

    Hope everyone has a good day!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited April 2016

    Make sure to use popsicles made with real fruit for the freshest taste.



    – To create a light spritzer, combine equal parts champagne & ginger ale.
    – For a fruity cocktail, go with 3 parts ginger ale to 1 part white rum or vodka.

    Add the popsicles to either version right before serving. They'll dissolve into the drinks as guests enjoy them. Think of them kind of like a REALLY BIG garnish. ;

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2016

    Fearless, I am indeed the ChiSandy who will be doing that benefit concert in Hickory for Healing Touch. Hope you can make it--a number of BCO sisters will be gathering that day and evening.

    Magic, welcome aboard, and belly up to the bar.

    NM, I had most of those same issues with OptumRx before I went on Medicare. My Part D plan is trying to sell me on mail order, but I’m not biting, so long as my two favorite pharmacies (CVS and that little neighborhood indie with the Kosher deli up front) are on their “preferred” list. My AI weight gain has given me a shapelier butt, but I wish I could keep it while losing the gut...

    Those of us here who will be celebrating Passover beginning this Fri & Sat. night (technically, requires consuming “4 cups” of wine--“cup” size not defined), here’s a little something:

    THE TWO-MINUTE HAGGADAH, a Passover Seder for the Impatient, by Michael Rubiner

    Opening Prayers: Thanks, God, for creating wine. (Drink wine). Thanks for creating produce. (Eat parsley).

    Overview: Once, we were slaves in Egypt. Now we're free. That's why we're doing this.

    Four Questions:

    1. What's up with the matzoh?

    2. What's the deal with the horseradish?

    3. What's with the dipping of the herbs?

    4. What's this whole slouching at the table business?


    1. When we left Egypt, we were in a hurry. There was no time for making decent bread.

    2 Life was bitter, like horseradish.

    3. It's called "symbolism."

    4. Free people get to slouch.

    A funny story: Once, these five rabbis talked all night. Then it was morning. (Heat soup now).

    The four kinds of children and how to deal with them:

    Wise child--explain Passover.

    Simple child--explain Passover slowly.

    Silent child--explain Passover loudly.

    Wicked child--browbeat in front of the relatives.

    Speaking of children, we hid some matzoh. Whoever finds it gets five bucks,

    The story of Passover: It's a long time ago. We're slaves in Egypt. Pharaoh is a nightmare. We cry out for help. God brings plagues upon the Egyptians. We escape, bake some matzoh, God parts the Red Sea. We make it through, the Egyptians aren't so lucky. We wander 40 years in the desert, eat manna, get Torah, wind up in Israel, get a new temple, enjoy several years without being persecuted again. (Let brisket cool now).

    The 10 Plagues: Blood, frogs, lice--you name it.

    The Singing of "Dayenu:"

    If God had gotten us out of Egypt and not punished our enemies, it would've been enough. If he'd punished our enemies and not parted the Red Sea, it would've been enough. If he'd parted the Red Sea--(remove gefilte fish from refrigerator)

    Eat matzoh. Drink more wine. Slouch.

    Thanks again, God, for everything.


  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited April 2016

    Now I have an inexplicable craving for really good roast beef on a crusty baguette....gentiles are like that sometimes. But before I go, "So why is this night different from all other nights?"

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305
    edited April 2016

    Hi Ladies, may I come to this party? I really enjoy a nice glass of red (I'm Californian - I HAVE to drink wine), but I love a good martini as well. :)

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited April 2016

    CJSharma: yes, please do join us! Where in the Bay Area do you live? (send me a PM if you don't want to post specifics in a public forum...I'm from that general area myself)

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2016

    Good afternoon, Loungettes!Boy has it been a chitty day today.Woke up to no power.Yuck.Makes for all kinds of annoyances and inconveniences.Spent most of the work day on the phone chasing a morphine refill prescription for a patient who was out.Not much seemed to want to go well today.Glad the day is over and looking forward to a nice Sadie cuddle very soon!

