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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Oh Julie I'm so glad to see u'r pics. What a beautiful day u all had. U'r mom is a trooper. I hope u'r healing well. OMG what a time u had, I can't believe that u lost u'r job over all this too. how sad u've given u'r all and that's what they do and knowing u'r mom needed u, that's just cruel. I know u can really heal tho without any pressure from work and pray when it's time u can hop back onto the work force. We've all missed u so.

    OK Lori I couldn't copy the recipe but it looked so pretty. U busy goil.

    Jazzy I'm glad u splaind' to all of us which I'm also glad no one completely understood it, cuz I didn't. But that's all right cuz whatever it is--u'r awfully good at it so u'r doing great.

    Oh Dara I too love to see pics of everybody and can picture them when I'm addressing them. And I think of u as just having a bad year and I hurt for u too. I do hope we get to have a face to face tho, I'm a mess but I would like to pretend I'm not. LOL

    Mary so glad tests were good, it's a good feeling when u'r Dr. calls and says A-OK, even thos u think u feel ok it's nice to hear it.

    NM see I could never do the DOTD like u do. Oh I watch the Big Bang and I thought a lot of things were made up from that show, only to find out they were real, except the Cheesecake Factory cuz we have them here. But they always talk about the Olive Garden which cracks me up. The onky one on there who understands anything they talk about is Mayim Bialik (Sheldons gf) She actually has a Doc. of some kind of science.

    OK my phone has started.


  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited August 2016

    Ok, y'all. I have been trying to post since the other night. First, I lost my post. Not sure how, but it didn't submit. I think I maybe lost wifi, so I lost my post. I composed an email this morning, which I planned on copying and pasting to the thread. Poof, gone. I also thought I posted over the weekend, but my memory is really going to sh$t. I'm on a bit of a time crunch, so if I miss anyone, or something important, I apologize.

    Well, I had the privilege and honor of meeting the beautiful and elegant Ms. Genny. She has AMAZING skin, btw. I have major skin envy. I could've spent the entire afternoon boozin' and chattin' if I didn't have to drive, or take my dad to the gym. Next time...Uber.

    Um...I'm the idiot who fed the squirrel out of my hand. I'll do what I always do when I do something stupid.....blame it on the vino.

    Goldie, my dad hides his meds in his room, but he asks me to hide his Lorazapam in my room when we leave the house. He's paranoid about people stealing his meds. What your mother's "friend" did was vile.

    One of the many things I miss about the end of summer is that it's also the end of tomato season. Five jars sounds like a lot, but I imagine you were expecting more.

    Safe and fun travels on your trip!

    NM, I just can't even with that story about you patient's neighbor. For reals?!! Good lord, what you deal with on daily basis!. I'm happy to hear you got some good time and snuggles with Sadie over the weekend. Burning my tongue on hot coffee or tea is the story of my life. Never pleasant.

    Too funny about cleaning the house before the dishwasher guy arrived. I clean my house before I have a professional cleaner, well clean. I can relate.

    Mema, C and D are too close in the alphabet for comfort. I'm sorry that you're now experiencing the big D. Is it from laxatives? I hope you're feeling better.

    Genny, Nora is too dang cute! She is a super model in waiting. Big yay to the clean Tm's and X-ray!

    Cami, how are you feeling? I hope you're feeling better. I've been watching Bar Rescue. LOVE! Thanks for the recommendation.

    Jazzy, Dinner sounds delish! How thoughtful of you to include the Sangria as part of a birthday gift. I've seen this at Whole Foods, but I've never tried it.

    Dara, I've said this need a break. You have had an incredibly rough go of things in the past 8 months (at least). I truly hope you can take some time for yourself. I've been in that horrific insurance situation. Cobra is astronomically expensive. Maybe you can sign up for Obama Care. It's not their enrollment period, but I know they will make certain exceptions. Something to consider, if possible.

    Juliet, beautiful pics! Gorgeous bride! I'm so happy your mom could make it to the wedding. She is very stylish.

