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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited August 2016

    Good evening friends- where did this weekend go? I was home today working on business/tax stuff, then shifted gears to go to the nail salon (mani/pedi/brow wax), some errands, and the gym. It was such a lovely evening tonight and road around in the convertible. Going to start driving her more. I noticed there seems to be no more cool air with the AC button, so my guess is out of freon. Given I won't need that much going forward, not going to deal with a trip in for that. My next visit is to get new tires on my primary vehicle, which will be coming up in the next month. Always something to spend money on, right?

    Juliet- I am sorry about your job too. We know you are going to be okay with time. Life keeps throwing us the hard ball over and over and it is all a bit much. We will be respectful here for your need to space, privacy and support as you go through this.

    My trip to NYC is coming up fast now, only six weeks away. But as we have talked about here, there always seems to be some sort of twist with people who want to change your plans or otherwise get involved. I told my sister not to be chatting it up about our trip back there because people will either attach themselves to it or try to change it. Well, the first thing happened a month ago with a former SIL who I don't particularly like inviting herself down to spend a day with us. But there may be someone else coming along who I do want to see, so I decided it likely will work out. But now, some relatives of the other side of her relationship are trying to get us to change the plans and come help with eldercare stuff in a nearby state. WHAT?

    So after stewing about it for awhile today, I had one of those much needed conversations with myself. You know, those conversations that remind you it's not your stuff? I sent my sister an e-mail today and said my planning work and any additional conversations about this trip andw with these other people is done. I was not the one to shared this info and or invited others into our vacation. Trying to just go to the city for a few days to have a vacation, not this other BS. We have our hotel res, plane tickets, theater tickets, etc. and as far as I am concerned, hers to work out other people's expectations. I think all I really need to do is pack and show up, done, Done, and DONE!

    And here is the the young man at Walgreens in front of me tonight who was buying a bag of cat food and had to use two different credits cards plus loose change to purchase that. Longest transaction EVER!

    Wishing everyone a good last few days of August!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2016

    Amazing Springsteen concert. Supposed to have been the return leg of the “The River” tour, which--when we saw him in January--consisted of playing his entire landmark 1980 double album, live, in same sequence as on the record; then after a brief break, an encore set. Back then, it came in at about 2-3/4 hrs. By now, it has become the “Everything We Can Fit Into 3-1/2 Hrs., Regardless of What Album It’s From, In No Particular Order, Without a Break Tour.” (Okay, I suspect several long piano intros--and an entire string section, which he never used before--may have been there to let him duck backstage and pee into a plastic bucket.....which might explain the lack of street people outside the arena banging sticks on plastic buckets....). He took requests from the audience, played stuff he hasn’t in over a decade, jumped, danced, climbed amps, crowd-surfed, pulled moms on stage to dance and little kids up to sing (and even let one wear his guitar for a selfie) on “Dancing in the Dark.” I, OTOH, even though I went to the loo before the show started, couldn’t make it more than 2-1/2 hrs before inching painfully down--one hand on the rail and the other on my cane--from the nosebleed seats to make it to the ladies’ room just in time to avert disaster. God bless Poise pads. I speculated whether they were all wearing Depends; Gordy joked they probably had (eeuw) catheters. TMI. Certain things we shouldn’t want to know about our idols.

    Concessions have definitely improved. Gordy had fried chicken between waffles; I had BBQ brisket (no sauce), cole slaw, and shared my sweet potato fries with Gordy. (My brisket came on a gorgeous ciabatta roll I didn’t dare eat). Didn’t want beer, and they had two wines by the glass--a Cakebread Cellars Napa Chardonnay and a boutique vineyard Merlot from WA.....$18, with a plastic Govino glass. No thanks. So I paid four and a half bucks for a bottle of water. By the time we got out of the parking lot, every decent late night joint had closed, so we went straight home. Had a little 2012 Brouilly (Bob got home first and opened it) with some truffle Gouda, then a little dish of chocolate sorbet.

  • shellshine
    shellshine Member Posts: 930
    edited August 2016

    Hi Cammi!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monday Monkey Day!Sadie and I had a lovely day of doing nothing yesterday.It was a very nice break from the last couple of weeks at work.Looking forward to a better week coming up.

    Jazzy--what a pretty balloon!

