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how about drinking?



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2016

    Good morning girls, here in bed about to drink my second cup of coffee. DH golfing and I'm going to have to get moving to the park with the pooches. Molly and her DH coming today, she wants hair done then we'll all go golfing. Had an impromptu visit from a fried yesterday and we went shopping followed by a glass of wine and a cheese plate. Bought some new undies and running shoes, now all I need to do is start running again. Tomorrow is my date with hsant's MO then she and I will be meeting for lunch. Looking forward to it and we will of course get a pic to share.

    NM, wow what a lot of BS to have to put up with, that's just wrong, wrong, wrong and goes way beyond the duties of a nurse. I hope that situation improves or you get removed from it. Seems like you get more help and then they just add more patients and an endless cycle. Sounds like it's time to add another nurse. Hope you are getting some much needed rest and Sadie time this weekend.

    Sue, I wouldn't rent the house again, no one to complain to really, the couple that own it are not in the bizness of renting, he owns a bar/restaurant and she a boutique. They just have this house and they allow dogs and the place is rented out all summer so they really wouldn't care if we don't rent it again. We'll look around for a better place for next summer or we may go to one of the other islands next year. We used to have a boat and we just stayed on it, don't miss the upkeep of the boat but it was nice having your own place to go. Hope you are feeling better today.

    Jazzy, sounds like you had a nice Saturday, Yay for losing 2 lbs, I found them!

    Sandy, thanks for the wine glass education, learned new things.

    hsant, we were at the Intercontinental Suites Hotel at the Cleveland Clinic. It was very nice! It was about a 15 minute shuttle ride to the party which was in Bratenahl, right on the lake. See you tomorrow! My appt is at 10, I'll call you when I'm done.

    Lori, I am off on Mondays and Tuesdays so maybe we can plan one of those days? I'm off the weekends to so we should be able to make it work I hope.

    Well, time to start my day, have a good Sunday everyone!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited August 2016

    Good morning friends- feeling better today and getting ready to get on the yoga mat on the patio as the light comes in. I have one of my besties coming over for dinner for her birthday next weekend. We used to work together and became consultants after we got pushed out of our FT jobs here in town with a local company. She travels a lot, and so being able to just slow down and be fed something good sounded good to her. Going to make some grilled halibut, caprese salad, and fresh grilled veggies from the farmers market. Some peach crisp for desert with a little twist with some NM green chili thrown in for a sweet and hot taste.

    ChiSandy- that all sounded so delicious from the meats on on the grill to the Mumms. Nothing like the outdoor gatherings in the summer.

    My friend who is visiting today will be served some of the white sangria in the polka dot bottle I got from WFs, and some nice rose with our fish. My friend was coveting that bottle, so I got her one with the red polka dots for part of her b-day gift. She has to travel to her client site in the morning and I have a full and busy day with my client, so no big partying for us!

    Wishing everyone a good Sunday funday and will check in tonight after my company has come and gone!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2016


    This is Ruby, she lives with one of the shop owners on the island we were on, I wnated to bring her home so bad!

    And Nora modeling her new bathing suit!



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2016
  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited August 2016

    Genny- that puppy is cute, but OMG Nora in the bathing suit! She is a natural model striking that pose! What a cutie.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2016

    Mary, did you complain about your room? Nevermind, I see it was a house you were renting. Love seeing some Nora. It's so awesome to watch these kids grow. Let's shoot for Sept 19/20.

    Cami, I think I'll get a room again, and if you want us to come, we will. If not, I'll cancel the room, no biggie. And like I said, we can hook up at the hotel, so Les doesn't have to worry about entertaining us, which she doesn't have to do that anyways, we have YOU for that!!!!

    Hsant, welcome to the "odd shoe size" group. Who would have thunk that half a size would make such a difference? My mom has had some of her narcotics stolen. It was her so called "friend" that was stealing them, and then putting blame on her aide. Well, the aide was fired and this so called friend had stolen a lot of stuff from my mom, and took $100 out of my son's bedroom. Also blaming that on the aide. She stole my mom's wedding ring, which was discovered after this person passed away.

    NM, I think you handled that strange situation quite well. That is why you are Super Woman. The picture was easy and only took a minute. I send my DD those same messages "call you mother". What is this island you are talking about? You'll have to let us know what the med situation is tomorrow!

