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how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2016



  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2016

    Happy happy Birthday girlfriend. Hope you are having a wonderful time!!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2016

    Hello DahhhhLinks,

    I have to read and catch up, and I promise I will do so soon. You are all so near and dear to my heart, always.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2016

    well skimmed over the pages i missed, chi very hungry at this point!

    cammi-hope your foot is well healed

    sue-hope your c issue is resolved

    nm- pt issues AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH- when mam is admitted her home meds go with her and are supposed to come back home with her well her cr morphine did not make it home the one time, and this particular brand had no filler so it was basically some grains of morphine ratling around in a capsule ,the fact a well the polite term is opoid dependent (narcotic addicted) 80 year lady was sent home without kind of pain medicine, escaped the person my sister talked to when my dad let her know she didn't have all her meds or her dc med list(big no no) plus the fact a box of 50 capsules was missing ,told my sister she would look into it,well nobody called my sister so she called back several days later ,nobody knew anything about it,well my sister whose a arnp, then made sure it got turned into a big event because she knew what buttons to push, but it very sad if you don't have anybody to fight for you how much gets lost in the system. but when she was in hospital in june when she failed the end of life pathway order set, the family got a compliment in ,that we were speaking with one voice and following her wishes. again her home carers are great but my dad is there plus the rest of the family are in and out,

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2016

    Haven’t tried absinthe straight--only in a Sazerac. (Bought a bottle to make them for a party). Some used to believe it was an aphrodisiac--absinthe makes the hard grow fonder? (Sorry, it was just too easy).

    Cami, glad mail-order is working out and you are getting hydrated.

    Last night’s drink was the last of that Santana Brut Rosé out on the deck, with pork chops for dinner. Got back inside just before the storm. Needn’t water the tomatoes today!

    Fear of opening that new bag of Whole Paycheck house-made tortilla chips (evil, evil, EVIL) plus the temporary anorexia from Zometa faux-flu (which I’m over) has resulted in a 2-lb. weight loss.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2016

    A little facebook bird told me there's a birthday in the lounge!!! Happy birthday friend, a glass of wine on me for real next month! Can't wait!!!


    I hear there's a birthday in the Hot Tatties Lounge!!!! Happy Birthday Girlfriend...Love You!!! Be back later for a full post, or maybe tomorrow.


    Oh good, He's getting our drinks.... hope you're having a great one!!!


  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited August 2016

    Happy Birthday, Goldie! Hope you're having a great birthday weekend on your trip

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited August 2016

    Good afternoon friends- been out and about today. Went to visit a friend who is fostering a family of kittens. And here they are!

    There are three kittens that look like the lynx point siamese (i used to have one), two boys and one girl. The little white and grey tiger is named Joey Cami, and my friend so loves him. I found him to be the most social of the bunch and told her she should keep him. She has one other cat and her calico did okay with him, so Joey may have a permanent home. The siamese kittens will be easy to place.




  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2016 adorable!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2016

    Sorry that I am late for the birthday partay! Happy Birthday dear Lori, wishing you MANY MANY MANY MORE BIRTHDAYS!!!


    I baked you a delishous poyple birthday cake, mese fabrite color cuz mese don't know yese fabrite color, bad mese.

    I been in here for hours and hours dwinking but no one saw me cuz I was hiding outside with Willie. Here is some Willie for you too...well I wont post pic cuz I mighten git arrested for doing so cuz mese has de real deal. hehe!

    A huge toast to you on your birthday girl! cheers! I also picked up some goils at de bowling alley (ones that I had never met but dey dwinking your fabrite beer), they are guests in de lounge here sailabrating your birthday (hope the pic shows up).. mo0re to come! jest waiting for the tenders to bring more rounds for all! ChEErs!


    Come on goils, let's all sailabrate Lori todey! yeeee haww!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2016

    Image result for fun birthday cakes for adults LOOK WHO'S JOINING IN ON U'R BIRFDAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY SWEET LORI

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2016


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2016

    O Lori I hope u'r really enjoying u'r special day, I see Dara is--that's what I lubs about Dara she can make any day spaclllll.

