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how about drinking?



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited August 2016

    Hi friends- I heard from my PCP today and she is upping my metformin. My goal is to get with the endocrinologist and figure out how to get some of this weight off. My eating is pretty good (no sugar, limited carbs) and I do exercise, but excess weight helps none of this. Wish me luck. This happened three years ago and got things under control, away we go again.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2016

    Good luck. My PCP won’t put me on metformin unless or until my numbers rise (which surprisingly they haven’t on letrozole), and wants me to lose weight the old-fashioned way. Dreading what my lipid profile will be though. He thinks metformin might help my weight but raise my lipids. (And when I was on a statin, it made me near-diabetic). It’s a delicate balance.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Friday Eve!And the craziness continues at work, got a call first thing yesterday from a patient's caregiver.The caregiver can't take care of the patient anymore due to psychological issues and needing to be admitted to the local psychiatric hospital.So the social work and I make an emergency visit to help set up care for the patientwhose family doesn't want to help.We get there and find a note from the caregiver, who didn't wait for us to get there, and who has not told the patient what's going on.So we get to break the news to the patient, we get to scramble around and patch together a plan to get the patient taken care of. Then I got a call to go do an admission, we've been waiting for the family to sign the paperwork for almost a month, they finally did, so now the patient needs to be admitted ASAP.Really?We've waited almost a month, and now it's urgent?Yup, the patient's legs "are rotting off" and need to be fixed.Well, there is no circulation to the legs, that's why there are all the ulcers on the legs.Fixing it means surgery that should have been done years ago but the family wouldn't allow it and now it's too late, no surgeon will do it.Somehow that became MY fault and now I've got an angry family to deal with.Sigh.Time to put on the Super Woman outfit and start flying!

    Cammy--that was one long day for you!So glad you had Joey to keep you company, and he is such a dear.Sounds like you were right about the foot, it's going to heal by itself, but now you have some more equipment to add to the collection.Keep the stories coming, makes me feel like I'm right there with you.

    Goldie--I was hoping for a crisis free week, too, but that's not to be, apparently.Oh well, such is life, right?

    Jazzy--must be fabulous watching the balloons from the patio with the new furniture!Oh ,my, hearding cats, what a mental pic that creates!I think the rain will move through before the weekend, but I may take Sadie swimming even if it's raining, wet is wet is wet after all.As long as there is no thunder or lightning!Nice pic!!!

    Mema--we got a nice overnight rain the other night, still need some more but it's coming a bit at a time.

    Good luck with the diet and exercise program, Jazzy!You did it once, you can do it again!

    Chi--it is a fragile balance.I guess we just have to pick what we want to deal with and try to avoid everything else.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Mermaid Water drink recipe

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited August 2016

    Good morning. It's so freakin' humid I look like Bozo the Clown. Everyday is a bad hair day.

    I had an entire post written, which I started yesterday, and finished earlier in the evening. Poof....into thin air. So, gonna start over.

    Dara, I'm so sorry about your job. It seemed like you weren't all that happy where you were, but it sucks how it all went down. Sea Belly sounds like a byotch, and you certainly don't need that in your life. It's great that you have work opportunities, but it also seems like you want to take some time off before embarking in a new environment. You have had a lot going on in the last 8 months (since I've been posting). Losing both parents in such a short period of time has to take a toll. Anyway, wishing you the absolute best.

    Goldie, "pressure canner" point exactly. Intimidating. What do you do with the tomatoes? Make marinara? I take my proverbial hat off to you.

    I think your mom's fear of falling exceeds the discomfort of sitting in a wet Depends. Has she been checked for pressure ulcers?

    Native, thank you for the "Hidden Killer" link! I haven't watched it yet, but I will. Really interesting stuff.

    Geez Louise, you had quite the day yesterday! I guess that caregiver hit her limit?? It's interesting how when somebody else drags his/her feet, so to speak it becomes your problem when an emergency situation arises because of said dragging feet.

    Mermaid Water looks refreshing. As I've said, I love me some mason jars.

    Cami, Joey is so mature it's hard to believe he's only in the 7th grade. It seems like kids start school after the summer break earlier then when I was a kid. I remember going back after Labor Day weekend.

    I've never seen Bar Rescue. Sounds like a very good show. I'll have to search for it. I like to drink wine out of mason jars (shh.....don't tell Chi).

    I'm sorry about your foot. Did you get an X-ray? What did the doc say?

    Jazzy, I completely understand the association you have with Kohl's and your mom. There are still places I have a difficult time going to, because of an association I have with my mom or my sister.

    Good for you for sticking to your boundaries with your neighbor. Does her son live far from you?

    It sounds like you have a good plan for lowering your cholesterol. When will you have it checked again? Three months?

    Chi, my cheap, everyday wine glasses (from Crate and Barrel or BB & B) have a raised, thick lip. My crystal glasses, which come out maybe twice a year have a thin rim, with out a raised lip. Many years ago, A friend of ours told me that's the sign of a proper wine glass. How do you feel about plastic Solo cups and wine? Just kidding.

    Mema, I'm a little jealous of women who have either large or small feet, because it's usually the large sizes and the small sizes that are available during the really good sales.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2016

    Jazzy, watching those balloons is just amazing. Can you see them all from your house at the big festival?

    Cami, I haven't done any pics of my harvest. Haven't really had much. Lost a lot of tomatoes to blossom drop, where the blossoms fall off the plant and then no tomato. I think too much fertilizer is the problem. So glad your foot is ok.