    LDB, if only we could meet in the middle with our BM's, Cami too.

    Jazzy, you sure got a lot done early. I don't move to quick in the morning. Sounds like you have an enjoyable day ahead of you.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning DahhhhhLinks

    Jazz - sometimes our gi tracks are a PITA literally and figuratively. I love the movie Ghost. Congrats on losing 2 lbs….Enjoy your day with your bf, the halibut sounds pretty good (I do eat it once in awhile). Never heard of green chili in or on peach crisp.

    Sandy - such a shame about the fire. But glad you got to see your old friends.

    NM - sounds to me like this clepto needs to be escorted to the door and 86'd for life. Ya gotta tell us about the pill count tomorrow.

    Mary - we used to have a boat too and motor home, then travel trailer. Finally sold all cuz we weren't traveling anymore. Good luck tomorrow with the new MO. I am about 50% better today. Thanks for asking. Love love the pics. That is one cutie pup. And Anorable is just tooo adorable.

    Lowee - Big C gone as of today, now D, but I'll take it.

    Lubs, hope all have a good SundayFunday

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited August 2016

    Good evening friends- well the dinner was a great success. The halibut was perfect, caprese salad perfect, and grilled veggies came out well too. We had a good visit, enjoyed some white sangria for a cocktail wine. nice rose with dinner.

    My peach and green chili crisp was good but the crust was pretty crumbly. I like the sweet with a touch of hot, put in a lot less chili in than the recipe called for but it was just enough. Adventures in cooking!


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2016

    Light dinner of a paté and cheese platter at Whole Foods’ wine bar (shared with Bob) and an Argentinian sparkling Malbec, with a cru bourgeois Bordeaux chaser for Bob and Canard Duchene rosé champagne for me.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning Ladies. I could have sworn I wrote yesterday but I don't see a post. And I've read everything 2x and still my mind feels all bluzzshy,

    NM I never really thought about that neighbor wanting drugs, I just thought what a PITA, but it sure makes sense, how could anyone do that. U don't just take care of patients, u take care of al the people around them, and so many sound hard to deal with. U'r avatar is great for you.

    Mary I just love it--Nora poses easily as a model, gosh she's getting so big and adorable as ever.

    Jazzy u've been busy, u'r dinner sounds yummy but the cobbler to me sounds so different, I don't know about that one.

    SusyQ I'm glad u feel better and the crazy C is gone. I hope it stays gone.

    I'm sorry I'm just not feeling well, I'll be back later.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monkey Day!Rained like a sun of a gun last night, now raining gently and steadily.Looks to rain all day today.We sure do need the water.Glad it held off until last night, got to spend time on the deck with agood book and lots of fetching for Sadie.Very breezy, fun to watch the trees waving and the clouds go flying by.

    Genny--Undies and running shoes, what a combo!Yeah, I sometimes have to put up with some serious idiocy at work.Mostly people are really good to work with, but once in a while I get a situation like this one.I go play the professional and then come back here and whining about it to blow off steam.And I do draw the line at being called certain things, and will walk away if it keeps happening.Feel bad for Patient, though, that's why the previous services have been discontinued, no staff will put up with the language, accusations and name calling.I did get a lovely bit of rest this weekend, and lots of Sadie time.Love that it's cool enough in the evenings that Sadie comes up onto the bed during the night and cuddles.I sleep much better that way!Don't blame you for not renting that same place again, also not worth making an issue of it, I imagine.

    Jazzy--Yoga on the patio in the morning light, what a treat!I really need to start doing Yoga again, even if it is in the plan ol' living room.Sadie loves to do Yoga with me.White sangria in a polka dot bottle?Sounds like just plain fun!Hope you had a lovely time with your friend.

    Genny--what a sweet pup!And what a runway walker aNorable is!

    Goldie--"the island" is Mt. Desert Island, where Acadia National Park is, and Bar Harbor, where I grew up.Short of shorthand reference to the general area.Sometimes I forget I'm not talking to locals!That patient situation is going to be one for the book when I write it, someday.But first I've got to get through it and see how it turns out, or how long before I get "fired" by Particular Neighbor.Maybe I should start an office pool on that. . . .Updates coming.

    Mema--Definitely will update you all on today's installment of the saga of Particular Neighbor.

    Jazzy--I would never have thought about chili in a crisp.Beautiful looking veggies!