    Jazzy--wintery blasts in May?Sure you don't live in Maine?Gel nails, hmm.Will have to look into that.Technically I can't wear artificial nails at work cuz they are an infection hazard, but lots of nurses I know do.I just wish my nails would stop splitting and fraying and looking crappy all the time, but with the amount of hand washing, sanitizing and chemical contact I have, not likely to happen.

    Goldie--Patriot's Day is a strictly New England holiday.It's about the Battles of Lexington and Concord, the first battles of the revolutionary war.The Boston Marathon is run on Patriot's Day.Which is Patriots' Day in Mass.Not sure why the difference, since Maine was part of Mass at that time, but then we do like to be different up here!Whoa, talk about big booties!Lotsa muscle there.

    Hsant--have you ever tried sauteing some scallops in butter with a bit of minced garlic and a splash of white wine?Heavenly!Good point about the chewing consistency of shrimp.Lobster and crab, good hot or cold.

    Goldie--are you sure your Mom doesn't have some dementia going on?

    Mema--cracking open and consuming a whole lobstah does take some know-how!Fun though,Even more fun outside at a picnic area where you can go swimming afterward and clean off the lobstah juice and buttah!

    Jazzy--we've been getting a lot of windiness lately, are you getting that, too?

    Hsant--love the popsicle drinks! What a cool idea!

    Chi--Now I truly understand Passover!

    Queen--why is any night different from any other night?Beats me!

    CJSharma--Welcome to the HTL!Pull up a barstool and imbibe away!Wine is certainly allowed--I love wine myself and even make it at home, and cocktails are a steady source of interest and experimentation. Beer is very popular, too. So, tell us about yourself?

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2016

    I get gel nails every 2-3 weeks. Mine don't last a month, because my nails grow very quickly and I root around in luggage, tote bags, gear bags for various stuff like cables & the like. I also play guitar, and detest using fingerpicks which fit over the fingertips (used to be because they didn't give me enough tactile feedback, but now because they can constrict the fingers and aggravate LE). Because I demand so much of my nails (especially on the right hand), my nail tech uses a combo of gel in a pot for a base layer and the “Gelish" brand of “no-chip" liquid polish for the rest. Both are cured by LED light. (Perhaps one of the reasons why drugstore “no-light" gel polishes can chip is that they don't cure. They are a different composition from LED gel, and the times I've tried to “fill" in the outgrowth at the moons of my nails with them, they've caused the edges of the light-cured gels to soften and lift further). Because they are more gas-permeable than the old two-step (powder-and-solvent) acrylics (which emit toxic fumes until they're fully dry), they do allow the nail bed to breathe somewhat. But because the edges can lift with heavy hand use and water exposure, especially once the nails have grown a bit for the moons to be exposed, they can trap bacteria or fungi and so are not recommended for nurses or surgeons.

    Gels do affect the texture of the nail but not as much as do the acrylics. With acrylics, outgrowth is covered by “fills," which are additional applications of the composite over the exposed moons while the existing acrylic remains bonded to the nail. (Often. when acrylics are first applied, the nails have to be abraded--and in the mall “nail mills," that's often done with power sanders, which can sometimes thin the natural nails so aggressively that the skin beneath is nearly exposed. And if the acrylics do lift a bit, contaminants can get so trapped beneath them unless the acrylics are removed--a much longer soak with multiple and harder scrapings than with gels--that serious fungal infections are possible. With gels, outgrowth is dealt with by soaking the gels in acetone, which softens the gel to the point it can be easily and gently scraped off with blunter instruments rather than the sharp curettes needed to remove acrylic residue. Because the gels are fully removed every couple of weeks or so, and are not reapplied till the end of the manicure, the nails get more time to breathe. The natural nails are never abraded the way they must be for acrylics to adhere. And with acrylics, regular polish must be applied over them (and removed with non-acetone remover if you want to change colors) but doesn't chip. With gels, however, the color is already in the gel or gel polish--and a color change requires a soak-off. Both acrylics and gels can be applied over silk patches or plastic tips used to lengthen or repair splits.