    LDB, I am a tad confused. But I think I have it right. Jon is your neighbor, DH of friend who had C and it's back now. Not back for you, right? Or did you mean you? You said "Jon and I spent 23 mins together this morn, da big C is back even tho I take/eat plenty of fiber, oh well. Please tell me I'm wrong. You had trouble peeling the tomatoes? Did you scald them first? My skins come off just picking the mater up.

    Jazzy, I have much confidence in you that you will get things under control. Jazzy, I was doing a supplement to try and lower my cholesterol, it didn't work for me, but you might look into it. Something like red rice yeast, or red yeast rice.

    NM, you can sure put up with a lot at work, but I know, you know, that it is NOT your fault. So sad for that man whose legs are rotting off, and then a care giver having to quit due to phycho reasons? Yikes. Why is someone like that taking care of an elderly. Oh nevermind, I know whatsome of the aide were like that came in to take care of my mom. Love the Mermaid drink. I hope you don't mind, but I found your Super Woman outfit. You are all set now.


    Hsant "Sea Belly" I love it. And I know it will crack up de Wacko. I never had a pressure canner in the past, for that reason, I was scared of it. But now, I like it. It takes much less water to get boiling, like an inch or so. In a hot water bath, the water has to come up over the jars. And all that water takes a while to get to a boiling point. And there are some other pluses to the pressure canner. I make spaghetti sauce, salsa, I use it in a cabbage casserole that I make, and sometimes I just eat them right out of the jar. Mymom has a nurse come in, not sure if she checks for pressure sores, but I think mom is up enough, that that is not a problem right now. For your wine/mason jars, you could get a little bit fancy. I have some of these jars, they are half pints.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited August 2016

    Goldie, Love your pic of Native as Super Woman (so true!). I have half pint mason jars at home, purchased specifically for wine. LOVE Ménage a trois, BTW. We had the pleasure of visiting that winery when we were in Napa.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning Ladies

    Oh NM what a horrible day for you. U really have patience (spelled both ways). I do hope the end of the week is much better so u can go into the weekend with sadie comfortably. I love that pic. leave it to Lori to come up with it.

    Lori I know canning is a laborious job (I think that's a word) but u've been doing it for a long time and in the winter u really enjoy fresh foods like no one else has. Lori I know it's difficult with u'r mom, but I also know how scary it is to fall, every time I fal I think oh chit, what am I going to break. I've been lucky but it doesn't stop me from walking around. And I though SusyQ meant constipation cuz she was talking about fiber I hope that's it.

    Hsant The bar rescue is just a goofy program, lots of yelling at the owners and employees and confusion but I like the way it ends Usually--It's just kind of a fun watch that's all, but the drinks they make up are realy great looking and sound good. U'r just now catching the humidity? I don't remember having so many humid days in a long time.

    Leslie's GF came yesterday and now Joey is in love again, he's so fickle--she's blond that's why, but Lori he still asks about u and I tell him to text u, but he's said he thinks he'll be bothering u. Dumb kid.

    U al know when u talk about all these initials and a lot of med.stuff I have no idea what u'r saying which I don't understand how I don't know--I think when my Dr. told me I was NED I just wiped everything out and now I do notice unless I hear operation, procedure or we have a serious problem I don't pay any attention, which again is stupid on my part, just like when the ER dr. said with my foot this could lead to ????? cuz it didn't. My point is if I don't address somethings it's not like I don't care I just pay attention to what others are saying--so I do apologize for that.

    Well it looks like I lost my job--I knew when his wife quit working she would take over, after all why pay me for something she could do better and Dan and I talked about it before. I'll mostly miss him, cuz I do enjoy him so, but I'll also miss the money, Oh well, but now I have to get a phone, another number and I don't know anyone's phone number either. LOL

    OK that's about it.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2016

    I got my phone back, he was giving me a break cuz of my foot, So I'm back working again.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited August 2016

    Hi ladies- I had to escape the madness here at work to a private room, as it was so LOUD out in the area I sit with these people I am near. I have to do a call with the testing group in a few so taking a break before I continue on my day. I have been recruited to work on a political campaign and going to check it out tonight and find out what they are looking for. Oh goodie, more things to do! I can also say no if it is not something I want to do. No one paying me, right?

    NM- how very sad about that family not being more proactive. Having witnessed a crazy SIL during my brother's illness, and watching her blame my doctor sister for is death, I know exactly how denial works and then when there is no turning back the clock for a different option. Shoot the messenger behavior, but how awful. It is unfortunate that they did not get the surgery taken care for him when he needed it most. I can see why no doctor would touch it. I hope he can be made comfortable.

    I love the super woman pic! That rocks!

    Hsant- the neighbors son lives out on the west coast with his family. I have met him a few times when they visit, which is not often. We have talked here about men who don't help to take care of their elders. This would be one such situation. She has no other children. I have encouraged her to move closer to him.

    I wear 9 1/2 and sometimes can score on those sales, if there are any left. It is a rare shoe size and most companies do 9 or 10, so I will do those sometimes too. I have been snarfing up some good deals here end of the summer. I am a shoeaholic

    Cami- so you lost your job and got it back? I like that. Joey is so wise beyond his years. How is the foot?

