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how about drinking?



  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited September 2016

    CAMI- good to be back. You staying out of trouble? Winking LORI- I'm busy, but well. I selfishly kept the boys to myself last night. Tonight I will share. SUE- How are you? Is it cooling down there like it is here? This year hasn't been as hot as usual. Speaking of heat, let me bring it.

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited September 2016

    Jed Hill - Hunk du Jourimage

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2016

    Oh Cami, your cousin is a doll. He would fit right in here as a Tender. I only wish the picture was bigger!

    Hsant, were you able to get your dad out of the house?

    LDB, You gots me laffing about smootie not filling you up. I can't do the veggies in mine, it leaves them too chunky, doesn't purify it. So I bought a powder protein to make and it's plant based. It's called Vega Sport, I got the berry one.

    Image result for vega sport

    Mary, oh shit! Yes, oh shit. TM's are down! More than ever, took the biggest jump and lower than they have ever been. You have certainly had a busy week. Good for you.

    Hey Shannon, you know how to turn up the heat, that's for sure. It's been quite toasty here in AZ. Hopefully all is good in your world.

    I hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend. Pretty much same ole here. Cleaned out our pellet stove yesterday, will be starting that up sooner than I'd like. Going to town today. The dispensary that I go to is having a speaker. Dr. Sisley, she's doing a study on MMJ and VETS with PTSD. So I'm hoping to maybe get to talk to her. I skipped my RSO yesterday, was able to eat yesterday, twice even. I'll be so glad when I don't have to take anything. My weight is trying to drop below 140, so I'm doing my best to at least keep it there and not lose anymore.

    My DH likes his fries, and I absolutely hate the deep fryer. Anyways, he bought this air fryer. OMG, I can't believe how well it cooks and it browns too. I made a huge chicken breast in it and yesterday did baked potatoes. All you do is mist the food with a little olive oil.

    Image result for red air fryer

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2016

    Good Morning DahhhhhLinks

    Mary - WOW what a busy lady these last few days, Hope you can get some good rest today. U, dwunk? LOL, I kno I been drunk that early, too much fun eh?

    Shannon - Yes it is cooling down, mid to high 90's but I'll take it over 115. LOL yep you brought it. Love dat eye candy.

    Loweee - I don't care for Kale but with the spinach and all the fruit, they taste mighty good. Thanks for advice about Vega Sport. Have to watch for it. U have to share if Dr. Sisley has good info. I wondered about that machine, glad to know it does what it claims. Time to take pooches to the park, have a gr8 day, yak later. Lubslubslubslubs

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited September 2016

    Good morning, ladies. Hope everyone is enjoying this holiday Monday!

    I feel the need to vent a little if that's okay with y'all. I knew, KNEW that my cousins were going to expect me to take care of my uncle once he was released from hospital. He has two children and a DIL, who is like a daughter to him. So, I made it very clear to my cousin's wife that I have my hands full with my dad, I am compromising my marriage, gave up a career and life in CA, and you guys live within 5 miles of your father/FIL. Really, you should be grateful that there are three of you who can share the responsibility.

    When my dad was released from the hospital after a bout of pneumonia, I was on my own. No help from anyone, including my uncle. I know his kids told him to not do anything with respect to helping me in any capacity.

    When I had surgery last November, my uncle dropped me off curbside at the hospital. I had no idea he was planning on doing this. Didn't stay with me, and he knew that my dad wasn't in a position to sit in the hospital. He also knows how protective my dad is of me. My dad was pissed off. I know his kids told him not to stay with me.

    I'm not even going to go into the nightmare last summer when I was diagnosed with BC. My Dad was spending a fortune on care givers. My uncle (encouraged by his children) attempted to usurp my father's care giver for his own benefit. My uncle still works as an attorney, drives, has a girlfriend, etc. so, if he doesn't feel like getting his own milk from the grocery store, have one of those three kids pick it up for you.

    So Now, my cousin's wife told me how her husband told my uncle that "Heidi refuses to do anything for you when your home. Do not count on her for anything" like somehow, I'm the bad guy.

    I'm so overwhelmed with my dad, and the changes that I've seen in him these last six months. I woke up at 4 a.m with a panic attack, and called the hubs. He really is like a warm bath. Calm and logical.

    Ok enuff about me.

    Mema, thanks for the hugs! How is your jaw feeling? I know you have some scans coming up in a few days. Fingers crossed and prayers for continued NED.

    Genny, the weather has been perfect. Not too humid. Sounds like a great time with your buds.

    Glad you're enjoying the holiday weekend with some vino.

    Goldie, how are you feeling? How's the appetite? Love that air fryer!

    Wishing everyone a happy Labor Day!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2016

    Good evening, Loungettes!Cutting myself off from the internet worked, I got lots and lots of stuff done around the house this long weekend.Not quite everything I wanted is done, but more than I expected.I may have to do this more often.Once I get on the computer I get sucked right in and the next thing I know the whole day is gone and I've barely walked 100 steps.So, fair warning, you may not see me here first thing on the weekends.Not planning to change the weekday morning routine yet, though.Been watching/listening to the Hermine coverage on the weather channel, almost disappointing.I should be about to get out and see some good surf when I'm down on the Island over the next couple of days, though.I'll try to get some pic/video.Sadie is unhappy with me, cuz I've been lugging the trash down to the pick up spot all weekend, so she hasn't been able to get into it and spread it all over the place so I have to clean it up (again and again and again).So my training progresses!

