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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2016

    And now moving on:

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday!Sadie and I had anotherlovely sleep in this ayem.We got absolutely nothing done yesterday, MUST get some housework done today!MUST!

    LOVE the Dragon Boat cake!

    Jazzy--good point about visiting ageing parents.That's one regret none of us needs.

    Hsant--wow, you are lucky the remotes still work!I think someone needs to create a version of the scanners you go through when you leave a store, the ones that alarm if you have an item with a security tag, that can be installed on a washing machine and detect phones, remotes, and other electrical thingys as they go in, so they can be retrieved before getting wet.Someone could get rich off that.

    Mema--Hooray for a good PC visit.If I were him I'd be miffed at not getting the scan results, but there really isn't much that can be done about that, those electronic systems only do what they are told to do and nothing more.And the trip to Cancun is coming together nicely, also YEAH!Something very, very nice to look forward to.I've heard the old wives tail of bad things coming in 3's, I'm hoping the day of needing to be jump started twice will count as one, cuz then I'll be done.Have to wait and see.Ah, a trip to Vegas, what fun.Haven't been there in a few years.Little Johnny Crawford grew up good looking!

    Jazzy-- nothing like a leisurely day off to restore the soul and recharge the batteries!

    Cammie--getting some nice steady rain here, which we need badly.I would rather have had the rain during the week, but it seems Mother Nature has other ideas.Ah well.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited August 2016

    Good morning ladies! I hope everyone is having a great weekend. I didn't make it on my hike this morning, because I slept like crap. I was up every couple of hours. Once I finally fell asleep I was woken by the phone. My uncle had an early flight, and my cousins were calling on the landline at 5 and 5:30. Um....cell phone anyone?

    The reason I slept so poorly is because I consumed an entire bottle of Klinkerbrick Zinfandel last night, while watching a couple of movies on LMN. It has an especially high alcohol content of 15.8%. So needless to say, I got very, very drunk. It was My bimonthly day off from my typical low carb way of eating, so I also consumed an entire medium sized pizza (6 slices with roasted tomatoes, portobello mushrooms, carmelized onions and hand made ricotta cheese). Not only do I have a booze hangover, but a carb hangover, too. It was fun at the time, but I'm paying the price this morning.

    Mema, hot Sake + hot tub=pure delight. Your skiing trips sound like so much fun! Oy to the pants splitting. Your Tushy must've awfully cold going down that hill. My husband is a cyclist, and when we were dating he had a nasty crash where his bicycle shorts were completely shredded from behind. You don't wear underwear with bike shorts, so his ass was basically out there for the world to see on his 50 mile ride back to his house.

    Native, I'm so happy that you got some good Zzzs in. You need it, and I'm sure Sadie knows this too. I agree about the scanners. Great idea. I also would love to be able to call my keys, glasses and other things I tend to misplace.

    Jazzy, I love having time to myself. Did you enjoy your evening? Rain and an outdoor concert don't mix, at least for me. Threading is a technique where a thread is used to pull hair from the follicles. It sounds painful, but it's not any worse than waxing.

    Cami, while it's hot and humid here, it sounds worse in your neck of the woods. Probably not a bad idea to stay indoors, and stay cool.

    Ok, gotta take my lazy ass and get my day started. Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2016

    Jazzy, we did see Independence Day. Good movie. No one wants to go over my moms because it smells horrendous. My son may do for her, but when it comes to taking care of the house, he doesn't care and he's a total slob. I had no idea about UTI's causing sepsis. It wouldn't even do me any good to say anything. I hope your Saturday turned out to be a pleasant one, which I'll bet it did.

    Hsant, glad you got the remotes working for your dad. My mom does not get a sponge bath. A lot of the times she's sleeping when her aide gets there. It's a HUGE effort for her to get a shower, and totally wears her out. So I I think she just tries to avoid it. She could take one by herself, with my son there, because she really is only afraid of falling, but she doesn't. You can watch Bad Moms, it wasn't horrible.

    LDB, woot woot on your onc bisit and all is good. I am so happy for you. You're gonna have so much fun in Cancun. The boys name on the Rifleman is Mark, real name Johnny Crawford. I did not watch this when I was younger, but yeah, he's a cutie! Ok, I see you found him. I was gonna do the same with pictures.

    Cami, I hope you can get to the pool. Do your girls know how much you like it? My mom IS excited for me to come, but after my brother talked to her, she got on the pity pot. I told her she can play that game with my brother, but she doesn't need to play it with me.

    NM, it's not the end of the world if you don't get your housework done. I'm always afraid someone will stop by, and it's not looking too good! Or at least not as good as I would want it to.

    Hsant, booze and carb hangover, yikes. Your DH's pants splitting, I would gather to say, being a cyclist, he prolly has a pretty nice tushy! They do make little alarms you can put on your keys and such, if you lose them.

    Might do some canning today.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning DahhhhhLinks

    Jazz - let us kno what u find out about 'threading'. Good for you, taking a night for yourself. I detest crowds. I'd rather spend my evening at the pool then fight crowds, even if the music is da best.

    Cami - I can handle dry heat, but humidity no way. I do the same thing and cut out early and get in some a/c. When I went to TX a couple years ago….ugh, the heat and humidity made me very nauseous. BF who I was visiting, her DH would not turn AC to cooler temp. I slept upstairs and he was gracious enuf to put the ac to 74 for me. I was really glad to get home.