    Julie--Sometimes we just need some time to cry and scream and generally have a meltdown, then we can get on with life.

    Mema--Work should be much better this week, I'm not worried about that.Sorry the workout made you feel not so good, so much for the idea that working out gives you energy and makes you feel better!I love the "How It's Made" show, too!

    Jazzy--Ithink you have taken the right approach with the NYC trip.And who in their right mind expects someone would change vacay plans to do eldercare, or child care, or anything else like that?Just weird to my mind."Nope, reservations already made, can't be changed now."would be my mantra in that situation.2 credit cards plus change to buy 1 item?Oh boy.

    Chi--Sounds like quite the concert!No breaks in a 3 1/2 hour show?That's a lot of show!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Shakin' Blue Monday

    Ingredients :

    - 1 1/2 oz whisky (whiskey,bourbon...)

    - 1/2 oz blueberry brandy

    - 1 tsp brandy

    - 1/2 oz lemon juice

    - 1 tsp superfine sugar

    Use a "Shaker" for Shakin' Blue Monday drink recipe

    Add the whisky, blueberry brandy, brandy, lemon juice and sugar to a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well and strain into an old-fashioned glass almost filled with ice cubes. Garnish with a slice of orange and a maraschino cherry.

    Serve in "Old-Fashioned Glass"

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2016

    I'm home and have 2 pages to catch up on. I will read, but won't reply like I usually do. And I will post some pics. Home for 2 weeks and then off to MI!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Hi Miss Hawaii join in sometime and we can catch up.

    Dara Jazzy really touched all bases with u, she's one smart cookie and gave u the best advise.

    Julie, what a week for the both of u--this is all so crazy, and what u posted is so true.

    Sandy a concert???? U guys don't miss a thing, how wonderful, except for the whole pee adventure sounds like fun.

    OMG Hsant she actually had her nose done by him Wow, now he's a celebrity -This new gal on OC is hard to even believe, she is so mean and insults everyone outrageously, Those are just fun to watch for me. And I am starting to pick up on some others too--I started on the one with the countess that just got engaged, way to funny.

    SusyQ I had the almost same thing happen when I drank Gin, needless to say I never had it again.

    I hope Lori is doing well.

    I actually got out yesterday morning for brunch. It did start as usual, when I got in my cousins car and we were leaving her husband says OK where are we gong? And of course we didn't know. We forgot the name, where it was and no one brought a phone, what are the odds of that. we all figured the next one would have a phone. Well after LOLing for a while we just started driving in a direction that was familiar, and remembering bits and pieces we actually got there, maybe a little late, but we did. I was just happy to go and it was as aways lots of fun. When I came home I collapsed for hours and slept all nite almost-so it was good.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2016

    Cami, so glad you got out! But sorry for bumping you into de pewl.

    Well, what a fun day with the stars and the concerts of Bill Anderson and Mickey Gillie. Going into Bill Anderson, which was on my birthday. The gentleman to my right was greeting people. He took the ladies hand in front of me to shake it, puller her in next to him and gave her a nice hug. I say "I want one of those!" So I got one. Then hubby says good thing cuz it's her birthday. Well then I was serenaded. I have video of that. Anyways, I was having a hot flash, can you tell!


    Seeing Johnny Crawford, Mark from the Rifleman, he is a very small man, but doesn't look like it in the picture, as I am 5' 9". I got a hug and kiss from him. His wife had said that Chuck Connors was a trouble maker! Night before, having dinner with the stars, someone had brought in a rifle from the movie and wanted it signed. Well, he signed it, but charged the guy $100. And of course, my DH.


    Now for the real HUNK....Darby Hinton. OMG girls. What a big hunk of a man! (Israel fom Daniel Boone.) He also had his son with him, Ryder. We talked more with him. He likes our lifestyle, where dad lives in LA. He wants to move to NC and would love to visit us! Doubt that would ever happen though. This picture is from the first day there, I had been up since 4am and it's probably 7 pm!. I got a hug from him too and also saw him the following day. He said that Fess Parker was just like Daniel Boone, a real good down to earth good man.