    Chi--YUM!The nearest Whole Foods is a 3 hour drive away, a bit much for a wine bar visit!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Cheeky Little Monkey

    2 oz of creme de bananae (or banana liqueur)

    2 oz of dark creme de cacao (or chocolate liqueur)

    4 oz of Baileys Irish Cream

    cream (or milk)

    Pour all the spirits into a mixing tin, then the cream and shake. Pour into a collins glass over ice. Or can be blended with ice.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2016

    Hi girls, just a quick pop-in, got to get to the park with the pooches then off to MO and luch with hsant. I have no idea how long it will take to get there, don't trust the GPS eta because of so much construction so I want to leave plenty early. I'll check back in later, Happy Monday all!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2016

    Oh gosh Sue, from one extreme to another!

    Jazzy, sounds like your Sunday was a fun day! Is this what you got your friend?

    Cami, I hope you feel better later, sorry you are feeling under the weather.

    NM, you too. Souns like a nice enjoyable, relaxing weekend.

    Can't wait to hear all about your day Mary, with the MO and with Hsant. You ladies enjoy!

    Well I did my tomatoes yesterday, only got 5 pints this time. Such a PITA to do all that work for just a few jars. Now I have more tomatoes that are ripe, but yet again, won't give me much, but I can't let them go to waste.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited August 2016

    Goldie- yes, that is the wine! I served the white sangria in the white bottle with red dots, and gave her the red one for a birthday gift. Super tasty stuff! We both talked about putting candles in the top of the wine bottles just like in the old day when that was your candle holder. Remember those days?

    That wine is sold at Whole Foods for anyone who wants to know.....

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2016

    They sell both that red & white Sangria at Whole Foods. We ended up at their wine bar last night because B’way Cellars closed early (they were just locking up when we got there)--slow night due to Olympics closing ceremonies and people taking their time getting home after the air & water show; didn’t feel like going further down the block for Mexican (would’ve been my carb Waterloo anyway) and the Ethiopian restaurant was closed; the local pan-Asian joint’s food always seemed too starchy, sweet, salty & gloppy for me (I miss the Cantonese-American places of my Brooklyn youth). Was going to give up & cook, but knew the salmon in the freezer wouldn’t defrost in time. So we walked across the street to WF on our way home to buy some, and found the wine bar open. Still bought salmon......but forgot until this morning we’re going out to see Pearl Jam at Wrigley Field tonight, so dinner will be stadium food.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2016

    hi friends,

    had a little incident with spillllage on mylaptop while in atlantic city so writing from an old dinosaur laptop where the keyboard is difficult to say the least. e

    its been w whirlwind of a week. my two night stay in AC turned into a five night stay, extended the time after coming home to search for my oldest doggie, Bella who got out of the gate while my DD was in charge. I am still quite furious with her for lying about the gate being latched and also for lying about the time that Bella went missing. She insisted that the gate was latched and that Bella went MIA at noon. I was not too concerned as I was sure that Bella was hiding in the yard due to fear from either Jessica's vvery hyper dog Lana OR from the baby possibly pulling her tail or something related to scare her. My Isabella aka Bella, is a rescue, I got her when she was approx six years old. She was seized by the police in NY after being found nearly starved to death. She can be very jumpy at times but overall is just a sweet old puppy as long as things are normal for her. WHen I came home to look for her, again sure that she was in the yard, I was freaked out when I did not find her after combing the entire yard inch by inch. I freaked out not knowing where she could be. My cousin started printing out posters for an MIA dog as I combed the neighborhood. I called the police and was told to call the shelter in the am as they were closed. After posting to facebook, I got a call from a police officer telling me that he had seen the post that one of my friends, or a friend of a friend, shared to the police department.that is when I was told that Bella had been picked up by animal control at 8am that morning, she was picked up just on the street where she was roaming in the woods. I swore she had her tags on her but they were missing when I got her back. DD and I had a huge fight, I went back to AC and told my DD to pick up Bella at the shelter. I needed to get in a day at the pool at Harrah's and everytime I was about to do so, my DD needed something from me that prevented me from getting there. I then had a huge disagreement with my ex1 over his daughter being a liar and how her lies could have cost my dog her life. When we got back to Harrah's, I had a huge breakdown. I threw daiquiri mix and it exploded all over the room, a full bottle. I then went into the bathroom and balled my eyes out, cried uncontrollably for at least a half hours while my DH2 and cousin cried and also cleaned the mess I'd made.