    NM u sound good this morning, and that's great, now follow u'r own advice and do that on Sunday Funday too.

    My mouth is so dry that cotton is wet compared to it. But I'm panning on going to brunch tomorree with a bunch of my family so fingers crossed shoe boot and all. Damn thing still won;t fit in a shoe.

    OH those kittens are soooo cute, their eyes are so bright and I love the choice of a name LOL

    OK I'm joinen' Dara in de lounge now, my usual place on the floor in the corner with mese bottle, woo hoo

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2016

    Oops, Dara I found her, she's in the decorating business now, wel today anyway.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2016

    Imma here with you Camille, jest look down as it seems I keep falling off mese bar stool HICCUP - oopsies.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2016

    well I should be packing, we are taking off for Atlantic City for another night tomorrow, going to see the group called Legions, have seen them before. Then on Monday I have to start the prep for the dreaded colonoscopy, will be my 2nd one. My mom's mom died of colon cancer at age 54 and when I had my first scope 11 years ago, they found polyps. This is something that I have been putting off for six years and I thought the most important thing to do before losing my insurance on the 31st. I spent the night cleaning as my cousin is in Atlantic City now with one of our high school friends. I could not go for as long as she is there as I did not have anyone to watch my babies (dogs). After last weeks experience, my DD is fired!

    Reflecting on my job, thinking that I will be alright yet a little anxious after viewing my final paycheck, FINAL, yikes. What kills me is that I had a really hard time with the most recent business source that I worked which was UBS. Each and every one of my clients were ultra high net worth, did not work with anyone with less than 5M in assets. I worked with the client's financial advisors who brought the loans in the door. Ya see, bazillionairres do financing as it is worth it for them to pay 2-3% rate on a mortgage vs using their own money which earns up to 8% interest. Anyway, the UBS clients and their advisers were very intimidating. I started that source of business one year ago June. over the years, the job has stressed me out so much. Taking well earned vacations was a huge issue as I would get so behind and have to work sooo many hours to catch up then still drown and kill my service. So the day that I was escorted out the door/took the walk of shame, my first emotion was RELIEF!!

    FYI, for those that do not know, I worked for a mortgage company that is I believe top 5 originator of loans in the USA but under many many names. My company was P H H Mortgage which outsourced mortgages for other large companies. Before being moved to UBS, I was working Morgan Stanley Mortgage and before that was American Express Mortgage (we've they've since lost AMEX) I've worked over my 15 years there for Allstate Mrtg, AAA Mrtg, NY Community Bank, Provident Bank of OH, Coldwell Banker Home Loans, Century 21 Mrtg, ERA Mrtg, Key Bank, BB&T (just lost that account), First Commonwealth Bank (which was THE worst source ever, the bank was in coal mine country Pennsylvania and the clients were piss poor mostly with bad credit AND the list could go on and on, I think I worked over 20 sources of bidness there (the company has over 500 I believe). I worked in my early days, that sucked too. Anyway, when I was moved to UBS, I was torn apart. I had just mastered the oddities of Morgan Stanley, came back from a disability leave and was again moved - seemed to me that everytime I went on a disability leave for the BC then following for stress leaves, I would get moved and lose all of the contacts I had worked so hard in making with mortgage advisers/financial advisers etc. And It took me such a long time to become comfortable with working UBS, this is what really kills me. It was just a month or so again when I announced to my family and my cousin that "I got this", I had mastered pricing accommodations, pledges (when clients pledge assets to bring their loan to value ratio higher than it really is such as when an appraisal comes in lower than expected. So yes, being escorted out the door really hurt bad. BUT I later told my dernself that having mastered what seemed the impossible, would be good for me moving forward as I feel that I DO have the ability to learn something new (just not the desire). I am scared ladies but will just pray that everything works out in my favor. I was more scared when I lost my job at CIGNA years back (I worked for a teeny tiny premium finance division) and that ended up being a blessing as I was making so much more money in the mortgage biz. So that's my chit for tonight and what is keeping me awake and keeping me from packing. I got caught inside of my head so deep that I made two dwinks and both of them sat so long that the ice melted and were toooo watery to dwink. ugh. Making a new one now and not tinking about this, tanks for hearing me and again, sorry for this again to be all about mese. I read all of your posts these last few days and have a lot to say about it, maybe just maybe I will write from AC as i do not spend too much of my hard earned money gambling as my cousin will! She and Steve both love to throw their money away (they do well for the most part damn it,not me)!!!