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2016

    jazzy don't blame you, a vacation should be a vacation!, go have fun

    good for you cammi

    well job wise not going to look until after my nieces 30th birthday vacation which ends 15th october, right now still on workers comp from my shoulder so still getting paid , see him next on sept 22nd and the girls arrive on sept 24th as my pt said today ok as your in your 4th week post op we'll need to get full rom your almost there, and begin strength , so i said no surgery was the 10th , so he's made a note to him self because my progress as been so good i'm not that far post operatively. not sure what i will do legally with my ex boss, i know i have a skill that means i should be able to find another job without too much problem

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2016


    so apt for this group of ladies, by the way mam is back at her 2nd home,she was admitted again with chest pain on saturday and yet another heart attack, her 3rd confirmed since april,,she possibly had one when she was on the end of life but they never completed the enzymes series but she feels fine now and will possibley be discharged on wednesday, on talked to her on video phone not to long on and she wants to come home now , not sure whats she's made of but its tough stuff

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning DahhhhhLinks

    Dara - Love the pics you posted of ur cousin and Lucy and Bella. I remember the pics of your botched surgery too. It looks too painful, I just can't imagine. Did you ever go back for more surgery? Mese can't remember. I read about ur job, and it makes me very angry. If u need help throwing them in the swamp, let me kno and I'll b there to hailp ya. That lil grandboy of urs shore is a cutie, love his eyes. I pray every night for you, hope u get enjoy AC and win lots of money. Muah and (((Dara)))

    NM - Patient ur talking about is being duped for sure. I did get my appointments changed to the 12th for both scans and onco on 13th for results. Only worked out on Monday, felt really bad rest of the week. Starting to feel better and thot I'd workout tamary, but they will be closed for holiday for 5 days. Oh well, more rest for the wicked (me). Hope things at work change for the better for you. You really do work too hard. (((NM)))

    Jazz - OMG I am sorry u had to go thru something similar to Dara, but glad u looking marvey now. Those kittens are jes too cute. Would love to own a cat but alas, my DH and I are both allergic to them.

    Sandy - LOL, cwack me up about bouncing butt.

    Hsant - the one and only time I drank JD (more than a sip) I lost the whole night. I woke up in ayem, was naked (I never sleep nude) and I wondered how I got there and where was my car. My car was in my driveway, keys in my purse. I still felt ½ dwunk. Scared I was, kept thinking I invited some stranger home…but no, found out it was my bf, was very thankful, can't recall having JD since, n don't care too.

    Mary - WOW, sounds like you were super busy that day. How many days a week do u work?

    Julie - that pic post from Fri is soo right on. Cute pic of your Mutley. Am still struggling with both the C and D. Asked my onco if there was any painkillers on the market that don't cause the C, she said they ALL cause it. I'll hang tho. Good for your sister for speaking firmly to those folks. It's a shame we have to do so much to make sure our loved ones wishes are followed. (((MAM)))

    Cami - I have to LOL over ya'll (well those who do) watching the Housewives shows. But different strokes for different folks. Ya'll prolly LOL if I told u I love the 'How it's Made' show. So happy u got all ur supplies. I keep getting emails to use 'Express Scripts', but I haven't gone there yet. This town is only 2-3 miles long and prolly 10 miles wide, but heck, we are going to Smith's at least once a week and I check for scripts all the time. Love love the Stella cake, poyfect for Lowee.

    Dara - good thinking, yes get that heiny scope b4 ins lapses. Please keep us posted on the new job search, one with less stress, you deserve it sooo much. LOL about sending the porn etc to her office. You are one of those, 'don't get angry, get even' and I don't blame ya a bit. The cartoon pic about mortgage employees is so true.

    Don't worry bout our last visit and yes maybe we can ponder a late spring bisit, u ponder and I'll ponder. I am sure I'll be fine. MUAH!!

    Lowee - hope u r having a wonderful time. Hope u get back to the lounge soon.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited August 2016
    1. Goldie, amazing pics! You've got some gorgeous legs on you, girl! Your hubs is also one handsome man. Beautiful couple. glad you had a great Birthday!

    Internet is down, so I'm using my old iPhone 4s right now. Will do my usual diarrhea of the fingers once we have Internet connection.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited August 2016

    Goldie- omg, Mark from the Rifleman. I can see the resemblance. Just love all the picture. Yee haw!

    Juliet- tell me a bit more about what kind of work you do, but only if you want to?