    Jazzy--a parade, in NYC, to start your mini-vacay??? WOW!!! You gals rate big!Just looked at the resort site, what a wonderful place to stay!Looks so serene.



    Nope, wasn't on call this weekend, got the entire 3 days off.And got lots done, too!Got my "it's ok to take care of myself and put what I need first" meter reset.

    Chi--Mag Citrate rather than the gallons of stuff, sounds like a good idea to me. Wonder why more docs don't recommend that route?

    Jazzy--Good Lord, I didn't realize how much crazier the health insurance worldhad become.Is there anyone out there who truly understands it all?

    Julie--so not fair to be dealing with all that crap.Just not fair.Reading on to see if you made it to Orland0. . .

    Goldie--If you get a detailed invoice after a scan you'll see the lion's share of the $ goes to the doc practice for the reading.Most of those big fancy machines have earned back their cost after the first couple of years of use.Some of the fee goes to paying the techs and some goes to the space rental, utilities, etc.Those scanners are big money makers for hospital systems.If I could get on the computer and then off again on weekend mornings I would get a lot more done around the house.Sounds like your MO was prepping you for some not so good news, apparently he hadn't looked at the numbers before he met with you.Would have loved to have seen the look on his face!I'm still YAHOOing for you!And Sadie is Bow Wowing!

    Jazzy--Nice for the FAT INVOICE!

    Hsant--praying for your Uncle's quick recovery.Encourage your Dad to go to the doc ASAP.Once a pressure ulcer heals that area is always at risk.The cleaning I've done this weekend was badly needed--not just skipping sweeping the floor, but cleaning out collected junk and stuff and piles and I really haven't even considered getting the dishwasher fixed cuz of the mess.It's not perfect now, but I can see what color the floors are, and what color the kitchen table top is!And I feel much better.

    Julie--Yeah, you got to Orlando!

    Cammy--How was the BBQ?Did you and Joey go?

    Goldie--What a hot spring!I'm in!

    Julie--Prayers for your Mum.

    Dara--no, you didn't miss any posts, I had to cold turkey myself from the internet this weekend in order to get anything done around the house.So far no storm stuff.Won't get anything until tomorrow, if we get anything at all.

    Undie--Pretty Drinks!

    Cammy-- cute boss!

    Hsant--Glad you Uncle didn't need major surgery.So glad our Dad will see the wound doc.And Hubby coming for a conjugal visit, YEAH!Sadie and I have enjoyed some lovely deck time, with wine, good books, and lots of fetch!

    Genny--Have fun with the downtown wife drinking!

    Ooh, Undie isback and the hunks are dropping in again, why did I pick this weekend to go internet cold turkey????????

    Goldie--that looks like quite the fryer gizmo!

    Hsant--oh, you poor baby.Why does family have to have so much drama?You can only do so much, and if the rest of the family wants to not count on your for anything, well, so much the better.You can always tell them they can count on you for exactly as much as you could count on them over the last year.Or the ever popular smile and gush "That's an excellent idea!You are so smart to think of that!Uncle is so lucky to have you to take care of him!"and walk away.

    Well, time for me and Sadie to start thinking about getting some shut eye before the alarm goes off for getting back to the work-a-day world.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited September 2016

    Good evening friends- I hope everyone had a nice long weekend. Got back early afternoon from my time up in Taos and had a wonderful get away. Like NM, I really went off line to have a true downtime experience. Did not watch any news, although at one point I got pulled into Sharknado weekend (who the heck ever thought of that) and another reality show called Chrisley Knows Best. I mean, who thinks of these shows? The Chrisley stuff was actually funny, at least for awhile........

    The resort was everything I could have hoped for and more. I had reserved a casita room, and they upgraded me for nada to a premiere suite and ended up with the Eygypt room. How could they have known I love all things Egypt? I walked in the room and was just blown away. Some pics included here of the room and much more.

    I did a stop at a fav boutique up there on the way in, but just stayed at the resort the whole time vs. bop around Taos as I usually do, given the goal was to slow down which is hard for someone like me. I had some great meals, a some good pool time, and a fabulous treatment yesterday that included a dry brushing, mud wrap, mini-facial, massage, and moisturing treatment. Was there anything left to do? I think not. One of the best treatments I have ever done. I felt great and still do. Hope I can hold this feeling with me for just a day or so into the week.

    Left this morning around mid morning and made a stop in Santa Fe on the way down. Any of you gals Chico's fans, have we talked about this before here? I think ChiSandy is a fan. I wanted to see if they had any of the fall turtlenecks in to pick up a black one for the trip to NYC in a month. Got that and then some with their 40% on the whole store, plus sale. Came home to unload, unpack, do laundry, etc. and now getting a few other things done to be ready for the short week and a friend who arrives in a few days.

    Pictures below will fill you in on some of the experience.

    How was everyone elses weekend? Chi, the folk fest? Hsant, how is your dad? Is Dara back in Atlantic City? Did Cami have some family fun.

    Sounds like coastal NE had some rough oceans this weekend and it messed up the last of the summer weekends back there. We may get the remnants of a hurricane coming up from the Pacific side too. Goldie, are you getting any weather warnings yet?