    A couple of you asked about the hot air balloons. They launch from everywhere in town and are often floating by me on the weekends. There is something called the "box winds" that set up this time of the year and is perfect for flying. That is why they fly here in October, when the box winds are ideal. So the balloon park is not near where I live and cannot see the festival from my house, but very close to my healthcare client admin site, so I get to up and personal with them every October. Since they extended my contract last week through year end, I will be here to see them again this October and will be sure to share pics!

    I am having my first entertainment this weekend with the new patio set. A good friend who has an August birthday is coming over for dinner on Sunday afternoon. Pretty sure there will be wine drinking.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2016

    There’s a BBQ joint in Vail that serves its wine in Mason jars....with footed stems! I was so hungry, thirsty, and exhausted from the flight and quarter-mile uphill walk in the midsummer heat that I’d gladly have even stuck my mouth under the spigot of the box-wine carton! (And it was Merlot, which to me is one of the most “meh” red varietals out there except when it’s from St. Emilion, Pomerol, or the Reserve from Long Island’s Lenz winery. Yup, I’m officially a wine snob--but only when I can afford to be). I was drinking the stuff with pick-it-up-at-the-counter ribs (though a Zin would’ve gone better).

    I first heard about thin crystal rims being better for wine glasses from the old “Frugal Gourmet” PBS show. (Jeff Smith was also the chaplain for my law school in Tacoma). He said he hated drinking out of wine glasses with a “beaded” rim. It’s the sign of mass-market molded glasses. But they are much cheaper and more durable. Our favorite neighborhood restaurant, Broadway Cellars, uses only those kind of glasses, mainly because they go through so many and don’t want to raise prices. They use only flutes and a smallish all-purpose modified tulip shape, with a v-shaped bottom. If I didn’t already have so many wineglasses myself (including some varietal-specific Riedels) I would be searching for that shape in crystal. Closest I’ve seen is Crate & Barrel’s “Oregon” all-purpose stem, which is a bit bigger. (I buy them as gifts for friends who ask for wine glasses). I actually think my wine smells & tastes better in a $2.50 polycarbonate stemless Govino glass than in a thick-rimmed stemmed glass. (There are polycarbonate stemmed glasses, but they have a thicker rim). And yes, I’ve occasionally had to use plastic airline tumblers; Bob will pour his boxed wine into a Peapod-brand red Solo-type cup when he sits out on the deck with a smoke.

    Riedel makes a cheaper all-purpose crystal glass it sells to restaurants in bulk (it’s what City Winery uses), but it’s more expensive than the Libbey thick glass stems. The late chef Charlie Trotter once admitted that he budgeted $15K a year just to replace broken stemware--his restaurant always used an assortment of varietal-specific Riedels. No wonder that for us it was a once-every-few-years celebration “splurge” restaurant.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2016

    Hi guys--I can't sleep, I feel throbbing, jeez my foot ladies. so I took some happy meds.

    Sandy I don't know a thing about wine glasses, but u would be the perfect person to gift them. When I had my own home, I had that thing that displays things in my dining room (I can not think of the name) for whatever reason I always had wine glasses display but I picked the ones with the stems and different shades of color very light on the bottom, I never liked those chains to put around the glass so I thought people should remember the color. But they were very fine glass, but used lots.

    Jazzy u know all this time I know what u do, but I actually don't have a clue exactly what u do. But it always sounds stressful to me when u finishing a job cuz u have to line up another, I know u always have but u have to really work hard to renew jobs and find them, and on top of that u are u'r own boss which is great but I know I could never do that--I've always had so-so jobs not much thinking involved, well I didn't so it didn't make any difference I'd still would get paid. Do u have anybody work for u exclusively or is u'r job just u'rs and everyone else is doing their own thing? And yes I did get my job back as I took the phone I said I have all my numbers in here how dare u do this? He thought he was giving me an extra day off..foolish man--he doesn't understand he has to tel me this.

    OK nite ladies.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2016

    Cami, so sorry about your foot. A bag of ice--better yet, a gel-pack or even a bag of frozen peas or corn niblets (wrapped in a pillowcase, t-shirt, or tea towel) 30 min. on, 20 min. off--should help. And as they say over on the discussion boards (for people having orthopedic surgery) elevate “toes above nose.” Take it from someone who’s sprained both ankles many times, and broken every toe on both feet, as well as a metatarsal or two!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!So happy it's Friday!Just one more day to get through andthen the weekend.I wound up driving for almost 2 hours to meet with a new facility and a new potential patient, ended up being there for 3 hours along with a couple of others from the office.Going to be a nice facility to be seeing patients in, but a ways out of the way.Oh well, such is life, right?Now to get back to the computer work from a couple days ago today, maybe get it all done today, finally.

    Hsant--Apparently that caregiver hits the limit on a pretty regular basis, according to the patient.Who was not surprised.Just crazy.Sorry the post gremlin bit you.

    Goldie--WOW!LOVE the Super Woman outfit!

    Cammy--oh, dear, losing your job?And needing to get a new phone to learn?Oh boy.And I wonder if you aren't the smartest one of us all, not paying any attention to anything medical unless it involves a procedure, operation or serious problem.I bet Joey will help you with the new phone.Oh, just a break from the phone, that's ok.I'd miss the phone call stories!

    Jazzy--Can't wait to see the balloon pics.Must be something to see.Happy Birthday to the friend, and have fun with the new patio set, good friends and good wine!

    Chi--I knew that there were different glasses for different kinds of drinks, and I knew there were champagne glasses, and glasses for red wine and white wine, but it sounds like there are a lot more than those three for wine drinking!I guess I'm pretty unsophisticated, I drink my wine out of water bottles when I'm on the deck, and out of plain ol water glasses inside the house!