    Got my vendor team in and all young kids. Could be there mom. Ha ha, jazzy mama bear!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2016

    Hi everyone.

    Lori's in de lounge Yea--it looks like u had a great time surrounding u'rself with those great men, and BTW I saw that dimple immediately . U DH looks great too. Jeez I remember those men, wow Johnny crawford looks old to me tho. OK but I have to say Lori u look beautiful in every pic. tired or not--What a great BD for u and so glad cuz u deserve it.

    Julie I have no doubt u will have a job when u'r ready and u'r really doing well with PT. U've got some good stuff coming up anyway to look forward to. U know I like that. U'r mom is a fighter wow hope she's doing well.

    Dara aren't u getting an ass pic. this week? R U OK?

    I think I'm getting tired.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2016

    Remember to use Desitin before you hit the toilet for the first time during the prep for your “extremely intimate close-up.” Otherwise, you will feel like you’re pooping razor blades.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday!Boy, what a sunrise Sadie and I got up to this ayem.If I'd've been moving a little quicker I might have gotten a pic of it, but it faded before I got my act together enough to think of it.

    Goldie--welcome home, enjoy the brief visit and have a good trip to MI!Looking forward to the pics.

    Cammy--oh my goodness, only you and yours could pull off a stunt like that!How you managed to get where you were supposed to be is amazing!Glad you had a good time.

    Goldie--WOW!Great trip!What fun!

    Julie--I think you are wise to take a break between jobs.So good you are making such fast progress with your shoulder!You won't have any trouble finding another job when you are ready.You Mom sounds like a real trooper.Sort of like a cross between a cat's 9 lives and the Energizer Bunny!

    Mema--That patient is being used, and badly, but won't go somewhere safer.Only so much can be done for someone who doesn't want to change anything.

    Hsant--internet problems seem to be making the rounds recently, hope yours is fixed soon!

    Jazzy Mamma Bear, yup, I can see that!


    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Yoda Poop Cocktail

    Yoda Poop Cocktail Rating:


    • 1 scoop Mint Choc-Chip Ice Cream
    • 2 oz Irish Cream
    • 1 oz Peppermint Schnapps
    • Add ingredients to a cocktail shaker and shake well.
    • Pour into a cocktail glass and garnish with a cherry.
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    NM I love the nae of the DOTD;S u put up. Oh It's ony Tuesday, feels like Thursday to me, maybe cuz of the letter T. I hope u'r week is going well.

    It's pouring here with the usual Thunder and lightning, see how longs this lasts.

    Sandy the Desitin makes sense, altho I've never used anything but wet wipes and never had a problem all this time. But TP I think is just to rough anyway for going so much.

    So what's going on Labor Day with everyone? I haven't heard of anything, but everyone usually tels me the last minute anyway. At least there's a long weekend. I know that's not the real reason for it but it ends up being that way.

    Hope everyone has a good day.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2016

    Sandy, pooping razor blades…you got that right!

    Cami, I thought Johnny Crawford looked old too. I was talking with someone else, they saw him a couple years ago in Branson, he was singing. She said about 8 times, he forgot the words to the song.

    Jazzy, Julie is a nurse, she had worked in cardiac care. Julie, correct me if I'm wrong. Maybe we'll just call you Momma Bear! I used to be Goldilocks, back when I had a CB radio in my car, and it eventually just got shortened to Goldie.

    Julie, I'm so sorry this keeps happening to your mom. She sure sounds like a little spit fire, that's for sure.

    NM,you made me laugh with the Yoda Poop.

    LDB, you posted the same ting twice dear! Praying you feel better and the scans show nodda!

    Cami, you mentioned Labor Day and I'm like OMG….it is!

    Wacko, I guess I need to go back and see when you are having your heiny scope. And Logan is just so cute.

    Trip was fun and thank you for all the nice words.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2016

    Well Wacko, I don't see the actual date for the heiny scope.

    And OMG MY BAD...Thank you all for the birthday wishes. Where are my manners!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2016

    jazzy or momma bear i am a cardiac nurse,

    well if my mother behaves ie no trip to the uk guess where i'm going!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2016

    imagehi girls, at the island with my gf's, back tomorrow and will catch up, cheers all!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited August 2016

    After four days of not being able to connect to the Internet. Mr. AT&T came around and upgraded my uncle to fiber optic Internet. I've been trying to talk him into the upgrade for 6 months, and I'm glad he finally agreed. Most likelybecause it's going to cost him significantly less per month with the upgrade.