    Tanks again mese goils for listening. And for anyone that has a mortgage, now is the time to refi, rates are historically low. Just email me first and make sure that it is not giving my former employer any bidness cuz they suck!! oh bdw, I have a financial advisor in LA that I totally hate. Mese and my cousin sent her porn magazines to her office, mailed in plain brown envelopes for her assistant to open. Then went and sent some Jehovah Witnesses to her office for a visit then made some funny prank calls using my people to assist, that story is for another time. Mese is so FN mature, eh???

    Peace out ladies,imma gonna do de same. ChEErs!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2016

    ohhh, Camille, marathon on TV of New Adventures of Old Christine, ya watching? I am now! will pack once this episode is over as it is one of my favs ( have seen every one at least once now and so fircited that I can stay up ebery night to watch them all!!!!) she is an fn riot! kk, tata again, for now anyway, mighten be back....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2016

    I tried to sleep--well, not so much.

    Dara I know what u've been doing all these years also thar u are super at this work, so I can't imagine u being out of work for long, u'r a smart woman who has guts too, and I saw them literally --u'll be fine Dara gice u'r self a break and over the years u've always been there for us, so now it;s u'r turn--beside u know we will listen t u always. But I have to say young lady, what u did was so hysterical, sending all dose tings in the mail-no don't ever grow up, except doing u'r job, but all else do what u do best--DARA (((HUGS))) and LUBS

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2016

    Dara, you have earned several lifetimes' worth of drinks. Keep yanking their chains. By now, you know where all the bodies are buried. First thing govt. lawyers do when they leave is take their hard-earned knowledge over to the private practice side--when I was an IL Asst. AG back in the day, doing Medicaid billing fraud cases, my toughest opponents defending the scumbag clinics & pill mills were ex-AAGs and ex-ASAs who knew all the ins & outs of how to beat the rap. The sharpest criminal defense Attys had been prosecutors first. Ex-Congressmen and their ex-flunkies turn around when they leave office and become lobbyists. Dunno if there's a consumer side of this biz you can mine for jobs, but maybe you could become sort of the Erin Brockovich of the mortgage biz and go to bat for the home buyers

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2016

    Ok, I packed a teeny tiny bit but suffering A.D.D quite much tonight uh or I should say dis morning. It is freaking 5:58 am and I have to be in atlantic city by 3pm. I did get 12 hrs sleep last night though, did not roll outta bed until 4pee em! Love this lazy bidness.

    Cam, thanks for your very sweet and kind words. You are as always very sweet. BTW, sorry that you missing your dd's partay due to the FN big D, that jest sucks for you. I hope too that tomorrow is a better day and that you are not trapped by the beast. I jest love you lady, ya know that? I love you lots and you never fail to make me laugh too! And if you tink of any good tings that I can send to Los Angeles, to the very snobby Susanna B, let me know. Last night, Cheryl, mese dedicated bff and roomie, and I decided that I need a track phone to have even more fun with people who have pissed me off. And Sibil,code name for my ex biotch boss, is on my list big time! I jest have to be smart and allow time to pass before I seek personal revenge (which BDW is soooo fn fun)!