    Ok, Crossing my fingers that I don't lose another post. Wishing everyone a wonderful day!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2016


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2016

    mary fab news on your results and hsant she is beautiful inside and out too

    chi-was it national nobody sleeps night, dragged myself to pt on 3 hrs sleep but just couldn't sleep, since shoulder surgery ,chronic neuropathy in breast has settled back down,do they have any suggestions for limiting the sideffects from the zometa for you

    dara-i know the stress work was piling on you, and are praying for something good for you ,

    lori-hope you have fun where your going

    typing left handed as still in a sling thats my excuse


    the candy table at the wedding, my nephew and bil made both displays ,they bought the love sign

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2016

    imagemy mother and father

    imagedolly and bobby made it to the wedding

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2016

    Love the pooches at the wedding, Juliet! Starting last night, I have switched my nightly antihistamine from Zyrtec to Claritin to combat the bone pain from Zometa. Had to take a Norco to get a little sleep last night--literally, a little, as I had to get up 90 min. later to see my hand orthopedic surgeon. I told him I was up all night with those “zaps,” and he prescribed Lyrica (my DH Bob suggested it, maybe gabapentin because it’s cheaper--but gabapentin didn’t do much for that nerve pain during recovery from knee replacement surgery). It costs an arm & a leg, isn’t in my Medicare Part D carrier’s formulary, and I’m in the drug coverage “donut hole” till Jan. 1, when the clock resets. (Because it isn’t in the formulary, it doesn’t count toward the $2300 I need to spend to get back out of the donut hole and into Catastrophic Coverage, where all generics are nearly free).

    Meanwhile, my housekeeper (who drove me to & from the appt. because we agreed it was unsafe to put me behind the wheel) and I dropped off the Rx, had vegan pizza (not bad) at Whole Foods, picked up the Lyrica and got home. I took a nap--which fatigue did facilitate, albeit semi-sleep. Awoke with a gnawing headache and the sensation I was wearing a full-body iron girdle. Took my temp: low-grade fever. So the Zometa “faux-flu” has set in. An espresso did help with the headache, and I am drinking seltzer and marking time till I can take the Claritin. My ortho warned me that tonight I shouldn't take the Lyrica till bedtime, as it is sedating. Tomorrow I can take it before dinner and at bedtime, and if I can handle it (and still need it) go to three a day starting Fri. until the neuropathy recedes to just pins & needles. Hopefully, I won’t have to take another Norco--I hate the way it makes me feel and it plugs me up.

    Sep. 20 is the date for my trigger-thumb surgery. Bob brought home some leftover zinfandel last night, but if I cook I’m planning pan-seared scallops (I have no appetite, a rarity for me). And zin doesn’t go with scallops--maybe open that Santana bubbly in the basement fridge.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited August 2016

    Sandy, you're getting Zometa infusions? I thought Zometa was used to treat women with bone mets

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2016

    Nope, it's also used as a maintenance drug for women who are already osteopenic or osteoporotic by the time they start taking AIs, which weaken bones (It's exactly the same as Reclast, which is marketed to just osteoporosis patients, regardless of what brought it on). Most women can take the oral versions (Fosamax, Boniva, etc.) but I can't--I have GERD, and the oral version would erode not just my esophagus but probably bring back the slowly-bleeding “ulcerette" I had 3 years ago after using Aleve to wean off opioid pain meds after my first knee replacement surgery. (I would prefer Prolia, but Humana's Part D plan is notoriously tightwad). It has been shown to prevent or at least delay the onset of bone mets in early-stage women on AIs. I will be getting it twice a year for 3 years, mets or no.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited August 2016


    Trouble Maker


    • 4 slices English cucumber, plus more for garnish
    • 2 strawberries, plus more for garnish
    • 1 1/2 oz. vodka, preferably Belvedere
    • 1 oz. Bonal (French aperitif)
    • 3/4 oz. simple syrup
    • 3/4 oz. lime juice
    • Seltzer


    1. Muddle cucumber and strawberries. Shake vodka, Bonal, simple syrup, and lime juice. Pour over a Collins glass and top with seltzer. Garnish with half strawberry and cucumber slice.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited August 2016


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2016

    Good morning, Loungettes! Been running pretty steady at work, going in early and was in the office until 8 pm last night. the long drives between visits is getting to be a drag. it will all get better next week. One of my facilities will be going to another nurse, and that will save me a hunk of drive time. Right now I'm stopped for a lunch break and decided to check in.

    Jazzy--fantastic rainbow pic!

    Goldie--I hate to see winter come, too, but I do enjoy Fall. Warm enough daytimes to do outdoor things, cool enough to enjoy cooking and good sleeping at night.