  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited September 2016

    NM- as part of creating some new and better habits, I am getting up to walk for 20 min in the morning after a cup or two of coffee and before I get on the computer to check things before I head to my client site. I agree with you that too much time on line is not something we working gals can afford. I have to put myself on a social media diet sometimes.

    Also, good news, I lost 5 pounds in August and feel like I have a good start to working down on the weight to help my overall health. Going to see the endocrinologist tomorrow for my first apt there around the whole weight loss on the AI topic and see what else I need to be doing.

    What I have been doing is to cut out the white stuff, no breads, pasta, or the like. I let myself have a wee bit of potatoes with a meal from time to time, as they are at least a vegetable. I need to find some whole grains to integrate into my diet, but not a fan of quinoa. Any suggestions?

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited September 2016

    DD texted me around 3:30am Denver time that she landed. I saw it when I got up to go to the bathroom around 4 or 4:30. She texted me once to ask if something was hers that her name on it....a comforter, but I think it had her name by mistake as I don't remember buying one. Other than that I haven't heard from her. I know they were busy unpacking and had programming in the evening. Tuesday is a busy day for her and I think on Wednesday classes start. I know they aren't allowed to have their phones with them 24/7 (ie not in class). I don't mind but today I felt the loss of no conversation with her. There is a 9 hour time difference between Israel and Denver....they are 9 hours ahead, so the best times to talk are early in the morning Israel time or later at night. It will all be good. The program she is in posts pictures on their fb page as well as Twitter and Instagram. I downloaded those to programs just to see pictures but I think its the same pictures in all 3 places.

    Need to go do some reports and paperwork that should have been done the end of the week...I really need to put paperwork time in my daily schedule!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    Hi Ladies--OK first, I broke both pair of my gllasses and I put this huge and I cn't see very wel.

    Hsant I can not understand why in the world would everyone count on u when u so have u'r hands and emotions filled with what u are always doing. I'm so sorry all that drama surrounds u after all u r doing. BUT u'r DH is coming so forget all that and enjoy, every way possible or any way possibe.

    Jazzy BEEEutiful, how did u do all that in such a short time? Oh I'm sure u hted to have that end.

    NM change is not my favorite thing, I have to ease into this no puter on the weekends for u.

    Shannon we can always cout on u for the fireworks in this ounge. Whew it's hot in here.

    The reason I showed the pic of my boss was that's why when I get so aggrevated at him and he smiles and hugs me I'm over it. He is tho, so sweet

    Mary I had to take a nap while reading all u did. U tire me out girl.

    Julie, I hope things re going OK for u.

    Lori I knew u coudn't just rest and do nothing. chit u never listen to me. Of course I can teach lazy so no one is like me.

    My stupid foot is still swollen (that darn cat) Movie member? And no I didn't leave ths effin house al weekend again and still today. -I've been driking mese electoyte drinks so I do feel a little better, not as weak. Another reason for laziness.

    Hsant I stil can't get over wht everyone expects from u, u must have a very high standard for making things right, so they just assume u will????? I don't know.

    Oh my eyes, my eyes--I have to stop for now. chit


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Ah, how quickly one gets used to not waking up to an alarm!Sadie and I both gave the alarm the hairy eyeball when it went off.Ah, well, it's a short week at work, and one must work to have the moolah to enjoy the time off.

    Jazzy--Wow, what a neat place!The Egyptian motif is amazing. The pool looks marvelous, and all the greenery, what a lovely place to uplug and recharge!What is dry brushing?The whole thing sound absolutely amazing.I like the idea of a social media diet!My weekday morning routine is limited, time-wise, by the time I need to be in the car and moving out,I don't have a natural limiter on weekends.Need to find one!Congrats on the weight loss!Good for you!

    Cammy--It's not going to be no computer on the weekends, but no computer in the mornings, not until I get a certain amount of housework done.Had big housework to do this weekend, but got the new plan jump started.Hopefully will be on in the evenings on the weekends.

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    The Hurricane



    1. Squeeze juice from half a lime into cocktail shaker over ice.
    2. Pour the remaining ingredients into the shaker.
    3. Shake well.
    4. Strain into a hurricane glass.
    5. Garnish with a cherry and an orange slice.
  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited September 2016

    NM- dry brushing is a technique where they run a soft bristle brush all over your skin. It is supposed to help with detoxing, improved immunity and circulation, and is an exfoliate for the skin. I have often had it (as I did this weekend) prior to a mud treatment, as it creates a way to open the pores. You don't need to go to a spa for this, but can do it yourself at home, I have the brushes and use mine either in the shower or use the brushes for dry brushing too. You can buy the brushes at most health food stores or get them on line. Inexpensive and helpful to your body.

    Most of the spas do this really well, my former massage therapist used to add this for me but found it to be less enjoyable as she did not have the right training or brushes for it. So if you pick an individual massage therapist, be advised they don't all know how to do it.

    I hear you about the alarm this morning and must get moving to my day. Wishing everyone a good week!

  • heidi s
    heidi s Member Posts: 398
    edited September 2016

    Native, I get it. It feels so good when your house is clean, but especially when you've made headway with your own two hands. I hope You gave yourself a big pat on the back. You work so hard during the week (and weekends), so using a holiday weekend to do this takes a lot of discipline.

    I'm very happy to hear that you could still fit in some R and R with Sadie.