    Chi, interesting thought. I'd love to be the Erin B of mortgages. I can't begin to tail you the BS that happens behind closed doors. One thing that I can say, which I think is THE worst thing I saw my employer do, is to send out a list of loans to approve and send to closing despite not having the documentation needed for approval. I really wish that I had kept notes on the shenanigans that I have witnessed over the years. Anyway, there was no mention of the reason that these said loans were to be approved and further, the list was distributed via paper, not via email which is the typical method of internal communication. I began working immediately on the list that I was given (I always do what the bosses want first; I drop everything to do what I am told to do very much unlike others as that is what I was taught. My Dad always said that you always YES your boss, if he/she says "clean the toilet", do not bitch about it, ask "where's the brush". Something bothered me about this particular list of loans, it took me awhile to find the common denominator; this list was baffling to me but I was determined to figure out the reason for these sudden approvals. I remember so well printing out the first five or so applications and bringing them home. Low and behold, I found my answer: each and every one of these loans had the same race checked off by the applicants and I bet you can guess what that race was. Yep, as instructed, I approved all of these loans and sent the list to my assistant to schedule all of the closings before year end. I kept my mouth shut but in hindsight, I really wish that I had precisely documented my findings for a later date such as now! I do not even remember what year it was but really wish I did. Blackmail would be soooo fun and so fulfilling lol! I could go on. I had personally always strived to do the right thing by the company and also remain in compliance with all of the stupid federal laws passed to protect consumers yet my employer pulls this bullchit? Really? And I got fired for emailing a closing package on a loan that had an I.T. issue preventing me from setting closing status? Really? Because I am not a "closer and not authorized to do so". Oh I wish I could take them down goils.

    And the laws are a joke too. So many of the laws actually harm clients more than protect them. The worst of all changes enacted by our government was implemented in October 2015, called TRID, stands for T- Truth in lneding, R for Respa ( Real Estate Settlement procedures Act) I - uhh something dumb that I can't remember what it stands for and finally, the big D for disclosure. don't I sound FN smart? Gosh I have so much knowledge that is currently worthless! And TRID is something else that I overcame, very stressful for the entire industry. And such a joke for consumers.So many closing dates missed due to this law including the loan that caused me to get terminted, uhhhh, gott love our govie!! getting off my soapbox nox and will finish packing then maybe some sleep? Nah, sleep is sooo overrated hehe!

    TRID cartoons that I have shared with my coworkers below, shows what I mean about the law being utterly reDICKulous!! chEErs ladies, see ya all in awhile. will try to report back in de aye em, well after some packing! not much to do but wishing I did not unpack last week. and further, wish I could skip the hieney scope and stay another night or two in good ole AC!



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2016

    Happy sUNDEY-fUNDEY goils! All packed and gonna get a few z's before I hit de road.

    NM, i truly hope that you are able to continue to relax today. and good that next week will be easier on you. OMG, I have followed bits and pieces of the story of the patient with the crazy thief and crazy people/neighbor? you should def write a book indeed. Send kisses to Sadie.

    Mary, I hope you enjoy your time with lil Lora, she is jest so sweet and so much fun for you. I look forward to when Logan gets a little older and talks more. I already told you but want to tail the others that on the day I was fired, my DD and Logan, err I mean baby David, came to my house. I sat in a chair at the kitchen table whilst DD made me some lunch and put my head down.. don't cha know my lil sweetheart walked over to me, I could feel him breathing on me. I opened my eyes and looked down and he had his hands out towards me and said "up", he wanted me to pick him up. Somehow, my day got much better, grand babies rule! I know you get it. and yes, you work hard, that is a lot of seniors to handle in a day!

    Julie, so sorry about yer job but as I have been told, when one door closes, another will open. Shame on that biotch boss of yours. Both she and my ex boss are going to the swamp, what time should I pick you up to complete our mission? A little torture first would be added fun. Great pics of you at the wedding and especially loved that the doggies participated. And yes, your Mom appears to be quite the elegant lady, sorry for her failing health. She is still hanging in there, correct? Prayers and hugs to ya lady friend, love ya!

    Sant, what is your story with the abdominal wound, i read about your Dad and the wound vac but think you have a story that you have not yet shared? Good job taking care of your daddy and getting him to the gym everyday, you are a great DD. Reading your posts make me tink of my own dear Daddy. I jest know that mine is looking down at me with pride in spite of eberting. So envious that you and my goil Mary got to meet up. And you go goil, feed them squirrels, I think they are cute (as long as they are not removing the stuffing from my patio cushions and taking it into the nest high in the tree in my yard, uh, was not happy with the little bastards when that happened). oops, not about me here, sawry, so sawry! funny UD story, keep on keeping on girl and maybe even give some jack a chance again, he's mese bff. oops, not about me, darn it, I smack my own fingers. .