    NM - glad flat only cost u a widdle bit. I say we count flats as part of the 3's.

    Yum on the Birthday Cake DOTD, looks so pretty. Good idea about a sensor for the wash tub. I did laundry yest, I swear I checked all the pockets but a lone Kleenex was in one of the pockets. Anyway, had to get the vac and clean up inside and outside da washer. UGH. PC was miffed, mortified, at himself after I told him. I asked him to order scans if any of his other pts (with implants) complained about a lump and not just assume it is calcification. He has more than made up for it, and besides, like I said, who knows if it had already spread.

    Hsant - O my, that is a lot of wine, pizza sounds good too. U deserve it, but not the after-affects. Hope you can catch up on ur rest today and tonight. LOL bout the bike shorts.

    Lowee - I saw my PC, not my onco. I see her next Tues. All she will do is draw labs and talk a min with me. Mayb even schedule 6 mo scans for Oct or Nov. I just can't tell you how happy I am about how well you are feeling…YAHOO!

    DH working swing tonight, so think I will call my neighbor Pat and see if she wants to go to dinner.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2016

    Stickier here than a roll of flypaper--Cami, I hear ya! Bob came straight home from church rather than going to brunch (I slept in, because the A/C in the bedroom is sooo good). Not looking forward to walking to Mas Alla del Sol (the best Mexican restaurant in Chicago not owned by Rick Bayless) this evening (Bob's jonesing for chicken mole and I'm not about to try even the 2-hr Cook's Illustrated version). Breakfast was an olive-oil-fried (Barcelona-style) jumbo organic egg; tomato slices with basil, sea salt, lime olive oil & lemon vinegar; small wedges of taleggio and fontina; one rolled-up slice of prosciutto; and an espresso lungo. Hsant, there's research out that says an occasional 1 day-to-1-week “vacation" from low-carb can reset metabolism and end a weight-loss “plateau" after a long period of low-carb dieting. Maybe that's why I lost weight on the Italy trip (not just walking and portion control).

    Wanted cava last night, but B'way Cellars ran out so I had to settle for prosecco. Mas Alla does have it, though (too much sugar in sangria, too much alcohol & sugar in 'ritas for me, and I'm not a big beer drinker--seltzer quenches my thirst better).

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited August 2016

    Good afternoon friends- happy Funday Sunday and I must admit, it has been pretty fun. I am home from a mega morning into early afternoon of shopping from the farmers market, to Kohls, the local co-op, Lowes and World Market. Whew, a month's worth of errands crammed into 4 hours but I was on a mission! Food for the week, some new plantings for my worn out garden and patio, some new items for myself from Kohls, etc. I came home to get all the food in the fridge (was in stored cooler bags) and now relaxing for a bit. Going to do some food prep for the week next along with a few other things here at home before the new week begins.

    Goldie- I did have a good evening. Ran a few errands and did a nice 30 lap swim at the gym (Michael Phelps get out of my way), plus some soaking. Came home to go to bed early which I really needed. I checked in with the friend who was going to go as she was really sick, but is doing better. Almost sounds like she had food poisoning, but she is not sure.

    What are you going to can?

    NM- sounds like you and Sadie had a nice morning today. Good to hear it is cooling down there, here too. This morning felt like early fall. The weather shifts around mid August and we are all so ready for it. This summer has been hot and weather dudes say the hottest on record for NM. I believe it.

    Cami- so many people do water exercise at my gym who can't swim. Pool is not too deep though to get in serious trouble, although they say people can drown in a bathtub. The water feels good with this old achy body. I hope you can get the water before summer ends, not over yet girlfriend. Thank you too for the kind words too.

    Mema- how is the weather in NV? Is it cooling down there yet? Who is going to Cancun?

    Hsant- the occasional indulgence of wine and pizza is nothing to be too worried about. That being said, I know how that can make us feel the day after. I went out with a good friend about this time last year to celebrate her birthday and we definitely had a couple bottles of wine and I felt it the next day. You have been doing so well with your hiking and taking care of yourself, I think you just enjoyed yourself last night! Good wine and some pizza sounds divine to me!

    ChiSandy- I always loose weight when I go to Europe and it blows my mind because I eat so much. First time I went I was there for a month (five countries including a Mediterrean cruise) and lost 10 pounds. Last trip was in 2009 and was in Tuscany for two weeks and lost 5. I think I just figured out how to get the rest of the weight off I am trying to shed, I need to move to Europe for a year!

    Where is Dara? And some of our other friends?

    Going to go relax for a bit and will leave you with these photos from the market today......



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Monkey day!The heat and humidity came back with a vengeance yesterday afternoon, Sadie and I spent the day lying about and watching TV.Found a series on BBC on the hidden killers in homes in the various eras--sounds odd but actually pretty interesting.I think it was the Edwardian Era where electricity started being introduced into homes with gas creating all kinds of explosive problems since the gas was never turned off, but flowing all the time and most gas appliances created sparks when turned on.It's a wonder human kind survives itself!