    Jazzy, congrats on the weight loss! I recommend brown rice or even better, black rice (higher in protein than brown) and steel oats if you want to incorporate whole grains into your diet. There is also whole wheat pasta or multigrain bread.

    The resort is beautiful. How fab that they gave you an upgrade! Your weekend sounds dee-vine!

    Cami, I'm sorry your foot is still causing a problem! I hope it feels better today. I hope you can get replacement glasses ASAP. If my glasses are off for more than 30 seconds, I start to get a head ache.

    I'm a big hot mess, but I think since I'm living in the house and take care of my dad, they thought it was a given that I would be the main care giver. My cousin and his wife are stepping up to the plate.

    Wishing everyone a happy Monday!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2016

    Well we got to the dispensary for their festival, it was outside behind the building. Security and all, and the newspaper is in the office space right next door, and they refused to cover the story. Anways I get there, on Tiffany (she works at the dispensary and they all know my situation) well she had told this doctor about me Sunday night, as they all went out for dinner. Well this doctor is anxious to meet me.We get there around 12:30, she is speaking at 2:00. Well Tifanny see's me and right away tells Dr. Sisley that I'm the one she was telling her about. Well we had a nice talk, I figured she probably wouldn't give me the time of day, she wants me to keep her updated. So we left, no need to stay around and her speak, as it was going to be VETS and PTSD. She said that this really needed to be documented.

    LDB, I have had the kale in smoothies, and with all the fruit and all, you are right, you don't even taste it. But I don't mind it cooked either. I paid $54 for the Vega Sport, it's about $10-$15 cheaper on Amazon. And being that I was in Phoenix, I just wanted to get it and figured I'd look online after I got home.

    Hsant ahhhhh, you are Heidi? I am so so sorry about how your uncle and cousins are treating you. Please try to not let it get to you and just worry about you and yours. What is wrong with those people? Can't they see what you are sacrificing. And with all the mean words, why would your uncle even want you to do anything for him??? Stick to your guns girl. Good idea from NM to tell them that you will help them as much as they helped you. Hugs from me too. I'm feeling pretty good, was a tad tired last night, went to bed at 6:30! Woo hooo, remind us again when hubby will be there. Time for Boom Chicky! Ok, so cousin and wife stepping up is a good thing, right?

    NM, cutting yourself from the internet and it worked, good for you, but we missed you! Like I said, I do my catching up in the morning while having my coffee. Laptop in my lap with my EWWA glued to my recliner. You sound very pleased with yourself. Sadie, maybe not so much. We have a hurricane heading our way now too. Hurricane Newton! MO was considering putting me on Ibrance. With this drug, as with most tho, is known for lowering blood counts and mine were already low and weekly labs. I am NOT going to live one week at a time. FURB! The change was quite subtle when he saw my numbers, but after that, it was like we were done, he didn't really want to discuss anymore and told me to just keep doing what I'm doing. Just not quite sure if I was reading more into than what was there, as we have always had a GREAT relationship. Give Sadie a big ole belly rub for me and thank her for the bow wows.

    Jazzy, is that fountain in your room? The place is beautiful and you made the most of it. I'll bet you hated to leave! But welcome home. Love the "Social Media Diet". And 5 lbs for the real diet, good for you. Not sure how to help with grains. I don't mind quinoa; especially it's mixed with other stuff. And of course the internet is full of recipes. Looked up the dry brushing, very interesting.

    Boss Lady, you are too cute, not taking change very well so pretty much NM needs to stay here on the weekends! Now what was it that I did that I wasn't resting? Believe me, if I can't do something, I DON'T! Especially if I'm too tired or just not feeling up to par. And being weak does equal laziness. I wonder if that Vega Sport drink would help you some?

    Hi Karen!

    I posted about the air fryer, and some of you seemed interested. I highly recommend it. I always cook my chicken on the grill, not anymore!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2016

    Image result for dry brushing

    Image result for dry brushing

    OMG, says it helps with cellulitis. I just Googled "dry brushing" and then went to images.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2016

    RESULTS: On the multiple spot MAG views, no change is seen with studies
    dating back to 02/10/2015. Ultrasound shows a seroma cavity here
    unchanged from 02/05/2016. There is some hypoechoic tissue in the
    periphery and a more fluid filled area centrally measuring approximately
    10 x 12 mm. Allowing for differences in position and technique. This is
    similar to prior study of 02/05/2016. The shape is slightly different,

    but the overall appearance is very similar

    this is the result from my mammogram, as you can see they are using words like similar and say the us is unchanged but i am going to see the surgeon on tuesday, because the they told me on thursday when it was done it was the same, now its similar ,so will go see the surgeon who did original surgery for my piece of mind.

    had a lovely time in orlando but came back on sunday as was checking amazon for my order sat night , as you know my nieces are coming soon ,well laura has fm and it tends to hit her legs so she was going to rent a wheelchair in the theme parks well i said i would look into getting a second hand one because with all the old people in this area there's a big market in used medical equipment and that way she would have one 24/7 , well when i started shopping around, i could get one on amazon for $ 10 for more than a listed rental in orlando(before they started putting all the other charges on) and the second hand ones the were availible i didn;t like the look of or they were missing the leg rests so ordered it ,supposed to be delivered mid week but got delivered saturday and was outside my front door, so came home couldn't enjoy or rest knowing i had this big box outside my door,only reason i didn't leave saturday was i had a drink of cider.. mam home eating and drinking very little she slept all day sunday only waking up to speak to my niece briefly on her birthday, we are all praying for a peaceful passing for her , this slow dying by inches is killing my dad

    hsant - you do so much for your dad at such a personal cost to your own life,how dare your cousins assume your able and willing to do the same for your uncle to!, and i agree with nm give them the same help they give you.