    Sue, miss you loads. I regret being in such a pissy mood when i last saw you, I was not the partay goil that you know. I would love the opportunity to bisit with you again and soon. We should do something fun and not tooo expensive, jest the two of us crazy goils. Maybe meet half way? Hmm, tings to ponder. I believe you are waiting more results and hope and pray that they are all good ones. Tried to skip back to your last post as I know I had someting else to say but can't remember and the post is on prior page.

    Cam, you know I love ya right?

    Lori, when will Lori be back into de lounge? MIss her/your face. Goodness, I wrote more in the past 48 hours here than I have in the past year. And 99% of it is all about me. oopsies, I will try to do better. uhh, can I have some of that good stuff that you have for my birthday? It is in two days hehehe!!

    Jazzy, adorable kittens, love em. Can you keep one for me? I've never had a cat but tink that kittens are jest de cutest tings and know I would love it once it grew up. I ain't dead yet so some day. thanks for posting the pics, made me smile Happy

    Chi, I will try to quiet my brain for now but will spend my driving time tinking about me as Erin Brocovich,(sp?) love her!

    Sumting a little funny, or at least i hope ye are all at least slightly entertained. Many of you have seen my makeshift "bathing suit" which was a pajama tank top and an over sized bathing suit bottom . Well I have lost a good bit of weight over the past six months so had to get some new bathing threads for swimming (i am not normal and hate shopping for clothes)....I bought three real bathing suit tops, sold as separates at Kohls but all of the bottoms I tried on hurt unless I went four sizes too big which didnot look good lol. So I went to Macy's last week and found some cute panties to use as bathing suit bottoms. They are much more comfy than the bathing suit bottoms out there and do not look bad and don't hurt... I hope no one realizes that I have only panties on my bottom when I get to Harrah's pool tomorrow!!!!

    ok, gonna run again, skip back a page and try to finish up tomorrow...always trying, hate when I don't finish, have sooo much to say. but me needs to sleep. Sorry to anyone I missed. And hope NOT to dream about work, yep, always dreaming about work, more lately than ever. had a dream last night (well Friday night i should say) that my old boss was fired and many others that I worked with were laid off. I was sad about the lay offs and surprisingly, I was bonding with the ex biotch boss over both of us goils being term'ed! uh, that's jest nasty to bond with her even in a dream. hoping to dream about hot men, lots o money coming my way, vacations on an exotic island with a hot babe, gatherings with my breasties or jest some other random blissful moments whatever they may be.

    Hear hear, gotta run! chEErS!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2016

    PS I am a confirmed page hog OINK OINK!!!

    Dara, OUT.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2016


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2016

    have fun dara you have earned it and like you just waiting for the karma bus,

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited August 2016

    Dara- I worked for an investment arm of an insurance company that eventually got bought after by UBS. There is a culture that seems to go with the mortgage lending work (I worked in commercial investments) that is pretty cut throat. I was a support person to the business, not someone who dealt with the loans or the like. I was an officer of that company and got some great experience as an executive, but it was a hostile misogynistic culture and I was glad to get out. I understand the feelings of relief. I have been laid off twice in my work, but never walked out the door but have seen it happen to others and it is just a public humiliation you did not deserve.

    One door opens, another closes but sometimes it is the hallways in between that are the tough part. Couple things to think about as you recover from this and work to find your next best employment situation. It sounds like your insurance coverage is ending. Get a letter from your employer stating this and go to and get yourself a basic ACA insurance plan. There are three levels of coverage from Bronze, Silver, and Gold with various co-pays, deductibles, etc. Bronze is the lowest and would help you to have some level of coverage in an emergency. We bc ladies need our insurance, we are not the people that can slide few months without it. You can get an ACA plan in between enrollment periods if you have proof you lost insurance, you just need that letter and should get it from their HR dept. Open enrollment starts again this fall and you can change it if you want if you need to continue into next year. When you get your next employment and get your insurance back as part of that, you can de-enroll in that program.