    Julie--oh my goodness, your boss is/was a piece of work! Does the hospital policy state you needed to speak directly with that person before going home on an emergency basis? I mean, really! And to not let you go back cuz of what SHE thought you would be doing--that is just too much. I would think you could fight being fired if you wanted to. The wedding pics are beautiful! And so good that your Mom could attend. And now plans woith the neices, you've got some good stuff going on. Glad that the shoulder is better, too.

    Genny--HOORAY for all normal!

    Dara--good to see you! Sorry about the clock, must've been quite a mess to clean up.

    Cammy--my imagination is really going to town with that pic. I 'm imagining a cocoction of OJ, peach schnapps, a bit of apple brandy, and a splash of vanilla vodka. My imagination is getting buzzed jsut thinking about it! I never caught the reference to Olive Garden on Bing Bang Theory! And that's my favorite restauraunt.

    hsant--life in the working world can be hugely interesting at times. The stuff we deal with is truly crazy at times.

    Julie--wonderful pics, that must have been a wonderful wedding. Even the pooches are looking happy to be involved.

    Chi--you poor thing, you really are going through hell from the meds! There just has top be a better way to get through all this $#it.

    Great drink and great pic!

    OK, time to get back to work. . . .

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning DahhhhhLinks

    Well, I saw my MO on Tues. After I told her about my pain, head, stomach, and my back, she ordered another Brain scan and PET of torso (chest, stomach, pelvic areas). I had to call again yest and try and move appt to week of Sept 12 on either of my DH's days off. Got MO appt changed, am waiting to hear from the folks at the scan center. In the meantime, I'm just pushing myself to get somethings done around here. Did work out on Monday, but skipped yest, will try again tomorrow. But I really think I over did last week and pulled some muscles in my back. OK enuf of woe is me.

    Dara - Can't believe the hell you have been going thru. I too would have freaked out if one of my pooches was lost. Glad things are getting back to normal in Klienville. Hope your headache subsided. Miss u girlfriend!!

    Lowee - good for you for taking the time and effort to do small batches of maters. It is a lot of work.

    Mary - love the pic of u feeding the squirrel and of you and Hsant. U both so pretty, sounds like a good time was had by all.

    Sorry I don't have time to address each of you but I will be back soon.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2016

    Good afternoon ladies--I'm late, remember saying that years ago and freakin out.

    Susy Q WTF more tests--keep us posted exactly when u find out results. (((HUGS))) I don't like any tests.

    Sandy wow another load of infor and thank you. I of course don't know any of that stuff But while reading I do remember being put on some drugs but they always over-reacted on me- I take a bunch now--most of them who knows what the hell they're reacting on me, cuz sometimes I think my D is involved. I don't really know.

    Hsant I should have known u were the perpetrator of the squirrel caper and I knew wine was involved, after all it does have it's place here.

    Julie thnks for those beautiful pics, and I luved how the furbabies where involved.

    NM I really hope it will be better for u soon at work, it always seems so exhausting physically and emotionally. This has to stop for u, and it has to take longer than two days to decompress, which u hardly get. But u always seem up and things will be all right, so it will be. BTW I have no idea what was in that drink. LOL

    Phone going

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2016

    nm- has i have had decent bosses while doing the temp work ,had been looking around but the matter got forced over me leaving to go home, but its not a happy place to work now unless your one of her favorites , talking to one of my former colleagues ,another older nurse who was also on her hit list is basically being hounded every minute she is there now. so better off out of there, will look into the legalities when shoulder healed on workers comp and paid until 09/22 and the girls come on the 24th sept. saw ortho today very pleased with progress, no sling unless in crowds or the mall, apparently my bone spur was lying right on top of my rotator cuff so when she pulled on my arm ,no wonder it hurt,got pictures too

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2016

    This is my Jack Daniels dress compliments of our own Goldie (Lori).


    Below is a pic of my botched up DIEP flap surgery exactly three years ago, surgery was 8/20; I got an infection from the hospital, could have killed me....the wound vac saved mese life! Sorry this pic is gross but it is not bad next to what happened over the following few months!


    Below are Stella and her BFF Ken. This was taken while a bunch of us goils where in Vegas baby! ohhhh the memories!