    Hsant--not sleeping well is a real pain in the anatomy, isn't it?Hope slept better last night and feel better today!Booze hangover plus carb hangover, must be miserable.Oh, my your poor hubby!Glad the pants took the brunt of the crash though, and not his hieney skin!And I do have to admit that I love that feeling I have when I wake up from a nap in the recliner, so relaxed and warm and boneless.I wish I woke up feeling like that when I slept in my bed!

    Goldie--I was wondering if Independence Day was any good.I really like the first, and too many times the sequels of really good movies are really horrible.I know it's not the end of the world if I don't get housework done, but the place is looking like a pig pen and it bothers me, so time to do something.I just wish housework would STAY done for a while after I do it!What are you canning?

    Mema--don't you hate it when a kleenex gets past you into the laundry?What a mess one little bit of thin paper can make!

    Chi--What a fantastic breakfast!

    Jazzy--Look at those peaches!I can just smell them through the monitor!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    The Good Farmer Cocktail


    1 sprig fresh mint

    • Crushed ice
    • 3/4 cup lemonade (6 ounces)
    • 3 tablespoons bourbon (1 1/2 ounces)
    • Lemon slice for garnish

    Mash mint in the bottom of a pint glass with a muddler or small wooden spoon to release the oils from the stem and leaves. Fill the glass one-third full with crushed ice; add lemonade and bourbon and stir to combine. Garnish with a slice of lemon.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2016

    Jazzy, I've seen them do that threading in malls, on eyebrows. I'm doing tomatoes. Yesterday, I scalded, peeled and cut them up. Will do the actual canning today. The time consuming part is done. The Market looks fun.

    LDB, hate when tissue gets left in clothes when washing them, what a mess. 10-4 on the PC and not the onc. I shoulda just said doc! Some of you have so many.

    Quite the breakfast Sandy!

    NM, house cleaning is never done, as it always gets messy again. Plus you work so much, gotta spend some "me" time on the weekends. That DOTD sure looks refreshing. As mentioned above, I'm doing tomatoes.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited August 2016

    Good morning friends- I have a busy day starting and a conference call coming soon as well as the cleaning company here in a few hours, so will make this short.

    I checked the patient portal for my blood work results from my recent and everything seems a bit high from cholesterol to tryglycerides, etc. The one that has me most concerned is my A1C. That has not been good before and just need to modify a few things to get things back on track. Although I was warned about cholesterol going up on the AIs, I actually found this article about bc and diabetes around the time mine went high six months after finishing primary treatment and going on the AIs. My PCP put me on a low dose of metformin around this time three years ago and been doing okay with that and major diet modifications (no sugar/desserts, limit carbs, etc.) My mother had diabetes so it is familial and am more prone to it anyways.

    And City of Hope is one of the top cancer hospital in the country and where my sister had her treatment....

    The good news is that my MO gave me a referral a couple weeks ago to see an endocrinologist for weight loss. We had talked about it during my Jan visit, and he said I need to try Weight Watchers or the like (which I have done in the past and done well, but not these days). He told me we could discuss it this summer's visit if I wanted to go see someone and brought it up and said I wanted the referral. My BS has been pushing on me to shed the pounds for awhile, but the MO said it is just about impossible for most women on the AIs. Metformin is also known to be something that causes weight gain. My MO said between the two meds, they are working against me loosing weight and yet, that is what I need to do so I will see the endocrinologist and after seeing these results, glad I pushed for this apt. He told me the woman he is sending me to has had good success with cancer patients so I feel positive about this and glad to have the apt set up. I see her in early Sept. In the meantime, major changes to carbs and more exercise coming. Good thing I went to the farmers market yesterday, a good start to the changes I need to make.

    Wishing everyone a good week and will check in as we go along! Thanks for e-listening to my blood work woes!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2016

    Hi goils.... Is it okay if I post here again??? I don't know that much, I am not that sick, I don't have any problems.... and in fact I'm rather boring! I just miss a lot of you, and see you on FaceBook, and still think Cammi is full of beans, but I love her anyway.... ! Okay.... otherwise known as Ed. (Elizabeth Dahling)..... Oh! I LOVE to drink Bocci Balls.... {Cammi should love that name).... Those drinks are Vodka, Amaretto and orange juice over lots of ice....

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited August 2016


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2016

    I have heard from three doctors (the peri-op internist at Northwestern who cared for me immediately before & after my first knee replacement), my primary, and my husband (who is a cardiologist but is also a primary and treats many diabetic and “metabolic triad syndrome” patients) that Metformin combined with a low-carb diet can actually slightly enhance weight loss. So do newer oral antidiabetics like Januvia. The flip side is that they also cause blood lipids to rise (and statins can raise blood glucose & a1c, so it’s a vicious cycle), and the newer ones carry a risk of pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer (but not Metformin). Insulin and the older class of orals called “uricosurics” do cause weight gain. Weight Watchers is probably too high in carbohydrates (grains & most fruits, plus “cheat points” treats) for diabetic patients. (I don’t know why “diabetic meals” on airplanes or “controlled carb” hospital in-patient diets always feature white bread or a dinner roll, juice and regular Jell-O or ices--unless it’s because most diabetics left to their own devices eat even more sugar & starch than that).