    Cancer itself--even without chemo--can weaken natural nails, as can impact or major disease such as serious infections. Evidence of disease or injury can be seen in ridges, dents and spots--all of which begin in the beds way beneath the cuticle.

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305
    edited April 2016

    QueenMomCat - I live in San Jose (I can get more specific but that will require a pm :p). Where did you live? Thanks for the welcome!

    NativeMaine - :) Thanks for the warm welcome! I'm 51, a mom of one daughter who is 23, separated (and very happy about that). I live alone with 3 dogs and 2 cats of my own, I also have 3 foster cats. I'm an account manager for a Canadian company and so happy that they provide top of the line health insurance! I love Maine! I'm originally a PA girl and have spent many summers up in Maine. (Dated a guy whose step father was a lobsterman on Vinalhaven Island as well).

    Sandy - did you get your nails done when you were under going chemo? I'm tall and not skinny so bald, I feel like I look very masculine. I would love pretty nails to help me feel girlie, but I'm a bit nervous.

    Things are tasting good, so I'm going to relax with a glass of wine before dinner. A nice Hahn Pinot Noir.

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Member Posts: 2,020
    edited April 2016

    San Francisco, for me. Though that was some few years ago.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited April 2016

    CJ, I didn’t have chemo. But I did get mani-pedis post-op and during rads.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes! Happy Hump Day!Nice to get up and have power this ayem.Still haven't found out why the power was out yesterday ayem, got to admit I'm curious.And I am ready for a much better day.

    Chi--thank you so much for all that great info about nails, I had no idea how complex that whole thing can become.Given how often my hands are wet and the heavy use they get maybe I'll just do the fancy nail thing for special occasions.I can see why artificial nails aren't allowed in many nursing settings.

    CJ--I wondered if you were a fur baby momma, from your tag line.The lounge has a dog park for our babies to play in whilst we imbibe.It even has it's own pooper scooper!Maybe we should create a special place for the kitties, too.Hmm, need to talk to the tenders about that.I really admire people who foster animals, I get so attached so quickly thatI couldn't do that without tearing myself apart every time a foster left. What kind of dogs do you have? My Sadie is a yellow lab, and has me well trained.


    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Camel Hump

    3/4 shot Butterscotch Schnapps

    1/4 shot Irish Cream


    Pour Butterscotch Schnapps into a shot glass 3/4 of the way full. Fill rest of drink with Bailey's Irish Cream.

    Best served in a Shot Glass.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited April 2016

    Good morning and happy humpday, ladies!

    It's supposed to be another beautiful day, with a high of 71 degrees.

    Goldie, my dad has also become a teller of tall tales. He's so bad at it, that I can tell when he's been stretching the truth. He gets a guilty look on his face. I'll ask him, dad why are you lying to me? His response, to get you off my ass. Your mom probably told that fib to "get you off her ass".

    Native, I have never had scallops prepared that way. Sounds delish! The way I cook scallops (the large sea ones) is I dry them real good and add salt and pepper. I get a nonstick pan with Olive oil real hot. I sear the scallops for about 3 minutes, then flip them and add a TBSP. of butter to the pan. I sear the second side for about two minutes while spooning the melted butter over the top of the scallops. You get a nice caramelized crust, and a slightly opaque middle. Ok, now I'm craving scallops.

    Sandy, I'm Jewish, and I feel I have a better understanding of Pesach.:) I was that annoying kid who always found the Matzah.

    Jazzy, I hope the weather by you warms up soon!

    CJSharma, Hi! I live in the Los Angeles area, but I love northern CA. My husband and I have spent time in Half Moon Bay, and of course San Francisco. The hubs worked there for a couple of years before we were married. I am also partial to reds, specifically Zinfandels. But I also like a good vodka martini. Grey Goose, extra dry, straight up with a twist.