    gonna hit sent as I know I will lose this if I dont send now. all is much better at kleinville today!! hehe!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2016

    sweet pics of NOra Genny. I am going to have to read more then post from my phone as this computer is making me nuts. I've been having wicked headaches which started when the vollume at work got very high. I have to ge this figured out before I lose my insurance at the end of this month....i am pondering if it willl be work the money to buy cobra coverage, it is stinking expensive and will be half of my pay. will try my best to come back and talk to you all, boy do i miss you girls, sorry that this is all about me. me me me me me! but my FN head hurts so bad. time to ice up. love you goils!!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2016

    Hi girls, day went great! I met the new onc, I liked him, he was a very good listener. He ordered TM's and chest x-ray, I've had an annoying cough for 3 months, getting worse lately but I've been trying to ignore it. Anyhoo, went and had bloodwork and x-ray today so keep yer fingers crossed for me. Had a fabulous lunch with hsant, we met at Cheesecake Factory and stayed for 3 hours! It was great, I could've spent another 3 and drank lots more wine if we'd both had Uber and she had to get home to her dad anyway. We made friends with a bread loving squirrel, liked the white better than the wheat. Something tells me he spends a lot of time by the cheesecake patio.

    Was gone all day yesterday, off tomorrow so I have to get caught up, I haven't really been home in about 10 days cept in the evening so I have a buttload of stuff to do tomorrow. Then working Wed, Thur, Fri and getting Nora Friday night.

    Dara, I'm soooo sorry, that whole thing sounds awful!. I'm so glad little Bella was found safe and sound, phew! What a relief that must have been. It always comes down to the damn health ins, doesn't it? Praying for you and sending hugs your way. It can be all about you all you want, you know that. That's what we're all here for...(((Dara)))

    NM, hope your Monday was better than last Friday. I can't sleep with Emma, she pants, I sweat, just no a good combo.

    Whole Foods dinner sounds pretty good, there is one near my work now but I haven't been there yet, Prior to that the closest one was an hour away, I'll have to check it out.

    Well have to run, hi to everyone else, wanted to get these pics posted.



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    I'm sorry about yesterday and just stopping my post. OK nuff of that.

    How exciting to meet each other and such a nice pic. But who fed the squirrel, it could be rabid sillies. I love the idea of us meeting each other, and love to hear about it. and Mary just a few days and Anorable is there.

    Dara u brat u know u come here and get it out any time u need to. Losing job is the 3rd biggest stress factor that we can have (well not my job) but normal jobs, so u had to have a meltdown and then loosing our babies is horrendous--what a week u had. I hope u can relax so u can figure out what u want to do when u'r ready to do it, for now as long as u can just take u'r time. Well Ins. is a head blower tho, That whole subject drives me crazy anyway. Sending u (((HUGS))) I'm glad u have some good people around u to help you.

    Lori 5 pints? u usually get so much going with this. That's a lot of work for u U can fry a bunch of tomatoes with peppers and just freeze them in goodfreezer bags, or just the tomatoes by themselves--it's easier--wel I think that's good. LOL

    NM u've got a whole novel going there right now. Whew u must have so much patience and patients, I'd be freakin out every day and yet u just try to make everything even. Oh and this 2 hr. ride I'm sorry thaat sounds awful especially for a Maine winter. I hope u meant u just have to go in once in a while.

    Hoping everyone has a good day.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2016

    Alabama Slammer cocktail recipe Just thought I'd throw this in.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!The rain yesterday was interesting for a while, nice a gentle, then buckets and buckets, then gentle, got 8/10 of an inch overall.Definitely need new tires for next summer, hydroplaned a couple times when I really shouldn't have, so I know the tread is getting thin!The afternoon was gorgeous, though.The evening has a bit of a nip, so fall is lurking right around the corner.Seems too soon.

    Genny--you are wise not to trust the GPS data--around here we only use GPS to get onto the right road, the exact location of an address is rarely closer than a mile or so from reality!I hear GPS is better in more urban areas, though.Gotta love road destruction season, too.