    My MO and primary both say that, with a few specific exceptions, “don’t eat white stuff.” The exceptions on which both of them agree are cauliflower, fish and dairy (though my primary says to eat only whole full-fat dairy and the MO says only organic low-fat or non-fat). Both agree that within the parameters of a healthy low-carb diet, portion control and therefore total calories still count. My MO says mammal-meat no oftener than once a week, and it must be grass-fed; my primary says up to 3x a week, but also have fatty wild fish at least 3x a week. The primary says a full (5 oz) glass of red wine daily for all adults who want to drink alcohol, except ER+ bc patients who can have up to 2 or 3 oz. a day. My MO says no more than two 5-oz. glasses a week, or split up smaller portions so long as no more than 10 oz. a week. And both are adamant about gentle stretching, strengthening, aerobic, weightbearing exercise daily--but work up to it and not overdo. (Yours truly definitely did not follow the advice to work up to it, going from 3-5000 steps/day at home to 10-15,000 on vacation. And I paid for it with foot and leg edema and plantar irritation from a heel spur I never knew I had).

    Our medications are all tradeoffs, and it’s a delicate balance. Each person’s highest health risk is different, and therefore priorities and side effect management are definitely not “one size fits all.” To put it bluntly, we need to ascertain which of our co-morbidities is likelier to disable or kill us first--cardiovascular disease or carcinoma. (If Type 2 diabetes kills, it’s indirectly, by its effects on the heart or less often, kidneys). But the #1 killer of women? Still heart disease. And having bc doesn’t necessarily mean it won’t be our hearts that get us in the end.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2016

    I wonder what a shot of limoncello would do for a tall glass of unsweetened iced tea.......

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited August 2016

    Good evening, ladies! Did my hike this morning, and I feel very good. I did get pissed on the last 15 minutes of my route, but it wasn't too bad, just slightly annoying. It was just a little rain, no thunder or lightening, so not a big deal.

    Jazzy, 30 laps! Excellent! I wish I liked swimming, because you pretty much work all your muscles, get a great cardio work out, with out any major impact on your joints.

    The farmer's market looks very enticing.

    I heart Kohls, especially when I have a couple of Kohls Cash certificates.

    Goldie, I'm going to look into those alarms. I misplace pretty much everything of any remote importance. What are you canning? This is the one technique that I'm completed intimated by. It's a process that takes a lot of knowledge.

    With any infection, there's a risk of sepsis. UTI's are a big deal, especially when you're older. Did your mom's doc say what is causing this? Maybe she's not drinking enough water? My dad was getting UTIs in the rehab clinic (he was hospitalized for a year after a botched surgery). Once he came home I found out that he wasn't getting enough water, and dehydration was the cause of the UTIs.

    Mema, I hate crowds, too. And traffic, which usually go hand in hand with crowds.

    Considering that Kleenex is the crack cocaine for the elderly population, I tend to find shredded Kleenex at least once a week in the washing machine. I look to make sure that there aren't any Kleenex (or alcohol pads), but inevitably I'll miss it. Such a pain.

    Native, my hubs would be interested in that series, considering that he's a science geek and loves the BBC. It does sound very interesting. Recliners are so comfy! Love the farmer cocktail. I make something similar, but I use vodka. I love the combination of mint and lemon or lime in a cocktail.

    Sandy, very interesting about that research. When I was doing hard core Atkins phase 1, I was on it for about a month when I plateaued. I went off for one day out of frustration, and I started losing again when I went back on.

    I'm sorry about your foot and leg troubles. Sounds painful!

    I think limencello and iced tea sounds pretty darn good.

    Jazzy, every person I know loses weight when they go to Italy or France, and every person said they ate like pigs. Maybe it's all the walking?

    The wonderful thing about a high cholesterol reading is you can bring down those numbers thru exercise and a change in diet. You're on an exercise roll, and I bet that makes a huge difference the next time you get blood work.

    My girlfriend recently read an article that stress and anxiety can cause high cholesterol. Kind of skeptical about that one.

    Chevy, yummy looking cocktail!

    Cami, I hope you're feeling well today. Another humid day over here.

    Well, it's about my bedtime. See everyone soon!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2016

    Hi girls,

    Welcome back Elizabeth Dahling (Chevy). I been MIA quite a bit too but still missed yer face, uh your fingers.

    Jazzy tanks for missing me, saw mese name and had to poop right in. Ya see, I heard ya calling for me jest like one of mese bwestest bwesties from here, Christine, used to do for me when wese missed her. So yeah, missed all ye goils.

    NM, sorry about de flat, dern chit happens. glad not costly for ya. ok will write ya more soonliest, k?

    Nancy, happy belated birfdey ya sweeties, many many more goil. cheers and blessings to ya

    Mema, read that you had a good dr visit, weee yaaa, miss you goil miss ALL mese goils.