    This is my EXDH2, we still see each other but noooo moooo together til death do us part. And no, I did not get to ride in the Bentley. image


    *above was the best I could do in trying to say that I will add description later. ya see, the spill on my laptop really jacked tings up as many characters/letters/numbers no longer work, typing on this mini which SUCKS! gotta jest get used to the keyboard. Gonna go back to my laptop and post some more pics. I was going through my photos tonight and feeling sentimental and very mental too. dwink up, will try to be back soonliest!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2016


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2016

    Barbie, you go, girl! Show Ken who’s boss!

    Dara, did you get to ride in that Bentley? OOOH!

    You have definitely been able to stay slim and attractive throughout all this. If you ever need a fat donor, I’m available!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2016

    Along with pan-seared scallops and spiralized zucchini “noodle" with pesto, I'm enjoying a 2007 Mumm Napa Santana “Supernatural" Brut Rosé.


    (I know, that's a Perrier-Jouet flute, but I don't have any Perrier-Jouet. Besides, it holds exactly 3 oz., my daily ration, but looks full doing it. My other flutes look like I'm allowing myself just a pitifully small taste. Even the GoVino plastic ones hold 8 oz and in them, 3 oz. looks like I accidentally spilled champagne in them.)

    Oh, yeah--it’s that Santana: Carlos works with Mumm to blend his signature brut.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2016

    Hi girls, been bizzy at work again, I had 4 haircuts, 11 sets and a 2 manicures today, I'm whooped! As far as our cute little squirrel, I checked with Prof Google and was told that squirrels and all other rodents do not get rabies. In fact in Ohio in 2015 only 6 racoons, and 20 bats were confirmed to have rabies. That's it, no dogs, cats or any other animals, so we were quite safe and besides, that little squirrel would not have bitten the hand that fed him, I suspect he is quite spoiled by his Cheesecake Factory people. And to Julie and hsant, awww shucks, thanks for the compliments..

    Julie, love the pics, beautiful couple! So glad your mum got to come, you look fabulous, love the hats! Oh and the dachshund pups too!

    Dara, so pretty, and a reminder of all you've been thru. Has your belly spot ever healed? I hope you're hanging in there, I know this is a stressful time for you, hoping things just fall into place.

    hsant, that Troublemaker drinks sound yummy. We def have to work on the Uber get together soon. I think I started the squirrel feeding, we knew he wasn't going to bite, just hope he starts hoarding some for winter ahead, not sure he realizes the patio will close. Have you gotten your dad to the gym?

    Sandy, good info on the Zometa. Hope you got the Claritin in you and are feeling better.

    Sue, hoping for a clean PET and that's it's just normal age related soreness..... ugh, the waiting is the worse part, or does it get easier? Anyway, relax when you need to, no need to push.

    NM, Any chance of you getting some more help? Not fair to have to cover so much territory. Oh, ok, I see you are getting 1 nurse to help, good, I hope your case load lightens up soon.

    Cami, you always do crack me up, is Joey back in school? You prolly already said and I missed it, they started here this week, seems so early, anyway, I hope he likes his new year.

    Lori, looking forward to meeting up, it's just around the corner. When are your next TM's? Got my fingers and toes crossed.

    Anyway, I know I'm missing some but I've got to get my beauty rest, working tomorrow then leaving from there to get little miss Anorable.. and guess what? I talked to her on the phone today and told her I loved her and she said "I love you too!"

    I'll get back later in the weekend, after she goes home...see ya all later!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited August 2016

    Dara- the photo of that woman reminds me of myself four years ago. I had both open abdominal surgery and breast surgery about six weeks apart for two unrelated/yet probably related issues. Please tell me that was not you? But then maybe you above and below? Pretty sure you are not Barbie......

    Barbie can try all she wants, but we know all about Ken.....

    ChiSandy- I like you hiding behind that wine glass. Happy

    Cami- I remember those "late scares" too. I have to say I don't miss having a period or the fear of getting pregnant by accident.

    NM- I think our work can be very interesting (I had such a good day yesterday), or just completely hellish (not a good day today) and everything in between. You seem very good at just dealing with whatever comes up and managing it to ensure the person needing your help gets what they need.

    Juliet- employers are not very good to people when they have problems of any type. Been there so many times. We all know people get sick, injured, etc. When did we become such a third world country with this stuff?