    Cammy--hope the happy meds are kicking in, nothing like not being able to sleep cuz of pain.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Porky Bone Ingredients


    Let maple syrup collect at the bottom of a highball glass, and lightly mix the other ingredients, with a few ice cubes, over the top.

    Best served in a Highball Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2016

    Hsant, how cool I got you some wine that you have tried.

    LDB, I sure hope Boss Lady is right, and you meant "Constipation".I even thought maybe you meant to hit the "D", we all know what that one is!

    Cami, Joey can text me anytime, I wouldn't mind at all. Oh no, you lost your job. You and Wacko now. I'm sorry love. Wait! No! You got it back….YAY!

    Jazzy, my perfect shoe size would be 10 1/2, you NEVER see that. A closed toe 10 is almost too small, but an 11 is really too big. My tennies are 11's. The Balloon Festival was amazing. We took hundreds of pictures and lots of videos! I don't think we will be going this year, since we have already been. Figured we would rather go exploring somewhere that we haven't been before.

    NM, glad you liked the picture. I was almost afraid to post it without permission. But I thought since you have you picture on here, it should be ok. Then I saw it on FB. So figured I was good.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited August 2016

    Good morning friends- busy day already started with project calls. I did an intro with a new vendor project manager today taking over for another one, and think she will be good. My big weekly project call is coming up, and then we are doing afternoon testing on a data conversion. Go jazzy go, see jazzy go.

    I joined one of the political campaigns as a volunteer and did a phone bank thing last night. It was good and will do it again.

    Cami- I am a freelance consultant so no employees. I have been an operational manager before in FT jobs and had employees, and hate dealing with the endless HR issues that come up. I manage the work for large project teams but don't have to deal with the HR stuff in my work so it is a good fit for me. So yes, I have to do it all, but also love being an entrepreneur. One has to plan careful though and be prepared to deal with the unexpected. Time management and cash flow management are key for me.

    I too am worried about your foot. Ice will help, do you have any lavender oil? That can help to reduce any swelling. Feel better friend. Pain meds too for any discomfort.

    Goldie- my sister wears a 10 1/2 and my mother was a 10 1/2 narrow. Mom always had to go to special shoe stores to order things in her size. Those are equally as rare as the 9 1/2 I wear. With sandals, I can usually do a 9 but with boots, must go up a size. My feet are a bit wider. I love shoes.

    I love what you said about my mom putting that shirt there that made me think of her. Heart

    NM- sounds like you are ready to finish up a busy work week. We are supposed to have a cool down this weekend and maybe some more rain (it was raining as I left the political HQ last night).

    Okay, time to get going and wishing you all a good day and a great weekend!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning DahhhhhLinks

    I overslept today, this time til 9:30. Rained last night so not taking pooches to the dog park, sides I don't feel well. Been dizzy, nauseous, and mese back is killing me. I think I pulled a few muscles on Monday, worked out again on Weds. Had this line in my right eye. Dropped in on eye doc, he thought it might be a detached retina from strain. Saw retina specialist yest, no detachment, woohoo and that line is now just thin hook shaped thing.

    Lowee - LOL Cami is right, Big C is constipation. Jon Hall and Jon Master are in my house, they are both toilets. Jon Hall is in the hall bathroom and Jon Master is in the master bedroom. I've had long long long talks with them both. I did boil my maters, but a few of them in the batch always gave me fits. That Super Woman pics looks like one of our bresties.

    Jazz - good luck with the weight loss. What's a Bday celebration w/out wine?? Hope you all have a good time.

    Sandy - sounds like your doc is right on top of things.

    NM - I feel so sad for you…all that stress to get the pt placed for the care they need and then the family gets angry with you. You are Super Woman!!

    Bozo - not going to call u that everyday, jes today cuz u made me laugh. Hate the gremlin that eats our posts. Thank you about mese big 'boats', I will say, they are finally making 'stylish' shoes in bigger sizes. Back in the day, DD and I both had to order from specialty shops, remember how bad I felt that I couldn't afford but one pair for each of us. We both disregarded the tennis shoes and just bought mens tennis from K-Mart.

    Cami - WOW, some big words there Lady, looks good to me. Awww, Joey in love again, he's such a jewel. Glad you got ur phone back and are working again. It was sweet of him to think about you and your foot.


  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2016

    I drink my wine in very small amounts, and sniffing and sipping it is much more enjoyable for me than any buzz or thirst-quenching (the latter I take care of with homemade seltzer). There are different glass shapes not just for red, white, & champagne (those coupe-shaped shallow glasses from the “Mad Men" era are good only for cocktails & desserts) but for different grapes---and well-heeled wine snobs go further and differentiate between flutes for regular sparkling wines vs. vintage Champagnes; and glasses for rosés & very young vs. regular non-Chardonnay whites, white Burgundy vs. New World Chardonnays, and even premium American Pinot Noirs versus red Burgundies and other Pinot Noirs. (Beaujolais Nouveau and white Zinfandel--IMHO, a terrible thing to do to a perfectly nice grape--are well-suited to Solo cups or Mason jars outdoors or at parties...pass the potato salad, ham sandwiches, and cubes of Swiss cheese, please...).

    I admit to having a few varietal-specific glasses among my stemware, but no more than one or two of each. Four of our good crystal glasses were actually freebie souvenirs from Napa Valley tastings (for which they make you pay upfront--they get you either way).