    Gotta run cuz been on a four ta five dey dwinking excurtion cuz well it is sumting like dis....uh this goil, Dara, mese, was terminated from mese employment on fried-dey, and boy wuz I fried. well eberyting went down on friday eve day, meaning thurs afternoon. yep, i am still in a state of shock cuz mese has not been sober long enuff to tink about what went down. I wil talk about it anudder time cuz mese has to git back into mese pool, been floating out dere with a dwink in mese cuppie holder for about four 4 -six 6 deys now hehe.

    i will be presents in de lounge more often i tink sincen I don't have much else to do. well I am keeping so busy and have plans to do so so many tings around de house, in the yard, financially, dwinking more, sleeping more and so on. but mese wil totally ketchsup with mese goils soonliest. cheeRs my lublies bweasties, love ye all and I tank you for being here for me 24/7 around de cock. mese cllock btw, has no numerals so I has a hard time tailing what itme it bese ~hiccup~~~might be back after mese skin is oberly shriveled dis night. ba bye now for goils!

    dara, former mortgage processor iffen yese know f any openings, pls advise but not PHH cuz they bese a fn sweat shop and well das all now four for noww!

    more ChErS! for all yese.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited August 2016

    Hi Chevy, my neighbor to the north! Yes, you are welcome to post here. Always enjoy hearing from you where ever you are.

    ChiSandy- I pretty much don't eat the white stuff. Gave up sugar three years ago, eat little carbs. Many of the treatments can lead to conditions that create heart disease. I read somewhere about a young woman in her 30s who had bc and ended up with congestive heart failure from chemo. The whole thing is a mixed bag.

    Dara- you crack me up. You looking for a new job girlfriend?

    Hsant- I love Kohls too but only go when i have the 30% coupon. Now i have some Kohls cash and will go back to use that. I sort of get a little sad when I go there, because it reminds me of my mom. Not that we shopped there together, although my mom was a great shopper and taught me the fine art of retail therapy and how to find the best deals. When she became ill and we took over her care, I used to buy her clothes there. I finally got past the point where it bothered me to go there and made me miss her so. Yesterday, I was leaving the dressing room and saw this really cute polo shirt with these big roses all over it. My mother would have LOVED that. Anyways, Kohls always brings back thoughts of mom. Well, she is shopping now in the big mall in the sky where everything is in your size and free!

    I love the comment about Klennex being crack for old folks. Boy is that true! Winking

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2016

    Hi Ladies-----Jazzy I have to first say u'r mom and mine have no doubt met doing all their shopping.

    DARA WTF, how did this happen, did they get rid of a few people, cuz u never sounded like there was a problem--but companies do what they want, when they want and are somehow protected by eery aw that was made to actually help the people not get fired--I'm so sorry, but then again this might be good and take u into a new world of working when u are ready, u never know what's around the corner. When u'r ready come back and tell us exactly what happened.

    Lori I didn't see any pics. of what u have grown and are canning. Those are my fun pics. too. Somehow when u guys are talking about something, I don't remember about reading it and I'm sorry if it's my memory or my puter or whatever.

    NM I lubs when u cuddle with sadie, I love cuddling and my Katie-Kat does it on her terms now---when we lived alone she was with me every night.

    Damn all of u are so busy going and coming and drinking YUM.

    Hsant how did u not throw-up after that--oh what a headache I woud have had. see u'r a brave woman. LOL

    Chevy----I was just thinking about u today and I hadn't spoken to u in a while (bad me) Oh u are never boring, everything else yea. I'm glad u'r doing well and pop in more so we can keep track. I know u probably think that has something to do with trains but it doesn't.

    Lori my kids do know how I luv the pool, but this year my D is more unpredictable tha last and I really am nervous about what would happen, cuz I have no warning ever.

    I, of course enjoy the DOTD's that are here and I see they are always in the right glass---which is about all I know about drinking these days, but it does make a difference.

    Sandy do u prefer the stem glass or the round one now. And u are so lucky (wrong word I know) to have a Dr. DH, wow u have to have the best Drs. around, which is so calming (again wrong word)

    Jazzy do u ever really sow down? U and SusyQ don't stop, I get tired reading all that u 2 do.

    I came here earlier but had to leave. My boss called me--he's changed the name of the business--I thought I just had to learn how to answer the phone differently, but alas--He has a baby named sam about 18 mos old and I said to him I understand Sam better than I understand him. WTF it was all computer stuff that I had to change, he was going to just come over but he actually makes it more confusing for me in person for some reason--OMG I just don't know how to easily change things --different screens, different everything so tomorrow will tell. Oh chit I forgot to tell him I have to go to the hospital tomorrow for some blood work and my card. app't Since he always feels my ankles (always swollen) he's going to see my foot, which he will not really care about but maybe I can get ax-ray from him, it's gotten worse--Leslie has been bugging me to see a dr. so we'll see. And Joey is going with me, He'll have to push my wheel chair but he's so good with it--Leslie pushes my feet into corners. I know they're huge but she knows that. LOL

    OK I'll close.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2016

    Cami, hope everything works out for you at the cardiologist tomorrow. A foot x-ray seems like a great idea, so he can rule out damage from your injury. I like stem glasses for good wines, and the stemless ones (the very thin plastic Govinos--dirt cheap and unbreakable--are great for wines you don’t mind getting warmed up by the heat of your hand, as well as for outdoors & travel). What really makes a difference for me is the thickness of the rim--I find that glass or plastic, the thinner the rim the more of the wine I can actually taste.

    Dara, bummer about the job. Friend of mine likes to say “When God closes a door.......he throws someone out a window.” Maybe whoever fired you will be metaphorically defenestrated......