    Memasue, you're in my thoughts.

    Cami, Hope the 'puter isn't giving you a hard time.

    Well, time to hop in the shower. I need to get my dad up and fed, because I have a doc. Appt. this morning. Getting my TMs checked.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful day!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited April 2016

    Good Morning Girls!!

    I wanted to pop in and say I hope everyone is well. somehow my dern email notifications got shut off, so I am painfully behind in what is happening in the lounge. This time of year is so incredibly busy for the kids,, so please excuse my absences and tardiness. You all are on my mind daily! I know that sounds lame.


    I'm off to see the wizard at noon to get my permanent Fin! Finally Happy I should have plenty of time to sit with my tablet and ketchup later!!

    Maybe doc can make this happen


    Hugz and Lubs to all. See you in my pocket!

    and Fearless--let's do lunch! I'm right by Sprayberry HS

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2016

    Jazzy, still no precip here for us. But not unusual. I could do with out the wind tho!

    Wow Hsant, loving the popsicles in the drink. Brilliant! And so pretty. I'm sure my mom wants me off her ass, and I'm about to oblige. She's gonna do (or not do, in her case) whatever she wants. Her doctor tellsher how good she's doing, cuz he too knows she's gonna do what she wants, he was even quoted saying that to her! Good luck on those labs.

    Sandi, so nice that you will be entertaining and in front of many BCO sisters. ENJOY! I wondered why my gel polishes didn't look like the professional ones.

    Hi Queeny.

    Welcome CJ. Absolutely you may join us. Belly up to the bar girl and Tender will bring you whatever you want! I see you are new to the site and diagnosis. Doing the bald thing from chemo…!

    NM, I was wondering where you were yesterday morning. Thank goodness that Hsant got our DOTD (drink of the day, for our newbies). Sorry for the chitty day. I guess we have to have them once in awhile. I don't think that's muscle in those booties. It's called implants, just like boobs. Thanks for the explanation of Patriot's Day. NOOO, my mom is sharp as a tack. She's just lazy. LOL at the Lady Humps!

    4, surgery today? Tenders, get the Party UFO ready, we have lots of traveling to do and be on time for 4.

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305
    edited April 2016

    Queen - I love San Francisco to visit, but like living in the "Sunny side" of the Bay Area. :) I have a 100 year old house in an old neighborhood. :)

    Sandy - one of my friends got me a gift certificate for the manicure/pedicure. I might just use it when I'm at my strongest. I would love some sassy, pretty nails.

    Native - I am owned by two Australian Shepherds ( Jimmy, the full sized, and Jack a mini) and a Tibetan Terror. The Tibetan is blind, 20 pounds and thinks he rules the house. My daughter named him Murdock after Matt Murdock who is DareDevil, the blind superhero. The cats will be happy hanging out tormenting the dogs. :p

    HSant - I love a good Zin! If you ever head north, we should meet for a glass of zin. :) And my martini's have to be dirty with extra olives. I like SoCal. Santa Monica is beautiful, but crazy traffic-wise! I'm down there for work some times. But next trip will wait until after chemo.

    4Sew - If your doc can make that happen, can I have his number? :p

    Busy day at work today. Yuck. But I'm round two of AC and I'm wondering if they did something wrong because round 2 was a lot easier than round1. The fog hasn't quite lifted yet, but last time I was so weak and miserable. I had one bad day of being weak. Probably shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. My cat is fascinated by my really short hair. He likes to sit behind me and bat me lightly on the head. Never a dull moment. :) Happy Wednesday, All!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited April 2016

    good luck four

    'm as some meds as you know should not be stopped suddenly can you use that to when you talk to be because of all the past issues with this insurance companies

    Lori no disney just work.mam still in hospital but

    Now talking about sending her home and basically she will be newfound now .