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2016

    Hi girls, missed you all now I'm busy trying to ketchup. Lobster party was fantastic, hotel was amazing, we were on one of the key only entry floors with bar and full breakfast. We registered and were told that any charges we incurred should be billed to the room! We went down for some sushi and drinks before the party and just didn't have the nerve, DH payed our tab. Shuttle picked us up and dropped us off, it was very nice. Then we, left early, got the dogs from the kennel and went to the island to a rental that had much to be desired. Spiders covering the outside of the house, carpets dirty and sheets that didn't fit the beds! Anyway, the dogs loved it, we hiked at the quarry every day and Emma got to swim a lot. We ate and drank a lot, all and all had a nice mini vacay. Haven't seen Nora, we will have her overnight next Friday so I'll be sure to eat my Wheaties. I go to hsant's oncologist on Tuesday and hoping to get together with her for some facetime, if we do we'll take pics for sure.

    NM, love the new avitar! What's the story behind it, still catching up so I may read about it yet. Hope you got your housework done but hope you had plenty of rest and fun time too.

    hsant, OMG, 15.8% bottle of alchomohol, LMN, and a big ole pizza! I knew there was something I liked about you, sounds like a perfect evening to me! I hear you about paying for it, but some things are just so worth it! We did it on vacay, ate dinner, drank and and played the oldtime table shuffleboard game and then ate a whole drunkin pizza.... it was fabulous, funny how good pizza taste when it's used to soak up alcohol!

    SuzyQ, missed the hot saki, hot tub, pants splintting story, I'll have to go beck and read. And I see from Lori's post that you had a good onc visit...yay!

    Lori, I've got nothing planned in September, def want to get together again! You are right, your mom's not gonna change, things will go on as they go until.....who knows?. Hope canning is going okay, do you have as much this year?

    Sue, okay, I see you went to PCP not onc. scans only every 6 months now?, yay for you!

    Jazz, I missed the post about threading but my Bf's sister swears by it, she's got some fur on her face and they do her eyebrows. She says it's so much better than waxing. Farmers Market looks fantastic! Sounds like a nice day.

    Sandy, food sounds yummy as usual. The carb resset didn't work for me, I did super low carb for 5 weeks, finally got into ketosis, lost 4 lbs, and gained every ounce of it back on my 4 days vacation, ugh, I give up!

    NM, farmers cocktail sounds good, might have to try that, been trying to figure out what to do with the mint in my garden.

    Jazzy, I only need to shed about 15 but I have tried about everything except giving up wine, draw the line at that. My PCP sent me to an endo, my thyroid is all screwed up, between that and the Ai's it seems nearly impossible. Hope you like your endo and have good results, it is such a frustrating PIA isn't it? I think once we've been through BC we should just be able to maintain our ideal weight as a payback for going thru all this crap. Ah well, in my perfect world, course if that were the case we wouldn't get BC at all and we'd all just meet on the drinking girls thread!

    Chevyboy!!! What are you talking about with can you post again!! The more the merrier, this is the Hot Tatties Lounge!!! Not sick? What does that have to do with anything?

    OK, so I'm up to August 15th, I'm going to post before something happens and I'll read on....

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2016

    Dara, still working on ketchin up, you hated that job, everyting happens fer a reason... a door closes and a window opens and blah, blah with the metaphors, anyway sweetie, my gut tails me dis is a good ting, I think you'll be so much happier next year at this time... stress gone and time for the lounge like the old days. We've missed yer purdy face!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2016

    Okay girls, that's all Ive got for now, more time to read tomorrow, I'm getting tired.. sweet dreams to all!!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited August 2016

    Genny- I have always had a low metabolism my whole life. Also on the lower scale of normal for my TSH too. All this and the meds make for a very hard time with weight. I am trying something new where I am really just cutting out all the processed carbs all together. No bread, pasta, etc. for awhile which I don't eat that much anyways. Kind of like the South Beach diet phase 1 with lean proteins and a bit of low glycemic fruits. That actually is working a bit and have lost a few pounds this month. I don't drink that much alchohol but may have to cut that out for awhile too. Going to do what it takes!

    Well, my neighbor sent me a long note about doing yard work and how she is really worried it may mess up her back. She used to have a yard person but he moved away. There is a neighborhood web site called where people do referrals for yard work and other services. I suggested she look out there for some referrals for help so she does not stress her back after surgery this year.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning Ladies--I'm trying again, that damn gremlin just won''t leave me alone.

    Mary it' s so nice to see u,Understand u'r busy but we miss you.

    Jazzy I think I have a little better understanding os what u do. And I love shoes, but wearing a size 12W and feet swel is not a pretty sight, so unless I spend more money my shoes are whatever fits.

    My sister stil has the gout and her meds have screwed up other things, so she's a mess right now.

    Jeez I forgot what everyone said, sorry.

    Well it is the weekend, special for some of u. And I do hope relaxation is a big part of that.. I'll close for now but try to be back later.


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2016

    Good morning girls, I have just finished reading and am all caught up. I missed a lot, can't remember all that I read cause I was so far behind but I got most of it.

    Lori, I see you are responsible for the Supergirl avitar, good job, I love it and it fits our lovely, compassionate and hard working hospice nurse.

    Cami, cracked me up when you told Jazzy that you understand what she does for a living but you have no idea what she does for a living cause that's how I feel.