    MemaSue- let us know what you find out from your scans. Hoping nothing serious going on here.

    Thank god tomorrow is Friday!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2016


    This is my cousin Cheryl;, she is my best friend and room mate.we graduated from the same high school, the same year!


    Above is my grand son Logan and my DD Jennika. This was Logan's first time in my pool!


    My lil sweetie!


    Bella and Lucy doing what they love most, laying in the sunshine (my Bell needs her claws cut down)


    Lucy and Bella, snuggling in their lil bed. They each have one and they prefer this lil one that my cousin picked up for Lucy when she was just a widdle baby!

    Will try to poop in some more latah but for now, falling asleep at the kitchen table. I have to get up early, well relatively early for me to be at the doctors at 9am for an EKG, having a good ole colonoscopy on Tuesday. Can't wait hehe!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!

    Wednesday, March 26, 2014

    6:52 AM

    Good Morning, Loungettes!TGIF!Ah, the thought of sleeping in tomorrow, such luxury.For the curious, the latest installment of the saga of the Particular Neighbor, seems there is more medication being used than the Patient can account for.Not to mention that Patient is now missing a bank card and a food stamp card.And is being left home alone most of the time.And has almost no food in the house.A taxi driver friend is keeping Patient supplied with cigarettes and beer, so Patient is relatively content.Just getting to be a very weird situation all the way around.

    Mema--pulled muscles are not fut. Hope you can get all the appointments changed and get good news to boot!

    Cammy--things will get better at work starting next week.The big issue right now is that I have a facility that I need to be in almost daily that is completely outside of my geographic coverage area.That facility is going to another nurse starting Monday.That will cut my daily driving time down by an hour and a half to two hours, and make most of the stress off.Just need to get through today!

    Julie--Sounds like you are better off out from under that boss.Let her play favorites and find something else.Bone spur in your shoulder?Didn't think that happened there!No wonder you hurt!

    Dara--Nice Dress!I remember the saga of the puka, and the wound vac. Hadn't heard from Stella in a while, wondered what she was up to!

    Chi--Lovely glass, no matter what it's supposed to be for, I'd use it a lot just for the enjoyment!

    Genny--Yes, the territory will be considerably reduced starting Monday.It was originally going to be changed this week, but the nurse taking over is on vacay this week.Can't give work to someone who's away!

    Jazzy--I try to get everything done that needs to be, some days work better than others.I keep trying to get through one day at a time.

    Dara--Logan looks like he's having a grand time in the pool!And the pooches are so cute.Funny how they pick out a favorite bed.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Happy Firefly Friday with the Firefly Peachtini! • 1 part Firefly Sweet Tea Vodka • 1⁄2 part Firefly Peach Moonshine • 2 parts orange juice • Add a small splash of grenadine Shake in a martini shaker with ice. Serve up in a martini glass. Garnish with a maraschino cherry and lime wedge.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2016


    here's a picture to make you smile, dolly and bobby ,off to pt , today, but no more SLING

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2016

    good Morning Ladies,

    Oh dara quite the sex kitten in u'r shirt, probbly more of one out of it too. U know I never got those horrible pics out of my head of u, remembering when I first saw them I never saw anything like that--u were so sick and Zak the vac was there for u. Yes Jazzy that's our dara lookin' great and then OMG just lookin'. Logan is so big and cute looks like he took to the water every nicely. Oh u'r little babies look like they're posing for u, they are also u'r babies. Now u'r exDH is the one u really get along with right? And I'm so glad u'r cousin is still there for u.

    Julie it sounds like u'r doing OK, well better---That's a terrible way to treat employees and just looking for a way to let them go. These types of people are horrible. I hope u can find a way to get satisfaction from their actions.

    OK NM I'm counting on u'r job to be better for u, with less driving and less emotional problems, BTW is that the same patient from before or the same craziness?

    TGIF and Mary's got Anorable this weekend, better se more pics of the little model.

    Sandy like tht pic. U r a smart woman. My head is way to big to hide behind a glass, well maybe those big ole German mugs.

    Jazzy u had that puka like Dara did OMG, I don't get this. Wow if they had that program on BOTCHED on then u 2 would be perfect candidates. Cuz boy that was more than Botched.