    lori-glad that meeting went well,looks like the mj law may pass here this time in november so need to read it and familarise myself with it.just bought an airfryer so need to start practising with it

    cammi-love you ,broken glasses! how did joeys first day of school go!

    nnm- i hear you on the computer if i start reading thats me ,then i get tired and again no housework or decluttering done

    jazzy-very nice pics! glad you had a fab weekend


    hope you all have a nice day ladies

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2016


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2016

    Julie u are such a sweet soul, but I've always thought that.

    This is a great bunch of women, not saying there are not any more on this site but I'm lucky to have all of u to vent to and be my friends.

    Hsant I'm glad u'r family is coming around and not counting on u for help.And if I remember correctly??? Thursday is u'r DH day right? U must be so so happy, it's been a long time.

    I found some old glasses and it's a bit better.

    Oh Lori u can't fool me, I know u push u'rself, but I do admire u so.

    OK NM I'll give u the weekend to take u'r time, after all I come here anytime--but all these yrs. it's u then Lori and it gets all screwed up in my brain when Lori's not here--but I will acclimate (is that a word?) Life throws me hard balls all the time, just not the right ones (or left)

    It's about 3AM and of course I'm, awake thanks to my D.

    Oh reading about all the spa treatments sound luscious. Now most of u know my DD Leslie the one I live with does all of this now and a beautician and I have a 3 inch out growth of white hair, needs to be trimmed, never got any spa-ish stuff done, (she always says we don't have machines, in a goofy way) We are all the last ones to get haircuts. What a brat.

    Hsant the last couple of shows on our ladies were really boring, no one was fighting-the reunion looks good tho. LOL

    OK hope things have settled down here, cuz I'm tired, but I'll see.


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2016

    Good morning girls, got all caught up on reading last night but didn't have time to post. I have a little time before sunrise and then pooches to the park and off to work. It's hot here again, 94 and so humid yesterday, sposed to golf today but no way, ugh thick as soup out there.

    hsant, you just come here and vent anytime, that's what we're here for and it sounds as tho you have plenty to vent about. How dare they think you should help out with your uncle, it's not like you can split yourself in two! Your dad's health is declining, and it is so unfair for them to make such statements, it doesn't even make any sense! I'm glad your uncle didn't need bypass, is this your dad's brother? Anyway, sorry to hear your dad is having a hard time. I hope you get some quality time with hubby, you deserve it! So glad to read your cousin and his wife are stepping up. I wish you had more help. Maybe after congical visit with hubs we can get an uber and meet up and get together for a few hours if your dad is doing ok. Hope the wound care Dr can help the ulcer before it opens up

    Jazzy, the spa looks AMAZING! I'm so jealous, ah well I'll have to settle for our virtual one. I'm so glad you got relaxed and rejuvinated. Congrats on the weight loss too, good for you! I hope your work week hasn't killed the spa feeling yet

    NM, getting the house clean and de-cluttering is such a good feeling, isn't it? Too bad it can't stay that way longer. I always say I'll go in the morning and get to the computer in the evenings and then I never do, I get home and get so bizzy with other stuff. So glad you and Sadie got some R&R too. Hope your work week isn't too crazy.

    Cami, so sorry about the early wakeup call from D. Hope your snoozing now. Your boss is very cute, I can see why you have trouble getting mad at him. How's Joey's new school year going?

    Undercover, nice eyecandy, thanks!

    Lori, I wonder how many tx's it would take to get results like that! I'm still so excited about your TM's, 6 weeks till next time? You aonly do the RSO for 90 days right? You must be half way through by now. When do you get to Michigan? I have you on my calender, looking forward to getting together again.

    Julie, so sorry about your mum, I hope her passing is peaceful, such a hard time for you all (((Julie))). I'm glad you are going to see your surgeon, peace of mind is so important.

    Well, I know I'm missing some, Dara, Sandy and others but I have to get these dogs to the park and get to work. DH traveling for a few days so maybe I'll get back here tonight. Hugs and kisses!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!Hermine may have moved off but she sure dragged some sticky weather behind her.The humidity is horrendous, even if the temps are only in the 70-80 range.Still, could be a lot worse, and with the fans I'm sleeping well at night, even have Sadie cuddling up against my back in the ayems, so not complaining, much.Had a nice surprise at work yesterday, the CEO--THE CEO--of the whole company--stopped in the office.He actually sat down with us in our meeting, and spent a good half hour or more taking notes about what we thought was going well and what could go better.He was really paying attention, too.This is the man who is responsible for us getting a new software system, God bless him and all his children.Lots of impact for someone who has only been in the position for year and a half.I was impressed.

    Jazzy--sounds like dry brushing is a really good thing to do for the skin. I'll have to look into it.

    Hsant--it is nice to see the house coming back under control.I'm not sure how much was discipline and how much was desperation, but I'm hoping to keep the momentum up now that I've got it jump started.And Sadie makes sure I don't overdo the work stuff!Glad the cousin and wife are stepping up to the plate and pitching in.LOL at the pic!