    I also have concerns about what your employers may say about you, given the circumstances of the way things ended. Not sure if you have thought about references with this org, but expect you are going to need some help with that to verify the work you did there. I know in places I have worked that sometimes people are forbidden to talk to people and/or give them references after letting some one go. You may also want to consult with an employment atty for any advice here (I did when I got let go from my officer job). You don't want them creating an obstacle for you with future employment and trust me, I know it happens. I found in a tricky departure, it's worth the money.

    Finally, I have some friends who work on the "other side" of the mortgage business and help people who are struggling to keep going with their homes and mortgages. There are orgs specifically set up to do that kind of work, and it may not pay as well for working for a big company, but could be very rewarding work. Maybe something like that in your area?

    Wishing you better days Dara dear.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday!Looking forward to another lazy day today.Ah, the pleasures of the weekend!

    Happy Birthday, Lori!

    Julie--I was hoping people were being sent home without proper meds or scripts only in the US.It should be malpractice to let that happen, and I'm glad your sister could make a big fuss out of it.That needs to happen way more than it does.And to send a elderly person with a known issue who has been on these meds for ages without ANYTHING, is just criminal.So good that you all know what she wants and are all in accord with that.And for 50 capsules to go missing, that is just theft.

    Chi--LOL!Absinthe may be an aphrodisiac, but it's better known for causing hallucinations!There really isn't enough Wormwood in Absinthe to trigger hallucinations, though.But that is why Absinthe was banned in the US for quite some time.It's an herbal liquor, tastes strongly of anise or real licorice.I like the dripping ice water onto the sugar cube held in a special "spoon" and watching it turn the Absinthe a pearly green.

    You start with the glass.The bottom part holds 1 ounce of absinthe:

    IMG 0307

    Then you place a special spoon over the top of the glass. There are many but they all have slots to let dissolved sugar through and an indentation to keep them on the rim of the glass.

    IMG 8615

    Put a cube or two of sugar on the spoon:

    IMG 0308

    then drizzle ice cold water on the cube to dissolve the sugar. The usual ratio is 1 ounce Absinthe to 5 ounces water, giving a final alcohol content similar to wine.

    Pouring Water

    As you add water, watch closely as it mixes with the absinthe. When the water-to-absinthe ratio reaches a certain level, the essential oils which are dissolved in the absinthe during distillation will emulsify with the water and create the marvelous, opalescent, cloudy effect known as the "louche."

    beginning to louche

    Also known as The Green Fairy". Smells and tastes WONdERFUL!

    Jazzy--kittiehs!So cute!

    Dara--great cake, and great pic! Hmmmm, if the first thing you felt on being escorted off the job site was RELIEF, then maybe this was a good thing to have happen!You certainly have proven that you can learn new systems and get things up and running wherever you are.I'm praying God sends you a really good job soon, one that you will enjoy and won't take over your life.You've had such a rough time this past year.So time for things to turn around for you.And I wish I had the gonads to do what you did--porn through the mail, really????!!! WTG!!!Oh my, that TRID stuff sounds totally insane!And you managed to sort it out.Too bad you didn't make notes of the paper loan approvals, that would be fantastic black mail info now.Sadie sends kisses to you and woofs to the furbabies.I am going to have another lazy day today.The only thing I need to accomplish is washing the uniforms for work.And some underwear.As to the bathing suit issue, as long as you are wearing SOMETHING I doubt anyone will notice that it's not a bathing suit bottom.And if they DO notice, they'll probably be asking you where you found comfortable bathing suit bottoms that actually fit, and you can share your "secret" withthem!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    The Official Sazerac Cocktail