    The weather has been beautiful here the past couple of days. I've been hiking at 6:30 a.m., and I'm telling ya it does wonders for what's left of) my sanity.

    Not a great day today with respect to my dad. He couldn't get up this morning, and he's still in bed. I'm wondering if it's because of an antihistamine he recently started to increase his appetite. He takes Lorazapam at night to help him sleep, and I asked if he took an extra one and he said no. I trust that, because he's meticulous about his meds. It's just a bit of a head scratcher.

    Cami, brunch sounds like it was a blast! Lol to all the ladies not bringing phones! I recorded OC, haven't watched it yet. The New York reunion is on Wednesday, looking forward to that one.

    Nm'. Sorry you couldn't ' capture that moment (story of my life), but I know those beautiful east coast sunrises. Gorgeous! I'm glad you and Sadie had some down time this past weekend.

    Jazzy, yeah, get the young'ums thing who are now under you wing. Wishing you the best with that one.:) you must be excited to spend a little sis time in NY. where did you end up choosing to stay? Screw everyone else. This is about you and your sis.

    Goldie, seems like you had a great Birthday!

    Dara, my dad's wound was on his lower back. It was a nightmare. Hope your colonoscopy went well, and easy breezy. Prayers out to you for clear results. Btw, no disrespect to Mr. JD. I was just sharing my one and only experience.

    Mema, prayers out to you for clean scans and continual NED! Your JD story had me lmfao!

    Juliet' your mom is one tough lady. She ain't going anywhere until she's ready.

    Genny, nice photo! Looks like you and your crew are having boat loads of fun!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2016

    Quick poop in, running late this ayem, didn't sleep worth beans last night cuz of heartburn. Finally fell asleep and then hit the snooze button one too many times! Havea good day, Loungettes!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2016

    Julie, no hospital for mum, DW for you….I like it. I vote it goes that way!

    Mary, that sure looks like a fun time, and what a great picture of you and your friends.

    Hsant, glad the walks are helping with your sanity. I suppose the allergy meds could be making dad sleepy, eh?

    NM, hope you didn't have to rush too much, but glad to pooped in to let us know. Hopefully you can sleep better tonight.

    Well, I went for labs yesterday, I see my onc tomorrow. My stomach is in knots!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning DahhhhhLinks

    Jazzy mama bear….I like it. How old are these kids on the vendor team? Sounds like u will have ur hands full.

    Sandy - my 1st scope was done in Santa Barbara. Doc told me to go eat dinner and start the prep about 8pm. So I did and talk about 'extreme close-up', that's what the sewer rat got as he was swimming around in the toilet. Ya think I was sit down on that pot, no way, but the Big D had already started so I just braced myself on the side walls and dumped. Thought the rat would go when I flushed, but nooo, he hung around in there. I used shampoo, soap, a hanger too to try and flush him back to his sewer. Nothing worked, so kept the lid down, was freaked out that he might get out. After half dozen 'squat dumps' he finally disappeared, but I was still very paranoid, so kept lid down and put my suitcase on top. Finally settled in for sleep. I did go to the office, but it was closed, still closed when taxi picked me up so I wasn't able to complain. What a ride that night was. Never thot of using Desitin, bet it does make for less pain/burning.

    NM - u r right, pt must want to. Ur Tues DOTD yumyum.

    Cami - I use wet wipes too when I have D. We got some good rain on Tues nite too. DH and I have no plans for Labor Day. He works Sat. and we have cleaning gal on Monday. Not really interested in doing anything special. I did freeze some ribs to BBQ, but I can't eat anything solid til Labor Day…hmmm, mayb I will do them up, as I will be starving by then.

    Here's the story. Went to St Geo to see ENT, he said I have TMD of the jaw, much like TMJ, but this is more like Arthur-itus than a dislocated jaw. So supposed to do a soft diet, soup, yogurt, smoothies. Use a heat pad on my ears, limit talking, 600 mg Ibuprofen 3x a day ( not going to do the Ibu, too hard on my stomach), no gum chewing for 2 weeks….ugh. But not bad so far. OK enuf bout me

    Lowee - ooops for the repeat. Prayers all things will be NED when u see ur onco tomary. Try to relax. I know easier said than done(((Lowee)))

    Mary - love the pic, looks like ya'll had a marvy time.