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2016

    yep Jazzy, in de market for a new employer. but uh gonna wait a few weeks/monfs? cuz I tink I get hired right up. mortgage rates are historically low at de moment so ebery mortgage co in the US is hiring. I have a good lead already as I am on linked in and get anywhere from 1-3 leads per week but have been ignoring them as I had finally felt right about where I was - i had prayed so so hard when being moved to U B S for help and at one point, I wuz mad at God for not listening and sorta gave up. Den after mese Mom passed, I would talk to her and ask her to tail God I need him and walaa, tings started clicking. ugh, a shame yet not a shame, ya know? kk, mees been dwinking sinse 4pee em. hehe.

    Cam, gosh I love ye goil, will tail ya de whole story soonliest, I have a planned trip to Atlantic City, leaving tomorrow, coming home thursday, was planned since before the big termination so still going. But bringing mese laptop and since not a huge gambler, will prolly be on here chatting away like de old days in AC. k?

    Chi, tanks. Funny ting, I has to often use de dicktionary when you post. i guess cuz mese has about a tenth grade edumacation hehe, seems so at times. I like what you said and am picturing de biotch boss, named C I B E L E, pronounced si-belley, is goimg out the window, yep. I am visualizing it now teheheh, omg, she fugly when she flies. I can tail ya so much more about that wonder witch...cant wait to fill you all in..

    gotta git back to floating in de pool for more hour, packing then bed. tata and titties up if ya got em! chEErs!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited August 2016

    Cami- I hope the apt goes well also, and you will have Joey to help you. Sandy makes a good point about getting checked out from that fall you took too, sometimes we can seem okay then things show up. I like that your mom was a shopper too. Let us know how you are doing as you hear.

    Dara- well dang it dear, the whole thing stinks but you will find something else. I have been layed off twice from FT jobs and after the last time, told myself I was done working for companies. I had time off in between both lay offs to decide the what next so if you can do it, all the better as most people just need whether they can do it or not. You have had a difficult year and sometimes things pour when we just needs sprinkles. Wishing you better days sister.

    Back to bed.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday!Yesterday was a beautiful day for driving around, if a bit muggy.Cooler today with some rain expected this evening, the sky this morning was certainly red enough to indicate some weather on the way.I guess we could get some real hard rain overnight tonight.Well, we do need it, even after Saturday's all day rain it's still dry around here.

    Goldie--Canning tomatoes surely is a lot of work, but I bet you enjoy the results all year!

    Jazzy--bummer about the labs.Hope the endocrinologist has some good insight, weight loss is an uphill battle for so many of us.And diabetes is not fun.Jeez, once we get through the bc crap we should get a pass on everything else!

    Chevy--of course you can post here!What you been doing lately?

    Chi--good point about figuring which comorbidity will get us first or worst!Um, I have put Limoncello in unsweetened ice tea--it's wonderful!Hard to drink just one!

    Hsant--in youtube search for "Hidden Killers of the Victorian Home""Hidden Killers of the Edwardian Home" and "Hidden Killers of the Tudor Home"look for the "Full Documentary".They are done by Sterling Documentaries.Here's a link to the Victorian Home one, the others are on the side:Hidden Killers of the Victorian Home - Full DocumentaryThey really are interesting.I just stumbled across them.

    DARA!!!!!Oh, my, Dara, what a day that must have been.{{{{{DAR}}}}}}

    Jazzy--I don't shop much in Kohls, not sure why.Love the idea of the shopping mall in the sky where everything is your size and free!

    Cammy--I bet you are still Katie-Kat's main squeeze! She just shares herself so no one will get jealous.Boss changed the name of the business?What a pain that can be!All kinds of things end up needing to be changed, from business letterhead to bank accounts!Better to let him do the computer changes himself, that can create a whole new setof issues!Good luck at the card's and hope you get a foot pic taken and find out no bones are broken.

    Dara--what is there to do in Atlantic City besides gambling?It sounds like your Mom has been on God's case about you, so now things are moving again.Ah, so glad to see the Titties up salute again!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Who's the Boss


    • 1 part Rum, orange
    • 2 parts Sour Apple Pucker
    • 1 part Vodka
    • 4 parts Lemonade

    Mixing Instructions

    Chill the vodka, rum and pucker. Mix in large quantities with ice.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning Ladies

    I'm glad to see Dara pooped back in for a minute--Oh she'll be back I'm sure--I guess I was just shocked about her and her job, but we all know she really wasn't happy with it lately, so maybe it is for the best.

    For anyone that is newer Lori cans so much and it last for a whole yr. for them--she's reay good at what she grows and it always looks beautiful

    NM we've had some good rain here, but it really hasn't cooled anything off, well August is 1/2 over???? How the hell did that happen? Joey got some new clothes and shoes last nite and had to show them to me--I love his taste everything is so sharp looking and his shoes are now size 11, I think his father takes a size 10--as my dad would say when puppies have big paws that means they're going to be big cuz they have to grow into them. My dad always equated with nature or animals????

    Sandy I never thought of the temp. of wine with glasses, but now I understand it. I watch Bar rescue and they really ever show wine, but all these crazy drinks that look good too. and they say the drinks always have to be in a proper glass for that drink or it looses something?