    I want to go with Joey tonite to my other DD's, I had D all nite long, so maybe it's all out of my system and I can go with my boot that I'm still wearing, but my foot is better now it just loks seasonal, like a huge ripe tomato, I can do my work from there if I need to so no problem.

    OK have to set up my junk for work, u know I can never say the right thing I talked to a customer yesterday and she said oh u'r only the answering service and I said oh no I work for the company, just not very well. I could have left the last part off, but I didn't--Boy do I make a good impression for this place.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited August 2016

    Cami- no I had some different surgery. Open abdominal as they thought I had ovarian cancer AND bc at the same time. It is a story you will never believe and may tell here again at some point. I had a 14 inch incision on my tummy that was very ugly looking for a long time, then lots of cuts around the breast. I looked like I ran into jack the ripper in a dark alley somewhere. Everything better now, breast area really looks great and stomach, well, never quite the same. No more thong bikinis for me!

    Oh and the thing in my pelvis was an abcess that formed due to a ruptured appendix. I walked around with that for several weeks. As the doctors say, I am one walking miracle.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2016

    I used to have a nice little abdomen, nearly flat....and then came pregnancy and the C-section. They sliced right across my lower abs, and my belly began to “pooch" over it. Took me years to strengthen those lower abs to the point I had vocal breath support again.Found out later that a C-section incision, even horizontal, eventually and gradually causes a vertical stretching and possibly even tearing of the muscles. Now I look as if I have a beer-belly--except I don't drink beer. (Sorry, ladies, no photos of that). And my butt has gone south. The upside is that even though I wear a larger dress & blouse size, I wear 2 sizes smaller than I used to in pants. The downside is that my "twerk don't work." (Erase mental image of a 65-year-old fat white chick in a thong, bouncing her butt...unless you actually want to lose your lunch).

    That pretty little champagne flute is one of two that came with a gift-pack of a bottle of Perrier-Jouet “Fleur de Champagne" (aka the “flower bottle") a couple of years ago. Both the flutes & the bottle are hand-painted.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited August 2016

    Good afternoon, ladies! When I was in high school, we took a field trip to Knoxville Tennessee for The 1982 World's Fair. Well, one of my girlfriends scored a bottle of Jack Daniels on our last night, so three of us got polluted on about 2/3 of the bottle mixed with 7Up. It was cigs and JD in our Holiday Inn room all night. OH lordie, did I feel like crap the next morning. The worst hangover I've ever had, and that includes the boozin' miles I incurred during my college years. On our bus ride back to Ohio, we stopped at various truck stops in the South and there were numerous JD paraphernalia offered for sale. I turned green at the sight. To this day, I can't even smell Jack Daniels.

    But Dara, you are rocking that dress! Beautiful!

    Oy to that infection. That looks very painful. I am all too familiar with the Wound Vac. My dad had a pressure ulcer a few years ago. This was when he was still driving, and was 100% independent, but he weighed around 100lbs at 5'8", and likes to lay down when he watches TV.

    It was discovered when he was hospitalized for pneumonia. It took 8 months to completely heal that wound, three of those months on the Vac. It was a pain in the ass (both literally and figuratively), but it really is a miracle worker.

    Logan is adorable! He looks like he's having a blast.

    Native, yeah, that whole situation seems off with that neighbor. Just the words "taxi driver friend" and "cigarettes and beer" in one sentence when referencing a hospice patient brings it to another level of weird. Please keep us posted!

    I'm happy to hear that you and Sadie get a snooze fest tomorrow. You need and deserve it!

    Cami, I love Botched. It's like watching a train wreck in the best possible way. I'm glad your foot is better. You're so funny! Ripe tomato!

    Genny, wow! That's a lot of services in one day. I didn't know that you're also manicurist. Very cool. I know that squirrel was domesticated, and most likely wouldn't bite me, but with out a little vin in me, most likely wouldn't have fed it out of my hand. All good stuff!

    Got my dad to the gym every day this week, so far

    I think you mentioned that you have Nora tonight. Have fun! I hope you post pics of our future super model.

    Mema, did you get an appointment for your scans? I bet you're A OK. Just working out a little too hard, but you are in my prayers.

    Goldie, hope you're having a wonderful time.