    Hsant - glad Mr.AT&T got ur puter and internet working. Hope your dad is having a better day. Thanks for prayers, my scans are 9-12 and onco 9-13. Will let all know what outcome is.

    Julie - sad no trip to the UK, but DW would be next best thing. Prayers going out to ur mom.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2016

    Mema, ouch about the jaw TMD. Hope it resolves painlessly. The soft diet sounds truly sucky (except perhaps for fro-yo or bisques). And a rat in the toilet during what are the most traumatic poop-sessions of one’s adult life to begin with? That would put me off colonoscopies for the rest of my life! We did have a sewer rat in our basement toilet once--our cats discovered it, to their delight--so after our cats had their way with it and we disposed of the evidence, we turned off the water line to the john and put a cinder block on the lid, which remains there to this day. We never use that part of the basement any more, except for storage. (Years ago, my neighborhood rock band, in which I played bass, used to rehearse there).

    NM, my sympathies about the heartburn. GERD at night is no fun at all.

    Bob brought home BBQ chicken last night, so I had some 2011 Maryhill Zinfandel--Zin is the consummate ‘Q wine. Zinfest in the ‘hood tomorrow night! Going to a hospital medical staff party (after a golf outing, which we’re skipping because Bob’s working & I stink at golf) at an upscale bowling/bocce alley tonight. Long drive up & back, in separate cars (Bob’s coming from work), so I’ll probably stick to iced tea.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2016

    Good evening, Loungettes!Boy did I have trouble dragging my tired a$ out of bed this morning.Was up and down all night with heartburn (gag) and finally fell asleep right before the alarm when off.

    Cammy--I can't keep track of the days sometimes, either!I blame it on information overload, but I'm afraid it's the other D (dementia) creeping up on me.No plans for Labor Day except enjoying the 3 day weekend.

    Goldie--The Yoda Poop made me giggle, so I thought the rest of you would enjoy it too!

    Julie--wish I could meet you there, again!

    Genny--great pic!What a group of wild and wonderful ladies!

    Hsant--Ah, upgrades!The thought of upgrading always makes me think of "upgrades" to the charting system at work, which always means lots of problems, bugs, glitches and out-and-out failures to make my life harder.I sometimes forget upgrades can be good!Not sure what's up with your Dad, hopefully not a drug-drug reaction.

    Goldie--I didn't have to rush, as long as I'm available by phone as of 8 ayem work doesn't care where I am.I had hoped to get online on lunch break, but that didn't happen until 4:30 peeyem, and I was too hungry to think about getting online, I was scarfing foodand documenting at one of my fav restaurants.Got all my work done before the end of dessert, though!Going to go to bed right after this and see if I can ketchup on some sleep tonight. Debating just going to sleep in the recliner rather than ending up moving out to the recliner in the middle of the night.I like the bed better cuz I get Sadie cuddles there, and I don't in the recliner.

    Mema--TMD of the jaw?Limit talking?Sound horrendous.The heat on the ears and no gum chewing is ok, since I don't chew gum often anyway.Since you can't take ibuprofen can you take Aleve?Or even Tylenol?Anything to help calm down the inflammation.Praying it clears up fastliest.Are you saying you had a REAL RAT in your toidy during your heiney scope prep?I'd've totally freaked out!

    Chi--OMG, a REAL RAT?EEEKKK!!!!!!!I'd've %#it in a bucket before using that toilet!And GERD is NOT fun, in any way, but especially at night.

    Princess Leia's DOTE (Drink of the Evening):

    Andes Ratt



    Make the Ovaltine as per usual. Add peppermint schnapps, stir well, and serve. Tastes like an Andes mint.

    Best served in a Coffee Mug.

    Image result for rat drink

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2016

    Cue UB40: “Dere’s a rat in m' kitchen, what am I gonna do....I’m gonna fix dat rat, dat’s what I gonna do...“ (Accompany with a bottle of Red Stripe).