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2016

    Morning DahhhLinks

    Happy HumpDay!! Today is my Baxter's 5th bday, also my 5 year cancerversary, and also 5th year since I lost my mom. Remember me telling you about the last Lent period while she was with me. Well, drank Beefeaters gin on the rocks. She was going to give it up during lent. I said 'what will you drink when we go to the bar?' She said, tequilla and beer. I asked how that was a sacrifice? She said 'you don't know how much I love my Beefeaters'. So 1st trip to bar, the bartender hands her her usual (beefeaters) and I say, no, it's Lent and mom is giving it up. She grabbed the drink and said, 'God wouldn't want this to go to waste' , so she drank it and then went to tequilla. LOL, jes had to share.

    Lowee - we rarely find anything we like on Netflix, will watch the Library tho.

    Jazz - too cold ur way. Hope you can get some rest time in around your busy schedule.

    Hsant - popsicles in that drink sounds gr8.

    Sandy - WOW, wish I could go to the benefit, would love to hear you and your music. Got a chuckle out of the 2-minute Haggadah. Gr8 explanation on the gel and acrylic nails. I do acrylic, fills every 2 weeks. Used to do my own nails with paper wraps but after chemo, they were never as strong and they peeled a lot.

    CJ - welcome to the HTL, I'd love to indulge in a Vodka martini (don't like gin). Pull up a stool and I'll have the tenders bring us our libations. My son works in SanJose. Stays there thru the week, usually comes home to Vegas on the weekends His biggest client is the Bay 101 club, he does install and upgrades to their security system. I've been up that way several times, found it fascinating. I didn't do my nails at all during chemo, waited over a year hoping they'd grow in nice again. Well they never did, hence the acrylics.

    NM - hope u felt better with the Sadie cuddle after such a bad day. Thanks for explaining Patriot's Day. Didn't kno the Boston Marathon was run on a special day.

    4 - soooo good to see you pop in. Not lame, u r very busy, altho we love ur company, we understand how life can get us all wrapped up. YAY on getting ur fin finally. All will go well am sure, but I'll say a few prayers anyway and of course will be in the pocket with the rest of the gals.

    Julie - good to hear about ur mom. What is newfound?

    Gotta go my special friends, hope all have a wonderful HumpDay


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2016

    Oh, I forgot to tell you all, things went well at onco's office, I am NED...woohoo. Will not be having anymore kadcyla (chemo) but will have to go in every 2 months to get my port flushed and my Xgeva shot. She is also scheduling a Brain MRI for sometime in June. Kinda scary and a relief at the same time.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited April 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes!It's Thirsty Thursday, also known as Friday Eve.Looking to see if today is another crazy day. I seem to be having a crazy week.Needing to be in 2 counties at once is a real challenge, sometimes.But, so far so good, no one's fired me and no one's filed any complaints.Thank God for my partner Sara, she is a life saver, willing to go anywhere and do anything.And the driving weather has been beautiful, that helps a lot.

    Hsant--today is supposed to MAYBE hit 70 degrees, I can't wait!I've got to try scallops seared that way, sounds yummy.I also like scallop chowdah--real New England with scallops, milk, cream, butter, salt and pepper, very slowly simmered all day.

    4sew!Good morning!Great to see you!Good luck with the new fin, and my you end up looking like Jessica and less like Nemo!

    Goldie--booty implants?Really?WHY??????I guess I don't understand why anyone would want to look like that, but there's no accounting for taste.Hmm, did a quick bit of research, Even Men have this done!

    CJ--oh, my what a houseful you have!"Tibetan Terror", I can just picture him.Funny how the least likely one ends up ruling the roost.Glad the current round is going well, praying nothing was wrong/different about it.Unless it was supposed to be.

    Julie--I'll use the argument about stopping meds abruptly too, thanks for the ammo!Hoping your Mom going home means she's better.