    Goldie--amazing how the media picks and chooses what stories to cover and which to ignore.Whatever happened to unbiased reporting?I remember when newspapers printed the transcript of speeches made by the President and other important people, not just commentary.Good idea to keep notes on your progress with the RSO.Someone will write it up eventually and will need documented stories like yours.I'm hoping I have reset my weekend routine to put internet use in the evenings so I get more done at home and still have my internet time.I simply cannot be spending all day on the computer on the weekends.Don't blame you for not wanting to live a week at a time.That would drive me crazy.

    Julie--Overall that sounds like a good mammo/us report!Don't blame you for checking with the surgeon, though.Peace of mind is important!It's amazing how different prices are for things in different places.Amazon is my primary go to for almost everything.Sounds like your Mom is comfortable, that's good.It is hard to watch the decline, though.Praying for a peaceful time for all of you.

    Cammy--Sorry to mess up your weekends, I know routines are good for us and hard to change, but my old weekend routine was not good for me or Sadie, so it has to change!And for a year or so I wasn't on here on the weekends at all, remember?When I was working weekends?This will be better, I'll be here, just in the peeyem instead of the ayem.You'll adapt, it will be a good excuse for you to check in the in peeyems, too!

    Princess Leia of Maine's DOTD:

    Image result for hump day drink recipe

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2016

    Julie, I hope you get the answers from your surgeon. Need to have piece of mind. Glad that your mom is eating some, but your poor dad. I do hope your mom is not suffering. Hugs for you my friend. How nice of you to get a WC for your niece. But sorry you had to cut your bisit short wif Mickey. I assume FM is fibromyalgia? The MMJ is suppose to be good for the pain associated with fibro. As for the air fryer, I think you will love it. I have only done potatoes and chicken in it.

    Cami, we are just as blessed to have you as our friend. LOL @ "I can't fool you". I'm not trying to Boss, promise! Maybe you should make an appt. with Leslie at her salon and show up.

    Mary, my brother said they are having the same kind of weather in MI too. Hot and humid. End of Sept. will be my 90 days on the RSO. Then I'm suppose to take one syringe a month, instead of daily. Just not sure how I'm suppose to split it up. You asked how many tx's to get results like that. You mean the RSO? If so, I think I was at least 2 months in. I'm anxious now to see what the next ones show, but try not to think about and enjoy my 6 weeks.

    I get in next Tuesday, the 13th.

    NM, I can hear the excitement in your voice about the visit from the company CEO. Yay for all of you. How awesome to actually have someone who cares. I usually will try and stick to one room to clean, but I'll walk into the laundry room to put some laundry away and see something in there that needs to be done, and I get off track. Do this ALL THE TIME! I have a calendar, well 2, that I write all my treatments down, my appt. and labs. Cute telling Cami she has to come in the pee em to check in on things. I'll check in during the day, but I only read and then close it. That way I'm a little more up to date when I come in in the ay em.

    Waiting on hurricane Newton. How funny to have a hurricane in AZ. Well, I think it will miss us tho. Just wrapping things up here before my trip, getting DH some stuff to eat, as he doesn't cook. Only uses the microwave!

    That punch looks mighty yummmmmmy!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2016

    Good Morning DahhhhhLinks

    Hsant - so glad ur dad is doing well. I had my mom living here with us for a bout 3 years. She was mostly blind (macD) and looked like the poor peeps in 3rd world countries. Had to use a walker. That lasted bout 3 mons, then we had her strong enuf to walk on her own. She had shingles and was in major pain. Finally let me take her to docs. I can totally relate to what u are going thru. U are truly selfless and I tip my hat to you (ifin I wore 1). Hang in as best you can, u r an angel. And ur dad is still on my prayer list. Glad ur cousin and wife are stepping up to the plate to help you out. (((Hsant)))

    Mary - sounds like u had a blast at Kelleys Island. The soft food diet ends Monday, woohoo. My ears don't ache like they did, so must be the mouth guard and soft food. Can't wait for Monday…have a brain MRI at 10 and then the PET at 1:15. See the onco next day. Dh will b going with me as well as the pooches, we'll be spending the night at my son's house.

    Lowee - I have seen those air-fryer on the TV and in my Goupons, I didn't figure it would work, thanks for the info. I'll keep my eyes open, altho we don't deep fry very often so depending on the cost might snag one. So nice Tiffany introduced you to Dr. Sisley. I hope u do get to see her, too bad it was documented.

    NM - I spend too much time on my puter too. Too funny about Silly Sadie not happy with u for taking her past-time digging in the trash. I'll find Kleenex pieces sometimes, but I still haven't caught either of them doing it. Sounds like u were the Tasmanian Devil with all the clean up you got done around the house. Good for you.

    Jazzy - sounds like you truly had a nice weekend in Taos, the pics are gr8, thanks for sharing. Hooraaaay for losing 5lbs!!! I'm 146 this morn, was 150 early last week. Gym was closed for 5 days for the holiday. Re-opened yest, but I wasn't up to going had a Cami, ie the Big D. Thanks for the info on dry-brushing, never heard of it before. Sounds amazing, might have to try it someday soon.

    Cami - u r right, no one is like you, sorry ur foot still a sore spot for you, hope you foot feels better soonliest.