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2016

    hi goils,

    omfg, I wrote a long post and again, the gremlin took it away. and ya know, at one point, I had copied the post into my clipboard but wiped that out when I left BCO during the post and was helping mese cousin renew her pharmacy license! ugh, sooooo annoying.

    so yes, had the colonoscopy yesterday (tuesday) and I was surprised by ultra great news, it was all clear. So wonderful considering I had polyps at my first scope 11 years ago, a reason to sailabrate, indeed!! head is hurting again very bad. and I am about sick with worry since today is de day that I no longer have health insurance. after talking to mese seester and also reading post by Jazzy, I have decided that it is definitely not worth the risk of having nothing. I spent the last three hours surfing the obama care insurance plans, soooo funcusing and soooooo much to tink about, uh. not sure if I had mentioned previously that my primary care doctor wanted me to go to an ENT to address these almost daily headaches. I was at the doctors on friday for the pre-op EKG and my primary wrote me another RX for sinus infection which I do believe I have another. I went a few days without a headache and thought to meseself "well that did it, all good"...then bavooooom, the most wicked of all headaches hit me whilst in AC on monday. it was so bad that we did not leave on time and I ended up speeding up the expressway to make it to the pharmacy before they closed as I still had to pick up the prep for the scope (which incidentally, de prep was nasty as always, worst part being downing the drinks, especially round two in the aye em, omg sickening!! oh, I tried to get mese dr to send me for a head MRI but he said that insurance would not cover since many headaches are stress induced. uh no wonder I dwink!

    gonna hit submit and come back in for a few now! cHeErS!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2016

    me again, gonna try to recreate some of my lost post and then some? we'll see how that goes!

    happy thirsdey girls, have everyone will have a great day.

    I am still awake but on a funky schedule, slept until 3pm today so only appropriate to stay up for at least 16 hours before going back to sleep.

    Sue, your story, OMG, had me laughing and crying at de same time. and ya know, I never knew that sewer rats where a real ting, thought that was just a figure of speech. Hoping and praying for you to have clean scans and git all good results. And really hope that we can somehow put together some face time despite the distance between wese!

    NM, hoping and praying that you have a better night sleeping, GERD is the pitsk,, sorry you went through that. I am glad that you are able to check into work when you can if needed so that you are not marked late. That is a plus. So did ya opt for your bed for the Sadie snuggles vs sleeping on the recliner?

    Chi, thanks for the suggestion of using desitin. By the time I read your post, it was too late to buy it but I do have A&D Ointment in my crib and used that and did not have a sore rear end, glad you reminded me. Anudder ting I did was to use water instead of TP to clean mese EWWA after chitting each time. LOL on tailing Sue that if the rat ting had happened to you, that would be your last colonoscopy! I have to agree that would be my same sentiment over de situation. Glad you enjoyed your food and dwink, I do wish I know what you were talking about at times as your descriptions appear to be greek to me!

    Julie, darling, continued prayers going out to your Mum and to you as well. I am glad that you have income for awhile longer and that you can take your time in finding a new job. As you said, your occupation will always be one that is in demand so no worries for you. I hope that when the time comes,m you find that poyfect job that you jest love. You and NM are such awesome and compassionate nurses.

    gonna hit submit and return to writing, well after a quick visit with de willie cuz I wanna be tired and am no were close to being so......


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Much easier getting out of bed this morning, even if I was thinking it was Friday for a bit.Not quite Friday, but Friday eve.And a 3 day weekend coming up, yeah!I have got to get some housework done this weekend, and I have been spending most of the weekend time lately on the computer, so this weekend, no computer until a certain amount ofhousework done each day, so I won't be on in the mornings, but will be on later in the day.The goal is to get enough done so that I won't be ashamed to have someone come in to fix the dishwasher.Once the dishwasher is fixed I'll be able to keep up with the kitchen cleaning a lot better.So, I've got to address the computer addiction that's eating up so much of my weekend time.Not to mention getting off my EWWA and moving more!


    Dara--Hooray for a clean heiney (scope)!No polyps is good!I wonder how many headaches are from the stress of wondering if there is something going on in there that is causing the headache?Too bad there isn't an MRI-Lite version thatcan be done cheaply just for headaches.But the cost is for the doc reading the pics, not the technology, and that will never go down.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

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