    Goldie--cool wine bottles!Wonder if I can find that around here?Sorry the mater harvest isn't being generous.That is a lot of work for only5 pints.Still, that's 5 pints of Really Good Food for the winter.

    Jazzy--aha, that answers my question, guess I'm going to plan a day trip to Portland to see this Whole Foods place is all about.I remember putting candles in wine bottles, different colored ones and over time got to looking really cool.

    Chi--Wow, so many different places to eat so close together!Funny to talk about giving up and cooking at home, though.Our culture sure has changed over the years.

    Dara--spillage on the laptop?Never a good thing.At least the dinosaur lets you stay in touch until the world.Oh, my, what a horrible time for you!I saw on Fb where Bella got loose and that she was found, didn't get all the rest of the story.No wonder you had a meltdown.Now that you've had the meltdown, you need to spend some time in a happy place for a while, if only in your mind.Headaches are not good, is a message from your body, and means you need to focus on you a bit, and we're here to listen and support!

    Genny--You mean the Cheesecake Factory is a real restaurant?I thought it was an imaginary one, only found in Bing Bang Theory world!Great pic, two lovely ladies!So glad the MO is a better fit.Monday was certainly better than Friday, and I'm hoping the rest of the week follows suit.But we will see!Panting and sweating would not be a good combo.Sadie doesn't sleep in the bed much in warm weather cuz it's too hot for her.She likes her comfort!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    PINK SQUIRREL MARTINI - a Pink Colored Martini Recipe on Original Art Recipe Card

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited August 2016

    Good morning ladies- on the run this week but just wanted to share the best of my photos from the big storm and huge rainbow on the way out of the client site last night. This rainbow was enormous and was one end of the valley to the other, far too big to get a good photo of, but got this nice end of the rainbow with the Sandia Mountains in the background.

    Got vendor visits this week and next so will need to catch up more during the weekend with you!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2016

    OMG Dara, what a story! You need a break girl! Hopefully the mess was cleaned up good and they don't charge you. Glad that Bella is back home tho, and hopefully you and your DD will work things out.

    Mary and Hsant….yay!!!! Two beautiful ladies! And they are my friends, I'm so lucky to have ALL OF YOU. Your hair is really getting long and one of you is really brave to fee that squirrel. I would be afraid of it biting me.

    Cami, I have frozen the tomatoes before, for that exact reason. Not enough tomatoes to bother with, but I didn't like the texture of them, so I haven't done it again.

    NM, been cool here in the mornings too. Oh how I hate to see winter come. Yes, 5 pints is better than none. I have another small batch that is ready now too. Jazzy and Chi said that wine is at Whole Foods, if you have one by you. I do not. Ok, you saw that. I imagine we have all done the candles/bottle thingy. Funny you didn't know about the Cheesecake Factory.

    Beautiful pic Jazzy, we had rainbow this morning and rain. Looks like it might be headed your way.

    Got my freezers cleaned out and organized yesterday. Getting ready to head out early Thursday morning. Need to head out and get me some more RSO, but it needs to stop raining!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2016

    ok ladies sorry for the big absense but had so much going on and even fb was getting a chore,mmam came home on the 4th july still frail and bed bound, dad was driving everybody crazy saying she was too sick to go to the wedding and he wasn't going either,ignoring the fact my mother was desperate to go and that my nephew wanted them there if possible because they have both been a big part of his life, got hauled into a meeting by my floor supervisor who was p@#$%d i hadn't called her personally to ask for permission to go home when my mother stopped all active treatment and we thought she was dying ,but said she would have had to talk to workers comp before she gave me permission to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i had let my workers comp people know i was leaving, mam was admitted again with high heart rate which triggered another heart attack,,she denied me permission to go home for the wedding as unpaid leave and i said i would be probably going to look after her when she was discharged she came home aug 2nd, and she said i would loose my job, so i did go home, so currently unemployed,but had surgery on the 10th aug ,good news only a a partial tear so only a debridement done but a big decrease in pain,it was keeping me awake at night and triggering the chronic pain in the breast too and with home i was only taking 1 pain pill so only sleeping 3-4 hrs total.