    Julie - The results of ur tests sound OK, cept I'm kinda concerned about the fluid. Glad you going to see the surgeon. Please keep us posted. My heart aches for you and ur mam(((Julie))) Just love that phrase u posted, so true.

    Well ladies, gotta get my ewwa in gear. Am praying for all of you that need it.


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,969
    edited September 2016

    Good afternoon friends- so on the run this week, but saw the new endocrinologist yesterday. We talked about everything and she listened. She is adding Victoza to my medications to help with the blood sugar stuff and it also helps with weight loss. It is an injectible via pen and got my first one yesterday. The nurse who helped me with the education on how to use the pen said she has lost 13 pounds in a month on it. Wow! That seems like a lot.

    The endo told me something interesting yesterday about weight and cancer treatment. She said that as we go to middle age, all of us naturally gain weight and that in fact, women who are a bit heavier due better with recovery after bc treatment. She said women who are lean or underweight will get too low and other problems happen. She said the medical field is now revisiting the whole weight thing and what is really not a good number to be. Her comment was that being overweight is not the issue, but BMI above 30 is not something we want. So my goal is to get down another 30 pounds.

    Gotta get back to work. Crazy busy this week again!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2016

    jazzy-love you got to chat to your endo,here's to a long relationship,

    sue-got everything crossed for your tests! my parents have had a airfryer for years and love it, so was just looking for one and the prices are starting to come down in relation to europe,my dad's latest favourite toy is a soup maker, he's had one for a couple months now and loves it, still very expensive here compared to the price in the uk

    hsant- my sister and bil do the majority of care for my parents , their kids also help out, my parents were a big part of their lives growing up and their is still a very strong bond between them, so i admire all you do for your dad,

    nm -what a boss!HappyThumbsUp, so nice to be listened too, and good for him getting out and seeing how the offices work,did you all he was coming?

    yes i know i;m nitpicking on the report but last week i was told it was the same ,but the official record is using the word similar, and they have listed several things not on the feb report!, so for peace of mind will see the surgeon as mo thinks the report is ok but she is ok with my cea remaining in the 4 range for no apparent reason

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited September 2016

    BMI doesn’t tell the whole story, because it counts bone and lean muscle mass equally with fat. And there is new research saying that the exogenous (i.e., not primary disease) condition most responsible for earlier death is not obesity, but......loneliness. So bless all you here, and those physically in our lives.

    No drinking tonight, exc. Minute Maid Light cut with seltzer. No alcohol for at least another day.

    Just checking in briefly to say the cataract surgery went well, but I am still in pain (took a nap earlier and when I woke, with the numbing drops worn off, I wanted to scream with every blink) and instructed not to do close reading--including the computer. So I will wish everyone well for now and be more specific once I get the go-ahead to resume my online activities. (I can't even read my e-mails without using a magnifying glass, since you can't zoom in on them like you can Web pages). Vision in right eye very blurry due to post-op swelling and a Niagara of tears--but due to the new lens being clear, colors are so saturated and bright that it hurts for now. Glasses (including those welders' overglasses) don't fit over the eye shield. Still doing everything left-eyed w/right eye closed. Have even earlier appt. for tomorrow[s followup (hopefully, they'll prescribe some more lidocaine drops), so off to bed now.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2016

    Good morning ladies, pooches woke me up before alarm again this ayem, too dark for the woods so I have time for computer. Work today and tomorrow then off for 4 days. Went to yoga class yesterday, that's twice this week, trying hard to get back into it on a regular basis. Yesterday's class was called slow flow with yin, never did that one before and it was fabulous. Super slow, long deep stretching, it was an hour of hurts so good, only offered on Wednesdays which conflicts with golf league but it was way too hot for golf. Guess it will be in my winter plans. Signed up for a 5k on Sunday, plantar faciitis acting up again, ugh, always sometin! May call the podiatrist for another heel shot.

    Sandy, so sorry about your eyes, sounds really miserable I haven't had a drink for 2 whole days, woohoo, not buying wine, figure if it's not here I can't drink it but I sure do fight my way thru it when I come home from work and sit my big ole behind down. I've been making decaf ice tea with a splash of lemonade, wish I could give it up altogether for a month or so but I never seem to make it through the weekend. I'd like to drop about 15 pounds but the alcohol interferes I think. Dr Oz was on tv the other day saying health risks measured with waist size, something different every day.

    Jazzy, I have fought my weight since I got into my mid 50's. When my son got married 7 years ago, I was 125lbs, I got BC at 56 and was 140, gained 20 with tx and have been fighting to get it off ever since. Metabolism slows down with age for sure and our tx's don't help any. Such a fine line between being healthy and living your life. Hope the new medication helps, sounds like you're off to a good start on the weight loss.

    Julie, prayers continue for you and your family, such a tough time, I hope your mum is comfortable and passes peacefully.

    Sue, are you a teeth grinder? Hoping for a clean MRI and good onco visit. Enjoy the visit with your son, do you get to see g-kids? Not sure who belongs to who. Keep us posted, fingers crossed.

    Lori, thanks for the info on the RSO, I remembered reading about the 90 days. I gave the info to one of the maintainence men at work yesterday, his wife has stage 4 BC, mets to bones and current tx has stopped working. She is going in IV chemo which she hasn't had yet. Don't know the details cause he doesn't know but I told him about the RSO. MJM just became legalized in Ohio but htey say you won't actually be able to buy it for another year.