    Jazzy, thanks for splaining it but I still really have no idea, but that's okay cause it sounds like you like it and that's all that matters. My thyroid has been an issue for years. I have Hashimoto's, everything was pretty good till rads and AI's Now my TSH is .0006 which means I should be skinny but alas, I still have more symptoms of hypo than hyper. T3 and T4 are normal, endo told me to continue on my current dose of synthroid but take a 1/2 pill one day per week. Can't believe that could possibly make a difference but that's what I'm doing. We have to take these meds that I think sometimes fight with each other but we have to stick with the AI's so it is what it is. My cholesterol is good, I'm the only one in my family not on a statin but I haven't eaten anything white except on occasion for years and luckily I don't have a sweet tooth. Potato chips and pizza are my biggest temptations. I do drink too much tho, love my wine, that's my biggest vice. Sounds like you've got a handle on the working out thing, I'm trying so hard to talk myself into getting back into it.

    Sue, glad to hear the eye thing was nothing serious, bet that was a scare, whew! Hope you are feeling better today, sometimes sleeping in is just what is needed.

    Cami, when my DS was about 11 he was so short and chubby and has the most enormous feet, they looked like boats. I remember being worried about his weight and the doctor said He's got to grow into those feet. Sure enough the next few years he grew and thinned out. He ended up with size 12 but he's only about 5'10". I wore 7 1/2-8 my whole life then this last year I went to a size 9 narrow and I'm only 5'3". Now I have to special order sandal cause store bought are too wide. Well we now pretty much know everyone's shoe size, we are gettting so personal with each other aren't we? So Joey has a new love, I'm sure she's a cutie. Glad you got your job back, at least for awhile.

    Okay, DH took pooches to the park and I have so much to do today, we were gone for 4 days and then I worked the last 2 so my house is a mess and I have a pile of laundry. Love to all, have a great Saturday! C U later

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2016

    Jazzy, my feet are wide too. Ya know, people are bigger and taller than they used to be many years ago. Not all of us wear those cute little size 5's! OMG, do you think your neighbor was hinting that perhaps you could do her yard work?

    LDB, that line in your eye is weird, glad to hear it is not detached. Did they say what it was? And I'm even more relieved to hear you were constipated. So happy you were constipated!

    Sandy, never knew there were so many wine glasses.

    Mary, funny that your DH paid the tab for your sushi and drinks. But wow, for the host to offer to pay for everything. Must be nice. I would love to be able to do something special like that for special peeps in my life. Oh well, a girl can dream right? Glad you are meeting up with a new onc. I do not have many maters this year. Thyroid, AI's…we haven't a chance. It's wasn't until I quit the AI's and got on some Armor Thyroid, that I was able to lose some weight. Not all of it, but at least half of it. Do you have days that are better for you? I was on Synthroid and it didn't do much for me, so PC put me on Armor Thyroid.

    Boss Lady, sorry about your sister, I hope she is well soon. I sure hope I get to see you. If we do come, we don't have to hang out at your house, we can just hang out at the hotel. And you can go swimming if you want!!!

    I have a few tomatoes to do. It's just a bummer, to have to go through all of this, only to get half a dozen or so pints.

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited August 2016

    Good morning, ladies! It's looks like it's going to be a beautiful day. So far, not a cloud in the sky. Although, that could change in a minute. I think (maybe?) it's not as humid as it's been the last week or so. Hair still ain't great, but I give it a C-. Important stuff people!

    • Ok, gotta address the shoe topic. I'm a shoe whore. Boots are my biggest weakness, but I'm also a sucker for a cute sandal. Unfortunately, my shoe size is 7.5, sometimes 8, so I rarely get in on an 80% off deal, or clearance sale. But, I have a really narrow foot, so there are a few choice designers who make shoes for women with narrow feet. Ralph Lauren and Stuart Weitzman are two off the top of my head. I've scored ridiculously low prices on those designers.

    Goldie, yum! Growing your own tomatoes, and then canning them for sauce, salsa etc. must really make you picky when you have a spaghetti sauce at a restaurant. I love your mason jars. I forgot to mention that in my last post.

    I agree with you about Jazzy's neighbor. It sounds like she's being passive aggressive, and expects Jazzy to clean up her yard.

    Jazzy, your neighbor is starting to piss me off. I've known people like her, and she seems like she has a deluded sense of entitlement. You've handled the situation perfectly. Good for you for not buying into her bull shit.

    I hope you take pics of your soiree!

    Native, two hours to a new facility? That is quite the drive, and you are a good sport. I hope you're enjoying a lazy, relaxing Saturday with Ms. Sadie.

    Cami, my mom once dropped the remote on her bare foot. Painful as hell, especially with bone mets. . A throbbing foot to the point of preventing a good nights sleep sucks. I hope you're feeling better. I have my DVR set up to record a bunch of Bar Rescue episodes. Looks good! It sounds like it's the bar version of Kitchen Nightmares. I will have to drink wine when I'm watching to stay in the spirit of the show.:)

    Genny, your party was obviously fanceeeee. It seems like you were maybe at the Ritz?? It's the only hotel that I know of in Cleveland that has a concierge level. Nice! I don't blame your hubs. My husband would've done the same. It's one thing to pick up the cost of a hotel room, but I get that he would be uncomfortable with a food tab, even if the host offered this.

    Very much looking forward to meeting you in person!