    OK I have to try to open my new crap and plug me in. Hope everyone has a good day.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2016

    Jazzy, good luck on getting your sugar and cholesterol in check. Mine was up there when I was doing AI's too, along with the weight gain and then not being able to lose it. Crazy, because you already do most of those "healthy" things we can do to lower sugar and cholesterol. I'm sure your mom saw the shirt, maybe she put it there!

    ED DAHLING, why me thinks you need a spanking. You are welcome here anytime, as is anyone else. The Bocci Ball sounds yummy. You and Cami both claim to be boring, but you are so so wrong!!!

    Sandy, how was the Limoncello and ice tea?

    Hsant, I canned tomatoes. It's pretty easy, more time consuming than anything, and you need to be very careful when working with a pressure canner. Which is how I did it yesterday. I got a whopping 7 pints! But I have to take what I can get. Mom never see's a doctor about her UTI's, cuz it's always when she goes to the hospital that they tell her she has one. It's from not showering, and sitting in soiled diapers. How can one live like that, when they have all their scruples??? Kleenex=Crack!

    My sweet Whacko, mese has big big hugs for you. We have already discussed this on the phone. Love you goil. Enjoy and especially relax in AC girl. You going with Ex #2? Here is your clock!

    Cami, I did some tomatoes and posted a picture of the garden a ways back for you. LOL, telling Chevy to keep track and that it had nothing to do with trains!!! I totally understand about no warning with the D, nor is there any holding it back! Oh I hope you can get that foot looked at. We watch Bar Rescue too.

    NM, the biggest part and also the longest and most boring and takes the longest, is scalding the tomatoes, then dunking them in ice water, peeling and cutting them. I did that on day one and the actual canning on day two. They way, I can drain off more water too. And I'm with you, that after BC we should have a free pass from anything else. But it seems it's just the opposite.

    If I may, I'll explain briefly what happened. When Dara does these loans, something needs to be approved by someone else higher up. Well, her customer had a deadline, so Dara sent the email, instead of waiting for the proper person to do it. Well, then she went and asked (after the fact) if she could do that, and was told absolutely not, that is good reason to get terminated. Well, there ya go! They wouldn't even give her a chance and she has been nothing but a top employee there.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited August 2016

    Dara- what Goldie shared and what followed really is disheartening. Not sure if this is wrongful termination, but if you live in an "at will" state, employers can pretty much do what they want. I hope these people will not create problems for you with reference checks on your employment there. Most of the time, all they can legally do is verify your employment period unless you give them the name of someone there. Choose your references wisely with this, and don't trust these people. Hoping you can find a better job with more reasonable people.

    My needy neighbors son did asked to friend me on FB yesterday. I accepted and think in many ways, it is a good thing unless they are somehow going to suggest I get more involved with her needs. She asked me to pick up some packages from her door while she was away which I did and was fine with that, but have pretty much been avoiding her since she tried to guilt trip me into doing things because "we women friends do that for each other." At least if this situation gets worse (and expect it will), I can message her son to say his mothers needs are changing and she needs more help, you need to come figure this out. Someone told me not everyone has a plan for their aging, which I think is very true, and then it all goes into reaction mode. My mother did the same thing to her neighbors. Anyways, the neighbor seems to be better now from her surgery, is traveling so the latest crisis seems to be over. Keeping firm up the boundaries.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Raining here, finally.0.59 inches in the gauge this ayem.So badly needed.Supposed to keep going for a while today.Which is good.I've got to pop into the office early today, got work left over from yesterday, got handed a curve ball that took up a lot of time in the peeyem, but all settled now. Just need to ketchup on data entry.

    Cammy--how August gto to be half over already so fast is a mystery!Why don't January, February and March go so fast?Joey is going to be a big man at the rate he's going.

    Goldie--I can see where processing the maters could be tedious.But many good things have tedious aspects.Poor Dara, trying to serve a customer and getting bit in the a$ for it.So typical of many companies these days.

    Jazzy--Good for you keeping up the boundaries with the neighbor!So many people do not plan for when they need more help to stay at home safely.Of course, it's hard to know what's available in our crazy system, too.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning Ladies

    ooooNM I like that DOTD display, sounds good. Sorry u had a snag yesterday but hope the rest of the week goes well. And I know we've had enuff rain but I think more is coming.

    ori I must have missed te pic--but I hope everyone else saw it. Wow u did alot yesterday. Ad DARA what a load of chit that is to do with her. I know in our state they can just say u worked there, that's about it--so everyone gets the same answer. But what a reason, she has been there with a great record for a long time--She knows her stuff. But like I said maybe something she likes better will come along, cuz it should.

    Jazzy maybe her son just likes u, but it is a better way to keep things more distant, now u have him to tel.

    Well my 11am app't turned into me being there til after 3PM, poor Joey but he was a champ--more people were complimenting him and me at how he acts--so he was beaming. Well my heart Dr. said I had all my tests when I was in the hospital, which u all remember I had no memory of--he had 3 tests done and he said everything was the same so nothing got worse so leave my meds alone. Then I asked about my foot I had a sock on OL he actually looked at it and said OMG when did this happen? Mr. Joey told him and how. So he said how big was that remote. We LOLed-he sent me down to ER then--Ugh--but that was nice cuz he knows I can't always get back if I need anything, I didn't break anything, all that happened was MY CAT tore a bunch of tssues and I forgot what else--That Dr. said why didn't u come in sooner? and my usual was I figured it would just heal by itself, which it would have actually. Lesle cam toward the end of al this--well he just gave me meds for swelling and pain and did say I can take my reg. pain meds too. and gave me the boot. So now I walk around and make so much noise and the best part was keep this foot up as much as possible--hehehe-oops another long blah blah from me.