    on the 1st aug did some retail therapy with my sister and my niece had a lovely day,lunch and shopping but then on the 2nd my sister told me,she said they didn;t want to say anything monday just wanted a day free from the news, my niece (the doctor)was pregnant they had kept it quiet because of their brothers wedding but their was concern on the 8 week scan on growth so they had not told anybody untilt he 12 weeks but on the 12 week scan there was no heartbeat so my poor sister had the joy and stress of her son getting married,my parents and then as she said the joy of the pregnancy and immedeately the despair, ,that kid is so strong she was in hospital for the procedure the day before the wedding and then still got up at gave the reading in the church,i'm more devastated by the loss of this little one than anything else right now, so the wedding at this undercurrent of sadness but so much hope for the future

    but on the brighter side now my nieces are coming to orlando in sept so will join them for a vacation and then look for a job on workers comp until shoulder healed,but they have set their wedding day for halloween 2018,the mantra is don't tell nanny, not that she would be against them getting married but that she was holding on to see mathew get married and if she held on to see them get married she would look like something out of the walking dead


    my sister jackie,sue and me


    the groom,jackie,me and my mother


    sophie and matt,my mother


    where the wedding reception was held just outside cardiff


    my sister,brother in law and the happy couple

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2016

    Quick pop-in, got x-ray results and TM's back already, MO called me himself this evening to say all was normal...Yay!!! Said if cough continues so to PCP but I think it's prolly allergy related. Anyway, just wanted to share and say thanks hsant for the referral!

    Julie is in da lounge!! We missed you, sounds like bizzy times. looks like you and Dara are unemployed together. Hope the wound is healing up.

    Gotta run, see ya all later!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2016

    Juliet, Cardiff, Wales? Oooh--beautiful. Never been to the UK outside London. Mazel tov--you must be such a proud auntie. And your mom looks like she’s still full of spit & vinegar, which is something to which we should all eventually aspire.

    Genny, yay for the clear x-rays and normal TMs. I hear you about the allergies--it’s brutal here in Chicago, weed pollens & molds are high and ragweed is already “moderate” (which means about half of all hay fever sufferers are miserable) despite hay fever season having just started last week. My throat is constantly scratchy, my eyes itch and tear, and my sinuses are stuffed--I sometimes awaken feeling like I’ve jumped into a chlorinated pool without nose clips; and I have to constantly turn over during the night when the gunk drains into one side or the other. I don’t have that cough yet, but I’m mostly staying indoors or my car with A/C.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2016
    Hi girls, its me again. Jest took me about an hour to read five pages. Yougoils have been biddy as hell eh?

    Julie, you look beautiful as does the bride and groom. And your Mum looks quite well too. Too bad about the job. Isn't the oddest feling knowing that you do not have a job to go to? Glad that your relatives will get to visit you soon, wooo hoo.

    Genny, congrats on the xrays and results on the TM's, I'll dwink to that. i appreciate yours and the other kinds words over my not so furtunate few weeks. ugh, life goes on! Gosh, you have been a busy goil eh?
    NM, love the new avatar, it is soooo you. Glad you and Sadie as having a nice weekend, keep on relaxing it is the way to go. Goodness my, you have had your hands full with some real knuckle heads this past week.

    Hsant, you and Genny look so cute. I lovw being able to tie a face to a name. whenever you talk about ye Daddy, I tink of mine and I do miss him so much. Thanks for the memories, hope your Dad and you too, have a great week.

    JaZy, I dunno still sorta trying to figure out what you do, sounds berry interested yet frustrating at times. I can't imagine being mese own boss, not sure if I'd have the discipline to do so.

    Cam, hope you are feeling better doll. Joey has a new flame, hmm, missed that, do tail more. Love your stories always. Glad you were rehired after a few days/hours unemployed. Miss your face so much and wish it was I that was bixing to bisit you soon! So jailous of goils who git to meet face to face, it has been too long sincene I got to put me arms around and embrace a bwesties, nothing is sweeter, well cept you :-)

    Lori, oops gonnA HIT sent and revist, my regulator clock just cracked down into my hallway into a hundred pieces, yikes. I guess cleaning it was NOt A GOOD IDEA AFTER ALL.... will be back shortly loves!
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2016

    Cuban BreezeUSE U


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2016

    Julie, OMG so much going on, but yet so glad to see you.

    Cami, you are too funny "use your imagination".

    Well, leaving in the morning and I have more chit to do than I have time!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2016

    Mai tai.....sounds pretty good right about now. (Yeah, I know what time it is--but was up all night with painful neuropathy from my first Zometa, Ugh).