    Mema--Sadie says Happy Birthday to Baxter!I say Hooray for the 5 year cancerversary!Hugs on the anniversary of the loss of your Mom.LOL at the Lent story.Sadie has been worth her weight in gold and then some this week.Love coming home to Sadie cuddles and tug time and general silliness.HOORAY FOR NED!!!!!!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

  • CJSharma
    CJSharma Member Posts: 305
    edited April 2016

    Happy Friday Eve everyone! I'm happy to say the chemo fog has lifted and I'm feeling my old self. YAY! Not a fan of that darned fog.

    MemaSue - I'm a vodka martini gal all the way. We have a local vodka called Hanger One that is awesome. But I'll settle for KettleOne or Gray Goose. :) My "husband" (we're still technically married but living apart and I have no plans to change that) is a member of the Bay Club in Cupertino. It's a great facility. I just cannot grow nails as I'm kind of a bull in a china shop as I go through life. :p

    NativeMainer - yep, that's Murdock. He's a little trip, but I love him. He just loves to be loved (and bark, he likes to bark, too). :p I love your memes! They always make me smile.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2016

    CJ, don't look a gift horse in the mouth! Glad that round 2 was easy for you. How often are you getting treatments?

    Julie, glad your mum will be going home. I wish they'd put mine in!

    LDB, dancing with NED, unbelievable! I'm so so happy for you. Try not to focus on the brain scan. June is a bit away. ENJOY TODAY! I sure wish NED would dance with me. Funny story about your mom. Lots of 5's there. But the best one is you being 5 years out with stage IV.

    NM, I can't tell the difference in that guys tush. Both pictures look the same to me. I stared at it a LONG time! I've been a day off all week. So glad you like your partner too.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited April 2016

    Average cost for booty implants, if anyone is interested! $8300.00.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited April 2016

    Good Morning Ladies.

    YAAY, YAHOO SUSYQ--great news/

    NM what a DOTD that is. Finally geting some good weather up there. We're doing all right here so far, but it's iffy.

    Welcome CJ, this is a grea bunch of women. But I have to say I learn more about history and recipes than anything. LOL I totally had my nails done thru chemo. they turned black on the bottom and I had to cover that. And I have a rescue dog and cat and of course the cat is in charge.

    Sandy I so enjoy u'r posts, so interesting.

    4 good Luck and please let us know how everything is going.

    OK Hsant u'r dad is hysterical. My dad used to have a nurse come 2x a week for a shower but inbetween he's be in the bathroom for about an hr. and he would totally was from head to toe with rubbing alcohol ohhh u'd think his skin would have been horrible but it was always smooth and he'd say it'll kill anything.

    Lori u have to just get used to u'r mom and let her pretty much do what she wants, like u said she'll do it anyway. So if u'r going to worry, do it to take care of u'rself, and u'll do well, I just know it.

    Jazzy weekend is coming up, so get ready for whatever u planned;

    Oh Joey had a girl over (again) this weekend (I never saw this one) I thought she was like 14, WTF is it with these young girls--she was stunning--she's 11, now when I was talking to my sister about this we were laughing cuz when we were 11 OMG it was a nitemare. Where are all of these girls coming from?

    Sorry I was MIA, I had my D extremely bad for over 2 days and then I had a day were I could barely stay awake and missed my Dr. app't--oh I need some tests so bad, I just can't get there when there is a certain time. I didn't even talk to Joey for 2 days. I ran out of Depends so fast my boss had to go get some for me. I told u I love these guys. I know all I do is complain, but I'm just so mad about this.

    Well it is Friday eve and I've been busy with work too, it's picking up and that means more screwing up for me and I have this week, but so far no one has gotten mad at me. And I wouldn't blame them, One of the guys called me and said he had gotten the same phone number for 3 people. I kept reading the same number, I was so sick LOL

    OK I've got to set up my work chit. Like it really makes a difference.