    It was hot out but bearable yesterday, but still icky---and Joey starts school today--7th grad wow and Leslie's GF is coming in from CA today for9 days so she's al excited about seeing her, but of course she has to work, but her GF has her family here too so she's going to be running around and she's a nurse Yahoo, LOL I remember her when she was just a girl, oh she's been here before but not to often. She is so sweet and tall. hahha Lesle ony has 2 GF's from HS, cuz when she got sick it was OOO she's crazy and no one stuck around. So these 2 have a special place in my heart for them cuz they came back.

    OK that's about it, I'll try to come back, I hope Dara's doing OK now WHERE'S JULIE???


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2016

    Jazzy, glad the pesky neighbor is doing better, but you are wise to still keep your distance.

    NM, after last week (I think it was last week), I was hoping you would have an incident free week this week, I guess not. At least it wasn't too big of a snafoo.

    Cami, I think I can speak for all of us, we love your blah blah stories. I was right there with you at the hospital. And Joey, the little man, stepping up to tell how it happened. Although he is not little anymore! When I posted the garden picture, I thought you commented that you didn't remember it being that big.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited August 2016

    Good morning friends- I am sitting on the patio this morning writing this while the balloons float by, and where the temps are in the mid 50s. Whoot whoot, that tells me fall is a comin!

    I had a good day yesterday of getting "real work" done vs. running around to do all these presentations to this, that and the other. Today and tomorrow should be the same. We are doing another data conversion and gearing up for a vendor visit next week and another the following week. I am herding cats all over the place!

    NM- glad to hear you are getting some rain, but hope that is gone by the weekend when you and Sadie can get out together. Summer is going fast now and Sadie told me she still wants to go swimming!

    Cami- I am glad nothing is broken, but agreed with the Dr. it is good to get checked out sooner after a fall. But ha ha, you don't need me to be your mother either! Where is the soft tissue damage? And wow about Joey's shoe size and only being in middle school. He is going to be a tall young man! He sounds so delightful and you two have such a sweet relationship.

    People who show up for hard times are the keepers. I remember being very sick as a teenager with mono and was home for a month and did not get many visits from my friends. I also remember as a result of that when going off to college, I let some of those friends just go. Some have since been around since social media came around, but they are the same people they were back then. We like to believe people change as they grow up, but the leopards don't change their spots. That friend of DD's coming to visit sounds like a peach!

    I went to the spa last night and had a wonderful treatment with this new massage therapist who does wonders on this old bod. I did a bit longer session with him, and found this combo to be the perfect one. In addition to my cranky feet, he also helped me with a shoulder that has issues. I felt great last night after that, slept well and feel awesome today. My refocus on self care is working!

    Wishing everyone a good wonky Wednesday!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2016

    What the hell do I hit that erases my sentences?

    Jazzy I didn't know this is the balloon season already? U'r treatment sounds mahrvelis darling, it's grest to get that for sure.

    Lori I remember a pic. of u'r garden but u usually put everything on the table and show us u'r reaping and what u'r going to can. Cuz that looks so good all the time.

    Oh Jazzy the tissues and stuff are all in the top of my foot. I forgot the Dr. said u of all people should know what type of infection u could get. Of course I started to LOL and I said why would I know this? really. He said cuz of my history. I know I looked at him crazy cuz what does that have anything to do with my foot? I still look at it and know this was such a stupid way of hurting my foot, the remote dropping on it. It's so me--remote is my staple. I sleep with the thing in my hands.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning DahhhhhLinks

    My bad for missing a few days. Been busy busy especially my mornings when DH is not working. Jon and I spent 23 mins together this morn, da big C is back even tho I take/eat plenty of fiber, oh well. Over-slept this morn so am behind da 8 ball so won't be able to address each of you.

    Dara - my heart is aching for you, n I'm praying you get something else when you are ready. Taking your time is a good thing mese tinks. ((((Dara)))) MUAH!!!

    NM - Hope you got some rain. Am liking what I see in the DOTD 'who's the boss'.

    Cami - glad you got ur foot looked at, now you do as da doc told u, K? Joey will grow into his 'puppy paws' and he'll likely big tall. My DD had size 13 during high school. Kids always made fun of her. She'd even get comments from customers when she was 16 and working at a Mexican restaurant. Her arch finally showed up and now wears a size 12, she 5'10 as I am, mese feet are size 11W. We call em 'boats'. My son is 6'3 with a size 13, so he b normal.

    Lowee - thanks for sharing some details on Dara. Just breaks my heart. Good for u for canning the maters and other veggies. I used to do same in MT, maters gave me biggest fits cuz cudn't get them peeled. Peaches were easy and my fav to can.

    Jazzy - hope the FB with needy neighbor doesn't come back and bite u in da buttocks. Glad u got a massage therapist who isn't afraid to apply some prressure on us ol broads, ahhh, am sure it was heavenly.

    To those I missed….there's always next time and hope ya'll know that I