    Mema, I'm sorry you don't feel well. I hope you're feeling better today. How is your eye?

    you can call me Bozo. It's actually fitting, having nothing to do with my crap hair.

    Chi, you've received fancy glass ware from wineries in Napa? When? Our freebies (to use that word loosely) have been cheap glasses, with a tacky logo or the name of a winery on the glass. Bob sounds like one cool cat.

    Today is my dad's day off from the gym, so I think I may get a hot rock massage pedi.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Having a very leisurely Saturday today.Slept in, played with Sadie (who has new toys cuz the latest Bark Box was delivered yesterday), got 24 notes written in the work tablet, scorched my tongue on a cup of fresh brewed coffee, and still haven't even changed out of the pjs!Sunny and warm, looking to get some laundry going then take Sadie swimming.And you wouldn't believe how my patient's saga continues.Patient had instructed us not to give any information to a particular neighbor who tries to take over and "interferes too much" (patient's own words).Well, Particular Neighbor has been calling us at allhours of the day and night and is all up in our faces about the patient's condition and care.I got one of the calls yesterday, told Particular Neighbor that I could not give out any info.Particular Neighbor (a self proclaimed recovering alcoholic, the one friend who "won't walk away" and "the only person who cares" about the patient went off the deep end, called me a Fu(#/n@ B'#(% and yelled that Patient "can just die alone.I am done.I am just done."Yeah, says me to myself.10 minutes later the patient calls me, and now Particular Neighbor is primary caregiver and can be given information.I can hear Particular Neighbor in the background telling Patient what to say."Make sure she knows you need more drugs!Make sure she knows you need more drugs!"All the bottles were full 2 days ago, patient not using that much at a time, shouldn't be out yet.Then later Particular Neighbor calls and talks to my boss, and is all upset that I won't take good care of the Patient cuz I wouldn't let Particular Neighbor get away with calling me names, and Particular Neighbor wants to apologize but is afraid to talk to me, and how upset Particular Neighbor was to find out that Patient had said not to give out info, blah, blah, blah, and it's really important to get more drugs in the house to be sure Patient never runs out, blah, blah, blah.I really try not to be judgmental, but working with drinkers and druggies or "recovering" drinkers and druggies can be a real pain in the a$ sometimes.I mean, if you are really "recovering" why do you have to say that 12 times in every conversation with every person you meet?Then I tell myself it must be part of the recovery process and try harder to be patient.But Particular Neighbor is not going to be happy with me, cuz I am not going to spend all my time building up Particular Neighbor's ego.Not doing anything unless Patient agrees.So there.Ah, enough of work already.It's Saturday!

    Goldie--I think the pic is great, and can't wait to see the reaction to it on Facebook!Thanks for doing that, you are so creative!

    Jazzy--busy, busy Jazzy!It has cooled down a bit, mostly the humidity has moved out.Still plenty sunny and warm, bit of a breeze to keep the bugs down, actually quite pleasant.Thinking about taking Sadie over to Mom & Dick's for a swim this afternoon.I've been getting "Remember me, I'm your mother" texts, so I must be overdue for a visit.

    Mema--I'm beginning to feel like I need to be SuperWoman at work for a while, I'll be getting 6 new patients in a new facility in the next couple of weeks, the catch being that the new facility is65 miles from the office, and in yet another county!Going to be transferring one of my local facilities to another nurse, but not for 2 weeks, so I'm looking at some serious driving time coming up.I don't mind the driving time, but the more time I drive the more time I need to spend in the evening doing the documentation.Definitely time to stop going in to the office every morning, and maybe seeing about staying overnight on the island once a week.Aunty's Bed Breakfast and Boarding Kennel will probably be open.Of course, I would have to leave Sadie with Aunty while I'm seeing patients as payment.Aunty needs her Sadie fix and Sadie needs her Aunty spoiling her fix.Scary about the eye thingy, if it's not a detached retina (thank goodness) what is it?Just a floater?Love the Jon Master and Jon Hall names!Kinda fun!

    Chi--The world of wine is getting bigger and bigger!I know the "free" souvenirs seldom are really free, but it is fun to get something when attending a function.A wine glass is a cool souvenir of a wine tasting!Still got to find one around here to go to .I'm beginning to think that's more of a west coast thing!I don't drink for the buzz, either, I drink for the taste and enjoyment.

    Genny--Goldie made the new avatar pic, after one of my posts of me whining about being overworked and underappreciated, just a day or two ago!Didn't she do a great job?That party sounds like a blast, the island rental sounds a bit questionable, hope the inside was better than the outside!Sheets not fitting the beds?Doesn't sound right to me.

    Jazzy--having someone do the yard work is nice, I do enjoy coming home and finding the lawn mowed!Going to have to expand and have him do more next season.

    Cammy--I've got bunions on both feet, if the "toe box" isn't VERY roomy, shoes don't fit.And the shoes that do fit, never look all that nice.Crocks, mostly.Someday, maybe I'll find pretty shoes that I can wear for more than a couple of hours at a time!

    Genny--I hear you on the laundry, need to go start some myself!

    Hsant--yup, 2 hour drive to the new facility.But the way it goes, once we start seeing people in a local facility we start getting referrals for home patients as well, and pretty soon I can spend a whole day in the area.Eventually it will get to the point where I can spend a whole day in Washington County, a whole day on the island, a whole day in the Ellsworth area, and a whole day in Bangor where the office is.Of course, the patients' needs will have to cooperate with that plan. . . .