    NM, super humid here too, got up to 95 last 2 days and looks like another soupy day, ugh, I hate it! They canceled some schools yesterday and today because of heat, never heard of that before.

    Cami, hope you have a good D free day today.

    Dara, hope the job search is going ok, and health ins hunt too.

    hsant, hope it's a good day for your dad, is hubby here yet?

    Well, time for the park, have a good day!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903
    edited September 2016

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Happy Whatever day this is.I think I've lost track.Will have to check a calendar in a bit and see what day of the week this is!Ah, the ripple effects of long weekends and short work weeks.

    Goldie--You getting a hurricane in AZ?I'll have to check the weather channel,somehow I missed that little bit of news!A but unusual, isn't it?I hear you about getting off track, I do that too.I do well with setting a timer--10-15 minutes of work, 10-15 minutes of rest (reading, fetch, coffee, computer time).It's surprising how much I can get done in a day that way, IF I stick to it for several hours.

    Mema--Not sure about being the tasmanian devil, but I did put out 4 bags of trash, and all this is from just the kitchen and pantry!And Sadie is now reduced to taking pots off the stove and hiding them in her crate.I see my big fry pan in there.Going to need to go on a crate excavation this coming weekend, I think.

    Jazzy--Interesting info about weight and bc recovery!I think we need more than just BMI, though.Our medical director is considered obese by the BMI standard, but his weight is all muscle--he's a weight lifter and has almost no fat on him, but some seriousmuscle, which weighs more than fat.I swear his waist is smaller than some of the skinny minny girls I work with!

    Julie--We knew the CEO was in Maine, and knew he was scheduled to visit the Augusta office, but we didn't know he was coming to our office until he arrived.I love the way he came in, sat down and pulled out his (very battered) notebook and started taking notes--and e-mail addresses to respond to for certain issues! And the way he referred back in his notebook and could tell us what other offices had brought up similar issues or concerns. And I found out it was his doing that started the Fleet Car option--those of us who drive far enough per month can get a company car--a fantastic benefit.And I hear you about the nitpicking.Similar and same are 2 different, if related, things.And we do no need any fuzziness in our lives!

    Chi--BMI certainly doesn't tell the whole story, does it?Why do we keep trying to reduce everything medical to a number?Oh, well.So glad the surgery went well, so sorry you are hurting, praying you get more lidocaine drops or the swelling/pain diminished with another nap!And don't read if you're not supposed to, we can wait a few days.

    Image result for labor day drink recipe

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2016

    chi- rest and hope the pain stops soon, we will see you soon

    lori a hurricane! well the garden will probably enjoy the rain, hope it doesn't do do much damage to the shady lady

    nm-what a great ceo, he;s listening and fact finding plus one great programme down

    good news that using weights in pt now and to start using them at home too, only a 1lb but its a start ,well dermatologist office just called, punch biopsy been sent out for a second opinion , results normally take a week, now having flashbacks ,original breast biopsy went out for 2nd opinion to Vandebilt as hospital pathologists could not agree whether it was dcis or not and we all know how that went

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2016

    LDB, this isn't the same as a deep fryer. But things that you would cook in one, or even other stuff. I saw in the book where you can bake a cake in it! You see onc today? Praying so hard for you Sue. Glad your mouf is getting better…..well, your jaw.

    Jazzy, good luck on the weight loss. As for being heaving and it causing cancer, I say BS!

    DW, you are not nit picking. If we don't take care of ourselves, no one else will. I probably wouldn't know enough of what I read to know if something were different. Where did they do the biopsy at, your incision site? Praying hard for you too and sending hugs.

    Sandy, I guess I missed where you were having surgery on your eye. I can understand the burning and light. The chemo pills I was taking had caused my eyes to be VERY sensitive. I was hoping when I quit the pills they would return to normal. I have to wear sun glasses even if it's totally cloudy out. Good luck with the follow up.

    Mary, taking the RSO isn't just for stage IV. I think I would recommend it for anyone that has or had cancer. Waiting until you are stage IV might not be the way to go. It would be nice to know of peeps who weren't stage IV and did this, never again to get cancer. But there would be no way of knowing that. I just wonder what will happen at the dispensaries if it becomes legal. Might be hard for a person who needs in medically to get in and get theirs because of so many buying it for recreation.

    NM, I hate when I lose track of the days. I often have to look at my email, cuz there is a calendar there. What I try to do is start on one thing and finish it. Say if I'm cleaning my laundry room. I might walk into the bedroom to put something away and on my way out, I might make my bed. Totally off course from what I was doing! The hurricane was pretty much just a mist. So funny how Sadie takes stuff to her crate. Can you get a picture some time? That is great about your company CEO.

    Wacko, I was stalking your DD and OMG, saw some pics of the baby. He is sooooo cute! I hope you are not getting anymoreheadaches. I'm not sure the RSO I have would even help you. It's the THC in it that does the work, and you get that when you smoke it.

    Ahhhhh, why can't eat! I thought it was the chemo pills, did they permanently damage stuff making it hard for me to eat. Had half of an egg sandwhich and my vega sport drink yesterday. Oh, and some butter beans. Just don't have an appetite and food is hard to swallow.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2016