    1 cube sugar

    1½ ounces (35ml) Sazerac Rye Whiskey or Buffalo Trace Bourbon

    ¼ ounce Herbsaint

    3 dashes Peychaud's Bitters

    Lemon peel


    • Pack an Old-Fashioned glass with ice
    • In a second Old-Fashioned glass place the sugar cube and add the Peychaud's Bitters to it, then crush the sugar cube
    • Add the Sazerac Rye Whiskey or Buffalo Trace Bourbon to the second glass containing the Peychaud's Bitters and sugar
    • Empty the ice from the first glass and coat the glass with the Herbsaint, then discard the remaining Herbsaint
    • Empty the whiskey/bitters/sugar mixture from the second glass into the first glass and garnish with lemon peel

    FYI:Herbsaint is the New Orleans term for Worm wood, and is an anise flavored liquor made in New Orleans to take the place of Absinthe.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited August 2016

    In the hood this morning


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2016


  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited August 2016

    Cami, I watch all the housewives cities, except for Atlanta. Right now, I'm binging on NY, NJ and OC. WTF is up with Kelly? I think she really needs to watch her boozy intake when the cameras are on her. Damn, she's one angry byotch.

    My girlfriend had a nose job and eye brow lift courtesy of Dr. Dubrow. This was in '00 before his Swan, housewives, botched fame. He did a great job.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2016

    Good Afternoon DahhhhhLinks

    Dara - Love the pics you posted of ur cousin and Lucy and Bella. I remember the pics of your botched surgery too. It looks too painful, I just can't imagine. Did you ever go back for more surgery? Mese can't remember. I read about ur job, and it makes me very angry. If u need help throwing them in the swamp, let me kno and I'll b there to hailp ya. That lil grandboy of urs shore is a cutie, love his eyes. I pray every night for you, hope u get enjoy AC and win lots of money. Muah and (((Dara)))

    NM - Patient ur talking about is being duped for sure. I did get my appointments changed to the 12th for both scans and onco on 13th for results. Only worked out on Monday, felt really bad rest of the week. Starting to feel better and thot I'd workout tamary, but they will be closed for holiday for 5 days. Oh well, more rest for the wicked (me). Hope things at work change for the better for you. You really do work too hard. (((NM)))

    Jazz - OMG I am sorry u had to go thru something similar to Dara, but glad u looking marvey now. Those kittens are jes too cute. Would love to own a cat but alas, my DH and I are both allergic to them.

    Sandy - LOL, cwack me up about bouncing butt.

    Hsant - the one and only time I drank JD (more than a sip) I lost the whole night. I woke up in ayem, was naked (I never sleep nude) and I wondered how I got there and where was my car. My car was in my driveway, keys in my purse. I still felt ½ dwunk. Scared I was, kept thinking I invited some stranger home…but no, found out it was my bf, was very thankful, can't recall having JD since, n don't care too.

    Mary - WOW, sounds like you were super busy that day. How many days a week do u work?

    Julie - that pic post from Fri is soo right on. Cute pic of your Mutley. Am still struggling with both the C and D. Asked my onco if there was any painkillers on the market that don't cause the C, she said they ALL cause it. I'll hang tho. Good for your sister for speaking firmly to those folks. It's a shame we have to do so much to make sure our loved ones wishes are followed. (((MAM)))

    Cami - I have to LOL over ya'll (well those who do) watching the Housewives shows. But different strokes for different folks. Ya'll prolly LOL if I told u I love the 'How it's Made' show. So happy u got all ur supplies. I keep getting emails to use 'Express Scripts', but I haven't gone there yet. This town is only 2-3 miles long and prolly 10 miles wide, but heck, we are going to Smith's at least once a week and I check for scripts all the time. Love love the Stella cake, poyfect for Lowee.

    Dara - good thinking, yes get that heiny scope b4 ins lapses. Please keep us posted on the new job search, one with less stress, you deserve it sooo much. LOL about sending the porn etc to her office. You are one of those, 'don't get angry, get even' and I don't blame ya a bit. The cartoon pic about mortgage employees is so true.

    Don't worry bout our last visit and yes maybe we can ponder a late spring bisit, u ponder and I'll ponder. I am sure I'll be fine. MUAH!!

    Lowee - hope u r having a wonderful time. Hope u get back to the lounge soon.