    Chi, when I first saw the pic with the flute, I thought, oh.....Perrier Jouet. Before I read your post. didn't know that Carlos Santana has a sparkling wine with Mumms. We had the pleasure of visiting the Mumms winery and tasting room, and we had those smaller 3 oz glasses during our tasting. Definitely worth keeping those glasses around.

    Ok, time for me to skedaddle. Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2016


    hugs and kisses for everybody today


    here's mutley doing what he does best, this is after a walk in the rain and my bil is the one who covered him up until he warmed up

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning ladies.

    Much more rain and storms here last nite and this morning, it doesn't bother me tho.

    Hsant I never heard of the vac til Dara and she had pics and it was awful and now u'r dad too. WTF is going on with all these infections So much people go thru and yet I still complain, which I will continue I know--I remember thinking having drains in for 3 months was icky then this vac comes along and OMG just terrible--Oh Hsant I enjoy those shows and another (which I thought I would never watch) is the Housewives of Orange County, (that has Dr. Dubrow's wife in it) these crazy women fight like cats ad dogs and they still party together, well in real life that could never happen, but it's fun.

    Jazzy all this time I never knew u had so much crap happen to u. OMG u really came out o the other side and I'm so glad.

    Sandy whenever I see women on TV have a baby and looks great very soon, wel u know the have a personal trainer, some on is fixing what they shoud eat not leaving them hungry so why not, they should look good, oh and some surgery too.

    I wanted so to go to my DD's house with Joey, but I got my D before I knew thinking it would be gone, but this time I went over 24 hrs. with it--when I go that long it's ccrazy cuz I get so confused and weak, I know I'm dehydrated and try to drink but it comes right out--so I had a bad bout this time, but it stopped around midnite last night I was so happy-now hope it stays away for a while anyway.and I've started to hydrate agani. It's a strange feeling. Oh I got all my supplies that I ordered too and I'm so glad I started this, things are cheaper with no charge for delivery plus I don't have to count on anyone to run to the drugstore. Why I waited so long I have no idea.

    Julie the pup looks so cozy and comfy. I hope u'r doing well.

    Being Saturday I hope everyone is relaxing with some fun things to do


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Saturday ayem!Had a lovely sleep in, having a lovely puttering around ayem, just going to putter the day away today, I think.Not worry about doing anything at any particular time, or what's got to be done next.Probably end up on the deck reading and napping.And playing fetch.

    Julie--Love the doggy corsages! So sweet when the furbabies are included in the family activities, especially weddings.

    Cammy--Yup, same patient from last week.Definitely going to be a whole chapter in my memoirs!Next week will be much better at work, so that's a good thing.I bet the customer you were talking to got a bit of a giggle when you said that!Have fun at work!

    Jazzy--You really are a walking miracle!Ruptured appendixes kill people, even in this day and age.Wonder what else is in store for you?Hope it's painless, whatever it is!

    Chi--who ever was it that decided that pretty had to equal thin/skinny/flat belly?Why can't pretty equal having curves and maybe even a bulge or two?Ah, well, what is, is, I guess.Have you ever tried Absinthe?I found a bottle in a local likker store yesterday when I was picking up a couple bottles of Blueberry Wine from a local winery.I'm not sure what's more fun, theritual with the sugar cubeor the history and mystery!Tastes good, though!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:


    Absinthe Suissesse


    • 3 tablespoons (1 1/2 ounces) absinthe
    • 1 tablespoon (1/2 ounce) orgeat syrup*
    • 1 egg white** or 2 tablespoons pasteurized liquid egg whites (optional)
    • 1 dash orange flower water (optional)
    • 1/4 cup (2 ounces) heavy cream or half-and-half
    • 1/2 cup crushed ice
    • *Orgeat syrup is also known by its Italian name, orzata syrup. Camper English prefers orgeat syrup from Torani or Fee Brothers.
    • **The egg white in this recipe is not cooked. If there is a problem with salmonella in your area omit the egg white or use pasteurized egg whites.


    1. In cocktail shaker, combine absinthe, orgeat syrup, egg white, orange flower water, and heavy cream or half-and-half. Add ice and shake vigorously for at least 20 seconds. Strain into a chilled highball glass with or without ice from the shaker and serve

    Bartender's note:

    To make a frozen Absinthe Suissesse, combine absinthe, orgeat syrup, egg white, orange flower water, and heavy cream or half-and-half in blender. Add 6 ice cubes and blend for about 10 seconds.