  • Fearless1956
    Fearless1956 Member Posts: 41
    edited April 2016

    Good morning, all! This board is always full of interesting posts! I love it! I'm still at my running and went to our group run/training session last night. I got in around 3 miles of walking/running combined. Today I feel absolutely exhausted. I'm not sure if it's side effects from the anastrozole (have had this exhaustion feeling before) or just from the fact that my body isn't quite what it used to be. I'm not going to give up though but keep pushing along.

    Welcome to magic and CJ---I only just joined the lounge a few weeks ago and the ladies here are great and always entertaining.

    Native---you posted a pic earlier about nails and a nurse----that's so true. (and are you a former nurse?) As long as I was at the bedside, I never even tried to manage nail care---virtually impossible. Now that I work in a different field of nursing, I can indulge myself in having my nails done every 2-3 weeks. I have acrylic ones vs. the gel nails and they hold up very well for me. Absolutely loved the bar stools pic! That gave me a great laugh!!! I knew of Patriots' Day as I have followed the Boston Marathon for a few years. I had a friend from work who ran it this year for the first time. Your Camel Hump DOTD I know as a Butter Nipple! Very good shot! What do you call today's DOTD? Fishbowl Fun?

    Hsant---I know you are thankful to be able to spend this special time with your dad. I lived away from my parents for the majority of my adult life until moving back home to Ga about 4 1/2 years ago. They now live only about 30-35 minutes away from me and even if I don't see them every week, it's a comfort to them and to me to know I'm close enough to help out if they need anything. Thankfully, even at 80 and 82, they are still very independent, even with their own health issues.

    Memasue---I had to share your circumcision story with my husband and he thought it was hysterical.

    ChiSandy---I used to live about 1.5 hours from Hickory and if I still lived there, I would venture out to the benefit next month. I hope it goes really well and that there are lots of funds raised for what sounds like a worthy cause.

    4sewwhat----Another Mariettan on the board! I work during the weekdays but maybe we can grab a bite to eat some evening or a Sat. brunch. I live about 1.5 miles west of the Marietta Square.

    Here is the Big Ass Margarita recipe for those of you who are interested (this comes from the Sweet Potato Queens!):


    • 1 12 oz. can of 7-up or Sprite (I use diet)
    • 1 can of frozen limeade
    • 12 oz. tequila (or you can use 8 oz tequila and 4 oz. triple sec)
    • 1 12 oz. bottle Corona beer

    Mix all ingredients in a pitcher with large spoon----do not place in blender. Add ice and serve!!!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited April 2016

    Morning DahhhLinks

    Another busy day for me. Did I tell u my Bella got a Foxtail sticker wedged in her eye, all puffed up and excreting gooy chit. I couldn't see anything, flushed her eye with plain saline, used warm compresses, and called the vet. 4pm 1st appt. Anyway, vet found it, tweezed it out, gave me anti-b drops, now 4x's a day/night I have to chase her around to use them. But it already looks better, still oozing tho.

    Thanks to all for the KUDO's on my tests and hugs for mese mom.

    NM - you always make me laugh with ur pic posts, thanks. Booty implants for men, talk about vanity!!! I can tell the diff but not enuf to go thru w/implants. Love the fishbowl, all that liq wud make me fall off mese barstool for sure.

    CJ - I like that ref 'bull in a china shop', me too, I seem to trip 5-6 times a day. Your Murdock sounds like a cutie.

    Lowee - I wish for NED for you too. You'll get there sooner rather than later, or so I pray anyway. I will try not to focus on anything but living…good advice.

    Cami - glad u r getting some decent weather up ur way. Sorry bout the D causing so much grief and missing ur Doc appt. (((Cami)))

    Fearless - glad you and dh got a big laugh, I did too and had to share. LOL love the Big Ass Margarita.

    Having trouble seeing this morn so will cut this short, hope everyone has a gr8 day and lots of libations!