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Washoe Peel Ingredients


    Pour all ingredients intoa cocktail shaker. Shake and strain over ice cubes in a cocktail glass. Garnish with a lemon twist, and serve.

    Best served in a Cocktail Glass.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning DahhhhhLinks

    Sandy - had no idea there were so many diff types of glasses for diff kinds of wine. Thanks for da education.

    Mary - That rental sounds really trashy. I hope you complained to mgmt. But all in all sounds like you n hubs had a pretty nice time. Hope u get face time with hsant and that things go well with the new onco.

    Chevy boy - I guess I missed ur post. We welcome you here anytime (((chevyboy)).

    Jazzy - weight loss is so hard, congrats on losing a few lbs tho. Gr8 response to your neighbor and her yard.

    Cami - dang gremlin! Sorry to hear about your sister, how she gets things straightened out and soon.

    Lowee - LOL, being happy cuz mese can't poo, u make me laugh. Retina specialist said sometime some fluid builds up behind the eye and that will cause those weird images. That doc is too expensive and not a provider, so am searching for another in LV.

    Hsant - my eye is much better, I'm still feeling like I have a bad cold or the flu. Am going to take it easy again today.

    NM - sounds like a nightmare with Particular Neighbor. Sounds like he/she has been sampling a lot of pt's pain pills. Good for you for handling it so well. LOL I like my Jon's too. Sounds like you are going to get bombarded again, Aunty B&B sounds like just the ticket.

    Lubslubslubs to all, and have a fantastic weekend!

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited August 2016

    Hi friends- I have already been out and about to water zumba, bank, the grocery store, and a quick stop at the nearby consignment store. My GI tract is not playing well today so I am going to chill for awhile and watching Ghost again!

    NM- boy and I thought I had neighbor problems! He is meddling in that person's care. It sounds like you are being harassed really. Well, you can always throw out the "maybe we need a restraining order here" with this guy. Trust me, I have used that with people who get all up into my face and business. If the person has any legal rights around your patient, maybe not best to do, but hopefully your job can help you.

    Given this person has an addiction issues and suddenly the drugs are disappearing quickly, my guess is someone may be rading the pain killer cookie jar. I know it happens with people who are on hospice, and knew of someone here on BCO who had it happening in her home with her family. Most people who are recovering will tell you once because they may need to be away from certain situations that create a problem for them. People who say it over and over are trying to convince another. Nothing recovered about that dude. Be careful, he sounds pretty unstable.

    I hope you and Sadie can have some good down time today and enjoy a swim together! If you need help she will be there for you.

    Cami- I hope you are doing okay today. Glad my splainin' helped you to understand how i work!

    Goldie- I expect the neighbor could either be complaining which she likes to do with me, or she may be hoping I will offer to do something. Sometimes she asks me for simple neighbor stuff, other times I think she is looking for help by saying how hard things are for her.

    Hsant- I live in a place where entitlement is the norm. What have you done for me lately and what will you do next? She is not the only one who does this stuff. I just know the movie too well. I am not beholden to her or her family.

    Genny- I lost 2 pound this week!

    Going to take a nap and then have another place to go to in awhile. Enjoy the day ladies.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited August 2016

    Spent the day on the South Side at the home of dear friends we hadn’t seen in over a year. She’s a patient advocate/HR consultant, he’s a CFD Battalion Chief. (Unbeknownst to us, he was in our neighborhood earlier this week--Bob’s favorite late night watering hole, the Pumping Company, was gutted by a massive kitchen fire and Gus rode out to supervise the firefighting). Lots of burgers, sausage, wine, beer, etc.--we brought a Mumm’s Napa brut.

    The crystal tasting glasses we got were two each from Trinitas in Napa (we stayed in the Meritage Resort next door) and Silver Oak on Silverado Trail. (The Silver Oak ones are a bit bigger, but both are good quality & size with tastefully etched logos).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited August 2016

    Good Morning,Loungettes!Happy Sunday Funday!How's everyone's weekend doing?Sadie and I are having a fun weekend of fetch and squeak with her new toys.Worked all day and got most of the dishes washed.Got another load or two and I'll be caught up again.Got to the house cleaned up enough to not be ashamed to have someone come in and fix the dishwasher!

    Mema--I'm rather sure that Particular Neighbor is diverting some of the medications.Going to be an interesting case to manage.We'll see how it turns out.I did check the work computer a few minutes ago, Particular Neighbor tricked the weekend nurse into ordering more medication.It will be interesting tomorrow when I need to see ALL the bottles of meds to count!

    Jazzy--A restraining order isn't an option, yet, since Patient made Particular Neighbor primary caregiver.Work is aware of the situation and that I am not going to put up with name calling from Particular Neighbor.Anything physical is handled by calling 911 and filing assault charges.Particular Neighbor is the reason all other services for Patient have been stopped.And it may happen again, which is sad as it's Patient who will suffer.But as long as Patient keeps Particular Neighbor in the picture, there it is.

    Chi--Good way to spend the day!How's that old Girl Scout song go?"Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold."

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Time for a Drink: the Restraining Order


    • 1 1/2 ounces reposado tequila
    • 3/4 ounce Aperol
    • 3 or 4 dashes celery bitters
    • Wide piece of orange peel, for garnish


    1.Combine ingredients in a mixing glass and fill with ice. Stir well for 20 seconds; strain into Old Fashioned glass filled with ice. Twist orange peel over drink and use as garnish.